Spencer Davis Group - Keep On Running - #HIGH QUALITY SOUND 1965
Spencer Davis Group - Keep On Running (1965)
published: 20 Dec 2016
The Spencer Davis Group - Keep on Running
Young Steve Winwood
published: 11 Nov 2007
FULL| 首播!周深小宇宙爆发征服高空跷跷板 白鹿狂奔“甩飞”范丞丞? 卧底之战一触即发!| 奔跑吧生态篇 EP1 20231118
#奔跑吧生态篇 🔥海外粉丝打call活动在线启动!大胆秀出你对奔奔的喜爱🩷🏃♂️
【录制打call视频🎥】不限语言!祝福#奔跑吧 生态篇开播成功!为新一季你最喜欢的MC和最期待的游戏打call!
发送邮件至:[email protected] 精美大礼包 🎁 和导演/MC签名照🎞️等你来拿!
00:17:08 范丞丞排嘴碎Top1 张真源秒猜对
00:18:50 周深吞折耳根熏吐范丞丞
00:39:02 范丞丞被粉丝喊:妈妈爱你
00:53:32 白鹿丢球精准命中郑恺
01:13:06 李晨压破气球吓跪张真源
01:29:44 郑恺玩翘翘板超灵活带飞白鹿
01:35:02 沙溢买绣鞋当白鹿结婚礼
02:04:39 范丞丞说自己像驴被白鹿拉跑
#奔跑吧生态篇 全新启航!11月18日起每周六晚#李晨 #郑恺 #沙溢 #白鹿 #周深 #范丞丞 #宋雨琦 #张真源 已准备完毕~循自然之序,与万物同行,与你不见不散~一起感受大自然的美好,为生态助力吧!
加入会员全球同步首播!Became a RMember:https://bit.ly/krmembership
CC] English subtitles will be updated every Tuesday, please wait for the official notification for all fans
浙江卫视 YouTube:http://bitly.com/zhejiangtv
奔跑吧 YouTube:http://bitly.com/running...
published: 18 Nov 2023
Milli Vanilli - Keep On Running (Wetten, dass ...? 03.11.1990)
The performance of Milli Vanilli to „Keep On Running“ at Wetten, dass ...? 03.11.1990.
You can listen to all songs of Milli Vanilli here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZJdMvea58dha1f_r6HQGyA/featured
Subscribe to the channel and activate notifications: https://www.youtube.com/user/MilliVanilliVEVO
► https://www.therealmillivanilli.com/
► https://www.facebook.com/therealmillivanilli
(Ah, look out, get funky)
Keep on running, baby (baby)
(look out, get funky)
(Ah, keep busting)
Elaborate on the microphone
Pumping some knowledge 'cause my brain ain't stoned
At least not in ignorance, contempt or arrogance
I started '82 and I'm fresh ever since
On the microphone I ...
published: 01 May 2014
The Real Milli Vanilli - Keep On Running (Official Video) (VOD)
Music video by The Real Milli Vanilli performing Keep On Running (Official Video). (C) 1990 Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH
published: 26 Jun 2015
FULL| 顶级混战!白鹿范丞丞撕名牌大战鲨疯了 周深宋雨琦爆笑贴五官 兄弟团面临录制末位淘汰?|奔跑吧生态篇 EP4 20231209
00:00 撕名牌大战开启!
11:49 沙溢给张真源范世錡传授撕名牌技巧
26:23 黄新淳教郑恺唱跳ending喘气
28:17 张真源撕名牌首战连赢两局
35:48 范世錡白鹿撕名牌像在老鹰捉小鸡
52:54 周深带头合唱《送别》
01:02:27 李晨刮刮乐遭宋雨琦拱火
01:21:20 郑恺猜错苗苗鼻子 魏大勋周深疯狂补刀
01:33:30 宋雨琦刮刮乐上头根本劝不住
#奔跑吧生态篇 全新启航!11月18日起每周六晚#李晨 #郑恺 #沙溢 #白鹿 #周深 #范丞丞 #宋雨琦 #张真源 已准备完毕~循自然之序,与万物同行,与你不见不散~一起感受大自然的美好,为生态助力吧!
加入会员全球同步首播!Became a RMember:https://bit.ly/krmembership
CC] English subtitles will be updated every Tuesday, please wait for the official notification for all fans
浙江卫视 YouTube:http://bitly.com/zhejiangtv
奔跑吧 YouTube:http://bitly.com/runningmanchina
浙江音乐 YouTube:http://bit.ly/singchina
● Find Us:
浙江卫视 Facebook:http://bit.ly/zjstvfb
奔跑吧 Facebook:http://bit.ly/rmchinafb
奔跑吧 Twitt...
published: 09 Dec 2023
FULL| 全员“痛苦面具”!周深极限劈叉下腰 白鹿遭沙溢范丞丞“狂锤”?孟子义对“甜妹”有执念?|奔跑吧生态篇 EP2 20231125
00:00 白鹿周深满分整活开启新一期
24:23 孟子义玩游戏变规则黑洞
36:56 沙溢把平衡板玩成甩脂机
46:36 范丞丞孟子义高情商互夸
56:27 张真源抽牌超快喜提新外号
01:06:46 沙溢压李晨下腰成健身房教练
01:13:57 白鹿搭积木僵硬程度像复健
01:28:52 孟子义唱歌逼疯周深
#奔跑吧生态篇 全新启航!11月18日起每周六晚#李晨 #郑恺 #沙溢 #白鹿 #周深 #范丞丞 #宋雨琦 #张真源 已准备完毕~循自然之序,与万物同行,与你不见不散~一起感受大自然的美好,为生态助力吧!
加入会员全球同步首播!Became a RMember:https://bit.ly/krmembership
CC] English subtitles will be updated every Monday, please wait for the official notification for all fans
浙江卫视 YouTube:http://bitly.com/zhejiangtv
奔跑吧 YouTube:http://bitly.com/runningmanchina
浙江音乐 YouTube:http://bit.ly/singchina
● Find Us:
浙江卫视 Facebook:http://bit.ly/zjstvfb
奔跑吧 Facebook:http://bit.ly/rmchinafb
奔跑吧 Twitter:https://bit.ly/3pocOUj
奔跑吧 Tiktok : https://bit.ly/2ZbWdrw
- 往...
published: 25 Nov 2023
FULL| 李晨郑恺“复仇”回归! 周深被全员怀疑好无辜?宋雨琦掀趾压板《Queencard 》狂潮 |奔跑吧生态篇 EP6 20231223
#奔跑吧生态篇 全新启航!11月18日起每周六晚#李晨 #郑恺 #沙溢 #白鹿 #周深 #范丞丞 #宋雨琦 #张真源 已准备完毕~循自然之序,与万物同行,与你不见不散~一起感受大自然的美好,为生态助力吧!
00:00 加入【奔跑吧】官方会员 全球抢先看直播!
15:08 一脸懵!唐九洲一觉醒来竟被淘汰
24:01 震惊!陈冰的脚竟然只有33码
35:48 魏大勋被说别瞎投委屈得像是可怜大狗狗
43:01 郑恺鸭子坐夹小黄鸭 下不去一点
58:47 超强实力!张真源飞盘能力者实锤了
01:14:09 双向奔赴 周深认证粉丝会给他画两颗痣
01:32:44 蒋龙被硌到屁股痛到原地起飞
01:49:58 恩熙被陈冰周深质疑带节奏
加入会员全球同步首播!Became a RMember:https://bit.ly/krmembership
CC] English subtitles will be updated every Tuesday, please wait for the official notification for all fans
浙江卫视 YouTube:http://bitly.com/zhejiangtv
奔跑吧 YouTube:http://bitly.com/runningmanchina
浙江音乐 YouTube:http://bit.ly/singchina
● Find Us:
浙江卫视 Facebook:http://bit.ly...
published: 23 Dec 2023
FULL| 老成员面临淘汰?周深遭宋雨琦魏大勋“围攻” 李晨张真源合力撕郑恺名牌 跑男版《消失的TA》正在上映!| 奔跑吧生态篇 EP5 20231216
#奔跑吧生态篇 全新启航!11月18日起每周六晚#李晨 #郑恺 #沙溢 #白鹿 #周深 #范丞丞 #宋雨琦 #张真源 已准备完毕~循自然之序,与万物同行,与你不见不散~一起感受大自然的美好,为生态助力吧!
加入会员全球同步首播!Became a RMember:https://bit.ly/krmembership
CC] English subtitles will be updated every Tuesday, please wait for the official notification for all fans
00:00 跑男淘汰赛开启!
05:00 郑恺宋雨琦超火“滑步”入场
10:50 周深被围攻天选开局 魏大勋极限一换二
19:06 学霸郑恺靠平时积累回答正确
23:13 郑恺宋雨琦猎杀时刻 139club重出江湖
25:37 张真源宋雨琦鬼鬼祟祟探头互被抓包
28:58 张真源宋雨琦倒计时三十秒狂奔答题
32:00 宋雨琦撑起全队庆祝跳queencard
44:36 唐九洲蒙眼背对背拥抱 郑恺原地起飞
01:02:13 宋雨琦是懂豆腐的 蒋龙秒回好笑程度100%
01:20:15 李晨刮刮乐惨遭淘汰 张真源虚惊一场
01:43:12 郑恺被淘汰 惊呼你们是要取代跑男
浙江卫视 YouTube:http://bitly.com/zhejiangtv
奔跑吧 YouTube:http://bitly.com/runningmanchina
浙江音乐 YouTube:http://bit.ly/singchina
● Find Us:
浙江卫视 Facebook:http://bit.ly/zjstvfb
published: 16 Dec 2023
FULL| 枕头大战!白鹿周深抢蘑菇“疯跑”撞成一团 范丞丞“倒骑”李晨笑不活了 卢昱晓一拳“KO”张真源? |奔跑吧生态篇 EP3 20231202
#奔跑吧生态篇 🔥海外粉丝打call活动在线启动!大胆秀出你对奔奔的喜爱🩷🏃♂️
【录制打call视频🎥】不限语言!祝福#奔跑吧 生态篇开播成功!为新一季你最喜欢的MC和最期待的游戏打call!
发送邮件至:[email protected] 精美大礼包 🎁 和导演/MC签名照🎞️等你来拿!
