Danny Saucedo - Happy That You Found Me
Danny Saucedo - Happy That You Found Me
Startnummer 6 i deltävling 4 2024 i Eskilstuna
Artist: Danny Saucedo
Bidrag: Happy That You Found Me
Låtskrivare: Kristoffer Fogelmark, John Martin och Michel Zitron.
Danny Saucedo har sedan tidigare två silver och ett brons i Melodifestivalen. 2013 var han programledare tillsammans med Gina Dirawi. 2023 blev han invald i Melodifestivalens Hall of Fame för sina insatser i silverbidragen "In the Club" och "Amazing".
Danny Saucedo kom på andra plats med "In the Club" 2011 och året efter blev “Amazing" Dannys andra raka Melodifestival-silver.
Han har vunnit flera Grammisar i kategorin Årets låt och har strömmats över 350 miljoner gånger. På senare år har han huvudsakligen sjungit på svenska. Han har medverkat i Så mycket bättre två gånger och har gj...
published: 02 Mar 2024
Danny Saucedo - Dör för dig
Official music video by Danny Saucedo ”Dör för dig”.
Danny Saucedo on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/sonymusicentertainment/playlist/69KD3UDwG7GMNa49rp9uYl?si=sMSYJxq2QD6QEBLYxh1oYw
Apple Music & iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/se/album/s%C3%A5-mycket-b%C3%A4ttre-tolkningarna/1182297606
More from Danny Saucedo:
Follow Danny Saucedo:
Subscribe to DannysaucedoVEVO: https://www.youtube.com/user/DannysaucedoVEVO/videos
A HandsUp Production
Directed by Raf Edholm & Danny Saucedo
DP - Andres Rignell
Editor/Colorist - Christoffer Glans
Kids - Julius Eriksson och Alex Ticoa...
published: 07 Aug 2015
Danny Saucedo - Brinner i bröstet ft. Malcolm B
Produktionsbolag: Great Works
Regi: Oliver Martin
Filmproducent: Anna Tanser
Foto: Bratislav Stankovic
B-Foto: Alexandra Magnusson
Elektriker: Peter Övgård
El-assistent: Olle Molander
Klipp: Karl Sundin
Operatör: Karl Grahm
Koreograf / dansare: Alexandro Duchén
Assisterande Koreograf / dansare: Kenny Lantz
Dansare: Daniel Gürow Lundkvist
Dansare: Adnan Sahuric
Stylist: Sara Biderman
Makeup: Tove Jansson
Produktionsassistent: Ella Holmgren
published: 28 May 2015
FINAL: Danny Saucedo - Happy That You Found Me
Startnummer 12 i finalen 2024 i Stockholm
Artist: Danny Saucedo
Bidrag: Happy That You Found Me
Låtskrivare: Kristoffer Fogelmark, John Martin och Michel Zitron.
Danny Saucedo har sedan tidigare två silver och ett brons i Melodifestivalen. 2013 var han programledare tillsammans med Gina Dirawi. 2023 blev han invald i Melodifestivalens Hall of Fame för sina insatser i silverbidragen "In the Club" och "Amazing".
Danny Saucedo kom på andra plats med "In the Club" 2011 och året efter blev “Amazing" Dannys andra raka Melodifestival-silver.
Han har vunnit flera Grammisar i kategorin Årets låt och har strömmats över 350 miljoner gånger. På senare år har han huvudsakligen sjungit på svenska. Han har medverkat i Så mycket bättre två gånger och har gjort de populära liveshowerna ”Nu” och ”The Ru...
published: 09 Mar 2024
Danny Saucedo - Amazing @ Melodifestivalen 2012 (1080p HD)
Danny Saucedo performing Amazing on Melodifestivalen in Sweden on March 10 2012.
Watch in HD! (Note: It´s real HD from SVT HD, and not just converted to "HD" like other "HD"-youtube videos)
published: 12 Mar 2012
Danny Saucedo - Dandi Dansa
Till final från deltävling 1 gick ”Dandi dansa” med Danny Saucedo. I deltävlingen hade låten startnummer 7.
Låtskrivare: Karl-Johan Råsmark och Danny Saucedo.
Danny Saucedo är tillbaka i Melodifestivalen. Vi såg honom senast som artist i tävlingen 2012, då han kom på en andraplats med ”Amazing”. Innan dess tävlade han med gruppen E.M.D. och som soloartist med ”In the Club”. Alla gånger har resultatet blivit en pallplats i finalen. 2013 var han programledare tillsammans med Gina Dirawi.
Danny har sedan dess etablerat sig som artist på svenska och har vunnit flera Grammisar i kategorin Årets låt. Han har medverkat i ”Så mycket bättre” två gånger och har gjort de populära liveshowerna ”Nu” och ”The Run(A)way Show”.
Danny Saucedo
• Namn: Daniel Gabriel Alessandro Saucedo Grzechowski.
• F...
published: 27 Feb 2021
Danny Saucedo - Så som i himlen
Official music video by Danny Saucedo ”Så som i himlen”.
Danny Saucedo on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/sonymusicentertainment/playlist/69KD3UDwG7GMNa49rp9uYl?si=sMSYJxq2QD6QEBLYxh1oYw
Apple Music & iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/se/album/s%C3%A5-mycket-b%C3%A4ttre-tolkningarna/1182297606
More from Danny Saucedo:
Follow Danny Saucedo:
Subscribe to DannysaucedoVEVO: https://www.youtube.com/user/DannysaucedoVEVO/videos
A HandsUpProduction
Directed by Raf Edholm
DOP - Andres Rignell
Editor/colorist Christopher Glans
VFX - Johan Åkerberg
published: 18 Nov 2015
Danny Saucedo - Todo El Mundo (Dancing In The Streets)
Official music video by Danny Saucedo ”Todo El Mundo (Dancing In The Streets)”.
Danny Saucedo on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/sonymusicentertainment/playlist/69KD3UDwG7GMNa49rp9uYl?si=sMSYJxq2QD6QEBLYxh1oYw
Apple Music & iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/se/album/s%C3%A5-mycket-b%C3%A4ttre-tolkningarna/1182297606
More from Danny Saucedo:
Follow Danny Saucedo:
Subscribe to DannysaucedoVEVO: https://www.youtube.com/user/DannysaucedoVEVO/videos
published: 05 Jun 2013
Danny Saucedo - If Only You (Final Swedish Idol 2014)
published: 06 Dec 2014
Happy That You Found Me
Provided to YouTube by IIP-DDS
Happy That You Found Me · Danny Saucedo
Happy That You Found Me
℗ 2024 Chiliboy under exclusive license to Record Company TEN
Released on: 2024-03-02
Producer: Michel Zitron
Mixing Engineer: Anders Hvenare
Mastering Engineer: Sören von Malmborg
Music Publisher: Kobalt
Music Publisher: Flower Room (admin Sony Music Publ)
Music Publisher: Chilitunes admin by Peermusic Sweden
Composer, Lyricist: Michel Zitron
Composer, Lyricist: John Martin
Composer, Lyricist: Kristoffer Fogelmark
Composer, Lyricist: Danny Saucedo
Auto-generated by YouTube.
published: 02 Mar 2024
Danny Saucedo - Happy That You Found Me
Danny Saucedo - Happy That You Found Me
Startnummer 6 i deltävling 4 2024 i Eskilstuna
Artist: Danny Saucedo
Bidrag: Happy That You Found Me
Låtskrivare: Krist...
Danny Saucedo - Happy That You Found Me
Startnummer 6 i deltävling 4 2024 i Eskilstuna
Artist: Danny Saucedo
Bidrag: Happy That You Found Me
Låtskrivare: Kristoffer Fogelmark, John Martin och Michel Zitron.
Danny Saucedo har sedan tidigare två silver och ett brons i Melodifestivalen. 2013 var han programledare tillsammans med Gina Dirawi. 2023 blev han invald i Melodifestivalens Hall of Fame för sina insatser i silverbidragen "In the Club" och "Amazing".
Danny Saucedo kom på andra plats med "In the Club" 2011 och året efter blev “Amazing" Dannys andra raka Melodifestival-silver.
Han har vunnit flera Grammisar i kategorin Årets låt och har strömmats över 350 miljoner gånger. På senare år har han huvudsakligen sjungit på svenska. Han har medverkat i Så mycket bättre två gånger och har gjort de populära liveshowerna ”Nu” och ”The Run(A)way Show”. Han programledde även Melodifestivalen 2013. Snart gör han skådespelardebut i tv-serien Scener efter ett äktenskap.
Danny innehar inför sitt deltagande 2024 flera rekord och andra omnämnanden i Melodifestivalens rekordbok:
Delar rekordet Flest deltävlingssegrar, eftersom alla hans fyra bidrag slutat på första plats i sin deltävling.
Danny återvände till Melodifestivalen med "Dandi dansa" år 2021 och slutade på sjunde plats i finalen.
