How H.P. Lovecraft Wrote the Impossible
AUDIBLE ➤ http://www.audible.com/talefoundry/
Sign up for a free 30-day trial of audible and get any audiobook of YOUR CHOICE for FREE! Including any LORD OF THE RINGS BOOK, which we talked about in this video! It's a great way to support the show for free!
There are certain things human beings don't even have the capacity to imagine, let alone render artistically. And yet... they still try. This is our attempt at trying to understand why.
Turns out, you don't have to look much further than H.P. Lovecraft to find a reasonable answer.
▬▬▬▬ Tale Foundry Community▬▬▬▬
Support us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/TaleFoundry
Come join our community! http://thetalefoundry.com/discord
▬▬▬▬ Tale Foundry Team ▬▬▬▬
• Talebot — The Talent
• The Taleoids — The Talent's Helpers
• Benjami...
published: 30 Sep 2022
Titan of terror: the dark imagination of H.P. Lovecraft - Silvia Moreno-García
Dive into the stories of horror savant H.P. Lovecraft, whose fantastical tales, such as “The Call of Cthulhu,” created a new era of Gothic horror.
Arcane books of forbidden lore, disturbing secrets in the family bloodline, and terrors so unspeakable the very thought of them might drive you mad. These have become standard elements in modern horror stories. But they were largely popularized by a single author: H.P. Lovecraft, whose name has become synonymous with the terror he inspired. Silvia Moreno-García dissects the “Lovecraftian” legacy.
Lesson by Silvia Moreno-García, directed by Globizco Studios.
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published: 23 Apr 2019
Lovecraft's Cosmic Horror - The Story of Call of Cthulhu
Click my link to get a 1-year supply of immune-supporting Vitamin D3K2 & 5 travel packs FREE with your first purchase if you order this month! https://drinkag1.com/wendigoon
Check out the new podcasts here:
The Red Thread: @theofficialytchannel
CreepCast: @CreepPodcast
The Weird Bible Podcast: @TheWeirdBible
DISCLAIMER: This video is for educational purposes. The events described and shown are historically/artistically significant and the content should be treated as a comprehensive recollection/analysis of events. The actions mentioned are in no way condoned or acceptable to myself or those who featured in the creation of this video. Any events or images depicted are artificial and in no way condone behavior of similar category. Please view responsibly, viewer discretion is...
published: 07 Jun 2024
H.P. Lovecraft's Syphilis - Extra History #shorts
Want to learn more about Syphilis - The Great Imitator? Check out our edutainment here: https://youtu.be/gnwKRHBiWb4 !
* Watch us ad-free & get 1 week early access at: https://go.nebula.tv/extrahistory * OR
* Suggest & Vote on our next episode ( Get exclusive content ) & 24-hour early access here: https://bit.ly/EHPatreon * OR
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Website: http://extracredits.site/
Extra Credits: https://www.youtube.com/extracredits
*Thanks for participating in this week's discussion!*
Check out our community guidelines so we can have MORE high-quality conversations: h...
published: 04 Jul 2023
H. P. Lovecraft goes shopping. Yes, that's the premise.
Cult horror writer H. P. Lovecraft visits the British supermarket Asda. It's like Walmart, except you can't buy live ammunition. Happy Halloween*!
*A kind of spooky Michaelmas.
published: 28 Oct 2022
H.P. Lovecraft: A Titan of Terror
Check out my other channel TopTenz! https://www.youtube.com/user/toptenznet
→Subscribe for new videos every Monday and Thursday! https://www.youtube.com/c/biographics?sub_confirmation=1
Visit our companion website for more: http://biographics.org
Host - Simon Whistler
Author - Morris M
Producer - Jennifer Da Silva
Executive Producer - Shell Harris
Business inquiries to [email protected]
Other Biographics Videos:
Santa Claus: The True Story
The Rock: A Life of Extraordinary Achievement
published: 01 Mar 2019
How H.P. Lovecraft Wrote the Impossible
AUDIBLE ➤ http://www.audible.com/talefoundry/
Sign up for a free 30-day trial of audible and get any audiobook of YOUR CHOICE for FREE! Including any LORD OF ...
AUDIBLE ➤ http://www.audible.com/talefoundry/
Sign up for a free 30-day trial of audible and get any audiobook of YOUR CHOICE for FREE! Including any LORD OF THE RINGS BOOK, which we talked about in this video! It's a great way to support the show for free!
There are certain things human beings don't even have the capacity to imagine, let alone render artistically. And yet... they still try. This is our attempt at trying to understand why.
Turns out, you don't have to look much further than H.P. Lovecraft to find a reasonable answer.
▬▬▬▬ Tale Foundry Community▬▬▬▬
Support us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/TaleFoundry
Come join our community! http://thetalefoundry.com/discord
▬▬▬▬ Tale Foundry Team ▬▬▬▬
• Talebot — The Talent
• The Taleoids — The Talent's Helpers
• Benjamin Cook — Writer, Director, & Voice Actor
• Abbie Norton — Art Director & Asset Artist (https://abbienortonart.com)
• Alexander Cuenin — Animator & Editor (http://www.alextheanimator.com/)
• Bazz Bartlett — Audio Engineer (https://www.bartlettaudio.com.au/)
• Momo Wang — Researcher & Writer
• Rachel Doud — Packaging & Asset Artist (https://www.instagram.com/jae.sketch/)
Additional Music by Epidemic Sound: http://epidemicsound.com
AUDIBLE ➤ http://www.audible.com/talefoundry/
Sign up for a free 30-day trial of audible and get any audiobook of YOUR CHOICE for FREE! Including any LORD OF THE RINGS BOOK, which we talked about in this video! It's a great way to support the show for free!
There are certain things human beings don't even have the capacity to imagine, let alone render artistically. And yet... they still try. This is our attempt at trying to understand why.
Turns out, you don't have to look much further than H.P. Lovecraft to find a reasonable answer.
▬▬▬▬ Tale Foundry Community▬▬▬▬
Support us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/TaleFoundry
Come join our community! http://thetalefoundry.com/discord
▬▬▬▬ Tale Foundry Team ▬▬▬▬
• Talebot — The Talent
• The Taleoids — The Talent's Helpers
• Benjamin Cook — Writer, Director, & Voice Actor
• Abbie Norton — Art Director & Asset Artist (https://abbienortonart.com)
• Alexander Cuenin — Animator & Editor (http://www.alextheanimator.com/)
• Bazz Bartlett — Audio Engineer (https://www.bartlettaudio.com.au/)
• Momo Wang — Researcher & Writer
• Rachel Doud — Packaging & Asset Artist (https://www.instagram.com/jae.sketch/)
Additional Music by Epidemic Sound: http://epidemicsound.com
- published: 30 Sep 2022
- views: 755786
Titan of terror: the dark imagination of H.P. Lovecraft - Silvia Moreno-García
Dive into the stories of horror savant H.P. Lovecraft, whose fantastical tales, such as “The Call of Cthulhu,” created a new era of Gothic horror.
Arcane ...
Dive into the stories of horror savant H.P. Lovecraft, whose fantastical tales, such as “The Call of Cthulhu,” created a new era of Gothic horror.
Arcane books of forbidden lore, disturbing secrets in the family bloodline, and terrors so unspeakable the very thought of them might drive you mad. These have become standard elements in modern horror stories. But they were largely popularized by a single author: H.P. Lovecraft, whose name has become synonymous with the terror he inspired. Silvia Moreno-García dissects the “Lovecraftian” legacy.
Lesson by Silvia Moreno-García, directed by Globizco Studios.
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View full lesson: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/titan-of-terror-the-dark-imagination-of-h-p-lovecraft-silvia-moreno-garcia
Thank you so much to our patrons for your support! Without you this video would not be possible! Johnnie Graham, Harshita Jagdish Sahijwani, Amber Alexander, Yelena Baykova, John C. Vesey, Karmi Nguyen, Chung Wah Gnapp, Jane White, BRENDAN NEALE, Lawrence Teh Swee Kiang, Alex Pierce, Nick Cozby, Jeffrey Segrest, Anthony Arcis, Ugur Doga Sezgin, Kathryn Vacha, Allyson Martin, Srinivasa C Pasumarthi, 张晓雨, Nishant Suneja, Javier Lara Rosado, Jerry Yang, Shubham Arora, Sebastian Regez, Danielle Downs, Clovis Norroy, Liz Candee, Vinh-Thuy Nguyen, Amy Lopez, SANG HAN, Aries SW, Sebastiaan Hols, João Henrique Rodrigues, Annastasshia Ames, Livia-Alexandra Sarban, Lee , Karthik Balsubramanian, Mathew Samuel, Turine Tran, Ido brown, Nathaniel Lupus, Anthony Benedict, Helen Lee, Minh Tran, Sami Khan, John Hong, Abeer Rajbeen, Yambu Ganesh Shaw, Aline de Paula Zillig and ml cohen.
