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Madhouse (1981 film)

Madhouse (original title: There Was a Little Girl; also known as And When She Was Bad) is a 1981 Italian slasher film directed by Ovidio G. Assonitis. It stars Trish Everly, Dennis Robertson, Allison Biggers, Michael Macrae, Morgan Hart, Edith Ivey and Jerry Fujikawa. The film features a musical score by Riz Ortolani and cinematography by Assonitis regular Roberto D'Ettorre Piazzoli.

It was one of the many films on the "video nasty" list, a list of horror/exploitation films banned by the BBFC in the 1980s for violence and obscenity.


Julia (Trish Everly, in her only film role) is a young teacher for deaf children living in Savannah, Georgia. She has horrid memories of her childhood, which was scarred by her sadistic twin sister Mary (Allison Biggers). At the urging of her uncle, Father James (Dennis Robertson), Julia visits Mary, suffering from a severe skin disease, in a mental institution. The meeting does not go well and Mary vows to make Julia "suffer as she had suffered". As their mutual birthday approaches, several of Julia's friends and neighbors begin to die gruesome deaths, some of which are committed by a mysterious Rottweiler dog that has some sort of connection to Mary. But is Mary really the killer?

1981 (film)

1981, longer title 1981: L'année ou je suis devenu un menteur (1981: The Year I Became a Liar) is a 2009 Canadian French language comedy-drama film from Quebec written and directed by Ricardo Trogi. It was released on 4 September 2009. The film is autobiographical about the youth years of the director as told by him during the film.


Ricardo (played by Jean-Carl Boucher), 11 years, arrives to a school where he feels completely foreign. With the aim of integrating, he befriends a group of youth named "K-Way rouges" (the K-Way Reds) composed of Jérôme (Gabriel Maillé), Marchand (Dany Bouchard) and Plante (Léo Caron) from the school and tries to woo and impress the beautiful Anne Tremblay (played by Élizabeth Adam). In the process he has to lie his way all through.


  • Jean-Carl Boucher as Ricardo Trogi
  • Sandrine Bisson as Claudette Trogi, Ricardo's mother
  • Claudio Colangelo as Benito Trogi, Ricardo's father
  • Gabriel Maillé as Jérôme, the leader of the "K-Way rouges"
  • Dany Bouchard as Marchand, member of the "K-Way rouges"
  • Film (Iranian magazine)

    Film (Persian:فیلم) is an Iranian film review magazine published for more than 30 years. The head-editor is Massoud Mehrabi.


  • Film Magazine Website / About
  • External links

  • Official Website
  • Lubrication theory

    In fluid dynamics, lubrication theory describes the flow of fluids (liquids or gases) in a geometry in which one dimension is significantly smaller than the others. An example is the flow above air hockey tables, where the thickness of the air layer beneath the puck is much smaller than the dimensions of the puck itself.

    Internal flows are those where the fluid is fully bounded. Internal flow lubrication theory has many industrial applications because of its role in the design of fluid bearings. Here a key goal of lubrication theory is to determine the pressure distribution in the fluid volume, and hence the forces on the bearing components. The working fluid in this case is often termed a lubricant.

    Free film lubrication theory is concerned with the case in which one of the surfaces containing the fluid is a free surface. In that case the position of the free surface is itself unknown, and one goal of lubrication theory is then to determine this. Surface tension may then be significant, or even dominant. Issues of wetting and dewetting then arise. For very thin films (thickness less than one micrometre), additional intermolecular forces, such as Van der Waals forces or disjoining forces, may become significant.

    List of film periodicals

    Film periodicals combine discussion of individual films, genres and directors with in-depth considerations of the medium and the conditions of its production and reception. Their articles contrast with film reviewing in newspapers and magazines which principally serve as a consumer guide to movies.

    Magazines and trade publications

    Scholarly journals


  • "FIAF Index Titles" (XLS). FIAF International Index to Film Periodicals. ProQuest. Retrieved March 12, 2010. 
  • Bibliography

  • Slide, Anthony. International Film, Radio, and Television Journals. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1985. xiv, 428 p.
  • Loughney, Katharine. Film, Television, and Video Periodicals: A Comprehensive Annotated. New York: Garland Publ, 1991. 431 p.
  • DNA (Little Mix album)

    DNA is the debut studio album by British girl group Little Mix. It was released on 19 December 2012 in the United Kingdom via Syco Music. The group began work recording the album in December 2011 and concluded in September 2012. Throughout the recording process, Little Mix worked with several producers, including TMS, Future Cut, Steve Mac, Jarrad Rogers, Richard "Biff" Stannard, Ash Howes, Jon Levine, Xenomania, Fred Ball and Pegasus. The album was co-written by Little Mix and they stated that they were involved in the development of the album as much as possible. Sonically, the album is primarily a mixture of pop and R&B records, with influences from dance-pop, pop rock and hip hop found on specific songs as well. The album's lyrical content explores empowerment, relationships and heartbreak. Songs on the album were also co-written by members of other girl groups, including Nicola Roberts of Girls Aloud, Shaznay Lewis of All Saints and T-Boz of TLC.

    DNA received mixed reviews from music critics. The album's lead single, "Wings", was released on 26 August 2012, reaching number one in UK and Ireland as well as charting in Australia, New Zealand, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Belgium, Canada and the US. The second single, "DNA", was released on 11 November 2012, peaking at number three in the UK. Two post-album singles were released: "Change Your Life" on 3 February 2013, and a remix of "How Ya Doin'?" featuring American rapper Missy Elliott was released on 17 April 2013; both songs reached the top 20 in the UK.

    Madhouse (1974 film)

    Madhouse is a 1974 British horror film directed by Jim Clark for Amicus Productions in association with American International Pictures. It stars Vincent Price, Natasha Pyne, Peter Cushing, Robert Quarry, Adrienne Corri and Linda Hayden.


    Paul Toombes (Vincent Price) is a successful horror actor whose trademark role was Dr. Death, a skull-faced sadist. During a party in Hollywood showing off his fifth Dr. Death film, he announces his engagement to Ellen Mason (Julie Crosthwait), who gives him an engraved watch as an engagement gift; later that evening, however, adult film producer Oliver Quayle (Robert Quarry) reveals Ellen had worked for him previously. Distraught at Toombes' reaction, Ellen returns to her room, where a masked man in dark garb, similar to Dr. Death's attire, approaches her with a knife. An apologetic Toombes comes in shortly after, only for her decapitated head to fall from her shoulders. Though he is acquitted of the crime, Toombes' career is destroyed as he spends several years in a mental hospital, where even he is not sure whether he killed Ellen or not.


