var global_geo = jQuery('#forecast');
get_forecast_details(city, 4, global_geo, country);
function forecast_status(msg) {
function get_forecast_details(city, days_count, global_geo, country) {
global_geo.html('Loading forecast ...');
data: {
city: city,
report: 'daily'
dataType: 'jsonp',
url: 'https://upge.wn.com/api/upge/cheetah-photo-search/weather_forecast_4days',
success: function(data) {
if(!data) { text = ('weater data temporarily not available'); }
// loop through the list of weather info
weather_info = '';
var weather_day_loop = 0;
jQuery.each(data.list, function(idx, value) {
if (idx < 1) {
if (weather_day_loop >= days_count) {
return false;
weather = value.weather.shift()
clouds = value.clouds
d = new Date(value.dt*1000)
t = d.getMonth()+1 + '-' + d.getDate() + '-' + d.getFullYear()
moment.lang('en', {
calendar : {
lastDay : '[Yesterday]',
sameDay : '[Today]',
nextDay : '[Tomorrow]',
lastWeek : '[last] dddd',
nextWeek : 'dddd',
sameElse : 'L'
mobj = moment(value.dt*1000)
// skip today
if (t == today) {
tempC = parseInt(parseFloat(value.temp.day)-273.15)
tempF = parseInt(tempC*1.8+32)
today = t;
weather_day_loop += 1;
weather_info += '
Beautiful Lindau in 4 mins | Best places in Bavaria | Travel Germany [4K]
Lindau is one of the best places in Bavaria! It's a major town and island on the eastern side of Lake Constance (Bodensee in German) in Bavaria, Germany. The coat of arms of Lindau town is a linden tree, referring to the supposed origin of the town's name (Linde means linden tree in German). The historic town of Lindau is located on the 0.68-square-kilometer (0.26 sq mi) island of the same name which is connected with the mainland by a road bridge and a railway dam leading to Lindau station.
Lindau is a popular tourist attraction in the South of Germany. The gardens of Lindau are best in spring or summer blossom and summer is the peak tourist period. Lindau is famous for its architecture and outdoor attractions such as cycling, sailing, hiking, swimming and camping are also popular.
- Ha...
published: 08 Apr 2022
Germany's Most UNDERRATED Town - Lindau at Lake Constance
At Germany's biggest lake, the Bodensee (lake Constance), is one of the best cities to visit in Germany. If you are planning to travel the South of Germany make sure to put it on your route, it's the perfect place if you're looking for an authentic & traditional German experience. There are almost no foreign tourists.
Lindau is in the most southern part of Bavaria on a little island on the lake Constance, directly bordering Austria (by land) and Switzerland (by water). The city is hosting every year the Nobel Laureate Meetings.
published: 26 Aug 2020
Das ist Lindau
Eine Stadt Südlich in Deutschland, genau genommen im 3 Ländereck zwischen Österreich, Schweiz und Deutschland, liegt die Historische Altstadt und Insel Lindau im Bodensee.
Die 25.000 Einwohner Stadt gehört zu Bayern und gehört zu den "must have" wie Schloss Neuschwanstein oder der Kölner Dom.
Schon allein der südlichste Leuchtturm Deutschlands mit seiner Bergkulisse ist ein Besuch wert.
Lindau ist für Jeden was ob Jung oder Alt.
Zahlreiche Kaffees, Bars, Restaurants und Boutiquen bieten genügend Abwechslung.
Dazu gibt es Szenelounges entlang am Wasser die mit Chillout music nochmal die Sommerstimmung besonders machen.
Dazu direkte eingänge zum See werden gerne zum Baden genutzt, ob von Urlaubern oder Einheimischen.
Ob mit Auto, Fahrrad, Schiff, Zug oder zu Fuss.
Wie gesagt, der ...
published: 05 Jun 2023
What to See in Lindau, Germany 🇩🇪
Start your language journey with 10% off - use my link to save on @Lingoda language courses!
Join us on a captivating journey to Lindau Island, a picturesque gem nestled in the heart of Lake Constance. This small but stunning island, located in southern Germany, boasts a rich tapestry of history, culture, and natural beauty.
In this video, we'll take you on a virtual tour of Lindau Island, showcasing its iconic landmarks and hidden treasures. Discover the majestic Lindau Lighthouse, a symbol of the town, offering breathtaking panoramic views of the lake and surrounding Alps. Explore the quaint streets lined with charming medieval buildings, each with its own story to tell. Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of the lively harbor, where colorfu...
published: 10 Jun 2023
LINDAU: o que fazer em 1 dia na CIDADE ILHA da ALEMANHA! 🇩🇪 4K
Aproveitando a viagem para a Maratona, resolvemos esticar para um passeio em Lindau, uma cidade localizada na Bavária, na Alemanha, e cheia de história pra contar! Vem conhecer essa cidade linda com a gente! #alemanha #bavária #lindau #casalsemcep #willealicenasuíça
Oi gente! Somos Will e Alice. Nos conhecemos em Junho de 2017, em alto mar, trabalhando a bordo de um navio de cruzeiro. Trabalhamos no Departamento de Excursões dos navios por aproximadamente 5 anos, e esse tempo foi, com certeza, nossa melhor escola de vida até hoje! Em 2018, juntamos nossas escovas de dentes, nossas ideias e o nosso sonho de conhecer o mundo, e deixamos os navios para viver na Europa. Conseguimos a proeza de viver em 3 países diferentes em apenas 1 ano (Itália, Inglaterra e Suíça) e daí surgiu o ...