Låtens text:
I used to think about how I get old
I used to worry about the things I owned
A picture of a picture
Doesn’t matter anymore
I never listen to that inner voice
I was too busy filling every void
That picture keeps on fading
And they can’t hurt you anymore
We’re heading for the sun
Our days have just begun
And now I’ll never let you go
I’m so happy that you found me
I’m so happy that you found me
Now heaven’s all around me
Just when I thought I was lost
I’m so happy that you found me
I was hiding in a dark place
Now heaven’s all around me
Now we’ll never be alone
I’m so happy that you found me
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
I was driving down a lonely road
With artificial miracles
I thought I could walk on water
But kept sinking like a stone
We’re heading for the sun
Our days have just begun
And now I’ll never let you go
I’m so happy that you found me
I’m so happy that you found me
Now heaven’s all around me
Just when I thought I was lost
I’m so happy that you found me
I was hiding in a dark place
Now heaven’s all around me
Now we’ll never be alone
I’m so happy that you found me
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh
Happy that you found me
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
(Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh)
I’m so happy that you found me
(Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh)
I’m so happy that you found me
Sökord: Melfest, Melodifestivalen, Mello, Melo, Mellodifestivalen
#melfest #melodifestivalen #mello #melodifestivalen2024 #mello2024 #melfest2024
Danny Saucedo - Happy That You Found Me
Startnummer 6 i deltävling 4 2024 i Eskilstuna
Artist: Danny Saucedo
Bidrag: Happy That You Found Me
Låtskrivare: Kristoffer Fogelmark, John Martin och Michel Zitron.
Danny Saucedo har sedan tidigare två silver och ett brons i Melodifestivalen. 2013 var han programledare tillsammans med Gina Dirawi. 2023 blev han invald i Melodifestivalens Hall of Fame för sina insatser i silverbidragen "In the Club" och "Amazing".
Danny Saucedo kom på andra plats med "In the Club" 2011 och året efter blev “Amazing" Dannys andra raka Melodifestival-silver.
Han har vunnit flera Grammisar i kategorin Årets låt och har strömmats över 350 miljoner gånger. På senare år har han huvudsakligen sjungit på svenska. Han har medverkat i Så mycket bättre två gånger och har gjort de populära liveshowerna ”Nu” och ”The Run(A)way Show”. Han programledde även Melodifestivalen 2013. Snart gör han skådespelardebut i tv-serien Scener efter ett äktenskap.
Danny innehar inför sitt deltagande 2024 flera rekord och andra omnämnanden i Melodifestivalens rekordbok:
Delar rekordet Flest deltävlingssegrar, eftersom alla hans fyra bidrag slutat på första plats i sin deltävling.
Danny återvände till Melodifestivalen med "Dandi dansa" år 2021 och slutade på sjunde plats i finalen.
Låtens text:
I used to think about how I get old
I used to worry about the things I owned
A picture of a picture
Doesn’t matter anymore
I never listen to that inner voice
I was too busy filling every void
That picture keeps on fading
And they can’t hurt you anymore
We’re heading for the sun
Our days have just begun
And now I’ll never let you go
I’m so happy that you found me
I’m so happy that you found me
Now heaven’s all around me
Just when I thought I was lost
I’m so happy that you found me
I was hiding in a dark place
Now heaven’s all around me
Now we’ll never be alone
I’m so happy that you found me
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
I was driving down a lonely road
With artificial miracles
I thought I could walk on water
But kept sinking like a stone
We’re heading for the sun
Our days have just begun
And now I’ll never let you go
I’m so happy that you found me
I’m so happy that you found me
Now heaven’s all around me
Just when I thought I was lost
I’m so happy that you found me
I was hiding in a dark place
Now heaven’s all around me
Now we’ll never be alone
I’m so happy that you found me
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh
Happy that you found me
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
(Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh)
I’m so happy that you found me
(Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh)
I’m so happy that you found me
Sökord: Melfest, Melodifestivalen, Mello, Melo, Mellodifestivalen
#melfest #melodifestivalen #mello #melodifestivalen2024 #mello2024 #melfest2024
- published: 02 Mar 2024
- views: 323202
Danny Saucedo - Dör för dig
Official music video by Danny Saucedo ”Dör för dig”.
Danny Saucedo on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/sonymusicentertainment/playlist/69KD3UDwG7GMNa49rp...
Official music video by Danny Saucedo ”Dör för dig”.
Danny Saucedo on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/sonymusicentertainment/playlist/69KD3UDwG7GMNa49rp9uYl?si=sMSYJxq2QD6QEBLYxh1oYw
Apple Music & iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/se/album/s%C3%A5-mycket-b%C3%A4ttre-tolkningarna/1182297606
More from Danny Saucedo:
Follow Danny Saucedo:
Subscribe to DannysaucedoVEVO: https://www.youtube.com/user/DannysaucedoVEVO/videos
A HandsUp Production
Directed by Raf Edholm & Danny Saucedo
DP - Andres Rignell
Editor/Colorist - Christoffer Glans
Kids - Julius Eriksson och Alex Ticoalu
Dannys friends - Rohan - Basse - Seb The Alchemist - Alexandro - Seb The Provider - Danne G - Christos
Thanks to my great team Suryian Focus-puller - Freja Borchies FAD and Basse Lindfors Prod-ass n´all the cool cats on the streets of Stockholm and a special thanks to MP and Micke, Pia and Melodie.
Official music video by Danny Saucedo ”Dör för dig”.
Danny Saucedo on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/sonymusicentertainment/playlist/69KD3UDwG7GMNa49rp9uYl?si=sMSYJxq2QD6QEBLYxh1oYw
Apple Music & iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/se/album/s%C3%A5-mycket-b%C3%A4ttre-tolkningarna/1182297606
More from Danny Saucedo:
Follow Danny Saucedo:
Subscribe to DannysaucedoVEVO: https://www.youtube.com/user/DannysaucedoVEVO/videos
A HandsUp Production
Directed by Raf Edholm & Danny Saucedo
DP - Andres Rignell
Editor/Colorist - Christoffer Glans
Kids - Julius Eriksson och Alex Ticoalu
Dannys friends - Rohan - Basse - Seb The Alchemist - Alexandro - Seb The Provider - Danne G - Christos
Thanks to my great team Suryian Focus-puller - Freja Borchies FAD and Basse Lindfors Prod-ass n´all the cool cats on the streets of Stockholm and a special thanks to MP and Micke, Pia and Melodie.
- published: 07 Aug 2015
- views: 16067565
Danny Saucedo - Brinner i bröstet ft. Malcolm B
Produktionsbolag: Great Works
Regi: Oliver Martin
Filmproducent: Anna Tanser
Foto: ...
Produktionsbolag: Great Works
Regi: Oliver Martin
Filmproducent: Anna Tanser
Foto: Bratislav Stankovic
B-Foto: Alexandra Magnusson
Elektriker: Peter Övgård
El-assistent: Olle Molander
Klipp: Karl Sundin
Operatör: Karl Grahm
Koreograf / dansare: Alexandro Duchén
Assisterande Koreograf / dansare: Kenny Lantz
Dansare: Daniel Gürow Lundkvist
Dansare: Adnan Sahuric
Stylist: Sara Biderman
Makeup: Tove Jansson
Produktionsassistent: Ella Holmgren
Produktionsbolag: Great Works
Regi: Oliver Martin
Filmproducent: Anna Tanser
Foto: Bratislav Stankovic
B-Foto: Alexandra Magnusson
Elektriker: Peter Övgård
El-assistent: Olle Molander
Klipp: Karl Sundin
Operatör: Karl Grahm
Koreograf / dansare: Alexandro Duchén
Assisterande Koreograf / dansare: Kenny Lantz
Dansare: Daniel Gürow Lundkvist
Dansare: Adnan Sahuric
Stylist: Sara Biderman
Makeup: Tove Jansson
Produktionsassistent: Ella Holmgren
- published: 28 May 2015
- views: 6775178
FINAL: Danny Saucedo - Happy That You Found Me
Startnummer 12 i finalen 2024 i Stockholm
Artist: Danny Saucedo
Bidrag: Happy That You Found Me
Låtskrivare: Kristoffer Fogelmark, John Martin och Michel Zitro...
Startnummer 12 i finalen 2024 i Stockholm
Artist: Danny Saucedo
Bidrag: Happy That You Found Me
Låtskrivare: Kristoffer Fogelmark, John Martin och Michel Zitron.
Danny Saucedo har sedan tidigare två silver och ett brons i Melodifestivalen. 2013 var han programledare tillsammans med Gina Dirawi. 2023 blev han invald i Melodifestivalens Hall of Fame för sina insatser i silverbidragen "In the Club" och "Amazing".
Danny Saucedo kom på andra plats med "In the Club" 2011 och året efter blev “Amazing" Dannys andra raka Melodifestival-silver.
Han har vunnit flera Grammisar i kategorin Årets låt och har strömmats över 350 miljoner gånger. På senare år har han huvudsakligen sjungit på svenska. Han har medverkat i Så mycket bättre två gånger och har gjort de populära liveshowerna ”Nu” och ”The Run(A)way Show”. Han programledde även Melodifestivalen 2013. Snart gör han skådespelardebut i tv-serien Scener efter ett äktenskap.
Danny innehar inför sitt deltagande 2024 flera rekord och andra omnämnanden i Melodifestivalens rekordbok:
Delar rekordet Flest deltävlingssegrar, eftersom alla hans fyra bidrag slutat på första plats i sin deltävling.
Danny återvände till Melodifestivalen med "Dandi dansa" år 2021 och slutade på sjunde plats i finalen.
