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Good Old War

Good Old War is an indie band from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania featuring former members of Days Away.


Good Old War is made up of Keith Goodwin and Dan Schwartz. The band's name comes from the last names of the three founding members; Goodwin for "Good," Arnold (former member Tim) for "Old," and Schwartz for "War." The band was started in 2008 after Days Away (former band of Keith and Tim) went on hiatus; Schwartz previously played in Unlikely Cowboy. They began by recording some free demos in a late night session at a recording studio, then played with Anthony Green, a fellow Pennsylvania musician, on a short stint of dates along the east coast as well as at the South by Southwest (SXSW) festival in Texas. Good Old War is currently signed with Sargent House, a label which also serves as the band's management company.

The band recorded their debut album in May 2008 in Los Angeles with producer Rick Parker, who also produced the final EP from Days Away, entitled "Ear Candy for the Headphone Trippers." Good Old War then recorded Anthony Green's 2008 album "Avalon" as his back up band, and continued to perform as his band in addition to playing direct support as Good Old War with Person L (a project featuring Kenny Vasoli of The Starting Line) for a nationwide headlining tour that began on August 6, 2008 and ran through September 14, 2008.

Just Another Day

Just Another Day may refer to:


  • Just Another Day (album), an album by Wire Daisies
  • "Just Another Day...", a song by Queen Latifah
  • Just Another Day, a song by Dr. Dre from the album Compton
  • "Just Another Day" (Jon Secada song)
  • "Just Another Day" (Jonathan Wilkes song)
  • "Just Another Day", a song by Jade Valerie from Out of the Box
  • "Just Another Day", a song by John Cena from You Can't See Me
  • "Just Another Day" (John Mellencamp song), a song by John Mellencamp
  • "Just Another Day", a song by Oingo Boingo from Dead Man's Party
  • "Just Another Day", a song from the musical Next to Normal
  • Film and television

  • Just Another Day (2008 film), a short fiction by Hisham Zreiq
  • Just Another Day (2009 film), a hip-hop movie starring Wood Harris
  • Just Another Day (TV series), a 1980s BBC documentary series narrated by John Pitman
  • Just Another Day (2007 TV series), a TV program on the History Channel UK presented by Adam Hart-Davis
  • "Just Another Day", an episode of Pee-wee's Playhouse
  • See also

    Just Another Day (John Mellencamp song)

    "Just Another Day" is a song and recorded by American rock artist John Mellencamp. It was released in November 1996 as the second single from the album, Mr. Happy Go Lucky.

    Music video

    The music video was directed by Samuel Bayer and premiered on November 20, 1996.

    Critical reception

    Larry Flick, of Billboard magazine reviewed the song favorably, calling it a "richly atmospheric blend of acoustic rhythms and raw pop-rock power."


    Peak positions


    External links

  • Lyrics of this song at MetroLyrics
  • Just Another Day (album)

    Just Another Day is the first album by Cornwall rock Group Wire Daisies. It was produced by John Cornfield, the owner of Sawmills Studios who has previously worked with Razorlight, Athlete and Supergrass.

    Track listing

    External links

  • Podcasts:

    Good Old War

    • Jon Secada - Just Another Day

      Official Music Video for Just Another Day performed by Jon Secada. Follow Jon Secada: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jonsecada Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jonsecada Website: https://jonsecada.com #JonSecada #JustAnotherDay

      published: 13 Mar 2009
    • Jon Secada ‐ Just another day - Lyrics

      Just another day - Jon Secada ( Lyrics & Video ) Mornings alone (oh, oh) When you come home I breath a little faster Everytime we're together (ohh, ohh, ohh) It'd never be the same (it'd never be the same) if you're not here How can you stay away, (how can you stay) away so long Why can't we stay together oh, oh Give me a reason Give me a reason I, I don't wanna say it I don't wanna find another way Make it through the day without you I, I can't resist Trying to find exactly what I missed It's just another day without you It's just another day (ohh) Making the time (Find the right lines) to make you stay forever What do I have to tell you Just trying to hold on to something (Trying to hold on to something good), oh Give us a chance to make it (give us a chance) to make it No, no, no I...

