Moshe Gafni (Hebrew:משה גפני, born 5 May 1952) is an Israeli politician and Member of the Knesset for the Haredi party Degel HaTorah.
Born in Bnei Brak, Gafni was educated in a yeshiva and later worked as head of a Kollel. He was first elected to the Knesset on Degel HaTorah's list in 1988, and was appointed Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs in Yitzhak Shamir's government in 1990. For the 1992 elections the party joined Agudat Yisrael in forming an alliance called United Torah Judaism, which won four seats. Although he initially lost his seat, Gafni entered the Knesset in 1994 as part of a rotation agreement between the two factions. A similar arrangement operated after the 1996 elections, with Gafni taking the seat for the first half of the session (i.e. until 1998).
Early elections in 1999 meant that Gafni reappeared in the Knesset sooner than expected. This time no rotation agreement was in place, so he served his full term, and was re-elected in both 2003 and 2006. When Degel HaTorah split from Agudat Yisrael during the latter stages of the 16th Knesset, Gafni was appointed the party's Parliamentary Group Chairman.
MK Moshe Gafni, Chairman; Knesset Finance Committee, speaking at the 15th Annual Herzliya Conference
MK Moshe Gafni, Chairman; Knesset Finance Committee; United Torah Judaism, speaking at the 15th Annual Herzliya Conference.
published: 07 Jun 2015
UTJ Ad: Vote With Your Heart
published: 03 Apr 2019
Yair Lapid , Moshe Gafni , Kamsa e bar Kamsa
📌 Palavra do Rabino com Rabino Samy Pinto
Sinagoga Ohel Yaacov - São Paulo - SP / Brasil
👉 Rabino Samy Pinto - formado em Ciências Econômicas, se especializou em educação em Israel, na Universidade Bar-llan, mas foi no Brasil que concluiu seu mestrado e doutorado em Letras e Filosofia, pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP). O Rav. Samy Pinto ainda é diplomado Rabino pelo Rabinato chefe de Israel, em Jerusalém, e hoje é o responsável pela sinagoga Ohel Yaacov, situada no Jardins também conhecida como sinagoga da Abolição.
CHOOSE THE LANGUAGE: Click the gear button in the lower right corner of the YouTube player. After that, click "Subtitles / CC" - Click Automatic translatio...
published: 28 Jul 2022
Amma Take Me Away - Zohar Dov (Bear) Moshe’ Gafni - Israel Dedicated To Amma The Hugging Mamma 🇳🇪
Kirtan - Zohar - Israel - A Song to Amma The Hugging Mama Of India#india #meditation #amma #kirtan #pranayama #culture #israel #amma #amma_love_status#ammastatuatamil #tamil #tamilnadu #tamilammansongs #sacred #medicine #lightroom #primitive #mind #yoga #amazing #toys #hindu #tamil #tamilnews #tamilnadu #tamilwhatsappstatus #tamilsongs #bombay #dharamshala #delhi #newdelhi #maharashtra #goa #pachamama #florestal #kashmir
published: 03 Dec 2022
Ban on Religious Conversions Proposed in Israel | CBN NewsWatch - March 22, 2023
Criminalizing conversion: a measure offered in the Israeli Knesset would make it a criminal offense to persuade anyone to convert to another religion- and the bill specifically targets Christians; CBN News Middle East Bureau Chief Chris Mitchell talks about the implications of the bill if it becomes law, and whether it’s likely to pass; as former President Trump awaits possible indictment, news on another case: a federal judge has found that the special counsel investigating Trump’s handling of classified documents has presented compelling evidence he broke the law; the 2023 Global Terrorism Index finds terrorist attacks declining in the West for now – but Americans and US interests overseas could still be at risk; singer/songwriter Tasha Layton talks to CBN’s Studio 5 about her new book,...