Dive into the stories of horror savant H.P. Lovecraft, whose fantastical tales, such as “The Call of Cthulhu,” created a new era of Gothic horror.
Arcane books of forbidden lore, disturbing secrets in the family bloodline, and terrors so unspeakable the very thought of them might drive you mad. These have become standard elements in modern horror stories. But they were largely popularized by a single author: H.P. Lovecraft, whose name has become synonymous with the terror he inspired. Silvia Moreno-García dissects the “Lovecraftian” legacy.
Lesson by Silvia Moreno-García, directed by Globizco Studios.
Sign up for our newsletter: http://bit.ly/TEDEdNewsletter
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View full lesson: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/titan-of-terror-the-dark-imagination-of-h-p-lovecraft-silvia-moreno-garcia
Thank you so much to our patrons for your support! Without you this video would not be possible! Johnnie Graham, Harshita Jagdish Sahijwani, Amber Alexander, Yelena Baykova, John C. Vesey, Karmi Nguyen, Chung Wah Gnapp, Jane White, BRENDAN NEALE, Lawrence Teh Swee Kiang, Alex Pierce, Nick Cozby, Jeffrey Segrest, Anthony Arcis, Ugur Doga Sezgin, Kathryn Vacha, Allyson Martin, Srinivasa C Pasumarthi, 张晓雨, Nishant Suneja, Javier Lara Rosado, Jerry Yang, Shubham Arora, Sebastian Regez, Danielle Downs, Clovis Norroy, Liz Candee, Vinh-Thuy Nguyen, Amy Lopez, SANG HAN, Aries SW, Sebastiaan Hols, João Henrique Rodrigues, Annastasshia Ames, Livia-Alexandra Sarban, Lee , Karthik Balsubramanian, Mathew Samuel, Turine Tran, Ido brown, Nathaniel Lupus, Anthony Benedict, Helen Lee, Minh Tran, Sami Khan, John Hong, Abeer Rajbeen, Yambu Ganesh Shaw, Aline de Paula Zillig and ml cohen.
- published: 23 Apr 2019
- views: 2430523
Lovecraft's Cosmic Horror - The Story of Call of Cthulhu
Click my link to get a 1-year supply of immune-supporting Vitamin D3K2 & 5 travel packs FREE with your first purchase if you order this month! https://drinkag1....
Click my link to get a 1-year supply of immune-supporting Vitamin D3K2 & 5 travel packs FREE with your first purchase if you order this month! https://drinkag1.com/wendigoon
Check out the new podcasts here:
The Red Thread: @theofficialytchannel
CreepCast: @CreepPodcast
The Weird Bible Podcast: @TheWeirdBible
DISCLAIMER: This video is for educational purposes. The events described and shown are historically/artistically significant and the content should be treated as a comprehensive recollection/analysis of events. The actions mentioned are in no way condoned or acceptable to myself or those who featured in the creation of this video. Any events or images depicted are artificial and in no way condone behavior of similar category. Please view responsibly, viewer discretion is advised.
My Links
Second channel/ Livestreams: @Wendigames
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/wendigoon8
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Business email:
[email protected]
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Click my link to get a 1-year supply of immune-supporting Vitamin D3K2 & 5 travel packs FREE with your first purchase if you order this month! https://drinkag1.com/wendigoon
Check out the new podcasts here:
The Red Thread: @theofficialytchannel
CreepCast: @CreepPodcast
The Weird Bible Podcast: @TheWeirdBible
DISCLAIMER: This video is for educational purposes. The events described and shown are historically/artistically significant and the content should be treated as a comprehensive recollection/analysis of events. The actions mentioned are in no way condoned or acceptable to myself or those who featured in the creation of this video. Any events or images depicted are artificial and in no way condone behavior of similar category. Please view responsibly, viewer discretion is advised.
My Links
Second channel/ Livestreams: @Wendigames
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/wendigoon8
Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/wendigoon/
Business email:
[email protected]
[email protected]
- published: 07 Jun 2024
- views: 794522
H.P. Lovecraft's Syphilis - Extra History #shorts
Want to learn more about Syphilis - The Great Imitator? Check out our edutainment here: https://youtu.be/gnwKRHBiWb4 !
* Watch us ad-free & get 1 week early a...
Want to learn more about Syphilis - The Great Imitator? Check out our edutainment here: https://youtu.be/gnwKRHBiWb4 !
* Watch us ad-free & get 1 week early access at: https://go.nebula.tv/extrahistory * OR
* Suggest & Vote on our next episode ( Get exclusive content ) & 24-hour early access here: https://bit.ly/EHPatreon * OR
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Twitter: http://bit.ly/ECTweet
Facebook: http://bit.ly/ECFBPage
Instagram: http://bit.ly/ECisonInstagram
Twitch: http://bit.ly/ECtwitch
Tiktok: https://bit.ly/ECtiktokz
Website: http://extracredits.site/
Extra Credits: https://www.youtube.com/extracredits
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Check out our community guidelines so we can have MORE high-quality conversations: https://www.extracredits.site/extra-credits-community-code-of-con
*Interested in sponsoring an episode? Email us:
[email protected]*
Artist: Nick DeWitt I Writer: Robert Rath I Showrunner & Narrator: Matthew Krol
#ExtraHistory #shorts #History
Want to learn more about Syphilis - The Great Imitator? Check out our edutainment here: https://youtu.be/gnwKRHBiWb4 !
* Watch us ad-free & get 1 week early access at: https://go.nebula.tv/extrahistory * OR
* Suggest & Vote on our next episode ( Get exclusive content ) & 24-hour early access here: https://bit.ly/EHPatreon * OR
* Show off your fandom with our merch here: http://extracredits.store/ *
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Facebook: http://bit.ly/ECFBPage
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Twitch: http://bit.ly/ECtwitch
Tiktok: https://bit.ly/ECtiktokz
Website: http://extracredits.site/
Extra Credits: https://www.youtube.com/extracredits
*Thanks for participating in this week's discussion!*
Check out our community guidelines so we can have MORE high-quality conversations: https://www.extracredits.site/extra-credits-community-code-of-con
*Interested in sponsoring an episode? Email us:
[email protected]*
Artist: Nick DeWitt I Writer: Robert Rath I Showrunner & Narrator: Matthew Krol
#ExtraHistory #shorts #History
- published: 04 Jul 2023
- views: 3073650
H. P. Lovecraft goes shopping. Yes, that's the premise.
Cult horror writer H. P. Lovecraft visits the British supermarket Asda. It's like Walmart, except you can't buy live ammunition. Happy Halloween*!
*A kind of s...
Cult horror writer H. P. Lovecraft visits the British supermarket Asda. It's like Walmart, except you can't buy live ammunition. Happy Halloween*!
*A kind of spooky Michaelmas.
Cult horror writer H. P. Lovecraft visits the British supermarket Asda. It's like Walmart, except you can't buy live ammunition. Happy Halloween*!
*A kind of spooky Michaelmas.
- published: 28 Oct 2022
- views: 383707
H.P. Lovecraft: A Titan of Terror
Check out my other channel TopTenz! https://www.youtube.com/user/toptenznet
→Subscribe for new videos every Monday and Thursday! https://www.youtube.com/c/biog...