Låtens text:
I used to think about how I get old
I used to worry about the things I owned
A picture of a picture
Doesn’t matter anymore
I never listen to that inner voice
I was too busy filling every void
That picture keeps on fading
And they can’t hurt you anymore
We’re heading for the sun
Our days have just begun
And now I’ll never let you go
I’m so happy that you found me
I’m so happy that you found me
Now heaven’s all around me
Just when I thought I was lost
I’m so happy that you found me
I was hiding in a dark place
Now heaven’s all around me
Now we’ll never be alone
I’m so happy that you found me
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
I was driving down a lonely road
With artificial miracles
I thought I could walk on water
But kept sinking like a stone
We’re heading for the sun
Our days have just begun
And now I’ll never let you go
I’m so happy that you found me
I’m so happy that you found me
Now heaven’s all around me
Just when I thought I was lost
I’m so happy that you found me
I was hiding in a dark place
Now heaven’s all around me
Now we’ll never be alone
I’m so happy that you found me
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh
Happy that you found me
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
(Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh)
I’m so happy that you found me
(Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh)
I’m so happy that you found me
Sökord: Melfest, Mello, Melo, Melodifestivalen, Melfest2024, Mello2024, Melodifestivalen2024, ESC, Eurovision, ESC2024, Eurovision2024, National Selection, Sweden, Lyrics, Lyrik, Mellon, MF, Song Competition
#melfest #melodifestivalen #mello #melodifestivalen2024 #mello2024 #melfest2024
Startnummer 12 i finalen 2024 i Stockholm
Artist: Danny Saucedo
Bidrag: Happy That You Found Me
Låtskrivare: Kristoffer Fogelmark, John Martin och Michel Zitron.
Danny Saucedo har sedan tidigare två silver och ett brons i Melodifestivalen. 2013 var han programledare tillsammans med Gina Dirawi. 2023 blev han invald i Melodifestivalens Hall of Fame för sina insatser i silverbidragen "In the Club" och "Amazing".
Danny Saucedo kom på andra plats med "In the Club" 2011 och året efter blev “Amazing" Dannys andra raka Melodifestival-silver.
Han har vunnit flera Grammisar i kategorin Årets låt och har strömmats över 350 miljoner gånger. På senare år har han huvudsakligen sjungit på svenska. Han har medverkat i Så mycket bättre två gånger och har gjort de populära liveshowerna ”Nu” och ”The Run(A)way Show”. Han programledde även Melodifestivalen 2013. Snart gör han skådespelardebut i tv-serien Scener efter ett äktenskap.
Danny innehar inför sitt deltagande 2024 flera rekord och andra omnämnanden i Melodifestivalens rekordbok:
Delar rekordet Flest deltävlingssegrar, eftersom alla hans fyra bidrag slutat på första plats i sin deltävling.
Danny återvände till Melodifestivalen med "Dandi dansa" år 2021 och slutade på sjunde plats i finalen.
Låtens text:
I used to think about how I get old
I used to worry about the things I owned
A picture of a picture
Doesn’t matter anymore
I never listen to that inner voice
I was too busy filling every void
That picture keeps on fading
And they can’t hurt you anymore
We’re heading for the sun
Our days have just begun
And now I’ll never let you go
I’m so happy that you found me
I’m so happy that you found me
Now heaven’s all around me
Just when I thought I was lost
I’m so happy that you found me
I was hiding in a dark place
Now heaven’s all around me
Now we’ll never be alone
I’m so happy that you found me
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
I was driving down a lonely road
With artificial miracles
I thought I could walk on water
But kept sinking like a stone
We’re heading for the sun
Our days have just begun
And now I’ll never let you go
I’m so happy that you found me
I’m so happy that you found me
Now heaven’s all around me
Just when I thought I was lost
I’m so happy that you found me
I was hiding in a dark place
Now heaven’s all around me
Now we’ll never be alone
I’m so happy that you found me
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh
Happy that you found me
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
(Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh)
I’m so happy that you found me
(Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh)
I’m so happy that you found me
Sökord: Melfest, Mello, Melo, Melodifestivalen, Melfest2024, Mello2024, Melodifestivalen2024, ESC, Eurovision, ESC2024, Eurovision2024, National Selection, Sweden, Lyrics, Lyrik, Mellon, MF, Song Competition
#melfest #melodifestivalen #mello #melodifestivalen2024 #mello2024 #melfest2024
- published: 09 Mar 2024
- views: 148682
Danny Saucedo - Amazing @ Melodifestivalen 2012 (1080p HD)
Danny Saucedo performing Amazing on Melodifestivalen in Sweden on March 10 2012.
Watch in HD! (Note: It´s real HD from SVT HD, and not just converted to "HD" li...
Danny Saucedo performing Amazing on Melodifestivalen in Sweden on March 10 2012.
Watch in HD! (Note: It´s real HD from SVT HD, and not just converted to "HD" like other "HD"-youtube videos)
Danny Saucedo performing Amazing on Melodifestivalen in Sweden on March 10 2012.
Watch in HD! (Note: It´s real HD from SVT HD, and not just converted to "HD" like other "HD"-youtube videos)
- published: 12 Mar 2012
- views: 174034
Danny Saucedo - Dandi Dansa
Till final från deltävling 1 gick ”Dandi dansa” med Danny Saucedo. I deltävlingen hade låten startnummer 7.
Låtskrivare: Karl-Johan Råsmark och Danny Saucedo.
Till final från deltävling 1 gick ”Dandi dansa” med Danny Saucedo. I deltävlingen hade låten startnummer 7.
Låtskrivare: Karl-Johan Råsmark och Danny Saucedo.
Danny Saucedo är tillbaka i Melodifestivalen. Vi såg honom senast som artist i tävlingen 2012, då han kom på en andraplats med ”Amazing”. Innan dess tävlade han med gruppen E.M.D. och som soloartist med ”In the Club”. Alla gånger har resultatet blivit en pallplats i finalen. 2013 var han programledare tillsammans med Gina Dirawi.
Danny har sedan dess etablerat sig som artist på svenska och har vunnit flera Grammisar i kategorin Årets låt. Han har medverkat i ”Så mycket bättre” två gånger och har gjort de populära liveshowerna ”Nu” och ”The Run(A)way Show”.
Danny Saucedo
• Namn: Daniel Gabriel Alessandro Saucedo Grzechowski.
• Född: Den 25 februari 1986 (34 år).
• Bosatt: Södermalm, Stockholm.
• Uppväxt: Södermalm, Stockholm.
• Melodifestivalrutin:
2021: ”Dandi dansa”
2016: ”Youniverse” (som låtskrivare, sjätte plats)
2013: Programledare (med Gina Dirawi)
2012: ”Amazing” (andra plats)
2011: ”In the Club” (andra plats)
2009: ”Baby Goodbye” (tredje plats, med E.M.D.)
• Övrigt: Danny slog igenom efter sin medverkan i Idol 2006, där han kom på sjätte plats. År 2008 slutade han fyra i Let’s Dance men fick dansa för Sverige i Eurovision Dance Contest, där han slutade på tolfte plats. År 2011 var han en av sångcoacherna i programmet True Talent. Bidraget har bara omkring 20 kameraklipp, vilket med bred marginal är färst i deltävlingen.
• Husdansare: Keisha von Arnold, Amir Ashoor, Lovisa Bengtsson och Kenny Lantz.
• Kör utanför scen: Karl-Johan Råsmark.
Bakom bidraget
• Nummerkreatörer: Fredrik ”Benke” Rydman, Lotta Furebäck, Sacha Jean-Baptiste och Jennie Widegren.
• Koreografer: Alexandro Duchén och Adnan Sahuric.
• Stylist: Julian Hernandez.
Effekter och rekvisita
• Ett rum i kartong som dansarna flyttar runt under numret.
• Fyllt med ljuseffekter.
Tema: Lekfullt.
Antal kameraklipp
• Ca 17.
Till final från deltävling 1 gick ”Dandi dansa” med Danny Saucedo. I deltävlingen hade låten startnummer 7.
Låtskrivare: Karl-Johan Råsmark och Danny Saucedo.
Danny Saucedo är tillbaka i Melodifestivalen. Vi såg honom senast som artist i tävlingen 2012, då han kom på en andraplats med ”Amazing”. Innan dess tävlade han med gruppen E.M.D. och som soloartist med ”In the Club”. Alla gånger har resultatet blivit en pallplats i finalen. 2013 var han programledare tillsammans med Gina Dirawi.
Danny har sedan dess etablerat sig som artist på svenska och har vunnit flera Grammisar i kategorin Årets låt. Han har medverkat i ”Så mycket bättre” två gånger och har gjort de populära liveshowerna ”Nu” och ”The Run(A)way Show”.
Danny Saucedo
• Namn: Daniel Gabriel Alessandro Saucedo Grzechowski.
• Född: Den 25 februari 1986 (34 år).
• Bosatt: Södermalm, Stockholm.
• Uppväxt: Södermalm, Stockholm.
• Melodifestivalrutin:
2021: ”Dandi dansa”
2016: ”Youniverse” (som låtskrivare, sjätte plats)
2013: Programledare (med Gina Dirawi)
2012: ”Amazing” (andra plats)
2011: ”In the Club” (andra plats)
2009: ”Baby Goodbye” (tredje plats, med E.M.D.)
• Övrigt: Danny slog igenom efter sin medverkan i Idol 2006, där han kom på sjätte plats. År 2008 slutade han fyra i Let’s Dance men fick dansa för Sverige i Eurovision Dance Contest, där han slutade på tolfte plats. År 2011 var han en av sångcoacherna i programmet True Talent. Bidraget har bara omkring 20 kameraklipp, vilket med bred marginal är färst i deltävlingen.