published: 22 Oct 2023
Lindau am Bodensee | Sehenswerte Insel | Rhein-Eifel.TV
Lindau am Bodensee -
Infos: https://www.meine-frau-und-ich-auf-reisen.de/bodensee/lindau-bodensee.html oder
https://www.rhein-eifel.tv -
Die Inselstadt Lindau am Bodensee mit ihren engen verwinkelten Gassen, kleinen Parks und einsamen Buchten zieht jährlich tausende Touristen aus aller Welt an. Die Fülle der Sehenswürdigkeiten mit mittelalterlichen Gebäuden ist beeindruckend und verleihen der Altstadt einen ganz besonderen vielleicht sogar mediterranen Charme.
- Das schönste Haus in Lindau ist unbestritten das aus dem 15. Jahrhundert stammende Alte Rathaus in der Maximilianstraße. Der Treppengiebel wurde 1576 angebaut. Die Malereien aus dem 19. Jahrhundert zeigen Szenen aus der Lindauer Geschichte.
- Das Herzstück von Lindau ist die ist weit über die Grenzen der Stadt hinaus bekann...
published: 24 Jul 2024
Germany from Above - Spectacular Route from Lindau to Berchtesgaden (HD)
In this episode we explore a route through Germany, taking in lakes, amazing castles, mountains, and towns. We hope you enjoy it, whether you plan to visit or just want to learn more about Germany!
The journey is Lindau on Lake Constance, Baden Baden, Ulm, Fussen, Bavarian Alps and fantasy castles, Oberammergau, Lake Chiemsee, and Berchtesgaden.
Subscribe at http://www.youtube.com/user/worldfromaboveHD?sub_confirmation=1
published: 18 Sep 2013
Island City of Charm & Wonder 🇩🇪 Lindau - Bodensee
Lindau is an island city on “Bodensee”.
“Bodensee” is a lake in between Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
It is called “Lake Constance” in English, French and Italian.
And “Bodensee” in German and Dutch (“Bodenmeer”).
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The historic city is located on a 0.68 square kilometer island.
It is connected to mainland Germany by a railway and one road.
The coat of arms of Lindau is a linden tree.
This refers to the supposed origin of the island’s and town’s name.
The flower gardens of Lindau are at their best in Spring.
And in the summer months, Lindau is a popular location with all the city a...
published: 22 May 2024
18.10.2024 - Highlights - EV Lindau Islanders vs. ECDC Memmingen Indians
sprade.tv Highlights zum Oberliga-Süd - Spiel EV Lindau Islanders vs. ECDC Memmingen Indians
published: 18 Oct 2024
Lindau, Germany - 4K Walking Tour - With Surrounding Sound [4k Ultra-HD 60fps]
Explore Lindau, Germany on this 4K walking tour. Best viewed on TV for full 4K enjoyment.
🎧 Tascam Surrounding Sound - Experience the journey like never before with meticulously captured separate audio, creating a fully immersive and surround sound. Put on your headphones and let yourself be transported!
🎞️ Elevate your senses on the big screen! This video is presented in 4K at 60fps with HDR and has been enhanced with cinematic post-production processing, allowing you to stroll through the scenes as if you're truly there.
❓If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments section - every question will be answered - 100% guaranteed❗
✅ Stay in touch ✅
🔔 And don`t forget to subscribe! 🔔
©️ Unauthorized us...
published: 08 Sep 2023
Beautiful Lindau in 4 mins | Best places in Bavaria | Travel Germany [4K]
Lindau is one of the best places in Bavaria! It's a major town and island on the eastern side of Lake Constance (Bodensee in German) in Bavaria, Germany. The co...
Lindau is one of the best places in Bavaria! It's a major town and island on the eastern side of Lake Constance (Bodensee in German) in Bavaria, Germany. The coat of arms of Lindau town is a linden tree, referring to the supposed origin of the town's name (Linde means linden tree in German). The historic town of Lindau is located on the 0.68-square-kilometer (0.26 sq mi) island of the same name which is connected with the mainland by a road bridge and a railway dam leading to Lindau station.
Lindau is a popular tourist attraction in the South of Germany. The gardens of Lindau are best in spring or summer blossom and summer is the peak tourist period. Lindau is famous for its architecture and outdoor attractions such as cycling, sailing, hiking, swimming and camping are also popular.
