10 Places to Visit Kandal Province, Cambodia π°π | 10 αααααααα
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published: 14 May 2023
ααα½α α‘α αααα»αααααααααααΆα | Top 10 Places in Kandal Province [β English subtitleβ ]
#Kandal #PhnomOudong #CamknowledgeforTravel
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published: 30 Oct 2021
Flooding destroys homes in Cambodiaβs Kandal Province
Cambodiaβs Interior Ministry says hundreds of families were affected by the flooding.
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published: 19 Jan 2023
Nisey Garden, Chrey Thum - Kandal Province (2023)
The place is amazing, on the bridge 72, really clean with the natural landscape. The food is amazing, had lunch and bbq at night. Their staff is very friendly, they let do the kayak for free. Also we can see the lantern at night.
To get there it takes round about 10 minutes by motobike, its really nice and worth it.
Taken by Drone DJI Air 2S πππ -
Recording : 4K Ultra HD: 3840Γ2160 @ 30 fps
Thanks so much for watching and please stay safe!
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published: 19 Jan 2023
Farmer at Kandal Province, cambodia
Life is farmer
published: 29 Mar 2020
Travel Guide by Land & River in Phnom Penh & Kandal Province
This video is showing how I travel by land and boat started from Koh Dach island of Phnom Penh city, Kbal Koh Ferry Dock by ferry to Puk Russey in Kandal Province, travel on Road 380 to Svay Chrum Ferry Dock crossing the river to Chroy Changvar in Phnom Penh city.
I'm using GoPro Hero 5 & Canon G7X Mark II Cameras for this video.
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This channel is creating to promote Travel & Tourism of Cambodia, a small...
published: 15 Aug 2020
The landscape of Kandal Province, Cambodia, Shopping, at Koh Thom Market
Welcome to My Channe
The landscape of Kandal Province, Cambodia, Shopping, at Koh Thom Marketl
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3. I will take you to visit the farm πΎ
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published: 03 Jan 2023
River Bank Collapses in Kandal Province, Affecting 40 Houses
#EACNews #EACNewsααααααΆααΆ #Breakingnews #HotNews
River Bank Collapses in Kandal Province, Affecting 40 Houses
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published: 25 Apr 2023
Krong Ta Khmao The Largest City in Kandal Province
A beautiful Krong Takhmao, the largest city of Kandal province in Cambodia. This video is showing about the city park, river, market, landmark, the bridge, fishing village, fishing boats, flowing canal, the river and more.
I'm using Canon SX740HS & GoPro Hero 5 Cameras for this video.
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This channel is creating to promote Travel & Tourism of Cambodia, a small country border to Thailand, Vietnam, and Lao ...
published: 21 Aug 2020
Farmers in Cambodiaβs Kandal Province Destroy Their Crops During COVID-19 Lockdown
The farmers say, since the government imposed a lockdown last month, they have no place to sell their produce.
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published: 07 May 2021
10 Places to Visit Kandal Province, Cambodia π°π | 10 αααααααα
αααααααααααααΆα ααααααααααα»ααΆπ°π
10 αααααααα
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π10 Places to Visit Kandal Province, Cambodia π°π
Here are 10 places to visit in Kandal Province, Cambodia:
1. Phnom Udong: Phnom Udong is a hill located in the western part of Kandal Province. It is home to several ancient temples and offers great views of the surrounding countryside.
2. Koh Dach Island: Koh Dach Island is a picturesque island located on the Mekong River. It is known for its traditional silk weaving and offers a glimpse into the local culture and lifestyle.
3. Tonle Bati: Tonle Bati is a popular tourist destination that is known for its beautiful lake and ancient temples. It is located in the southeastern part of Kandal Province.
4. Angkor Borei: Angkor Borei is an archaeological site that dates back to the Funan Kingdom in the 1st century AD. It is located in the southern part of Kandal Province and is known for its ancient ruins and artifacts.