00:00 兄弟团参观菌菇眼界打开
07:03 白鹿菌菇连线懵圈被丞丞捡漏
52:45 范丞丞1V2逆势挑翻白鹿黄新淳
1:26:55 张真源范世錡腰腹力爆表
#奔跑吧生态篇 全新启航!11月18日起每周六晚#李晨 #郑恺 #沙溢 #白鹿 #周深 #范丞丞 #宋雨琦 #张真源 已准备完毕~循自然之序,与万物同行,与你不见不散~一起感受大自然的美好,为生态助力吧!
加入会员全球同步首播!Became a RMember:https://bit.ly/krmembership
CC] English subtitles will be updated every Tuesday, please wait for the official notification for all fans
浙江卫视 YouTube:http://bitly.com/zhejiangtv
奔跑吧 YouTube:http://bitly.com/runningmanchina
浙江音乐 YouTube:http://bit.ly/singchina
● Find Us:
浙江卫视 Facebook:http:/...
published: 02 Dec 2023
FULL| 首播!周深小宇宙爆发征服高空跷跷板 白鹿狂奔“甩飞”范丞丞? 卧底之战一触即发!| 奔跑吧生态篇 EP1 20231118
#奔跑吧生态篇 🔥海外粉丝打call活动在线启动!大胆秀出你对奔奔的喜爱🩷🏃♂️
【录制打call视频🎥】不限语言!祝福#奔跑吧 生态篇开播成功!为新一季你最喜欢的MC和最期待的游戏打call!
[email protected] 精美大礼包 🎁 和导演/MC签名照🎞️等你来拿!
#奔跑吧生态篇 🔥海外粉丝打call活动在线启动!大胆秀出你对奔奔的喜爱🩷🏃♂️
【录制打call视频🎥】不限语言!祝福#奔跑吧 生态篇开播成功!为新一季你最喜欢的MC和最期待的游戏打call!
[email protected] 精美大礼包 🎁 和导演/MC签名照🎞️等你来拿!
00:17:08 范丞丞排嘴碎Top1 张真源秒猜对
00:18:50 周深吞折耳根熏吐范丞丞
00:39:02 范丞丞被粉丝喊:妈妈爱你
00:53:32 白鹿丢球精准命中郑恺
01:13:06 李晨压破气球吓跪张真源
01:29:44 郑恺玩翘翘板超灵活带飞白鹿
01:35:02 沙溢买绣鞋当白鹿结婚礼
02:04:39 范丞丞说自己像驴被白鹿拉跑
#奔跑吧生态篇 全新启航!11月18日起每周六晚#李晨 #郑恺 #沙溢 #白鹿 #周深 #范丞丞 #宋雨琦 #张真源 已准备完毕~循自然之序,与万物同行,与你不见不散~一起感受大自然的美好,为生态助力吧!
加入会员全球同步首播!Became a RMember:https://bit.ly/krmembership
CC] English subtitles will be updated every Tuesday, please wait for the official notification for all fans
浙江卫视 YouTube:http://bitly.com/zhejiangtv
奔跑吧 YouTube:http://bitly.com/runningmanchina
浙江音乐 YouTube:http://bit.ly/singchina
● Find Us:
浙江卫视 Facebook:http://bit.ly/zjstvfb
奔跑吧 Facebook:http://bit.ly/rmchinafb
奔跑吧 Twitter:https://bit.ly/3pocOUj
奔跑吧 Tiktok : https://bit.ly/2ZbWdrw
- 往季回顾 Look back
#奔跑吧生态篇 🔥海外粉丝打call活动在线启动!大胆秀出你对奔奔的喜爱🩷🏃♂️
【录制打call视频🎥】不限语言!祝福#奔跑吧 生态篇开播成功!为新一季你最喜欢的MC和最期待的游戏打call!
[email protected] 精美大礼包 🎁 和导演/MC签名照🎞️等你来拿!
00:17:08 范丞丞排嘴碎Top1 张真源秒猜对
00:18:50 周深吞折耳根熏吐范丞丞
00:39:02 范丞丞被粉丝喊:妈妈爱你
00:53:32 白鹿丢球精准命中郑恺
01:13:06 李晨压破气球吓跪张真源
01:29:44 郑恺玩翘翘板超灵活带飞白鹿
01:35:02 沙溢买绣鞋当白鹿结婚礼
02:04:39 范丞丞说自己像驴被白鹿拉跑
#奔跑吧生态篇 全新启航!11月18日起每周六晚#李晨 #郑恺 #沙溢 #白鹿 #周深 #范丞丞 #宋雨琦 #张真源 已准备完毕~循自然之序,与万物同行,与你不见不散~一起感受大自然的美好,为生态助力吧!
加入会员全球同步首播!Became a RMember:https://bit.ly/krmembership
CC] English subtitles will be updated every Tuesday, please wait for the official notification for all fans
浙江卫视 YouTube:http://bitly.com/zhejiangtv
奔跑吧 YouTube:http://bitly.com/runningmanchina
浙江音乐 YouTube:http://bit.ly/singchina
● Find Us:
浙江卫视 Facebook:http://bit.ly/zjstvfb
奔跑吧 Facebook:http://bit.ly/rmchinafb
奔跑吧 Twitter:https://bit.ly/3pocOUj
奔跑吧 Tiktok : https://bit.ly/2ZbWdrw
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- published: 18 Nov 2023
- views: 2545305
Milli Vanilli - Keep On Running (Wetten, dass ...? 03.11.1990)
The performance of Milli Vanilli to „Keep On Running“ at Wetten, dass ...? 03.11.1990.
You can listen to all songs of Milli Vanilli here: https://www.youtube....
The performance of Milli Vanilli to „Keep On Running“ at Wetten, dass ...? 03.11.1990.
You can listen to all songs of Milli Vanilli here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZJdMvea58dha1f_r6HQGyA/featured
Subscribe to the channel and activate notifications: https://www.youtube.com/user/MilliVanilliVEVO
► https://www.therealmillivanilli.com/
► https://www.facebook.com/therealmillivanilli
(Ah, look out, get funky)
Keep on running, baby (baby)
(look out, get funky)
(Ah, keep busting)
Elaborate on the microphone
Pumping some knowledge 'cause my brain ain't stoned
At least not in ignorance, contempt or arrogance
I started '82 and I'm fresh ever since
On the microphone I like to talk about what's happened
It's getting all the ladies, it's really not repellent
Wake up back to reality
I'm not into bragging, strutting or bigotry
(Or bigotry, or bigotry, or bigotry, or bigotry)
I get this, you will get dissed
My sister ain't get nothing 'less the woman was pissed
The material thing is what people are looking for
Once they had a taste they want more and more and more (more, more, more)
I tell the truth, yo, sometimes it's sad
But take it light, my brother, beez like dat
Listen to what he says
It's all about today
Time is right
Keep on running, baby (baby)
Keep on running, ba-ba-baby (baby)
(ah, look out, get funky)
Ba ba-ba, ba ba-ba ba-ba (look out, get funky)
Ba ba-ba, ba ba-ba ba-ba...
Listen to what I got to say
Don't go closing your mind, come on, be honest today
Brothers and sisters, aliens or white girl
Believe in yourself so we can make this a nice world
For us to live in so start giving peace and love
Hurry up, the clock is ticking
I tell the truth, yo, sometimes it's sad
Take it light, my brother, beez like dat
Listen to what he says
Time is right
Keep on running, baby (baby)
Keep on running, ba-ba-baby (baby)
(ah, keep busting)
Ba ba-ba, ba ba-ba ba-ba...
(Beez like, be-beez like dat)
(I'm in love with you, girl)
(Be-be-beez like dat)
Keep on, ke-keep on, ke-keep on running, baby (baby)
Keep on running, ba-ba-baby (ba-ba-baby)
Keep on running, ba-ba-baby (baby)
#MilliVanilli #KeepOnRunning #Live
The performance of Milli Vanilli to „Keep On Running“ at Wetten, dass ...? 03.11.1990.
You can listen to all songs of Milli Vanilli here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZJdMvea58dha1f_r6HQGyA/featured
Subscribe to the channel and activate notifications: https://www.youtube.com/user/MilliVanilliVEVO
► https://www.therealmillivanilli.com/
► https://www.facebook.com/therealmillivanilli
(Ah, look out, get funky)
Keep on running, baby (baby)
(look out, get funky)
(Ah, keep busting)
Elaborate on the microphone
Pumping some knowledge 'cause my brain ain't stoned
At least not in ignorance, contempt or arrogance
I started '82 and I'm fresh ever since
On the microphone I like to talk about what's happened
It's getting all the ladies, it's really not repellent
Wake up back to reality
I'm not into bragging, strutting or bigotry
(Or bigotry, or bigotry, or bigotry, or bigotry)
I get this, you will get dissed
My sister ain't get nothing 'less the woman was pissed
The material thing is what people are looking for
Once they had a taste they want more and more and more (more, more, more)
I tell the truth, yo, sometimes it's sad
But take it light, my brother, beez like dat
Listen to what he says
It's all about today
Time is right
Keep on running, baby (baby)
Keep on running, ba-ba-baby (baby)
(ah, look out, get funky)
Ba ba-ba, ba ba-ba ba-ba (look out, get funky)
Ba ba-ba, ba ba-ba ba-ba...
Listen to what I got to say
Don't go closing your mind, come on, be honest today
Brothers and sisters, aliens or white girl
Believe in yourself so we can make this a nice world
For us to live in so start giving peace and love
Hurry up, the clock is ticking
I tell the truth, yo, sometimes it's sad
Take it light, my brother, beez like dat
Listen to what he says
Time is right
Keep on running, baby (baby)
Keep on running, ba-ba-baby (baby)
(ah, keep busting)
Ba ba-ba, ba ba-ba ba-ba...
(Beez like, be-beez like dat)
(I'm in love with you, girl)
(Be-be-beez like dat)
Keep on, ke-keep on, ke-keep on running, baby (baby)
Keep on running, ba-ba-baby (ba-ba-baby)
Keep on running, ba-ba-baby (baby)
#MilliVanilli #KeepOnRunning #Live
- published: 01 May 2014
- views: 19840771
The Real Milli Vanilli - Keep On Running (Official Video) (VOD)
Music video by The Real Milli Vanilli performing Keep On Running (Official Video). (C) 1990 Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH
Music video by The Real Milli Vanilli performing Keep On Running (Official Video). (C) 1990 Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH
Music video by The Real Milli Vanilli performing Keep On Running (Official Video). (C) 1990 Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH
- published: 26 Jun 2015
- views: 3064465
FULL| 顶级混战!白鹿范丞丞撕名牌大战鲨疯了 周深宋雨琦爆笑贴五官 兄弟团面临录制末位淘汰?|奔跑吧生态篇 EP4 20231209
00:00 撕名牌大战开启!
