Ignjat Job - dokumentarni film (Croatia film, 1958.)
published: 12 Jul 2023
Ignjat Job 1895-1936
Ignjat Job (Dubrovnik, 28. mart 1895 — Zagreb, 28. april 1936) je bio jugoslovenski slikar .Rođen je 1895. godine u Dubrovniku. U Dubrovniku je pohađao školu, koju je prekinuo 1910. godine. Austrijske vlasti ga hapse zbog nacionalizma 1914. godine (Nјеgоvа pоrоdicа smаtrаlа је sеbе Srbimа kаtоlicimа stariji brat mu je poginuo kao dobrovoljac u srpskoj vojsci za vreme Prvog svetskog rata) i smeštaju u zatvor u Šibeniku, a kasnije u duševnu bolnicu. Boravak u mentalnoj ustanovi izvršiće veliki uticaj na Ignjata Joba i njegovu umetnost.
Godine 1917. dolazi u Zagreb gde se upisuje u Višu školu za umetnost i obrt. Neko vreme boravi u Rimu i na Kapriju. Godine 1923. oženio se Živkom Cvetković, sa kojom je živeo na Lopudu, a zatim, od 1924. u Beogradu, gde se družio sa tamošnjim slikarima - mod...
published: 09 Aug 2015
“Ignjat Job – vatra Mediterana”
Izložba “Ignjat Job – vatra Mediterana” otvorena je u spomen zbirci Pavla Beljanskog u Novom Sadu.
Radio-televizija Vojvodine http://www.rtv.rs
Servis odloženog gledanja i slušanja http://media.rtv.rs
published: 17 Nov 2017
Ignjat Job - izložba u Galeriji Adris od 13.9. do 4.11.2007. (TV spot)
TV spot otvorenja izložbe Ignjata Joba u Galeriji Adris.
Više informacija o izložbi, katalog za preuzimanje na www.adris.hr/galerija.adris
Facebook stranica: www.facebook.com/Galerija.Adris
published: 15 Dec 2011
Artist Ignjat Job (1895 - 1936) | Paintings | WAA
Ignjat "Ignjo" Job was born 28 March 1895, died 28 April 1936, he was an important representative of colour expressionism in the art scene of Yugoslavia during the 1930s. Job's landscapes of Dalmatia are reminiscent of the style of Van Gogh. He is best known for his series of paintings inspired by life on the island of Brac. Job said that “the beneficial influence of the Brac landscape can be felt, the hot sun, blue sea, and green branches of olive trees swayed by the breath of the maestral”. His paintings depicted the Mediterranean landscape, motifs of the town of Supetar, fishing themes, and more rarely portraits and nudes.
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published: 27 Jun 2022
Ignjat Job - Srpski slikar iz Dubrovnika
Ignjat Job - Srpski slikar iz Dubrovnika
Pridružite se ovom kanalu da biste dobili pristup pogodnostima:
Za sve informacije, sugestije i predloge pišite na
[email protected]
published: 26 Jun 2023
Ignjat Job - Paintings (1895 – 1936)
Ignjat "Ignjo" Job (Serbian Cyrillic: Игњат Јоб; 28 March 1895 – 28 April 1936) was an important representative of colour expressionism in the art scene of Yugoslavia during the 1930s. Job's landscapes of Dalmatia are reminiscent of the style of Van Gogh. He is best known for his series of paintings inspired by life on the island of Brač. Job said that “the beneficial influence of the Brač landscape can be felt, the hot sun, blue sea, and green branches of olive trees swayed by the breath of the maestral”. His paintings depicted the Mediterranean landscape, motifs of the town of Supetar, fishing themes, and more rarely portraits and nudes.