• Husdansare: Keisha von Arnold, Amir Ashoor, Lovisa Bengtsson och Kenny Lantz.
• Kör utanför scen: Karl-Johan Råsmark.
Bakom bidraget
• Nummerkreatörer: Fredrik ”Benke” Rydman, Lotta Furebäck, Sacha Jean-Baptiste och Jennie Widegren.
• Koreografer: Alexandro Duchén och Adnan Sahuric.
• Stylist: Julian Hernandez.
Effekter och rekvisita
• Ett rum i kartong som dansarna flyttar runt under numret.
• Fyllt med ljuseffekter.
Tema: Lekfullt.
Antal kameraklipp
• Ca 17.
- published: 27 Feb 2021
- views: 1520345
Danny Saucedo - Så som i himlen
Official music video by Danny Saucedo ”Så som i himlen”.
Danny Saucedo on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/sonymusicentertainment/playlist/69KD3UDwG7GMNa...
Official music video by Danny Saucedo ”Så som i himlen”.
Danny Saucedo on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/sonymusicentertainment/playlist/69KD3UDwG7GMNa49rp9uYl?si=sMSYJxq2QD6QEBLYxh1oYw
Apple Music & iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/se/album/s%C3%A5-mycket-b%C3%A4ttre-tolkningarna/1182297606
More from Danny Saucedo:
Follow Danny Saucedo:
Subscribe to DannysaucedoVEVO: https://www.youtube.com/user/DannysaucedoVEVO/videos
A HandsUpProduction
Directed by Raf Edholm
DOP - Andres Rignell
Editor/colorist Christopher Glans
VFX - Johan Åkerberg
Official music video by Danny Saucedo ”Så som i himlen”.
Danny Saucedo on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/sonymusicentertainment/playlist/69KD3UDwG7GMNa49rp9uYl?si=sMSYJxq2QD6QEBLYxh1oYw
Apple Music & iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/se/album/s%C3%A5-mycket-b%C3%A4ttre-tolkningarna/1182297606
More from Danny Saucedo:
Follow Danny Saucedo:
Subscribe to DannysaucedoVEVO: https://www.youtube.com/user/DannysaucedoVEVO/videos
A HandsUpProduction
Directed by Raf Edholm
DOP - Andres Rignell
Editor/colorist Christopher Glans
VFX - Johan Åkerberg
- published: 18 Nov 2015
- views: 2544366
Danny Saucedo - Todo El Mundo (Dancing In The Streets)
Official music video by Danny Saucedo ”Todo El Mundo (Dancing In The Streets)”.
Danny Saucedo on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/sonymusicentertainment/...
Official music video by Danny Saucedo ”Todo El Mundo (Dancing In The Streets)”.
Danny Saucedo on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/sonymusicentertainment/playlist/69KD3UDwG7GMNa49rp9uYl?si=sMSYJxq2QD6QEBLYxh1oYw
Apple Music & iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/se/album/s%C3%A5-mycket-b%C3%A4ttre-tolkningarna/1182297606
More from Danny Saucedo:
Follow Danny Saucedo:
Subscribe to DannysaucedoVEVO: https://www.youtube.com/user/DannysaucedoVEVO/videos
Official music video by Danny Saucedo ”Todo El Mundo (Dancing In The Streets)”.
Danny Saucedo on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/sonymusicentertainment/playlist/69KD3UDwG7GMNa49rp9uYl?si=sMSYJxq2QD6QEBLYxh1oYw
Apple Music & iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/se/album/s%C3%A5-mycket-b%C3%A4ttre-tolkningarna/1182297606
More from Danny Saucedo:
Follow Danny Saucedo:
Subscribe to DannysaucedoVEVO: https://www.youtube.com/user/DannysaucedoVEVO/videos
- published: 05 Jun 2013
- views: 1880817
Happy That You Found Me
Provided to YouTube by IIP-DDS
Happy That You Found Me · Danny Saucedo
Happy That You Found Me
℗ 2024 Chiliboy under exclusive license to Record Company TEN
Provided to YouTube by IIP-DDS
Happy That You Found Me · Danny Saucedo
Happy That You Found Me
℗ 2024 Chiliboy under exclusive license to Record Company TEN
Released on: 2024-03-02
Producer: Michel Zitron
Mixing Engineer: Anders Hvenare
Mastering Engineer: Sören von Malmborg
Music Publisher: Kobalt
Music Publisher: Flower Room (admin Sony Music Publ)
Music Publisher: Chilitunes admin by Peermusic Sweden
Composer, Lyricist: Michel Zitron
Composer, Lyricist: John Martin
Composer, Lyricist: Kristoffer Fogelmark
Composer, Lyricist: Danny Saucedo
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Provided to YouTube by IIP-DDS
Happy That You Found Me · Danny Saucedo
Happy That You Found Me
℗ 2024 Chiliboy under exclusive license to Record Company TEN
Released on: 2024-03-02
Producer: Michel Zitron
Mixing Engineer: Anders Hvenare
Mastering Engineer: Sören von Malmborg
Music Publisher: Kobalt
Music Publisher: Flower Room (admin Sony Music Publ)
Music Publisher: Chilitunes admin by Peermusic Sweden
Composer, Lyricist: Michel Zitron
Composer, Lyricist: John Martin
Composer, Lyricist: Kristoffer Fogelmark
Composer, Lyricist: Danny Saucedo
Auto-generated by YouTube.
- published: 02 Mar 2024
- views: 167513
“Escape From Tiger Island!” (Jungle Adventure) 🐅🌴 Floor is Lava Game | Danny Go! Songs for Kids
Are you ready for a thrilling JUNGLE adventure? 🌿🐒 Follow Danny Go's moves as you explore the lush greenery of Tiger Island, swinging along with monkeys & avoiding crocodiles...all in pursuit of a rare and mysterious creature! Oh, but if the tigers are on the prowl, you gotta get off the ground!
Wanna keep dancing? Here's some of our other favorite Danny Go dance songs!
The Floor is Lava Dance - https://youtu.be/nEUTY8n2iZo
The Cowboy Dance - https://youtu.be/D52H25i1KxI
The Color Dance - https://youtu.be/q-6g_viAcIk
The Ice King Freeze Dance - https://youtu.be/c9YiakkdS8k
The Wiggle Dance Song - https://youtu.be/DsUPVERZFlI
The Fire & Ice Freeze Dance - https://youtu.be/XYEjLXxT2xg
The Robot Dance - https://youtu.be/T8Df3VZCKUc
The Monkey Dance - https://youtu.be/qQB-V4r-uMY
The Stomp ...
published: 29 Jan 2024
"Spooky Spiders Everywhere!" 🕷🎃 Halloween Adventure | Floor is Lava Game | Danny Go! Songs for Kids
Are you ready for a spooky adventure? 🎃 Bearhead was trick-or-treating and ventured too deep into the dark forest! Join Danny Go as he races through the shadows, running like a wolf, soaring like a bat, and knocking over scarecrows in a frantic quest to find Bearhead! But beware – the deeper Danny goes, the spookier it gets. Ohh...and if you spot any spiders, you’d better get off the floor FAST! 🕸️🕷️🍬🦇
Wanna keep dancing? Here's some of our other favorite Danny Go dance songs!
The Floor is Lava Dance - https://youtu.be/nEUTY8n2iZo
The Cowboy Dance - https://youtu.be/D52H25i1KxI
The Color Dance - https://youtu.be/q-6g_viAcIk
The Ice King Freeze Dance - https://youtu.be/c9YiakkdS8k
The Wiggle Dance Song - https://youtu.be/DsUPVERZFlI
The Fire & Ice Freeze Dance - https://youtu.be/XYEjLXxT2...
published: 09 Sep 2024
【新年就是要你HAPPY】2025 新年歌!《Danny許佳麟/Jasmine张静汶/Jaysong陈家宋/Joey Lee李靖雯/Tracy/Ciao Wen》 官方MV
#新年就是要你HAPPY #2025新年歌 #余仁生
词/曲:Danny 许佳麟
新年就是要你 Happy
身体健康 万事如意
笑一笑 沒烦恼 欢喜
这个过年一定要 吃饱睡好
鞭炮 噼里啪啦 响连天
阿公阿嬷 大家都身康体健
多年后 再望回头
趁今年 来许个愿
新年就是要你 Happy
身体健康 万事如意
笑一笑 沒烦恼 欢喜(HEY!)
新年就是要你 Happy
步步高升呀 万事兴
新的开始 新的起点 新的祝福 YEAH!
大红大紫 大有作为 大吉大利 WOW!
时时快乐 分分精彩 秒秒幸福 Hey!
蛇全蛇美 蛇么都有 蛇蛇顺利 YEAH!
published: 28 Nov 2024
Winter Dance Party Mix! 🎄🎁 🍭 | Christmas Dance Compilation | Danny Go! Holiday Songs for Kids
Get ready for a festive Christmas dance challenge! Join Danny Go as he crushes candy canes, builds toys at the North Pole, and helps Santa save Christmas! You’ll enjoy drum-along dances, freeze dances, a sleigh ride adventure, and so much more! If you love Christmas and dancing, get up on your feet and join the fun at the Christmas Dance Party!
Wanna keep dancing? Here's some of our other favorite Danny Go dance songs!