11:49 沙溢给张真源范世錡传授撕名牌技巧
26:23 黄新淳教郑恺唱跳ending喘气
28:17 张真源撕名牌首战连赢两局
35:48 范世錡白鹿撕名牌像在老鹰捉小鸡
52:54 周深带头合唱《送别》
01:02:27 李晨刮刮乐遭宋雨琦拱火
01:21:20 郑恺猜错...
00:00 撕名牌大战开启!
11:49 沙溢给张真源范世錡传授撕名牌技巧
26:23 黄新淳教郑恺唱跳ending喘气
28:17 张真源撕名牌首战连赢两局
35:48 范世錡白鹿撕名牌像在老鹰捉小鸡
52:54 周深带头合唱《送别》
01:02:27 李晨刮刮乐遭宋雨琦拱火
01:21:20 郑恺猜错苗苗鼻子 魏大勋周深疯狂补刀
01:33:30 宋雨琦刮刮乐上头根本劝不住
#奔跑吧生态篇 全新启航!11月18日起每周六晚#李晨 #郑恺 #沙溢 #白鹿 #周深 #范丞丞 #宋雨琦 #张真源 已准备完毕~循自然之序,与万物同行,与你不见不散~一起感受大自然的美好,为生态助力吧!
加入会员全球同步首播!Became a RMember:https://bit.ly/krmembership
CC] English subtitles will be updated every Tuesday, please wait for the official notification for all fans
浙江卫视 YouTube:http://bitly.com/zhejiangtv
奔跑吧 YouTube:http://bitly.com/runningmanchina
浙江音乐 YouTube:http://bit.ly/singchina
● Find Us:
浙江卫视 Facebook:http://bit.ly/zjstvfb
奔跑吧 Facebook:http://bit.ly/rmchinafb
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奔跑吧 Tiktok : https://bit.ly/2ZbWdrw
- 往季回顾 Look back
00:00 撕名牌大战开启!
11:49 沙溢给张真源范世錡传授撕名牌技巧
26:23 黄新淳教郑恺唱跳ending喘气
28:17 张真源撕名牌首战连赢两局
35:48 范世錡白鹿撕名牌像在老鹰捉小鸡
52:54 周深带头合唱《送别》
01:02:27 李晨刮刮乐遭宋雨琦拱火
01:21:20 郑恺猜错苗苗鼻子 魏大勋周深疯狂补刀
01:33:30 宋雨琦刮刮乐上头根本劝不住
#奔跑吧生态篇 全新启航!11月18日起每周六晚#李晨 #郑恺 #沙溢 #白鹿 #周深 #范丞丞 #宋雨琦 #张真源 已准备完毕~循自然之序,与万物同行,与你不见不散~一起感受大自然的美好,为生态助力吧!
加入会员全球同步首播!Became a RMember:https://bit.ly/krmembership
CC] English subtitles will be updated every Tuesday, please wait for the official notification for all fans
浙江卫视 YouTube:http://bitly.com/zhejiangtv
奔跑吧 YouTube:http://bitly.com/runningmanchina
浙江音乐 YouTube:http://bit.ly/singchina
● Find Us:
浙江卫视 Facebook:http://bit.ly/zjstvfb
奔跑吧 Facebook:http://bit.ly/rmchinafb
奔跑吧 Twitter:https://bit.ly/3pocOUj
奔跑吧 Tiktok : https://bit.ly/2ZbWdrw
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- published: 09 Dec 2023
- views: 1309037
FULL| 全员“痛苦面具”!周深极限劈叉下腰 白鹿遭沙溢范丞丞“狂锤”?孟子义对“甜妹”有执念?|奔跑吧生态篇 EP2 20231125
00:00 白鹿周深满分整活开启新一期
24:23 孟子义玩游戏变规则黑洞
36:56 沙溢把平衡板玩成甩脂机
46:36 范丞丞孟子义高情商互夸
56:27 张真源抽牌超快喜提新外号
01:06:46 沙溢压李晨下腰成健身房教练
01:13:57 白鹿搭积木僵硬程度像复健
01:28:52 孟子义唱歌...
00:00 白鹿周深满分整活开启新一期
24:23 孟子义玩游戏变规则黑洞
36:56 沙溢把平衡板玩成甩脂机
46:36 范丞丞孟子义高情商互夸
56:27 张真源抽牌超快喜提新外号
01:06:46 沙溢压李晨下腰成健身房教练
01:13:57 白鹿搭积木僵硬程度像复健
01:28:52 孟子义唱歌逼疯周深
#奔跑吧生态篇 全新启航!11月18日起每周六晚#李晨 #郑恺 #沙溢 #白鹿 #周深 #范丞丞 #宋雨琦 #张真源 已准备完毕~循自然之序,与万物同行,与你不见不散~一起感受大自然的美好,为生态助力吧!
加入会员全球同步首播!Became a RMember:https://bit.ly/krmembership
CC] English subtitles will be updated every Monday, please wait for the official notification for all fans
浙江卫视 YouTube:http://bitly.com/zhejiangtv
奔跑吧 YouTube:http://bitly.com/runningmanchina
浙江音乐 YouTube:http://bit.ly/singchina
● Find Us:
浙江卫视 Facebook:http://bit.ly/zjstvfb
奔跑吧 Facebook:http://bit.ly/rmchinafb
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奔跑吧 Tiktok : https://bit.ly/2ZbWdrw
- 往季回顾 Look back
00:00 白鹿周深满分整活开启新一期
24:23 孟子义玩游戏变规则黑洞
36:56 沙溢把平衡板玩成甩脂机
46:36 范丞丞孟子义高情商互夸
56:27 张真源抽牌超快喜提新外号
01:06:46 沙溢压李晨下腰成健身房教练
01:13:57 白鹿搭积木僵硬程度像复健
01:28:52 孟子义唱歌逼疯周深
#奔跑吧生态篇 全新启航!11月18日起每周六晚#李晨 #郑恺 #沙溢 #白鹿 #周深 #范丞丞 #宋雨琦 #张真源 已准备完毕~循自然之序,与万物同行,与你不见不散~一起感受大自然的美好,为生态助力吧!
加入会员全球同步首播!Became a RMember:https://bit.ly/krmembership
CC] English subtitles will be updated every Monday, please wait for the official notification for all fans
浙江卫视 YouTube:http://bitly.com/zhejiangtv
奔跑吧 YouTube:http://bitly.com/runningmanchina
浙江音乐 YouTube:http://bit.ly/singchina
● Find Us:
浙江卫视 Facebook:http://bit.ly/zjstvfb
奔跑吧 Facebook:http://bit.ly/rmchinafb
奔跑吧 Twitter:https://bit.ly/3pocOUj
奔跑吧 Tiktok : https://bit.ly/2ZbWdrw
- 往季回顾 Look back
- published: 25 Nov 2023
- views: 1503996
FULL| 李晨郑恺“复仇”回归! 周深被全员怀疑好无辜?宋雨琦掀趾压板《Queencard 》狂潮 |奔跑吧生态篇 EP6 20231223
#奔跑吧生态篇 全新启航!11月18日起每周六晚#李晨 #郑恺 #沙溢 #白鹿 #周深 #范丞丞 #宋雨琦 #张真源 已准备完毕~循自然之序,与万物同行,与你不见不散~一起感受大自然的美好,为生态助力吧!
00:00 加入【奔跑吧】官方会员 全球抢先看直播!
#奔跑吧生态篇 全新启航!11月18日起每周六晚#李晨 #郑恺 #沙溢 #白鹿 #周深 #范丞丞 #宋雨琦 #张真源 已准备完毕~循自然之序,与万物同行,与你不见不散~一起感受大自然的美好,为生态助力吧!
00:00 加入【奔跑吧】官方会员 全球抢先看直播!
15:08 一脸懵!唐九洲一觉醒来竟被淘汰
24:01 震惊!陈冰的脚竟然只有33码
35:48 魏大勋被说别瞎投委屈得像是可怜大狗狗
43:01 郑恺鸭子坐夹小黄鸭 下不去一点
58:47 超强实力!张真源飞盘能力者实锤了
01:14:09 双向奔赴 周深认证粉丝会给他画两颗痣
01:32:44 蒋龙被硌到屁股痛到原地起飞
01:49:58 恩熙被陈冰周深质疑带节奏
加入会员全球同步首播!Became a RMember:https://bit.ly/krmembership
CC] English subtitles will be updated every Tuesday, please wait for the official notification for all fans
浙江卫视 YouTube:http://bitly.com/zhejiangtv
奔跑吧 YouTube:http://bitly.com/runningmanchina
浙江音乐 YouTube:http://bit.ly/singchina
● Find Us:
浙江卫视 Facebook:http://bit.ly/zjstvfb
奔跑吧 Facebook:http://bit.ly/rmchinafb
奔跑吧 Twitter:https://bit.ly/3pocOUj
奔跑吧 Tiktok : https://bit.ly/2ZbWdrw
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#奔跑吧生态篇 全新启航!11月18日起每周六晚#李晨 #郑恺 #沙溢 #白鹿 #周深 #范丞丞 #宋雨琦 #张真源 已准备完毕~循自然之序,与万物同行,与你不见不散~一起感受大自然的美好,为生态助力吧!
00:00 加入【奔跑吧】官方会员 全球抢先看直播!
15:08 一脸懵!唐九洲一觉醒来竟被淘汰
24:01 震惊!陈冰的脚竟然只有33码
35:48 魏大勋被说别瞎投委屈得像是可怜大狗狗
43:01 郑恺鸭子坐夹小黄鸭 下不去一点
58:47 超强实力!张真源飞盘能力者实锤了
01:14:09 双向奔赴 周深认证粉丝会给他画两颗痣
01:32:44 蒋龙被硌到屁股痛到原地起飞
01:49:58 恩熙被陈冰周深质疑带节奏
加入会员全球同步首播!Became a RMember:https://bit.ly/krmembership
CC] English subtitles will be updated every Tuesday, please wait for the official notification for all fans
浙江卫视 YouTube:http://bitly.com/zhejiangtv
奔跑吧 YouTube:http://bitly.com/runningmanchina
浙江音乐 YouTube:http://bit.ly/singchina
● Find Us:
浙江卫视 Facebook:http://bit.ly/zjstvfb
奔跑吧 Facebook:http://bit.ly/rmchinafb
奔跑吧 Twitter:https://bit.ly/3pocOUj
奔跑吧 Tiktok : https://bit.ly/2ZbWdrw
- 往季回顾 Look back
- published: 23 Dec 2023
- views: 1146740
FULL| 老成员面临淘汰?周深遭宋雨琦魏大勋“围攻” 李晨张真源合力撕郑恺名牌 跑男版《消失的TA》正在上映!| 奔跑吧生态篇 EP5 20231216
#奔跑吧生态篇 全新启航!11月18日起每周六晚#李晨 #郑恺 #沙溢 #白鹿 #周深 #范丞丞 #宋雨琦 #张真源 已准备完毕~循自然之序,与万物同行,与你不见不散~一起感受大自然的美好,为生态助力吧!