    • 1981 in Film - The Cinema Snob

      The Cinema Snob goes through 200+ movie releases of 1981, from Raiders of the Lost Ark to Arthur and plenty of slasher films! Writer/Creator: Brad Jones Title Card: Shaun Millington End Screen: Nick Michalak, http://www.ravensfilm.com Music: Karl Casey at White Bat Audio Devin LeTroy Powell, Rhymer-Man, check out the full song: https://youtu.be/MvA4URGP3pA Follow us at: Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thecinemasnob Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thecinemasnob Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thecinemasnob

      published: 01 Nov 2021
    • Ringo Starr's Comedy Movie I Caveman (1981) I Retrospective

      Atouk (Ringo Starr) is the leader of a small band of misfit cavemen who are part of a larger community headed by strongman Tonda (John Matuszak). Atouk is madly in love with Tonda's woman, Lana (Barbara Bach). He even ignores the advances of the lovely Tala (Shelley Long) and sets his mind to finding some way of wooing Lana. During Atouk's quest for romance, he and his cohorts fend off dinosaurs, indulge in hallucinogens and invent cooking, music and medicine. Film: Caveman (1981) Studio:Turman-Foster Company, Estudios Churubusco Director: Carl Gottlieb Writer: Rudy De Luca, Carl Gottlieb Cast: Ringo Starr, Barbara Bach, Dennis Quaid, Shelley Long, John Matuszak, Avery Schreiber, Jack Gilford Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/retrospective_film/ Click the link below to ch...

      published: 20 Oct 2022
    • The Top 20 Films of 1981

      Harry lists his personal favourite films of 1981 Includes music from: Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio CFC and TOSHIKI KADOMATSU

      published: 27 Jul 2021
    • Early Warning (1981) | Full Movie | End Times Classic!

      A Christian woman wants a newspaper man to publish a story about a One World Foundation being set up whose only goal is to control the world. She wants him to warn people that this is coming and explain how it ties into the end times spoken about in the Bible. The newsman is opposed to such an idea until he sees the woman being pursued by the Foundation. As this adventure unfolds, the newspaper man begins to realize that what the woman is saying could be true. This evangelistic, classic end times film presents the truth about Jesus Christ and has interesting insight into what might be coming in the last days. Writer-Director: David R. Elliott Cast: Delana Michaels, Greg Wynne, Alvy Moore, Joe Chapman Other movies recommended on our Christian Movies YouTube channel: Power of the Air - htt...

      published: 25 Apr 2020
    • 1981 (The Year I Became a Liar) (2009) | Trailer | Jean-Carl Boucher | Claudio Colangelo

      Filmmaker Ricardo Trogi recalls the events surrounding his family moving to a new neighborhood when he was 11 years old. Director: Ricardo Trogi Writer: Ricardo Trogi Stars: Jean-Carl Boucher, Claudio Colangelo, Sandrine Bisson

      published: 13 Jun 2018
    • Possession (1981) - Official Trailer

      Banned upon its original release in 1981, Andrzej Żuławski’s stunningly choreographed nightmare of a marriage unraveling is an experience unlike any other. Professional spy Mark returns to his West Berlin home to find his wife Anna insistent on a divorce. As Anna’s frenzied behavior becomes ever more alarming, Mark discovers a truth far more sinister than his wildest suspicions. With its pulsating score, visceral imagery, and some of the most haunting performances ever captured on screen, Possession is cinematic delirium at its most intoxicating. Coming to Shudder January 5 (US and CA) =================================== Subscribe: http://ow.ly/EVNA30kS8tc Try Shudder Free for 7 Days: http://www.shudder.com Follow Shudder on: Twitter: http://twitter.com/shudder Facebook: http://faceboo...

      published: 03 Jan 2023
    • 1981 (Ricardo Trogi) - Bande annonce

      Bande annonce du film 1981, réalisé par Ricardo Trogi Plus de détails : http://www.filmsquebec.com/films/1981-ricardo-trogi/

      published: 10 Jul 2016
    • Caveman | Full Action Movie | Ringo Starr | Restored In HD | Free Comedy Movie | Retro Central

      Caveman | Full Action Movie | Ringo Starr | Restored In HD | Free Comedy Movie | Retro Central | Free Movie On YouTube | Action Horror Movie A cave-man seeks revenge on a much larger competitor for the hand of a beautiful cave-woman. **Under legal license from Echelon. All rights reserved** Binge-watch more classic movies here: Full Classic Movies | Restored In HD | http://bit.ly/3tVt2oU Full Classic Action Movies | Restored In HD | http://bit.ly/3Ozizcc Full Classic Drama & Comedy Movies | Restored in HD | http://bit.ly/3U4JgXs Full UK Comedy Movies | Restored in HD | http://bit.ly/3AHYLOj Full Classic Horror Movies | Restored in HD | http://bit.ly/3F9uPxf Full Classic Adventure Movies | Restored In HD | http://bit.ly/3OxiQfV Full Sherlock Holmes Movies | Restored In HD | http://bit.l...

      published: 29 Mar 2024
    • Scanners (Canada 🇨🇦 1981) | Sci-Fi Cult Horror Movie | SCANNERS TRILOGY w/Michael Ironside

      SCANNERS TRILOGY featured by Dark Area 2K | HD Theme Network 2010-2024 | Germany & Poland ►Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDC976769C7EFED17 Scanners (Canada 🇨🇦 1981) | Sci-Fi Cult Horror Movie SCANNERS TRILOGY w/Michael Ironside Genres: Sci-Fi, Horror, Thriller Subgenres: PSI/Psychic, ESP/Telepathy, Telekinetic Powers Original Release Dates: 14 January 1981 (USA) 16 January 1981 (Canada) Main Cast: + Michael Ironside as Scanner Darryl Revok + Stephen Lack as Scanner Cameron Vale + Jennifer O'Neill as Scanner Kim Obrist + Robert A. Silverman as Scanner Benjamin Pierce + Patrick McGoohan as Dr. Paul Ruth + Lawrence Dane as Braedon Keller IMDb Title: tt0081455 IMDb Rating: 6.7/10 (56019 Votes) #DA2KHD #davidcronenberg #horrorstories

      published: 22 Oct 2022
    • Top 10 Movies of 1981

      The 80's is one of the most beloved and influential eras of movies. Contuning my series going through the decade, these are my Top 10 Movies of 1981. #1981 #80s #80sThrowback #80sMovies Cody J Leach PO Box 889 Rincon, GA 31326 For Video Game reviews, rankings, and livestreams check out my 2nd channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxZsTD9OHK8miJSsGeq5CcA Want to support my channel and get awesome exclusive content? https://www.patreon.com/CodyLeach Follow me on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/codyleachyt Want a custom shoutout video? I am now on Cameo!: https://www.cameo.com/codyleachyt?qid=1635800207 Want some awesome Cody Leach merchandise? https://teespring.com/stores/cody-leachs-merch-store Also check out Into The AM for 10% off unique and high quality apparel! https://www.int...

