His biography, according to Commonwealth Games organisers:
Despite his initial acceptance by Australians, particularly children, and despite appearing on a lot of the foreign made merchandise, Karak was noticeably absent from the Games, particularly the Opening and Closing Ceremonies, where he was inexplicably replaced by a white duck.
Karakó völgyhíd
Minden Jog Fenntartva- SZENTES GÁBOR
[email protected]
published: 22 Aug 2024
A lóvészi Karakó híd - Románia és Erdély legnagyobb vasbeton vasúti hídja #alparsmotoadventure
A lóvészi Karakó híd - Románia és Erdély legnagyobb vasbeton vasúti hídját látogattuk meg.
Lóvész (románul Livezi) falu Romániában, Hargita megyében. A Csíkszeredától 18 km-re északkeletre fekvő, a Rákos-patak menti apró dombokon szétszórt falu. Moldvából betelepített családok lakják. Első említése 1721-ben történik. Csíkszentmihályhoz tartozik, melytől 6 km-re északkeletre van. Neve olyan erdőirtást jelent, ahol lovakat legeltettek. 1910-ben 334, 1992-ben 576 román lakosa volt. A trianoni békeszerződésig Csík vármegye Szépvízi járásához tartozott.
Nevezetessége a Karakó-híd, Románia legnagyobb vasbeton vasúti hídja.
A Karakó völgyhíd 1897-ben épűlt. A vasútvonal Gyimesbükkig tartott, ahol a nagy állomáson átrakodták a Moldvából ill. Moldvába szekerekkel szállított árukat. A völgyhíd 94...
published: 26 Sep 2021
Karakó völgyhíd (Csíki-medence csodái)
Karakó völgyhíd:
A Csíkszereda-Gyimesbükk vasútvonal legszebb építménye a Karakó völgyhíd. Az 1897-ben épült viadukt a Karakó patak völgyét hidalja át, 64,44 méter magasban, 226 méter hosszan. Mindkét világháborúban felrobbantották, mai alakját 1946-ban nyerte el.
published: 19 Jul 2020
A történelmi Magyarország legszebb vasútja a Csíkszereda-Gyimesbükk vonal 25 ezrelékes emelkedőivel, esetenként rendkívül kis sugarú, legfeljebb 250 máskor viszont 4000 méteres íveivel, 140 hídjával és viaduktjával, megannyi átereszével, mély bevágásaival és magas töltéseivel.
published: 20 Jun 2023
Hogyan találjuk meg a társunkat? - párkapcsolati kudarcaink
Amennyiben szeretnéd támogatni ügyünket, akkor itt megteheted: https://www.patreon.com/join/pszichotronika_magyarorszag/checkout
Hálásan köszönjük!
Pszichotronika Magyarország
published: 28 Jan 2019
Karakó- völgyhíd, 2. rész
Az első részbe alulról csodáltam meg a hídat, most sikerült fentről is. Csodálatos volt !
published: 17 Aug 2023
MÁV 480 005 Csíksomlyó expresszel a Karakó völgyhídon. 2014
Vasútfanok, kürtszó visszhangra külön figyelni!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kr1TB0f1n5I
Official Music Video for Cakau Ni Yalo performed by Tarabewa
▶️ Enjoy more music by Leba Boi Yawa E Lomai Nasau https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOkNBNOwEDnJ4TxHl9_8MVPEkL54uIXt6
🔊 Listen to more great Fijian music https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqCIEd4-Su2t6LYdIT3QAzXIy9HOwAHpK&si=1l1dz956hHRMWoTe
🛎 Subscribe https://www.youtube.com/@lebaboiyawaelomainasau
📲 Connect and follow Leba Boi Yawa E Lomai Nasau ⬇️
Composer: Marika Vaniqi.
Vocals: Semi Vaniqi.
Recording Studio: Procera Music.
Sound Engineer: Adriu Saranuku.
Video Production: LBY PRODUCTION.
#Tarabewa #LebaBoiYawaELomaiNasau #lbypro #fijiansongs #fijianmu...
A lóvészi Karakó híd - Románia és Erdély legnagyobb vasbeton vasúti hídját látogattuk meg.
Lóvész (románul Livezi) falu Romániában, Hargita megyében. A Csíksz...
A lóvészi Karakó híd - Románia és Erdély legnagyobb vasbeton vasúti hídját látogattuk meg.
Lóvész (románul Livezi) falu Romániában, Hargita megyében. A Csíkszeredától 18 km-re északkeletre fekvő, a Rákos-patak menti apró dombokon szétszórt falu. Moldvából betelepített családok lakják. Első említése 1721-ben történik. Csíkszentmihályhoz tartozik, melytől 6 km-re északkeletre van. Neve olyan erdőirtást jelent, ahol lovakat legeltettek. 1910-ben 334, 1992-ben 576 román lakosa volt. A trianoni békeszerződésig Csík vármegye Szépvízi járásához tartozott.
Nevezetessége a Karakó-híd, Románia legnagyobb vasbeton vasúti hídja.