加入会员全球同步首播!Became a RMember:https://bit.ly/krmembership...
#奔跑吧生态篇 全新启航!11月18日起每周六晚#李晨 #郑恺 #沙溢 #白鹿 #周深 #范丞丞 #宋雨琦 #张真源 已准备完毕~循自然之序,与万物同行,与你不见不散~一起感受大自然的美好,为生态助力吧!
加入会员全球同步首播!Became a RMember:https://bit.ly/krmembership
CC] English subtitles will be updated every Tuesday, please wait for the official notification for all fans
00:00 跑男淘汰赛开启!
05:00 郑恺宋雨琦超火“滑步”入场
10:50 周深被围攻天选开局 魏大勋极限一换二
19:06 学霸郑恺靠平时积累回答正确
23:13 郑恺宋雨琦猎杀时刻 139club重出江湖
25:37 张真源宋雨琦鬼鬼祟祟探头互被抓包
28:58 张真源宋雨琦倒计时三十秒狂奔答题
32:00 宋雨琦撑起全队庆祝跳queencard
44:36 唐九洲蒙眼背对背拥抱 郑恺原地起飞
01:02:13 宋雨琦是懂豆腐的 蒋龙秒回好笑程度100%
01:20:15 李晨刮刮乐惨遭淘汰 张真源虚惊一场
01:43:12 郑恺被淘汰 惊呼你们是要取代跑男
浙江卫视 YouTube:http://bitly.com/zhejiangtv
奔跑吧 YouTube:http://bitly.com/runningmanchina
浙江音乐 YouTube:http://bit.ly/singchina
● Find Us:
浙江卫视 Facebook:http://bit.ly/zjstvfb
奔跑吧 Facebook:http://bit.ly/rmchinafb
奔跑吧 Twitter:https://bit.ly/3pocOUj
奔跑吧 Tiktok : https://bit.ly/2ZbWdrw
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#奔跑吧生态篇 全新启航!11月18日起每周六晚#李晨 #郑恺 #沙溢 #白鹿 #周深 #范丞丞 #宋雨琦 #张真源 已准备完毕~循自然之序,与万物同行,与你不见不散~一起感受大自然的美好,为生态助力吧!
加入会员全球同步首播!Became a RMember:https://bit.ly/krmembership
CC] English subtitles will be updated every Tuesday, please wait for the official notification for all fans
00:00 跑男淘汰赛开启!
05:00 郑恺宋雨琦超火“滑步”入场
10:50 周深被围攻天选开局 魏大勋极限一换二
19:06 学霸郑恺靠平时积累回答正确
23:13 郑恺宋雨琦猎杀时刻 139club重出江湖
25:37 张真源宋雨琦鬼鬼祟祟探头互被抓包
28:58 张真源宋雨琦倒计时三十秒狂奔答题
32:00 宋雨琦撑起全队庆祝跳queencard
44:36 唐九洲蒙眼背对背拥抱 郑恺原地起飞
01:02:13 宋雨琦是懂豆腐的 蒋龙秒回好笑程度100%
01:20:15 李晨刮刮乐惨遭淘汰 张真源虚惊一场
01:43:12 郑恺被淘汰 惊呼你们是要取代跑男
浙江卫视 YouTube:http://bitly.com/zhejiangtv
奔跑吧 YouTube:http://bitly.com/runningmanchina
浙江音乐 YouTube:http://bit.ly/singchina
● Find Us:
浙江卫视 Facebook:http://bit.ly/zjstvfb
奔跑吧 Facebook:http://bit.ly/rmchinafb
奔跑吧 Twitter:https://bit.ly/3pocOUj
奔跑吧 Tiktok : https://bit.ly/2ZbWdrw
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- published: 16 Dec 2023
- views: 1079829
FULL| 枕头大战!白鹿周深抢蘑菇“疯跑”撞成一团 范丞丞“倒骑”李晨笑不活了 卢昱晓一拳“KO”张真源? |奔跑吧生态篇 EP3 20231202
#奔跑吧生态篇 🔥海外粉丝打call活动在线启动!大胆秀出你对奔奔的喜爱🩷🏃♂️
【录制打call视频🎥】不限语言!祝福#奔跑吧 生态篇开播成功!为新一季你最喜欢的MC和最期待的游戏打call!
[email protected] 精美大礼包 🎁 和导演/MC签名照🎞️等你来拿!
#奔跑吧生态篇 🔥海外粉丝打call活动在线启动!大胆秀出你对奔奔的喜爱🩷🏃♂️
【录制打call视频🎥】不限语言!祝福#奔跑吧 生态篇开播成功!为新一季你最喜欢的MC和最期待的游戏打call!
[email protected] 精美大礼包 🎁 和导演/MC签名照🎞️等你来拿!
00:00 兄弟团参观菌菇眼界打开
07:03 白鹿菌菇连线懵圈被丞丞捡漏
52:45 范丞丞1V2逆势挑翻白鹿黄新淳
1:26:55 张真源范世錡腰腹力爆表
#奔跑吧生态篇 全新启航!11月18日起每周六晚#李晨 #郑恺 #沙溢 #白鹿 #周深 #范丞丞 #宋雨琦 #张真源 已准备完毕~循自然之序,与万物同行,与你不见不散~一起感受大自然的美好,为生态助力吧!
加入会员全球同步首播!Became a RMember:https://bit.ly/krmembership
CC] English subtitles will be updated every Tuesday, please wait for the official notification for all fans
浙江卫视 YouTube:http://bitly.com/zhejiangtv
奔跑吧 YouTube:http://bitly.com/runningmanchina
浙江音乐 YouTube:http://bit.ly/singchina
● Find Us:
浙江卫视 Facebook:http://bit.ly/zjstvfb
奔跑吧 Facebook:http://bit.ly/rmchinafb
奔跑吧 Twitter:https://bit.ly/3pocOUj
奔跑吧 Tiktok : https://bit.ly/2ZbWdrw
- 往季回顾 Look back
#奔跑吧生态篇 🔥海外粉丝打call活动在线启动!大胆秀出你对奔奔的喜爱🩷🏃♂️
【录制打call视频🎥】不限语言!祝福#奔跑吧 生态篇开播成功!为新一季你最喜欢的MC和最期待的游戏打call!
[email protected] 精美大礼包 🎁 和导演/MC签名照🎞️等你来拿!
00:00 兄弟团参观菌菇眼界打开
07:03 白鹿菌菇连线懵圈被丞丞捡漏
52:45 范丞丞1V2逆势挑翻白鹿黄新淳
1:26:55 张真源范世錡腰腹力爆表
#奔跑吧生态篇 全新启航!11月18日起每周六晚#李晨 #郑恺 #沙溢 #白鹿 #周深 #范丞丞 #宋雨琦 #张真源 已准备完毕~循自然之序,与万物同行,与你不见不散~一起感受大自然的美好,为生态助力吧!
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- published: 02 Dec 2023
- views: 1399174
Among Us in HD (Part 48) STOMP LOOP #Shorts
Join my channel for access to exclusive perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEnqwW6f7bYidXHAI13hhMA/join
Watch all of my "Among Us in HD" animations here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BolsTFOoxNI&list=PLHTiqada2E2BtiWPJSZYUejYEoBhvMzbN&index=1
Behind the scenes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIi0qTc8v24&list=PLe5Frw1C-LJAP8H6aUx5jtKRncBanRX6Y&index=48
"Among Us" is a popular video game in which a group of colorful, armless astronauts work on a spaceship, accompanied by an "Impostor" who is a shape-shifting alien. The Impostor (who looks identical to the other players) kills off the crew members one-by-one. After each death, the crew has an opportunity to vote one member off the ship, launching them into space to perish in hopes of getting rid of the Impostor. Impostors have ...
published: 18 Dec 2020
King Of The Hill But Its a Midwest Emo Intro
published: 03 Apr 2023
Disambiguation – Linking Data Science and Engineering | NLP Summit 2020
Get your Free Spark NLP and Spark OCR Free Trial: https://www.johnsnowlabs.com/spark-nlp-try-free/
Register for NLP Summit 2021: https://www.nlpsummit.org/2021-events/
Watch all NLP Summit 2020 sessions: https://www.nlpsummit.org/
Disambiguation or Entity Linking is the assignment of a knowledge base identifier (Wikidata, Wikipedia) to a named entity. Our goal was to improve an MVP model by adding newly created knowledge while maintaining competitive F1 scores.
Taking an entity linking model from MVP into production in a spaCy-native pipeline architecture posed several data science and engineering challenges, such as hyperparameter estimation and knowledge enhancement, which we addressed by taking advantage of the engineering tools Docker and Kubernetes to semi-automate training as a...
published: 07 Jan 2021
Top 10 Post Apocalyptic TV Series
If you want to know how civilization would look once it is crumbled you should definitely watch our picks for the best Post Apocalyptic tv shows.
Discover the best…
📹 YouTube tool: https://www.tubebuddy.com/communitv
We missed your favorite Post-Apocalyptic TV Series? Let us know in the comments!
Follow us on...
Instagram: http://bit.ly/2rnljTB
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2PbYxGn
Movies in this Ranking:
10. Falling Skies (2011–2015): (00:26)
9. Colony (2016–2018): (01:16)
8. The Last Ship (2014–2018): (02:07)
7. Station Eleven (2021-2022): (02:56)
6. See (2019- ): (03:42)
5. The 100 (2014–2020): (04:29)
4. Sweet Tooth (2021- ): (05:17)
3. Jericho (2006–2008): (06:06)
2. Into the Badlands (2015–2019): (06:58)
1. The Walking Dead (2010–2022): (08:45)
You want to work with us?