      published: 18 Nov 2022
    1981 in Film - The Cinema Snob

    1981 in Film - The Cinema Snob

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:09:45
    • Uploaded Date: 01 Nov 2021
    • views: 672218
    The Cinema Snob goes through 200+ movie releases of 1981, from Raiders of the Lost Ark to Arthur and plenty of slasher films! Writer/Creator: Brad Jones Title Card: Shaun Millington End Screen: Nick Michalak, http://www.ravensfilm.com Music: Karl Casey at White Bat Audio Devin LeTroy Powell, Rhymer-Man, check out the full song: https://youtu.be/MvA4URGP3pA Follow us at: Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thecinemasnob Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thecinemasnob Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thecinemasnob
    Ringo Starr's Comedy Movie I Caveman (1981) I Retrospective

    Ringo Starr's Comedy Movie I Caveman (1981) I Retrospective

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:30:11
    • Uploaded Date: 20 Oct 2022
    • views: 3129967
    Atouk (Ringo Starr) is the leader of a small band of misfit cavemen who are part of a larger community headed by strongman Tonda (John Matuszak). Atouk is madly in love with Tonda's woman, Lana (Barbara Bach). He even ignores the advances of the lovely Tala (Shelley Long) and sets his mind to finding some way of wooing Lana. During Atouk's quest for romance, he and his cohorts fend off dinosaurs, indulge in hallucinogens and invent cooking, music and medicine. Film: Caveman (1981) Studio:Turman-Foster Company, Estudios Churubusco Director: Carl Gottlieb Writer: Rudy De Luca, Carl Gottlieb Cast: Ringo Starr, Barbara Bach, Dennis Quaid, Shelley Long, John Matuszak, Avery Schreiber, Jack Gilford Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/retrospective_film/ Click the link below to check out our high-quality Cinema-inspired gifts and merchandise. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCibOdW_Yj0-pj5SQGZxZIgA/store For more classic movies and clips, subscribe to Retrospective: www.youtube.com/c/Retrospectivefilms Licensed from: Echelon Studios
    The Top 20 Films of 1981

    The Top 20 Films of 1981

    • Order:
    • Duration: 29:17
    • Uploaded Date: 27 Jul 2021
    • views: 17958
    Harry lists his personal favourite films of 1981 Includes music from: Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio CFC and TOSHIKI KADOMATSU
    Early Warning (1981) | Full Movie | End Times Classic!

    Early Warning (1981) | Full Movie | End Times Classic!

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:25:52
    • Uploaded Date: 25 Apr 2020
    • views: 1234321
    A Christian woman wants a newspaper man to publish a story about a One World Foundation being set up whose only goal is to control the world. She wants him to warn people that this is coming and explain how it ties into the end times spoken about in the Bible. The newsman is opposed to such an idea until he sees the woman being pursued by the Foundation. As this adventure unfolds, the newspaper man begins to realize that what the woman is saying could be true. This evangelistic, classic end times film presents the truth about Jesus Christ and has interesting insight into what might be coming in the last days. Writer-Director: David R. Elliott Cast: Delana Michaels, Greg Wynne, Alvy Moore, Joe Chapman Other movies recommended on our Christian Movies YouTube channel: Power of the Air - https://youtu.be/sjEWbpGvswo A Dave Christiano Film
    1981 (The Year I Became a Liar) (2009) | Trailer | Jean-Carl Boucher | Claudio Colangelo

    1981 (The Year I Became a Liar) (2009) | Trailer | Jean-Carl Boucher | Claudio Colangelo

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:16
    • Uploaded Date: 13 Jun 2018
    • views: 8199
    Filmmaker Ricardo Trogi recalls the events surrounding his family moving to a new neighborhood when he was 11 years old. Director: Ricardo Trogi Writer: Ricardo Trogi Stars: Jean-Carl Boucher, Claudio Colangelo, Sandrine Bisson
    Possession (1981) - Official Trailer

    Possession (1981) - Official Trailer

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:41
    • Uploaded Date: 03 Jan 2023
    • views: 724781
    Banned upon its original release in 1981, Andrzej Żuławski’s stunningly choreographed nightmare of a marriage unraveling is an experience unlike any other. Professional spy Mark returns to his West Berlin home to find his wife Anna insistent on a divorce. As Anna’s frenzied behavior becomes ever more alarming, Mark discovers a truth far more sinister than his wildest suspicions. With its pulsating score, visceral imagery, and some of the most haunting performances ever captured on screen, Possession is cinematic delirium at its most intoxicating. Coming to Shudder January 5 (US and CA) =================================== Subscribe: http://ow.ly/EVNA30kS8tc Try Shudder Free for 7 Days: http://www.shudder.com Follow Shudder on: Twitter: http://twitter.com/shudder Facebook: http://facebook.com/shudder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/shudder TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@shudder ===================================
    1981 (Ricardo Trogi) - Bande annonce

    1981 (Ricardo Trogi) - Bande annonce

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:11
    • Uploaded Date: 10 Jul 2016
    • views: 30144
    Bande annonce du film 1981, réalisé par Ricardo Trogi Plus de détails : http://www.filmsquebec.com/films/1981-ricardo-trogi/
    Caveman | Full Action Movie | Ringo Starr | Restored In HD | Free Comedy Movie | Retro Central

    Caveman | Full Action Movie | Ringo Starr | Restored In HD | Free Comedy Movie | Retro Central