The Floor is Lava Dance - https://youtu.be/nEUTY8n2iZo
The Cowboy Dance - https://youtu.be/D52H25i1KxI
The Color Dance - https://youtu.be/q-6g_viAcIk
The Ice King Freeze Dance - https://youtu.be/c9YiakkdS8k
The Wiggle Dance Song - https://youtu.be/DsUPVERZFlI
The Fire & Ice Freeze Dance - https://youtu.be/XYEjLXxT2xg
The Robot Dance - https://youtu.be/T8Df3VZCKUc
The Monke...
published: 18 Nov 2024
Danny is your King of the Jungle! | I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! 2024
It’s official, you have crowned Danny Jones as your King of the Jungle 2024! After 23 days in Camp, two trousers snakes, and a friend for life in Barry McGuigan, this Campmate rocked your hearts and is leaving the Jungle in first place!
📺 Watch Full Episodes on ITVX: https://www.itv.com/imacelebrity
Jungle Socials:
🔎 @ImACelebrity
🗣️ #ImACeleb
published: 09 Dec 2024
"Santa Freeze Dance!" 🎅🏼❄️ /// Danny Go! Christmas Songs for Kids
Are you ready to dance along with Santa's elves? Move your body while you make toys in the workshop...but look out for the FREEZE when Santa opens the door!
We're elves in tiny red pants!
We like to build, but we love to dance!
We put the pieces altogether
Make sure it all looks right
Now we're swinging with our hammers
Gotta get the nails in tight
It's fun to dance like a soldier
March, march, march in place
It's fun to jump with a jump rope
Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump....FREEZE!
[Dance break w/ Santa]
We're elves in tiny red pants!
We like to build, but we love to dance!
We paint the pieces with our paintbrush
Make sure the color's right
Now we're twisting with screwdriver
Gotta get the screws in tight
It's fun to dance like a robot
Moving your gears around
It's fun t...
published: 21 Nov 2022
I Went To A Maid Cafe In Japan!
Sign up and deposit for Underdog HERE with promo code DANNY to get up to $1,000 in bonus cash and a free pick: https://play.underdogfantasy.com/p-danny
Thanks for watching! Love you guys!
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Twitter ▶ http://www.twitter.com/DannyDuncan69
Instagram ▶ http://www.instagram.com/DannyDuncan69
Facebook▶ http://www.facebook.com/DannyDuncan69
published: 07 Dec 2024
Sharks in the Water 2: Rise of the Shark King! 🦈 Floor is Lava Game | Danny Go! Songs for Kids
Are you ready to DIVE into a thrilling underwater adventure? 🌊 Swim along with Danny as you navigate shark-infested waters in search of the legendary Giant Golden Shark Tooth! Along the way, you’ll encounter fascinating sea creatures, swim through dangerous coral, and collect precious gems. 🦑🪸💎 Oh, but if you see a SHARK, you better get out of the water and up on something safe! 🦈
Wanna keep dancing? Here's some of our other favorite Danny Go dance songs!
Sharks in the Water! - https://youtu.be/LX-phYsiMdg
The Floor is Lava Dance - https://youtu.be/nEUTY8n2iZo
The Cowboy Dance - https://youtu.be/D52H25i1KxI
The Color Dance - https://youtu.be/q-6g_viAcIk
The Ice King Freeze Dance - https://youtu.be/c9YiakkdS8k
The Wiggle Dance Song - https://youtu.be/DsUPVERZFlI
The Fire & Ice Freeze Danc...
published: 22 Apr 2024
DANNY KELLY - ETIZALAM [Official Music Video]
Official Music Video for "ETIZALAM" by Danny Kelly
Empathy 3 is available on all streaming platforms.
subscribe to Danny Kelly on YouTube: https://youtube.com/@DannyKellyOfficial
Play the official Album playlist here:
Apple Music:https://music.apple.com/us/artist/danny-kelly/1549952356
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.co.uk/artists/B001TLO460/danny-kelly?marketplaceId=A1F83G8C2ARO7P&musicTerritory=GB&ref=dm_sh_wWXnyVHAV3NXOCc4uEXUp8Y6u
Follow Danny Kelly
published: 08 Dec 2024
【 嘟嘟嘟, 新年好 】 2025 新年歌 - Jestinna Kuan, Mskuan, Perry K & Danny Lee (OFFICIAL MV)
《嘟嘟嘟, 新年好》是由Jestinna Kuan、Mskuan、Perry K和Danny Lee呈現的一首結合活力舞蹈和時尚元素的新年歌曲。有別於往年傳統溫馨的曲風路線,這次希望帶給大家更多的是年輕活力能讓大家一起跳起來的歡快舞曲!
published: 29 Nov 2024
“Escape From Tiger Island!” (Jungle Adventure) 🐅🌴 Floor is Lava Game | Danny Go! Songs for Kids
Are you ready for a thrilling JUNGLE adventure? 🌿🐒 Follow Danny Go's moves as you explore the lush greenery of Tiger Island, swinging along with monkeys & avoid...
Are you ready for a thrilling JUNGLE adventure? 🌿🐒 Follow Danny Go's moves as you explore the lush greenery of Tiger Island, swinging along with monkeys & avoiding crocodiles...all in pursuit of a rare and mysterious creature! Oh, but if the tigers are on the prowl, you gotta get off the ground!
Wanna keep dancing? Here's some of our other favorite Danny Go dance songs!
The Floor is Lava Dance - https://youtu.be/nEUTY8n2iZo
The Cowboy Dance - https://youtu.be/D52H25i1KxI
The Color Dance - https://youtu.be/q-6g_viAcIk
The Ice King Freeze Dance - https://youtu.be/c9YiakkdS8k
The Wiggle Dance Song - https://youtu.be/DsUPVERZFlI
The Fire & Ice Freeze Dance - https://youtu.be/XYEjLXxT2xg
The Robot Dance - https://youtu.be/T8Df3VZCKUc
The Monkey Dance - https://youtu.be/qQB-V4r-uMY
The Stomp Clap Dance Song - https://youtu.be/nvDLe3FHcuY
The Dinosaur Dance - https://youtu.be/qSkVgH-4PKw
For free downloads and other goodies, visit dannygo.net!
Get your kids moving, having fun, being silly and learning with Danny Go! Tired of YouTube simple nursery rhymes? Every Danny Go! video is packed with original songs for kids and dances for kids that even mom, dad, teachers and caretakers can enjoy! Play freeze games, floor is lava games, this or that games, construction vehicle games and more! Dance along with us to songs about cowboys, dinosaurs, monkeys, robots, unicorns, cartoons, diggers, space, cars, and more! When we're not moving and grooving, we will be taking exciting field trips to fire stations, trampoline parks, animal shelters, going on treasure hunts and more. We will see you there!
Danny Go! on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dannygo_official/
Danny Go! on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dannygoofficial
Danny Go! on Cameo: https://www.cameo.com/dannygo
Stream Danny Go! music:
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/3DQZdH2A5YhL1XIt4DKfUm
Apple Music - https://music.apple.com/us/artist/danny-go/1475674203
Amazon Music - https://music.amazon.com/artists/B07W7ML8Q4/danny-go
© 2023 Danny Go, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Are you ready for a thrilling JUNGLE adventure? 🌿🐒 Follow Danny Go's moves as you explore the lush greenery of Tiger Island, swinging along with monkeys & avoiding crocodiles...all in pursuit of a rare and mysterious creature! Oh, but if the tigers are on the prowl, you gotta get off the ground!
Wanna keep dancing? Here's some of our other favorite Danny Go dance songs!
The Floor is Lava Dance - https://youtu.be/nEUTY8n2iZo
The Cowboy Dance - https://youtu.be/D52H25i1KxI
The Color Dance - https://youtu.be/q-6g_viAcIk
The Ice King Freeze Dance - https://youtu.be/c9YiakkdS8k
The Wiggle Dance Song - https://youtu.be/DsUPVERZFlI
The Fire & Ice Freeze Dance - https://youtu.be/XYEjLXxT2xg
The Robot Dance - https://youtu.be/T8Df3VZCKUc
The Monkey Dance - https://youtu.be/qQB-V4r-uMY
The Stomp Clap Dance Song - https://youtu.be/nvDLe3FHcuY
The Dinosaur Dance - https://youtu.be/qSkVgH-4PKw
For free downloads and other goodies, visit dannygo.net!
Get your kids moving, having fun, being silly and learning with Danny Go! Tired of YouTube simple nursery rhymes? Every Danny Go! video is packed with original songs for kids and dances for kids that even mom, dad, teachers and caretakers can enjoy! Play freeze games, floor is lava games, this or that games, construction vehicle games and more! Dance along with us to songs about cowboys, dinosaurs, monkeys, robots, unicorns, cartoons, diggers, space, cars, and more! When we're not moving and grooving, we will be taking exciting field trips to fire stations, trampoline parks, animal shelters, going on treasure hunts and more. We will see you there!
Danny Go! on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dannygo_official/
Danny Go! on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dannygoofficial
Danny Go! on Cameo: https://www.cameo.com/dannygo
Stream Danny Go! music:
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/3DQZdH2A5YhL1XIt4DKfUm
Apple Music - https://music.apple.com/us/artist/danny-go/1475674203
Amazon Music - https://music.amazon.com/artists/B07W7ML8Q4/danny-go
© 2023 Danny Go, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
- published: 29 Jan 2024
- views: 56201394
"Spooky Spiders Everywhere!" 🕷🎃 Halloween Adventure | Floor is Lava Game | Danny Go! Songs for Kids
Are you ready for a spooky adventure? 🎃 Bearhead was trick-or-treating and ventured too deep into the dark forest! Join Danny Go as he races through the shadows...