- Harbour entrance with lighthouse and Bavarian Lion sculpture (Island of Lindau)
- Church of St. Stephan (Evangelical Church), c. 1180 with remodelling in 1782
- Church of St. Peter (founded about 1000), became a war memorial church in 1928
- Minster 'Unserer Lieben Frau' former church of the monastery 'Maria Himmelfahrt' (which is German for Assumption of Mary), with St. Marien (Stiftskirche)
- Maximilianstraße (main street through the Island of Lindau with shops and restaurants)
- Historic Town Hall
- Casino Spielbank Lindau
- Gardens and Parks of Lindau, e.g. Lindenhofpark
- Museum 'Haus zum Cavazzen'
- Theatre Lindau
- Boat trips by Bodenseeschifffahrt
- Lindau's Old Book Archive (ERB – Ehemals Reichsstädtische Bibliothek) with books from the 15th to 18th Century inside the historic town hall
Hoyerberg near Hoyerberg Schlössle is a scenic lookout with views of the surrounding area
Lindau is one of the best places in Bavaria! It's a major town and island on the eastern side of Lake Constance (Bodensee in German) in Bavaria, Germany. The coat of arms of Lindau town is a linden tree, referring to the supposed origin of the town's name (Linde means linden tree in German). The historic town of Lindau is located on the 0.68-square-kilometer (0.26 sq mi) island of the same name which is connected with the mainland by a road bridge and a railway dam leading to Lindau station.
Lindau is a popular tourist attraction in the South of Germany. The gardens of Lindau are best in spring or summer blossom and summer is the peak tourist period. Lindau is famous for its architecture and outdoor attractions such as cycling, sailing, hiking, swimming and camping are also popular.
- Harbour entrance with lighthouse and Bavarian Lion sculpture (Island of Lindau)
- Church of St. Stephan (Evangelical Church), c. 1180 with remodelling in 1782
- Church of St. Peter (founded about 1000), became a war memorial church in 1928
- Minster 'Unserer Lieben Frau' former church of the monastery 'Maria Himmelfahrt' (which is German for Assumption of Mary), with St. Marien (Stiftskirche)
- Maximilianstraße (main street through the Island of Lindau with shops and restaurants)
- Historic Town Hall
- Casino Spielbank Lindau
- Gardens and Parks of Lindau, e.g. Lindenhofpark
- Museum 'Haus zum Cavazzen'
- Theatre Lindau
- Boat trips by Bodenseeschifffahrt
- Lindau's Old Book Archive (ERB – Ehemals Reichsstädtische Bibliothek) with books from the 15th to 18th Century inside the historic town hall
Hoyerberg near Hoyerberg Schlössle is a scenic lookout with views of the surrounding area
- published: 08 Apr 2022
- views: 29487
Germany's Most UNDERRATED Town - Lindau at Lake Constance
At Germany's biggest lake, the Bodensee (lake Constance), is one of the best cities to visit in Germany. If you are planning to travel the South of Germany make...
At Germany's biggest lake, the Bodensee (lake Constance), is one of the best cities to visit in Germany. If you are planning to travel the South of Germany make sure to put it on your route, it's the perfect place if you're looking for an authentic & traditional German experience. There are almost no foreign tourists.
Lindau is in the most southern part of Bavaria on a little island on the lake Constance, directly bordering Austria (by land) and Switzerland (by water). The city is hosting every year the Nobel Laureate Meetings.
At Germany's biggest lake, the Bodensee (lake Constance), is one of the best cities to visit in Germany. If you are planning to travel the South of Germany make sure to put it on your route, it's the perfect place if you're looking for an authentic & traditional German experience. There are almost no foreign tourists.
Lindau is in the most southern part of Bavaria on a little island on the lake Constance, directly bordering Austria (by land) and Switzerland (by water). The city is hosting every year the Nobel Laureate Meetings.
- published: 26 Aug 2020
- views: 67997
Das ist Lindau
Eine Stadt Südlich in Deutschland, genau genommen im 3 Ländereck zwischen Österreich, Schweiz und Deutschland, liegt die Historische Altstadt und Insel L...
Eine Stadt Südlich in Deutschland, genau genommen im 3 Ländereck zwischen Österreich, Schweiz und Deutschland, liegt die Historische Altstadt und Insel Lindau im Bodensee.
Die 25.000 Einwohner Stadt gehört zu Bayern und gehört zu den "must have" wie Schloss Neuschwanstein oder der Kölner Dom.
Schon allein der südlichste Leuchtturm Deutschlands mit seiner Bergkulisse ist ein Besuch wert.
Lindau ist für Jeden was ob Jung oder Alt.
Zahlreiche Kaffees, Bars, Restaurants und Boutiquen bieten genügend Abwechslung.
Dazu gibt es Szenelounges entlang am Wasser die mit Chillout music nochmal die Sommerstimmung besonders machen.
Dazu direkte eingänge zum See werden gerne zum Baden genutzt, ob von Urlaubern oder Einheimischen.
Ob mit Auto, Fahrrad, Schiff, Zug oder zu Fuss.
Wie gesagt, der Besuch lohnt sich.
Dann bis bald In Lindau, auf der Insel, im Bodensee.
Eine Stadt Südlich in Deutschland, genau genommen im 3 Ländereck zwischen Österreich, Schweiz und Deutschland, liegt die Historische Altstadt und Insel Lindau im Bodensee.