A Karakó völgyhíd 1897-ben épűlt. A vasútvonal Gyimesbükkig tartott, ahol a nagy állomáson átrakodták a Moldvából ill. Moldvába szekerekkel szállított árukat. A völgyhíd 94 m hosszú, középen 64 m magas, a Karakó patak völgyét íveli át. Eredetileg kő pillérekre épült. 1916-ban a Monarchiát orvul megtámadó, váratlanul betörő oláh támadás miatt bajor katonák felrobbantották. 1917-ben hadihíd építési technikával helyreállították. 1944-ben ismét a románok árulása, átállása, a gyors orosz-román előrenyomulások miatt robbantották fel. A jelenlegi hidat 1946-ban egy bukaresti román vállalat építette, az eredetileg két vágányú hídon csak középen van egy vágány.
Ha támogatnál engem és a csatornát Patreonon keresztül, akkor kattints az alábbi linkre:
Forrás: Wikipédia és http://erdely-szep.hu/Lovesz%20Karako%20hid/index.html
Az útvonal:
A lóvészi Karakó híd - Románia és Erdély legnagyobb vasbeton vasúti hídját látogattuk meg.
Lóvész (románul Livezi) falu Romániában, Hargita megyében. A Csíkszeredától 18 km-re északkeletre fekvő, a Rákos-patak menti apró dombokon szétszórt falu. Moldvából betelepített családok lakják. Első említése 1721-ben történik. Csíkszentmihályhoz tartozik, melytől 6 km-re északkeletre van. Neve olyan erdőirtást jelent, ahol lovakat legeltettek. 1910-ben 334, 1992-ben 576 román lakosa volt. A trianoni békeszerződésig Csík vármegye Szépvízi járásához tartozott.
Nevezetessége a Karakó-híd, Románia legnagyobb vasbeton vasúti hídja.
A Karakó völgyhíd 1897-ben épűlt. A vasútvonal Gyimesbükkig tartott, ahol a nagy állomáson átrakodták a Moldvából ill. Moldvába szekerekkel szállított árukat. A völgyhíd 94 m hosszú, középen 64 m magas, a Karakó patak völgyét íveli át. Eredetileg kő pillérekre épült. 1916-ban a Monarchiát orvul megtámadó, váratlanul betörő oláh támadás miatt bajor katonák felrobbantották. 1917-ben hadihíd építési technikával helyreállították. 1944-ben ismét a románok árulása, átállása, a gyors orosz-román előrenyomulások miatt robbantották fel. A jelenlegi hidat 1946-ban egy bukaresti román vállalat építette, az eredetileg két vágányú hídon csak középen van egy vágány.
Ha támogatnál engem és a csatornát Patreonon keresztül, akkor kattints az alábbi linkre:
Forrás: Wikipédia és http://erdely-szep.hu/Lovesz%20Karako%20hid/index.html
Az útvonal:
Karakó völgyhíd:
A Csíkszereda-Gyimesbükk vasútvonal legszebb építménye a Karakó völgyhíd. Az 1897-ben épült viadukt a Karakó patak völgyét hidalja át, 64,44 m...
Karakó völgyhíd:
A Csíkszereda-Gyimesbükk vasútvonal legszebb építménye a Karakó völgyhíd. Az 1897-ben épült viadukt a Karakó patak völgyét hidalja át, 64,44 méter magasban, 226 méter hosszan. Mindkét világháborúban felrobbantották, mai alakját 1946-ban nyerte el.
Karakó völgyhíd:
A Csíkszereda-Gyimesbükk vasútvonal legszebb építménye a Karakó völgyhíd. Az 1897-ben épült viadukt a Karakó patak völgyét hidalja át, 64,44 méter magasban, 226 méter hosszan. Mindkét világháborúban felrobbantották, mai alakját 1946-ban nyerte el.
A történelmi Magyarország legszebb vasútja a Csíkszereda-Gyimesbükk vonal 25 ezrelékes emelkedőivel, esetenként rendkívül kis sugarú, legfeljebb...
A történelmi Magyarország legszebb vasútja a Csíkszereda-Gyimesbükk vonal 25 ezrelékes emelkedőivel, esetenként rendkívül kis sugarú, legfeljebb 250 máskor viszont 4000 méteres íveivel, 140 hídjával és viaduktjával, megannyi átereszével, mély bevágásaival és magas töltéseivel.
A történelmi Magyarország legszebb vasútja a Csíkszereda-Gyimesbükk vonal 25 ezrelékes emelkedőivel, esetenként rendkívül kis sugarú, legfeljebb 250 máskor viszont 4000 méteres íveivel, 140 hídjával és viaduktjával, megannyi átereszével, mély bevágásaival és magas töltéseivel.
Amennyiben szeretnéd támogatni ügyünket, akkor itt megteheted: https://www.patr...
Amennyiben szeretnéd támogatni ügyünket, akkor itt megteheted: https://www.patreon.com/join/pszichotronika_magyarorszag/checkout
Hálásan köszönjük!