5. Oudong Market: Oudong Market is a traditional market where you can find a variety of local products and souvenirs.
6. Wat Preah Theat Thmor Da: Wat Preah Theat Thmor Da is an ancient temple that dates back to the 10th century. It is located in Kien Svay district and is known for its beautiful architecture and intricate carvings.
7. Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone: The Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone is a hub for industrial development and offers great opportunities for investment and business.
8. Chaktomuk Hall: Chaktomuk Hall is a cultural center that hosts a variety of music and dance performances. It is located in the provincial capital of Ta Khmau.
9. Phnom Ta Reach: Phnom Ta Reach is a hill located in the northern part of Kandal Province. It is known for its beautiful scenery and is a popular spot for hiking and trekking.
10. Mekong River: The Mekong River flows through Kandal Province and offers beautiful views of the surrounding countryside. You can take a boat ride on the river and enjoy the scenic beauty of the area.
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10 αααααααα
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π10 Places to Visit Kandal Province, Cambodia π°π
Here are 10 places to visit in Kandal Province, Cambodia:
1. Phnom Udong: Phnom Udong is a hill located in the western part of Kandal Province. It is home to several ancient temples and offers great views of the surrounding countryside.
2. Koh Dach Island: Koh Dach Island is a picturesque island located on the Mekong River. It is known for its traditional silk weaving and offers a glimpse into the local culture and lifestyle.
3. Tonle Bati: Tonle Bati is a popular tourist destination that is known for its beautiful lake and ancient temples. It is located in the southeastern part of Kandal Province.
4. Angkor Borei: Angkor Borei is an archaeological site that dates back to the Funan Kingdom in the 1st century AD. It is located in the southern part of Kandal Province and is known for its ancient ruins and artifacts.
5. Oudong Market: Oudong Market is a traditional market where you can find a variety of local products and souvenirs.
6. Wat Preah Theat Thmor Da: Wat Preah Theat Thmor Da is an ancient temple that dates back to the 10th century. It is located in Kien Svay district and is known for its beautiful architecture and intricate carvings.
7. Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone: The Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone is a hub for industrial development and offers great opportunities for investment and business.
8. Chaktomuk Hall: Chaktomuk Hall is a cultural center that hosts a variety of music and dance performances. It is located in the provincial capital of Ta Khmau.
9. Phnom Ta Reach: Phnom Ta Reach is a hill located in the northern part of Kandal Province. It is known for its beautiful scenery and is a popular spot for hiking and trekking.
10. Mekong River: The Mekong River flows through Kandal Province and offers beautiful views of the surrounding countryside. You can take a boat ride on the river and enjoy the scenic beauty of the area.
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- published: 14 May 2023
- views: 392
ααα½α α‘α αααα»αααααααααααΆα | Top 10 Places in Kandal Province [β English subtitleβ ]
#Kandal #PhnomOudong #CamknowledgeforTravel
Hello everyone! Welcome to Our Chanel. In this video you will know about the Popular Places in Kandal province. Aft...
#Kandal #PhnomOudong #CamknowledgeforTravel
Hello everyone! Welcome to Our Chanel. In this video you will know about the Popular Places in Kandal province. After watching this video you know more about the places that you want to visit. If you like my videos, Please click like, share and subscribe to my Chanel. Thank you! Good Luck!
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ααα½α α‘α αααα»ααααααααααα»α | Top 10 Places in Koh Kong
Top Places in Cambodia / Visit Cambodia:
The wonderful temple in the world / Knowledge about Angkor Wat:
Top Places in Kampot / Visit Cambodia:
Phnom Bokor Resort / History of Bokor Mountain:
Tonle Sap Lake Attractions / Visit Cambodia:
Phnom Oudong / What is Phnom Oudong to see?
Top 10 Places in Battambang / Visit Cambodia:
Preah Vihear Temple | What is interesting about the temple of Preah Vihear ?
Top 10 Places in Siem Reap | The Popular Places in Siem Reap to visit.
Top 10 Places in Takeo | The Popular Places in Takeo Province.
Top 10 Places in Kampong Thom | Kampong Thom Popular Places to visit.
Music in this Video:
Title: Good Times
Artist: Patrick Patrikios
Genre: Pop Mood: Happy
Please check with YouTube Audio library.
