The Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) is the educational quality assurance and regulatory authority of the Government of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It oversees the private education sector in Dubai, including early childhood education centres, schools, higher education providers, and training institutes.
KHDA was established by decree in 2006, under the directive of HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum (Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE, and the Ruler of Dubai), with the aim of developing the education and human resource sectors in the Dubai emirate to the level of international standards and best practice.
Knowledge and Human Development Authority unveils 'Rahhal' project
Knowledge and Human Development Authority launches “Rahhal” project as its contribution towards the Dubai10X initiative. “Rahhal” is a flexible model to harness the knowledge, skills and experiences that the community has to offer and make them accessible to all ages.
published: 18 Mar 2018
Unlock Your Culinary & Hospitality Potential with KHDA Dubai Accredited Certifications
If you're interested in unlocking your culinary and hospitality potential, COTHM Dubai offers KHDA-accredited certifications that can help you achieve your goals. The Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) is responsible for the quality and advancement of education and training in Dubai.
By pursuing KHDA-accredited certifications, you can enhance your skills and knowledge in the culinary and hospitality industry. These certifications are recognized by employers and institutions in Dubai, giving you a competitive edge in the job market.
Whether you're looking to become a chef, pursue a career in hotel management, or enhance your skills in customer service, there are various KHDA-accredited certifications available to cater to your specific interests and career goals.
To find ou...
published: 22 Jan 2024
Knowledge and Human Development Authority in Dubai launches the Healthy and Happy School Award
The Dubai Knowledge and Human Development Authority or KHDA has launched the Healthy and Happy School Award. Designed to recognize schools that are working to create a healthy environment for their students, schools in the emirate submitted video entries to take part.
Don’t miss What’s Up every Thursday 8PM UAE on Physique TV.
Physique TV is available on Arabsat via My-HD platform, Du channel 409, E Life channel 793, and on KSA’s Intigral and Qatar’s Ooredoo IPTV
Check out our website:
Subscribe to Physique TV:
published: 15 May 2016
DFA Cohort 7, Knowledge and Human development Authority - Melzo Startup
Melzo is web-based platform that makes it easy for us to discover, create and consume creative content through any device and system.
published: 16 Mar 2020
Dubai Future Accelerators Cohort 5 - Knowledge and Human Development Authority - HoneyBird Interview
HoneyBird worked with KHDA during cohort 5 to develop an ecosystem that empowers students
published: 13 Mar 2019
مشروع "رحّال" من هيئة المعرفة والتنمية البشرية
ضمن مشاركتها في مبادرة دبي10x هيئة المعرفة والتنمية البشرية تطلق مشروع "رحّال" الذي سيقدم مفاهيم أكثر انفتاحاً في التعليم من خلال جمع طرق وأساليب مختلفة للتعليم. ويستهدف جميع الفئات العمرية، حيث يهدف إلى تمكينهم من إثراء معارفهم وتعزيز تجربتهم في التعلم
published: 18 Mar 2018
All Need to Know Private school teachers Golden Visa in Dubai , Applications open from October 15
Demonstrated success in supporting the academic and social development of students of determination
Application process
Schools, ECCs, and HEIs can nominate eligible staff members who meet the above criteria.
Required documents
Candidates must submit:
1. KHDA school rating reports (for principals)
2. Award certificates
3. Survey results and testimonials from students and parents
4. Staff testimonials (for principals, ECC managers, and academic heads)
5. Evidence of community involvement
6. Documentation showing improved student outcomes
7. Recommendation and nomination letters from board of governors
Review process
Applications will be evaluated by a dedicated committee
Committee recommendations will be forwarded to KHDA
KHDA will review and coordinate with relevant authorities
Eligible ed...
published: 07 Oct 2024
DFA Cohort 7, Knowledge and Human development Authority - Wazza Startup
Wazza is a bespoke management and communications platform that allows teachers to manage their days, activities, communicate and share live updates with the parents about their kids.
Knowledge and Human Development Authority launches “Rahhal” project as its contribution towards the Dubai10X initiative. “Rahhal” is a flexible model to harness...
Knowledge and Human Development Authority launches “Rahhal” project as its contribution towards the Dubai10X initiative. “Rahhal” is a flexible model to harness the knowledge, skills and experiences that the community has to offer and make them accessible to all ages.
Knowledge and Human Development Authority launches “Rahhal” project as its contribution towards the Dubai10X initiative. “Rahhal” is a flexible model to harness the knowledge, skills and experiences that the community has to offer and make them accessible to all ages.
If you're interested in unlocking your culinary and hospitality potential, COTHM Dubai offers KHDA-accredited certifications that can help you achieve your goal...