published: 22 Mar 2023
Kirtan of PranaYama Satsang Practice Group - Zohar Dov (Bear) Moshe’ Gafni - Israel - Eng.&Sanskrit
MK Moshe Gafni Warns Missiles Will Fly On Tel Aviv
published: 27 May 2013
משה גפני לשרן השכל: אמא לשתי תינוקות צריכה להיות עכשיו בבית
שרן השכל VS משה גפני "אני מבקש מכולם להצביע נגד ההסתייגות בגלל שאימא לשתי תינוקות צריכה להיות עכשיו בבית", "אתה תאמר את אותו דבר גם לגברים שנולדו להם עכשיו תינוקות" #כנסת #פוליטיקה #נשים #אמא
מוזמנים למצוא אותנו ברשתות החברתיות:
אתר הערוץ –
פייסבוק –
טוויטר -
אינסטגרם -
טיק טוק -
בינימין ביבי נתניהו ראש הממשלה לשעבר יושב ראש יו"ר הכנסת הליכוד יאיר לפיד יש עתיד נפתלי בנט ימינה אחמד טיבי הרשימה המשותפת דודי אמסלם מפלגת העבודה מרב מיכאלי עוצמה לישראל גלית דיסטל אבטריאן איתמר בן גביר הציונות הדתית תמר זנדברג מרצ מירי רגב תקווה חדשה מצחיק בדיחות קורע מצחוק מיקי זוהר הרשימה הערבית המאוחדת שלמה קרעי רע"מ מיקי לוי חדש בני גנץ כחול לבן אריה ...
published: 09 May 2023
Netanyahu REJECTS Israeli Bill Silencing Evangelism | FULL EPISODE | Joel Rosenberg | TBN Israel
On The Rosenberg Report, host Joel Rosenberg breaks down the proposed legislation criminalizing evangelism in Israel, and how Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu halted its advance. Rosenberg also reminds us to continuously pray for the peace and freedom of Israel.
This video was brought to you by TBN Networks®.
WATCH full episodes of The Rosenberg Report for FREE on the TBN App:
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#joelrosenberg #tbnisrael #netanyahu #evangelism #israel #israelprotest
0:00 Intro
1:17 What Does The Bill Say?
6:15 Moshe Gafni & Yaakov Asher
8:21 Co...
published: 30 Mar 2023
Israel's New Racism: The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land
About 60,000 African migrants have arrived in Israel since 2006, fleeing unrest in their home countries. But upon arrival in the ostensibly democratic country, the migrants have faced intense persecution and have been branded as "infiltrators" by right-wing politicians and activists.
For more, read Max Blumenthal's article, "Israel Cranks Up the PR Machine,"
📌 Palavra do Rabino com Rabino Samy Pinto
📌 Palavra do Rabino com Rabino Samy Pinto
Sinagoga Ohel Yaacov - São Paulo - SP / Brasil
👉 Rabino Samy Pinto - formado em Ciências Econômicas, se especializou em educação em Israel, na Universidade Bar-llan, mas foi no Brasil que concluiu seu mestrado e doutorado em Letras e Filosofia, pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP). O Rav. Samy Pinto ainda é diplomado Rabino pelo Rabinato chefe de Israel, em Jerusalém, e hoje é o responsável pela sinagoga Ohel Yaacov, situada no Jardins também conhecida como sinagoga da Abolição.
CHOOSE THE LANGUAGE: Click the gear button in the lower right corner of the YouTube player. After that, click "Subtitles / CC" - Click Automatic translation and choose the desired language.
▶ By Neno Terra / Get chai videoworks
📌 Palavra do Rabino com Rabino Samy Pinto
Sinagoga Ohel Yaacov - São Paulo - SP / Brasil
👉 Rabino Samy Pinto - formado em Ciências Econômicas, se especializou em educação em Israel, na Universidade Bar-llan, mas foi no Brasil que concluiu seu mestrado e doutorado em Letras e Filosofia, pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP). O Rav. Samy Pinto ainda é diplomado Rabino pelo Rabinato chefe de Israel, em Jerusalém, e hoje é o responsável pela sinagoga Ohel Yaacov, situada no Jardins também conhecida como sinagoga da Abolição.
CHOOSE THE LANGUAGE: Click the gear button in the lower right corner of the YouTube player. After that, click "Subtitles / CC" - Click Automatic translation and choose the desired language.
▶ By Neno Terra / Get chai videoworks
Kirtan - Zohar - Israel - A Song to Amma The Hugging Mama Of India#india #meditation #amma #kirtan #pranayama #culture #israel #amma #amma_love_status#ammastat...
