The Mathematics Genealogy Project is a web-based database for the academic genealogy of mathematicians. By October, 2014, it contained information on over 183,000 mathematical scientists who contribute to research-level mathematics. For a typical mathematician, the project entry includes graduation year, alma mater, doctoral advisor and doctoral students.
Origin of the database
The project grew out of founder Harry Coonce's desire to know the name of his advisor's advisor. Coonce was Professor of Mathematics at Minnesota State University, Mankato, at the time of the project's founding, and the project went online there in fall 1997. Coonce retired from Mankato in 1999, and in fall 2002 the university decided that it would no longer support the project. The project relocated at that time to North Dakota State University. Since 2003, the project has also operated under the auspices of the American Mathematical Society and in 2005 it received a grant from the Clay Mathematics Institute.
With widespread interest in tracing our family histories, what of our academic family tree - who taught our teachers? Who taught our teachers' teachers? In 1997, mathematician Harry B. Coonce set out to trace his academic ancestry. His database now contains 150,000 names, stretching back to pre- Renaissance Europe. Current director of the Mathematics Genealogy project and LSE researcher Mitchel T. Keller explains how it all works, and what it means to related to genius.
published: 23 Feb 2011
Academic genealogy, mathematics and mechanics | academic family tree going back 1,000 years
Who's your PhD advisor's advisor? For fun, I share my academic genealogy, which connects me to some interesting names in the history of science and mathematics. A PDF version
► Based on the Mathematics Genealogy Project
► If you want to learn about the contribution to mechanics of many of these historical figures, watch my online course on analytical dynamics (or intermediate engineering dynamics)
► Dr. Shane Ross, Chaotician, Virginia Tech professor (Caltech PhD)
Research website
General introduction
► Follow me on Twitter
Academic family tree genealogy scholar hist...
published: 19 Nov 2020
2016년 수학사 10-1 (한국-미국) 수학자족보 Math Genealogy Project
Its time for Mr. Fleming's annual genealogy project...quarantine edition! Learn how to create the perfect family tree and family interview with this tutorial.
published: 31 May 2020
Genealogy Project
This video is about Genealogy Project
published: 27 Mar 2016
LibGuide Genealogy Project
Recorded with
published: 23 Apr 2020
Genealogy Project
published: 27 Nov 2017
genealogy project
Data opening become the responsibility and development opportunity of library. Shanghai library has been trying to use the Linked Open Data technologies to reorganize the traditional resources, by constructing the genealogy of knowledge service platform( ). With the process of BIBFRAME ontology designing, data transformation from RDB to RDF, system design based on the four principles of Linked Data, and system development based on the framework of semantic technologies, the platform can support bibliographic control in the environment of Internet, family information search service for the ordinary user requirements, knowledge mining and knowledge value-added functions for the scholars of humanities.
With widespread interest in tracing our family histories, what of our academic family tree - who taught our teachers? Who taught our teachers' teachers? In 1997...
With widespread interest in tracing our family histories, what of our academic family tree - who taught our teachers? Who taught our teachers' teachers? In 1997, mathematician Harry B. Coonce set out to trace his academic ancestry. His database now contains 150,000 names, stretching back to pre- Renaissance Europe. Current director of the Mathematics Genealogy project and LSE researcher Mitchel T. Keller explains how it all works, and what it means to related to genius.
With widespread interest in tracing our family histories, what of our academic family tree - who taught our teachers? Who taught our teachers' teachers? In 1997, mathematician Harry B. Coonce set out to trace his academic ancestry. His database now contains 150,000 names, stretching back to pre- Renaissance Europe. Current director of the Mathematics Genealogy project and LSE researcher Mitchel T. Keller explains how it all works, and what it means to related to genius.
Who's your PhD advisor's advisor? For fun, I share my academic genealogy, which connects me to some interesting names in the history of science and mathematics....
