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Mike Iupati

Michael Iupati (/juːˈpɑːti/ or /juːˈpɑːti/ (ee-)ew-PAH-tee; born May 12, 1987) is an American football guard for the Arizona Cardinals of the National Football League (NFL). A native of American Samoa, Iupati was raised in California. He played college football at Idaho, and earned consensus All-American honors. He was drafted by the San Francisco 49ers in the first round of the 2010 NFL Draft.

Early years

A native of American Samoa, Iupati attended Western High School in Anaheim, California, where he began playing football under the guidance of Odell Harrington, the school's half-Samoan football coach. His first chances to play came in his sophomore year, when senior Fili Moala injured his foot two games into the season. Playing lineman on both sides of the ball, Iupati received all-state and all-conference honors and served as a team captain. As a junior, he had 80 tackles and 12 sacks, and earned a first-team All-CIF selection. Iupati also competed in wrestling and track & field (52-2 or 15.95m in the shotput).


  • Mike Iupati | My Breakthrough Moment | University of Idaho

    Seahawk guard Mike Iupati gained more than a degree and experience at Idaho. He learned that no matter who you are, the Vandal family makes Idaho feel like home.

    published: 03 Mar 2020
  • Mike Iupati suffers Scary Concussion against the Seahawks

    Iupati suffered a concussion and experienced numbness down both arms after colliding with Seahawks safety Kam Chancellor. Iupati regained feeling in his arms while still on the field but for precautionary reasons left Seattle's CenturyLink Field in an ambulance became of the head and neck injury. He was able to play the following week against the Bengals.

    published: 28 Mar 2016
  • 49ers select Mike Iupati

    49ers select Mike Iupati with the 17th pick

    published: 23 Apr 2010
  • Mike Iupati crushes Clay Mathews, 49ers vs Packer

    Great job mike. Hope you make it to the superbowl. Have fun in Hawaii...2013 pro bowl bound...!!!!

    published: 13 Jan 2013
  • Spelling Bee: Mike Iupati

    Players try to spell left guard Mike Iupati's last name.

    published: 13 Sep 2017
  • Legendary Vandal Mike Iupati joins College of Idaho coaching staff

    Iupati was an All-Pro NFL offensive lineman with stops in Seattle, Arizona and San Francisco. His next career move brings him to Caldwell and C of I.

    published: 10 Aug 2022
  • Mike Iupati Polynesian Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement Video

    Official Enshrinement Video for Polynesian Football Hall of Fame Class of 2022 Inductee Mike Iupati.

    published: 28 Jan 2022
  • Former NFL player and University of Idaho Vandal Mike Iupati talks football, living in the Treasure

    "I think the favorite part for me is the people. Kind, good human beings," Iupati said about his experience living in Idaho.

    published: 30 Oct 2023

    Mike Iupati pulling and Issac Sopoaga as fullback and the 49er OLINEblocking for Frank Gore=TOUCHDOWN. "Polynesian power"

    published: 08 Oct 2011
  • Mike Iupati with a hilarious 80 yard touchdown run!

    Madden NFL 16 https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-us/tid=CUSA01691_00

    published: 22 Feb 2016
Mike Iupati | My Breakthrough Moment | University of Idaho

Mike Iupati | My Breakthrough Moment | University of Idaho

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:31
  • Uploaded Date: 03 Mar 2020
  • views: 1575
Seahawk guard Mike Iupati gained more than a degree and experience at Idaho. He learned that no matter who you are, the Vandal family makes Idaho feel like home.
Mike Iupati suffers Scary Concussion against the Seahawks

Mike Iupati suffers Scary Concussion against the Seahawks

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:17
  • Uploaded Date: 28 Mar 2016
  • views: 126330
Iupati suffered a concussion and experienced numbness down both arms after colliding with Seahawks safety Kam Chancellor. Iupati regained feeling in his arms while still on the field but for precautionary reasons left Seattle's CenturyLink Field in an ambulance became of the head and neck injury. He was able to play the following week against the Bengals.
49ers select Mike Iupati

49ers select Mike Iupati

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:57
  • Uploaded Date: 23 Apr 2010
  • views: 74008
49ers select Mike Iupati with the 17th pick
Mike Iupati crushes Clay  Mathews, 49ers vs Packer

Mike Iupati crushes Clay Mathews, 49ers vs Packer

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:31
  • Uploaded Date: 13 Jan 2013
  • views: 21368
Great job mike. Hope you make it to the superbowl. Have fun in Hawaii...2013 pro bowl bound...!!!!
Spelling Bee: Mike Iupati

Spelling Bee: Mike Iupati

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:46
  • Uploaded Date: 13 Sep 2017
  • views: 1250
Players try to spell left guard Mike Iupati's last name.
Legendary Vandal Mike Iupati joins College of Idaho coaching staff