      published: 14 Jun 2023
    • Just Another Day

      Provided to YouTube by Jive Just Another Day · Too $hort Get In Where You Fit In ℗ 1993 Zomba Recording LLC Released on: 1993-10-26 Producer: QD III Engineer: Rob Chiarelli Mixing Engineer, Recording Engineer: Ant Banks Composer, Lyricist: Quincy D. Jones Composer, Lyricist, Mixing Engineer, Recording Engineer: Todd Shaw Auto-generated by YouTube.

      published: 25 Jan 2017
    • Jon Secada - Just Another Day Without You - HD

      BIENVENIDOS A GDL MUSIC GROUP. Concepto de calidad, contamos con un PLAYLIST bastante armonizado y delicado, cuidando todos los detalles. SUSCRIBETE Y DISFRUTA!.

      published: 20 Jan 2018
    • Paul McCartney - Another Day (1971)

      "Another Day" is a song recorded by Paul McCartney in New York in 1970, during the sessions for his album Ram. Although it was the first single of McCartney's solo career, "Another Day" was actually written and previewed during The Beatles' Let It Be Sessions in 1969. It was officially released on 19 February 1971, with "Oh Woman, Oh Why" as the B-side. Neither song was included on the original pressings of Ram. "Another Day" is written in an observational style reminiscent of "Eleanor Rigby"; Denny Seiwell, the drummer from the Ram Sessions, called it "'Eleanor Rigby' in New York City."[6][7] The lyrics describe the drudgery and sadness of an unnamed woman's life at work and at home. Paul's wife, Linda McCartney, provided vocal harmonies on "Another Day". Describing his and Linda's di...

      published: 06 Apr 2012
    • Queen Latifah - Just Another Day (Official Video)

      Queen Latifah - Just Another Day (Video) from the album 'Black Reign' (1993) 🔔 Subscribe to UPROXX Video and ring the bell to turn on notifications: https://uproxx.it/5rzazsh 🎙️ New Episodes of People’s Party with Talib Kweli every Monday 9AMet/6AMpt. Watch all the episodes here: https://uproxx.it/avxtjgf More Hip-Hop Heads Playlists: 90's Hip Hop ▶️ http://bit.ly/90sHipHopPlaylist 2000's Hip Hop ▶️ http://bit.ly/2000sHipHopPlaylist 90's R&B Hits ▶️ http://bit.ly/90sRBPlaylist The UPROXX Family 🎧 UPROXX Music https://youtube.com/uproxxmusic 🎥 UPROXX Studio https://youtube.com/uproxx FOLLOW ➕UPROXX.com: https://uproxx.com ➕Instagram: https://instagram.com/uproxx ➕Twitter: https://twitter.com/uproxx ➕Facebook: https://facebook.com/uproxx Lyrics: [Spoken Intro:] We gon take this one o...

      published: 15 Dec 2010
    • Just Another Day

      Provided to YouTube by DistroKid Just Another Day · Mazza_l20 Concrete Jungle ℗ 2709988 Records DK Released on: 2023-08-29 Auto-generated by YouTube.

      published: 28 Aug 2023
    • Queen Latifah - Just Another Day... (Official Music Video)

      REMASTERED IN HD! Official Music Video for Just Another Day… performed by Queen Latifah. Follow Queen Latifah: Website: https://queenlatifah.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/QueenLatifah Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/queenlatifah Twitter: https://twitter.com/IAMQUEENLATIFAH #QueenLatifah #JustAnotherDay #Remastered

      published: 28 Apr 2023
    • Jon Secada - Just Another Day - TOTP - 1992

      From the Episode aired on the 23/07/92

      published: 12 Mar 2022
    Jon Secada - Just Another Day

    Jon Secada - Just Another Day

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:20
    • Uploaded Date: 13 Mar 2009
    • views: 87249146
    Official Music Video for Just Another Day performed by Jon Secada. Follow Jon Secada: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jonsecada Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jonsecada Website: https://jonsecada.com #JonSecada #JustAnotherDay
    Jon Secada ‐ Just another day - Lyrics