Are you ready for a spooky adventure? 🎃 Bearhead was trick-or-treating and ventured too deep into the dark forest! Join Danny Go as he races through the shadows, running like a wolf, soaring like a bat, and knocking over scarecrows in a frantic quest to find Bearhead! But beware – the deeper Danny goes, the spookier it gets. Ohh...and if you spot any spiders, you’d better get off the floor FAST! 🕸️🕷️🍬🦇
Wanna keep dancing? Here's some of our other favorite Danny Go dance songs!
The Floor is Lava Dance - https://youtu.be/nEUTY8n2iZo
The Cowboy Dance - https://youtu.be/D52H25i1KxI
The Color Dance - https://youtu.be/q-6g_viAcIk
The Ice King Freeze Dance - https://youtu.be/c9YiakkdS8k
The Wiggle Dance Song - https://youtu.be/DsUPVERZFlI
The Fire & Ice Freeze Dance - https://youtu.be/XYEjLXxT2xg
The Robot Dance - https://youtu.be/T8Df3VZCKUc
The Monkey Dance - https://youtu.be/qQB-V4r-uMY
The Stomp Clap Dance Song - https://youtu.be/nvDLe3FHcuY
The Dinosaur Dance - https://youtu.be/qSkVgH-4PKw
For free downloads and other goodies, visit dannygo.net!
Get your kids moving, having fun, being silly and learning with Danny Go! Tired of YouTube simple nursery rhymes? Every Danny Go! video is packed with original songs for kids and dances for kids that even mom, dad, teachers and caretakers can enjoy! Play freeze games, floor is lava games, this or that games, construction vehicle games and more! Dance along with us to songs about cowboys, dinosaurs, monkeys, robots, unicorns, cartoons, diggers, space, cars, and more! When we're not moving and grooving, we will be taking exciting field trips to fire stations, trampoline parks, animal shelters, going on treasure hunts and more. We will see you there!
Danny Go! on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dannygo_official/
Danny Go! on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dannygoofficial
Danny Go! on Cameo: https://www.cameo.com/dannygo
Stream Danny Go! music:
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/3DQZdH2A5YhL1XIt4DKfUm
Apple Music - https://music.apple.com/us/artist/danny-go/1475674203
Amazon Music - https://music.amazon.com/artists/B07W7ML8Q4/danny-go
© 2024 Danny Go, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Are you ready for a spooky adventure? 🎃 Bearhead was trick-or-treating and ventured too deep into the dark forest! Join Danny Go as he races through the shadows, running like a wolf, soaring like a bat, and knocking over scarecrows in a frantic quest to find Bearhead! But beware – the deeper Danny goes, the spookier it gets. Ohh...and if you spot any spiders, you’d better get off the floor FAST! 🕸️🕷️🍬🦇
Wanna keep dancing? Here's some of our other favorite Danny Go dance songs!
The Floor is Lava Dance - https://youtu.be/nEUTY8n2iZo
The Cowboy Dance - https://youtu.be/D52H25i1KxI
The Color Dance - https://youtu.be/q-6g_viAcIk
The Ice King Freeze Dance - https://youtu.be/c9YiakkdS8k
The Wiggle Dance Song - https://youtu.be/DsUPVERZFlI
The Fire & Ice Freeze Dance - https://youtu.be/XYEjLXxT2xg
The Robot Dance - https://youtu.be/T8Df3VZCKUc
The Monkey Dance - https://youtu.be/qQB-V4r-uMY
The Stomp Clap Dance Song - https://youtu.be/nvDLe3FHcuY
The Dinosaur Dance - https://youtu.be/qSkVgH-4PKw
For free downloads and other goodies, visit dannygo.net!
Get your kids moving, having fun, being silly and learning with Danny Go! Tired of YouTube simple nursery rhymes? Every Danny Go! video is packed with original songs for kids and dances for kids that even mom, dad, teachers and caretakers can enjoy! Play freeze games, floor is lava games, this or that games, construction vehicle games and more! Dance along with us to songs about cowboys, dinosaurs, monkeys, robots, unicorns, cartoons, diggers, space, cars, and more! When we're not moving and grooving, we will be taking exciting field trips to fire stations, trampoline parks, animal shelters, going on treasure hunts and more. We will see you there!
Danny Go! on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dannygo_official/
Danny Go! on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dannygoofficial
Danny Go! on Cameo: https://www.cameo.com/dannygo
Stream Danny Go! music:
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/3DQZdH2A5YhL1XIt4DKfUm
Apple Music - https://music.apple.com/us/artist/danny-go/1475674203
Amazon Music - https://music.amazon.com/artists/B07W7ML8Q4/danny-go
© 2024 Danny Go, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
- published: 09 Sep 2024
- views: 84072771
【新年就是要你HAPPY】2025 新年歌!《Danny許佳麟/Jasmine张静汶/Jaysong陈家宋/Joey Lee李靖雯/Tracy/Ciao Wen》 官方MV
#新年就是要你HAPPY #2025新年歌 #余仁生
词/曲:Danny 许佳麟
新年就是要你 Happy
身体健康 万事如意
笑一笑 沒烦恼 欢喜
这个过年一定要 吃饱睡好
鞭炮 噼里啪啦 响连天
阿公阿嬷 大家都身康体健
多年后 再望回头
趁今年 来许个愿
新年就是要你 Happy
身体健康 万事如意
笑一笑 沒烦恼 欢喜(HEY!)
新年就是要你 Happy
步步高升呀 万事兴
新的开始 新的起点 新的祝福 YEAH!
大红大紫 大有作为 大吉大利 WOW!
时时快乐 分分精彩 秒秒幸福 Hey!
蛇全蛇美 蛇么都有 蛇蛇顺利 YEAH!
多年后 再望回头
趁今年 来许个愿
新年就是要你 Happy
身体健康 万事如意
笑一笑 没烦恼 欢喜(HEY!)
新年就是要你 Happy
步步高升呀 万事兴
Happy Happy ~
Lucky Lucky ~
新年就是要你 Happy (Happy!)
OP: OOTB Music
SP: Universal Music Publishing Sdn Bhd
制作:Danny许佳麟 / 陈彦珲 @ OOTB Music
编曲:陈欣桦 / Ida Liew
和音:Lydia 周慧娜
制作协力: 余悦 / Ida Liew
录音室: OOTB Music
混音:王诗豪 @ Bosh Production Studio
Danny Koo: https://www.instagram.com/danny_ahboy
Joey Lee:https://www.instagram.com/joeychocz
Ciao Wen:https://www.instagram.com/ciaowen02
#新年就是要你HAPPY #2025新年歌 #余仁生
词/曲:Danny 许佳麟
新年就是要你 Happy
身体健康 万事如意
笑一笑 沒烦恼 欢喜
这个过年一定要 吃饱睡好
鞭炮 噼里啪啦 响连天
阿公阿嬷 大家都身康体健
多年后 再望回头
趁今年 来许个愿
新年就是要你 Happy
身体健康 万事如意
笑一笑 沒烦恼 欢喜(HEY!)
新年就是要你 Happy
步步高升呀 万事兴
新的开始 新的起点 新的祝福 YEAH!
大红大紫 大有作为 大吉大利 WOW!
时时快乐 分分精彩 秒秒幸福 Hey!
蛇全蛇美 蛇么都有 蛇蛇顺利 YEAH!
多年后 再望回头
趁今年 来许个愿
新年就是要你 Happy
身体健康 万事如意
笑一笑 没烦恼 欢喜(HEY!)
新年就是要你 Happy
步步高升呀 万事兴
Happy Happy ~
Lucky Lucky ~
新年就是要你 Happy (Happy!)
OP: OOTB Music
SP: Universal Music Publishing Sdn Bhd
制作:Danny许佳麟 / 陈彦珲 @ OOTB Music
编曲:陈欣桦 / Ida Liew
和音:Lydia 周慧娜
制作协力: 余悦 / Ida Liew
录音室: OOTB Music
混音:王诗豪 @ Bosh Production Studio
Danny Koo: https://www.instagram.com/danny_ahboy
Joey Lee:https://www.instagram.com/joeychocz
Ciao Wen:https://www.instagram.com/ciaowen02
- published: 28 Nov 2024
- views: 3287449
Winter Dance Party Mix! 🎄🎁 🍭 | Christmas Dance Compilation | Danny Go! Holiday Songs for Kids
Get ready for a festive Christmas dance challenge! Join Danny Go as he crushes candy canes, builds toys at the North Pole, and helps Santa save Christmas! You’l...
Get ready for a festive Christmas dance challenge! Join Danny Go as he crushes candy canes, builds toys at the North Pole, and helps Santa save Christmas! You’ll enjoy drum-along dances, freeze dances, a sleigh ride adventure, and so much more! If you love Christmas and dancing, get up on your feet and join the fun at the Christmas Dance Party!
Wanna keep dancing? Here's some of our other favorite Danny Go dance songs!
