Margaret Kennedy (23 April 1896 – 31 July 1967) was an English novelist and playwright.
Family and education
Margaret Kennedy was born in Hyde Park Gate, London, the eldest of the four children of Charles Moore Kennedy (1857-1934), a barrister, and his wife Ellinor Edith Marwood (1861–1928). The novelist Joyce Cary was a cousin on her father's side.
She attended Cheltenham Ladies' College, where she began writing, and then went up to Somerville College, Oxford in 1915 to read history. Other literary contemporaries at Somerville College included Winifred Holtby, Vera Brittain, Hilda Reid, Naomi Mitchison and Sylvia Thompson. Her first publication was a history book, A Century of Revolution (1922). Margaret Kennedy was married on 20 June 1925 to the barrister David Davies (1889–1964), who later became a county court judge and a national insurance commissioner. He was knighted in 1952. They had a son and two daughters, one of whom was the novelist Julia Birley. The novelist Serena Mackesy is her granddaughter. Margaret Kennedy died at a friend's house at Adderbury, Oxfordshire on 31 July 1967.
Margaret Kennedy (died 23 January 1793) was contralto singer and actress. She was best known for her performances in male roles, especially in the operas of Thomas Arne.
Early career (1776–1779)
Kennedy was born with the name Margaret Doyle, but the place and date of her birth are not known. She had Irish ancestry, and she may have been born in Ireland or possibly in London.
Kennedy married a Mr. Farrell in August 1774, before she made her singing debut, and she appeared under the name "Mrs Farrell" in her early career. She may have studied music with Gaetano Quilici. She was discovered by Thomas Arne while performing as a singer at an inn in St Giles, London. She studied under Arne and sang at the Haymarket Theatre in three concerts organised by Arne for his pupils in 1775, appearing in another pupils' concert in early 1776. She appeared in Arne's Comus at Covent Garden in March 1776.
She was a principal singer at the Royal Opera House from 6 December 1776 in Arne's opera Caractacus. Her performances were praised by The Morning Post, particularly a duet with Leoni. Her contralto pitch and relatively heavy build suited her for breeches roles, and she played the title role in Arne's Artaxerxes on 25 January 1777, Belford in Thomas Hull's Love Finds the Way, Colin in Charles Dibdin's Rose and Colin, and most notably Captain Macheath in John Gay's The Beggar's Opera where in 1777 she was the first person to sing "A-Hunting We Will Go", a song written by Arne for that performance. Her debut performance in The Beggar's Opera was greeted by protests because a woman was playing the role of a lead character.
In her third year at Cambridge that she found the "moral courage", as she put it, finally to abandon the religious beliefs she had long been uneasy with. In the preface to her book Morals Without Religion (1955), she wrote, "a fresh, cleansing wind swept through the stuffy room that contained the relics of my religious beliefs. I let them go with a profound sense of relief, and ever since I have lived happily without them."
Between 1926 and 1936 Margaret worked as a librarian, information officer and editor for journal published by the National Institute of Industrial Psychology. She married her husband Arthur Rex Knight in 1936, then in 1938 she started working alongside him as an assistant lecturer in psychology at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. Ten years later in 1948 she was promoted to lecturer in psychology, a post she held till her retirement in 1970.
The MEET project presents: Ann and Margaret Kennedy interview
The MEET Consortium is glad to inform you that Margaret and Ann Kennedy video-interview took in Nijmegen at the MEET Symposium “From bench to bedside, and back: Patients MEET Researchers” (January 29-30, 2016), is available on our YouTube channel.