    Jon Secada ‐ Just another day - Lyrics

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:20
    • Uploaded Date: 14 Jun 2023
    • views: 341526
    Just another day - Jon Secada ( Lyrics & Video ) Mornings alone (oh, oh) When you come home I breath a little faster Everytime we're together (ohh, ohh, ohh) It'd never be the same (it'd never be the same) if you're not here How can you stay away, (how can you stay) away so long Why can't we stay together oh, oh Give me a reason Give me a reason I, I don't wanna say it I don't wanna find another way Make it through the day without you I, I can't resist Trying to find exactly what I missed It's just another day without you It's just another day (ohh) Making the time (Find the right lines) to make you stay forever What do I have to tell you Just trying to hold on to something (Trying to hold on to something good), oh Give us a chance to make it (give us a chance) to make it No, no, no I'm not that strong I'm not that strong I, I don't wanna say it I don't wanna find another way Make it through the day without you (no, ohhh) Just give me a reason Give me a reason I, I don't wanna say it I don't wanna find another way Make it through the day without you (I wanna make through the day, no) I, I can't resist (maybe no) Trying to find exactly what I missed Make it through the day without you I, I can't resist Trying to find exactly what I missed It's just another day without you
    Just Another Day

    Just Another Day

    • Order:
    • Duration: 7:22
    • Uploaded Date: 25 Jan 2017
    • views: 30823537
    Provided to YouTube by Jive Just Another Day · Too $hort Get In Where You Fit In ℗ 1993 Zomba Recording LLC Released on: 1993-10-26 Producer: QD III Engineer: Rob Chiarelli Mixing Engineer, Recording Engineer: Ant Banks Composer, Lyricist: Quincy D. Jones Composer, Lyricist, Mixing Engineer, Recording Engineer: Todd Shaw Auto-generated by YouTube.
    Jon Secada - Just Another Day Without You - HD

    Jon Secada - Just Another Day Without You - HD

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:28
    • Uploaded Date: 20 Jan 2018
    • views: 583620
    BIENVENIDOS A GDL MUSIC GROUP. Concepto de calidad, contamos con un PLAYLIST bastante armonizado y delicado, cuidando todos los detalles. SUSCRIBETE Y DISFRUTA!.
    Paul McCartney - Another Day (1971)

