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John Mason (Scottish politician)

John Fingland Mason (born 15 May 1957) is a Scottish politician and the Scottish National Party Member of the Scottish Parliament for Glasgow Shettleston.

He was the SNP Member of Parliament for Glasgow East from 2008 to 2010 and a Glasgow City Councillor from 1998 to 2008.


Originally from Rutherglen, Mason has lived in the East End of Glasgow for 20 years. His father was an electrical engineer and his mother a teacher.

After attending Hutchesons' Grammar School he studied Accounting at the University of Glasgow becoming an ICAS Chartered Accountant.

He worked for housing associations, nursing homes, and with a charity in London. He also spent three years in Kathmandu, Nepal with an NGO (United Mission to Nepal) representing churches from across the world. Mason is opposed to abortion.

Mason is a supporter of Clyde F.C. and his other interests include involvement in Easterhouse Baptist Church, hill-walking, camping and reading Scottish history.


John Mason

John Mason may refer to:


  • John Mason (15th-century MP), Member of Parliament for Lewes and East Grinstead
  • John Mason (Australian politician) (born 1928), Australian politician, member of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly
  • John Mason (diplomat) (1503–1566), British diplomat and spy
  • John Mason (governor) (1586–1635), founder of the Province of New Hampshire
  • John Mason (Scottish politician) (born 1957), Member of the Scottish Parliament for Glasgow Shettleston and former Member of Parliament for Glasgow East
  • John Mason (New Zealand politician) (1881–1975), New Zealand politician
  • John Thomson Mason, Jr. (1815–1873), U.S. Representative from Maryland, son of John Thomson Mason (1765–1824)
  • John Y. Mason (1799–1859), U.S. Representative from Virginia and Secretary of the Navy
  • John Calvin Mason (1802–1865), U.S. Representative from Kentucky
  • John James Mason (1842–1903), Canadian politician
  • Sports

  • John Mason (soccer) (born 1953), Scottish-American soccer defender
  • John Mason (announcer), sports announcer for the Detroit Pistons basketball team
  • John Mason (Australian politician)

    John Marsden Mason (born 20 November 1928) is a former Australian politician, a member of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly for 16 years.

    Early life

    Mason was born in Rose Bay in Sydney in 1928, the son of Kay Mason and Stella Marsden. After his secondary education at Sydney Boys High School, Mason gained a place to study Theology at the University of Sydney while resident at St Andrew's College. Later, Mason studied at the Methodist Leigh College from 1949 to 1951 and later at the Melbourne College of Divinity in 1951.

    Upon graduating from his theological studies, Mason became a Methodist Minister and was first posted to Lismore in 1952, then the Northern Territory from 1953 to 1955, Goulburn from 1951 to 1958, Tighes Hill from 1958 to 1962 and then finally to Dubbo from 1962 to 1965. On 27 March 1953, he married Lorna Boxsell and together had a daughter and four sons. One of his sons, Dave Mason, was the lead singer of Australian band The Reels.

    Political career

    John Mason (c. 1600–1672)

    John Mason was born in Ravensthorpe,Northamptonshire,England in October, 1600. Little is known about his life there and where he was educated. He enlisted in the military in 1624 and went to the Netherlands to serve in the sectarian Thirty Years War 1618-1648, where he gained significant tactical military experience, first seeing action in the Breda Campaign. By 1629 he was a lieutenant in the Brabant Campaign and participated in the Siege of s'-Hertogenbosch, literally "The Duke's Forrest" in English, and known historically in French as Bois-le-Duc. He served with Lord Thomas Fairfax under General Sir Horace Vere in the army of Frederik Hendrik, The Prince of Orange.

    In 1632 he joined the great Puritan exodus and sailed from England settling in Dorchester where he was promptly appointed as the captain of the local militia. In 1633 he commanded the first American naval task force and pursued the pirate Dixie Bull routing him from New England waters. He planned and supervised the construction of fortifications on Castle Island (later known as Fort Independence) in Boston Harbor. In 1634 he was elected to represent Dorchester in the Massachusetts General Court where permission was granted for him to remove to the fertile Connecticut River valley. In 1635 he settled in Windsor, Connecticut at the confluence of the Farmington River and the Connecticut River; he would live here for the next twelve years and serve as a civil Magistrate and military leader of the nascent Connecticut Colony. In 1640 he married Anne Peck from a prominent Puritan family; they would have eight children.