These two Irish mito-patients twin sisters are fighting and asking for Human Rights respect. Video contains an introductory message from the International Mito-Patients (IMP) Network Chairman, Elja van der Veer.
published: 14 Mar 2016
Nothing about Margaret Kennedy
mi fa pieta mazzetto
bezwolnie nie ma już potrzeby
nierozdzielnie w jedno
z najelementarniejszych braków
wbrew własnej jego woli
powoli przygasa w stanie
złote właściwej istoty
zgoła przerażało
camera operator: Jakub Wróblewski
Prof. Dr. Margrit Kennedy entdeckte 1982 einen Konstruktionsfehler in unserem Geldsystem. Ihr Buch "Geld ohne Zinsen und Inflation" (Goldmann, München 8. aktualisierte Auflage 2006) wurde in 22 Sprachen übersetzt. Das Buch "Regionalwährungen – ein neuer Weg zu nachhaltigem Wohlstand" (Riemann, München 2004) zusammen mit Bernard Lietaer dient als theoretische Grundlage für über 70 Initiativen in Deutschland. Ihr neuestes Buch "OCCUPY MONEY – Damit wir zukünftig ALLE die Gewinner sind" fasst ihre Erfahrungen auf leicht verständliche Art zusammen. In Vorträgen und Seminaren vermittelte sie wie das Geldsystem als ein Dreh- und Angelpunkt unserer wirtschaftlichen Probleme vom beherrschenden zum dienenden Instrument werden kann. Sie verstarb am 28.12.2013.
"Wir brauchen dringend neue Geldsystem...
published: 22 Jan 2017
Princess Goes To Washington (1965)
Item title reads - Princess goes to Washington.
Princess Margaret visits America (USA).
L/S's Lincoln Memorial. L/S as Princess Margaret arrives with Anthony Armstrong-Jones, Earl Snowdon, pan to memorial. L/S the statue of Lincoln. C/U statue. C/U Princess Margaret and Earl Snowdon looking round. L/S the Obelisk. C/U the Princess and Snowdon. Interior British Embassy Reception. M/S the Princess and Earl arriving with Ambassador Patrick Dean. C/U's of them. M/S of the reception. L/S and M/S Princess talking to guests. L/S Arlington Cemetery. M/S of the Princess arriving at the John F. Kennedy grave site. C/U the Eternal Flame. L/S as Princess places wreath on stand. L/S as she leaves.
M/S as the Princess arrives at another reception at Women's National Press Club. M/S as ...
published: 13 Apr 2014
Songs of the Hebrides - Marjory Kennedy Fraser playing Piano - Margaret Kennedy Contralto - 78 rpm
Here's "Songs of the Hebrides" featuring Marjory Kennedy Fraser playing Piano and Margaret Kennedy Contralto - 78 rpm
Four songs from the Kennedy-Fraser archive performed with the collector herself at the Piano.
1) The Bens Of Jura
2) Heart O' Fire-Love
3) Deirdrie's Farewell To Scotland
4) Eriskay Lullaby
Songs translated by Rev. K Macleod
Marjory Kennedy-Fraser CBE (1 October 1857 – 22 November 1930) was a Scottish singer, composer and music teacher.arp playing.
Marjory Kennedy was born in Perth to a well-known Scottish singer, David Kennedy and his second wife, Elizabeth Fraser. As a child she used to accompany her father on his tours in Scotland and abroad, playing the piano while he sang. Various of her siblings were also professional musicians, and three of them (Lizzie, Kate...
The MEET Consortium is glad to inform you that Margaret and Ann Kennedy video-interview took in Nijmegen at the MEET Symposium “From bench to bedside, and back...
The MEET Consortium is glad to inform you that Margaret and Ann Kennedy video-interview took in Nijmegen at the MEET Symposium “From bench to bedside, and back: Patients MEET Researchers” (January 29-30, 2016), is available on our YouTube channel.
These two Irish mito-patients twin sisters are fighting and asking for Human Rights respect. Video contains an introductory message from the International Mito-Patients (IMP) Network Chairman, Elja van der Veer.
The MEET Consortium is glad to inform you that Margaret and Ann Kennedy video-interview took in Nijmegen at the MEET Symposium “From bench to bedside, and back: Patients MEET Researchers” (January 29-30, 2016), is available on our YouTube channel.