Pszichotronika Magyarország
Amennyiben szeretnéd támogatni ügyünket, akkor itt megteheted: https://www.patreon.com/join/pszichotronika_magyarorszag/checkout
Hálásan köszönjük!
Pszichotronika Magyarország
Official Music Video for Cakau Ni Yalo performed by Tarabewa
▶️ Enjoy more music by Leba Boi Yawa E Lomai Nasau https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOkNBNOwEDnJ...
Official Music Video for Cakau Ni Yalo performed by Tarabewa
▶️ Enjoy more music by Leba Boi Yawa E Lomai Nasau https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOkNBNOwEDnJ4TxHl9_8MVPEkL54uIXt6
🔊 Listen to more great Fijian music https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqCIEd4-Su2t6LYdIT3QAzXIy9HOwAHpK&si=1l1dz956hHRMWoTe
🛎 Subscribe https://www.youtube.com/@lebaboiyawaelomainasau
📲 Connect and follow Leba Boi Yawa E Lomai Nasau ⬇️
Composer: Marika Vaniqi.
Vocals: Semi Vaniqi.
Recording Studio: Procera Music.
Sound Engineer: Adriu Saranuku.
Video Production: LBY PRODUCTION.
#Tarabewa #LebaBoiYawaELomaiNasau #lbypro #fijiansongs #fijianmusic
Official Music Video for Cakau Ni Yalo performed by Tarabewa
▶️ Enjoy more music by Leba Boi Yawa E Lomai Nasau https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOkNBNOwEDnJ4TxHl9_8MVPEkL54uIXt6
🔊 Listen to more great Fijian music https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqCIEd4-Su2t6LYdIT3QAzXIy9HOwAHpK&si=1l1dz956hHRMWoTe
🛎 Subscribe https://www.youtube.com/@lebaboiyawaelomainasau
📲 Connect and follow Leba Boi Yawa E Lomai Nasau ⬇️
Composer: Marika Vaniqi.
Vocals: Semi Vaniqi.
Recording Studio: Procera Music.
Sound Engineer: Adriu Saranuku.
Video Production: LBY PRODUCTION.
#Tarabewa #LebaBoiYawaELomaiNasau #lbypro #fijiansongs #fijianmusic
Directed by : Yusry Abd Halim
Writen By: Norman Abd Halim
Cast : Shera Ayob, Md Eyzendy , Sidek Hussain, Kilafairy, Shahir Zawawi
Produced by : Norman Abdul Halim
Four students are heading back to their college in Kuantan, after a night out in Kuala Lumpur, when they encounter massive traffic on the Karak highway. In an attempt to make it back in time for their classes in the morning, they decide to exit the highway and take an alternative route back to Kuantan via the old single carriageway trunk road.... not knowing that this decision would change their lives forever.
published: 20 Aug 2024
How to Make Karak Chai | Unilever Food Solutions Arabia
Discover a Karak Chai recipe that will sweeten any tea menu. Get more inspiring recipes - http://bit.ly/2GsILV6
published: 18 Jun 2017
How to Play KARAK
A short explanation of how to play the adventure game Karak!
Here’s a short explanation of the adventure game KARAK. Here’s the basics of this game. The game from Albi is for 2 to 5 players ages 7 and up. The average game time is 45 minutes, with the objective of the game, to have the most treasure once the dragon has been defeated.
Here’s what’s in the box….80 dungeon tiles. Including the start tile which has a slightly different backside then the others.
6 hero figures with stands
6 hero cards
5 inventory cards
25 health tokens
1 bag
45 monster tokens
10 locked treasure chest tokens
2 dice and the mummy’s curse token.
To set up. Each player should receive an inventory card and 5 health point tokens. The health point tokens go on the side and have the heart side face up.
published: 17 Nov 2020
5 Kisah Seram Legend Karak Yang Akan Buat Anda Meremang (Tahun2023)
Instagram : @top5_malaysia
Email : [email protected]
https://youtu.be/F2YJZUv-hU0?si=gnWtUCdNAAjSEZbe farhan jamal
https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSNB2WFn7 Shilaawohoo
https://youtu.be/N4nzI_glqoY?si=d-0yf3DVP0v2fvJS pengkaji alam mistik
https://youtu.be/ecc_PhOKFAM?si=KTelB8RmU2VPmPBa neyna story
published: 11 Nov 2023
How a Dh1 karak tea is made in the UAE
See more videos at https://gulfnews.com/videos
Read more Gulf News stories here: https://bit.ly/2HLJ2km
Gulf News checks out how a Dh1 karak tea is made in the UAE.
#tea #karaktea #milktea
published: 23 Dec 2019
karak | karak ke bhed | विभक्तियाँ | karak ke bhed
The first horror movie directed by Yusry Abdul Halim.