The Floor is Lava Dance - https://youtu.be/nEUTY8n2iZo
The Cowboy Dance - https://youtu.be/D52H25i1KxI
The Color Dance - https://youtu.be/q-6g_viAcIk
The Ice King Freeze Dance - https://youtu.be/c9YiakkdS8k
The Wiggle Dance Song - https://youtu.be/DsUPVERZFlI
The Fire & Ice Freeze Dance - https://youtu.be/XYEjLXxT2xg
The Robot Dance - https://youtu.be/T8Df3VZCKUc
The Monkey Dance - https://youtu.be/qQB-V4r-uMY
The Stomp Clap Dance Song - https://youtu.be/nvDLe3FHcuY
The Dinosaur Dance - https://youtu.be/qSkVgH-4PKw
For free downloads and other goodies, visit dannygo.net!
Get your kids moving, having fun, being silly and learning with Danny Go! Tired of YouTube simple nursery rhymes? Every Danny Go! video is packed with original songs for kids and dances for kids that even mom, dad, teachers and caretakers can enjoy! Play freeze games, floor is lava games, this or that games, construction vehicle games and more! Dance along with us to songs about cowboys, dinosaurs, monkeys, robots, unicorns, cartoons, diggers, space, cars, and more! When we're not moving and grooving, we will be taking exciting field trips to fire stations, trampoline parks, animal shelters, going on treasure hunts and more. We will see you there!
Danny Go! on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dannygo_official/
Danny Go! on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dannygoofficial
Danny Go! on Cameo: https://www.cameo.com/dannygo
Stream Danny Go! music:
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/3DQZdH2A5YhL1XIt4DKfUm
Apple Music - https://music.apple.com/us/artist/danny-go/1475674203
Amazon Music - https://music.amazon.com/artists/B07W7ML8Q4/danny-go
© 2024 Danny Go, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Get ready for a festive Christmas dance challenge! Join Danny Go as he crushes candy canes, builds toys at the North Pole, and helps Santa save Christmas! You’ll enjoy drum-along dances, freeze dances, a sleigh ride adventure, and so much more! If you love Christmas and dancing, get up on your feet and join the fun at the Christmas Dance Party!
Wanna keep dancing? Here's some of our other favorite Danny Go dance songs!
The Floor is Lava Dance - https://youtu.be/nEUTY8n2iZo
The Cowboy Dance - https://youtu.be/D52H25i1KxI
The Color Dance - https://youtu.be/q-6g_viAcIk
The Ice King Freeze Dance - https://youtu.be/c9YiakkdS8k
The Wiggle Dance Song - https://youtu.be/DsUPVERZFlI
The Fire & Ice Freeze Dance - https://youtu.be/XYEjLXxT2xg
The Robot Dance - https://youtu.be/T8Df3VZCKUc
The Monkey Dance - https://youtu.be/qQB-V4r-uMY
The Stomp Clap Dance Song - https://youtu.be/nvDLe3FHcuY
The Dinosaur Dance - https://youtu.be/qSkVgH-4PKw
For free downloads and other goodies, visit dannygo.net!
Get your kids moving, having fun, being silly and learning with Danny Go! Tired of YouTube simple nursery rhymes? Every Danny Go! video is packed with original songs for kids and dances for kids that even mom, dad, teachers and caretakers can enjoy! Play freeze games, floor is lava games, this or that games, construction vehicle games and more! Dance along with us to songs about cowboys, dinosaurs, monkeys, robots, unicorns, cartoons, diggers, space, cars, and more! When we're not moving and grooving, we will be taking exciting field trips to fire stations, trampoline parks, animal shelters, going on treasure hunts and more. We will see you there!
Danny Go! on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dannygo_official/
Danny Go! on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dannygoofficial
Danny Go! on Cameo: https://www.cameo.com/dannygo
Stream Danny Go! music:
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/3DQZdH2A5YhL1XIt4DKfUm
Apple Music - https://music.apple.com/us/artist/danny-go/1475674203
Amazon Music - https://music.amazon.com/artists/B07W7ML8Q4/danny-go
© 2024 Danny Go, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
- published: 18 Nov 2024
- views: 4103635
Danny is your King of the Jungle! | I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! 2024
It’s official, you have crowned Danny Jones as your King of the Jungle 2024! After 23 days in Camp, two trousers snakes, and a friend for life in Barry McGuigan...
It’s official, you have crowned Danny Jones as your King of the Jungle 2024! After 23 days in Camp, two trousers snakes, and a friend for life in Barry McGuigan, this Campmate rocked your hearts and is leaving the Jungle in first place!
📺 Watch Full Episodes on ITVX: https://www.itv.com/imacelebrity
Jungle Socials:
🔎 @ImACelebrity
🗣️ #ImACeleb
It’s official, you have crowned Danny Jones as your King of the Jungle 2024! After 23 days in Camp, two trousers snakes, and a friend for life in Barry McGuigan, this Campmate rocked your hearts and is leaving the Jungle in first place!
📺 Watch Full Episodes on ITVX: https://www.itv.com/imacelebrity
Jungle Socials:
🔎 @ImACelebrity
🗣️ #ImACeleb
- published: 09 Dec 2024
- views: 13930
"Santa Freeze Dance!" 🎅🏼❄️ /// Danny Go! Christmas Songs for Kids
Are you ready to dance along with Santa's elves? Move your body while you make toys in the workshop...but look out for the FREEZE when Santa opens the door!
Are you ready to dance along with Santa's elves? Move your body while you make toys in the workshop...but look out for the FREEZE when Santa opens the door!
We're elves in tiny red pants!
We like to build, but we love to dance!
We put the pieces altogether
Make sure it all looks right
Now we're swinging with our hammers
Gotta get the nails in tight
It's fun to dance like a soldier
March, march, march in place
It's fun to jump with a jump rope
Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump....FREEZE!
[Dance break w/ Santa]
We're elves in tiny red pants!
We like to build, but we love to dance!
We paint the pieces with our paintbrush
Make sure the color's right
Now we're twisting with screwdriver
Gotta get the screws in tight
It's fun to dance like a robot
Moving your gears around
It's fun to play with a basketball
Dribble, dribble, dribble, dribble, dribble, dribble....FREEZE!
[Dance break w/ Santa]
Close the boxes up!
Don't forget to wrap it up!
Put a little bow on top
And pass it, pass it, pass it, pass it!
We're elves in tiny red pants!
We like to build, but we love to dance!
Wanna keep dancing? Here's some of our other favorite Danny Go dance songs!
The Wiggle Dance Song - https://youtu.be/DsUPVERZFlI
The Twist and Shake Dance - https://youtu.be/cJuxkTSfMpk
The Fire & Ice Freeze Dance - https://youtu.be/XYEjLXxT2xg
The Exercise Dance Song - https://youtu.be/-y5yuLuw7KQ
The Animal Dance Song - https://youtu.be/XS9LX1CXuJA
The Stomp Clap Dance Song - https://youtu.be/nvDLe3FHcuY
The Dinosaur Dance - https://youtu.be/qSkVgH-4PKw
For official "Danny Go!" merchandise, visit https://www.dannygo.net!
Do your kids enjoy Blippi, Paw Patrol, or Daniel Tiger? Do they dance to catchy songs like Wheels On The Bus or Baby Shark? Then they'll love Danny Go! Sing fun kids dance songs, learn about colors, shapes & numbers, AND visit exciting places like fire truck stations, animal shelters, baseball fields and more!
Danny Go! on Instagram: https://bit.ly/dannygoIG
Danny Go! on Facebook: https://bit.ly/dannygoFB
Stream or purchase Danny Go! music:
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/3DQZdH2A5YhL1XIt4DKfUm
Apple Music - https://music.apple.com/us/artist/danny-go/1475674203
Amazon Music - https://music.amazon.com/artists/B07W7ML8Q4/danny-go
© 2022 Giant Jungle Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Are you ready to dance along with Santa's elves? Move your body while you make toys in the workshop...but look out for the FREEZE when Santa opens the door!
We're elves in tiny red pants!
We like to build, but we love to dance!
We put the pieces altogether
Make sure it all looks right
Now we're swinging with our hammers
Gotta get the nails in tight
It's fun to dance like a soldier
March, march, march in place
It's fun to jump with a jump rope
Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump....FREEZE!
[Dance break w/ Santa]
We're elves in tiny red pants!
We like to build, but we love to dance!
We paint the pieces with our paintbrush
Make sure the color's right
Now we're twisting with screwdriver
Gotta get the screws in tight
It's fun to dance like a robot
Moving your gears around
It's fun to play with a basketball
Dribble, dribble, dribble, dribble, dribble, dribble....FREEZE!
[Dance break w/ Santa]
Close the boxes up!
Don't forget to wrap it up!
Put a little bow on top
And pass it, pass it, pass it, pass it!
We're elves in tiny red pants!
We like to build, but we love to dance!
Wanna keep dancing? Here's some of our other favorite Danny Go dance songs!
The Wiggle Dance Song - https://youtu.be/DsUPVERZFlI
The Twist and Shake Dance - https://youtu.be/cJuxkTSfMpk
The Fire & Ice Freeze Dance - https://youtu.be/XYEjLXxT2xg
The Exercise Dance Song - https://youtu.be/-y5yuLuw7KQ
The Animal Dance Song - https://youtu.be/XS9LX1CXuJA
The Stomp Clap Dance Song - https://youtu.be/nvDLe3FHcuY
The Dinosaur Dance - https://youtu.be/qSkVgH-4PKw
For official "Danny Go!" merchandise, visit https://www.dannygo.net!
Do your kids enjoy Blippi, Paw Patrol, or Daniel Tiger? Do they dance to catchy songs like Wheels On The Bus or Baby Shark? Then they'll love Danny Go! Sing fun kids dance songs, learn about colors, shapes & numbers, AND visit exciting places like fire truck stations, animal shelters, baseball fields and more!