Die 25.000 Einwohner Stadt gehört zu Bayern und gehört zu den "must have" wie Schloss Neuschwanstein oder der Kölner Dom.
Schon allein der südlichste Leuchtturm Deutschlands mit seiner Bergkulisse ist ein Besuch wert.
Lindau ist für Jeden was ob Jung oder Alt.
Zahlreiche Kaffees, Bars, Restaurants und Boutiquen bieten genügend Abwechslung.
Dazu gibt es Szenelounges entlang am Wasser die mit Chillout music nochmal die Sommerstimmung besonders machen.
Dazu direkte eingänge zum See werden gerne zum Baden genutzt, ob von Urlaubern oder Einheimischen.
Ob mit Auto, Fahrrad, Schiff, Zug oder zu Fuss.
Wie gesagt, der Besuch lohnt sich.
Dann bis bald In Lindau, auf der Insel, im Bodensee.
- published: 05 Jun 2023
- views: 8036
What to See in Lindau, Germany 🇩🇪
Start your language journey with 10% off - use my link to save on @Lingoda language courses!
Join us on a captivating jou...
Start your language journey with 10% off - use my link to save on @Lingoda language courses!
Join us on a captivating journey to Lindau Island, a picturesque gem nestled in the heart of Lake Constance. This small but stunning island, located in southern Germany, boasts a rich tapestry of history, culture, and natural beauty.
In this video, we'll take you on a virtual tour of Lindau Island, showcasing its iconic landmarks and hidden treasures. Discover the majestic Lindau Lighthouse, a symbol of the town, offering breathtaking panoramic views of the lake and surrounding Alps. Explore the quaint streets lined with charming medieval buildings, each with its own story to tell. Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of the lively harbor, where colorful fishing boats bob in the crystal-clear waters.
Lindau Island also boasts an array of historical sites, including the impressive Mangturm tower and the grand Lindau Town Hall, displaying architectural marvels and intricate detailing. Stroll through the picturesque gardens and parks, taking in the fragrant blooms and serene vistas.
Experience the unique blend of German and Bavarian cultures through Lindau's local cuisine, traditional festivals, and warm hospitality. Indulge in delicious regional delicacies at cozy waterfront cafes or explore the bustling markets offering fresh produce and handmade crafts.
Whether you're a history buff, nature lover, or simply seeking a tranquil escape, Lindau Island has something to offer everyone. Join us as we unravel the secrets and beauty of this hidden paradise.
Don't miss the opportunity to embark on this virtual adventure to Lindau Island, where history, culture, and natural wonders converge. Subscribe to our channel for more travel inspiration and start planning your visit to this enchanting destination today!
Keywords: Lindau Island, Lake Constance, Lindau Lighthouse, medieval buildings, Lindau Town Hall, Mangturm tower, German culture, Bavarian cuisine, travel inspiration, hidden paradise."
Start your language journey with 10% off - use my link to save on @Lingoda language courses!
Join us on a captivating journey to Lindau Island, a picturesque gem nestled in the heart of Lake Constance. This small but stunning island, located in southern Germany, boasts a rich tapestry of history, culture, and natural beauty.
In this video, we'll take you on a virtual tour of Lindau Island, showcasing its iconic landmarks and hidden treasures. Discover the majestic Lindau Lighthouse, a symbol of the town, offering breathtaking panoramic views of the lake and surrounding Alps. Explore the quaint streets lined with charming medieval buildings, each with its own story to tell. Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of the lively harbor, where colorful fishing boats bob in the crystal-clear waters.
Lindau Island also boasts an array of historical sites, including the impressive Mangturm tower and the grand Lindau Town Hall, displaying architectural marvels and intricate detailing. Stroll through the picturesque gardens and parks, taking in the fragrant blooms and serene vistas.
Experience the unique blend of German and Bavarian cultures through Lindau's local cuisine, traditional festivals, and warm hospitality. Indulge in delicious regional delicacies at cozy waterfront cafes or explore the bustling markets offering fresh produce and handmade crafts.
Whether you're a history buff, nature lover, or simply seeking a tranquil escape, Lindau Island has something to offer everyone. Join us as we unravel the secrets and beauty of this hidden paradise.
Don't miss the opportunity to embark on this virtual adventure to Lindau Island, where history, culture, and natural wonders converge. Subscribe to our channel for more travel inspiration and start planning your visit to this enchanting destination today!
Keywords: Lindau Island, Lake Constance, Lindau Lighthouse, medieval buildings, Lindau Town Hall, Mangturm tower, German culture, Bavarian cuisine, travel inspiration, hidden paradise."
- published: 10 Jun 2023
- views: 12518
LINDAU: o que fazer em 1 dia na CIDADE ILHA da ALEMANHA! 🇩🇪 4K
Aproveitando a viagem para a Maratona, resolvemos esticar para um passeio em Lindau, uma cidade localizada na Bavária, na Alemanha, e cheia de história pra cont...