These two Irish mito-patients twin sisters are fighting and asking for Human Rights respect. Video contains an introductory message from the International Mito-Patients (IMP) Network Chairman, Elja van der Veer.
mi fa pieta mazzetto
bezwolnie nie ma już potrzeby
nierozdzielnie w jedno
z najelementarniejszych braków
wbrew własnej jego woli
powoli przygasa w stanie
mi fa pieta mazzetto
bezwolnie nie ma już potrzeby
nierozdzielnie w jedno
z najelementarniejszych braków
wbrew własnej jego woli
powoli przygasa w stanie
złote właściwej istoty
zgoła przerażało
camera operator: Jakub Wróblewski
mi fa pieta mazzetto
bezwolnie nie ma już potrzeby
nierozdzielnie w jedno
z najelementarniejszych braków
wbrew własnej jego woli
powoli przygasa w stanie
złote właściwej istoty
zgoła przerażało
camera operator: Jakub Wróblewski
Prof. Dr. Margrit Kennedy entdeckte 1982 einen Konstruktionsfehler in unserem Geldsystem. Ihr Buch "Geld ohne Zinsen und Inflation" (Goldmann, München 8. aktual...
Prof. Dr. Margrit Kennedy entdeckte 1982 einen Konstruktionsfehler in unserem Geldsystem. Ihr Buch "Geld ohne Zinsen und Inflation" (Goldmann, München 8. aktualisierte Auflage 2006) wurde in 22 Sprachen übersetzt. Das Buch "Regionalwährungen – ein neuer Weg zu nachhaltigem Wohlstand" (Riemann, München 2004) zusammen mit Bernard Lietaer dient als theoretische Grundlage für über 70 Initiativen in Deutschland. Ihr neuestes Buch "OCCUPY MONEY – Damit wir zukünftig ALLE die Gewinner sind" fasst ihre Erfahrungen auf leicht verständliche Art zusammen. In Vorträgen und Seminaren vermittelte sie wie das Geldsystem als ein Dreh- und Angelpunkt unserer wirtschaftlichen Probleme vom beherrschenden zum dienenden Instrument werden kann. Sie verstarb am 28.12.2013.
"Wir brauchen dringend neue Geldsysteme, welche den Wachstumszwang und die Umverteilung von fleißig zu reich beenden." Quelle:
Quelle: Margrit Kennedy, Die Geldreform als Bestandteil des gesellschaftlichen Wandels, Mgs Kongress, 2013.
Weitere Informationen über: und
Twitter: @VPeaceInstitute
Instagram: @varnapeaceinstitute (
Literaturhinweise/ Reading suggestions:
Die gerechte Weltordnung
Plebejische Demokratie
Kollektivität jenseits vom Staat
Basisdemokratischer Widerstand
Rechtspopulismus als Krisenbearbeitung
Wie demokratisch ist die EU?
Reale Utopien. Zur sozial-ökologischen Transformation und der solidarischen Lebensweise
Russland unter Putins Kapitalismus:
Umkämpfte Ressourcen und Demokratie im postsowjetischen Raum:
Ukraine between the EU and Russia. Geopolitics and mechanisms of external influence behind European and Russian integration projects:
Die Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik der EU:
Phänomenologie aus der Perspektive der Critical Race Studies und Queer Theorie:
Die Krise der Demokratie und die radikaldemokratische Antwort:
Eine Neue Weltwirtschaftsordnung. Zur Einhegung und den Widersprüchen der imperialen Lebensweise:
License (Lizenz): CC-by-nc-sa
Unterstützen Sie uns! Wir sind eine basisdemokratische NGO die politisch, finanziell und organisatorisch vollkommen unabhängig ist von anderen NGOs, Institutionen, Konzernen und politischen Parteien/ Einrichtungen. Wir betreiben Forschung und Aktivismus für die Plebs, daher ist unser Motto: Von den Plebs, für die Plebs!