For ...
published: 12 Jul 2022
Top 10 Episodes That Killed TV Shows
Sometimes, TV writers just seem to run out of ideas! For this list, we’ll be looking at the most infamous episodes of television that damaged their show’s reputation. It goes without saying, but beware of major spoilers ahead. Our countdown includes episodes from "Homeland", "Grey's Anatomy", "Dexter" and more! Did you soldier on after these episodes? Let us know in the comments below!
Check out these other tv show themed videos:
Top 20 Most Shocking Sitcom Moments: https://youtu.be/YdnHPOp1Ydk
Top 20 TV Plot Twists of the Century (So Far): https://youtu.be/QFC8n7u7olk
Top 20 Banned TV Episodes: https://youtu.be/i2Ba1p7OARM
Become a channel member to get access to special perks:
Challenge friends and family on our multiplaye...
published: 18 Apr 2023
Word Sense Disambiguation
A word's meaning depends on its association with other words in a sentence. This means two or more words with the same spelling may have different meanings in different contexts. This often leads to ambiguity.
Word sense disambiguation is the process of mapping a word to the sense that it should carry.
published: 28 Apr 2023
Deadpool 2 After Credits - Wolverine Cameo Scene | Deadpool 2 (2018) Movie Clip HD 4K
Deadpool 2 After Credits - Wolverine Cameo - If I Could Turn Back Time - You're Welcome, Canada Scene | Deadpool 2 (2018) Super Duper Cut Movie Clip 4K Ultra HD
Cast: Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin, Morena Baccarin, Julian Dennison, Zazie Beetz, T.J. Miller, Brianna Hildebrand, Stefan Kapicic, Karan Soni, Shiori Kutsuna, Leslie Uggams, Eddie Marsan, Jack Kesy, Terry Crews, Lewis Tan, Bill Skarsgard, Rob Delaney
Film description: Wisecracking mercenary Wade Wilson aka Deadpool meets Russell Collins, an angry teenage mutant who lives at an orphanage. When Russell becomes the target of Cable - a genetically enhanced soldier from the future - Deadpool realizes that he'll need some help saving the boy from such a superior enemy. He soon joins forces with Domino, Bedlam, Shatterstar, and other pow...
published: 19 Dec 2021
🖋 Word Sense Disambiguation in Colab using KerasNLP.
💻 Colab : https://colab.research.google.com/drive/18f_zHHAsLw5wTvwIsqbbCt0vHUo3eXkh#scrollTo=ucdAmePvir2e
🛠️ Project GitHub : https://github.com/aalgirdas/wordnet_onto
📝 Research paper: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/14/13/5550
published: 13 May 2024
Tiago - Disambiguation
track : Tiago - Disambiguation
label :DFA (2010)
published: 06 Mar 2011
Introduction to Disambiguation
Introduction to "Disambiguation". From "The Brain's Challenge" chapter of the Children of the Code Project.
published: 30 Jul 2017
Among Us in HD (Part 48) STOMP LOOP #Shorts
Join my channel for access to exclusive perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEnqwW6f7bYidXHAI13hhMA/join
Watch all of my "Among Us in HD" animations here: ...
Join my channel for access to exclusive perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEnqwW6f7bYidXHAI13hhMA/join
Watch all of my "Among Us in HD" animations here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BolsTFOoxNI&list=PLHTiqada2E2BtiWPJSZYUejYEoBhvMzbN&index=1
Behind the scenes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIi0qTc8v24&list=PLe5Frw1C-LJAP8H6aUx5jtKRncBanRX6Y&index=48
"Among Us" is a popular video game in which a group of colorful, armless astronauts work on a spaceship, accompanied by an "Impostor" who is a shape-shifting alien. The Impostor (who looks identical to the other players) kills off the crew members one-by-one. After each death, the crew has an opportunity to vote one member off the ship, launching them into space to perish in hopes of getting rid of the Impostor. Impostors have the unique ability to travel though a vent system on the spaceship, but must do so without being seen by other players - this puts them at immediate risk of being identified as the Imposter.
Music: "AK47 Tik Tok" by Pr!d3
THIS IS A FAN-MADE ANIMATION. I am not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with InnerSloth or any of its subsidiaries or its affiliates. The official InnerSloth website can be found at https://www.innersloth.com/. Among Us alongside all related characters, storylines and concepts are registered trademarks of their respective owners.
#Shorts #YouTubeShorts
Join my channel for access to exclusive perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEnqwW6f7bYidXHAI13hhMA/join
Watch all of my "Among Us in HD" animations here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BolsTFOoxNI&list=PLHTiqada2E2BtiWPJSZYUejYEoBhvMzbN&index=1
Behind the scenes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIi0qTc8v24&list=PLe5Frw1C-LJAP8H6aUx5jtKRncBanRX6Y&index=48
"Among Us" is a popular video game in which a group of colorful, armless astronauts work on a spaceship, accompanied by an "Impostor" who is a shape-shifting alien. The Impostor (who looks identical to the other players) kills off the crew members one-by-one. After each death, the crew has an opportunity to vote one member off the ship, launching them into space to perish in hopes of getting rid of the Impostor. Impostors have the unique ability to travel though a vent system on the spaceship, but must do so without being seen by other players - this puts them at immediate risk of being identified as the Imposter.
Music: "AK47 Tik Tok" by Pr!d3
THIS IS A FAN-MADE ANIMATION. I am not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with InnerSloth or any of its subsidiaries or its affiliates. The official InnerSloth website can be found at https://www.innersloth.com/. Among Us alongside all related characters, storylines and concepts are registered trademarks of their respective owners.
#Shorts #YouTubeShorts
- published: 18 Dec 2020
- views: 735136960
Disambiguation – Linking Data Science and Engineering | NLP Summit 2020
Get your Free Spark NLP and Spark OCR Free Trial: https://www.johnsnowlabs.com/spark-nlp-try-free/
Register for NLP Summit 2021: https://www.nlpsummit.org/2021...
Get your Free Spark NLP and Spark OCR Free Trial: https://www.johnsnowlabs.com/spark-nlp-try-free/
Register for NLP Summit 2021: https://www.nlpsummit.org/2021-events/
Watch all NLP Summit 2020 sessions: https://www.nlpsummit.org/
Disambiguation or Entity Linking is the assignment of a knowledge base identifier (Wikidata, Wikipedia) to a named entity. Our goal was to improve an MVP model by adding newly created knowledge while maintaining competitive F1 scores.
Taking an entity linking model from MVP into production in a spaCy-native pipeline architecture posed several data science and engineering challenges, such as hyperparameter estimation and knowledge enhancement, which we addressed by taking advantage of the engineering tools Docker and Kubernetes to semi-automate training as an on-demand job.
We also discuss some of our learnings and process improvements that were needed to strike a balance between data science goals and engineering constraints and present our current work on improving performance through BERT-embedding based contextual similarity.
Get your Free Spark NLP and Spark OCR Free Trial: https://www.johnsnowlabs.com/spark-nlp-try-free/
Register for NLP Summit 2021: https://www.nlpsummit.org/2021-events/
Watch all NLP Summit 2020 sessions: https://www.nlpsummit.org/
Disambiguation or Entity Linking is the assignment of a knowledge base identifier (Wikidata, Wikipedia) to a named entity. Our goal was to improve an MVP model by adding newly created knowledge while maintaining competitive F1 scores.
Taking an entity linking model from MVP into production in a spaCy-native pipeline architecture posed several data science and engineering challenges, such as hyperparameter estimation and knowledge enhancement, which we addressed by taking advantage of the engineering tools Docker and Kubernetes to semi-automate training as an on-demand job.
We also discuss some of our learnings and process improvements that were needed to strike a balance between data science goals and engineering constraints and present our current work on improving performance through BERT-embedding based contextual similarity.
- published: 07 Jan 2021
- views: 564
Top 10 Post Apocalyptic TV Series
If you want to know how civilization would look once it is crumbled you should definitely watch our picks for the best Post Apocalyptic tv shows.
Discover the ...
If you want to know how civilization would look once it is crumbled you should definitely watch our picks for the best Post Apocalyptic tv shows.
Discover the best…
📹 YouTube tool: https://www.tubebuddy.com/communitv
We missed your favorite Post-Apocalyptic TV Series? Let us know in the comments!
Follow us on...
Instagram: http://bit.ly/2rnljTB
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2PbYxGn
Movies in this Ranking:
10. Falling Skies (2011–2015): (00:26)
9. Colony (2016–2018): (01:16)
8. The Last Ship (2014–2018): (02:07)
7. Station Eleven (2021-2022): (02:56)
6. See (2019- ): (03:42)
5. The 100 (2014–2020): (04:29)
4. Sweet Tooth (2021- ): (05:17)
3. Jericho (2006–2008): (06:06)
2. Into the Badlands (2015–2019): (06:58)
1. The Walking Dead (2010–2022): (08:45)
You want to work with us?
For collaboration requests please contact us via…
[email protected]
Music: www.bensound.com
If you want to know how civilization would look once it is crumbled you should definitely watch our picks for the best Post Apocalyptic tv shows.
Discover the best…
📹 YouTube tool: https://www.tubebuddy.com/communitv
We missed your favorite Post-Apocalyptic TV Series? Let us know in the comments!
Follow us on...
Instagram: http://bit.ly/2rnljTB
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2PbYxGn
Movies in this Ranking:
10. Falling Skies (2011–2015): (00:26)
9. Colony (2016–2018): (01:16)
8. The Last Ship (2014–2018): (02:07)
7. Station Eleven (2021-2022): (02:56)
6. See (2019- ): (03:42)
5. The 100 (2014–2020): (04:29)
4. Sweet Tooth (2021- ): (05:17)
3. Jericho (2006–2008): (06:06)
2. Into the Badlands (2015–2019): (06:58)
1. The Walking Dead (2010–2022): (08:45)
You want to work with us?
For collaboration requests please contact us via…
[email protected]
Music: www.bensound.com
- published: 12 Jul 2022
- views: 1677671
Top 10 Episodes That Killed TV Shows
Sometimes, TV writers just seem to run out of ideas! For this list, we’ll be looking at the most infamous episodes of television that damaged their show’s reput...
Sometimes, TV writers just seem to run out of ideas! For this list, we’ll be looking at the most infamous episodes of television that damaged their show’s reputation. It goes without saying, but beware of major spoilers ahead. Our countdown includes episodes from "Homeland", "Grey's Anatomy", "Dexter" and more! Did you soldier on after these episodes? Let us know in the comments below!