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:31:20
    • Uploaded Date: 29 Mar 2024
    • views: 130899
    Caveman | Full Action Movie | Ringo Starr | Restored In HD | Free Comedy Movie | Retro Central | Free Movie On YouTube | Action Horror Movie A cave-man seeks revenge on a much larger competitor for the hand of a beautiful cave-woman. **Under legal license from Echelon. All rights reserved** Binge-watch more classic movies here: Full Classic Movies | Restored In HD | http://bit.ly/3tVt2oU Full Classic Action Movies | Restored In HD | http://bit.ly/3Ozizcc Full Classic Drama & Comedy Movies | Restored in HD | http://bit.ly/3U4JgXs Full UK Comedy Movies | Restored in HD | http://bit.ly/3AHYLOj Full Classic Horror Movies | Restored in HD | http://bit.ly/3F9uPxf Full Classic Adventure Movies | Restored In HD | http://bit.ly/3OxiQfV Full Sherlock Holmes Movies | Restored In HD | http://bit.ly/3gst7gU 📽️ RETRO CENTRAL - TV's Greatest Hits! We've built this channel for anyone who likes their TV "Old School"! We'll be bringing you fully restored Classic Movies in HD plus the TV Hits (And misses!) that either you or your folks grew up watching on the old "Square" TV set from back in the day! Make sure you Subscribe and hit the "Bell" icon so you can stay up to date with our latest uploads. Thanks for watching! Retro Central is Owned & Operated by VA Media Ltd. All rights reserved. All of the content on this channel is legally licensed from various distributors, please contact if you have any copyright inquiries - hello@vamedianetwork.com #RetroCentral #ClassicMoviesHD #actionmovie #classicmovies #restoredinhd #fullmovie #movie #youtubemovies #dramamovies
    Scanners (Canada 🇨🇦 1981) | Sci-Fi Cult Horror Movie | SCANNERS TRILOGY w/Michael Ironside

    Scanners (Canada 🇨🇦 1981) | Sci-Fi Cult Horror Movie | SCANNERS TRILOGY w/Michael Ironside

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:42:50
    • Uploaded Date: 22 Oct 2022
    • views: 9896
    SCANNERS TRILOGY featured by Dark Area 2K | HD Theme Network 2010-2024 | Germany & Poland ►Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDC976769C7EFED17 Scanners (Canada 🇨🇦 1981) | Sci-Fi Cult Horror Movie SCANNERS TRILOGY w/Michael Ironside Genres: Sci-Fi, Horror, Thriller Subgenres: PSI/Psychic, ESP/Telepathy, Telekinetic Powers Original Release Dates: 14 January 1981 (USA) 16 January 1981 (Canada) Main Cast: + Michael Ironside as Scanner Darryl Revok + Stephen Lack as Scanner Cameron Vale + Jennifer O'Neill as Scanner Kim Obrist + Robert A. Silverman as Scanner Benjamin Pierce + Patrick McGoohan as Dr. Paul Ruth + Lawrence Dane as Braedon Keller IMDb Title: tt0081455 IMDb Rating: 6.7/10 (56019 Votes) #DA2KHD #davidcronenberg #horrorstories
    Top 10 Movies of 1981

    Top 10 Movies of 1981

    • Order:
    • Duration: 17:29
    • Uploaded Date: 18 Nov 2022
    • views: 19588
    The 80's is one of the most beloved and influential eras of movies. Contuning my series going through the decade, these are my Top 10 Movies of 1981. #1981 #80s #80sThrowback #80sMovies Cody J Leach PO Box 889 Rincon, GA 31326 For Video Game reviews, rankings, and livestreams check out my 2nd channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxZsTD9OHK8miJSsGeq5CcA Want to support my channel and get awesome exclusive content? https://www.patreon.com/CodyLeach Follow me on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/codyleachyt Want a custom shoutout video? I am now on Cameo!: https://www.cameo.com/codyleachyt?qid=1635800207 Want some awesome Cody Leach merchandise? https://teespring.com/stores/cody-leachs-merch-store Also check out Into The AM for 10% off unique and high quality apparel! https://www.intotheam.com/discount/CODYLEACH?rfsn=4851350.c35f11 Audio versions of all live shows can be found here: https://anchor.fm/autopstream Movie Rating System: GO OUT AND BUY IT STREAM IT SKIP IT FUCK THIS MOVIE Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/cjllonewolf Twitter: https://twitter.com/CodyLeachYT Instagram: cjllonewolf
    • Howard Hawks By koker Iranian Film Magazine

      کوکر تقدیم می‌کند: هاوارد هاکس به زودی... لینک مجله سینمایی کوکر/ https://kokermag.com/

      published: 15 Jun 2020
    • Top 5 Iranian movies/ پنج فیلم #film#movie##cinema برتر ایرانی

      published: 05 Sep 2023
    • 🍿Iranian Movie Safar be Chazabeh | فیلم سینمایی ایرانی سفر به چزابه🍿

      پربیننده‌ترین فیلم کانال پرمخاطب کمدی را در این لینک تماشا کنین 👇💯 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FtGaPM3TcI 🍿 Iranian Movie Safar be Chazabeh | فیلم سینمایی ایرانی سفر به چزابه | محمد مهدی فقیه منفرد و فرهاد اصلانی ‎ 💥خلاصه داستان👇 پس از جنگ تحمیلی جمعی از هنرمندان سینما به دعوت سازمانی برای بازدید از منطقه به چزابه سفر می کنند. چند تن از آنان هنگام جنگ تحمیلی در جبهه حضور داشتند. آنها در منطقه رشادت های برادران بسیجی و سپاه را به یاد می آورند و فیلم با بازگشت به گذشته فداکاری های آنها را به تصویر در می آورد... 💥لیست بازیگران 👇 محمد مهدی فقیه منفرد, فرهاد اصلانی ‎, عاطفه رضوی‎, بابک برزویه, مسعود کرامتی عضویت در کانال: 🔔 برای دیدن فیلم‌های بیشتر عضو شید: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-rUl-lB7BWpvbdxgE1IejA/?sub_confirmation=1 🎭 لیست فیلم‌های منتخب کانال کمدی 🎭 . 🎭 فیلم‌های دهه ...

      published: 19 Jan 2025
    • Majale Film | فیلم کات - گفتگو جذاب با رضا عطاران قسمت اول