Ignjat Job was born in Dubrovnik on 28 March 1895. His family hailed from Udine, modern-day Italy, but came to identify first as Catholic Serbs and the...
published: 05 Jan 2023
Ignjat Job
Stare reklame
published: 01 Mar 2018
Advent u Zagrebu, posjet članova Kloštranske palete izložbi Albert Giacometti i Ignjat Job 2016. HD
video: Branko Novosel, foto: Mato Zeman i Branko Novosel
foto galerija: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ix9uud67ehuqf55/AABAiimmzwUlaeUm_WBAB8ZKa?dl=0
web: http://epodravina.hr/fotovideo-likovna-udruga-klostranska-paleta-obisla-najznacajnije-izlozbe-zagrebu/
U subotu 26. studenoga članovi Kloštanske palete organizirali su jednodnevni edukativni izlet u Zagreb. Tom prilikom razgledali su dvije izložbe: Alberta Giacomettija (1901.-1966.) u Umjetničkom paviljonu i retrospektivnu izložbu Ignjata Joba u Klovićevim dvorima.
U sklopu ciklusa "Najveći kipari 20. stoljeća" je u Umjetničkom paviljonu izloženo dvadesetak crteža, isto toliko litografija kao i Giacomettijevi poznati "tanki ljudi": ciklus od devet skulptura pod nazivom "Žene iz Venecije" te autorovo remek djelo "Čovjek koji hoda", skulptur...
published: 27 Nov 2016
Prica o jednoj slici - Nedelja, Ignjat Job
published: 02 Nov 2022
Ignjat Job 1895-1936
Ignjat Job (Dubrovnik, 28. mart 1895 — Zagreb, 28. april 1936) je bio jugoslovenski slikar .Rođen je 1895. godine u Dubrovniku. U Dubrovniku je pohađao školu, k...
Ignjat Job (Dubrovnik, 28. mart 1895 — Zagreb, 28. april 1936) je bio jugoslovenski slikar .Rođen je 1895. godine u Dubrovniku. U Dubrovniku je pohađao školu, koju je prekinuo 1910. godine. Austrijske vlasti ga hapse zbog nacionalizma 1914. godine (Nјеgоvа pоrоdicа smаtrаlа је sеbе Srbimа kаtоlicimа stariji brat mu je poginuo kao dobrovoljac u srpskoj vojsci za vreme Prvog svetskog rata) i smeštaju u zatvor u Šibeniku, a kasnije u duševnu bolnicu. Boravak u mentalnoj ustanovi izvršiće veliki uticaj na Ignjata Joba i njegovu umetnost.
Godine 1917. dolazi u Zagreb gde se upisuje u Višu školu za umetnost i obrt. Neko vreme boravi u Rimu i na Kapriju. Godine 1923. oženio se Živkom Cvetković, sa kojom je živeo na Lopudu, a zatim, od 1924. u Beogradu, gde se družio sa tamošnjim slikarima - modernistima, najviše sa Petrom Dobrovićem.
Godine 1925. oboleo je od tuberkuloze pa je leto proveo na Ovčaru, pa se potom sa porodicom preselio u selo Kulinu ispod Jastrepca nedaleko od Kruševca. Tamo je, u malom formatu, po sećanju obrađivao primorske teme. U Kulini mu je umrla i tek rođena ćerka. Godine 1927. je u Šibeniku, a od 1928. u Supetru na Braču gde polako njegov stil počinje da liči na stil Van Goga.
Prvu samostalnu izložbu u Splitu, imao je 1929. godine, koja je privukla puno pažnje, ali je izazvala i negativne reakcije. Njegova sledeće samostalna izložba u Galić salonu u Splitu pokazala je da se njegov stil razvio ka ekspresionizmu. Između 1934. i 1935. živeo je u Beogradu i Zagrebu, a zatim i u Supetaru.
Ignjat Job jedan je od predstavnika kolorističkog vodećeg stila u srpskoj umetnosti tridesetih godina 20. veka. Međutim, Job se izdvaja od drugih po izboru tema i motiva. Reč je o prizorima koji po maštovitosti i neobičnim situacijama odudaraju od smirenog i ozbiljnog predstavljanja detalja iz svakodnevnog života, kakvo se može videti na slikama njegovih savremenika. Najplodnija umetnikova stvaralačka faza vezana je za Šibenik i Brač. Na predstavama primorskih motiva došao je do punog izražaja njegov talent.