Hier erfahren Sie mehr wie Sie uns unterstützen können:
Wenn Sie keine Zeit haben sollten, können Sie uns gerne auch finanziell behilflich sein:
Bank Name: Bank Austria UniCredit
Kontoinhaber: Josef Mühlbauer
IBAN: AT72 1200 0513 0100 0559
Zweck/ Referenz: Varna Peace Spende
Prof. Dr. Margrit Kennedy entdeckte 1982 einen Konstruktionsfehler in unserem Geldsystem. Ihr Buch "Geld ohne Zinsen und Inflation" (Goldmann, München 8. aktualisierte Auflage 2006) wurde in 22 Sprachen übersetzt. Das Buch "Regionalwährungen – ein neuer Weg zu nachhaltigem Wohlstand" (Riemann, München 2004) zusammen mit Bernard Lietaer dient als theoretische Grundlage für über 70 Initiativen in Deutschland. Ihr neuestes Buch "OCCUPY MONEY – Damit wir zukünftig ALLE die Gewinner sind" fasst ihre Erfahrungen auf leicht verständliche Art zusammen. In Vorträgen und Seminaren vermittelte sie wie das Geldsystem als ein Dreh- und Angelpunkt unserer wirtschaftlichen Probleme vom beherrschenden zum dienenden Instrument werden kann. Sie verstarb am 28.12.2013.
"Wir brauchen dringend neue Geldsysteme, welche den Wachstumszwang und die Umverteilung von fleißig zu reich beenden." Quelle:
Quelle: Margrit Kennedy, Die Geldreform als Bestandteil des gesellschaftlichen Wandels, Mgs Kongress, 2013.
Weitere Informationen über: und
Twitter: @VPeaceInstitute
Instagram: @varnapeaceinstitute (
Literaturhinweise/ Reading suggestions:
Die gerechte Weltordnung
Plebejische Demokratie
Kollektivität jenseits vom Staat
Basisdemokratischer Widerstand
Rechtspopulismus als Krisenbearbeitung
Wie demokratisch ist die EU?
Reale Utopien. Zur sozial-ökologischen Transformation und der solidarischen Lebensweise
Russland unter Putins Kapitalismus:
Umkämpfte Ressourcen und Demokratie im postsowjetischen Raum:
Ukraine between the EU and Russia. Geopolitics and mechanisms of external influence behind European and Russian integration projects:
Die Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik der EU:
Phänomenologie aus der Perspektive der Critical Race Studies und Queer Theorie:
Die Krise der Demokratie und die radikaldemokratische Antwort:
Eine Neue Weltwirtschaftsordnung. Zur Einhegung und den Widersprüchen der imperialen Lebensweise:
License (Lizenz): CC-by-nc-sa
Unterstützen Sie uns! Wir sind eine basisdemokratische NGO die politisch, finanziell und organisatorisch vollkommen unabhängig ist von anderen NGOs, Institutionen, Konzernen und politischen Parteien/ Einrichtungen. Wir betreiben Forschung und Aktivismus für die Plebs, daher ist unser Motto: Von den Plebs, für die Plebs!
Hier erfahren Sie mehr wie Sie uns unterstützen können:
Wenn Sie keine Zeit haben sollten, können Sie uns gerne auch finanziell behilflich sein:
Bank Name: Bank Austria UniCredit
Kontoinhaber: Josef Mühlbauer
IBAN: AT72 1200 0513 0100 0559
Zweck/ Referenz: Varna Peace Spende
Item title reads - Princess goes to Washington.
Princess Margaret visits America (USA).
L/S's Lincoln Memorial. L/S as Princess Margaret arrives with Ant...
Item title reads - Princess goes to Washington.
Princess Margaret visits America (USA).