Executive Producer:
Norman Abdul Halim, Yusry Abdul Halim, Edry Abdul Halim
Shahir AF8, Sheera Aiyob, Along Eyzendy, Kilafairy
"Like" KaraK Facebook page:
published: 24 Dec 2010
This Chai Is Seriously ADDICTIVE
Karak Chai is one of the most popular drinks in the Gulf Countries of the Middle East, I'd even say this gulf chai karak is Addictive. It's a lightly spiced chai with a strong tea flavour, basically a ginger cardamom tea. I love having this gulf karak tea instead of coffee, and it only takes a few minutes to make.
Grab our new e-book today & learn how to cook the most delicious Middle Eastern meals. Get your copy here https://payhip.com/b/hMV0y
🧆 Join our Patreon and get access to our patron only discord server https://www.patreon.com/MiddleEats
☕ Or buy us a coffee https://ko-fi.com/MiddleEats
🌍 Stay connected 🌍
You can reach us on instagram and we'd love to see any recipes you cook.
➥Instagram https://www.instagram.com/itsmiddleeats/
Previous Garlic and chilli sauce video: ...
published: 30 Jul 2022
Winter Special Shakar Wali Karak chai ☕ How to make strong tea recipe at home #winter #special
Winter Special Shakar Wali Karak chai ☕ How to make strong tea recipe at home #winter #special #howtomakechai #chai #shakar #gur #recipe #howto #gingertea
published: 07 Dec 2024
#karakhighway 5 ghost experience in Karak Highway | one of the dangerous roads in Malaysia
Hi fam🦋
Feel free to subscribe my channel for unlimited entertainment, knowledge and kind messages okiesss.
Today's video is about 5 ghost experience in Karak Highway. Karak Highway also well known for one of the most dangerous roads in Malaysia. Whether it's true or just myth we need to be careful when driving vehicles.
🦋More videos coming🦋
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Obviously no copyright music 😂
Directed by : Yusry Abd Halim
Writen By: Norman Abd Halim
Cast : Shera Ayob, Md Eyzendy , Sidek Hussain, Kilafairy, Shahir Zawawi
Produced by : Norman Abdul...
Directed by : Yusry Abd Halim
Writen By: Norman Abd Halim
Cast : Shera Ayob, Md Eyzendy , Sidek Hussain, Kilafairy, Shahir Zawawi
Produced by : Norman Abdul Halim
Four students are heading back to their college in Kuantan, after a night out in Kuala Lumpur, when they encounter massive traffic on the Karak highway. In an attempt to make it back in time for their classes in the morning, they decide to exit the highway and take an alternative route back to Kuantan via the old single carriageway trunk road.... not knowing that this decision would change their lives forever.
Directed by : Yusry Abd Halim
Writen By: Norman Abd Halim
Cast : Shera Ayob, Md Eyzendy , Sidek Hussain, Kilafairy, Shahir Zawawi
Produced by : Norman Abdul Halim
Four students are heading back to their college in Kuantan, after a night out in Kuala Lumpur, when they encounter massive traffic on the Karak highway. In an attempt to make it back in time for their classes in the morning, they decide to exit the highway and take an alternative route back to Kuantan via the old single carriageway trunk road.... not knowing that this decision would change their lives forever.
A short explanation of how to play the adventure game Karak!
Here’s a short explanation of the adventure game KARAK. Here’s the basics of this game. The gam...
A short explanation of how to play the adventure game Karak!
Here’s a short explanation of the adventure game KARAK. Here’s the basics of this game. The game from Albi is for 2 to 5 players ages 7 and up. The average game time is 45 minutes, with the objective of the game, to have the most treasure once the dragon has been defeated.
Here’s what’s in the box….80 dungeon tiles. Including the start tile which has a slightly different backside then the others.
6 hero figures with stands
6 hero cards
5 inventory cards
25 health tokens
1 bag
45 monster tokens
10 locked treasure chest tokens
2 dice and the mummy’s curse token.
To set up. Each player should receive an inventory card and 5 health point tokens. The health point tokens go on the side and have the heart side face up.
Players will need to decide which character they wish to be for the game. Each character has different abilities, so they will need to check which of the abilities they like. We will go over these different abilities a little later once we understand more of the basics of the game.
Players take their hero card and figures. They place their hero card on the appropriate place on the inventory sheet.
Next find the start tile and place it in the center of the play area. All players should place their figures on the start tile.
Place all of the monster tiles and treasure tiles into the black bag and give it a good shake.
Shuffle all of the dungeon tiles and place them in piles face down near where players can grab them when it is their turn.
The mummy’s curse token, remains to the side for now.
Each player rolls the dice to see who goes first and play will go clockwise around the board.
Let's watch the rest of the game in the video.
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1G1...
Instagram: @praguegolfandgames @jmncgames
#howtoplay #boardgames #karak #jmncgames #praguegolfandgames
A short explanation of how to play the adventure game Karak!
Here’s a short explanation of the adventure game KARAK. Here’s the basics of this game. The game from Albi is for 2 to 5 players ages 7 and up. The average game time is 45 minutes, with the objective of the game, to have the most treasure once the dragon has been defeated.