Zajedno sa svojim kolegama Petrom Palavičinijem i Brankom Popovićem, Jovan Bijelić je 1926. godine formirao grupu „Oblik“ kome pristupaju: Petar Dobrović, Živorad Nastasijević, Toma Rosandić, Veljko Stanojević, Sreten Stojanović, Sava Šumanović i Marino Tartalja kao članovi osnivači, a kasnije ovoj grupi pristupaju: Ignjat Job, Zora Petrović, Ivan Radović, Mate Razmilović, Risto Stijović, arhitekt Dragiša Brašovan. Ova grupu su sačinjavali već afirmisani likovni umetnici. Pravila grupe su doneta na sednici od 8. novembra 1930. godine a Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova ih je potvrdilo 20. jul 1932. godine
Umro je 1936. godine u Zagrebu u svojoj 41. godini života
Muzika:Milenko ivkovic - Klasina svita (Classica suite)
Ignjat Job (Dubrovnik, 28. mart 1895 — Zagreb, 28. april 1936) je bio jugoslovenski slikar .Rođen je 1895. godine u Dubrovniku. U Dubrovniku je pohađao školu, koju je prekinuo 1910. godine. Austrijske vlasti ga hapse zbog nacionalizma 1914. godine (Nјеgоvа pоrоdicа smаtrаlа је sеbе Srbimа kаtоlicimа stariji brat mu je poginuo kao dobrovoljac u srpskoj vojsci za vreme Prvog svetskog rata) i smeštaju u zatvor u Šibeniku, a kasnije u duševnu bolnicu. Boravak u mentalnoj ustanovi izvršiće veliki uticaj na Ignjata Joba i njegovu umetnost.
Godine 1917. dolazi u Zagreb gde se upisuje u Višu školu za umetnost i obrt. Neko vreme boravi u Rimu i na Kapriju. Godine 1923. oženio se Živkom Cvetković, sa kojom je živeo na Lopudu, a zatim, od 1924. u Beogradu, gde se družio sa tamošnjim slikarima - modernistima, najviše sa Petrom Dobrovićem.
Godine 1925. oboleo je od tuberkuloze pa je leto proveo na Ovčaru, pa se potom sa porodicom preselio u selo Kulinu ispod Jastrepca nedaleko od Kruševca. Tamo je, u malom formatu, po sećanju obrađivao primorske teme. U Kulini mu je umrla i tek rođena ćerka. Godine 1927. je u Šibeniku, a od 1928. u Supetru na Braču gde polako njegov stil počinje da liči na stil Van Goga.
Prvu samostalnu izložbu u Splitu, imao je 1929. godine, koja je privukla puno pažnje, ali je izazvala i negativne reakcije. Njegova sledeće samostalna izložba u Galić salonu u Splitu pokazala je da se njegov stil razvio ka ekspresionizmu. Između 1934. i 1935. živeo je u Beogradu i Zagrebu, a zatim i u Supetaru.
Ignjat Job jedan je od predstavnika kolorističkog vodećeg stila u srpskoj umetnosti tridesetih godina 20. veka. Međutim, Job se izdvaja od drugih po izboru tema i motiva. Reč je o prizorima koji po maštovitosti i neobičnim situacijama odudaraju od smirenog i ozbiljnog predstavljanja detalja iz svakodnevnog života, kakvo se može videti na slikama njegovih savremenika. Najplodnija umetnikova stvaralačka faza vezana je za Šibenik i Brač. Na predstavama primorskih motiva došao je do punog izražaja njegov talent.