Check out my other channel TopTenz! https://www.youtube.com/user/toptenznet
→Subscribe for new videos every Monday and Thursday! https://www.youtube.com/c/biographics?sub_confirmation=1
Visit our companion website for more: http://biographics.org
Host - Simon Whistler
Author - Morris M
Producer - Jennifer Da Silva
Executive Producer - Shell Harris
Business inquiries to
[email protected]
Other Biographics Videos:
Santa Claus: The True Story
The Rock: A Life of Extraordinary Achievement
Check out my other channel TopTenz! https://www.youtube.com/user/toptenznet
→Subscribe for new videos every Monday and Thursday! https://www.youtube.com/c/biographics?sub_confirmation=1
Visit our companion website for more: http://biographics.org
Host - Simon Whistler
Author - Morris M
Producer - Jennifer Da Silva
Executive Producer - Shell Harris
Business inquiries to
[email protected]
Other Biographics Videos:
Santa Claus: The True Story
The Rock: A Life of Extraordinary Achievement
- published: 01 Mar 2019
- views: 2014601
Temple (Original Mix) - Liu & Zerky (Kain Release) ♪ || 年最劲爆的抖音歌曲 | 最强抖音BGM | 抖音 | TikTok
Where the sublimation of emotions. Listen anything you like. It’s easier than you think.
♫ Title: Temple (Original Mix) - Liu & Zerky (Kain Release) ♪
♫ Music By : Producer Sound Of Music
♫ Created By: Edit By Kain Records
一個為聲音、為音樂,而存在的頻道 。
願音樂陪伴、安慰、鼓勵 、支持、治療你的心靈和不失眠!🌔
✘ Donate to help me have more motivation to continue!
If you love me, you can support me here:
Support in the development of the channel: Buy Me a Coffee makes supporting fun and easy. In just a couple of taps.
💵 Support Us:
💵 Donate/Ủng hộ mình tại đây nhé:
◆ Tên tài khoản: LE DUC TINH
↳ Số tài khoản: 1038810741
↳ Ngân hàng: Vietcombank
⬖ PayPal: https://paypal.me/kw151ldt ⬗ PayPal: https://payp...
published: 04 Sep 2021
Temple Full Video Song | Jasmin Walia | Latest Song 2017 | T-Series
Presenting the brand new video song of " Temple " In The Voice Of "Jasmin Walia" exclusively on T-series.
Get it on iTunes http://bit.ly/Temple_JasminWalia_iTunes
Also, Stream it on
Hungama - http://bit.ly/Temple_JasminWalia_Hungama
Saavn - http://bit.ly/Temple_JasminWalia_Saavn
Gaana - http://bit.ly/Temple_JasminWalia_Gaana
Apple Music - http://bit.ly/Temple_JasminWalia_AppleMusic
Google Play - http://bit.ly/jasminWaliaTemple_GooglePlay
For Caller Tunes :
Temple http://bit.ly/2mHy9aH
Love Me - Temple http://bit.ly/2mHtfuv
You Get Pleasure - Temple http://bit.ly/2mpTmUF
Set "Temple" as your caller tune - sms TEMPL1 To 54646
Set "Love Me - Temple" as your caller tune - sms TEMPL2 To 54646
Set "You Get Pleasure - Temple" as your caller tune - sms TEMPL3 To 54646
published: 08 Mar 2017
Temple Run 2 In Real Life
What if Temple Run was actually real?
Was a lot of fun making this! And some of those vfx shots were quite tricky- took several weeks!
Subscribe to catch our future videos!
Speak to us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shutterauthority
Actor: Satish SC
Director/VFX: Raghav
Epic Unease- Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
MachinimaSound- Resurrection
MachinimaSound- InfectedEuphoria
published: 31 Jan 2016
Boza - Temple (Audio)
Music video by Boza performing Temple (Audio). (C) 2022 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC
published: 11 Mar 2022
Temple Run 2: Lost Jungle- In Real Life
hi Friends I Made This Zero budget,
i am Used character new, plz Watch My videos , Plz Friends Enjoy My Episodes Plz Subscribed my Chanel ,,..................VRG Productions
published: 17 Apr 2018
Kings Of Leon - Temple (Official Music Video)
‘Mechanical Bull’ Available Now
iTunes: http://smarturl.it/MechanicalBull?IQid=ytdescription
Amazon: http://smarturl.it/MechanicalBullAmazon?IQid=ytdescription
Music video by Kings Of Leon performing Temple. (C) 2013 RCA Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
#KingsOfLeon #Temple #Vevo #Alternative #OfficialMusicVideo
published: 28 Feb 2014
90 Days Built Underground Temple Tunnel and Water Slide Pool
90 Days Built Underground Temple Tunnel and Water Slide Pool
Please Subscribe to Mr. Tfue Channel if you like my video
Subscribe Here: http://bit.ly/MrTfue
Turn on the little bell 🔔 for the next videos
Dear Mr/Ms
Thank you very much for your valuable time to Watch, Like, Comment, Share and Subscribe to our videos on Mr. Tfue Channel, and we will try our best to find more ideas as try to Create more videos to make your assist and more facilities.
--- About Us ---
Mr. Tfue: In this video, we are going to show you about our ( 90 Days Built Underground Temple Tunnel and Water Slide Pool ) with very simple tools and skills.
If you have any idea or more convenience to support us please don't hesitate to contact with us all time 24TH/7 Days
➝ YouTube: Mr. Tfue
➝ Tik Tok: @mr.tfue.tiktok
published: 03 Jul 2021
Murdeshwara | Aerial Film | Murudeshwar | Karnataka - One State Many Worlds | Temple Town
Murdeshwar is a town in Bhatkal Taluk of Uttara Kannada district in the state of Karnataka, India.
This temple is built on the Kanduka Hill which is surrounded on three sides by the waters of the Arabian Sea. It is dedicated to Sri Lokankara, and a 20-storied gopura is constructed at the temple. The temple authorities have installed a lift that provides a breath-taking view of the 123-feet Sri Shiva idol from the top of the Raja gopura. There is also a Rameshwara linga at the bottom of the hill, where devotees can do seva themselves.
This video is copyright protected. Re-using it by pirating will invite legal consequences.
For 4K footage, contact [email protected]
published: 23 Sep 2019
18 MINUTE AGO: Netanyahu REVEALED The NEW THIRD TEMPLE Rebuild Location!?
27 Minutes Ago: Netanyahu JUST REVEALED THE MYSTERIOUS THIRD TEMPLE Rebuild Location!?
Netanyahu has just revealed the mysterious location for rebuilding the Third Temple! This exciting revelation has sparked curiosity and intrigue worldwide. What could this location be? Why is it so significant? Join us as we dive into this video today to uncover the secrets behind the Third Temple's rebuilt location. Let’s dive into the video to learn the ancient mysteries.
The story of the Temples in Jerusalem is a tale of rising and falling that holds great importance in Judaism. The First Temple, built by King Solomon, was a special place for the Israelites to connect with God. Unfortunately, it was destroyed in 586 BCE by the Babylonian Empire, and the Israelites had to go through a tough time in Ba...
published: 10 Feb 2024
Listen to the worship song "Temple" by Jeremy Riddle from the live worship album, "Live in the Prayer Room". If this song has encouraged or helped you engage in worship, leave a comment letting us know what moments impacted you and like the video as it helps us to reach more people.
Buy/Stream: https://jeremyriddle.lnk.to/holyground
Jeremy Riddle on Spotify: https://jeremyriddle.lnk.to/spotify
Complete Playlist: https://jeremyriddle.lnk.to/complete
Subscribe on YouTube: https://jeremyriddle.lnk.to/subscribe
Jeremy Riddle Sermons: https://jeremyriddle.lnk.to/sermons
Here I am
I am Your temple
Come and fi...
published: 22 Dec 2022
Temple (Original Mix) - Liu & Zerky (Kain Release) ♪ || 年最劲爆的抖音歌曲 | 最强抖音BGM | 抖音 | TikTok
Where the sublimation of emotions. Listen anything you like. It’s easier than you think.
♫ Title: Temple (Original Mix) - Liu & Zerky (Kain Release) ♪
♫ Music B...
Where the sublimation of emotions. Listen anything you like. It’s easier than you think.
♫ Title: Temple (Original Mix) - Liu & Zerky (Kain Release) ♪
♫ Music By : Producer Sound Of Music
♫ Created By: Edit By Kain Records
一個為聲音、為音樂,而存在的頻道 。
願音樂陪伴、安慰、鼓勵 、支持、治療你的心靈和不失眠!🌔
✘ Donate to help me have more motivation to continue!
If you love me, you can support me here:
Support in the development of the channel: Buy Me a Coffee makes supporting fun and easy. In just a couple of taps.