Here’s what’s in the box….80 dungeon tiles. Including the start tile which has a slightly different backside then the others.
6 hero figures with stands
6 hero cards
5 inventory cards
25 health tokens
1 bag
45 monster tokens
10 locked treasure chest tokens
2 dice and the mummy’s curse token.
To set up. Each player should receive an inventory card and 5 health point tokens. The health point tokens go on the side and have the heart side face up.
Players will need to decide which character they wish to be for the game. Each character has different abilities, so they will need to check which of the abilities they like. We will go over these different abilities a little later once we understand more of the basics of the game.
Players take their hero card and figures. They place their hero card on the appropriate place on the inventory sheet.
Next find the start tile and place it in the center of the play area. All players should place their figures on the start tile.
Place all of the monster tiles and treasure tiles into the black bag and give it a good shake.
Shuffle all of the dungeon tiles and place them in piles face down near where players can grab them when it is their turn.
The mummy’s curse token, remains to the side for now.
Each player rolls the dice to see who goes first and play will go clockwise around the board.
Let's watch the rest of the game in the video.
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1G1...
Instagram: @praguegolfandgames @jmncgames
#howtoplay #boardgames #karak #jmncgames #praguegolfandgames
See more videos at https://gulfnews.com/videos
Read more Gulf News stories here: https://bit.ly/2HLJ2km
Gulf News checks out how a Dh1 karak tea is made in th...
See more videos at https://gulfnews.com/videos
Read more Gulf News stories here: https://bit.ly/2HLJ2km
Gulf News checks out how a Dh1 karak tea is made in the UAE.
#tea #karaktea #milktea
See more videos at https://gulfnews.com/videos
Read more Gulf News stories here: https://bit.ly/2HLJ2km
Gulf News checks out how a Dh1 karak tea is made in the UAE.
#tea #karaktea #milktea
The first horror movie directed by Yusry Abdul Halim.
Executive Producer:
Norman Abdul Halim, Yusry Abdul Halim, Edry Abdul Halim
The first horror movie directed by Yusry Abdul Halim.
Executive Producer:
Norman Abdul Halim, Yusry Abdul Halim, Edry Abdul Halim
Shahir AF8, Sheera Aiyob, Along Eyzendy, Kilafairy
"Like" KaraK Facebook page:
The first horror movie directed by Yusry Abdul Halim.
Executive Producer:
Norman Abdul Halim, Yusry Abdul Halim, Edry Abdul Halim
Shahir AF8, Sheera Aiyob, Along Eyzendy, Kilafairy
"Like" KaraK Facebook page:
Karak Chai is one of the most popular drinks in the Gulf Countries of the Middle East, I'd even say this gulf chai karak is Addictive. It's a lightly spiced cha...
Karak Chai is one of the most popular drinks in the Gulf Countries of the Middle East, I'd even say this gulf chai karak is Addictive. It's a lightly spiced chai with a strong tea flavour, basically a ginger cardamom tea. I love having this gulf karak tea instead of coffee, and it only takes a few minutes to make.
Grab our new e-book today & learn how to cook the most delicious Middle Eastern meals. Get your copy here https://payhip.com/b/hMV0y
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☕ Or buy us a coffee https://ko-fi.com/MiddleEats
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You can reach us on instagram and we'd love to see any recipes you cook.
➥Instagram https://www.instagram.com/itsmiddleeats/
Previous Garlic and chilli sauce video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7u0k6D83IJ4
How to make tahini: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7r9HAcR2RQ
🍳 My Kitchen Equipment 🥘
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Food Thermometer: https://geni.us/CC34osG
Citrus Juicer: https://geni.us/8xWwcBB
Stainless Steel Cookware: https://geni.us/EsaLACR
Pyrex Jugs: https://geni.us/QAuvNNB
Stick blender: https://geni.us/E2FNym
📷 My Filming Equipment 🎥
Sony a7c: https://geni.us/atNOY3P
Tamron 28-75mm F2.8 https://geni.us/0Pe3jm
0:00 What is Chai Karak
0:19 My quick "Chai"
1:12 The real deal Chai Karak
4:01 Serving Suggestions
Dubai's Best Karak - Khalid Al Ameri
Quick "Chai"
1 Tea bag
4 Green Cardamom pods, cracked
1-2 Tbsp Condensed or Evaporated milk
Chai Karak
1 1/2 Cup Water (room temp)
1 Cup Evaporated Milk
2 Tbsp Sugar (use less if you want)
3 Tsp Loose Strong Black Tea
3-4 g Fresh Ginger
4 Green Cardamom pods
2 Cloves
8 Threads Saffron
To make the quick chai:
1- Crack the cardamom pods and place in your mug with the tea bag
2- Pour over boiling water and brew to desired strength
3- Add the Condensed milk and serve
To make Chai Karak
1- Add the black tea to your pot with the spices
2- Slice the ginger into strips and add as well
3- Pour over the room temp water and bring to a boil
4- Add the sugar, then reduce heat to medium and allow to simmer for 5 minutes
5- When the time is up, add the evaporated milk. DO NOT leave the pot as it will boil over if you do
6- Continue to cook over medium-high heat (2-3 minutes) until the Chai comes to a boil
7- Repeat this 3-5 times to make the texture velvety:
a. Bring the pot to a boil so the chai foams up
b. Remove the pot from the stove so that the foam dies down
c. Once the pot has stopped boiling completely, place this back on the stove
After this, strain the tea and serve it hot or cold
Karak Chai is one of the most popular drinks in the Gulf Countries of the Middle East, I'd even say this gulf chai karak is Addictive. It's a lightly spiced chai with a strong tea flavour, basically a ginger cardamom tea. I love having this gulf karak tea instead of coffee, and it only takes a few minutes to make.