    Paul McCartney - Another Day (1971)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:44
    • Uploaded Date: 06 Apr 2012
    • views: 2037690
    "Another Day" is a song recorded by Paul McCartney in New York in 1970, during the sessions for his album Ram. Although it was the first single of McCartney's solo career, "Another Day" was actually written and previewed during The Beatles' Let It Be Sessions in 1969. It was officially released on 19 February 1971, with "Oh Woman, Oh Why" as the B-side. Neither song was included on the original pressings of Ram. "Another Day" is written in an observational style reminiscent of "Eleanor Rigby"; Denny Seiwell, the drummer from the Ram Sessions, called it "'Eleanor Rigby' in New York City."[6][7] The lyrics describe the drudgery and sadness of an unnamed woman's life at work and at home. Paul's wife, Linda McCartney, provided vocal harmonies on "Another Day". Describing his and Linda's distinctive harmonies, McCartney said "I wanted 'our' sound." Paul was deliberately attempting to create a unique McCartney style, a musical identity outside of The Beatles.[3] McCartney had decided to list Linda as co-writer of more than half the songs on Ram, and this decision extended to "Another Day." Despite her lack of a musical pedigree, he insisted that Linda had been an active collaborator, making valuable suggestions about lyrics and melodies.[8] Linda's credits as co-writer were later regarded as business manoeuvres in the post-Beatles legal matters.[1] Matching the lyrical sense of isolation and social alienation was the unique sound of "Another Day." Studio Assistant Engineer of the Ram sessions Dixon Van Winkle said that Paul asked him to pick the single. With McCartney's blessing, Winkle mixed the song and pressed 100 copies for radio stations. "The next day I heard it on the air, I realized...we got carried away with the bass part...it pumped like crazy. But we never remixed the song, and Paul never said anything." Although "Another Day" and "Oh Woman, Oh Why" were not originally included on Ram, some CD re-releases of Ram have one or both songs as bonus tracks. "Another Day" has also appeared on several of McCartney's greatest hits albums, including All the Best!. It also appeared on the Wings greatest hits compilations Wings Greatest and Wingspan: Hits and History even though the song was not credited to Wings and predates the band's formation. (wikipedia) lyrics: Every Day She Takes A Morning Bath To Wet Her Hair, Wraps A Towel 'round Her As She's Heading For The Bedroom Chair, It's Just Another Day. Slipping Into Stockings, Stepping Into Shoes, Dipping In The Pocket Of Her Raincoat. It's Just Another Day. At The Office Where The Papers Grow She Takes A Break, Drinks Another Coffee And She Finds It Hard To Stay Awake, It's Just Another Day. Du Du Du Du Du It's Just Another Day. Du Du Du Du Du It's Just Another Day. So Sad, So Sad, Sometimes She Feels So Sad. Alone In Her Apartment She'd Dwell, Till The Man Of Her Dreams Comes To Break The Spell. Ah, Stay, Don't Stand Her Up And He Comes And He Stays But He Leaves The Next Day, So Sad. Sometimes She Feels So Sad. As She Posts Another Letter To The Sound Of Five, People Gather 'Round Her And She Finds It Hard To Stay Alive, It's Just Another Day. Du Du Du Du Du It's Just Another Day. Du Du Du Du Du It's Just Another Day. So Sad, So Sad, Sometimes She Feels So Sad. Alone In Her Apartment She'd Dwell, Till The Man Of Her Dreams Comes To Break The Spell. Ah, Stay, Don't Stand Her Up And He Comes And He Stays But He Leaves The Next Day, So Sad. Sometimes She Feels So Sad. Every Day She Takes A Morning Bath To Wet Her Hair, Wraps A Towel 'round Her As She's Heading For The Bedroom Chair, It's Just Another Day. Slipping Into Stockings, Stepping Into Shoes, Dipping In The Pocket Of Her Raincoat. Ah, It's Just Another Day. Du Du Du Du Du It's Just Another Day. Du Du Du Du Du It's Just Another Day.
    Queen Latifah - Just Another Day (Official Video)