ααα½α_α‘α _αααα»αααααααααααΆα_|_Top_10_Places_In_Kandal_Province_β_English_Subtitleβ
#Kandal #PhnomOudong #CamknowledgeforTravel
Hello everyone! Welcome to Our Chanel. In this video you will know about the Popular Places in Kandal province. After watching this video you know more about the places that you want to visit. If you like my videos, Please click like, share and subscribe to my Chanel. Thank you! Good Luck!
Subscribe to Our Chanel: https://bit.ly/3i93KxX
Watch more our videos:
ααα½α α‘α αααα»ααααααααααα»α | Top 10 Places in Koh Kong
Top Places in Cambodia / Visit Cambodia:
The wonderful temple in the world / Knowledge about Angkor Wat:
Top Places in Kampot / Visit Cambodia:
Phnom Bokor Resort / History of Bokor Mountain:
Tonle Sap Lake Attractions / Visit Cambodia:
Phnom Oudong / What is Phnom Oudong to see?
Top 10 Places in Battambang / Visit Cambodia:
Preah Vihear Temple | What is interesting about the temple of Preah Vihear ?
Top 10 Places in Siem Reap | The Popular Places in Siem Reap to visit.
Top 10 Places in Takeo | The Popular Places in Takeo Province.
Top 10 Places in Kampong Thom | Kampong Thom Popular Places to visit.
Music in this Video:
Title: Good Times
Artist: Patrick Patrikios
Genre: Pop Mood: Happy
Please check with YouTube Audio library.
- published: 30 Oct 2021
- views: 9060
Flooding destroys homes in Cambodiaβs Kandal Province
Cambodiaβs Interior Ministry says hundreds of families were affected by the flooding.
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Cambodiaβs Interior Ministry says hundreds of families were affected by the flooding.
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About RFA: Radio Free Asia (RFA) is a private, nonprofit, multimedia corporation, bringing award-winning, domestic journalism and uncensored content to people in six Asian countries that restrict free speech, freedom of the press, and access to reliable information beyond their borders. For more information, please visit http://www.rfa.org/about/
Cambodiaβs Interior Ministry says hundreds of families were affected by the flooding.
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About RFA: Radio Free Asia (RFA) is a private, nonprofit, multimedia corporation, bringing award-winning, domestic journalism and uncensored content to people in six Asian countries that restrict free speech, freedom of the press, and access to reliable information beyond their borders. For more information, please visit http://www.rfa.org/about/
- published: 19 Jan 2023
- views: 8197
Nisey Garden, Chrey Thum - Kandal Province (2023)
The place is amazing, on the bridge 72, really clean with the natural landscape. The food is amazing, had lunch and bbq at night. Their staff is very friendly, ...
The place is amazing, on the bridge 72, really clean with the natural landscape. The food is amazing, had lunch and bbq at night. Their staff is very friendly, they let do the kayak for free. Also we can see the lantern at night.
To get there it takes round about 10 minutes by motobike, its really nice and worth it.
Taken by Drone DJI Air 2S πππ -
Recording : 4K Ultra HD: 3840Γ2160 @ 30 fps
Thanks so much for watching and please stay safe!
#drone #cinematic #2023 #dji #djiair2s #djimini2 #cambodia #chreythum #ct #indonesia #jakarta #travelling #working #djimavicmini #dronenature #mavicpro #djiphotography #droneworld #dronegram #mavicair #djiglobal #adobepremiere #anonymousxyz #4k #video4k #videonature4k #naturein4k #nature4k #scenicnature4k
#4kfootage #4kdrone #4kultrahd #4kvideoultrahd #beautifulscenery #naturedronevideo #amazingnature #relaxingmusic #calmingmusic #soundscapes #naturerelaxationfilm
The place is amazing, on the bridge 72, really clean with the natural landscape. The food is amazing, had lunch and bbq at night. Their staff is very friendly, they let do the kayak for free. Also we can see the lantern at night.
To get there it takes round about 10 minutes by motobike, its really nice and worth it.