Grab our new e-book today & learn how to cook the most delicious Middle Eastern meals. Get your copy here https://payhip.com/b/hMV0y
🧆 Join our Patreon and get access to our patron only discord server https://www.patreon.com/MiddleEats
☕ Or buy us a coffee https://ko-fi.com/MiddleEats
🌍 Stay connected 🌍
You can reach us on instagram and we'd love to see any recipes you cook.
➥Instagram https://www.instagram.com/itsmiddleeats/
Previous Garlic and chilli sauce video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7u0k6D83IJ4
How to make tahini: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7r9HAcR2RQ
🍳 My Kitchen Equipment 🥘
(These links are amazon affiliated and help support the channel at no extra cost to you)
Food Thermometer: https://geni.us/CC34osG
Citrus Juicer: https://geni.us/8xWwcBB
Stainless Steel Cookware: https://geni.us/EsaLACR
Pyrex Jugs: https://geni.us/QAuvNNB
Stick blender: https://geni.us/E2FNym
📷 My Filming Equipment 🎥
Sony a7c: https://geni.us/atNOY3P
Tamron 28-75mm F2.8 https://geni.us/0Pe3jm
0:00 What is Chai Karak
0:19 My quick "Chai"
1:12 The real deal Chai Karak
4:01 Serving Suggestions
Dubai's Best Karak - Khalid Al Ameri
Quick "Chai"
1 Tea bag
4 Green Cardamom pods, cracked
1-2 Tbsp Condensed or Evaporated milk
Chai Karak
1 1/2 Cup Water (room temp)
1 Cup Evaporated Milk
2 Tbsp Sugar (use less if you want)
3 Tsp Loose Strong Black Tea
3-4 g Fresh Ginger
4 Green Cardamom pods
2 Cloves
8 Threads Saffron
To make the quick chai:
1- Crack the cardamom pods and place in your mug with the tea bag
2- Pour over boiling water and brew to desired strength
3- Add the Condensed milk and serve
To make Chai Karak
1- Add the black tea to your pot with the spices
2- Slice the ginger into strips and add as well
3- Pour over the room temp water and bring to a boil
4- Add the sugar, then reduce heat to medium and allow to simmer for 5 minutes
5- When the time is up, add the evaporated milk. DO NOT leave the pot as it will boil over if you do
6- Continue to cook over medium-high heat (2-3 minutes) until the Chai comes to a boil
7- Repeat this 3-5 times to make the texture velvety:
a. Bring the pot to a boil so the chai foams up
b. Remove the pot from the stove so that the foam dies down
c. Once the pot has stopped boiling completely, place this back on the stove
After this, strain the tea and serve it hot or cold
Winter Special Shakar Wali Karak chai ☕ How to make strong tea recipe at home #winter #special #howtomakechai #chai #shakar #gur #recipe #howto #gingertea
Winter Special Shakar Wali Karak chai ☕ How to make strong tea recipe at home #winter #special #howtomakechai #chai #shakar #gur #recipe #howto #gingertea
Winter Special Shakar Wali Karak chai ☕ How to make strong tea recipe at home #winter #special #howtomakechai #chai #shakar #gur #recipe #howto #gingertea
Hi fam🦋
Feel free to subscribe my channel for unlimited entertainment, knowledge and kind messages okiesss.
Today's video is about 5 ghost experience in Karak...
Hi fam🦋
Feel free to subscribe my channel for unlimited entertainment, knowledge and kind messages okiesss.
Today's video is about 5 ghost experience in Karak Highway. Karak Highway also well known for one of the most dangerous roads in Malaysia. Whether it's true or just myth we need to be careful when driving vehicles.
🦋More videos coming🦋
Where to find me?
Instagram 🦋
Obviously no copyright music 😂
Hi fam🦋
Feel free to subscribe my channel for unlimited entertainment, knowledge and kind messages okiesss.
Today's video is about 5 ghost experience in Karak Highway. Karak Highway also well known for one of the most dangerous roads in Malaysia. Whether it's true or just myth we need to be careful when driving vehicles.
🦋More videos coming🦋
Where to find me?