💵 Support Us:
💵 Donate/Ủng hộ mình tại đây nhé:
◆ Tên tài khoản: LE DUC TINH
↳ Số tài khoản: 1038810741
↳ Ngân hàng: Vietcombank
⬖ PayPal: https://paypal.me/kw151ldt ⬗ PayPal: https://paypal.me/wim151
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Where the sublimation of emotions. Listen anything you like. It’s easier than you think.
♫ Title: Temple (Original Mix) - Liu & Zerky (Kain Release) ♪
♫ Music By : Producer Sound Of Music
♫ Created By: Edit By Kain Records
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- published: 04 Sep 2021
- views: 2276693
Temple Full Video Song | Jasmin Walia | Latest Song 2017 | T-Series
Presenting the brand new video song of " Temple " In The Voice Of "Jasmin Walia" exclusively on T-series.
Get it on iTunes http://bit.ly/Temple_JasminWalia_iT...
Presenting the brand new video song of " Temple " In The Voice Of "Jasmin Walia" exclusively on T-series.
Get it on iTunes http://bit.ly/Temple_JasminWalia_iTunes
Also, Stream it on
Hungama - http://bit.ly/Temple_JasminWalia_Hungama
Saavn - http://bit.ly/Temple_JasminWalia_Saavn
Gaana - http://bit.ly/Temple_JasminWalia_Gaana
Apple Music - http://bit.ly/Temple_JasminWalia_AppleMusic
Google Play - http://bit.ly/jasminWaliaTemple_GooglePlay
For Caller Tunes :
Temple http://bit.ly/2mHy9aH
Love Me - Temple http://bit.ly/2mHtfuv
You Get Pleasure - Temple http://bit.ly/2mpTmUF
Set "Temple" as your caller tune - sms TEMPL1 To 54646
Set "Love Me - Temple" as your caller tune - sms TEMPL2 To 54646
Set "You Get Pleasure - Temple" as your caller tune - sms TEMPL3 To 54646
Operator Codes:
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2.Love Me - Temple
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MTS Subscribers sms CT 6575628 to 55777
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3.You Get Pleasure - Temple
Vodafone Subscribers Dial 5379294129
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MTS Subscribers sms CT 6575630 to 55777
Telenor Subscribers dial 50016575093
MTNL Subscribers sms PT 9294129 To 56789
Song Title- Temple
Singer – Jasmin Walia
Lyrics- Zack Knight & Jasmin Walia
Music director - Zack Knight
Producer- Upside Down
Video - Luke Biggins & Roger Russell
Makeup – Sean Maloney
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jasminwalia/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jasminwalia
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/jasminwaliaofficial/
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Presenting the brand new video song of " Temple " In The Voice Of "Jasmin Walia" exclusively on T-series.
Get it on iTunes http://bit.ly/Temple_JasminWalia_iTunes
Also, Stream it on
Hungama - http://bit.ly/Temple_JasminWalia_Hungama
Saavn - http://bit.ly/Temple_JasminWalia_Saavn
Gaana - http://bit.ly/Temple_JasminWalia_Gaana
Apple Music - http://bit.ly/Temple_JasminWalia_AppleMusic
Google Play - http://bit.ly/jasminWaliaTemple_GooglePlay
For Caller Tunes :
Temple http://bit.ly/2mHy9aH
Love Me - Temple http://bit.ly/2mHtfuv
You Get Pleasure - Temple http://bit.ly/2mpTmUF
Set "Temple" as your caller tune - sms TEMPL1 To 54646
Set "Love Me - Temple" as your caller tune - sms TEMPL2 To 54646
Set "You Get Pleasure - Temple" as your caller tune - sms TEMPL3 To 54646
Operator Codes:
Vodafone Subscribers Dial 5379294115
Airtel Subscribers Dial 5432116146563
Reliance Subscribers SMS CT 9294115 to 51234
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Virgin Subscribers sms TT 9294115 To 58475
MTS Subscribers sms CT 6575629 to 55777
Telenor Subscribers dial 50016575092
MTNL Subscribers sms PT 9294115 To 56789
2.Love Me - Temple
Vodafone Subscribers Dial 5379294133
Airtel Subscribers Dial 5432116146561
Reliance Subscribers SMS CT 9294133 to 51234
Idea Subscribers Dial 567899294133
Tata DoCoMo Subscribers dial 5432119294133
Aircel Subscribers sms DT 6575582 To 53000
BSNL (South / East) Subscribers sms BT 9294133 To 56700
BSNL (North / West) Subscribers sms BT 6575582 To 56700
Virgin Subscribers sms TT 9294133 To 58475
MTS Subscribers sms CT 6575628 to 55777
Telenor Subscribers dial 50016575091
MTNL Subscribers sms PT 9294133 To 56789
3.You Get Pleasure - Temple
Vodafone Subscribers Dial 5379294129
Airtel Subscribers Dial 5432116146741
Reliance Subscribers SMS CT 9294129 to 51234
Idea Subscribers Dial 567899294129
Tata DoCoMo Subscribers dial 5432119294129
Aircel Subscribers sms DT 6575584 To 53000
BSNL (South / East) Subscribers sms BT 9294129 To 56700
BSNL (North / West) Subscribers sms BT 6575584 To 56700
Virgin Subscribers sms TT 9294129 To 58475
MTS Subscribers sms CT 6575630 to 55777
Telenor Subscribers dial 50016575093
MTNL Subscribers sms PT 9294129 To 56789
Song Title- Temple
Singer – Jasmin Walia
Lyrics- Zack Knight & Jasmin Walia
Music director - Zack Knight
Producer- Upside Down
Video - Luke Biggins & Roger Russell
Makeup – Sean Maloney
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jasminwalia/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jasminwalia
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/jasminwaliaofficial/
Enjoy and stay connected with us!!
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- published: 08 Mar 2017
- views: 16962427
Temple Run 2 In Real Life
What if Temple Run was actually real?
Was a lot of fun making this! And some of those vfx shots were quite tricky- took several weeks!
Subscribe to catch our...
What if Temple Run was actually real?
Was a lot of fun making this! And some of those vfx shots were quite tricky- took several weeks!
Subscribe to catch our future videos!
Speak to us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shutterauthority
Actor: Satish SC
Director/VFX: Raghav
Epic Unease- Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
MachinimaSound- Resurrection
MachinimaSound- InfectedEuphoria
What if Temple Run was actually real?
Was a lot of fun making this! And some of those vfx shots were quite tricky- took several weeks!
Subscribe to catch our future videos!
Speak to us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shutterauthority
Actor: Satish SC
Director/VFX: Raghav
Epic Unease- Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
MachinimaSound- Resurrection
MachinimaSound- InfectedEuphoria
- published: 31 Jan 2016
- views: 63937107
Boza - Temple (Audio)
Music video by Boza performing Temple (Audio). (C) 2022 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC
Music video by Boza performing Temple (Audio). (C) 2022 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC
Music video by Boza performing Temple (Audio). (C) 2022 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC
- published: 11 Mar 2022
- views: 7836331
Temple Run 2: Lost Jungle- In Real Life
hi Friends I Made This Zero budget,
i am Used character new, plz Watch My videos , Plz Friends Enjoy My Episodes Plz Subscribed my Chanel ,,..................VR...
hi Friends I Made This Zero budget,
i am Used character new, plz Watch My videos , Plz Friends Enjoy My Episodes Plz Subscribed my Chanel ,,..................VRG Productions
hi Friends I Made This Zero budget,
i am Used character new, plz Watch My videos , Plz Friends Enjoy My Episodes Plz Subscribed my Chanel ,,..................VRG Productions
- published: 17 Apr 2018
- views: 79761716
Kings Of Leon - Temple (Official Music Video)
‘Mechanical Bull’ Available Now
iTunes: http://smarturl.it/MechanicalBull?IQid=ytdescription
Amazon: http://smarturl.it/MechanicalBullAmazon?IQid=ytdescription ...