If you're interested in unlocking your culinary and hospitality potential, COTHM Dubai offers KHDA-accredited certifications that can help you achieve your goals. The Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) is responsible for the quality and advancement of education and training in Dubai.
By pursuing KHDA-accredited certifications, you can enhance your skills and knowledge in the culinary and hospitality industry. These certifications are recognized by employers and institutions in Dubai, giving you a competitive edge in the job market.
Whether you're looking to become a chef, pursue a career in hotel management, or enhance your skills in customer service, there are various KHDA-accredited certifications available to cater to your specific interests and career goals.
To find out more about the specific certifications and training programs offered by COTHM Dubai, you can visit our official website
If you're interested in unlocking your culinary and hospitality potential, COTHM Dubai offers KHDA-accredited certifications that can help you achieve your goals. The Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) is responsible for the quality and advancement of education and training in Dubai.
By pursuing KHDA-accredited certifications, you can enhance your skills and knowledge in the culinary and hospitality industry. These certifications are recognized by employers and institutions in Dubai, giving you a competitive edge in the job market.
Whether you're looking to become a chef, pursue a career in hotel management, or enhance your skills in customer service, there are various KHDA-accredited certifications available to cater to your specific interests and career goals.
To find out more about the specific certifications and training programs offered by COTHM Dubai, you can visit our official website
The Dubai Knowledge and Human Development Authority or KHDA has launched the Healthy and Happy School Award. Designed to recognize schools that are working to c...
The Dubai Knowledge and Human Development Authority or KHDA has launched the Healthy and Happy School Award. Designed to recognize schools that are working to create a healthy environment for their students, schools in the emirate submitted video entries to take part.
Don’t miss What’s Up every Thursday 8PM UAE on Physique TV.
Physique TV is available on Arabsat via My-HD platform, Du channel 409, E Life channel 793, and on KSA’s Intigral and Qatar’s Ooredoo IPTV
Check out our website:
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The Dubai Knowledge and Human Development Authority or KHDA has launched the Healthy and Happy School Award. Designed to recognize schools that are working to create a healthy environment for their students, schools in the emirate submitted video entries to take part.
Don’t miss What’s Up every Thursday 8PM UAE on Physique TV.
Physique TV is available on Arabsat via My-HD platform, Du channel 409, E Life channel 793, and on KSA’s Intigral and Qatar’s Ooredoo IPTV
Check out our website:
Subscribe to Physique TV:
ضمن مشاركتها في مبادرة دبي10x هيئة المعرفة والتنمية البشرية تطلق مشروع "رحّال" الذي سيقدم مفاهيم أكثر انفتاحاً في التعليم من خلال جمع طرق وأساليب مختلفة للتعليم...
ضمن مشاركتها في مبادرة دبي10x هيئة المعرفة والتنمية البشرية تطلق مشروع "رحّال" الذي سيقدم مفاهيم أكثر انفتاحاً في التعليم من خلال جمع طرق وأساليب مختلفة للتعليم. ويستهدف جميع الفئات العمرية، حيث يهدف إلى تمكينهم من إثراء معارفهم وتعزيز تجربتهم في التعلم
ضمن مشاركتها في مبادرة دبي10x هيئة المعرفة والتنمية البشرية تطلق مشروع "رحّال" الذي سيقدم مفاهيم أكثر انفتاحاً في التعليم من خلال جمع طرق وأساليب مختلفة للتعليم. ويستهدف جميع الفئات العمرية، حيث يهدف إلى تمكينهم من إثراء معارفهم وتعزيز تجربتهم في التعلم
Demonstrated success in supporting the academic and social development of students of determination
Application process
Schools, ECCs, and HEIs can nominate eli...
Demonstrated success in supporting the academic and social development of students of determination
Application process
Schools, ECCs, and HEIs can nominate eligible staff members who meet the above criteria.
Required documents
Candidates must submit:
1. KHDA school rating reports (for principals)
2. Award certificates
3. Survey results and testimonials from students and parents
4. Staff testimonials (for principals, ECC managers, and academic heads)
5. Evidence of community involvement
6. Documentation showing improved student outcomes
7. Recommendation and nomination letters from board of governors
Review process
Applications will be evaluated by a dedicated committee
Committee recommendations will be forwarded to KHDA
KHDA will review and coordinate with relevant authorities
Eligible educators will be informed of the successful outcome of their application
Demonstrated success in supporting the academic and social development of students of determination
Application process
Schools, ECCs, and HEIs can nominate eligible staff members who meet the above criteria.