L/S's Lincoln Memorial. L/S as Princess Margaret arrives with Anthony Armstrong-Jones, Earl Snowdon, pan to memorial. L/S the statue of Lincoln. C/U statue. C/U Princess Margaret and Earl Snowdon looking round. L/S the Obelisk. C/U the Princess and Snowdon. Interior British Embassy Reception. M/S the Princess and Earl arriving with Ambassador Patrick Dean. C/U's of them. M/S of the reception. L/S and M/S Princess talking to guests. L/S Arlington Cemetery. M/S of the Princess arriving at the John F. Kennedy grave site. C/U the Eternal Flame. L/S as Princess places wreath on stand. L/S as she leaves.
M/S as the Princess arrives at another reception at Women's National Press Club. M/S as she is presented with a gift. M/S guests at reception. C/U Princess talking to guests. M/S crowd of press photographers in White House. L/S Lord Snowdon, Mrs Johnson, Princess Margaret and President Lyndon B. Johnson. M/S press photographers. M/S Princess Margaret and President Johnson. C/U of the two.
FILM ID:1826.15
British Pathé also represents the Reuters historical collection, which includes more than 136,000 items from the news agencies Gaumont Graphic (1910-1932), Empire News Bulletin (1926-1930), British Paramount (1931-1957), and Gaumont British (1934-1959), as well as Visnews content from 1957 to the end of 1984. All footage can be viewed on the British Pathé website.
Item title reads - Princess goes to Washington.
Princess Margaret visits America (USA).
L/S's Lincoln Memorial. L/S as Princess Margaret arrives with Anthony Armstrong-Jones, Earl Snowdon, pan to memorial. L/S the statue of Lincoln. C/U statue. C/U Princess Margaret and Earl Snowdon looking round. L/S the Obelisk. C/U the Princess and Snowdon. Interior British Embassy Reception. M/S the Princess and Earl arriving with Ambassador Patrick Dean. C/U's of them. M/S of the reception. L/S and M/S Princess talking to guests. L/S Arlington Cemetery. M/S of the Princess arriving at the John F. Kennedy grave site. C/U the Eternal Flame. L/S as Princess places wreath on stand. L/S as she leaves.
M/S as the Princess arrives at another reception at Women's National Press Club. M/S as she is presented with a gift. M/S guests at reception. C/U Princess talking to guests. M/S crowd of press photographers in White House. L/S Lord Snowdon, Mrs Johnson, Princess Margaret and President Lyndon B. Johnson. M/S press photographers. M/S Princess Margaret and President Johnson. C/U of the two.
FILM ID:1826.15
British Pathé also represents the Reuters historical collection, which includes more than 136,000 items from the news agencies Gaumont Graphic (1910-1932), Empire News Bulletin (1926-1930), British Paramount (1931-1957), and Gaumont British (1934-1959), as well as Visnews content from 1957 to the end of 1984. All footage can be viewed on the British Pathé website.
Here's "Songs of the Hebrides" featuring Marjory Kennedy Fraser playing Piano and Margaret Kennedy Contralto - 78 rpm
Four songs from the Kennedy-Fraser archiv...
Here's "Songs of the Hebrides" featuring Marjory Kennedy Fraser playing Piano and Margaret Kennedy Contralto - 78 rpm
Four songs from the Kennedy-Fraser archive performed with the collector herself at the Piano.
1) The Bens Of Jura
2) Heart O' Fire-Love
3) Deirdrie's Farewell To Scotland
4) Eriskay Lullaby
Songs translated by Rev. K Macleod
Marjory Kennedy-Fraser CBE (1 October 1857 – 22 November 1930) was a Scottish singer, composer and music teacher.arp playing.
Marjory Kennedy was born in Perth to a well-known Scottish singer, David Kennedy and his second wife, Elizabeth Fraser. As a child she used to accompany her father on his tours in Scotland and abroad, playing the piano while he sang. Various of her siblings were also professional musicians, and three of them (Lizzie, Kate and James — soprano, contralto and baritone respectively) died in the fire that burnt down the Théâtre municipal of Nice, France, in 1881.[1] Her youngest sister Jessie married the pianist and teacher Tobias Matthay.[2] Their father David Kennedy died aged 61 in 1886 in Ontario, Canada, while on a tour.