      Subscribe for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/c/TVZonePlus?sub_confirmation=1 مجله فیلم مجله فیلم برنامه گفتگو با عوامل سینمایی برای مشاهده ی قسمت های دیگرمجله فیلم بر روی لینک زیر کلیک کنید: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjiN7BMdEikqtWTH_kfM1pT4rJzSoQcEs کانال رسمی تی وی زون پلاس در یوتیوب تی وی زون پلاس از برترین زیرمجموعه های شرکت تی وی زون میباشد که محتویات خود را با تمرکز بر روی بازیگران و خوانندگان تولید میکند. This is the official Youtube channel of TV Zone Plus. TV Zone Plus is one of the top subsidiaries of TV Zone Company. TV Zone is one of the biggest content production companies with a variety of digital media . Download and watch all your favorites offline: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.televika&referrer=utm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium%...

      published: 24 Aug 2020
    • omidecinema - Iranian Movie - Barcode امید سینما - فیلم‌ ایرانی - بارکد #movie #iran #best

      Behind each person is a story , behind each story is a person , so we have to be patient before any judgment. At a job interview, a conman recounts the recent events in his life that lead him to the meeting. •Barcode (2016) •Director: Mostafa Kiaei •Writer: Mostafa Kiaei & Mahyar Shahrokhi •Cinematographer: Mehdi Jafari •Editor: Nima Jafari Jozani •Colorist: Kamran Saharkhiz & Farhad Ghodsi •Set designer: Hojjat Ashtari •Costume designer: Hojjat Ashtari •Makeup artist: Mohsen Darsanj •Composer: Arman Mousapour •Cast: Reza Kianian, Bahram Radan, Mohsen Kiaei, Sahar Dolatshahi, Pejman Bazeghi, Bahareh Kianafshar •بارکد (۱۳۹۴) •کارگردان: مصطفی کیایی •نویسنده: مصطفی کیایی و مهیار شاهرخی •فیلمبردار: مهدی جعفری •تدوینگر: نیما جعفری جوزانی •اصلاح رنگ: کامران سحرخیز و فرهاد قدسی •طراح صحنه: حج...

      published: 19 Sep 2022
    • NASRIN - UCLA Celebration of Iranian Cinema - Premiere Screening

      For tickets and more info please visit https://farhang.org/Nasrin From October 9 - October 15, 2020. Farhang Foundation and the UCLA Film & Television Archive are proud to present filmmaker Jeff Kaufman’s urgent documentary NASRIN as part of the UCLA CELEBRATION OF IRANIAN CINEMA virtual series. NASRIN will be available for streaming from Friday, October 9 at 12AM (PST) through Thursday, October 15 11:59PM (PST). Admission is $12 and a portion of your purchase will support the UCLA Archive’s public programs. Included with purchase is a post-screening conversation with filmmaker Jeff Kaufman and Dr. Nayereh Tohidi, Professor Emeritus and founding Director of the Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies at Cal State University, Northridge. Part of the 2020 UCLA CELEBRATION OF IRANIAN CINEMA scr...

      published: 01 Oct 2020
    • Iranian movie winner( asian cinema) -WORLD CINEMA- behrouz sebt rasoul فیلم ایرانی(ملودی پرواز)

      📢SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL☑️🌹🌹 در کانال ما مشترک شوید🌹🌹 Strange Death. At the very last moments of life, a father calls his daughter but pass away unsuccessful to reach to her. By the time she arrives along with her brother, they find hum dead.Father’s will is playing music while carrying his dead body as he had promised the lady in neighborhood to play music in her birthday. Iranian movie winner( asian cinema) -WORLD CINEMA- behrouz sebt rasoul فیلم ایرانی(ملودی پرواز) More at: www.namafilmco.com /Full Fiction Movie/hope in movie/動機付けの映画/International award-winning fiction film/Motivational Movies //International consider verity-among ficta,/Philosophical film//Adaptation of Roman Rumi poetry/ローマのルミの詩の適応/ Cast & Crew Director: Behrouz Sebt Rasoul Writer: Behrouz Sebt Rasoul ...

      published: 11 Jul 2020
    • زن روز - شماره ۶۹۸ - ۱ مهر ۱۳۵۷ - Old Iranian Woman Magazine

      برای حمایت و دیدن مجلات زن روز بیشتر از این لینک سابسکرایب کنید https://bit.ly/33qgEnh سرمقاله این شماره: مصاحبه با زن ۱۰۰ میلیون دلاری ایرانی تعداد صفحات : ۱۱۴ زن روز مجله‌ای از گروه نشریات روزنامه کیهان است دربارهٔ مدل‌های لباس زنانه، اخبار زنان، پزشکی، عکس، سرگرمی، کودکان، هنرپیشه‌ها، تاریخچهٔ لباس که در ایران منتشر می‌شود.این نشریه در اوایل دهه ۱۳۴۰ شمسی توسط مرحوم مجید دوامی بنیانگذاری شد. دوامی معتقد به روزنامه‌نگاری جنجالی بود. وی در بازگشت از سفر به امریکا که به‌منظور یک دورهٔ مطالعاتی بود، با خود طرحی به همراه داشت که توانست با موافقت دکتر مصباح‌زاده در کیهان آن را به اجرا درآورد. که نتیجه آن در سال ۱۳۴۳ شمسی (۱۹۶۵ میلادی) انتشار پر تیراژ ترین مجلهٔ تاریخ ایران یعنی هفته‌نامه زن روز با مدیریت فروغ مصباح‌زاده و سردبیری تام‌الاختیار مجید دوامی بود.زن روز قبل از انقلاب ۱۳۵۷ ایر...

      published: 22 Jan 2022
    • Iranian girl ❤️‍🔥 #babygirl #fashion #girl #instagram #iran #love #magazine #model #new

      published: 21 Apr 2022
    • How Iranian Women Dressed In The 1970s Revealed In Old Magazines Historical Photos

      How Iranian Women Dressed In The 1970s Revealed In Old Magazines Historical Photos #history #historical #historicalphotos

      published: 15 Aug 2023
    Howard Hawks By koker Iranian Film Magazine

    Howard Hawks By koker Iranian Film Magazine

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:58
    • Uploaded Date: 15 Jun 2020
    • views: 41
    کوکر تقدیم می‌کند: هاوارد هاکس به زودی... لینک مجله سینمایی کوکر/ https://kokermag.com/
    Top 5 Iranian movies/ پنج فیلم  #film#movie##cinema   برتر ایرانی

    Top 5 Iranian movies/ پنج فیلم #film#movie##cinema برتر ایرانی

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:12
    • Uploaded Date: 05 Sep 2023
    • views: 1255
    🍿Iranian Movie Safar be Chazabeh | فیلم سینمایی ایرانی سفر به چزابه🍿