Taken by Drone DJI Air 2S πππ -
Recording : 4K Ultra HD: 3840Γ2160 @ 30 fps
Thanks so much for watching and please stay safe!
#drone #cinematic #2023 #dji #djiair2s #djimini2 #cambodia #chreythum #ct #indonesia #jakarta #travelling #working #djimavicmini #dronenature #mavicpro #djiphotography #droneworld #dronegram #mavicair #djiglobal #adobepremiere #anonymousxyz #4k #video4k #videonature4k #naturein4k #nature4k #scenicnature4k
#4kfootage #4kdrone #4kultrahd #4kvideoultrahd #beautifulscenery #naturedronevideo #amazingnature #relaxingmusic #calmingmusic #soundscapes #naturerelaxationfilm
- published: 19 Jan 2023
- views: 385
Travel Guide by Land & River in Phnom Penh & Kandal Province
This video is showing how I travel by land and boat started from Koh Dach island of Phnom Penh city, Kbal Koh Ferry Dock by ferry to Puk Russey in Kandal Provin...
This video is showing how I travel by land and boat started from Koh Dach island of Phnom Penh city, Kbal Koh Ferry Dock by ferry to Puk Russey in Kandal Province, travel on Road 380 to Svay Chrum Ferry Dock crossing the river to Chroy Changvar in Phnom Penh city.
I'm using GoPro Hero 5 & Canon G7X Mark II Cameras for this video.
I hope that you enjoyed watching this video and find a relaxing place to visit in Cambodia.
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This channel is creating to promote Travel & Tourism of Cambodia, a small country border to Thailand, Vietnam, and Lao in Southeast Asia. Angkor Wat temple is the most well-know tourist site in Cambodia. We rich in natural resorts, mountains, waterfalls, sea, river, secret culture, and lifestyle. I sure hope that you will support and enjoy my efforts in this channel. Thank you!!
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This video is showing how I travel by land and boat started from Koh Dach island of Phnom Penh city, Kbal Koh Ferry Dock by ferry to Puk Russey in Kandal Province, travel on Road 380 to Svay Chrum Ferry Dock crossing the river to Chroy Changvar in Phnom Penh city.
I'm using GoPro Hero 5 & Canon G7X Mark II Cameras for this video.
I hope that you enjoyed watching this video and find a relaxing place to visit in Cambodia.
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This channel is creating to promote Travel & Tourism of Cambodia, a small country border to Thailand, Vietnam, and Lao in Southeast Asia. Angkor Wat temple is the most well-know tourist site in Cambodia. We rich in natural resorts, mountains, waterfalls, sea, river, secret culture, and lifestyle. I sure hope that you will support and enjoy my efforts in this channel. Thank you!!
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- published: 15 Aug 2020
- views: 1235
The landscape of Kandal Province, Cambodia, Shopping, at Koh Thom Market
Welcome to My Channe
The landscape of Kandal Province, Cambodia, Shopping, at Koh Thom Marketl
I will take it to many more places. Who has visited or visited π
Welcome to My Channe
The landscape of Kandal Province, Cambodia, Shopping, at Koh Thom Marketl
I will take it to many more places. Who has visited or visited π
My goals include:
1. I will take you to visit the ancient place πΏ
2. I will take you to visit tourist attractions π
3. I will take you to visit the farm πΎ
4. I will take you to visit the forest π³
5. I will create more content for you to visit π
Welcome to My Channe
The landscape of Kandal Province, Cambodia, Shopping, at Koh Thom Marketl
I will take it to many more places. Who has visited or visited π
My goals include:
1. I will take you to visit the ancient place πΏ
2. I will take you to visit tourist attractions π
3. I will take you to visit the farm πΎ
4. I will take you to visit the forest π³
5. I will create more content for you to visit π
- published: 03 Jan 2023
- views: 44
River Bank Collapses in Kandal Province, Affecting 40 Houses
#EACNews #EACNewsααααααΆααΆ #Breakingnews #HotNews
River Bank Collapses in Kandal Province, Affecting 40 Houses
#EACNews #EACNewsααααααΆααΆ #Breakingnews #HotNews
River Bank Collapses in Kandal Province, Affecting 40 Houses
The official EAC YouTube Channel. EAC is the premier destination for in-depth analysis of daily and weekly roundups, insightful political commentary, and informed perspectives.