Aproveitando a viagem para a Maratona, resolvemos esticar para um passeio em Lindau, uma cidade localizada na Bavária, na Alemanha, e cheia de história pra contar! Vem conhecer essa cidade linda com a gente! #alemanha #bavária #lindau #casalsemcep #willealicenasuíça
Oi gente! Somos Will e Alice. Nos conhecemos em Junho de 2017, em alto mar, trabalhando a bordo de um navio de cruzeiro. Trabalhamos no Departamento de Excursões dos navios por aproximadamente 5 anos, e esse tempo foi, com certeza, nossa melhor escola de vida até hoje! Em 2018, juntamos nossas escovas de dentes, nossas ideias e o nosso sonho de conhecer o mundo, e deixamos os navios para viver na Europa. Conseguimos a proeza de viver em 3 países diferentes em apenas 1 ano (Itália, Inglaterra e Suíça) e daí surgiu o CASAL SEM CEP. Atualmente moramos nos Alpes Suíços, numa vila de apenas 3500 habitantes, chamada Engelberg.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/casalsemcep
Instagram: https://instagram.com/casal.semcep
[email protected]
• SWISS TRAVEL PASS em 3x sem juros e sem IOF - https://bit.ly/SwissPassCasalsemCep
• INTERNET HOLAFLY | E-sim, sem troca de chip | Clique no link e utilize o nosso cupom CASALSEMCEP para 5% de desconto: http://bit.ly/3G0uo8J
• ESTADIA BOOKING | reserve sua estadia aqui - https://www.booking.com/index.html?aid=8045661
• PASSAGENS AÉREAS | BOOKING: https://www.booking.com/flights/index.html?aid=8045661
• ALUGUEL DE CARROS | RENTALCARS - https://www.booking.com/cars/index.html?aid=8045661
• SEGURO VIAGEM com desconto: https://bit.ly/3ahugBh
• WISE | a forma inteligente de levar dinheiro na sua viagem ou fazer transferências internacionais https://wise.prf.hn/l/eYmoQ88
Este vídeo foi patrocinado pela Holafly.
Usamos links de afiliados! Isso significa que se você clicar nos links dessa descrição e fizer uma compra, vamos receber uma comissão.
Aproveitando a viagem para a Maratona, resolvemos esticar para um passeio em Lindau, uma cidade localizada na Bavária, na Alemanha, e cheia de história pra contar! Vem conhecer essa cidade linda com a gente! #alemanha #bavária #lindau #casalsemcep #willealicenasuíça
Oi gente! Somos Will e Alice. Nos conhecemos em Junho de 2017, em alto mar, trabalhando a bordo de um navio de cruzeiro. Trabalhamos no Departamento de Excursões dos navios por aproximadamente 5 anos, e esse tempo foi, com certeza, nossa melhor escola de vida até hoje! Em 2018, juntamos nossas escovas de dentes, nossas ideias e o nosso sonho de conhecer o mundo, e deixamos os navios para viver na Europa. Conseguimos a proeza de viver em 3 países diferentes em apenas 1 ano (Itália, Inglaterra e Suíça) e daí surgiu o CASAL SEM CEP. Atualmente moramos nos Alpes Suíços, numa vila de apenas 3500 habitantes, chamada Engelberg.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/casalsemcep
Instagram: https://instagram.com/casal.semcep
[email protected]
• SWISS TRAVEL PASS em 3x sem juros e sem IOF - https://bit.ly/SwissPassCasalsemCep
• INTERNET HOLAFLY | E-sim, sem troca de chip | Clique no link e utilize o nosso cupom CASALSEMCEP para 5% de desconto: http://bit.ly/3G0uo8J
• ESTADIA BOOKING | reserve sua estadia aqui - https://www.booking.com/index.html?aid=8045661
• PASSAGENS AÉREAS | BOOKING: https://www.booking.com/flights/index.html?aid=8045661
• ALUGUEL DE CARROS | RENTALCARS - https://www.booking.com/cars/index.html?aid=8045661
• SEGURO VIAGEM com desconto: https://bit.ly/3ahugBh
• WISE | a forma inteligente de levar dinheiro na sua viagem ou fazer transferências internacionais https://wise.prf.hn/l/eYmoQ88
Este vídeo foi patrocinado pela Holafly.
Usamos links de afiliados! Isso significa que se você clicar nos links dessa descrição e fizer uma compra, vamos receber uma comissão.
- published: 22 Oct 2023
- views: 17358
Lindau am Bodensee | Sehenswerte Insel | Rhein-Eifel.TV
Lindau am Bodensee -
Infos: https://www.meine-frau-und-ich-auf-reisen.de/bodensee/lindau-bodensee.html oder
https://www.rhein-eifel.tv -
Die Inselstadt Lin...
Lindau am Bodensee -
Infos: https://www.meine-frau-und-ich-auf-reisen.de/bodensee/lindau-bodensee.html oder
https://www.rhein-eifel.tv -
Die Inselstadt Lindau am Bodensee mit ihren engen verwinkelten Gassen, kleinen Parks und einsamen Buchten zieht jährlich tausende Touristen aus aller Welt an. Die Fülle der Sehenswürdigkeiten mit mittelalterlichen Gebäuden ist beeindruckend und verleihen der Altstadt einen ganz besonderen vielleicht sogar mediterranen Charme.