    Scottish language

    Scottish language may refer to:

  • Scots language (Scots Leid), a Germanic language spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster
  • Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig), a Celtic language native to Scotland
  • Scottish English, the varieties of English spoken in Scotland
  • Scottish Language, a peer reviewed journal of Scottish languages and linguistics, published by the Association for Scottish Literary Studies
  • See also

  • Languages of Scotland, the languages spoken or once spoken in Scotland
  • Shithead (card game)

    Shithead (also known as Karma, Palace, Shed, Three Card Game and by many other names) is a card game similar to the Finnish game Paskahousu. In the game the object is to lose all of one's cards, with the last player to do so being the "shithead", who must deal the next game and may be subject to some minor forfeit of the group's choice, such as fetching the next round of drinks.

    The game, and variations of it, is popular in many countries amongst backpackers, and as a result is widespread. Although the basic structure of the game generally remains constant there are often regional variations of the game's original rules.


    There are many variations of the rules, and there is no universally accepted set. A common set of rules is listed here.


    From a standard, shuffled deck of 52 cards, each player is dealt three face-down cards in a row. Players are not allowed to see or change these cards. On top of the face-down cards, they are dealt the same number of face-up cards. Three cards are again dealt to each player (face down), and this becomes the player's hand.


    • MSPs reaction to John Mason at First Ministers Questions says it all

      During First Ministers Questions yesterday, Nicola Sturgeon announced she would chair an emergency meeting about buffer zones at abortion clinics. The First Minister went on to tell SNP MSP John Mason – who has taken part in what he described as “vigils” outside hospitals carrying out abortions – that the emergency summit will not consider reducing the legal limit for terminating a pregnancy. Calling for the current 24-week limit to be reviewed, Mr Mason said many babies born at 23 weeks gestation “are surviving”. Ms Sturgeon told him that issue will “not be on the agenda of the summit I have agreed to convene today”. She added: “I do not support a reduction in the current time limit for abortion. Mr Mason was recently in the news saying clinics “push abortion without laying out the p...

      published: 13 May 2022
    • SNP MSP puzzled reaction to John Mason's anti-abortion speech

      SNP MSP Emma Roddick couldn't help but look puzzled as John Mason's anti-abortion speech claimed Scotland was in need of more children MORE SCOTTISH POLITICS: https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/politics/ http://www.theScottishsun.co.uk https://www.facebook.com/thescottishsun/ https://twitter.com/ScottishSun #scotland #johnmason #politics #snp #emmaroddick #bufferzones

      published: 30 Apr 2024
    • Nicola Sturgeon says fellow SNP member John Mason's comments on abortion clinics are ‘wrong’

      Comments made by SNP MSP John Mason about clinics “pushing abortion” have been described as “wrong” by his party leader Nicola Sturgeon. At the weekend, the Glasgow Shettleston MSP was criticised for saying clinics “push abortion without laying out the pros and cons”. In an email to campaign group Back Off Scotland, which seeks to implement buffer zones around abortion providers to push anti-abortion vigils further away from patients, Mr Mason said he had attended one of the events to speak to the people there. He went on to say he believed abortion was “seldom essential or vital”. The First Minister was asked about his comments on Monday, as she spoke to journalists while visiting a new NHS 24 building in Glasgow. She said: “I disagree with John Mason on the issue of abortion. “I am...

      published: 09 May 2022
    • Members' Business — S6M-03994 John Mason: Scotland's Companies - 29 June 2022

      Published by the Scottish Parliament Corporate Body. www.parliament.scot // We do not facilitate discussions on our YouTube page but encourage you to share and comment on our videos on your own channels. // If you would like to join in our conversations please follow @ScotParl on Twitter or like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/scottishparliament

      published: 29 Jun 2022
    • Election special | John Mason | The SNP: a Christian perspective