Cambodia's only English-language news channel, featuring breaking news, business, as well as documentaries, features, and much more that bring you a deeper look at Cambodian issues and insight in an instant.
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#EACNews #EACNewsααααααΆααΆ #Breakingnews #HotNews
River Bank Collapses in Kandal Province, Affecting 40 Houses
The official EAC YouTube Channel. EAC is the premier destination for in-depth analysis of daily and weekly roundups, insightful political commentary, and informed perspectives.
Cambodia's only English-language news channel, featuring breaking news, business, as well as documentaries, features, and much more that bring you a deeper look at Cambodian issues and insight in an instant.
Become EAC Subscriber and hit the bell to be the first to know our latest updates video channel.
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- published: 25 Apr 2023
- views: 270
Krong Ta Khmao The Largest City in Kandal Province
A beautiful Krong Takhmao, the largest city of Kandal province in Cambodia. This video is showing about the city park, river, market, landmark, the bridge, fish...
A beautiful Krong Takhmao, the largest city of Kandal province in Cambodia. This video is showing about the city park, river, market, landmark, the bridge, fishing village, fishing boats, flowing canal, the river and more.
I'm using Canon SX740HS & GoPro Hero 5 Cameras for this video.
I hope that you enjoyed watching this video and find a relaxing place to visit in Cambodia.
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This channel is creating to promote Travel & Tourism of Cambodia, a small country border to Thailand, Vietnam, and Lao in Southeast Asia. Angkor Wat temple is the most well-know tourist site in Cambodia. We rich in natural resorts, mountains, waterfalls, sea, river, secret culture, and lifestyle. I sure hope that you will support and enjoy my efforts in this channel. Thank you!!
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A beautiful Krong Takhmao, the largest city of Kandal province in Cambodia. This video is showing about the city park, river, market, landmark, the bridge, fishing village, fishing boats, flowing canal, the river and more.
I'm using Canon SX740HS & GoPro Hero 5 Cameras for this video.
I hope that you enjoyed watching this video and find a relaxing place to visit in Cambodia.
You can click Subscribe to receive update videos.
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Check out this video: https://youtu.be/S27RMr8wSRs
Check out my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2AEkWunWQ5m_85k-kJwxXg
This channel is creating to promote Travel & Tourism of Cambodia, a small country border to Thailand, Vietnam, and Lao in Southeast Asia. Angkor Wat temple is the most well-know tourist site in Cambodia. We rich in natural resorts, mountains, waterfalls, sea, river, secret culture, and lifestyle. I sure hope that you will support and enjoy my efforts in this channel. Thank you!!
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Travel-with-Me-807614436057090/?ref=bookmarks
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/bmbwworld/
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Blogger: https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=1172743766506713689
- published: 21 Aug 2020
- views: 2637
Farmers in Cambodiaβs Kandal Province Destroy Their Crops During COVID-19 Lockdown
The farmers say, since the government imposed a lockdown last month, they have no place to sell their produce.
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The farmers say, since the government imposed a lockdown last month, they have no place to sell their produce.
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About RFA: Radio Free Asia (RFA) is a private, nonprofit, multimedia corporation, bringing award-winning, domestic journalism and uncensored content to people in six Asian countries that restrict free speech, freedom of the press, and access to reliable information beyond their borders. For more information, please visit http://www.rfa.org/about/
The farmers say, since the government imposed a lockdown last month, they have no place to sell their produce.
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About RFA: Radio Free Asia (RFA) is a private, nonprofit, multimedia corporation, bringing award-winning, domestic journalism and uncensored content to people in six Asian countries that restrict free speech, freedom of the press, and access to reliable information beyond their borders. For more information, please visit http://www.rfa.org/about/
- published: 07 May 2021
- views: 1739