Check out these other tv show themed videos:
Top 20 Most Shocking Sitcom Moments: https://youtu.be/YdnHPOp1Ydk
Top 20 TV Plot Twists of the Century (So Far): https://youtu.be/QFC8n7u7olk
Top 20 Banned TV Episodes: https://youtu.be/i2Ba1p7OARM
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Your trusted authority for Top 10 lists, reviews, tips and tricks, biographies, origins, and entertainment news
#tvshows #episodes #worst #walkingdead #sherlock #dexter #homeland
Sometimes, TV writers just seem to run out of ideas! For this list, we’ll be looking at the most infamous episodes of television that damaged their show’s reputation. It goes without saying, but beware of major spoilers ahead. Our countdown includes episodes from "Homeland", "Grey's Anatomy", "Dexter" and more! Did you soldier on after these episodes? Let us know in the comments below!
Check out these other tv show themed videos:
Top 20 Most Shocking Sitcom Moments: https://youtu.be/YdnHPOp1Ydk
Top 20 TV Plot Twists of the Century (So Far): https://youtu.be/QFC8n7u7olk
Top 20 Banned TV Episodes: https://youtu.be/i2Ba1p7OARM
Become a channel member to get access to special perks:
Challenge friends and family on our multiplayer Trivia!
Have your idea become a video!
Subscribe for more great content!
Visit our shop for awesome merch!
Your trusted authority for Top 10 lists, reviews, tips and tricks, biographies, origins, and entertainment news
#tvshows #episodes #worst #walkingdead #sherlock #dexter #homeland
- published: 18 Apr 2023
- views: 356048
Word Sense Disambiguation
A word's meaning depends on its association with other words in a sentence. This means two or more words with the same spelling may have different meanings in d...
A word's meaning depends on its association with other words in a sentence. This means two or more words with the same spelling may have different meanings in different contexts. This often leads to ambiguity.
Word sense disambiguation is the process of mapping a word to the sense that it should carry.
A word's meaning depends on its association with other words in a sentence. This means two or more words with the same spelling may have different meanings in different contexts. This often leads to ambiguity.
Word sense disambiguation is the process of mapping a word to the sense that it should carry.
- published: 28 Apr 2023
- views: 494
Deadpool 2 After Credits - Wolverine Cameo Scene | Deadpool 2 (2018) Movie Clip HD 4K
Deadpool 2 After Credits - Wolverine Cameo - If I Could Turn Back Time - You're Welcome, Canada Scene | Deadpool 2 (2018) Super Duper Cut Movie Clip 4K Ultra HD...
Deadpool 2 After Credits - Wolverine Cameo - If I Could Turn Back Time - You're Welcome, Canada Scene | Deadpool 2 (2018) Super Duper Cut Movie Clip 4K Ultra HD
Cast: Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin, Morena Baccarin, Julian Dennison, Zazie Beetz, T.J. Miller, Brianna Hildebrand, Stefan Kapicic, Karan Soni, Shiori Kutsuna, Leslie Uggams, Eddie Marsan, Jack Kesy, Terry Crews, Lewis Tan, Bill Skarsgard, Rob Delaney
Film description: Wisecracking mercenary Wade Wilson aka Deadpool meets Russell Collins, an angry teenage mutant who lives at an orphanage. When Russell becomes the target of Cable - a genetically enhanced soldier from the future - Deadpool realizes that he'll need some help saving the boy from such a superior enemy. He soon joins forces with Domino, Bedlam, Shatterstar, and other powerful mutants to protect young Russell from Cable and his advanced weaponry.
TM & © 2018 Disney / 20th Century Studios
#Deadpool2 #RyanReynolds #Wolverine
Subscribe for more movie clips: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJr8Wis6Ah8C0lam1_yofOg?sub_confirmation=1
Deadpool 2 After Credits - Wolverine Cameo - If I Could Turn Back Time - You're Welcome, Canada Scene | Deadpool 2 (2018) Super Duper Cut Movie Clip 4K Ultra HD
Cast: Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin, Morena Baccarin, Julian Dennison, Zazie Beetz, T.J. Miller, Brianna Hildebrand, Stefan Kapicic, Karan Soni, Shiori Kutsuna, Leslie Uggams, Eddie Marsan, Jack Kesy, Terry Crews, Lewis Tan, Bill Skarsgard, Rob Delaney
Film description: Wisecracking mercenary Wade Wilson aka Deadpool meets Russell Collins, an angry teenage mutant who lives at an orphanage. When Russell becomes the target of Cable - a genetically enhanced soldier from the future - Deadpool realizes that he'll need some help saving the boy from such a superior enemy. He soon joins forces with Domino, Bedlam, Shatterstar, and other powerful mutants to protect young Russell from Cable and his advanced weaponry.
TM & © 2018 Disney / 20th Century Studios
#Deadpool2 #RyanReynolds #Wolverine
Subscribe for more movie clips: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJr8Wis6Ah8C0lam1_yofOg?sub_confirmation=1
- published: 19 Dec 2021
- views: 3907726
🖋 Word Sense Disambiguation in Colab using KerasNLP.
💻 Colab : https://colab.research.google.com/drive/18f_zHHAsLw5wTvwIsqbbCt0vHUo3eXkh#scrollTo=ucdAmePvir2e
🛠️ Project GitHub : https://github.com/aalgirdas/word...
💻 Colab : https://colab.research.google.com/drive/18f_zHHAsLw5wTvwIsqbbCt0vHUo3eXkh#scrollTo=ucdAmePvir2e
🛠️ Project GitHub : https://github.com/aalgirdas/wordnet_onto
📝 Research paper: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/14/13/5550
💻 Colab : https://colab.research.google.com/drive/18f_zHHAsLw5wTvwIsqbbCt0vHUo3eXkh#scrollTo=ucdAmePvir2e
🛠️ Project GitHub : https://github.com/aalgirdas/wordnet_onto
📝 Research paper: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/14/13/5550
- published: 13 May 2024
- views: 163
Tiago - Disambiguation
track : Tiago - Disambiguation
label :DFA (2010)
track : Tiago - Disambiguation
label :DFA (2010)
track : Tiago - Disambiguation
label :DFA (2010)
- published: 06 Mar 2011
- views: 11018
Introduction to Disambiguation
Introduction to "Disambiguation". From "The Brain's Challenge" chapter of the Children of the Code Project.
Introduction to "Disambiguation". From "The Brain's Challenge" chapter of the Children of the Code Project.
Introduction to "Disambiguation". From "The Brain's Challenge" chapter of the Children of the Code Project.
- published: 30 Jul 2017
- views: 734
AMERICAN REACTS TO The Green Green Grass S1 E1 - Keep On Running
#GreenGreenGrass #KeepOnRunning #British #Comedy #AmericanReacts #Reaction #DTNComedy
Join us on a counting adventure in the colorful world of "Green Green Grass Pt 1"! From 1 to 60, we'll explore the vibrant landscape and encounter fun surprises along the way. Don't forget to subscribe for more exciting adventures!
Video Request Form:
Original Video Link:
Make sure you go and follow me on social media, engage with ya boy, and keep me posted on new music being released!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/darion3/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/neal_darion
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/darion.neal.5
Snapchat: dneal3
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/dreamteamneal
Patreon: ...
published: 18 Nov 2023
Your Not English Are You - The Green Green Grass
Thanks for watching. If you liked this video, make sure to subscribe for more!
published: 30 Aug 2023
Boycie And Duke - The Green Green Grass
Thanks for watching. If you liked this video, make sure to subscribe for more!
published: 28 Aug 2023
George Ezra - Green Green Grass
George Ezra - Green Green Grass
» Descargar: https://georgeezra.lnk.to/ggg
» Follow George Ezra:
https://www.instagram.com/george_ezra https://www.tiktok.com/@george_ezra
Well she moves like lightning
And she counts to three
Then she turns out all the lights
And says she's coming for me
Now put your hands up
This is a heist
And there's no one in here living
Gonna make it out alive
Load it up when the sun comes down
Getaway car for two young lovers
Me and the girl straight out of town
Over the hills and undercover
Undercover, undercover
She said
Green green grass, blue blue sky
You better throw a party on the day that I die
Green green grass, blue blue sky
You better throw a party on the day that I ...
published: 17 Feb 2023
George Ezra - Green Green Grass (Official Lyric Video)
George Ezra - Green Green Grass (Lyric Video)
Listen/download: https://georgeezra.lnk.to/ggg
From the new album 'Gold Rush Kid': https://georgeezra.lnk.to/goldrushkid
Follow George Ezra:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/george_ezra
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@george_ezra
Twitter: https://twitter.com/george_ezra
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/georgeezramusic
Official website: https://www.georgeezra.com
Well she moves like lightning
And she counts to three
And she turns out all the lights
And says she’s coming for me
Now put your hands up
This is a heist
And there’s no one in here living
Gonna make it out alive
Loaded up when the sun comes down
Getaway car for two young lovers
Me and the girl straight out ...
published: 22 Apr 2022
요즘 세상에는 콩밥 먹을 가사를 담은 명곡! M keep on running #7080팝송 #pop #tomjones #greengreengrassofhome
톰 존스의 'Keep on Running'은 한국에서 큰 인기를 얻은 곡입니다. 이 곡은 원래 1965년 스펜서 데이비스 그룹에 의해 발표되었고, 많은 아티스트들이 리메이크했습니다. 엘비스 프레슬리도 리메이크한 가수들 중 한 명이지만, 우리나라에서는 톰 존스의 버전이 특히 유명합니다.
'Keep on Running'은 사랑하는 여성에게 무시당하는 남성의 슬픔과 집념을 표현한 노래입니다. 그는 주변 사람들의 비웃음에도 불구하고, 언젠가는 그녀의 사랑을 얻을 것이라는 희망을 가지고 있습니다. 현대적인 관점에서 이 끊임없는 구애는 스토킹으로 볼 수도 있지만, 이 곡은 자신의 성공을 위한 노력을 은유하는 것으로도 해석됩니다.
톰 존스의 이 곡 영상을 찾을 수 없어 여러 영상을 조합하여 만들었습니다. 순서가 다소 어색할 수 있지만, 'Keep on Running', 'Delilah', 'Green Green Grass of Home' 순으로 이야기가 이어지는 것 같습니다.
한국에서는 여러 가수들이 이 곡을 번안해 불렀으며, 조은성이 '깊어가네'라는 제목으로 부른 버전이 알려져 있습니다. 이 노래는 많은 사람들에게 친숙한 멜로디를 가지고 있습니다.
삶은TV 영상을 계속 받고 싶으시다면 구독 부탁드리며, 알림 설정을 하시면 새 영상을 가장 빠르게 받아보실 수 있습니다.