    🍿Iranian Movie Safar be Chazabeh | فیلم سینمایی ایرانی سفر به چزابه🍿

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:21:20
    • Uploaded Date: 19 Jan 2025
    • views: 95
    پربیننده‌ترین فیلم کانال پرمخاطب کمدی را در این لینک تماشا کنین 👇💯 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FtGaPM3TcI 🍿 Iranian Movie Safar be Chazabeh | فیلم سینمایی ایرانی سفر به چزابه | محمد مهدی فقیه منفرد و فرهاد اصلانی ‎ 💥خلاصه داستان👇 پس از جنگ تحمیلی جمعی از هنرمندان سینما به دعوت سازمانی برای بازدید از منطقه به چزابه سفر می کنند. چند تن از آنان هنگام جنگ تحمیلی در جبهه حضور داشتند. آنها در منطقه رشادت های برادران بسیجی و سپاه را به یاد می آورند و فیلم با بازگشت به گذشته فداکاری های آنها را به تصویر در می آورد... 💥لیست بازیگران 👇 محمد مهدی فقیه منفرد, فرهاد اصلانی ‎, عاطفه رضوی‎, بابک برزویه, مسعود کرامتی عضویت در کانال: 🔔 برای دیدن فیلم‌های بیشتر عضو شید: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-rUl-lB7BWpvbdxgE1IejA/?sub_confirmation=1 🎭 لیست فیلم‌های منتخب کانال کمدی 🎭 . 🎭 فیلم‌های دهه نود سینمای ایران https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyuxw3P-jhjnEIYMiSWlbnF7aDb-7-6ID . 🎭 فیلم‌های دهه هشتاد سینمای ایران https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyuxw3P-jhjmqXJlcKHDnHYzyBd5ul6ss . 🎭 فیلم‌های دهه هفتاد سینمای ایران https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyuxw3P-jhjnxWQnUgTj6XIkxLamZ7aDj . 🎭 بهترین فیلم‌های کمدی رضا عطاران https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyuxw3P-jhjnffa8B0eO__vyhrO6LTUro . 🎭 بهترین فیلم‌های کمدی علی صادقی https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyuxw3P-jhjn69hihuJh2Qjh_50OWYad3 . 🎭 بهترین فیلم‌های کمدی سحر قریشی https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyuxw3P-jhjnrC09paYPYZP3TFms7Ib0e . 🎭 بهترین فیلم‌های کمدی بهاره رهنما https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyuxw3P-jhjlRDN4qfNdRhqTocJ98YoCt . 🎭 بهترین فیلم‌های کمدی امین حیایی https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyuxw3P-jhjnaeE1ZB7UjPg71K59wr_Go . 🎭 بهترین فیلم‌های کمدی مهناز افشار https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyuxw3P-jhjlTx3lI2wly9gFnYmb-zGiA کانال پرشین کمدی، مجموعه‌ای از خنده‌دارترین و محبوبترین فیلم‌های کمدی روز ایرانی را به تماشای بینندگان عزیز عرضه میکند. از شما بابت حمایت‌های بی‌دریغتان از این کانال با لایک‌ها و کامنت‌های پرانرژیتان سپاسگزاریم :) مهران مدیری، رضا عطاران، علی صادقی، سحر قریشی، بهاره رهنما، مهناز افشار، خنده دار، فیلم، فیلم سینمایی، فیلم سنیمایی، فیلم ایرانی، فیلم سینمایی ایرانی جدید، فیلم سینما ایرانی جدید ،iranian film ،film irani ،فیلم ایرانی جدید، فیلم سینمایی جدید، فیلم سینمایی ایرانی، فیلم سینما ایرانی، فیلم جدید، فیلم کمدی، فیلم ایرانی کمدی، کمدی، فیلم ایرانی کمدی جدید، فیلم طنز ایرانی، فیلم سینمایی کمدی، کمدی ایرانی
    Majale Film | فیلم کات -  گفتگو جذاب با رضا عطاران قسمت اول

    Majale Film | فیلم کات - گفتگو جذاب با رضا عطاران قسمت اول

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:34
    • Uploaded Date: 24 Aug 2020
    • views: 26933
    Subscribe for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/c/TVZonePlus?sub_confirmation=1 مجله فیلم مجله فیلم برنامه گفتگو با عوامل سینمایی برای مشاهده ی قسمت های دیگرمجله فیلم بر روی لینک زیر کلیک کنید: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjiN7BMdEikqtWTH_kfM1pT4rJzSoQcEs کانال رسمی تی وی زون پلاس در یوتیوب تی وی زون پلاس از برترین زیرمجموعه های شرکت تی وی زون میباشد که محتویات خود را با تمرکز بر روی بازیگران و خوانندگان تولید میکند. This is the official Youtube channel of TV Zone Plus. TV Zone Plus is one of the top subsidiaries of TV Zone Company. TV Zone is one of the biggest content production companies with a variety of digital media . Download and watch all your favorites offline: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.televika&referrer=utm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium%3Dyoutube%26utm_term%3Dinstall%26utm_content%3Dbanner
    omidecinema - Iranian Movie - Barcode  امید سینما - فیلم‌ ایرانی - بارکد #movie #iran #best

    omidecinema - Iranian Movie - Barcode امید سینما - فیلم‌ ایرانی - بارکد #movie #iran #best

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:26
    • Uploaded Date: 19 Sep 2022
    • views: 24
    Behind each person is a story , behind each story is a person , so we have to be patient before any judgment. At a job interview, a conman recounts the recent events in his life that lead him to the meeting. •Barcode (2016) •Director: Mostafa Kiaei •Writer: Mostafa Kiaei & Mahyar Shahrokhi •Cinematographer: Mehdi Jafari •Editor: Nima Jafari Jozani •Colorist: Kamran Saharkhiz & Farhad Ghodsi •Set designer: Hojjat Ashtari •Costume designer: Hojjat Ashtari •Makeup artist: Mohsen Darsanj •Composer: Arman Mousapour •Cast: Reza Kianian, Bahram Radan, Mohsen Kiaei, Sahar Dolatshahi, Pejman Bazeghi, Bahareh Kianafshar •بارکد (۱۳۹۴) •کارگردان: مصطفی کیایی •نویسنده: مصطفی کیایی و مهیار شاهرخی •فیلمبردار: مهدی جعفری •تدوینگر: نیما جعفری جوزانی •اصلاح رنگ: کامران سحرخیز و فرهاد قدسی •طراح صحنه: حجت اشتری •طراح لباس: حجت اشتری •چهره‌پرداز: محسن دارسنج •آهنگساز: آرمان موسی‌پور •بازیگران: رضا کیانیان، بهرام رادان، محسن کیایی، سحر دولتشاهی، پژمان بازغی، بهاره کیان‌افشار #فیلم #کارگردان #نویسنده #فیلمبردار #موسیقی #سینما #movie #movies #moviescenes #film #films #magazine #color #colorpalette #director #music #photography #cinema #iran #best #shorts #color #iran #movie #palette #beauty
    NASRIN - UCLA Celebration of Iranian Cinema - Premiere Screening