Zajedno sa svojim kolegama Petrom Palavičinijem i Brankom Popovićem, Jovan Bijelić je 1926. godine formirao grupu „Oblik“ kome pristupaju: Petar Dobrović, Živorad Nastasijević, Toma Rosandić, Veljko Stanojević, Sreten Stojanović, Sava Šumanović i Marino Tartalja kao članovi osnivači, a kasnije ovoj grupi pristupaju: Ignjat Job, Zora Petrović, Ivan Radović, Mate Razmilović, Risto Stijović, arhitekt Dragiša Brašovan. Ova grupu su sačinjavali već afirmisani likovni umetnici. Pravila grupe su doneta na sednici od 8. novembra 1930. godine a Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova ih je potvrdilo 20. jul 1932. godine
Umro je 1936. godine u Zagrebu u svojoj 41. godini života
Muzika:Milenko ivkovic - Klasina svita (Classica suite)
- published: 09 Aug 2015
- views: 2405
“Ignjat Job – vatra Mediterana”
Izložba “Ignjat Job – vatra Mediterana” otvorena je u spomen zbirci Pavla Beljanskog u Novom Sadu.
Radio-televizija Vojvodine http://www.rtv.rs
Servis odlože...
Izložba “Ignjat Job – vatra Mediterana” otvorena je u spomen zbirci Pavla Beljanskog u Novom Sadu.
Radio-televizija Vojvodine http://www.rtv.rs
Servis odloženog gledanja i slušanja http://media.rtv.rs
Izložba “Ignjat Job – vatra Mediterana” otvorena je u spomen zbirci Pavla Beljanskog u Novom Sadu.
Radio-televizija Vojvodine http://www.rtv.rs
Servis odloženog gledanja i slušanja http://media.rtv.rs
- published: 17 Nov 2017
- views: 347
Ignjat Job - izložba u Galeriji Adris od 13.9. do 4.11.2007. (TV spot)
TV spot otvorenja izložbe Ignjata Joba u Galeriji Adris.
Više informacija o izložbi, katalog za preuzimanje na www.adris.hr/galerija.adris
Facebook stranica: w...
TV spot otvorenja izložbe Ignjata Joba u Galeriji Adris.
Više informacija o izložbi, katalog za preuzimanje na www.adris.hr/galerija.adris
Facebook stranica: www.facebook.com/Galerija.Adris
TV spot otvorenja izložbe Ignjata Joba u Galeriji Adris.
Više informacija o izložbi, katalog za preuzimanje na www.adris.hr/galerija.adris
Facebook stranica: www.facebook.com/Galerija.Adris
- published: 15 Dec 2011
- views: 687
Artist Ignjat Job (1895 - 1936) | Paintings | WAA
Ignjat "Ignjo" Job was born 28 March 1895, died 28 April 1936, he was an important representative of colour expressionism in the art scene of Yugoslavia during ...
Ignjat "Ignjo" Job was born 28 March 1895, died 28 April 1936, he was an important representative of colour expressionism in the art scene of Yugoslavia during the 1930s. Job's landscapes of Dalmatia are reminiscent of the style of Van Gogh. He is best known for his series of paintings inspired by life on the island of Brac. Job said that “the beneficial influence of the Brac landscape can be felt, the hot sun, blue sea, and green branches of olive trees swayed by the breath of the maestral”. His paintings depicted the Mediterranean landscape, motifs of the town of Supetar, fishing themes, and more rarely portraits and nudes.
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Ignjat "Ignjo" Job was born 28 March 1895, died 28 April 1936, he was an important representative of colour expressionism in the art scene of Yugoslavia during the 1930s. Job's landscapes of Dalmatia are reminiscent of the style of Van Gogh. He is best known for his series of paintings inspired by life on the island of Brac. Job said that “the beneficial influence of the Brac landscape can be felt, the hot sun, blue sea, and green branches of olive trees swayed by the breath of the maestral”. His paintings depicted the Mediterranean landscape, motifs of the town of Supetar, fishing themes, and more rarely portraits and nudes.