Kirtan - Zohar - Israel - A Song to Amma The Hugging Mama Of India#india #meditation #amma #kirtan #pranayama #culture #israel #amma #amma_love_status#ammastatuatamil #tamil #tamilnadu #tamilammansongs #sacred #medicine #lightroom #primitive #mind #yoga #amazing #toys #hindu #tamil #tamilnews #tamilnadu #tamilwhatsappstatus #tamilsongs #bombay #dharamshala #delhi #newdelhi #maharashtra #goa #pachamama #florestal #kashmir
Criminalizing conversion: a measure offered in the Israeli Knesset would make it a criminal offense to persuade anyone to convert to another religion- and the b...
Criminalizing conversion: a measure offered in the Israeli Knesset would make it a criminal offense to persuade anyone to convert to another religion- and the bill specifically targets Christians; CBN News Middle East Bureau Chief Chris Mitchell talks about the implications of the bill if it becomes law, and whether it’s likely to pass; as former President Trump awaits possible indictment, news on another case: a federal judge has found that the special counsel investigating Trump’s handling of classified documents has presented compelling evidence he broke the law; the 2023 Global Terrorism Index finds terrorist attacks declining in the West for now – but Americans and US interests overseas could still be at risk; singer/songwriter Tasha Layton talks to CBN’s Studio 5 about her new book, “Look What You’ve Done: The Lies We Believe & the Truth that Sets Us Free;” and the cherry blossoms hit their peak blooming days in Washington DC.
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Criminalizing conversion: a measure offered in the Israeli Knesset would make it a criminal offense to persuade anyone to convert to another religion- and the bill specifically targets Christians; CBN News Middle East Bureau Chief Chris Mitchell talks about the implications of the bill if it becomes law, and whether it’s likely to pass; as former President Trump awaits possible indictment, news on another case: a federal judge has found that the special counsel investigating Trump’s handling of classified documents has presented compelling evidence he broke the law; the 2023 Global Terrorism Index finds terrorist attacks declining in the West for now – but Americans and US interests overseas could still be at risk; singer/songwriter Tasha Layton talks to CBN’s Studio 5 about her new book, “Look What You’ve Done: The Lies We Believe & the Truth that Sets Us Free;” and the cherry blossoms hit their peak blooming days in Washington DC.
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שרן השכל VS משה גפני "אני מבקש מכולם להצביע נגד ההסתייגות בגלל שאימא לשתי תינוקות צריכה להיות עכשיו בבית", "אתה תאמר את אותו דבר גם לגברים שנולדו להם עכשיו תינו...
שרן השכל VS משה גפני "אני מבקש מכולם להצביע נגד ההסתייגות בגלל שאימא לשתי תינוקות צריכה להיות עכשיו בבית", "אתה תאמר את אותו דבר גם לגברים שנולדו להם עכשיו תינוקות" #כנסת #פוליטיקה #נשים #אמא
מוזמנים למצוא אותנו ברשתות החברתיות:
אתר הערוץ –
פייסבוק –
טוויטר -
אינסטגרם -
טיק טוק -