      As an MSP, John Mason has the luxury of not being up for election on 4 July. But the fortunes of his party, the SNP, will be crucial to the outcome of the general election – and the future makeup of the UK itself. In the third instalment of our election special, John speaks to Paul and Grace about the Christian history of the Scottish National Party, and shares his experience of publicly standing up for his Christian values, often receiving a strongly negative response from those who disagree. What does it mean to be distinctively Christian while also prioritising gracious debate and a 'broad tent' approach to party politics? John has been MSP for Glasgow Shettleston since 2011, and was previously MP for Glasgow East from 2008–2010, and a Glasgow City Councillor from 1998–2008.

      published: 07 Jun 2024
    • Monica Lennon and Marie Todd trash John Mason's 'dangerous' view on abortion

      Whilst answering questions on the summit on safe access to abortion services convened by the First Minister, Marie Todd was asked by Monica Lennon about John Mason's 'dangerous disinformation campaign' on abortion. Become a Scottish Sun Subscriber and hit the bell to be the first to know Read The Sun: http://www.theScottishsun.co.uk Like The Sun on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thescottishsun/ Follow The Sun on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ScottishSun #snp

      published: 28 Jun 2022
    • Members Business - Scottish Parliament: 25th September 2012

      http://www.scottish.parliament.uk - Scottish Parliament Members' Business. Debate on the subject of - S4M-03812 John Mason: Gambling Proliferation—That the Parliament notes the recent comments made by the former Leader of the House of Commons, Harriet Harman MP, when she said that the previous UK administration had made a mistake by allowing an increase in the number of betting shops on the UK's High Streets; further notes the study by Professor Jim Orford of the University of Birmingham, which suggests that, on average, richer areas have around five betting shops for every 100,000 people, whereas less well-off areas have up to twelve; believes that many forms of gambling are effectively a tax on the poor; understands that money spent on buying lottery tickets in poorer areas is consider...

      published: 26 Sep 2012
    • Members' Business - John Mason - Scottish Parliament: 20th February 2014

      http://www.scottish.parliament.uk - Scottish Parliament Members' Business.Debate on the subject of— S4M-08604 John Mason: Promoting Family Recovery Across Scotland—That the Parliament notes the success of the Promoting Family Recovery Across Scotland event held in the Parliament on 21 November 2013 by Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs; notes the briefing paper on promoting family recovery that was presented at the event; reckons that every substance user is part of a family involving at least five members and that if families are dealt with as a whole then much more can be done for the user in recovery; considers that good examples of this type of work are being taken forward across Scotland, especially in Grampian and East Dunbartonshire, and gives its full support to ens...

      published: 20 Feb 2014
    • Members' Business - Scottish Parliament: 15th January 2015

      http://www.scottish.parliament.uk - Scottish Parliament Members' Business. Debate on the subject of— S4M-11325 John Mason: Equal Pay—That the Parliament notes the recent report from the Resolution Foundation, which suggests that a record five million people in the UK are stuck in low-paid jobs, including in Glasgow Shettleston; believes that the statutory UK national minimum wage of £6.50 per hour is too low to counterbalance the ever increasing cost of living; understands that the living wage of £7.65 is only a voluntary scheme and is not statutory, therefore does not ensure equal pay protection to all workers in the public, private or voluntary sectors, and notes the belief that the only way to ensure that genuine pay equality is achieved would be to make the living wage a statutory sch...

      published: 15 Jan 2015
    • Jacob Rees-Mogg told to 'sit up man!' - BBC News

      Leader of the House of Commons Jacob Rees-Mogg was accused of being contemptuous for reclining across the seats in the chamber. Please subscribe HERE http://bit.ly/1rbfUog

      published: 04 Sep 2019
    MSPs reaction to John Mason at First Ministers Questions says it all