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Are you interested to learn drawing and painting professionally
For More Details : 9944 341 414 / http://www.dessinacademy.com/
- published: 27 Jun 2022
- views: 89
Ignjat Job - Srpski slikar iz Dubrovnika
Ignjat Job - Srpski slikar iz Dubrovnika
Pridružite se ovom kanalu da biste dobili pristup pogodnostima:
Ignjat Job - Srpski slikar iz Dubrovnika
Pridružite se ovom kanalu da biste dobili pristup pogodnostima:
Za sve informacije, sugestije i predloge pišite na
[email protected]
Ignjat Job - Srpski slikar iz Dubrovnika
Pridružite se ovom kanalu da biste dobili pristup pogodnostima:
Za sve informacije, sugestije i predloge pišite na
[email protected]
- published: 26 Jun 2023
- views: 484
Ignjat Job - Paintings (1895 – 1936)
Ignjat "Ignjo" Job (Serbian Cyrillic: Игњат Јоб; 28 March 1895 – 28 April 1936) was an important representative of colour expressionism in the art scene of Yugo...
Ignjat "Ignjo" Job (Serbian Cyrillic: Игњат Јоб; 28 March 1895 – 28 April 1936) was an important representative of colour expressionism in the art scene of Yugoslavia during the 1930s. Job's landscapes of Dalmatia are reminiscent of the style of Van Gogh. He is best known for his series of paintings inspired by life on the island of Brač. Job said that “the beneficial influence of the Brač landscape can be felt, the hot sun, blue sea, and green branches of olive trees swayed by the breath of the maestral”. His paintings depicted the Mediterranean landscape, motifs of the town of Supetar, fishing themes, and more rarely portraits and nudes.
Ignjat Job was born in Dubrovnik on 28 March 1895. His family hailed from Udine, modern-day Italy, but came to identify first as Catholic Serbs and then as Croats; Job himself identified as a Serb. Job's father died when Job was 5 years old. He attended school in Dubrovnik until 1910. An important influence on his early intellectual and artistic development was his older brother Cvijeto (1892–1915), whose art studies in Belgrade and Munich came to an end when he went off to fight in the First World War for the Serbian Army.
As an active supporter for independence from Austria-Hungary, the young Ignjat Job was arrested in 1912 along with other young nationalists and sentenced to one month in prison. In 1913, when Job was 18, his daughter, Marija, was born. Arrested again in 1914, he spent time in Šibenik prison, then removed to a mental hospital, thanks to good connections, until September 1916. Traumatic experiences from his two-year stay in the mental hospital oppressed Job in the years that followed, and left a mark on his work, most notably on Madmen in the Yard, a drawing thought to have been made between 1916 and 1919.
In 1917 Job moved to Zagreb with his mother and younger brother Nikola, where he enrolled in the Arts and Crafts College (Viša škola za umjetnost i umjetni obrt). Job fell in love, and married Viktorija Oršić. After spending the summer in Dubrovnik and on Lopud, the couple moved back to Zagreb for the autumn. However, the relationship was not to last, and they divorced in 1920. In that same year, Job's mother died, and due to irregular attendance, he lost his place at college. The family fortune had been used up in enforced war loans, the purchase of the flat in Zagreb, and the education of the children. Job now found himself dependent on the goodwill of friends, and increasingly prone to bouts of depression and ill-health.
In December 1920, Job went to Italy, visiting Rome, Naples and Capri. Travelling back through Dubrovnik and Zagreb, he went on to Belgrade, spending time there with local modernist artists - most notably Petar Dobrović. There also, in 1923, Job met and married his second wife, Živka Cvetković, and their daughter Cvijeta was born in the summer of 1924.
In the spring of 1925 Job was diagnosed with tuberculosis, and spent the summer being treated at Ovčar-Kablar Gorge, after which the family moved to the village of Kulina, near Kruševac. There he painted his memories of the coast, mostly on small panels. Job converted to Orthodox Christianityand married his second wife in the Church of Saint Sava in Belgrade. Job's son Rastko, named after his godfather the writer Rastko Petrović, was born in October 1925. He soon fell ill and died in March of the following year. The death of his infant son left a deep impression on Job's mental and emotional state.
In the summer of 1927 the family moved to Vodice, near Šibenik, and from 1928 they lived in Supetar on the island of Brač. There, Job embarked on the most creative time of his artistic career, and his style began to resemble that of Van Gogh. Job's focus was on recording the impulse of his personal feelings, and strong expressiveness became a feature of his work. The following year, 1929, he held his first solo exhibition in Split, which was well received by public and critics alike. By his next solo exhibition at the Salon Galić in Split, Job's style had developed more toward expressionism.