비즈니스 문의: [email protected]
published: 06 Nov 2024
Green Green Grass #shorts
published: 26 May 2023
George Ezra - Green Green Grass (Lyrics)
George Ezra - Green Green Grass (Lyrics)
George Ezra - Green Green Grass
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✖ Follow George Ezra:
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TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@george_ezra
Twitter: https://twitter.com/george_ezra
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/georgeezramusic
Official website: https://www.georgeezra.com
🎤 Lyrics:
Well she moves like lightning
And she counts to three
And she turns out all the lights
And says she’s coming for me
Now put your hands up
This is a heist
And there’s no one in here living
Gonna make it out alive
Loaded up when ...
published: 01 May 2022
Supergrass - Alright (Official HD Video)
Official remastered music video for ‘"Alright" by Supergrass. (C) 1995 The Echo Label Limited, a BMG Company.
“Alright” was the forth and final single from their 1995 LP “I Should Coco” and was released with "Time" as a double A-side single. It was concurrently released on the soundtrack of the 1995 movie Clueless, which helped it become a big hit for the band. It peaked at number two on the UK Singles Chart. It is the band's most successful single on the charts.
Listen to 'I Should Coco': https://supergrass.lnk.to/coco
Follow Supergrass:
published: 07 Mar 2009
green green grass blue blue sky - underwater 🧦💧 #shorts #mermaid #pool #greengreengrass
published: 04 Mar 2023
AMERICAN REACTS TO The Green Green Grass S1 E1 - Keep On Running
#GreenGreenGrass #KeepOnRunning #British #Comedy #AmericanReacts #Reaction #DTNComedy
Join us on a counting adventure in the colorful world of "Green Green Gr...
#GreenGreenGrass #KeepOnRunning #British #Comedy #AmericanReacts #Reaction #DTNComedy
Join us on a counting adventure in the colorful world of "Green Green Grass Pt 1"! From 1 to 60, we'll explore the vibrant landscape and encounter fun surprises along the way. Don't forget to subscribe for more exciting adventures!
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Make sure you go and follow me on social media, engage with ya boy, and keep me posted on new music being released!
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*Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS*
#GreenGreenGrass #KeepOnRunning #British #Comedy #AmericanReacts #Reaction #DTNComedy
Join us on a counting adventure in the colorful world of "Green Green Grass Pt 1"! From 1 to 60, we'll explore the vibrant landscape and encounter fun surprises along the way. Don't forget to subscribe for more exciting adventures!
Video Request Form:
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Make sure you go and follow me on social media, engage with ya boy, and keep me posted on new music being released!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/darion3/
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Snapchat: dneal3
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/dreamteamneal
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*Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS*
- published: 18 Nov 2023
- views: 1862
Your Not English Are You - The Green Green Grass
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Thanks for watching. If you liked this video, make sure to subscribe for more!
Thanks for watching. If you liked this video, make sure to subscribe for more!
- published: 30 Aug 2023
- views: 1601
Boycie And Duke - The Green Green Grass
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Thanks for watching. If you liked this video, make sure to subscribe for more!
Thanks for watching. If you liked this video, make sure to subscribe for more!
- published: 28 Aug 2023
- views: 572
George Ezra - Green Green Grass
George Ezra - Green Green Grass
» Descargar: https://georgeezra.lnk.to/ggg
» Follow George Ezra:
https://www.instagram.com/george_ezra https://www.tiktok.com...
George Ezra - Green Green Grass
» Descargar: https://georgeezra.lnk.to/ggg
» Follow George Ezra:
https://www.instagram.com/george_ezra https://www.tiktok.com/@george_ezra
Well she moves like lightning
And she counts to three
Then she turns out all the lights
And says she's coming for me
Now put your hands up
This is a heist
And there's no one in here living
Gonna make it out alive
Load it up when the sun comes down
Getaway car for two young lovers
Me and the girl straight out of town
Over the hills and undercover
Undercover, undercover
She said
Green green grass, blue blue sky
You better throw a party on the day that I die
Green green grass, blue blue sky
You better throw a party on the day that I die
We go together, Adam and Eve
But the girl is so much more than just another apple thief
Yeah, she's a genius (genius), watch and learn
How she sets the world on fire just to watch the sucker burn
Load it up when the sun comes down
Getaway car for two young lovers
Me and the girl straight out of town
Over the hills and undercover
Undercover, undercover
She said
Green green grass, blue blue sky
You better throw a party on the day that I die
Green green grass, blue blue sky
You better throw a party on the day that I die
Throw a party (yeah), throw a party yeah
Throw a party (woo), on the day that I die
Throw a party (hey), throw a party yeah
Throw a party, on the day that I die
Load it up when the sun comes down
Getaway car for two young lovers
Me and the girl straight out of town
Over the hills and undercover
Undercover, undercover
She said
Green green grass, blue blue sky
You better throw a party on the day that I die
Green green grass, blue blue sky
You better throw a party on the day that I die
Green green grass, blue blue sky
You better throw a party on the day that I die
Green green grass, blue blue sky
You better throw a party on the day that I die
Green Green Grass Lyrics
George Ezra Green Green Grass
Green Green Grass George Ezra
Green green grass blue blue sky
You better throw a party on the day that I die
Throw a party throw a party yeah
She said green green grass
Green Green Grass
#GreenGreenGrass #GeorgeEzra #Lyrics
[email protected]
George Ezra - Green Green Grass
» Descargar: https://georgeezra.lnk.to/ggg
» Follow George Ezra:
https://www.instagram.com/george_ezra https://www.tiktok.com/@george_ezra
Well she moves like lightning
And she counts to three
Then she turns out all the lights
And says she's coming for me
Now put your hands up
This is a heist
And there's no one in here living
Gonna make it out alive
Load it up when the sun comes down
Getaway car for two young lovers
Me and the girl straight out of town
Over the hills and undercover
Undercover, undercover
She said
Green green grass, blue blue sky
You better throw a party on the day that I die
Green green grass, blue blue sky
You better throw a party on the day that I die
We go together, Adam and Eve
But the girl is so much more than just another apple thief
Yeah, she's a genius (genius), watch and learn
How she sets the world on fire just to watch the sucker burn
Load it up when the sun comes down
Getaway car for two young lovers
Me and the girl straight out of town
Over the hills and undercover
Undercover, undercover
She said
Green green grass, blue blue sky
You better throw a party on the day that I die
Green green grass, blue blue sky
You better throw a party on the day that I die
Throw a party (yeah), throw a party yeah
Throw a party (woo), on the day that I die
Throw a party (hey), throw a party yeah
Throw a party, on the day that I die
Load it up when the sun comes down
Getaway car for two young lovers
Me and the girl straight out of town
Over the hills and undercover
Undercover, undercover
She said
Green green grass, blue blue sky
You better throw a party on the day that I die
Green green grass, blue blue sky
You better throw a party on the day that I die
Green green grass, blue blue sky
You better throw a party on the day that I die
Green green grass, blue blue sky
You better throw a party on the day that I die
Green Green Grass Lyrics
George Ezra Green Green Grass
Green Green Grass George Ezra
Green green grass blue blue sky
You better throw a party on the day that I die
Throw a party throw a party yeah
She said green green grass
Green Green Grass
#GreenGreenGrass #GeorgeEzra #Lyrics
[email protected]
- published: 17 Feb 2023
- views: 4999144
George Ezra - Green Green Grass (Official Lyric Video)
George Ezra - Green Green Grass (Lyric Video)
Listen/download: https://georgeezra.lnk.to/ggg
From the new album 'Gold Rush Kid': https://georgeezra.lnk.to/goldr...
George Ezra - Green Green Grass (Lyric Video)
Listen/download: https://georgeezra.lnk.to/ggg
From the new album 'Gold Rush Kid': https://georgeezra.lnk.to/goldrushkid
Follow George Ezra:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/george_ezra
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@george_ezra
Twitter: https://twitter.com/george_ezra
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/georgeezramusic
Official website: https://www.georgeezra.com
Well she moves like lightning
And she counts to three
And she turns out all the lights
And says she’s coming for me
Now put your hands up
This is a heist
And there’s no one in here living
Gonna make it out alive
Loaded up when the sun comes down
Getaway car for two young lovers
Me and the girl straight out of town
Over the hills and undercover
She said
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
We go together
Adam and Eve
But the girl is so much more
Than just another apple thief
Yeah, she’s a genius (genius)
Watch and learn
How she sets the world on fire
Just to watch the sucker burn
Loaded up when the sun comes down
Getaway car for two young lovers
Me and the girl straight out of town
Over the hills and undercover
She said
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
Throw a party, throw a party yeah
Throw a party, on the day that I die
Throw a party, throw a party babe
Throw a party on the day that I die
Loaded up when the sun comes down
Getaway car for two young lovers
Me and the girl straight out of town
Over the hills and undercover
She said
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
#GeorgeEzra #GreenGreenGrass #LyricVideo
George Ezra - Green Green Grass (Lyric Video)
Listen/download: https://georgeezra.lnk.to/ggg
From the new album 'Gold Rush Kid': https://georgeezra.lnk.to/goldrushkid
Follow George Ezra:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/george_ezra
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@george_ezra
Twitter: https://twitter.com/george_ezra
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/georgeezramusic
Official website: https://www.georgeezra.com
Well she moves like lightning
And she counts to three
And she turns out all the lights
And says she’s coming for me
Now put your hands up
This is a heist
And there’s no one in here living
Gonna make it out alive
Loaded up when the sun comes down
Getaway car for two young lovers
Me and the girl straight out of town
Over the hills and undercover
She said
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
We go together
Adam and Eve
But the girl is so much more
Than just another apple thief
Yeah, she’s a genius (genius)
Watch and learn
How she sets the world on fire
Just to watch the sucker burn
Loaded up when the sun comes down
Getaway car for two young lovers
Me and the girl straight out of town
Over the hills and undercover
She said
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
Throw a party, throw a party yeah
Throw a party, on the day that I die
Throw a party, throw a party babe
Throw a party on the day that I die
Loaded up when the sun comes down
Getaway car for two young lovers
Me and the girl straight out of town
Over the hills and undercover
She said
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
#GeorgeEzra #GreenGreenGrass #LyricVideo
- published: 22 Apr 2022
- views: 18642323
요즘 세상에는 콩밥 먹을 가사를 담은 명곡! M keep on running #7080팝송 #pop #tomjones #greengreengrassofhome
톰 존스의 'Keep on Running'은 한국에서 큰 인기를 얻은 곡입니다. 이 곡은 원래 1965년 스펜서 데이비스 그룹에 의해 발표되었고, 많은 아티스트들이 리메이크했습니다. 엘비스 프레슬리도 리메이크한 가수들 중 한 명이지만, 우리나라에서는 톰 존스의 버전이 특히 유명합니다.