    MSPs reaction to John Mason at First Ministers Questions says it all

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:56
    • Uploaded Date: 13 May 2022
    • views: 8794
    During First Ministers Questions yesterday, Nicola Sturgeon announced she would chair an emergency meeting about buffer zones at abortion clinics. The First Minister went on to tell SNP MSP John Mason – who has taken part in what he described as “vigils” outside hospitals carrying out abortions – that the emergency summit will not consider reducing the legal limit for terminating a pregnancy. Calling for the current 24-week limit to be reviewed, Mr Mason said many babies born at 23 weeks gestation “are surviving”. Ms Sturgeon told him that issue will “not be on the agenda of the summit I have agreed to convene today”. She added: “I do not support a reduction in the current time limit for abortion. Mr Mason was recently in the news saying clinics “push abortion without laying out the pros and cons”. Nicola Sturgeon had responded to those comments, describing them as "wrong". Become a Scottish Sun Subscriber and hit the bell to be the first to know Read The Sun: http://www.theScottishsun.co.uk Like The Sun on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thescottishsun/ Follow The Sun on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ScottishSun #snp #nicolaSturgeon
    SNP MSP puzzled reaction to John Mason's anti-abortion speech

    SNP MSP puzzled reaction to John Mason's anti-abortion speech

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:27
    • Uploaded Date: 30 Apr 2024
    • views: 13451
    SNP MSP Emma Roddick couldn't help but look puzzled as John Mason's anti-abortion speech claimed Scotland was in need of more children MORE SCOTTISH POLITICS: https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/politics/ http://www.theScottishsun.co.uk https://www.facebook.com/thescottishsun/ https://twitter.com/ScottishSun #scotland #johnmason #politics #snp #emmaroddick #bufferzones
    Nicola Sturgeon says fellow SNP member John Mason's comments on abortion clinics are ‘wrong’

    Nicola Sturgeon says fellow SNP member John Mason's comments on abortion clinics are ‘wrong’

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:41
    • Uploaded Date: 09 May 2022
    • views: 1779
    Comments made by SNP MSP John Mason about clinics “pushing abortion” have been described as “wrong” by his party leader Nicola Sturgeon. At the weekend, the Glasgow Shettleston MSP was criticised for saying clinics “push abortion without laying out the pros and cons”. In an email to campaign group Back Off Scotland, which seeks to implement buffer zones around abortion providers to push anti-abortion vigils further away from patients, Mr Mason said he had attended one of the events to speak to the people there. He went on to say he believed abortion was “seldom essential or vital”. The First Minister was asked about his comments on Monday, as she spoke to journalists while visiting a new NHS 24 building in Glasgow. She said: “I disagree with John Mason on the issue of abortion. “I am a very passionate believer in a woman’s right to choose and I think attempts to take that right away, whether it’s in the United States or any attempts to undermine that right here, are wrong and I disagree with that. More Scottish politics: MOST SCOTS DON'T WANT INDYREF2 NEXT YEAR https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/8834227/most-scots-dont-want-indyref2-next-year/ Read The Sun: http://www.theScottishsun.co.uk Like The Sun on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thescottishsun/ Follow The Sun on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ScottishSun #nicolaSturgeon #snp
    Members' Business — S6M-03994 John Mason: Scotland's Companies - 29 June 2022

    Members' Business — S6M-03994 John Mason: Scotland's Companies - 29 June 2022

    • Order:
    • Duration: 28:31
    • Uploaded Date: 29 Jun 2022
    • views: 284
    Published by the Scottish Parliament Corporate Body. www.parliament.scot // We do not facilitate discussions on our YouTube page but encourage you to share and comment on our videos on your own channels. // If you would like to join in our conversations please follow @ScotParl on Twitter or like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/scottishparliament
    Election special | John Mason | The SNP: a Christian perspective

    Election special | John Mason | The SNP: a Christian perspective

    • Order:
    • Duration: 47:47
    • Uploaded Date: 07 Jun 2024
    • views: 142
    As an MSP, John Mason has the luxury of not being up for election on 4 July. But the fortunes of his party, the SNP, will be crucial to the outcome of the general election – and the future makeup of the UK itself. In the third instalment of our election special, John speaks to Paul and Grace about the Christian history of the Scottish National Party, and shares his experience of publicly standing up for his Christian values, often receiving a strongly negative response from those who disagree. What does it mean to be distinctively Christian while also prioritising gracious debate and a 'broad tent' approach to party politics? John has been MSP for Glasgow Shettleston since 2011, and was previously MP for Glasgow East from 2008–2010, and a Glasgow City Councillor from 1998–2008.
    Monica Lennon and Marie Todd trash John Mason's 'dangerous' view on abortion