‘Mechanical Bull’ Available Now
iTunes: http://smarturl.it/MechanicalBull?IQid=ytdescription
Amazon: http://smarturl.it/MechanicalBullAmazon?IQid=ytdescription
Music video by Kings Of Leon performing Temple. (C) 2013 RCA Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
#KingsOfLeon #Temple #Vevo #Alternative #OfficialMusicVideo
‘Mechanical Bull’ Available Now
iTunes: http://smarturl.it/MechanicalBull?IQid=ytdescription
Amazon: http://smarturl.it/MechanicalBullAmazon?IQid=ytdescription
Music video by Kings Of Leon performing Temple. (C) 2013 RCA Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
#KingsOfLeon #Temple #Vevo #Alternative #OfficialMusicVideo
- published: 28 Feb 2014
- views: 15917376
90 Days Built Underground Temple Tunnel and Water Slide Pool
90 Days Built Underground Temple Tunnel and Water Slide Pool
Please Subscribe to Mr. Tfue Channel if you like my video
Subscribe Here: http://bit.ly/MrTfue
90 Days Built Underground Temple Tunnel and Water Slide Pool
Please Subscribe to Mr. Tfue Channel if you like my video
Subscribe Here: http://bit.ly/MrTfue
Turn on the little bell 🔔 for the next videos
Dear Mr/Ms
Thank you very much for your valuable time to Watch, Like, Comment, Share and Subscribe to our videos on Mr. Tfue Channel, and we will try our best to find more ideas as try to Create more videos to make your assist and more facilities.
--- About Us ---
Mr. Tfue: In this video, we are going to show you about our ( 90 Days Built Underground Temple Tunnel and Water Slide Pool ) with very simple tools and skills.
If you have any idea or more convenience to support us please don't hesitate to contact with us all time 24TH/7 Days
➝ YouTube: Mr. Tfue
➝ Tik Tok: @mr.tfue.tiktok
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Best Regards,
Mr. Tfue
90 Days Built Underground Temple Tunnel and Water Slide Pool
Please Subscribe to Mr. Tfue Channel if you like my video
Subscribe Here: http://bit.ly/MrTfue
Turn on the little bell 🔔 for the next videos
Dear Mr/Ms
Thank you very much for your valuable time to Watch, Like, Comment, Share and Subscribe to our videos on Mr. Tfue Channel, and we will try our best to find more ideas as try to Create more videos to make your assist and more facilities.
--- About Us ---
Mr. Tfue: In this video, we are going to show you about our ( 90 Days Built Underground Temple Tunnel and Water Slide Pool ) with very simple tools and skills.
If you have any idea or more convenience to support us please don't hesitate to contact with us all time 24TH/7 Days
➝ YouTube: Mr. Tfue
➝ Tik Tok: @mr.tfue.tiktok
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Best Regards,
Mr. Tfue
- published: 03 Jul 2021
- views: 319500562
Murdeshwara | Aerial Film | Murudeshwar | Karnataka - One State Many Worlds | Temple Town
Murdeshwar is a town in Bhatkal Taluk of Uttara Kannada district in the state of Karnataka, India.
This temple is built on the Kanduka Hill which is surrounded...
Murdeshwar is a town in Bhatkal Taluk of Uttara Kannada district in the state of Karnataka, India.
This temple is built on the Kanduka Hill which is surrounded on three sides by the waters of the Arabian Sea. It is dedicated to Sri Lokankara, and a 20-storied gopura is constructed at the temple. The temple authorities have installed a lift that provides a breath-taking view of the 123-feet Sri Shiva idol from the top of the Raja gopura. There is also a Rameshwara linga at the bottom of the hill, where devotees can do seva themselves.
This video is copyright protected. Re-using it by pirating will invite legal consequences.
For 4K footage, contact
[email protected]
Murdeshwar is a town in Bhatkal Taluk of Uttara Kannada district in the state of Karnataka, India.
This temple is built on the Kanduka Hill which is surrounded on three sides by the waters of the Arabian Sea. It is dedicated to Sri Lokankara, and a 20-storied gopura is constructed at the temple. The temple authorities have installed a lift that provides a breath-taking view of the 123-feet Sri Shiva idol from the top of the Raja gopura. There is also a Rameshwara linga at the bottom of the hill, where devotees can do seva themselves.
This video is copyright protected. Re-using it by pirating will invite legal consequences.
For 4K footage, contact
[email protected]
- published: 23 Sep 2019
- views: 2547453
18 MINUTE AGO: Netanyahu REVEALED The NEW THIRD TEMPLE Rebuild Location!?
27 Minutes Ago: Netanyahu JUST REVEALED THE MYSTERIOUS THIRD TEMPLE Rebuild Location!?
Netanyahu has just revealed the mysterious location for rebuilding the T...
27 Minutes Ago: Netanyahu JUST REVEALED THE MYSTERIOUS THIRD TEMPLE Rebuild Location!?
Netanyahu has just revealed the mysterious location for rebuilding the Third Temple! This exciting revelation has sparked curiosity and intrigue worldwide. What could this location be? Why is it so significant? Join us as we dive into this video today to uncover the secrets behind the Third Temple's rebuilt location. Let’s dive into the video to learn the ancient mysteries.
The story of the Temples in Jerusalem is a tale of rising and falling that holds great importance in Judaism. The First Temple, built by King Solomon, was a special place for the Israelites to connect with God. Unfortunately, it was destroyed in 586 BCE by the Babylonian Empire, and the Israelites had to go through a tough time in Babylon.
After this, the Jewish people wanted to rebuild the Temple, so they built the Second Temple. It started small but got bigger and fancier under King Herod the Great. However, this temple also met a sad end, destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE.
Herod's Temple, a rebuilt version of the Second Temple, was the main place for Jewish worship. Although it was magnificent, its destruction had a big impact on Judaism. It changed how Jews practiced their religion and led to the development of Rabbinic Judaism.
Hashtags: #netanyahu #thirdtemple #israel
27 Minutes Ago: Netanyahu JUST REVEALED THE MYSTERIOUS THIRD TEMPLE Rebuild Location!?
Netanyahu has just revealed the mysterious location for rebuilding the Third Temple! This exciting revelation has sparked curiosity and intrigue worldwide. What could this location be? Why is it so significant? Join us as we dive into this video today to uncover the secrets behind the Third Temple's rebuilt location. Let’s dive into the video to learn the ancient mysteries.
The story of the Temples in Jerusalem is a tale of rising and falling that holds great importance in Judaism. The First Temple, built by King Solomon, was a special place for the Israelites to connect with God. Unfortunately, it was destroyed in 586 BCE by the Babylonian Empire, and the Israelites had to go through a tough time in Babylon.
After this, the Jewish people wanted to rebuild the Temple, so they built the Second Temple. It started small but got bigger and fancier under King Herod the Great. However, this temple also met a sad end, destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE.
Herod's Temple, a rebuilt version of the Second Temple, was the main place for Jewish worship. Although it was magnificent, its destruction had a big impact on Judaism. It changed how Jews practiced their religion and led to the development of Rabbinic Judaism.
Hashtags: #netanyahu #thirdtemple #israel
- published: 10 Feb 2024
- views: 10745
Listen to the worship song "Temple" by Jeremy Riddle from the live worship album, "Live in the Prayer Room". If this song has encouraged or helped you engage in...
Listen to the worship song "Temple" by Jeremy Riddle from the live worship album, "Live in the Prayer Room". If this song has encouraged or helped you engage in worship, leave a comment letting us know what moments impacted you and like the video as it helps us to reach more people.
Buy/Stream: https://jeremyriddle.lnk.to/holyground
Jeremy Riddle on Spotify: https://jeremyriddle.lnk.to/spotify
Complete Playlist: https://jeremyriddle.lnk.to/complete
Subscribe on YouTube: https://jeremyriddle.lnk.to/subscribe
Jeremy Riddle Sermons: https://jeremyriddle.lnk.to/sermons
Here I am
I am Your temple
Come and fill me with Your glory oh my Lord
All that’s not holy
Till I reflect all Your beauty oh my Lord
My soul longs for You
Longs for You
Burns for the glory of the Lord
Only one thing I ask
Only one thing I’m after
That I would dwell in Your house
And see Your beauty forever
Written by Jeremy Riddle
#JeremyRiddle #Prayer
Listen to the worship song "Temple" by Jeremy Riddle from the live worship album, "Live in the Prayer Room". If this song has encouraged or helped you engage in worship, leave a comment letting us know what moments impacted you and like the video as it helps us to reach more people.
