The Inbetweeners is a British sitcom that originally aired on E4 from 2008 to 2010. Created and written by Damon Beesley and Iain Morris, the show followed the life of suburban teenager Will McKenzie (Simon Bird) and his three friends at the fictional Rudge Park Comprehensive. The episodes involved situations of school bullying, broken family life, indifferent school staff, male bonding, and largely failed sexual encounters.
Although it only aired for less than three years, the show was nominated for 'Best Situation Comedy' at BAFTA twice, in 2009 and 2010. At the British Academy Television Awards 2010, it won the Audience Award, and in 2010 the show won the Best Sitcom award at the British Comedy Awards. In the 2011British Comedy Awards, the show also won the award for Outstanding Contribution to British Comedy. The Inbetweeners Movie was released on 17 August 2011 to box office success, and a sequel followed on 6 August 2014.
A U.S. version of The Inbetweeners aired on MTV for one season in 2012, but was cancelled due to low ratings.
The film involves four school friends who meet up again for a holiday in Australia, and stars Simon Bird, Joe Thomas, James Buckley and Blake Harrison. In media interviews, the film's writers and actors stated that it was to be an end to the series.
The Inbetweeners 2 was released on 6 August 2014 in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, to positive reception from critics. It surpassed the record of its predecessor for the highest gross on the opening day of a comedy in the UK, with £2.75 million, and ended its first weekend with a gross of £12.5 million, the largest opening of any film in 2014, then remained on top for a second week. With an overall gross of £33.3 million, it was the highest-grossing British film in the domestic market in 2014. On 21 August, it was released in Australia, to a mixed reception, and topped the box office in its opening weekend.
BEST OF THE INBETWEENERS | All The Funniest Moments from Series 1!
Will, Simon, Neil and Jay's funniest moments from The Inbetweeners series 1.
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published: 24 Jun 2017
The Inbetweeners S01E01 First Day
published: 12 May 2022
BEST OF THE INBETWEENERS | All The Funniest Moments | Series 2
The funniest moments from The Inbetweeners series 2!
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published: 05 Aug 2017
The Inbetweeners | The Field Trip | S02 E01 | All Brit
As the new term begins in January, the boys are going on the annual Geography and Sociology field trip to Swanage, which Jay claims is home to a renowned woman who supposedly has sex with one male pupil from the trip on each occasion.
A smash-hit adolescent comedy about lads behaving sadly. Welcome to a world of futile crushes, getting drunk too quickly and casting constant aspersions about your friends' sexuality.
All Brit is the home of classic British comedy!
Come and have a laugh with us with shows such as Would I Lie to You, 8 out of 10 Cats, Benidorm and many more!
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published: 15 Dec 2021
That waterslide scene... | The Inbetweeners 2 | ABC TV + iview
Neil causes complete chaos at the waterpark after losing control of his bowels. #ABCiview
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Four boys become men, as the unlikely lads take their staggering lack of success with the ladies off to Crete. Surely even they can pull out there... Will, Jay, Neil and Simon return for one last hurrah.
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published: 26 Nov 2023
The Inbetweeners Movie - Dance Scene [FULL]
*** The song in the clip is WE SPEAK NO AMERICANO by YOLANDA BE COOL ***
My favourite scene from The Inbetweeners Movie :)
This dance scene has blown up! People are bustin' out these dance moves when this song plays at clubs!
published: 10 Dec 2011
Inbetweeners 2 Full Movie
Inbetweeners 2
More movies coming soon!
published: 03 Jun 2019
The Inbetweeners | Home Alone | S03 E05 | All Brit
Will's mother Polly goes away for the weekend with an old college friend, Fergus, after they catch up through Facebook, much to Will's annoyance. Afraid to be home alone for the night, Will invites Simon to stay over, but Simon is unable to due to a father and son golf tournament he is attending.
A smash-hit adolescent comedy about lads behaving sadly. Welcome to a world of futile crushes, getting drunk too quickly and casting constant aspersions about your friends' sexuality.
All Brit is the home of classic British comedy! Come and have a laugh with us with shows such as Would I Lie to You, 8 out of 10 Cats, Benidorm and many more!
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published: 20 Jan 2022
The Inbetweeners S02E04 Night out in london
published: 25 Nov 2019
James Buckley (AKA Jay from The Inbetweeners) STILL finds Bus W*nker funny!
Will, Simon, Neil and Jay's funniest moments from The Inbetweeners series 1.
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Watch FULL EPISODES on All 4: htt...
Will, Simon, Neil and Jay's funniest moments from The Inbetweeners series 1.
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Will, Simon, Neil and Jay's funniest moments from The Inbetweeners series 1.