톰 존스의 'Keep on Running'은 한국에서 큰 인기를 얻은 곡입니다. 이 곡은 원래 1965년 스펜서 데이비스 그룹에 의해 발표되었고, 많은 아티스트들이 리메이크했습니다. 엘비스 프레슬리도 리메이크한 가수들 중 한 명이지만, 우리나라에서는 톰 존스의 버전이 특히 유명합니다.
'Keep on Running'은 사랑하는 여성에게 무시당하는 남성의 슬픔과 집념을 표현한 노래입니다. 그는 주변 사람들의 비웃음에도 불구하고, 언젠가는 그녀의 사랑을 얻을 것이라는 희망을 가지고 있습니다. 현대적인 관점에서 이 끊임없는 구애는 스토킹으로 볼 수도 있지만, 이 곡은 자신의 성공을 위한 노력을 은유하는 것으로도 해석됩니다.
톰 존스의 이 곡 영상을 찾을 수 없어 여러 영상을 조합하여 만들었습니다. 순서가 다소 어색할 수 있지만, 'Keep on Running', 'Delilah', 'Green Green Grass of Home' 순으로 이야기가 이어지는 것 같습니다.
한국에서는 여러 가수들이 이 곡을 번안해 불렀으며, 조은성이 '깊어가네'라는 제목으로 부른 버전이 알려져 있습니다. 이 노래는 많은 사람들에게 친숙한 멜로디를 가지고 있습니다.
삶은TV 영상을 계속 받고 싶으시다면 구독 부탁드리며, 알림 설정을 하시면 새 영상을 가장 빠르게 받아보실 수 있습니다.
비즈니스 문의:
[email protected]
톰 존스의 'Keep on Running'은 한국에서 큰 인기를 얻은 곡입니다. 이 곡은 원래 1965년 스펜서 데이비스 그룹에 의해 발표되었고, 많은 아티스트들이 리메이크했습니다. 엘비스 프레슬리도 리메이크한 가수들 중 한 명이지만, 우리나라에서는 톰 존스의 버전이 특히 유명합니다.
'Keep on Running'은 사랑하는 여성에게 무시당하는 남성의 슬픔과 집념을 표현한 노래입니다. 그는 주변 사람들의 비웃음에도 불구하고, 언젠가는 그녀의 사랑을 얻을 것이라는 희망을 가지고 있습니다. 현대적인 관점에서 이 끊임없는 구애는 스토킹으로 볼 수도 있지만, 이 곡은 자신의 성공을 위한 노력을 은유하는 것으로도 해석됩니다.
톰 존스의 이 곡 영상을 찾을 수 없어 여러 영상을 조합하여 만들었습니다. 순서가 다소 어색할 수 있지만, 'Keep on Running', 'Delilah', 'Green Green Grass of Home' 순으로 이야기가 이어지는 것 같습니다.
한국에서는 여러 가수들이 이 곡을 번안해 불렀으며, 조은성이 '깊어가네'라는 제목으로 부른 버전이 알려져 있습니다. 이 노래는 많은 사람들에게 친숙한 멜로디를 가지고 있습니다.
삶은TV 영상을 계속 받고 싶으시다면 구독 부탁드리며, 알림 설정을 하시면 새 영상을 가장 빠르게 받아보실 수 있습니다.
비즈니스 문의:
[email protected]
- published: 06 Nov 2024
- views: 153098
George Ezra - Green Green Grass (Lyrics)
George Ezra - Green Green Grass (Lyrics)
George Ezra - Green Green Grass
For more quality music subscribe here ➡ http://bit.ly/sub2thvbgd
We're on Spotify ➡ ...
George Ezra - Green Green Grass (Lyrics)
George Ezra - Green Green Grass
For more quality music subscribe here ➡ http://bit.ly/sub2thvbgd
We're on Spotify ➡ https://spoti.fi/37r55sT
🔔 Turn on notifications to stay updated with new uploads!
✖ Stream / Download:
✖ Follow George Ezra:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/george_ezra
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@george_ezra
Twitter: https://twitter.com/george_ezra
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/georgeezramusic
Official website: https://www.georgeezra.com
🎤 Lyrics:
Well she moves like lightning
And she counts to three
And she turns out all the lights
And says she’s coming for me
Now put your hands up
This is a heist
And there’s no one in here living
Gonna make it out alive
Loaded up when the sun comes down
Getaway car for two young lovers
Me and the girl straight out of town
Over the hills and undercover
She said
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
We go together
Adam and Eve
But the girl is so much more
Than just another apple thief
Yeah, she’s a genius (genius)
Watch and learn
How she sets the world on fire
Just to watch the sucker burn
Loaded up when the sun comes down
Getaway car for two young lovers
Me and the girl straight out of town
Over the hills and undercover
She said
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
Throw a party, throw a party yeah
Throw a party, on the day that I die
Throw a party, throw a party babe
Throw a party on the day that I die
Loaded up when the sun comes down
Getaway car for two young lovers
Me and the girl straight out of town
Over the hills and undercover
She said
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
THE VIBE GUIDE - Your guide to the latest music trends.
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Send your submissions: https://submit.thevibeguide.net
#georgeezra #greengreengrass #lyrics #music
George Ezra - Green Green Grass (Lyrics)
George Ezra - Green Green Grass
For more quality music subscribe here ➡ http://bit.ly/sub2thvbgd
We're on Spotify ➡ https://spoti.fi/37r55sT
🔔 Turn on notifications to stay updated with new uploads!
✖ Stream / Download:
✖ Follow George Ezra:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/george_ezra
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@george_ezra
Twitter: https://twitter.com/george_ezra
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/georgeezramusic
Official website: https://www.georgeezra.com
🎤 Lyrics:
Well she moves like lightning
And she counts to three
And she turns out all the lights
And says she’s coming for me
Now put your hands up
This is a heist
And there’s no one in here living
Gonna make it out alive
Loaded up when the sun comes down
Getaway car for two young lovers
Me and the girl straight out of town
Over the hills and undercover
She said
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
We go together
Adam and Eve
But the girl is so much more
Than just another apple thief
Yeah, she’s a genius (genius)
Watch and learn
How she sets the world on fire
Just to watch the sucker burn
Loaded up when the sun comes down
Getaway car for two young lovers
Me and the girl straight out of town
Over the hills and undercover
She said
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
Throw a party, throw a party yeah
Throw a party, on the day that I die
Throw a party, throw a party babe
Throw a party on the day that I die
Loaded up when the sun comes down
Getaway car for two young lovers
Me and the girl straight out of town
Over the hills and undercover
She said
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
Green, green grass
Blue, blue sky
You better throw a party
On the day that I die
THE VIBE GUIDE - Your guide to the latest music trends.
➡ http://instagram.com/thevibeguide
➡ http://snapchat.com/add/vibeguide
➡ http://thevibeguide.net
➡ http://facebook.com/thevibeguide
➡ http://soundcloud.com/thevibeguide
➡ http://twitter.com/thevibeguide
Send your submissions: https://submit.thevibeguide.net
#georgeezra #greengreengrass #lyrics #music
- published: 01 May 2022
- views: 20404363
Supergrass - Alright (Official HD Video)
Official remastered music video for ‘"Alright" by Supergrass. (C) 1995 The Echo Label Limited, a BMG Company.
“Alright” was the forth and final single from the...
Official remastered music video for ‘"Alright" by Supergrass. (C) 1995 The Echo Label Limited, a BMG Company.
“Alright” was the forth and final single from their 1995 LP “I Should Coco” and was released with "Time" as a double A-side single. It was concurrently released on the soundtrack of the 1995 movie Clueless, which helped it become a big hit for the band. It peaked at number two on the UK Singles Chart. It is the band's most successful single on the charts.
Listen to 'I Should Coco': https://supergrass.lnk.to/coco
Follow Supergrass:
We are young, we run green
Keep our teeth nice and clean
See our friends, see the sights
Feel alright
We wake up, we go out
Smoke a fag, put it out
See our friends, see the sights
Feel alright
Are we like you?
I can't be sure,
Of the scene, as she turns
We are strange in our worlds
But we are young, we get by
Can't go mad, ain't got time
Sleep around if we like
But we're alright
Got some cash, bought some wheels
Took it out, 'cross the fields
Lost control, hit a wall
But we're alright
Are we like you?
I can't be sure,
Of the scene, as she turns
We are strange in our worlds
But we are young, we run green
Keep our teeth, nice and clean
See our friends, see the sights
Feel alright
Are we like you?
I can't be sure
Of the scene, as she turns
We are strange, in our worlds
But we are young, we run green
Keep our teeth, nice and clean
See our friends, see the sights
Feel alright
#Supergrass #Alright #Remastered
Official remastered music video for ‘"Alright" by Supergrass. (C) 1995 The Echo Label Limited, a BMG Company.
“Alright” was the forth and final single from their 1995 LP “I Should Coco” and was released with "Time" as a double A-side single. It was concurrently released on the soundtrack of the 1995 movie Clueless, which helped it become a big hit for the band. It peaked at number two on the UK Singles Chart. It is the band's most successful single on the charts.
Listen to 'I Should Coco': https://supergrass.lnk.to/coco
Follow Supergrass:
We are young, we run green
Keep our teeth nice and clean
See our friends, see the sights
Feel alright
We wake up, we go out
Smoke a fag, put it out
See our friends, see the sights
Feel alright
Are we like you?
I can't be sure,
Of the scene, as she turns
We are strange in our worlds
But we are young, we get by
Can't go mad, ain't got time
Sleep around if we like
But we're alright
Got some cash, bought some wheels
Took it out, 'cross the fields
Lost control, hit a wall
But we're alright
Are we like you?
I can't be sure,
Of the scene, as she turns
We are strange in our worlds
But we are young, we run green
Keep our teeth, nice and clean
See our friends, see the sights
Feel alright
Are we like you?
I can't be sure
Of the scene, as she turns
We are strange, in our worlds
But we are young, we run green
Keep our teeth, nice and clean
See our friends, see the sights
Feel alright
#Supergrass #Alright #Remastered
- published: 07 Mar 2009
- views: 20431972