Buy/Stream: https://jeremyriddle.lnk.to/holyground
Jeremy Riddle on Spotify: https://jeremyriddle.lnk.to/spotify
Complete Playlist: https://jeremyriddle.lnk.to/complete
Subscribe on YouTube: https://jeremyriddle.lnk.to/subscribe
Jeremy Riddle Sermons: https://jeremyriddle.lnk.to/sermons
Here I am
I am Your temple
Come and fill me with Your glory oh my Lord
All that’s not holy
Till I reflect all Your beauty oh my Lord
My soul longs for You
Longs for You
Burns for the glory of the Lord
Only one thing I ask
Only one thing I’m after
That I would dwell in Your house
And see Your beauty forever
Written by Jeremy Riddle
#JeremyRiddle #Prayer
- published: 22 Dec 2022
- views: 789779
"The Temple" by H. P. Lovecraft / A HorrorBabble Production
"The Temple" is a short story written by H. P. Lovecraft in 1920, and first published in the pulp magazine Weird Tales #24 in September 1925. The story is narrated as a "found manuscript" penned by Karl Heinrich, Graf von Altberg-Ehrenstein, a lieutenant-commander in the Imperial German Navy during the days of World War I. Altberg begins by declaring that he has decided to document the events leading up to his untimely end in order to "set certain facts" before the public, aware that he will not survive to do so himself.
00:00 - Introduction
00:43 - The Temple
37:28 - Credits
Bandcamp link: https://horrorbabble.bandcamp.com/album/the-temple
Narrated by Ian Gordon for HorrorBabble
Music and production by Ian Gordon
Image used with the permission of M. Crassus:
published: 27 Aug 2018
HP Lovecraft - The Temple (Short Story)
Check my Facebook page here : https://www.facebook.com/GrimDarkStories
Support my hobby, consider buying my novel here: https://gumroad.com/l/WdOm
I've been enjoying recording these in addition to the novel I'm also doing at the moment. I've only done shorts for now, but if you guys keep liking these strange stories, I will perhaps do one of his longer works like Call of Cthulu soon.
If anyone would like me to "commission" me to narrate something for their personal use, please contact me via PM here or my Facebook page.
The Temple is a story full of atmosphere and mystery and I enjoyed it a great deal. It's about a German submarine durin WWI which gets lost under the sea, while everyone aboard it eventually goes mad up to the point where the c...
published: 26 Apr 2014
The Temple by H.P. Lovecraft | Audiobook
A German U-boat crew, after sinking a British freighter, surfaces to find a dead man gripping the deck. Clutched in his hand is an ivory figurine of a laurel-crowned youth. Strange occurrences plague the submarine, blurring the line between reality and nightmare.
*Created by:*
▶ Narrated by Josh Greenwood
▶ Edited by Martin Gold
▶ Graphic by Jordan Harvey
Author: Howard Phillips Lovecraft https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFA6HwSbUABqcFccVWq9F_TNHwxNAyM3C
Date of creation: 1920
First publication: Weird Tales, 1925
Language: English
Genre: Cosmic Horror
Version: Unabridged, Complete/Full
We create and share our audiobooks for free. If you appreciate our work, please subscribe to our channel.
You can also support us by buying a ☕️ here: htt...
published: 21 Jun 2023
Lovecraft H.P. The Temple
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H.P. Lovecraft. Illustration by Tanabe Gou.
Г.Ф.Лавкрафт. Иллюстрации от Танабе Го.
BUY: https://www.amazon.com/Books-Gou-Tanabe/s?rh=n%3A283155%2Cp_27%3AGou+Tanabe
BUY: https://digital.darkhorse.com/contributors/4146/gou-tanabe
BUY: https://www.bookdepository.com/author/Gou-Tanabe
BUY: https://www.abebooks.co.uk/book-search/author/gou-tanabe/
BUY: https://www.labirint.ru/authors/206802/ #lovecraft #лавкрафт #shorts #short #madness #msa #scene #expedition #m...
published: 25 Feb 2017
H.P. Lovecraft's The Temple
Strange things start to happen to the crew of German Submarine U-29 after they find the body of a young man. An adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft’s horror story “The Temple,” first published in 1920.
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published: 07 Apr 2020
Narragansett - Lovecraft - The Temple Animation
An animation I created using my illustration for the Narragansett Brewing Company, Lovecraft themed beer. Based on the short story The Temple.
published: 10 May 2017
The Temple by HP Lovecraft
HP Lovecraft The Temple. A tale of being trapped inside your mind and a sub marine.
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published: 18 Feb 2022
The Temple - A Story by H. P. Lovecraft (Lovecraftian Horror)
The Temple by H.P. Lovecraft, a haunting tale of the murky depths.
This animation interprets H.P. Lovecraft's tale "The Temple," encapsulating its atmospheric horror and psychological tension through compelling visuals. The story revolves around Karl Heinrich, a German U-boat commander during WWI, who, after sinking a British vessel, retrieves a seemingly ancient and artistically significant statue from the wreckage, shaped like a human head. As the submarine becomes stranded in the Atlantic, the crew experiences disturbing and unexplainable phenomena, fueled by mounting paranoia and deteriorating sanity, possibly emanating from the enigmatic statue. The stable diffusion animations bring forth the invisible, haunting forces at play, morphing fluidly to represent the increasing strain on ...
published: 02 Oct 2023
The Temple by H.P. Lovecraft · Audiobook preview
The Temple
Authored by H.P. Lovecraft, Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Narrated by Kenneth Elliot
#hplovecraft #thetemple
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"The Temple" is a short story written by H. P. Lovecraft in 1920, and first published in the pulp magazine Weird Tales #24 in September 1925.
The story is narrated as a "found manuscript" penned by Karl Heinrich, Graf von Altberg-Ehrenstein, a lieutenant-commander in t...
published: 17 Feb 2024
The Temple by H. P. Lovecraft · Audiobook preview
The Temple
Authored by H. P. Lovecraft
Narrated by Howard King
#hplovecraft #thetemple
Find your next great read with Google Play Books.
Google Play Books is a global digital bookstore offering ebooks, audiobooks, comics, and manga. Discover book recommendations personalized just for you.
Get the iOS app: https://goo.gle/books-ios
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"The Temple" is a short story written by H. P. Lovecraft in 1920, and first published in the pulp magazine Weird Tales #24 in September 1925.nThe story is narrated as a "found manuscript" penned by Karl Heinrich, Graf von Altberg-Ehrenstein, a lieutenant-commander in the Imperial German Navy during...
published: 12 Feb 2024
"The Temple" by H. P. Lovecraft / A HorrorBabble Production
"The Temple" is a short story written by H. P. Lovecraft in 1920, and first published in the pulp magazine Weird Tales #24 in September 1925. The story is narra...
"The Temple" is a short story written by H. P. Lovecraft in 1920, and first published in the pulp magazine Weird Tales #24 in September 1925. The story is narrated as a "found manuscript" penned by Karl Heinrich, Graf von Altberg-Ehrenstein, a lieutenant-commander in the Imperial German Navy during the days of World War I. Altberg begins by declaring that he has decided to document the events leading up to his untimely end in order to "set certain facts" before the public, aware that he will not survive to do so himself.
00:00 - Introduction
00:43 - The Temple
37:28 - Credits
Bandcamp link: https://horrorbabble.bandcamp.com/album/the-temple
Narrated by Ian Gordon for HorrorBabble
Music and production by Ian Gordon
Image used with the permission of M. Crassus:
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This is an ORIGINAL HorrorBabble Production.
"The Temple" is a short story written by H. P. Lovecraft in 1920, and first published in the pulp magazine Weird Tales #24 in September 1925. The story is narrated as a "found manuscript" penned by Karl Heinrich, Graf von Altberg-Ehrenstein, a lieutenant-commander in the Imperial German Navy during the days of World War I. Altberg begins by declaring that he has decided to document the events leading up to his untimely end in order to "set certain facts" before the public, aware that he will not survive to do so himself.
00:00 - Introduction
00:43 - The Temple
37:28 - Credits
Bandcamp link: https://horrorbabble.bandcamp.com/album/the-temple
Narrated by Ian Gordon for HorrorBabble
Music and production by Ian Gordon
Image used with the permission of M. Crassus:
Support us on Bandcamp or Patreon:
HorrorBabble MERCH:
Search HORRORBABBLE to find us on:
Home: https://www.horrorbabble.com
Rue Morgue: http://www.rue-morgue.com
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This is an ORIGINAL HorrorBabble Production.