    Queen Latifah - Just Another Day (Official Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:58
    • Uploaded Date: 15 Dec 2010
    • views: 8217122
    Queen Latifah - Just Another Day (Video) from the album 'Black Reign' (1993) 🔔 Subscribe to UPROXX Video and ring the bell to turn on notifications: https://uproxx.it/5rzazsh 🎙️ New Episodes of People’s Party with Talib Kweli every Monday 9AMet/6AMpt. Watch all the episodes here: https://uproxx.it/avxtjgf More Hip-Hop Heads Playlists: 90's Hip Hop ▶️ http://bit.ly/90sHipHopPlaylist 2000's Hip Hop ▶️ http://bit.ly/2000sHipHopPlaylist 90's R&B Hits ▶️ http://bit.ly/90sRBPlaylist The UPROXX Family 🎧 UPROXX Music https://youtube.com/uproxxmusic 🎥 UPROXX Studio https://youtube.com/uproxx FOLLOW ➕UPROXX.com: https://uproxx.com ➕Instagram: https://instagram.com/uproxx ➕Twitter: https://twitter.com/uproxx ➕Facebook: https://facebook.com/uproxx Lyrics: [Spoken Intro:] We gon take this one over to 275 Halsted 384 Stuyvesant We gon take it over to 155 Morgan 144 Harrison [Chorus:] Just another day, living in the hood Just another day around the way Feelin good today, feelin lovely-yay Just another day, living in the hood Just another day around the way Feelin good today I hear the (gunshot), but I'm here to stay [Verse 1] Well it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day in the neighborhood Can't go wrong, I feel strong and the flavor's good I'm with whatever comes my way, hip-hop hooray Latifah's on vacation, I'm just plain old Dana today I strap out, step out in every direction Glock, TECs, jimmy hats, in case I need protection So I Land Cruise, pump sounds, play out wanna be’s A kid in a M3's getting jacked right in front of me So I play the TEC close, my finger's on the trigger Don't wanna get wet, so they steps 'cause mine's is slightly bigger But better yet I'm a threat, so you better walk Or get sketched out in chalk, 'cause I don't wanna talk I stay true blue, I'm hoping it's you too I got the fever for the flavor of a Woo Woo So it's back to the block, time to play It's just another day around the way, hey [Chorus] [Verse 2:] Time to chill, hit the hill uptown, let's peep the sights Shoot some pool, act a fool, 'cause it's on tonight I'm doing the knowledge, it's not easy, easy Watching a cop cuff a kid for selling a clip to a DT But it's home, so I flex, get pressures off my chest Slip in a tape, now which hood should I hit next? Stomach ache, head to Steak-N-Take for a bean pie Get a Final Call from the brother in the bow tie I'm where little kids dream and fiend for fun Lots of laughter moms, no pops playing with her son I passed by a girl's wake, they say she died at seven Hit by a stray, but I pray that there's a hood in heaven Fake brothers claim there's no shame in their game You know my name, show me a real nigga with a brain So it's back to the block, time to play It's just another day around the way, hey [Chorus] [Verse 3:] You know I gotta give props, I can't stop, without y'all, I'll be nothin No wreckin', no checks, and no rhymin', no cuttin' No stages, front pages, no phones, no beepers No reason to put Queen in front of the name Latifah I come with the real life perspective and rule 'Cause me and my peoples from around the way remain cool So it's back to the block, time to play It's just another day, around the way, around the muthafuckin' way [Ending Chorus:] Just another day, living in the hood Just another day around the way Feelin good today, I'm feelin lovely-yay Just another day, in the neighborhood Just another day around the way Feelin good today I hear the (gunshot), but I'm here to stay Just another day around the way Feelin good today I hear the (gunshot), but I'm here to stay Cause it's Just another day, in the neighborhood Just another day around the way I'm Feelin good today I'm feelin lovely-yay Feelin' Good Today Feelin' Good Today I Know My Hood's Okay It's Gonna be Okay ABOUT UPROXX VIDEO: UPROXX Video celebrates Hip-Hop, Style, and Creativity through a mix of original shows and music videos from the biggest artists, entertainers, and innovators from our culture. PEOPLE'S PARTY WITH TALIB KWELI People's Party is a weekly interview show hosted by Talib Kweli and Jasmin Leigh. Guests range from the biggest names in hip-hop, to global entertainers, to the most progressive minds moving our culture forward. The audio podcast is available on Apple and Spotify.
    Just Another Day

    Just Another Day

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:23
    • Uploaded Date: 28 Aug 2023
    • views: 264106
    Provided to YouTube by DistroKid Just Another Day · Mazza_l20 Concrete Jungle ℗ 2709988 Records DK Released on: 2023-08-29 Auto-generated by YouTube.
    Queen Latifah - Just Another Day... (Official Music Video)

    Queen Latifah - Just Another Day... (Official Music Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:58
    • Uploaded Date: 28 Apr 2023
    • views: 1620219
    REMASTERED IN HD! Official Music Video for Just Another Day… performed by Queen Latifah. Follow Queen Latifah: Website: https://queenlatifah.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/QueenLatifah Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/queenlatifah Twitter: https://twitter.com/IAMQUEENLATIFAH #QueenLatifah #JustAnotherDay #Remastered
    Jon Secada  - Just Another Day  - TOTP  - 1992

    Jon Secada - Just Another Day - TOTP - 1992

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:01
    • Uploaded Date: 12 Mar 2022
    • views: 377464
    From the Episode aired on the 23/07/92
    • John Mellencamp - Just Another Day