She developed a close friendship with the painter John Duncan, with whom she shared a deep interest in the Celtic Revival. They made a trip to Eriskay in 1905, in which occasion he painted her against the island's landscape.[5] While in Eriskay, Marjory witnessed many Gaelic folk songs endangered of disappearing as a result of population decline, and, being herself a singer, began a personal project to record and transcribe the music of the Hebrides.
Songs of the Hebrides (cover).jpg
The Kennedy-Fraser grave, Grange Cemetery, Edinburgh
In the following years, she visited many of the islands to the west of Scotland, recording the traditional songs with a wax cylinder phonograph. She later arranged them for voice and piano, or sometimes for harp or clàrsach —an instrument her daughter Helen Patuffa played. The arrangements, with words translated to English by the Rev. Kenneth MacLeod, were published in her three-volume Songs of the Hebrides in the years 1909, 1917 and 1921. A fourth volume, From the Hebrides: Further Gleanings of Tale and Song, followed in 1925. One of the songs included in this collection eventually came to be widely known by the title "Eriskay Love Lilt".
Here's "Songs of the Hebrides" featuring Marjory Kennedy Fraser playing Piano and Margaret Kennedy Contralto - 78 rpm
Four songs from the Kennedy-Fraser archive performed with the collector herself at the Piano.
1) The Bens Of Jura
2) Heart O' Fire-Love
3) Deirdrie's Farewell To Scotland
4) Eriskay Lullaby
Songs translated by Rev. K Macleod
Marjory Kennedy-Fraser CBE (1 October 1857 – 22 November 1930) was a Scottish singer, composer and music teacher.arp playing.
Marjory Kennedy was born in Perth to a well-known Scottish singer, David Kennedy and his second wife, Elizabeth Fraser. As a child she used to accompany her father on his tours in Scotland and abroad, playing the piano while he sang. Various of her siblings were also professional musicians, and three of them (Lizzie, Kate and James — soprano, contralto and baritone respectively) died in the fire that burnt down the Théâtre municipal of Nice, France, in 1881.[1] Her youngest sister Jessie married the pianist and teacher Tobias Matthay.[2] Their father David Kennedy died aged 61 in 1886 in Ontario, Canada, while on a tour.
She developed a close friendship with the painter John Duncan, with whom she shared a deep interest in the Celtic Revival. They made a trip to Eriskay in 1905, in which occasion he painted her against the island's landscape.[5] While in Eriskay, Marjory witnessed many Gaelic folk songs endangered of disappearing as a result of population decline, and, being herself a singer, began a personal project to record and transcribe the music of the Hebrides.
Songs of the Hebrides (cover).jpg
The Kennedy-Fraser grave, Grange Cemetery, Edinburgh
In the following years, she visited many of the islands to the west of Scotland, recording the traditional songs with a wax cylinder phonograph. She later arranged them for voice and piano, or sometimes for harp or clàrsach —an instrument her daughter Helen Patuffa played. The arrangements, with words translated to English by the Rev. Kenneth MacLeod, were published in her three-volume Songs of the Hebrides in the years 1909, 1917 and 1921. A fourth volume, From the Hebrides: Further Gleanings of Tale and Song, followed in 1925. One of the songs included in this collection eventually came to be widely known by the title "Eriskay Love Lilt".
The MEET Consortium is glad to inform you that Margaret and Ann Kennedy video-interview took in Nijmegen at the MEET Symposium “From bench to bedside, and back: Patients MEET Researchers” (January 29-30, 2016), is available on our YouTube channel.