- Das schönste Haus in Lindau ist unbestritten das aus dem 15. Jahrhundert stammende Alte Rathaus in der Maximilianstraße. Der Treppengiebel wurde 1576 angebaut. Die Malereien aus dem 19. Jahrhundert zeigen Szenen aus der Lindauer Geschichte.
- Das Herzstück von Lindau ist die ist weit über die Grenzen der Stadt hinaus bekannte Hafeneinfahrt mit dem begehbaren Neuen Leuchtturm und dem sechs Meter hohen steinernen bayerischen Löwen. Der rege Schiffsverkehr kann von der schönen belebten Uferpromenade beobachtet werden.
- Der Mangturm aus dem 12. Jahrhundert am Hafen war Teil der mittelalterlichen Stadtbefestigung. Er gehört zu den älteren Leuchttürmen am Bodensee und war bis 1856 in Betrieb.
- Mit seinem mächtigen Walmdach und der aufwändigen Fassadenmalerei gehört das 1729 erbaute prächtige “Haus zum Cavazzen” zu den markantesten Bauwerken von Lindau.
- Etwas versteckt steht der 1380 errichtete Diebsturm - seine farbenfrohe Ziegel und die verspielten Ecktürmchen sind weithin sichtbar.
- Die im Rokokostil erbaute Kirche St. Stephan beeindruckt durch ihre Schlichtheit mit feinem Stuck und buntem Glas. Die riesige 200 Jahre alte Orgel ist reich verziert.
- Das Münster „Zu Unserer Lieben Frau“ kommt mit übermäßigen barocken Prunk im Innenraum daher: aufwändig verzierte Säulen, kunstvolle farbige Fresken und eine goldene Hauptorgel.
- Schlicht dagegen ist St. Peter, die älteste Kirche in Lindau aus dem 12. Jahrhundert.
Jeden Sommer treffen sich in der Lindauer Inselhalle eine Woche lang Nobelpreisträger zu einem internationalen Austausch der Wissenschaft. Der Nobelpreisträgersteg listet am Geländer alle Wissenschaftler auf, die die Stadt besucht haben.
Lindau am Bodensee -
Infos: https://www.meine-frau-und-ich-auf-reisen.de/bodensee/lindau-bodensee.html oder
https://www.rhein-eifel.tv -
Die Inselstadt Lindau am Bodensee mit ihren engen verwinkelten Gassen, kleinen Parks und einsamen Buchten zieht jährlich tausende Touristen aus aller Welt an. Die Fülle der Sehenswürdigkeiten mit mittelalterlichen Gebäuden ist beeindruckend und verleihen der Altstadt einen ganz besonderen vielleicht sogar mediterranen Charme.
- Das schönste Haus in Lindau ist unbestritten das aus dem 15. Jahrhundert stammende Alte Rathaus in der Maximilianstraße. Der Treppengiebel wurde 1576 angebaut. Die Malereien aus dem 19. Jahrhundert zeigen Szenen aus der Lindauer Geschichte.
- Das Herzstück von Lindau ist die ist weit über die Grenzen der Stadt hinaus bekannte Hafeneinfahrt mit dem begehbaren Neuen Leuchtturm und dem sechs Meter hohen steinernen bayerischen Löwen. Der rege Schiffsverkehr kann von der schönen belebten Uferpromenade beobachtet werden.
- Der Mangturm aus dem 12. Jahrhundert am Hafen war Teil der mittelalterlichen Stadtbefestigung. Er gehört zu den älteren Leuchttürmen am Bodensee und war bis 1856 in Betrieb.
- Mit seinem mächtigen Walmdach und der aufwändigen Fassadenmalerei gehört das 1729 erbaute prächtige “Haus zum Cavazzen” zu den markantesten Bauwerken von Lindau.
- Etwas versteckt steht der 1380 errichtete Diebsturm - seine farbenfrohe Ziegel und die verspielten Ecktürmchen sind weithin sichtbar.
- Die im Rokokostil erbaute Kirche St. Stephan beeindruckt durch ihre Schlichtheit mit feinem Stuck und buntem Glas. Die riesige 200 Jahre alte Orgel ist reich verziert.
- Das Münster „Zu Unserer Lieben Frau“ kommt mit übermäßigen barocken Prunk im Innenraum daher: aufwändig verzierte Säulen, kunstvolle farbige Fresken und eine goldene Hauptorgel.
- Schlicht dagegen ist St. Peter, die älteste Kirche in Lindau aus dem 12. Jahrhundert.
Jeden Sommer treffen sich in der Lindauer Inselhalle eine Woche lang Nobelpreisträger zu einem internationalen Austausch der Wissenschaft. Der Nobelpreisträgersteg listet am Geländer alle Wissenschaftler auf, die die Stadt besucht haben.
- published: 24 Jul 2024
- views: 2099
Germany from Above - Spectacular Route from Lindau to Berchtesgaden (HD)
In this episode we explore a route through Germany, taking in lakes, amazing castles, mountains, and towns. We hope you enjoy it, whether you plan to visit or j...