בינימין ביבי נתניהו ראש הממשלה לשעבר יושב ראש יו"ר הכנסת הליכוד יאיר לפיד יש עתיד נפתלי בנט ימינה אחמד טיבי הרשימה המשותפת דודי אמסלם מפלגת העבודה מרב מיכאלי עוצמה לישראל גלית דיסטל אבטריאן איתמר בן גביר הציונות הדתית תמר זנדברג מרצ מירי רגב תקווה חדשה מצחיק בדיחות קורע מצחוק מיקי זוהר הרשימה הערבית המאוחדת שלמה קרעי רע"מ מיקי לוי חדש בני גנץ כחול לבן אריה דרעי ש"ס לצחוק ליברמן עמיחי שיקלי הבית היהודי יאיר גולן סגן הרמטכ"ל זועבי תע"ל בגין יפעת ישראל ביתינו שאשא ביטון יהדות התורה בצלאל סמוטריץ קואליציה אופוזיציה שמחה רוטמן קלפי אימאן חטיב יאסין ווליד טאהא מנסור עבאס איילת שקד ימין שמאל יהודים ערבים פלסטינים מתנחלים חילונים שמאלנים עאידה תומא סלימאן רפורמים מסורתיים דתיים חרדים בגצ בית דין גבוה לצדק בית המשפט העליון ימינים מזרחיים שוטרים משטרה אשכנזים בוטים אסתר חיות יריב לוין משפטים גדעון סער זאב אלקין אברה מנגיסטו מבצע צבאי עזה מחבלים טרוריסטים חמאס ג'יהאד איסאלמי
#israel #politics
שרן השכל VS משה גפני "אני מבקש מכולם להצביע נגד ההסתייגות בגלל שאימא לשתי תינוקות צריכה להיות עכשיו בבית", "אתה תאמר את אותו דבר גם לגברים שנולדו להם עכשיו תינוקות" #כנסת #פוליטיקה #נשים #אמא
מוזמנים למצוא אותנו ברשתות החברתיות:
אתר הערוץ –
פייסבוק –
טוויטר -
אינסטגרם -
טיק טוק -
בינימין ביבי נתניהו ראש הממשלה לשעבר יושב ראש יו"ר הכנסת הליכוד יאיר לפיד יש עתיד נפתלי בנט ימינה אחמד טיבי הרשימה המשותפת דודי אמסלם מפלגת העבודה מרב מיכאלי עוצמה לישראל גלית דיסטל אבטריאן איתמר בן גביר הציונות הדתית תמר זנדברג מרצ מירי רגב תקווה חדשה מצחיק בדיחות קורע מצחוק מיקי זוהר הרשימה הערבית המאוחדת שלמה קרעי רע"מ מיקי לוי חדש בני גנץ כחול לבן אריה דרעי ש"ס לצחוק ליברמן עמיחי שיקלי הבית היהודי יאיר גולן סגן הרמטכ"ל זועבי תע"ל בגין יפעת ישראל ביתינו שאשא ביטון יהדות התורה בצלאל סמוטריץ קואליציה אופוזיציה שמחה רוטמן קלפי אימאן חטיב יאסין ווליד טאהא מנסור עבאס איילת שקד ימין שמאל יהודים ערבים פלסטינים מתנחלים חילונים שמאלנים עאידה תומא סלימאן רפורמים מסורתיים דתיים חרדים בגצ בית דין גבוה לצדק בית המשפט העליון ימינים מזרחיים שוטרים משטרה אשכנזים בוטים אסתר חיות יריב לוין משפטים גדעון סער זאב אלקין אברה מנגיסטו מבצע צבאי עזה מחבלים טרוריסטים חמאס ג'יהאד איסאלמי
#israel #politics
On The Rosenberg Report, host Joel Rosenberg breaks down the proposed legislation criminalizing evangelism in Israel, and how Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ...
On The Rosenberg Report, host Joel Rosenberg breaks down the proposed legislation criminalizing evangelism in Israel, and how Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu halted its advance. Rosenberg also reminds us to continuously pray for the peace and freedom of Israel.
This video was brought to you by TBN Networks®.
WATCH full episodes of The Rosenberg Report for FREE on the TBN App:
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#joelrosenberg #tbnisrael #netanyahu #evangelism #israel #israelprotest
0:00 Intro
1:17 What Does The Bill Say?
6:15 Moshe Gafni & Yaakov Asher
8:21 Could The Bill Pass?
12:03 Netanyahu's Support For Christians
15:01 Tensions With Ultra-Orthodox
18:25 Bill Advance Halted
On The Rosenberg Report, host Joel Rosenberg breaks down the proposed legislation criminalizing evangelism in Israel, and how Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu halted its advance. Rosenberg also reminds us to continuously pray for the peace and freedom of Israel.
This video was brought to you by TBN Networks®.
WATCH full episodes of The Rosenberg Report for FREE on the TBN App:
TBN Israel Instagram:
TBN Israel Facebook:
#joelrosenberg #tbnisrael #netanyahu #evangelism #israel #israelprotest
0:00 Intro
1:17 What Does The Bill Say?
6:15 Moshe Gafni & Yaakov Asher
8:21 Could The Bill Pass?
12:03 Netanyahu's Support For Christians
15:01 Tensions With Ultra-Orthodox
18:25 Bill Advance Halted
About 60,000 African migrants have arrived in Israel since 2006, fleeing unrest in their home countries. But upon arrival in the ostensibly democratic country, ...