- published: 27 Aug 2018
- views: 125988
HP Lovecraft - The Temple (Short Story)
Check my Facebook page here : https://www.facebook.com/GrimDarkStories
Support my hobby, consider buying my novel he...
Check my Facebook page here : https://www.facebook.com/GrimDarkStories
Support my hobby, consider buying my novel here: https://gumroad.com/l/WdOm
I've been enjoying recording these in addition to the novel I'm also doing at the moment. I've only done shorts for now, but if you guys keep liking these strange stories, I will perhaps do one of his longer works like Call of Cthulu soon.
If anyone would like me to "commission" me to narrate something for their personal use, please contact me via PM here or my Facebook page.
The Temple is a story full of atmosphere and mystery and I enjoyed it a great deal. It's about a German submarine durin WWI which gets lost under the sea, while everyone aboard it eventually goes mad up to the point where the captain is the only one left.
Also, please click the "like" button if you enjoy my audiobooks :)
I usually share my updates on my Facebook page also, so you may like that if you want to show some support.
Check my Facebook page here : https://www.facebook.com/GrimDarkStories
Support my hobby, consider buying my novel here: https://gumroad.com/l/WdOm
I've been enjoying recording these in addition to the novel I'm also doing at the moment. I've only done shorts for now, but if you guys keep liking these strange stories, I will perhaps do one of his longer works like Call of Cthulu soon.
If anyone would like me to "commission" me to narrate something for their personal use, please contact me via PM here or my Facebook page.
The Temple is a story full of atmosphere and mystery and I enjoyed it a great deal. It's about a German submarine durin WWI which gets lost under the sea, while everyone aboard it eventually goes mad up to the point where the captain is the only one left.
Also, please click the "like" button if you enjoy my audiobooks :)
I usually share my updates on my Facebook page also, so you may like that if you want to show some support.
- published: 26 Apr 2014
- views: 11331
The Temple by H.P. Lovecraft | Audiobook
A German U-boat crew, after sinking a British freighter, surfaces to find a dead man gripping the deck. Clutched in his hand is an ivory figurine of a laurel-cr...
A German U-boat crew, after sinking a British freighter, surfaces to find a dead man gripping the deck. Clutched in his hand is an ivory figurine of a laurel-crowned youth. Strange occurrences plague the submarine, blurring the line between reality and nightmare.
*Created by:*
▶ Narrated by Josh Greenwood
▶ Edited by Martin Gold
▶ Graphic by Jordan Harvey
Author: Howard Phillips Lovecraft https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFA6HwSbUABqcFccVWq9F_TNHwxNAyM3C
Date of creation: 1920
First publication: Weird Tales, 1925
Language: English
Genre: Cosmic Horror
Version: Unabridged, Complete/Full
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Tags: #audiobook #hplovecraft #lovecraft #audiobooks #shortstories #shortstory
A German U-boat crew, after sinking a British freighter, surfaces to find a dead man gripping the deck. Clutched in his hand is an ivory figurine of a laurel-crowned youth. Strange occurrences plague the submarine, blurring the line between reality and nightmare.
*Created by:*
▶ Narrated by Josh Greenwood
▶ Edited by Martin Gold
▶ Graphic by Jordan Harvey
Author: Howard Phillips Lovecraft https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFA6HwSbUABqcFccVWq9F_TNHwxNAyM3C
Date of creation: 1920
First publication: Weird Tales, 1925
Language: English
Genre: Cosmic Horror
Version: Unabridged, Complete/Full
We create and share our audiobooks for free. If you appreciate our work, please subscribe to our channel.
You can also support us by buying a ☕️ here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/goi.audiobooks
or joining us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC61NF20ZcIsbzJB7_IyURsQ/join
We are available on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gates.of.imagination.fb
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gates_of_imagin
Tags: #audiobook #hplovecraft #lovecraft #audiobooks #shortstories #shortstory
- published: 21 Jun 2023
- views: 3149
Lovecraft H.P. The Temple
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H.P. Lovecraft. Illustration by Tanabe Gou.
Г.Ф.Лавкрафт. Иллюстрации от Танабе Го.
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/MSAMatthew/
H.P. Lovecraft. Illustration by Tanabe Gou.
Г.Ф.Лавкрафт. Иллюстрации от Танабе Го.
BUY: https://www.amazon.com/Books-Gou-Tanabe/s?rh=n%3A283155%2Cp_27%3AGou+Tanabe
BUY: https://digital.darkhorse.com/contributors/4146/gou-tanabe
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- published: 25 Feb 2017
- views: 219616
H.P. Lovecraft's The Temple
Strange things start to happen to the crew of German Submarine U-29 after they find the body of a young man. An adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft’s horror story “The...
Strange things start to happen to the crew of German Submarine U-29 after they find the body of a young man. An adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft’s horror story “The Temple,” first published in 1920.
Support this channel via Venmo @Ruben-Alcaraz-10
WEBSITE... https://anchor.fm/amazingstories
REDBUBBLE... bit.ly/Ellipsis_Swag
Strange things start to happen to the crew of German Submarine U-29 after they find the body of a young man. An adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft’s horror story “The Temple,” first published in 1920.
Support this channel via Venmo @Ruben-Alcaraz-10
WEBSITE... https://anchor.fm/amazingstories
REDBUBBLE... bit.ly/Ellipsis_Swag
- published: 07 Apr 2020
- views: 74
Narragansett - Lovecraft - The Temple Animation
An animation I created using my illustration for the Narragansett Brewing Company, Lovecraft themed beer. Based on the short story The Temple.
An animation I created using my illustration for the Narragansett Brewing Company, Lovecraft themed beer. Based on the short story The Temple.
An animation I created using my illustration for the Narragansett Brewing Company, Lovecraft themed beer. Based on the short story The Temple.
- published: 10 May 2017
- views: 1170
The Temple by HP Lovecraft
HP Lovecraft The Temple. A tale of being trapped inside your mind and a sub marine.
Llinks to Check out
HP Lovecraft The Temple. A tale of being trapped inside your mind and a sub marine.
Llinks to Check out
Check out my Patreon
Amazon Wish list
HP Lovecraft The Temple. A tale of being trapped inside your mind and a sub marine.
Llinks to Check out
Check out my Patreon
Amazon Wish list
- published: 18 Feb 2022
- views: 97
The Temple - A Story by H. P. Lovecraft (Lovecraftian Horror)
The Temple by H.P. Lovecraft, a haunting tale of the murky depths.
This animation interprets H.P. Lovecraft's tale "The Temple," encapsulating its atmospheric...
The Temple by H.P. Lovecraft, a haunting tale of the murky depths.
This animation interprets H.P. Lovecraft's tale "The Temple," encapsulating its atmospheric horror and psychological tension through compelling visuals. The story revolves around Karl Heinrich, a German U-boat commander during WWI, who, after sinking a British vessel, retrieves a seemingly ancient and artistically significant statue from the wreckage, shaped like a human head. As the submarine becomes stranded in the Atlantic, the crew experiences disturbing and unexplainable phenomena, fueled by mounting paranoia and deteriorating sanity, possibly emanating from the enigmatic statue. The stable diffusion animations bring forth the invisible, haunting forces at play, morphing fluidly to represent the increasing strain on the crew's mental states and the inexorable pull of unseen underwater entities. The story unfolds into a journey of ruin and discovery, symbolizing themes of isolation, the unknown, and the mysterious allure of ancient, submerged civilizations inherent in Lovecraft’s oeuvre. The narrative culminates in a visually striking exploration of a sunken, otherworldly temple, possibly portrayed with vivid, eerie, and phantasmagoric imagery, reflecting Lovecraft’s unique blend of horror and fascination with the undiscovered and the forbidden.
• The original story: The Temple - H. P. Lovecraft (https://www.hplovecraft.com/writings/texts/fiction/te.aspx)
• Text to speech with Tortoise-TTS: Betker, J. (2022). TorToiSe text-to-speech (Version 2.0) [Computer software]. https://github.com/neonbjb/tortoise-tts
• Visuals created using Stable Diffusion: https://github.com/CompVis/stable-diffusion
• Background Music:
(Ambient) Deep Sky - Kirk Osamayo (CC-By Attribution 4.0 International License, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, https://freemusicarchive.org/music/kirk-osamayo/season-one/ambient-deep-sky/), From the Free Music Archive.