Instagram 🦋
Obviously no copyright music 😂
A lóvészi Karakó híd - Románia és Erdély legnagyobb vasbeton vasúti hídját látogattuk meg.
Lóvész (románul Livezi) falu Romániában, Hargita megyében. A Csíkszeredától 18 km-re északkeletre fekvő, a Rákos-patak menti apró dombokon szétszórt falu. Moldvából betelepített családok lakják. Első említése 1721-ben történik. Csíkszentmihályhoz tartozik, melytől 6 km-re északkeletre van. Neve olyan erdőirtást jelent, ahol lovakat legeltettek. 1910-ben 334, 1992-ben 576 román lakosa volt. A trianoni békeszerződésig Csík vármegye Szépvízi járásához tartozott.
Nevezetessége a Karakó-híd, Románia legnagyobb vasbeton vasúti hídja.
A Karakó völgyhíd 1897-ben épűlt. A vasútvonal Gyimesbükkig tartott, ahol a nagy állomáson átrakodták a Moldvából ill. Moldvába szekerekkel szállított árukat. A völgyhíd 94 m hosszú, középen 64 m magas, a Karakó patak völgyét íveli át. Eredetileg kő pillérekre épült. 1916-ban a Monarchiát orvul megtámadó, váratlanul betörő oláh támadás miatt bajor katonák felrobbantották. 1917-ben hadihíd építési technikával helyreállították. 1944-ben ismét a románok árulása, átállása, a gyors orosz-román előrenyomulások miatt robbantották fel. A jelenlegi hidat 1946-ban egy bukaresti román vállalat építette, az eredetileg két vágányú hídon csak középen van egy vágány.
Ha támogatnál engem és a csatornát Patreonon keresztül, akkor kattints az alábbi linkre:
Forrás: Wikipédia és http://erdely-szep.hu/Lovesz%20Karako%20hid/index.html
Az útvonal:
Karakó völgyhíd:
A Csíkszereda-Gyimesbükk vasútvonal legszebb építménye a Karakó völgyhíd. Az 1897-ben épült viadukt a Karakó patak völgyét hidalja át, 64,44 méter magasban, 226 méter hosszan. Mindkét világháborúban felrobbantották, mai alakját 1946-ban nyerte el.
A történelmi Magyarország legszebb vasútja a Csíkszereda-Gyimesbükk vonal 25 ezrelékes emelkedőivel, esetenként rendkívül kis sugarú, legfeljebb 250 máskor viszont 4000 méteres íveivel, 140 hídjával és viaduktjával, megannyi átereszével, mély bevágásaival és magas töltéseivel.
Amennyiben szeretnéd támogatni ügyünket, akkor itt megteheted: https://www.patreon.com/join/pszichotronika_magyarorszag/checkout
Hálásan köszönjük!
Pszichotronika Magyarország
Official Music Video for Cakau Ni Yalo performed by Tarabewa
▶️ Enjoy more music by Leba Boi Yawa E Lomai Nasau https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOkNBNOwEDnJ4TxHl9_8MVPEkL54uIXt6
🔊 Listen to more great Fijian music https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqCIEd4-Su2t6LYdIT3QAzXIy9HOwAHpK&si=1l1dz956hHRMWoTe
🛎 Subscribe https://www.youtube.com/@lebaboiyawaelomainasau
📲 Connect and follow Leba Boi Yawa E Lomai Nasau ⬇️
Composer: Marika Vaniqi.
Vocals: Semi Vaniqi.
Recording Studio: Procera Music.
Sound Engineer: Adriu Saranuku.
Video Production: LBY PRODUCTION.
#Tarabewa #LebaBoiYawaELomaiNasau #lbypro #fijiansongs #fijianmusic
His biography, according to Commonwealth Games organisers:
Despite his initial acceptance by Australians, particularly children, and despite appearing on a lot of the foreign made merchandise, Karak was noticeably absent from the Games, particularly the Opening and Closing Ceremonies, where he was inexplicably replaced by a white duck.
Directed by : Yusry Abd Halim
Writen By: Norman Abd Halim
Cast : Shera Ayob, Md Eyzendy , Sidek Hussain, Kilafairy, Shahir Zawawi
Produced by : Norman Abdul Halim
Four students are heading back to their college in Kuantan, after a night out in Kuala Lumpur, when they encounter massive traffic on the Karak highway. In an attempt to make it back in time for their classes in the morning, they decide to exit the highway and take an alternative route back to Kuantan via the old single carriageway trunk road.... not knowing that this decision would change their lives forever.
A short explanation of how to play the adventure game Karak!
Here’s a short explanation of the adventure game KARAK. Here’s the basics of this game. The game from Albi is for 2 to 5 players ages 7 and up. The average game time is 45 minutes, with the objective of the game, to have the most treasure once the dragon has been defeated.
Here’s what’s in the box….80 dungeon tiles. Including the start tile which has a slightly different backside then the others.
6 hero figures with stands
6 hero cards
5 inventory cards
25 health tokens
1 bag
45 monster tokens
10 locked treasure chest tokens
2 dice and the mummy’s curse token.