    NASRIN - UCLA Celebration of Iranian Cinema - Premiere Screening

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:59
    • Uploaded Date: 01 Oct 2020
    • views: 4605
    For tickets and more info please visit https://farhang.org/Nasrin From October 9 - October 15, 2020. Farhang Foundation and the UCLA Film & Television Archive are proud to present filmmaker Jeff Kaufman’s urgent documentary NASRIN as part of the UCLA CELEBRATION OF IRANIAN CINEMA virtual series. NASRIN will be available for streaming from Friday, October 9 at 12AM (PST) through Thursday, October 15 11:59PM (PST). Admission is $12 and a portion of your purchase will support the UCLA Archive’s public programs. Included with purchase is a post-screening conversation with filmmaker Jeff Kaufman and Dr. Nayereh Tohidi, Professor Emeritus and founding Director of the Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies at Cal State University, Northridge. Part of the 2020 UCLA CELEBRATION OF IRANIAN CINEMA screenings.
    Iranian movie winner( asian cinema) -WORLD CINEMA- behrouz sebt rasoul فیلم ایرانی(ملودی پرواز)

    Iranian movie winner( asian cinema) -WORLD CINEMA- behrouz sebt rasoul فیلم ایرانی(ملودی پرواز)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:31
    • Uploaded Date: 11 Jul 2020
    • views: 246
    📢SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL☑️🌹🌹 در کانال ما مشترک شوید🌹🌹 Strange Death. At the very last moments of life, a father calls his daughter but pass away unsuccessful to reach to her. By the time she arrives along with her brother, they find hum dead.Father’s will is playing music while carrying his dead body as he had promised the lady in neighborhood to play music in her birthday. Iranian movie winner( asian cinema) -WORLD CINEMA- behrouz sebt rasoul فیلم ایرانی(ملودی پرواز) More at: www.namafilmco.com /Full Fiction Movie/hope in movie/動機付けの映画/International award-winning fiction film/Motivational Movies //International consider verity-among ficta,/Philosophical film//Adaptation of Roman Rumi poetry/ローマのルミの詩の適応/ Cast & Crew Director: Behrouz Sebt Rasoul Writer: Behrouz Sebt Rasoul Cast In order of appearance Siavash KhademHosseini – AS – Daniel Rokhsareh Sadat Shoja’edin – AS – Sarah Karim Rasouli – AS – Father Touran Saheb Jam – AS – Neighbor Masoud Kachloo – AS – Gardener Crew Director of Photography: Kourosh Sigaroudi Director Assistant: Mehrtash Zandieh Production Manager: Rahim Bastan Pour Make-up: Mehrtash Zandieh Sound: Kaveh Azizi Photographer: Marjan Assadi Sound Recorder: Majid Hashemi Pour Art Consultant: Kimia Sebt Rsoul Behrouz Sebt Rasoul Awards: Winner – Best Film – Hollywood HIMPFF (2016) Winner – Best Director – World Film Festival (2016) Honorable Mention – Best Director International – World Film Festival – San Francisco (2017) Selected – Los Angeles Independent Film Festival (2016) Selected – Indie Wise Festival (2016) Selected – Grand Off International Film Festival – Poland (2016) Selected – Asia International Film Festival – China (2016) Selected – Expocinema film festival – Italy (2017) NOMINATED IN “VARESH” FEST 2012. (The Singer In Love) THE BEST FILM WINNER IN “IFIC” 2015. (Identity) NOMINATED OF BEST FILM IN “YAS” FEST 2015. (Identity) NOMINATED OF BEST DIRECTOR IN “YAS” FEST 2015. (Identity) PRESENCE IN 14th “CHENNAI” 2017 INTERNATIONAL FILM INDIA 2016 (Identity) SELECTED IN 15TH “DHAKA” 2017 FILM FESTIVAL (Identity) SELECTED IN 15th” PUNE” 2017 (INDIA)FILM FESTIVAL (Identity) SELECTED IN “IMFF” 2016 (DENMARK) (Identity) SELECTED IN “UIMF” (LONDON) 2016 (Identity) SELECTED IN HUMAN RIGHT (UKRAIN) 2016 (Identity) SELECTED IN HUMAN RIGHT (LONDON) 2017 (Identity) ............................................................................................................................................................... خلاصه داستان# در آخرین دقایق زندگی پدری تلاش می‌کند با دختر خود تماس بگیرد، ولی ناتوان از این تماس از دنیا می‌رود. زمانی که دختر به به همراه برادر خود به منزل پدر می‌رسند، خیلی دیر شده است. وصیت‌نامه پدر نواختن موسیقی در زمان مراسم تشییع پیکرش است زیرا که او به خانم همسایه قول داده بود تا در تولدش برایش موسیقی بنوازد. .بازیگران و عوامل کارگردان: بهروز سبط رسول نویسنده: بهروز سبط رسول بازیگران سباوش خادم حسینی – در نقش – دانیال رخساره سادات شجاع‌الدین – در نقش – سارا کریم رسولی – در نقش – پدر توران صاحب جم – در نقش – همسایه مسعود کچلو – در نقش – باغبان عوامل کارگردان هنری: کوروش سیگارودی دستیار کارگردان: مهرتاش زندیه مدیر تولید: رحیم باستان پور گریم: مهرتاش زندیه صدا: کاوه عزیزی عکاس: مرجان اسدی دستیار صدا: مجید هاشمی پور مشاور هنری: کیمیا سبط رسول #جوایز _بهروز_سبط_رسول برنده بهترین فیلم جشنواره فیلم Hollywood HIMPFF (2016) برنده بهترین کارگردانی در جشنواره فیلم World Film Festival (2016) تقدیر به عنوان بهترین کارگردان بین‌المللی در جشنواره فیلم World Film Festival (2017) سانفرانسیسکو آمریکا منتخب جشنواره فیلم Los Angeles Independent Film Festival (2016) منتخب جشنواره فیلم Indie Wise Festival (2016) منتخب جشنواره فیلم Grand Off International Film Festival (2016) لهستان منتخب جشنواره فیلم Asia International Film Festival (2016) چین منتخب جشنواره فیلم (2017) EXPOCINEMA ایتالیا DIRECTOR BIOGRAPHY : Born in 1970 Graduated in Industrial Engineering Engineering Activity He is graduated in industrial engineering. The beginning of engineering career in Iran Khodro 1991 and the last occupation in oil and gas companies. Member of Iran Project Management Association member of Iran house music member of association Iran filmmaker companies Art Activity Playing Persian traditional music (Tar and 3tar) since 1992 Writing over 120 cultural articles for magazine Writer of 8 books for children Writer of 2 novels Scriptwriter Producer and director of the movies Date of love New weather The flight melody Nonstop life Child labor Dream Singer love Identity The hidden way The most ancient land No rain without bear #Arjan Instrument Producer and director many video commercials Awards:
    زن روز - شماره ۶۹۸ - ۱ مهر ۱۳۵۷ - Old Iranian Woman Magazine