Danny Go! on Instagram: https://bit.ly/dannygoIG
Danny Go! on Facebook: https://bit.ly/dannygoFB
Stream or purchase Danny Go! music:
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/3DQZdH2A5YhL1XIt4DKfUm
Apple Music - https://music.apple.com/us/artist/danny-go/1475674203
Amazon Music - https://music.amazon.com/artists/B07W7ML8Q4/danny-go
© 2022 Giant Jungle Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
- published: 21 Nov 2022
- views: 22738877
I Went To A Maid Cafe In Japan!
Sign up and deposit for Underdog HERE with promo code DANNY to get up to $1,000 in bonus cash and a free pick: https://play.underdogfantasy.com/p-danny
Thanks ...
Sign up and deposit for Underdog HERE with promo code DANNY to get up to $1,000 in bonus cash and a free pick: https://play.underdogfantasy.com/p-danny
Thanks for watching! Love you guys!
Merchandise ▶ http://dannyduncan69.com
Twitter ▶ http://www.twitter.com/DannyDuncan69
Instagram ▶ http://www.instagram.com/DannyDuncan69
Facebook▶ http://www.facebook.com/DannyDuncan69
Sign up and deposit for Underdog HERE with promo code DANNY to get up to $1,000 in bonus cash and a free pick: https://play.underdogfantasy.com/p-danny
Thanks for watching! Love you guys!
Merchandise ▶ http://dannyduncan69.com
Twitter ▶ http://www.twitter.com/DannyDuncan69
Instagram ▶ http://www.instagram.com/DannyDuncan69
Facebook▶ http://www.facebook.com/DannyDuncan69
- published: 07 Dec 2024
- views: 1888125
Sharks in the Water 2: Rise of the Shark King! 🦈 Floor is Lava Game | Danny Go! Songs for Kids
Are you ready to DIVE into a thrilling underwater adventure? 🌊 Swim along with Danny as you navigate shark-infested waters in search of the legendary Giant Gold...
Are you ready to DIVE into a thrilling underwater adventure? 🌊 Swim along with Danny as you navigate shark-infested waters in search of the legendary Giant Golden Shark Tooth! Along the way, you’ll encounter fascinating sea creatures, swim through dangerous coral, and collect precious gems. 🦑🪸💎 Oh, but if you see a SHARK, you better get out of the water and up on something safe! 🦈
Wanna keep dancing? Here's some of our other favorite Danny Go dance songs!
Sharks in the Water! - https://youtu.be/LX-phYsiMdg
The Floor is Lava Dance - https://youtu.be/nEUTY8n2iZo
The Cowboy Dance - https://youtu.be/D52H25i1KxI
The Color Dance - https://youtu.be/q-6g_viAcIk
The Ice King Freeze Dance - https://youtu.be/c9YiakkdS8k
The Wiggle Dance Song - https://youtu.be/DsUPVERZFlI
The Fire & Ice Freeze Dance - https://youtu.be/XYEjLXxT2xg
The Robot Dance - https://youtu.be/T8Df3VZCKUc
The Monkey Dance - https://youtu.be/qQB-V4r-uMY
The Stomp Clap Dance Song - https://youtu.be/nvDLe3FHcuY
The Dinosaur Dance - https://youtu.be/qSkVgH-4PKw
For free downloads and other goodies, visit dannygo.net!
Get your kids moving, having fun, being silly and learning with Danny Go! Tired of YouTube simple nursery rhymes? Every Danny Go! video is packed with original songs for kids and dances for kids that even mom, dad, teachers and caretakers can enjoy! Play freeze games, floor is lava games, this or that games, construction vehicle games and more! Dance along with us to songs about cowboys, dinosaurs, monkeys, robots, unicorns, cartoons, diggers, space, cars, and more! When we're not moving and grooving, we will be taking exciting field trips to fire stations, trampoline parks, animal shelters, going on treasure hunts and more. We will see you there!
Danny Go! on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dannygo_official/
Danny Go! on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dannygoofficial
Danny Go! on Cameo: https://www.cameo.com/dannygo
Stream Danny Go! music:
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/3DQZdH2A5YhL1XIt4DKfUm
Apple Music - https://music.apple.com/us/artist/danny-go/1475674203
Amazon Music - https://music.amazon.com/artists/B07W7ML8Q4/danny-go
© 2024 Danny Go, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Are you ready to DIVE into a thrilling underwater adventure? 🌊 Swim along with Danny as you navigate shark-infested waters in search of the legendary Giant Golden Shark Tooth! Along the way, you’ll encounter fascinating sea creatures, swim through dangerous coral, and collect precious gems. 🦑🪸💎 Oh, but if you see a SHARK, you better get out of the water and up on something safe! 🦈
Wanna keep dancing? Here's some of our other favorite Danny Go dance songs!
Sharks in the Water! - https://youtu.be/LX-phYsiMdg
The Floor is Lava Dance - https://youtu.be/nEUTY8n2iZo
The Cowboy Dance - https://youtu.be/D52H25i1KxI
The Color Dance - https://youtu.be/q-6g_viAcIk
The Ice King Freeze Dance - https://youtu.be/c9YiakkdS8k
The Wiggle Dance Song - https://youtu.be/DsUPVERZFlI
The Fire & Ice Freeze Dance - https://youtu.be/XYEjLXxT2xg
The Robot Dance - https://youtu.be/T8Df3VZCKUc
The Monkey Dance - https://youtu.be/qQB-V4r-uMY
The Stomp Clap Dance Song - https://youtu.be/nvDLe3FHcuY
The Dinosaur Dance - https://youtu.be/qSkVgH-4PKw
For free downloads and other goodies, visit dannygo.net!
Get your kids moving, having fun, being silly and learning with Danny Go! Tired of YouTube simple nursery rhymes? Every Danny Go! video is packed with original songs for kids and dances for kids that even mom, dad, teachers and caretakers can enjoy! Play freeze games, floor is lava games, this or that games, construction vehicle games and more! Dance along with us to songs about cowboys, dinosaurs, monkeys, robots, unicorns, cartoons, diggers, space, cars, and more! When we're not moving and grooving, we will be taking exciting field trips to fire stations, trampoline parks, animal shelters, going on treasure hunts and more. We will see you there!
Danny Go! on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dannygo_official/
Danny Go! on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dannygoofficial
Danny Go! on Cameo: https://www.cameo.com/dannygo
Stream Danny Go! music:
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/3DQZdH2A5YhL1XIt4DKfUm
Apple Music - https://music.apple.com/us/artist/danny-go/1475674203
Amazon Music - https://music.amazon.com/artists/B07W7ML8Q4/danny-go
© 2024 Danny Go, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
- published: 22 Apr 2024
- views: 100900013
DANNY KELLY - ETIZALAM [Official Music Video]
Official Music Video for "ETIZALAM" by Danny Kelly
Empathy 3 ...
Official Music Video for "ETIZALAM" by Danny Kelly
Empathy 3 is available on all streaming platforms.
subscribe to Danny Kelly on YouTube: https://youtube.com/@DannyKellyOfficial
Play the official Album playlist here:
Apple Music:https://music.apple.com/us/artist/danny-kelly/1549952356
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.co.uk/artists/B001TLO460/danny-kelly?marketplaceId=A1F83G8C2ARO7P&musicTerritory=GB&ref=dm_sh_wWXnyVHAV3NXOCc4uEXUp8Y6u
Follow Danny Kelly
Buy Danny Kelly's CD'S & MERCHANDISE
Official Music Video for "ETIZALAM" by Danny Kelly
Empathy 3 is available on all streaming platforms.
subscribe to Danny Kelly on YouTube: https://youtube.com/@DannyKellyOfficial
Play the official Album playlist here:
Apple Music:https://music.apple.com/us/artist/danny-kelly/1549952356
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.co.uk/artists/B001TLO460/danny-kelly?marketplaceId=A1F83G8C2ARO7P&musicTerritory=GB&ref=dm_sh_wWXnyVHAV3NXOCc4uEXUp8Y6u
Follow Danny Kelly
Buy Danny Kelly's CD'S & MERCHANDISE
- published: 08 Dec 2024
- views: 461
【 嘟嘟嘟, 新年好 】 2025 新年歌 - Jestinna Kuan, Mskuan, Perry K & Danny Lee (OFFICIAL MV)
《嘟嘟嘟, 新年好》是由Jestinna Kuan、Mskuan、Perry K和Danny Lee呈現的一首結合活力舞蹈和時尚元素的新年歌曲。有別於往年傳統溫馨的曲風路線,這次希望帶給大家更多的是年輕活力能讓大家一起跳起來的歡快舞曲!
《嘟嘟嘟, 新年好》是由Jestinna Kuan、Mskuan、Perry K和Danny Lee呈現的一首結合活力舞蹈和時尚元素的新年歌曲。有別於往年傳統溫馨的曲風路線,這次希望帶給大家更多的是年輕活力能讓大家一起跳起來的歡快舞曲!
《嘟嘟嘟, 新年好》是由Jestinna Kuan、Mskuan、Perry K和Danny Lee呈現的一首結合活力舞蹈和時尚元素的新年歌曲。有別於往年傳統溫馨的曲風路線,這次希望帶給大家更多的是年輕活力能讓大家一起跳起來的歡快舞曲!
- published: 29 Nov 2024
- views: 3236189