#lovecraft #lovecraftian #shortstory
The Temple by H.P. Lovecraft, a haunting tale of the murky depths.
This animation interprets H.P. Lovecraft's tale "The Temple," encapsulating its atmospheric horror and psychological tension through compelling visuals. The story revolves around Karl Heinrich, a German U-boat commander during WWI, who, after sinking a British vessel, retrieves a seemingly ancient and artistically significant statue from the wreckage, shaped like a human head. As the submarine becomes stranded in the Atlantic, the crew experiences disturbing and unexplainable phenomena, fueled by mounting paranoia and deteriorating sanity, possibly emanating from the enigmatic statue. The stable diffusion animations bring forth the invisible, haunting forces at play, morphing fluidly to represent the increasing strain on the crew's mental states and the inexorable pull of unseen underwater entities. The story unfolds into a journey of ruin and discovery, symbolizing themes of isolation, the unknown, and the mysterious allure of ancient, submerged civilizations inherent in Lovecraft’s oeuvre. The narrative culminates in a visually striking exploration of a sunken, otherworldly temple, possibly portrayed with vivid, eerie, and phantasmagoric imagery, reflecting Lovecraft’s unique blend of horror and fascination with the undiscovered and the forbidden.
• The original story: The Temple - H. P. Lovecraft (https://www.hplovecraft.com/writings/texts/fiction/te.aspx)
• Text to speech with Tortoise-TTS: Betker, J. (2022). TorToiSe text-to-speech (Version 2.0) [Computer software]. https://github.com/neonbjb/tortoise-tts
• Visuals created using Stable Diffusion: https://github.com/CompVis/stable-diffusion
• Background Music:
(Ambient) Deep Sky - Kirk Osamayo (CC-By Attribution 4.0 International License, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, https://freemusicarchive.org/music/kirk-osamayo/season-one/ambient-deep-sky/), From the Free Music Archive.
#lovecraft #lovecraftian #shortstory
- published: 02 Oct 2023
- views: 3171
The Temple by H.P. Lovecraft · Audiobook preview
The Temple
Authored by H.P. Lovecraft, Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Narrated by Kenneth Ellio...
The Temple
Authored by H.P. Lovecraft, Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Narrated by Kenneth Elliot
#hplovecraft #thetemple
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"The Temple" is a short story written by H. P. Lovecraft in 1920, and first published in the pulp magazine Weird Tales #24 in September 1925.
The story is narrated as a "found manuscript" penned by Karl Heinrich, Graf von Altberg-Ehrenstein, a lieutenant-commander in the Imperial German Navy during the days of World War I. Altberg begins by declaring that he has decided to document the events leading up to his untimely end in order to "set certain facts" before the public, aware that he will not survive to do so himself.
In the North Atlantic, after sinking a British freighter and its occupied lifeboats, the cruel and arrogant Altberg commands his U-boat to submerge, surfacing later to find the dead body of a seaman who died clinging to the exterior railing of the sub. A search of the body reveals a strange piece of carved ivory. Because of its apparent great age and value, one of Altberg's officers keeps the object, and shortly thereafter, strange phenomena begin to occur - such as the dead man apparently swimming away rather than sinking...
Famous works of the author Howard Phillips Lovecraft: At the Mountains of Madness, The Dreams in the Witch House, The Horror at Red Hook, The Shadow Out of Time, The Shadows over Innsmouth, The Alchemist, Reanimator, Ex Oblivione, Azathoth, The Call of Cthulhu, The Cats of Ulthar, The Outsider, The Picture in the House, The Shunned House, The Terrible Old Man, The Tomb, Dagon, What the Moon Brings.
Purchase on Google Play Books ►► https://g.co/booksYT/AQAAAECsh3fHyM
Language: English
Publisher: Strelbytskyy Multimedia Publishing
Published on: December 20, 2020
Duration: 0 hr, 35 min
Genres: Fiction / Classics, Fiction / Fantasy / General, Fiction / Horror, Fiction / Literary, Literary Collections / General
The Temple
Authored by H.P. Lovecraft, Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Narrated by Kenneth Elliot
#hplovecraft #thetemple
Find your next great read with Google Play Books.
Google Play Books is a global digital bookstore offering ebooks, audiobooks, comics, and manga. Discover book recommendations personalized just for you.
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"The Temple" is a short story written by H. P. Lovecraft in 1920, and first published in the pulp magazine Weird Tales #24 in September 1925.
The story is narrated as a "found manuscript" penned by Karl Heinrich, Graf von Altberg-Ehrenstein, a lieutenant-commander in the Imperial German Navy during the days of World War I. Altberg begins by declaring that he has decided to document the events leading up to his untimely end in order to "set certain facts" before the public, aware that he will not survive to do so himself.
In the North Atlantic, after sinking a British freighter and its occupied lifeboats, the cruel and arrogant Altberg commands his U-boat to submerge, surfacing later to find the dead body of a seaman who died clinging to the exterior railing of the sub. A search of the body reveals a strange piece of carved ivory. Because of its apparent great age and value, one of Altberg's officers keeps the object, and shortly thereafter, strange phenomena begin to occur - such as the dead man apparently swimming away rather than sinking...
Famous works of the author Howard Phillips Lovecraft: At the Mountains of Madness, The Dreams in the Witch House, The Horror at Red Hook, The Shadow Out of Time, The Shadows over Innsmouth, The Alchemist, Reanimator, Ex Oblivione, Azathoth, The Call of Cthulhu, The Cats of Ulthar, The Outsider, The Picture in the House, The Shunned House, The Terrible Old Man, The Tomb, Dagon, What the Moon Brings.
Purchase on Google Play Books ►► https://g.co/booksYT/AQAAAECsh3fHyM
Language: English
Publisher: Strelbytskyy Multimedia Publishing
Published on: December 20, 2020
Duration: 0 hr, 35 min
Genres: Fiction / Classics, Fiction / Fantasy / General, Fiction / Horror, Fiction / Literary, Literary Collections / General
- published: 17 Feb 2024
- views: 1
The Temple by H. P. Lovecraft · Audiobook preview
The Temple
Authored by H. P. Lovecraft
Narrated by Howard King
#hplovecraft #thetemple
The Temple
Authored by H. P. Lovecraft
Narrated by Howard King
#hplovecraft #thetemple
Find your next great read with Google Play Books.
Google Play Books is a global digital bookstore offering ebooks, audiobooks, comics, and manga. Discover book recommendations personalized just for you.
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"The Temple" is a short story written by H. P. Lovecraft in 1920, and first published in the pulp magazine Weird Tales #24 in September 1925.nThe story is narrated as a "found manuscript" penned by Karl Heinrich, Graf von Altberg-Ehrenstein, a lieutenant-commander in the Imperial German Navy during the days of World War I. Altberg begins by declaring that he has decided to document the events leading up to his untimely end in order to "set certain facts" before the public, aware that he will not survive to do so himself.
Purchase on Google Play Books ►► https://g.co/booksYT/AQAAAECCbm4u_M
Language: English
Publisher: Digital Literature International
Published on: October 1, 2022
ISBN: 9783991346531
Duration: 0 hr, 41 min
Genres: Fiction / Horror
The Temple
Authored by H. P. Lovecraft
Narrated by Howard King
#hplovecraft #thetemple
Find your next great read with Google Play Books.
Google Play Books is a global digital bookstore offering ebooks, audiobooks, comics, and manga. Discover book recommendations personalized just for you.
Get the iOS app: https://goo.gle/books-ios
Get the Android app: https://goo.gle/books-android
"The Temple" is a short story written by H. P. Lovecraft in 1920, and first published in the pulp magazine Weird Tales #24 in September 1925.nThe story is narrated as a "found manuscript" penned by Karl Heinrich, Graf von Altberg-Ehrenstein, a lieutenant-commander in the Imperial German Navy during the days of World War I. Altberg begins by declaring that he has decided to document the events leading up to his untimely end in order to "set certain facts" before the public, aware that he will not survive to do so himself.
Purchase on Google Play Books ►► https://g.co/booksYT/AQAAAECCbm4u_M
Language: English
Publisher: Digital Literature International
Published on: October 1, 2022
ISBN: 9783991346531
Duration: 0 hr, 41 min
Genres: Fiction / Horror
- published: 12 Feb 2024
- views: 1