In this episode we explore a route through Germany, taking in lakes, amazing castles, mountains, and towns. We hope you enjoy it, whether you plan to visit or just want to learn more about Germany!
The journey is Lindau on Lake Constance, Baden Baden, Ulm, Fussen, Bavarian Alps and fantasy castles, Oberammergau, Lake Chiemsee, and Berchtesgaden.
Subscribe at http://www.youtube.com/user/worldfromaboveHD?sub_confirmation=1
In this episode we explore a route through Germany, taking in lakes, amazing castles, mountains, and towns. We hope you enjoy it, whether you plan to visit or just want to learn more about Germany!
The journey is Lindau on Lake Constance, Baden Baden, Ulm, Fussen, Bavarian Alps and fantasy castles, Oberammergau, Lake Chiemsee, and Berchtesgaden.
Subscribe at http://www.youtube.com/user/worldfromaboveHD?sub_confirmation=1
- published: 18 Sep 2013
- views: 1357646
Island City of Charm & Wonder 🇩🇪 Lindau - Bodensee
Lindau is an island city on “Bodensee”.
“Bodensee” is a lake in between Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
It is called “Lake Constance” in English, French and I...
Lindau is an island city on “Bodensee”.
“Bodensee” is a lake in between Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
It is called “Lake Constance” in English, French and Italian.
And “Bodensee” in German and Dutch (“Bodenmeer”).
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get sneak peeks, early access and exclusive videos from time to time
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The historic city is located on a 0.68 square kilometer island.
It is connected to mainland Germany by a railway and one road.
The coat of arms of Lindau is a linden tree.
This refers to the supposed origin of the island’s and town’s name.
The flower gardens of Lindau are at their best in Spring.
And in the summer months, Lindau is a popular location with all the city and the lake have to offer
Lake Constance
:: Links ::
A Journey of Wonders
Lake Bled
Romantic Road Germany
Harz - discover the hidden gems of Germany
Pienza - Springtime in Tuscany
Flower Parade
Amsterdam Top Spots to Visit
Keukenhof - the Full Tour
Zaanse Schans Drone & Walking Tour
Dinkelsbühl - Heimattag Festival
:: Chapters ::
00:00 Lindau Bodensee
01:10 Maximilianstrasse
04:56 Rathaus / City Hall
08:27 Harbour
15:25 Maximilian Street
25:12 Around in the City of Lindau
:: Music ::
Cozy Place
by Keys of Moon | https://soundcloud.com/keysofmoon
Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Moon Waltz by Verbovets | https://lesfm.net/
Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/
Creative Commons CC BY 3.0
‘Chasing Daylight’
by Scott Buckley
Released under CC-BY 4.0.
:: Info & Hashtags ::
For more information:
Lake Constance / Bodensee
#Lindau #Germany #Deutschland #Jerman #Alemanha #Duitsland #Allemagne
#LakeConstance #Bodensee #LakeConstanze #LagoConstança
#Travel #TravelGermany #EuropeTravel
#BeautifulEurope #TravelEurope #TravelGram #TravelVlog #TravelBlog #TravelVideo #HiddenGem #Bavaria #Drone #Dji #Hiddengems
Germany: #Deutschland #Bodensee #Bayern #ReiseDeutschland #UrlaubDeutschland #EuropaReise #FerienwohnungLindau
Southeast Asia: #JermanTravel #JermanTourism #JermanHoliday #LakeConstanzeViews #LindauHoliday #BavarianHoliday #EuropeHoliday
USA: #GermanyTravel #GermanyTrip #GermanyVacation #BavarianVacation #LakeConstanceTrip #EuropeVacation #TravelUSA #USATraveler
India: #GermanyTourism #GermanyTour #GermanyTravelGuide #EuropeTourism #EuropeTravelGuide #LakeConstanceIndia #LindauIndia #TravelIndia
Brazil: #AlemanhaTurismo #ViagemAlemanha #FériasAlemanha #LagoConstança #LindauAlemanha #BavieraAlemanha #EuropaTurismo #viagemeuropa
#travel #europe #hiddengems #touristdestination #vacation #documentary #architecture #history
#Lǚxíng #ōuzhōu
#Reisen #Europa #versteckte Schätze #Reiseziel #Urlaub #Dokumentarfilm #Architektur #Geschichte
#viagem #europa #joias escondidas #destinoturístico #férias #documentário #arquitetura #história
#yaatra #yoorop #chhipe hue ratn #paryatan gantavy #avakaash #vrttachitr #vaastukala #itihaas
Lindau is an island city on “Bodensee”.
“Bodensee” is a lake in between Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
It is called “Lake Constance” in English, French and Italian.
And “Bodensee” in German and Dutch (“Bodenmeer”).
Support our channel &
get sneak peeks, early access and exclusive videos from time to time
Join to become a member of WonderJourneys
The historic city is located on a 0.68 square kilometer island.
It is connected to mainland Germany by a railway and one road.
The coat of arms of Lindau is a linden tree.
This refers to the supposed origin of the island’s and town’s name.
The flower gardens of Lindau are at their best in Spring.