These two Irish mito-patients twin sisters are fighting and asking for Human Rights respect. Video contains an introductory message from the International Mito-Patients (IMP) Network Chairman, Elja van der Veer.
mi fa pieta mazzetto
bezwolnie nie ma już potrzeby
nierozdzielnie w jedno
z najelementarniejszych braków
wbrew własnej jego woli
powoli przygasa w stanie
złote właściwej istoty
zgoła przerażało
camera operator: Jakub Wróblewski
Prof. Dr. Margrit Kennedy entdeckte 1982 einen Konstruktionsfehler in unserem Geldsystem. Ihr Buch "Geld ohne Zinsen und Inflation" (Goldmann, München 8. aktualisierte Auflage 2006) wurde in 22 Sprachen übersetzt. Das Buch "Regionalwährungen – ein neuer Weg zu nachhaltigem Wohlstand" (Riemann, München 2004) zusammen mit Bernard Lietaer dient als theoretische Grundlage für über 70 Initiativen in Deutschland. Ihr neuestes Buch "OCCUPY MONEY – Damit wir zukünftig ALLE die Gewinner sind" fasst ihre Erfahrungen auf leicht verständliche Art zusammen. In Vorträgen und Seminaren vermittelte sie wie das Geldsystem als ein Dreh- und Angelpunkt unserer wirtschaftlichen Probleme vom beherrschenden zum dienenden Instrument werden kann. Sie verstarb am 28.12.2013.
"Wir brauchen dringend neue Geldsysteme, welche den Wachstumszwang und die Umverteilung von fleißig zu reich beenden." Quelle:
Quelle: Margrit Kennedy, Die Geldreform als Bestandteil des gesellschaftlichen Wandels, Mgs Kongress, 2013.
Weitere Informationen über: und
Twitter: @VPeaceInstitute
Instagram: @varnapeaceinstitute (
Literaturhinweise/ Reading suggestions:
Die gerechte Weltordnung
Plebejische Demokratie
Kollektivität jenseits vom Staat
Basisdemokratischer Widerstand
Rechtspopulismus als Krisenbearbeitung
Wie demokratisch ist die EU?
Reale Utopien. Zur sozial-ökologischen Transformation und der solidarischen Lebensweise
Russland unter Putins Kapitalismus:
Umkämpfte Ressourcen und Demokratie im postsowjetischen Raum:
Ukraine between the EU and Russia. Geopolitics and mechanisms of external influence behind European and Russian integration projects:
Die Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik der EU:
Phänomenologie aus der Perspektive der Critical Race Studies und Queer Theorie:
Die Krise der Demokratie und die radikaldemokratische Antwort:
Eine Neue Weltwirtschaftsordnung. Zur Einhegung und den Widersprüchen der imperialen Lebensweise:
License (Lizenz): CC-by-nc-sa
Unterstützen Sie uns! Wir sind eine basisdemokratische NGO die politisch, finanziell und organisatorisch vollkommen unabhängig ist von anderen NGOs, Institutionen, Konzernen und politischen Parteien/ Einrichtungen. Wir betreiben Forschung und Aktivismus für die Plebs, daher ist unser Motto: Von den Plebs, für die Plebs!
Hier erfahren Sie mehr wie Sie uns unterstützen können:
Wenn Sie keine Zeit haben sollten, können Sie uns gerne auch finanziell behilflich sein:
Bank Name: Bank Austria UniCredit
Kontoinhaber: Josef Mühlbauer
IBAN: AT72 1200 0513 0100 0559
Zweck/ Referenz: Varna Peace Spende
Item title reads - Princess goes to Washington.
Princess Margaret visits America (USA).
L/S's Lincoln Memorial. L/S as Princess Margaret arrives with Anthony Armstrong-Jones, Earl Snowdon, pan to memorial. L/S the statue of Lincoln. C/U statue. C/U Princess Margaret and Earl Snowdon looking round. L/S the Obelisk. C/U the Princess and Snowdon. Interior British Embassy Reception. M/S the Princess and Earl arriving with Ambassador Patrick Dean. C/U's of them. M/S of the reception. L/S and M/S Princess talking to guests. L/S Arlington Cemetery. M/S of the Princess arriving at the John F. Kennedy grave site. C/U the Eternal Flame. L/S as Princess places wreath on stand. L/S as she leaves.