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The funniest moments from The Inbetweeners series 2!
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Watch FULL EPISODES on All 4:
The funniest moments from The Inbetweeners series 2!
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Watch FULL EPISODES on All 4:
The funniest moments from The Inbetweeners series 2!
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As the new term begins in January, the boys are going on the annual Geography and Sociology field trip to Swanage, which Jay claims is home to a renowned woman ...
As the new term begins in January, the boys are going on the annual Geography and Sociology field trip to Swanage, which Jay claims is home to a renowned woman who supposedly has sex with one male pupil from the trip on each occasion.
A smash-hit adolescent comedy about lads behaving sadly. Welcome to a world of futile crushes, getting drunk too quickly and casting constant aspersions about your friends' sexuality.
All Brit is the home of classic British comedy!
Come and have a laugh with us with shows such as Would I Lie to You, 8 out of 10 Cats, Benidorm and many more!
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As the new term begins in January, the boys are going on the annual Geography and Sociology field trip to Swanage, which Jay claims is home to a renowned woman who supposedly has sex with one male pupil from the trip on each occasion.
A smash-hit adolescent comedy about lads behaving sadly. Welcome to a world of futile crushes, getting drunk too quickly and casting constant aspersions about your friends' sexuality.
All Brit is the home of classic British comedy!
Come and have a laugh with us with shows such as Would I Lie to You, 8 out of 10 Cats, Benidorm and many more!
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Neil causes complete chaos at the waterpark after losing control of his bowels. #ABCiview
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Neil causes complete chaos at the waterpark after losing control of his bowels. #ABCiview
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Four boys become men, as the unlikely lads take their staggering lack of success with the ladies off to Crete. Surely even they can pull out there... Will, Jay, Neil and Simon return for one last hurrah.
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Neil causes complete chaos at the waterpark after losing control of his bowels. #ABCiview
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Four boys become men, as the unlikely lads take their staggering lack of success with the ladies off to Crete. Surely even they can pull out there... Will, Jay, Neil and Simon return for one last hurrah.
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This is the official ABC TV + iview YouTube channel. Here you’ll find a mix of trailers, behind the scenes content, interviews and clips from all your favourite ABC shows.
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*** The song in the clip is WE SPEAK NO AMERICANO by YOLANDA BE COOL ***
My favourite scene from The Inbetweeners Movie :)
This dance scene has blown up! Peo...
*** The song in the clip is WE SPEAK NO AMERICANO by YOLANDA BE COOL ***
My favourite scene from The Inbetweeners Movie :)
This dance scene has blown up! People are bustin' out these dance moves when this song plays at clubs!
*** The song in the clip is WE SPEAK NO AMERICANO by YOLANDA BE COOL ***
My favourite scene from The Inbetweeners Movie :)
This dance scene has blown up! People are bustin' out these dance moves when this song plays at clubs!
Will's mother Polly goes away for the weekend with an old college friend, Fergus, after they catch up through Facebook, much to Will's annoyance. Afraid to be h...
Will's mother Polly goes away for the weekend with an old college friend, Fergus, after they catch up through Facebook, much to Will's annoyance. Afraid to be home alone for the night, Will invites Simon to stay over, but Simon is unable to due to a father and son golf tournament he is attending.
A smash-hit adolescent comedy about lads behaving sadly. Welcome to a world of futile crushes, getting drunk too quickly and casting constant aspersions about your friends' sexuality.
All Brit is the home of classic British comedy! Come and have a laugh with us with shows such as Would I Lie to You, 8 out of 10 Cats, Benidorm and many more!
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Will's mother Polly goes away for the weekend with an old college friend, Fergus, after they catch up through Facebook, much to Will's annoyance. Afraid to be home alone for the night, Will invites Simon to stay over, but Simon is unable to due to a father and son golf tournament he is attending.
A smash-hit adolescent comedy about lads behaving sadly. Welcome to a world of futile crushes, getting drunk too quickly and casting constant aspersions about your friends' sexuality.
All Brit is the home of classic British comedy! Come and have a laugh with us with shows such as Would I Lie to You, 8 out of 10 Cats, Benidorm and many more!
Subscribe now to not miss any new clips and full episodes!
Will, Simon, Neil and Jay's funniest moments from The Inbetweeners series 1.
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The funniest moments from The Inbetweeners series 2!
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Watch FULL EPISODES on All 4:
As the new term begins in January, the boys are going on the annual Geography and Sociology field trip to Swanage, which Jay claims is home to a renowned woman who supposedly has sex with one male pupil from the trip on each occasion.
A smash-hit adolescent comedy about lads behaving sadly. Welcome to a world of futile crushes, getting drunk too quickly and casting constant aspersions about your friends' sexuality.