To set up. Each player should receive an inventory card and 5 health point tokens. The health point tokens go on the side and have the heart side face up.
Players will need to decide which character they wish to be for the game. Each character has different abilities, so they will need to check which of the abilities they like. We will go over these different abilities a little later once we understand more of the basics of the game.
Players take their hero card and figures. They place their hero card on the appropriate place on the inventory sheet.
Next find the start tile and place it in the center of the play area. All players should place their figures on the start tile.
Place all of the monster tiles and treasure tiles into the black bag and give it a good shake.
Shuffle all of the dungeon tiles and place them in piles face down near where players can grab them when it is their turn.
The mummy’s curse token, remains to the side for now.
Each player rolls the dice to see who goes first and play will go clockwise around the board.
Let's watch the rest of the game in the video.
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1G1...
Instagram: @praguegolfandgames @jmncgames
#howtoplay #boardgames #karak #jmncgames #praguegolfandgames
See more videos at https://gulfnews.com/videos
Read more Gulf News stories here: https://bit.ly/2HLJ2km
Gulf News checks out how a Dh1 karak tea is made in the UAE.
#tea #karaktea #milktea
The first horror movie directed by Yusry Abdul Halim.
Executive Producer:
Norman Abdul Halim, Yusry Abdul Halim, Edry Abdul Halim
Shahir AF8, Sheera Aiyob, Along Eyzendy, Kilafairy
"Like" KaraK Facebook page:
Karak Chai is one of the most popular drinks in the Gulf Countries of the Middle East, I'd even say this gulf chai karak is Addictive. It's a lightly spiced chai with a strong tea flavour, basically a ginger cardamom tea. I love having this gulf karak tea instead of coffee, and it only takes a few minutes to make.
Grab our new e-book today & learn how to cook the most delicious Middle Eastern meals. Get your copy here https://payhip.com/b/hMV0y
🧆 Join our Patreon and get access to our patron only discord server https://www.patreon.com/MiddleEats
☕ Or buy us a coffee https://ko-fi.com/MiddleEats
🌍 Stay connected 🌍
You can reach us on instagram and we'd love to see any recipes you cook.
➥Instagram https://www.instagram.com/itsmiddleeats/
Previous Garlic and chilli sauce video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7u0k6D83IJ4
How to make tahini: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7r9HAcR2RQ
🍳 My Kitchen Equipment 🥘
(These links are amazon affiliated and help support the channel at no extra cost to you)
Food Thermometer: https://geni.us/CC34osG
Citrus Juicer: https://geni.us/8xWwcBB
Stainless Steel Cookware: https://geni.us/EsaLACR
Pyrex Jugs: https://geni.us/QAuvNNB
Stick blender: https://geni.us/E2FNym
📷 My Filming Equipment 🎥
Sony a7c: https://geni.us/atNOY3P
Tamron 28-75mm F2.8 https://geni.us/0Pe3jm
0:00 What is Chai Karak
0:19 My quick "Chai"
1:12 The real deal Chai Karak
4:01 Serving Suggestions
Dubai's Best Karak - Khalid Al Ameri
Quick "Chai"
1 Tea bag
4 Green Cardamom pods, cracked
1-2 Tbsp Condensed or Evaporated milk
Chai Karak
1 1/2 Cup Water (room temp)
1 Cup Evaporated Milk
2 Tbsp Sugar (use less if you want)
3 Tsp Loose Strong Black Tea
3-4 g Fresh Ginger
4 Green Cardamom pods
2 Cloves
8 Threads Saffron
To make the quick chai:
1- Crack the cardamom pods and place in your mug with the tea bag
2- Pour over boiling water and brew to desired strength
3- Add the Condensed milk and serve
To make Chai Karak
1- Add the black tea to your pot with the spices
2- Slice the ginger into strips and add as well
3- Pour over the room temp water and bring to a boil
4- Add the sugar, then reduce heat to medium and allow to simmer for 5 minutes
5- When the time is up, add the evaporated milk. DO NOT leave the pot as it will boil over if you do
6- Continue to cook over medium-high heat (2-3 minutes) until the Chai comes to a boil
7- Repeat this 3-5 times to make the texture velvety:
a. Bring the pot to a boil so the chai foams up
b. Remove the pot from the stove so that the foam dies down
c. Once the pot has stopped boiling completely, place this back on the stove
After this, strain the tea and serve it hot or cold
Winter Special Shakar Wali Karak chai ☕ How to make strong tea recipe at home #winter #special #howtomakechai #chai #shakar #gur #recipe #howto #gingertea
Hi fam🦋
Feel free to subscribe my channel for unlimited entertainment, knowledge and kind messages okiesss.
Today's video is about 5 ghost experience in Karak Highway. Karak Highway also well known for one of the most dangerous roads in Malaysia. Whether it's true or just myth we need to be careful when driving vehicles.
🦋More videos coming🦋
Where to find me?
Instagram 🦋
Obviously no copyright music 😂