And in the summer months, Lindau is a popular location with all the city and the lake have to offer
Lake Constance
:: Links ::
A Journey of Wonders
Lake Bled
Romantic Road Germany
Harz - discover the hidden gems of Germany
Pienza - Springtime in Tuscany
Flower Parade
Amsterdam Top Spots to Visit
Keukenhof - the Full Tour
Zaanse Schans Drone & Walking Tour
Dinkelsbühl - Heimattag Festival
:: Chapters ::
00:00 Lindau Bodensee
01:10 Maximilianstrasse
04:56 Rathaus / City Hall
08:27 Harbour
15:25 Maximilian Street
25:12 Around in the City of Lindau
:: Music ::
Cozy Place
by Keys of Moon | https://soundcloud.com/keysofmoon
Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Moon Waltz by Verbovets | https://lesfm.net/
Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/
Creative Commons CC BY 3.0
‘Chasing Daylight’
by Scott Buckley
Released under CC-BY 4.0.
:: Info & Hashtags ::
For more information:
Lake Constance / Bodensee
#Lindau #Germany #Deutschland #Jerman #Alemanha #Duitsland #Allemagne
#LakeConstance #Bodensee #LakeConstanze #LagoConstança
#Travel #TravelGermany #EuropeTravel
#BeautifulEurope #TravelEurope #TravelGram #TravelVlog #TravelBlog #TravelVideo #HiddenGem #Bavaria #Drone #Dji #Hiddengems
Germany: #Deutschland #Bodensee #Bayern #ReiseDeutschland #UrlaubDeutschland #EuropaReise #FerienwohnungLindau
Southeast Asia: #JermanTravel #JermanTourism #JermanHoliday #LakeConstanzeViews #LindauHoliday #BavarianHoliday #EuropeHoliday
USA: #GermanyTravel #GermanyTrip #GermanyVacation #BavarianVacation #LakeConstanceTrip #EuropeVacation #TravelUSA #USATraveler
India: #GermanyTourism #GermanyTour #GermanyTravelGuide #EuropeTourism #EuropeTravelGuide #LakeConstanceIndia #LindauIndia #TravelIndia
Brazil: #AlemanhaTurismo #ViagemAlemanha #FériasAlemanha #LagoConstança #LindauAlemanha #BavieraAlemanha #EuropaTurismo #viagemeuropa
#travel #europe #hiddengems #touristdestination #vacation #documentary #architecture #history
#Lǚxíng #ōuzhōu
#Reisen #Europa #versteckte Schätze #Reiseziel #Urlaub #Dokumentarfilm #Architektur #Geschichte
#viagem #europa #joias escondidas #destinoturístico #férias #documentário #arquitetura #história
#yaatra #yoorop #chhipe hue ratn #paryatan gantavy #avakaash #vrttachitr #vaastukala #itihaas
- published: 22 May 2024
- views: 7544
18.10.2024 - Highlights - EV Lindau Islanders vs. ECDC Memmingen Indians
sprade.tv Highlights zum Oberliga-Süd - Spiel EV Lindau Islanders vs. ECDC Memmingen Indians
sprade.tv Highlights zum Oberliga-Süd - Spiel EV Lindau Islanders vs. ECDC Memmingen Indians
sprade.tv Highlights zum Oberliga-Süd - Spiel EV Lindau Islanders vs. ECDC Memmingen Indians
- published: 18 Oct 2024
- views: 394
Lindau, Germany - 4K Walking Tour - With Surrounding Sound [4k Ultra-HD 60fps]
Explore Lindau, Germany on this 4K walking tour. Best viewed on TV for full 4K enjoyment.
🎧 Tascam Surrounding Sound - Experience the journey like never befor...
Explore Lindau, Germany on this 4K walking tour. Best viewed on TV for full 4K enjoyment.
🎧 Tascam Surrounding Sound - Experience the journey like never before with meticulously captured separate audio, creating a fully immersive and surround sound. Put on your headphones and let yourself be transported!
🎞️ Elevate your senses on the big screen! This video is presented in 4K at 60fps with HDR and has been enhanced with cinematic post-production processing, allowing you to stroll through the scenes as if you're truly there.
❓If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments section - every question will be answered - 100% guaranteed❗
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©️ Unauthorized usage or reproduction of any portion of this video is prohibited without obtaining our written consent.
#lindau #walkingtour #germany
Explore Lindau, Germany on this 4K walking tour. Best viewed on TV for full 4K enjoyment.
🎧 Tascam Surrounding Sound - Experience the journey like never before with meticulously captured separate audio, creating a fully immersive and surround sound. Put on your headphones and let yourself be transported!
🎞️ Elevate your senses on the big screen! This video is presented in 4K at 60fps with HDR and has been enhanced with cinematic post-production processing, allowing you to stroll through the scenes as if you're truly there.
❓If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments section - every question will be answered - 100% guaranteed❗
✅ Stay in touch ✅
🔔 And don`t forget to subscribe! 🔔
©️ Unauthorized usage or reproduction of any portion of this video is prohibited without obtaining our written consent.
#lindau #walkingtour #germany
- published: 08 Sep 2023
- views: 6452