M/S as the Princess arrives at another reception at Women's National Press Club. M/S as she is presented with a gift. M/S guests at reception. C/U Princess talking to guests. M/S crowd of press photographers in White House. L/S Lord Snowdon, Mrs Johnson, Princess Margaret and President Lyndon B. Johnson. M/S press photographers. M/S Princess Margaret and President Johnson. C/U of the two.
FILM ID:1826.15
British Pathé also represents the Reuters historical collection, which includes more than 136,000 items from the news agencies Gaumont Graphic (1910-1932), Empire News Bulletin (1926-1930), British Paramount (1931-1957), and Gaumont British (1934-1959), as well as Visnews content from 1957 to the end of 1984. All footage can be viewed on the British Pathé website.
Here's "Songs of the Hebrides" featuring Marjory Kennedy Fraser playing Piano and Margaret Kennedy Contralto - 78 rpm
Four songs from the Kennedy-Fraser archive performed with the collector herself at the Piano.
1) The Bens Of Jura
2) Heart O' Fire-Love
3) Deirdrie's Farewell To Scotland
4) Eriskay Lullaby
Songs translated by Rev. K Macleod
Marjory Kennedy-Fraser CBE (1 October 1857 – 22 November 1930) was a Scottish singer, composer and music teacher.arp playing.
Marjory Kennedy was born in Perth to a well-known Scottish singer, David Kennedy and his second wife, Elizabeth Fraser. As a child she used to accompany her father on his tours in Scotland and abroad, playing the piano while he sang. Various of her siblings were also professional musicians, and three of them (Lizzie, Kate and James — soprano, contralto and baritone respectively) died in the fire that burnt down the Théâtre municipal of Nice, France, in 1881.[1] Her youngest sister Jessie married the pianist and teacher Tobias Matthay.[2] Their father David Kennedy died aged 61 in 1886 in Ontario, Canada, while on a tour.
She developed a close friendship with the painter John Duncan, with whom she shared a deep interest in the Celtic Revival. They made a trip to Eriskay in 1905, in which occasion he painted her against the island's landscape.[5] While in Eriskay, Marjory witnessed many Gaelic folk songs endangered of disappearing as a result of population decline, and, being herself a singer, began a personal project to record and transcribe the music of the Hebrides.
Songs of the Hebrides (cover).jpg
The Kennedy-Fraser grave, Grange Cemetery, Edinburgh
In the following years, she visited many of the islands to the west of Scotland, recording the traditional songs with a wax cylinder phonograph. She later arranged them for voice and piano, or sometimes for harp or clàrsach —an instrument her daughter Helen Patuffa played. The arrangements, with words translated to English by the Rev. Kenneth MacLeod, were published in her three-volume Songs of the Hebrides in the years 1909, 1917 and 1921. A fourth volume, From the Hebrides: Further Gleanings of Tale and Song, followed in 1925. One of the songs included in this collection eventually came to be widely known by the title "Eriskay Love Lilt".
Margaret Kennedy (23 April 1896 – 31 July 1967) was an English novelist and playwright.
Family and education
Margaret Kennedy was born in Hyde Park Gate, London, the eldest of the four children of Charles Moore Kennedy (1857-1934), a barrister, and his wife Ellinor Edith Marwood (1861–1928). The novelist Joyce Cary was a cousin on her father's side.
She attended Cheltenham Ladies' College, where she began writing, and then went up to Somerville College, Oxford in 1915 to read history. Other literary contemporaries at Somerville College included Winifred Holtby, Vera Brittain, Hilda Reid, Naomi Mitchison and Sylvia Thompson. Her first publication was a history book, A Century of Revolution (1922). Margaret Kennedy was married on 20 June 1925 to the barrister David Davies (1889–1964), who later became a county court judge and a national insurance commissioner. He was knighted in 1952. They had a son and two daughters, one of whom was the novelist Julia Birley. The novelist Serena Mackesy is her granddaughter. Margaret Kennedy died at a friend's house at Adderbury, Oxfordshire on 31 July 1967.