    زن روز - شماره ۶۹۸ - ۱ مهر ۱۳۵۷ - Old Iranian Woman Magazine

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:46
    • Uploaded Date: 22 Jan 2022
    • views: 185
    برای حمایت و دیدن مجلات زن روز بیشتر از این لینک سابسکرایب کنید https://bit.ly/33qgEnh سرمقاله این شماره: مصاحبه با زن ۱۰۰ میلیون دلاری ایرانی تعداد صفحات : ۱۱۴ زن روز مجله‌ای از گروه نشریات روزنامه کیهان است دربارهٔ مدل‌های لباس زنانه، اخبار زنان، پزشکی، عکس، سرگرمی، کودکان، هنرپیشه‌ها، تاریخچهٔ لباس که در ایران منتشر می‌شود.این نشریه در اوایل دهه ۱۳۴۰ شمسی توسط مرحوم مجید دوامی بنیانگذاری شد. دوامی معتقد به روزنامه‌نگاری جنجالی بود. وی در بازگشت از سفر به امریکا که به‌منظور یک دورهٔ مطالعاتی بود، با خود طرحی به همراه داشت که توانست با موافقت دکتر مصباح‌زاده در کیهان آن را به اجرا درآورد. که نتیجه آن در سال ۱۳۴۳ شمسی (۱۹۶۵ میلادی) انتشار پر تیراژ ترین مجلهٔ تاریخ ایران یعنی هفته‌نامه زن روز با مدیریت فروغ مصباح‌زاده و سردبیری تام‌الاختیار مجید دوامی بود.زن روز قبل از انقلاب ۱۳۵۷ ایران و بعد از اصلاحات مشهور به انقلاب شاه و ملت عملاً پرچمدار مدرنیزم و فمینیسم در ایران بود.در این مجله برای سلیقه های مختلف مطلب وجود داشت.از جمله طرح‌های جنبی و جنجالی مجله زن روز برپایی مسابقاتی با عنوان دختر شایسته ایران بود که در زمرهٔ مسابقات جهانی قرار داشت و یک بار منتخب ایرانی این مسابقه موفق شد که در مسابقات جهانی برگزیده شود. این طرح از بدو شروع با مخالفت محافل سنتی و مذهبی مواجه گردید.انتشار این نشریه در حال حاضر نیز ادامه دارد و این نشریه هنوز زیرمجموعهٔ مؤسسه کیهان است.
    Iranian girl ❤️‍🔥 #babygirl #fashion #girl #instagram #iran #love #magazine #model #new

    Iranian girl ❤️‍🔥 #babygirl #fashion #girl #instagram #iran #love #magazine #model #new

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:02
    • Uploaded Date: 21 Apr 2022
    • views: 427
    How Iranian Women Dressed In The 1970s Revealed In Old Magazines Historical Photos

    How Iranian Women Dressed In The 1970s Revealed In Old Magazines Historical Photos

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:33
    • Uploaded Date: 15 Aug 2023
    • views: 39
    How Iranian Women Dressed In The 1970s Revealed In Old Magazines Historical Photos #history #historical #historicalphotos
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    PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 10:10:52

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    The Cinema Snob goes through 200+ movie releases of 1981, from Raiders of the Lost Ark to Arthur and plenty of slasher films! Writer/Creator: Brad Jones Title Card: Shaun Millington End Screen: Nick Michalak, http://www.ravensfilm.com Music: Karl Casey at White Bat Audio Devin LeTroy Powell, Rhymer-Man, check out the full song: https://youtu.be/MvA4URGP3pA Follow us at: Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thecinemasnob Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thecinemasnob Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thecinemasnob
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    The Cinema Snob goes through 200+ movie releases of 1981, from Raiders of the Lost Ark to ...
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    The Top 20 Films of 1981
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    Madhouse (1981 film)

    Madhouse (original title: There Was a Little Girl; also known as And When She Was Bad) is a 1981 Italian slasher film directed by Ovidio G. Assonitis. It stars Trish Everly, Dennis Robertson, Allison Biggers, Michael Macrae, Morgan Hart, Edith Ivey and Jerry Fujikawa. The film features a musical score by Riz Ortolani and cinematography by Assonitis regular Roberto D'Ettorre Piazzoli.

    It was one of the many films on the "video nasty" list, a list of horror/exploitation films banned by the BBFC in the 1980s for violence and obscenity.


    Julia (Trish Everly, in her only film role) is a young teacher for deaf children living in Savannah, Georgia. She has horrid memories of her childhood, which was scarred by her sadistic twin sister Mary (Allison Biggers). At the urging of her uncle, Father James (Dennis Robertson), Julia visits Mary, suffering from a severe skin disease, in a mental institution. The meeting does not go well and Mary vows to make Julia "suffer as she had suffered". As their mutual birthday approaches, several of Julia's friends and neighbors begin to die gruesome deaths, some of which are committed by a mysterious Rottweiler dog that has some sort of connection to Mary. But is Mary really the killer?

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