      Music video by John Mellencamp performing Just Another Day. (C) 1996 John Mellencamp under exclusive license to the Island Def Jam Music Group #JohnMellencamp #JustAnotherDay #Vevo #Rock #VevoOfficial

      published: 05 Oct 2009
    • Just Another Day - John Mellencamp

      I don't own this song or the (album) photo, everything here belongs to someone else. Go buy the album Mr. Happy Go Lucky though. It's amazing.

      published: 03 Sep 2014
    • John Mellencamp - "Just Another Day" - Live on Late Night TV 1996

      John performs "Just Another Day," the second single from his 1996 album "Mr. Happy Go Lucky," live on a popular late-night talk show on November 6, 1996.

      published: 23 Jul 2015
    • John Mellencamp Just Another Day Video

      John Mellencamp's Just Another Day Video off of his Mr. Happy Go Lucky album from 1996

      published: 26 Nov 2007
    • John Mellencamp - Just Another Day [OldiesGoldies]

      ♥ John Mellencamp - Just Another Day [OldiesGoldies] ♫ Free Download: http://mp3s.me/record/John+Mellencamp+-+Just+Another+Day

      published: 14 Dec 2016
    • Just Another Day

      Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Just Another Day · Jon Secada Jon Secada ℗ Capitol Records; ℗ 1992 UMG Recordings, Inc. Released on: 1992-01-01 Composer Lyricist: Miguel Angel Morejon Composer Lyricist: Jon Secada Auto-generated by YouTube.

      published: 07 Feb 2017
    • Just Another Day-John Mellencamp

      Highway 119 in Montevallo, AL, on 3/31/23.

      published: 01 May 2024
    • Just Another Day by John Mellencamp, covered by Marty Miles

      Nathan and I decided to let you in on our rehearsal and I played my skinny guitar like thing. For More Marty Miles Music: www.reverbnation.com/martymiles JUST ANOTHER DAY John Mellencamp Bobie Doll and Big Jim Picato Call me up every single day The don’t work and they don’t want to Come on down to some bad Café Bobie Doll tells me “live in the moment” Don’t get too far ahead - don’t live in the past I blink my eyes and the moment is over I guess another day has passed But it’s just another day It’s just another day Watching girls on the street Well, that’s alright with me And it’s just another day Bobie Doll and Big Jim Picato Always there with their free advice They’ve got pearl handled pistols underneath their vests The want me to go out drinking with them tonight But it’s just ...

      published: 23 Apr 2018
    • John Mellencamp - Just Another Day playing on FM Station from a 1948 Zenith Console Radio.

      John Mellencamp - "Just Another Day" playing on Zenith model 9H988R AM/FM Tube Console Radio from FM rock station. Recorded with microphone placed about 15 inches away from the radio speaker and this radio works very well for being in original 1948 electronics condition.

      published: 10 Jul 2017
    John Mellencamp - Just Another Day

    John Mellencamp - Just Another Day

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:47
    • Uploaded Date: 05 Oct 2009
    • views: 827978
    Music video by John Mellencamp performing Just Another Day. (C) 1996 John Mellencamp under exclusive license to the Island Def Jam Music Group #JohnMellencamp #JustAnotherDay #Vevo #Rock #VevoOfficial
    Just Another Day - John Mellencamp

    Just Another Day - John Mellencamp

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:25
    • Uploaded Date: 03 Sep 2014
    • views: 29182
    I don't own this song or the (album) photo, everything here belongs to someone else. Go buy the album Mr. Happy Go Lucky though. It's amazing.
    John Mellencamp - "Just Another Day" - Live on Late Night TV 1996

    John Mellencamp - "Just Another Day" - Live on Late Night TV 1996

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:52
    • Uploaded Date: 23 Jul 2015
    • views: 19733
    John performs "Just Another Day," the second single from his 1996 album "Mr. Happy Go Lucky," live on a popular late-night talk show on November 6, 1996.
    John Mellencamp Just Another Day Video

    John Mellencamp Just Another Day Video

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:41
    • Uploaded Date: 26 Nov 2007
    • views: 6806
    John Mellencamp's Just Another Day Video off of his Mr. Happy Go Lucky album from 1996
    John Mellencamp - Just Another Day [OldiesGoldies]