Legendary Vandal Mike Iupati joins College of Idaho coaching staff

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:36
  • Uploaded Date: 10 Aug 2022
  • views: 1104
Iupati was an All-Pro NFL offensive lineman with stops in Seattle, Arizona and San Francisco. His next career move brings him to Caldwell and C of I.
Mike Iupati Polynesian Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement Video

Mike Iupati Polynesian Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement Video

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:22
  • Uploaded Date: 28 Jan 2022
  • views: 1119
Official Enshrinement Video for Polynesian Football Hall of Fame Class of 2022 Inductee Mike Iupati.
Former NFL player and University of Idaho Vandal Mike Iupati talks football, living in the Treasure

Former NFL player and University of Idaho Vandal Mike Iupati talks football, living in the Treasure

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:59
  • Uploaded Date: 30 Oct 2023
  • views: 618
"I think the favorite part for me is the people. Kind, good human beings," Iupati said about his experience living in Idaho.


  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:17
  • Uploaded Date: 08 Oct 2011
  • views: 21916
Mike Iupati pulling and Issac Sopoaga as fullback and the 49er OLINEblocking for Frank Gore=TOUCHDOWN. "Polynesian power"
Mike Iupati with a hilarious 80 yard touchdown run!

Mike Iupati with a hilarious 80 yard touchdown run!

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:41
  • Uploaded Date: 22 Feb 2016
  • views: 2043
Madden NFL 16 https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-us/tid=CUSA01691_00
  • Most Related
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  • Top Rated
PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 17:57

Mike Iupati | My Breakthrough Moment | University of Idaho

Seahawk guard Mike Iupati gained more than a degree and experience at Idaho. He learned that no matter who you are, the Vandal family makes Idaho feel like home.
Mike Iupati | My Breakthrough Moment | University of Idaho
Seahawk guard Mike Iupati gained more than a degree and experience at Idaho. He learned th...
published: 03 Mar 2020
Play in Full Screen
Mike Iupati suffers Scary Concussion against the Seahawks
Iupati suffered a concussion and experienced numbness down both arms after colliding with ...
published: 28 Mar 2016
Play in Full Screen
49ers select Mike Iupati
49ers select Mike Iupati with the 17th pick
published: 23 Apr 2010
Play in Full Screen
Mike Iupati crushes Clay Mathews, 49ers vs Packer
Great job mike. Hope you make it to the superbowl. Have fun in Hawaii...2013 pro bowl boun...
published: 13 Jan 2013
Play in Full Screen
Spelling Bee: Mike Iupati
Players try to spell left guard Mike Iupati's last name.
published: 13 Sep 2017
Play in Full Screen
Legendary Vandal Mike Iupati joins College of Idaho coaching staff
Iupati was an All-Pro NFL offensive lineman with stops in Seattle, Arizona and San Francis...
published: 10 Aug 2022
Play in Full Screen
Mike Iupati Polynesian Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement Video
Official Enshrinement Video for Polynesian Football Hall of Fame Class of 2022 Inductee Mi...
published: 28 Jan 2022
Play in Full Screen
Former NFL player and University of Idaho Vandal Mike Iupati talks football, living in the Treasure
"I think the favorite part for me is the people. Kind, good human beings," Iupati said abo...
published: 30 Oct 2023
Play in Full Screen
Mike Iupati pulling and Issac Sopoaga as fullback and the 49er OLINEblocking for Frank Gor...
published: 08 Oct 2011
Play in Full Screen
Mike Iupati with a hilarious 80 yard touchdown run!
Madden NFL 16 https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-us/tid=CUSA01691_00
published: 22 Feb 2016
Play in Full Screen

Mike Iupati

Michael Iupati (/juːˈpɑːti/ or /juːˈpɑːti/ (ee-)ew-PAH-tee; born May 12, 1987) is an American football guard for the Arizona Cardinals of the National Football League (NFL). A native of American Samoa, Iupati was raised in California. He played college football at Idaho, and earned consensus All-American honors. He was drafted by the San Francisco 49ers in the first round of the 2010 NFL Draft.

Early years

A native of American Samoa, Iupati attended Western High School in Anaheim, California, where he began playing football under the guidance of Odell Harrington, the school's half-Samoan football coach. His first chances to play came in his sophomore year, when senior Fili Moala injured his foot two games into the season. Playing lineman on both sides of the ball, Iupati received all-state and all-conference honors and served as a team captain. As a junior, he had 80 tackles and 12 sacks, and earned a first-team All-CIF selection. Iupati also competed in wrestling and track & field (52-2 or 15.95m in the shotput).

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