    Monica Lennon and Marie Todd trash John Mason's 'dangerous' view on abortion

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    • Duration: 2:39
    • Uploaded Date: 28 Jun 2022
    • views: 1801
    Whilst answering questions on the summit on safe access to abortion services convened by the First Minister, Marie Todd was asked by Monica Lennon about John Mason's 'dangerous disinformation campaign' on abortion. Become a Scottish Sun Subscriber and hit the bell to be the first to know Read The Sun: http://www.theScottishsun.co.uk Like The Sun on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thescottishsun/ Follow The Sun on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ScottishSun #snp
    Members Business - Scottish Parliament: 25th September 2012

    Members Business - Scottish Parliament: 25th September 2012

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    • Duration: 40:48
    • Uploaded Date: 26 Sep 2012
    • views: 38
    http://www.scottish.parliament.uk - Scottish Parliament Members' Business. Debate on the subject of - S4M-03812 John Mason: Gambling Proliferation—That the Parliament notes the recent comments made by the former Leader of the House of Commons, Harriet Harman MP, when she said that the previous UK administration had made a mistake by allowing an increase in the number of betting shops on the UK's High Streets; further notes the study by Professor Jim Orford of the University of Birmingham, which suggests that, on average, richer areas have around five betting shops for every 100,000 people, whereas less well-off areas have up to twelve; believes that many forms of gambling are effectively a tax on the poor; understands that money spent on buying lottery tickets in poorer areas is considerably higher than that being invested back into these communities, and would welcome a review of the legislation on gambling in order to protect vulnerable people in Glasgow Shettleston and the rest of Scotland.
    Members' Business - John Mason - Scottish Parliament: 20th February 2014

    Members' Business - John Mason - Scottish Parliament: 20th February 2014

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    • Duration: 36:42
    • Uploaded Date: 20 Feb 2014
    • views: 135
    http://www.scottish.parliament.uk - Scottish Parliament Members' Business.Debate on the subject of— S4M-08604 John Mason: Promoting Family Recovery Across Scotland—That the Parliament notes the success of the Promoting Family Recovery Across Scotland event held in the Parliament on 21 November 2013 by Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs; notes the briefing paper on promoting family recovery that was presented at the event; reckons that every substance user is part of a family involving at least five members and that if families are dealt with as a whole then much more can be done for the user in recovery; considers that good examples of this type of work are being taken forward across Scotland, especially in Grampian and East Dunbartonshire, and gives its full support to ensuring that all family members affected by the problematic substance use of a loved-one receive support in their own right.
    Members' Business - Scottish Parliament: 15th January 2015

    Members' Business - Scottish Parliament: 15th January 2015

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    • Duration: 32:49
    • Uploaded Date: 15 Jan 2015
    • views: 102
    http://www.scottish.parliament.uk - Scottish Parliament Members' Business. Debate on the subject of— S4M-11325 John Mason: Equal Pay—That the Parliament notes the recent report from the Resolution Foundation, which suggests that a record five million people in the UK are stuck in low-paid jobs, including in Glasgow Shettleston; believes that the statutory UK national minimum wage of £6.50 per hour is too low to counterbalance the ever increasing cost of living; understands that the living wage of £7.65 is only a voluntary scheme and is not statutory, therefore does not ensure equal pay protection to all workers in the public, private or voluntary sectors, and notes the belief that the only way to ensure that genuine pay equality is achieved would be to make the living wage a statutory scheme for all employers. We do not facilitate discussions on our YouTube page but encourage you to share and comment on our videos on your own channels. If you would like to join in our conversations please follow @scotparl on Twitter or like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/scottishparliament
    Jacob Rees-Mogg told to 'sit up man!' - BBC News

    Jacob Rees-Mogg told to 'sit up man!' - BBC News

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    • Duration: 0:37
    • Uploaded Date: 04 Sep 2019
    • views: 2535481
    Leader of the House of Commons Jacob Rees-Mogg was accused of being contemptuous for reclining across the seats in the chamber. Please subscribe HERE http://bit.ly/1rbfUog
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    MSPs reaction to John Mason at First Ministers Questions says it all