About 60,000 African migrants have arrived in Israel since 2006, fleeing unrest in their home countries. But upon arrival in the ostensibly democratic country, the migrants have faced intense persecution and have been branded as "infiltrators" by right-wing politicians and activists.
For more, read Max Blumenthal's article, "Israel Cranks Up the PR Machine,"
About 60,000 African migrants have arrived in Israel since 2006, fleeing unrest in their home countries. But upon arrival in the ostensibly democratic country, the migrants have faced intense persecution and have been branded as "infiltrators" by right-wing politicians and activists.
For more, read Max Blumenthal's article, "Israel Cranks Up the PR Machine,"
📌 Palavra do Rabino com Rabino Samy Pinto
Sinagoga Ohel Yaacov - São Paulo - SP / Brasil
👉 Rabino Samy Pinto - formado em Ciências Econômicas, se especializou em educação em Israel, na Universidade Bar-llan, mas foi no Brasil que concluiu seu mestrado e doutorado em Letras e Filosofia, pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP). O Rav. Samy Pinto ainda é diplomado Rabino pelo Rabinato chefe de Israel, em Jerusalém, e hoje é o responsável pela sinagoga Ohel Yaacov, situada no Jardins também conhecida como sinagoga da Abolição.
CHOOSE THE LANGUAGE: Click the gear button in the lower right corner of the YouTube player. After that, click "Subtitles / CC" - Click Automatic translation and choose the desired language.
▶ By Neno Terra / Get chai videoworks
Criminalizing conversion: a measure offered in the Israeli Knesset would make it a criminal offense to persuade anyone to convert to another religion- and the bill specifically targets Christians; CBN News Middle East Bureau Chief Chris Mitchell talks about the implications of the bill if it becomes law, and whether it’s likely to pass; as former President Trump awaits possible indictment, news on another case: a federal judge has found that the special counsel investigating Trump’s handling of classified documents has presented compelling evidence he broke the law; the 2023 Global Terrorism Index finds terrorist attacks declining in the West for now – but Americans and US interests overseas could still be at risk; singer/songwriter Tasha Layton talks to CBN’s Studio 5 about her new book, “Look What You’ve Done: The Lies We Believe & the Truth that Sets Us Free;” and the cherry blossoms hit their peak blooming days in Washington DC.
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CBN features 24-hour TV news from a Christian perspective. The CBN News Channel provides independent news programming to an underserved audience to enlighten, entertain and inspire Christians around the world. Comments below do not necessarily reflect the views of CBN.
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#breakingnews #politicalnews #christiannews #christian #christianity #church #breakingnews #cbnnews
שרן השכל VS משה גפני "אני מבקש מכולם להצביע נגד ההסתייגות בגלל שאימא לשתי תינוקות צריכה להיות עכשיו בבית", "אתה תאמר את אותו דבר גם לגברים שנולדו להם עכשיו תינוקות" #כנסת #פוליטיקה #נשים #אמא
מוזמנים למצוא אותנו ברשתות החברתיות:
אתר הערוץ –
פייסבוק –
טוויטר -
אינסטגרם -
טיק טוק -
בינימין ביבי נתניהו ראש הממשלה לשעבר יושב ראש יו"ר הכנסת הליכוד יאיר לפיד יש עתיד נפתלי בנט ימינה אחמד טיבי הרשימה המשותפת דודי אמסלם מפלגת העבודה מרב מיכאלי עוצמה לישראל גלית דיסטל אבטריאן איתמר בן גביר הציונות הדתית תמר זנדברג מרצ מירי רגב תקווה חדשה מצחיק בדיחות קורע מצחוק מיקי זוהר הרשימה הערבית המאוחדת שלמה קרעי רע"מ מיקי לוי חדש בני גנץ כחול לבן אריה דרעי ש"ס לצחוק ליברמן עמיחי שיקלי הבית היהודי יאיר גולן סגן הרמטכ"ל זועבי תע"ל בגין יפעת ישראל ביתינו שאשא ביטון יהדות התורה בצלאל סמוטריץ קואליציה אופוזיציה שמחה רוטמן קלפי אימאן חטיב יאסין ווליד טאהא מנסור עבאס איילת שקד ימין שמאל יהודים ערבים פלסטינים מתנחלים חילונים שמאלנים עאידה תומא סלימאן רפורמים מסורתיים דתיים חרדים בגצ בית דין גבוה לצדק בית המשפט העליון ימינים מזרחיים שוטרים משטרה אשכנזים בוטים אסתר חיות יריב לוין משפטים גדעון סער זאב אלקין אברה מנגיסטו מבצע צבאי עזה מחבלים טרוריסטים חמאס ג'יהאד איסאלמי
#israel #politics
On The Rosenberg Report, host Joel Rosenberg breaks down the proposed legislation criminalizing evangelism in Israel, and how Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu halted its advance. Rosenberg also reminds us to continuously pray for the peace and freedom of Israel.