Required documents
Candidates must submit:
1. KHDA school rating reports (for principals)
2. Award certificates
3. Survey results and testimonials from students and parents
4. Staff testimonials (for principals, ECC managers, and academic heads)
5. Evidence of community involvement
6. Documentation showing improved student outcomes
7. Recommendation and nomination letters from board of governors
Review process
Applications will be evaluated by a dedicated committee
Committee recommendations will be forwarded to KHDA
KHDA will review and coordinate with relevant authorities
Eligible educators will be informed of the successful outcome of their application
Wazza is a bespoke management and communications platform that allows teachers to manage their days, activities, communicate and share live updates with the par...
Wazza is a bespoke management and communications platform that allows teachers to manage their days, activities, communicate and share live updates with the parents about their kids.
Wazza is a bespoke management and communications platform that allows teachers to manage their days, activities, communicate and share live updates with the parents about their kids.
Knowledge and Human Development Authority launches “Rahhal” project as its contribution towards the Dubai10X initiative. “Rahhal” is a flexible model to harness the knowledge, skills and experiences that the community has to offer and make them accessible to all ages.
If you're interested in unlocking your culinary and hospitality potential, COTHM Dubai offers KHDA-accredited certifications that can help you achieve your goals. The Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) is responsible for the quality and advancement of education and training in Dubai.
By pursuing KHDA-accredited certifications, you can enhance your skills and knowledge in the culinary and hospitality industry. These certifications are recognized by employers and institutions in Dubai, giving you a competitive edge in the job market.
Whether you're looking to become a chef, pursue a career in hotel management, or enhance your skills in customer service, there are various KHDA-accredited certifications available to cater to your specific interests and career goals.
To find out more about the specific certifications and training programs offered by COTHM Dubai, you can visit our official website
The Dubai Knowledge and Human Development Authority or KHDA has launched the Healthy and Happy School Award. Designed to recognize schools that are working to create a healthy environment for their students, schools in the emirate submitted video entries to take part.
Don’t miss What’s Up every Thursday 8PM UAE on Physique TV.
Physique TV is available on Arabsat via My-HD platform, Du channel 409, E Life channel 793, and on KSA’s Intigral and Qatar’s Ooredoo IPTV
Check out our website:
Subscribe to Physique TV:
ضمن مشاركتها في مبادرة دبي10x هيئة المعرفة والتنمية البشرية تطلق مشروع "رحّال" الذي سيقدم مفاهيم أكثر انفتاحاً في التعليم من خلال جمع طرق وأساليب مختلفة للتعليم. ويستهدف جميع الفئات العمرية، حيث يهدف إلى تمكينهم من إثراء معارفهم وتعزيز تجربتهم في التعلم
Demonstrated success in supporting the academic and social development of students of determination
Application process
Schools, ECCs, and HEIs can nominate eligible staff members who meet the above criteria.
Required documents
Candidates must submit:
1. KHDA school rating reports (for principals)
2. Award certificates
3. Survey results and testimonials from students and parents
4. Staff testimonials (for principals, ECC managers, and academic heads)
5. Evidence of community involvement
6. Documentation showing improved student outcomes
7. Recommendation and nomination letters from board of governors
Review process
Applications will be evaluated by a dedicated committee
Committee recommendations will be forwarded to KHDA
KHDA will review and coordinate with relevant authorities
Eligible educators will be informed of the successful outcome of their application
Wazza is a bespoke management and communications platform that allows teachers to manage their days, activities, communicate and share live updates with the parents about their kids.
The Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) is the educational quality assurance and regulatory authority of the Government of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It oversees the private education sector in Dubai, including early childhood education centres, schools, higher education providers, and training institutes.
KHDA was established by decree in 2006, under the directive of HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum (Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE, and the Ruler of Dubai), with the aim of developing the education and human resource sectors in the Dubai emirate to the level of international standards and best practice.
... 2030, which equips future leaders with adaptable skills for a rapidly changing global economy, and Dubai’s Knowledge and HumanDevelopmentAuthority’s programs, which promote executive education.
And with the Knowledge and HumanDevelopmentAuthority (KHDA) recently allowing private schools in Dubai to increase their fees for the academic year 2017-18 by a minimum of 2.4 per cent, up to a ...
The Knowledge and HumanDevelopmentAuthority (KHDA) will oversee the policy’s implementation in coordination with private schools across Dubai.</p><p>Under the new project, citizens will ...
... development ... The Knowledge and HumanDevelopmentAuthority (KHDA) will oversee the policy’s implementation in coordination with private schools across DubaiIndependent legal consultant project.
The policy includes a school–parent partnership programme to support curriculum development ... The Knowledge and HumanDevelopmentAuthority (KHDA) will oversee the policy’s implementation in coordination with private schools across Dubai.