    During First Ministers Questions yesterday, Nicola Sturgeon announced she would chair an emergency meeting about buffer zones at abortion clinics. The First Minister went on to tell SNP MSP John Mason – who has taken part in what he described as “vigils” outside hospitals carrying out abortions – that the emergency summit will not consider reducing the legal limit for terminating a pregnancy. Calling for the current 24-week limit to be reviewed, Mr Mason said many babies born at 23 weeks gestation “are surviving”. Ms Sturgeon told him that issue will “not be on the agenda of the summit I have agreed to convene today”. She added: “I do not support a reduction in the current time limit for abortion. Mr Mason was recently in the news saying clinics “push abortion without laying out the pros and cons”. Nicola Sturgeon had responded to those comments, describing them as "wrong". Become a Scottish Sun Subscriber and hit the bell to be the first to know Read The Sun: http://www.theScottishsun.co.uk Like The Sun on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thescottishsun/ Follow The Sun on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ScottishSun #snp #nicolaSturgeon
    MSPs reaction to John Mason at First Ministers Questions says it all
    During First Ministers Questions yesterday, Nicola Sturgeon announced she would chair an e...
    published: 13 May 2022
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    SNP MSP puzzled reaction to John Mason's anti-abortion speech
    SNP MSP Emma Roddick couldn't help but look puzzled as John Mason's anti-abortion speech c...
    published: 30 Apr 2024
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    Nicola Sturgeon says fellow SNP member John Mason's comments on abortion clinics are ‘wrong’
    Comments made by SNP MSP John Mason about clinics “pushing abortion” have been described a...
    published: 09 May 2022
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    Members' Business — S6M-03994 John Mason: Scotland's Companies - 29 June 2022
    Published by the Scottish Parliament Corporate Body. www.parliament.scot // We do not...
    published: 29 Jun 2022
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    Election special | John Mason | The SNP: a Christian perspective
    As an MSP, John Mason has the luxury of not being up for election on 4 July. But the fortu...
    published: 07 Jun 2024
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    Monica Lennon and Marie Todd trash John Mason's 'dangerous' view on abortion
    Whilst answering questions on the summit on safe access to abortion services convened by t...
    published: 28 Jun 2022
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    Members Business - Scottish Parliament: 25th September 2012
    http://www.scottish.parliament.uk - Scottish Parliament Members' Business. Debate on the ...
    published: 26 Sep 2012
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    Members' Business - John Mason - Scottish Parliament: 20th February 2014
    http://www.scottish.parliament.uk - Scottish Parliament Members' Business.Debate on the su...
    published: 20 Feb 2014
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    Members' Business - Scottish Parliament: 15th January 2015
    http://www.scottish.parliament.uk - Scottish Parliament Members' Business. Debate on the s...
    published: 15 Jan 2015
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    Jacob Rees-Mogg told to 'sit up man!' - BBC News
    Leader of the House of Commons Jacob Rees-Mogg was accused of being contemptuous for recli...
    published: 04 Sep 2019
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    John Mason (Scottish politician)

    John Fingland Mason (born 15 May 1957) is a Scottish politician and the Scottish National Party Member of the Scottish Parliament for Glasgow Shettleston.

    He was the SNP Member of Parliament for Glasgow East from 2008 to 2010 and a Glasgow City Councillor from 1998 to 2008.


    Originally from Rutherglen, Mason has lived in the East End of Glasgow for 20 years. His father was an electrical engineer and his mother a teacher.

    After attending Hutchesons' Grammar School he studied Accounting at the University of Glasgow becoming an ICAS Chartered Accountant.

    He worked for housing associations, nursing homes, and with a charity in London. He also spent three years in Kathmandu, Nepal with an NGO (United Mission to Nepal) representing churches from across the world. Mason is opposed to abortion.

    Mason is a supporter of Clyde F.C. and his other interests include involvement in Easterhouse Baptist Church, hill-walking, camping and reading Scottish history.


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