Who's your PhD advisor's advisor? For fun, I share my academic genealogy, which connects me to some interesting names in the history of science and mathematics. A PDF version
► Based on the Mathematics Genealogy Project
► If you want to learn about the contribution to mechanics of many of these historical figures, watch my online course on analytical dynamics (or intermediate engineering dynamics)
► Dr. Shane Ross, Chaotician, Virginia Tech professor (Caltech PhD)
Research website
General introduction
► Follow me on Twitter
Academic family tree genealogy scholar history physics mathematics biology science theology Niels Bohr Jerry Jerrold Marsden Feynman Euler Lagrange Gauss Poisson Dirchlet D'Alembert Fourier
#HistoryOfMath #Mathematicians #DynamicalSystems #Genealogy #HistoryOfPhysics #Doctoral #AcademicTree #AcademicGenealogy #MathHistory #HistoryOfThought #NonlinearDynamics #DynamicalSystems #DifferentialEquations #Chaos #ChaoticDynamics #PhaseSpace #StateSpace #PhasePortrait #PhasePlane #dynamics #chaos #bifurcation #flowmap #fractals #mechanics #maps #discretemaps #OrdinaryDifferentialEquation #ODE #GraphicalAnalysis #Analysis #Geometry #GeometricalAnalysis #LimitCycle #PeriodicOrbit #SaddleNode #CuspCatastrophe #NonlinearDynamics #DynamicalSystems #DifferenceEquation #PoincareMap #chaos #LorenzAttractor #LyapunovExponent #Lyapunov #Liapunov #Oscillators #Synchrony #Torus #Bifurcation #Hopf #HopfBifurcation #NonlinearOscillators #AveragingTheory #LimitCycle #Oscillations #nullclines #RelaxationOscillations #VanDerPol #VanDerPolOscillator #LimitCycles #VectorFields #topology #geometry #IndexTheory #EnergyConservation #Hamiltonian #Streamfunction #Streamlines #Vortex #SkewGradient #Gradient #PopulationBiology #FixedPoint #DifferentialEquations #SaddleNode #Eigenvalues #HyperbolicPoints #NonHyperbolicPoint #CuspBifurcation #CriticalPoint #buckling #PitchforkBifurcation #robust #StructuralStability #DifferentialEquations #dynamics #dimensions #PhaseSpace #PhasePortrait #PhasePlane #Poincare #Strogatz #Wiggins #Lorenz #VectorField #GraphicalMethod #FixedPoints #EquilibriumPoints #Stability #NonlinearODEs #StablePoint #UnstablePoint #Stability #LinearStability #LinearStabilityAnalysis #StabilityAnalysis #VectorField #TwoDimensional #Functions #PopulationGrowth #PopulationDynamics #Population #Logistic #GradientSystem #GradientVectorField #Cylinder #Pendulum #Newton #LawOfMotion #dynamics #Poincare #mathematicians #maths #mathsmemes #math4life #mathstudents #mathematician #mathfacts #mathskills #mathtricks #KAMtori #Hamiltonian
Its time for Mr. Fleming's annual genealogy project...quarantine edition! Learn how to create the perfect family tree and family interview with this tutorial.
Its time for Mr. Fleming's annual genealogy project...quarantine edition! Learn how to create the perfect family tree and family interview with this tutorial.
Its time for Mr. Fleming's annual genealogy project...quarantine edition! Learn how to create the perfect family tree and family interview with this tutorial.
Data opening become the responsibility and development opportunity of library. Shanghai library has been trying to use the Linked Open Data technologies to reor...
Data opening become the responsibility and development opportunity of library. Shanghai library has been trying to use the Linked Open Data technologies to reorganize the traditional resources, by constructing the genealogy of knowledge service platform( ). With the process of BIBFRAME ontology designing, data transformation from RDB to RDF, system design based on the four principles of Linked Data, and system development based on the framework of semantic technologies, the platform can support bibliographic control in the environment of Internet, family information search service for the ordinary user requirements, knowledge mining and knowledge value-added functions for the scholars of humanities.
Data opening become the responsibility and development opportunity of library. Shanghai library has been trying to use the Linked Open Data technologies to reorganize the traditional resources, by constructing the genealogy of knowledge service platform( ). With the process of BIBFRAME ontology designing, data transformation from RDB to RDF, system design based on the four principles of Linked Data, and system development based on the framework of semantic technologies, the platform can support bibliographic control in the environment of Internet, family information search service for the ordinary user requirements, knowledge mining and knowledge value-added functions for the scholars of humanities.
With widespread interest in tracing our family histories, what of our academic family tree - who taught our teachers? Who taught our teachers' teachers? In 1997, mathematician Harry B. Coonce set out to trace his academic ancestry. His database now contains 150,000 names, stretching back to pre- Renaissance Europe. Current director of the Mathematics Genealogy project and LSE researcher Mitchel T. Keller explains how it all works, and what it means to related to genius.
Its time for Mr. Fleming's annual genealogy project...quarantine edition! Learn how to create the perfect family tree and family interview with this tutorial.
Data opening become the responsibility and development opportunity of library. Shanghai library has been trying to use the Linked Open Data technologies to reorganize the traditional resources, by constructing the genealogy of knowledge service platform( ). With the process of BIBFRAME ontology designing, data transformation from RDB to RDF, system design based on the four principles of Linked Data, and system development based on the framework of semantic technologies, the platform can support bibliographic control in the environment of Internet, family information search service for the ordinary user requirements, knowledge mining and knowledge value-added functions for the scholars of humanities.
The Mathematics Genealogy Project is a web-based database for the academic genealogy of mathematicians. By October, 2014, it contained information on over 183,000 mathematical scientists who contribute to research-level mathematics. For a typical mathematician, the project entry includes graduation year, alma mater, doctoral advisor and doctoral students.
Origin of the database
The project grew out of founder Harry Coonce's desire to know the name of his advisor's advisor. Coonce was Professor of Mathematics at Minnesota State University, Mankato, at the time of the project's founding, and the project went online there in fall 1997. Coonce retired from Mankato in 1999, and in fall 2002 the university decided that it would no longer support the project. The project relocated at that time to North Dakota State University. Since 2003, the project has also operated under the auspices of the American Mathematical Society and in 2005 it received a grant from the Clay Mathematics Institute.