    John Mellencamp - Just Another Day [OldiesGoldies]

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:48
    • Uploaded Date: 14 Dec 2016
    • views: 847
    ♥ John Mellencamp - Just Another Day [OldiesGoldies] ♫ Free Download: http://mp3s.me/record/John+Mellencamp+-+Just+Another+Day
    Just Another Day

    Just Another Day

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:28
    • Uploaded Date: 07 Feb 2017
    • views: 50490764
    Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Just Another Day · Jon Secada Jon Secada ℗ Capitol Records; ℗ 1992 UMG Recordings, Inc. Released on: 1992-01-01 Composer Lyricist: Miguel Angel Morejon Composer Lyricist: Jon Secada Auto-generated by YouTube.
    Just Another Day-John Mellencamp

    Just Another Day-John Mellencamp

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:28
    • Uploaded Date: 01 May 2024
    • views: 52
    Highway 119 in Montevallo, AL, on 3/31/23.
    Just Another Day by John Mellencamp, covered by Marty Miles

    Just Another Day by John Mellencamp, covered by Marty Miles

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:27
    • Uploaded Date: 23 Apr 2018
    • views: 1413
    Nathan and I decided to let you in on our rehearsal and I played my skinny guitar like thing. For More Marty Miles Music: www.reverbnation.com/martymiles JUST ANOTHER DAY John Mellencamp Bobie Doll and Big Jim Picato Call me up every single day The don’t work and they don’t want to Come on down to some bad Café Bobie Doll tells me “live in the moment” Don’t get too far ahead - don’t live in the past I blink my eyes and the moment is over I guess another day has passed But it’s just another day It’s just another day Watching girls on the street Well, that’s alright with me And it’s just another day Bobie Doll and Big Jim Picato Always there with their free advice They’ve got pearl handled pistols underneath their vests The want me to go out drinking with them tonight But it’s just another day It’s just another day Watching girls on the street Well, that’s alright with me And it’s just another day You got clean white sheets in the mornin’ Conversation all afternoon Bobie Doll and Big Jim Picato, baby And me and you But it’s just another day Just another day Watching girls on the street Well, that’s alright with me And it’s just another day Well, it’s just another day It’s just another day watching girls on the street Well, that’s alright with me And it’s just another day
    John Mellencamp - Just Another Day playing on FM Station from a 1948 Zenith Console Radio.

    John Mellencamp - Just Another Day playing on FM Station from a 1948 Zenith Console Radio.

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:32
    • Uploaded Date: 10 Jul 2017
    • views: 500
    John Mellencamp - "Just Another Day" playing on Zenith model 9H988R AM/FM Tube Console Radio from FM rock station. Recorded with microphone placed about 15 inches away from the radio speaker and this radio works very well for being in original 1948 electronics condition.
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    • Queen Latifah - Just Another Day... (Official Music Video)
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    PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 38:34

    Jon Secada - Just Another Day

    Official Music Video for Just Another Day performed by Jon Secada. Follow Jon Secada: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jonsecada Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jonsecada Website: https://jonsecada.com #JonSecada #JustAnotherDay
    Jon Secada - Just Another Day
    Official Music Video for Just Another Day performed by Jon Secada. Follow Jon Secada: Fa...
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    Jon Secada ‐ Just another day - Lyrics
    Just another day - Jon Secada ( Lyrics & Video ) Mornings alone (oh, oh) When you come ho...
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    Just Another Day
    Provided to YouTube by Jive Just Another Day · Too $hort Get In Where You Fit In ℗ 1993...
    published: 25 Jan 2017
    Play in Full Screen
    Jon Secada - Just Another Day Without You - HD
    BIENVENIDOS A GDL MUSIC GROUP. Concepto de calidad, contamos con un PLAYLIST bastante armo...
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    Play in Full Screen
    Paul McCartney - Another Day (1971)
    "Another Day" is a song recorded by Paul McCartney in New York in 1970, during the session...
    published: 06 Apr 2012
    Play in Full Screen
    Queen Latifah - Just Another Day (Official Video)
    Queen Latifah - Just Another Day (Video) from the album 'Black Reign' (1993) 🔔 Subscribe ...
    published: 15 Dec 2010
    Play in Full Screen
    Just Another Day
    Provided to YouTube by DistroKid Just Another Day · Mazza_l20 Concrete Jungle ℗ 2709988...
    published: 28 Aug 2023
    Play in Full Screen
    Queen Latifah - Just Another Day... (Official Music Video)
    REMASTERED IN HD! Official Music Video for Just Another Day… performed by Queen Latifah. ...
    published: 28 Apr 2023
    Play in Full Screen
    Jon Secada - Just Another Day - TOTP - 1992
    From the Episode aired on the 23/07/92
    published: 12 Mar 2022
    Play in Full Screen