All Brit is the home of classic British comedy!
Come and have a laugh with us with shows such as Would I Lie to You, 8 out of 10 Cats, Benidorm and many more!
Subscribe now to not miss any new clips and full episodes!
Neil causes complete chaos at the waterpark after losing control of his bowels. #ABCiview
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Four boys become men, as the unlikely lads take their staggering lack of success with the ladies off to Crete. Surely even they can pull out there... Will, Jay, Neil and Simon return for one last hurrah.
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This is the official ABC TV + iview YouTube channel. Here you’ll find a mix of trailers, behind the scenes content, interviews and clips from all your favourite ABC shows.
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*** The song in the clip is WE SPEAK NO AMERICANO by YOLANDA BE COOL ***
My favourite scene from The Inbetweeners Movie :)
This dance scene has blown up! People are bustin' out these dance moves when this song plays at clubs!
Will's mother Polly goes away for the weekend with an old college friend, Fergus, after they catch up through Facebook, much to Will's annoyance. Afraid to be home alone for the night, Will invites Simon to stay over, but Simon is unable to due to a father and son golf tournament he is attending.
A smash-hit adolescent comedy about lads behaving sadly. Welcome to a world of futile crushes, getting drunk too quickly and casting constant aspersions about your friends' sexuality.
All Brit is the home of classic British comedy! Come and have a laugh with us with shows such as Would I Lie to You, 8 out of 10 Cats, Benidorm and many more!
Subscribe now to not miss any new clips and full episodes!
The Inbetweeners is a British sitcom that originally aired on E4 from 2008 to 2010. Created and written by Damon Beesley and Iain Morris, the show followed the life of suburban teenager Will McKenzie (Simon Bird) and his three friends at the fictional Rudge Park Comprehensive. The episodes involved situations of school bullying, broken family life, indifferent school staff, male bonding, and largely failed sexual encounters.
Although it only aired for less than three years, the show was nominated for 'Best Situation Comedy' at BAFTA twice, in 2009 and 2010. At the British Academy Television Awards 2010, it won the Audience Award, and in 2010 the show won the Best Sitcom award at the British Comedy Awards. In the 2011British Comedy Awards, the show also won the award for Outstanding Contribution to British Comedy. The Inbetweeners Movie was released on 17 August 2011 to box office success, and a sequel followed on 6 August 2014.
A U.S. version of The Inbetweeners aired on MTV for one season in 2012, but was cancelled due to low ratings.
The Britpop icons have shared the tour dates in celebration of their classic single ‘Inbetweener’ and breakthrough debut album ‘Smart’, which each turn 30 this year ... The INBETWEENER tour! Pre-sale Wednesday .
The actor, 37, who found fame in the E4 sitcom The Inbetweeners in the late 2000s portraying character Jay Cartwright, revealed he isn't 'desperate' to take on new roles.
THE INBETWEENERS characters found ditzy and out of it Richard a bit too much when they ran into him during their adventures in Ibiza ... from his troublemaking roots in the InbetweenersMovie[/caption].
An Inbetweeners star looked unrecognisable in SASRogueHeroes as he transformed into a ripped soldier ... An Inbetweeners star looked unrecognisable in SAS Rogue Heroes as he transformed into a ripped soldier.
MUPPETS’ Christmas Carol fans are only just realising one Inbetweeners star appeared in the classic movie ...Channel 4Muppets’ Christmas Carol fans are only just realising one Inbetweeners star appeared ...
James Buckley wants to do a reboot of The Inbetweeners for the money ... James Buckley says he wants to do a reboot of The Inbetweeners for the money because it would be the 'most profitable' thing he could do right now.
An Inbetweeners comeback has been given fresh hope by James Buckley, who admits he and his co-stars would struggle to turn down the life-changing cash ... AlamyThe boys were last seen on screen in The Inbetweeners 2, released in 2014[/caption].
James Buckley has spoken about the enduring appeal of The Inbetweeners, telling NME that the coming-of-age sitcom is “bigger now than when we were actually making it” ... ‘The Inbetweeners’ star James Buckley.
Fans likened the buried original Inbetweeners episode to 'GCSE drama' with the actor who played Jay - James Buckley - never wanting the pilot to see the light of day ... .
The Inbetweeners is loved for its cringeworthy humor, and capturing the trials and tribulations of awkward teenage years ... Reddit The Inbetweeners has had scenes from its pilot leaked online[/caption].
A lost pilot of The Inbetweeners has been making the rounds online almost 20 years after the first episode of the show aired ... A lost pilot of The Inbetweeners has been making the rounds online almost 20 years after the first episode of the show aired.