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0:00 Intro
1:17 What Does The Bill Say?
6:15 Moshe Gafni & Yaakov Asher
8:21 Could The Bill Pass?
12:03 Netanyahu's Support For Christians
15:01 Tensions With Ultra-Orthodox
18:25 Bill Advance Halted
About 60,000 African migrants have arrived in Israel since 2006, fleeing unrest in their home countries. But upon arrival in the ostensibly democratic country, the migrants have faced intense persecution and have been branded as "infiltrators" by right-wing politicians and activists.
For more, read Max Blumenthal's article, "Israel Cranks Up the PR Machine,"
Moshe Gafni (Hebrew:משה גפני, born 5 May 1952) is an Israeli politician and Member of the Knesset for the Haredi party Degel HaTorah.
Born in Bnei Brak, Gafni was educated in a yeshiva and later worked as head of a Kollel. He was first elected to the Knesset on Degel HaTorah's list in 1988, and was appointed Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs in Yitzhak Shamir's government in 1990. For the 1992 elections the party joined Agudat Yisrael in forming an alliance called United Torah Judaism, which won four seats. Although he initially lost his seat, Gafni entered the Knesset in 1994 as part of a rotation agreement between the two factions. A similar arrangement operated after the 1996 elections, with Gafni taking the seat for the first half of the session (i.e. until 1998).
Early elections in 1999 meant that Gafni reappeared in the Knesset sooner than expected. This time no rotation agreement was in place, so he served his full term, and was re-elected in both 2003 and 2006. When Degel HaTorah split from Agudat Yisrael during the latter stages of the 16th Knesset, Gafni was appointed the party's Parliamentary Group Chairman.
The temporary finance committee, chaired by MK Moshe Gafni, approved the extension of compensation payments to affected businesses due to recent conflicts in the south ....
The front page of Yated Neeman, the newspaper aligned with MK Moshe Gafni's Degel HaTorah party, strongly denounced the move, "Attempts to forcefully expand mandatory conscription are escalating ... ....
In first, MK Moshe Gafni speaks about the discourse regarding a unity government, reveals that the proposal is no longer relevant.� | Read More�News from Israel....
The bill still needs to pass two more votes to become law ... A spokesman for Moshe Gafni, leader of one of the ultra-Orthodox parties, said the faction had decided to vote for the budget this time. It was not clear about voting in future votes ... .
Moshe Gafni, head of United Torah Judaism, one of the religious parties in the government, criticized Ben-Gvir's visit to the compound, which many Orthodox Jews believe is too sacred a place for Jews to enter ... Reuters. .
MK Moshe Gafni, head of the United Torah Judaism Party, said, “The damage is causing to the Jewish people is unbearably great, and this adds to the gratuitous hatred on the day of the destruction of ...
By James Mackenzie...Moshe Gafni, head of United Torah Judaism, one of the religious parties in the government, criticized Ben-Gvir's visit to the compound, which many Orthodox Jews believe is too sacred a place for Jews to enter ... GOVERNMENT DIVISIONS.
“These people can’t run a country.” ... This is the message ... “The damage to the sanctity of Temple Mount and the status quo is not of interest to Minister Ben Gvir,” said Moshe Gafni, one of the leaders of the United Torah Judaism party ... CLICK HERE ....
The Finance Committee, led by MK RabbiMoshe Gafni, approved the draft amendment to the Land Taxation Regulations, significantly improving the purchase tax benefits for new immigrants.