    Good Old War

    Good Old War is an indie band from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania featuring former members of Days Away.


    Good Old War is made up of Keith Goodwin and Dan Schwartz. The band's name comes from the last names of the three founding members; Goodwin for "Good," Arnold (former member Tim) for "Old," and Schwartz for "War." The band was started in 2008 after Days Away (former band of Keith and Tim) went on hiatus; Schwartz previously played in Unlikely Cowboy. They began by recording some free demos in a late night session at a recording studio, then played with Anthony Green, a fellow Pennsylvania musician, on a short stint of dates along the east coast as well as at the South by Southwest (SXSW) festival in Texas. Good Old War is currently signed with Sargent House, a label which also serves as the band's management company.

    The band recorded their debut album in May 2008 in Los Angeles with producer Rick Parker, who also produced the final EP from Days Away, entitled "Ear Candy for the Headphone Trippers." Good Old War then recorded Anthony Green's 2008 album "Avalon" as his back up band, and continued to perform as his band in addition to playing direct support as Good Old War with Person L (a project featuring Kenny Vasoli of The Starting Line) for a nationwide headlining tour that began on August 6, 2008 and ran through September 14, 2008.

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    PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 35:28

    John Mellencamp - Just Another Day

    Music video by John Mellencamp performing Just Another Day. (C) 1996 John Mellencamp under exclusive license to the Island Def Jam Music Group #JohnMellencamp #JustAnotherDay #Vevo #Rock #VevoOfficial
    John Mellencamp - Just Another Day
    Music video by John Mellencamp performing Just Another Day. (C) 1996 John Mellencamp under...
    published: 05 Oct 2009
    Play in Full Screen
    Just Another Day - John Mellencamp
    I don't own this song or the (album) photo, everything here belongs to someone else. Go bu...
    published: 03 Sep 2014
    Play in Full Screen
    John Mellencamp - "Just Another Day" - Live on Late Night TV 1996
    John performs "Just Another Day," the second single from his 1996 album "Mr. Happy Go Luck...
    published: 23 Jul 2015
    Play in Full Screen
    John Mellencamp Just Another Day Video
    John Mellencamp's Just Another Day Video off of his Mr. Happy Go Lucky album from 1996
    published: 26 Nov 2007
    Play in Full Screen
    John Mellencamp - Just Another Day [OldiesGoldies]
    ♥ John Mellencamp - Just Another Day [OldiesGoldies] ♫ Free Download: http://mp3s.me/reco...
    published: 14 Dec 2016
    Play in Full Screen
    Just Another Day
    Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Just Another Day · Jon Secada Jon Secada ℗...
    published: 07 Feb 2017
    Play in Full Screen
    Just Another Day-John Mellencamp
    Highway 119 in Montevallo, AL, on 3/31/23.
    published: 01 May 2024
    Play in Full Screen
    Just Another Day by John Mellencamp, covered by Marty Miles
    Nathan and I decided to let you in on our rehearsal and I played my skinny guitar like thi...
    published: 23 Apr 2018
    Play in Full Screen
    John Mellencamp - Just Another Day playing on FM Station from a 1948 Zenith Console Radio.
    John Mellencamp - "Just Another Day" playing on Zenith model 9H988R AM/FM Tube Console Rad...
    published: 10 Jul 2017
    Play in Full Screen
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