Between 1934 and 1935, Job lived in Belgrade and Zagreb, then returned to Supetar. He died of tuberculosis in a Zagreb clinic on 28 April 1936.
Ignjat "Ignjo" Job (Serbian Cyrillic: Игњат Јоб; 28 March 1895 – 28 April 1936) was an important representative of colour expressionism in the art scene of Yugoslavia during the 1930s. Job's landscapes of Dalmatia are reminiscent of the style of Van Gogh. He is best known for his series of paintings inspired by life on the island of Brač. Job said that “the beneficial influence of the Brač landscape can be felt, the hot sun, blue sea, and green branches of olive trees swayed by the breath of the maestral”. His paintings depicted the Mediterranean landscape, motifs of the town of Supetar, fishing themes, and more rarely portraits and nudes.
Ignjat Job was born in Dubrovnik on 28 March 1895. His family hailed from Udine, modern-day Italy, but came to identify first as Catholic Serbs and then as Croats; Job himself identified as a Serb. Job's father died when Job was 5 years old. He attended school in Dubrovnik until 1910. An important influence on his early intellectual and artistic development was his older brother Cvijeto (1892–1915), whose art studies in Belgrade and Munich came to an end when he went off to fight in the First World War for the Serbian Army.
As an active supporter for independence from Austria-Hungary, the young Ignjat Job was arrested in 1912 along with other young nationalists and sentenced to one month in prison. In 1913, when Job was 18, his daughter, Marija, was born. Arrested again in 1914, he spent time in Šibenik prison, then removed to a mental hospital, thanks to good connections, until September 1916. Traumatic experiences from his two-year stay in the mental hospital oppressed Job in the years that followed, and left a mark on his work, most notably on Madmen in the Yard, a drawing thought to have been made between 1916 and 1919.
In 1917 Job moved to Zagreb with his mother and younger brother Nikola, where he enrolled in the Arts and Crafts College (Viša škola za umjetnost i umjetni obrt). Job fell in love, and married Viktorija Oršić. After spending the summer in Dubrovnik and on Lopud, the couple moved back to Zagreb for the autumn. However, the relationship was not to last, and they divorced in 1920. In that same year, Job's mother died, and due to irregular attendance, he lost his place at college. The family fortune had been used up in enforced war loans, the purchase of the flat in Zagreb, and the education of the children. Job now found himself dependent on the goodwill of friends, and increasingly prone to bouts of depression and ill-health.
In December 1920, Job went to Italy, visiting Rome, Naples and Capri. Travelling back through Dubrovnik and Zagreb, he went on to Belgrade, spending time there with local modernist artists - most notably Petar Dobrović. There also, in 1923, Job met and married his second wife, Živka Cvetković, and their daughter Cvijeta was born in the summer of 1924.
In the spring of 1925 Job was diagnosed with tuberculosis, and spent the summer being treated at Ovčar-Kablar Gorge, after which the family moved to the village of Kulina, near Kruševac. There he painted his memories of the coast, mostly on small panels. Job converted to Orthodox Christianityand married his second wife in the Church of Saint Sava in Belgrade. Job's son Rastko, named after his godfather the writer Rastko Petrović, was born in October 1925. He soon fell ill and died in March of the following year. The death of his infant son left a deep impression on Job's mental and emotional state.
In the summer of 1927 the family moved to Vodice, near Šibenik, and from 1928 they lived in Supetar on the island of Brač. There, Job embarked on the most creative time of his artistic career, and his style began to resemble that of Van Gogh. Job's focus was on recording the impulse of his personal feelings, and strong expressiveness became a feature of his work. The following year, 1929, he held his first solo exhibition in Split, which was well received by public and critics alike. By his next solo exhibition at the Salon Galić in Split, Job's style had developed more toward expressionism.
Between 1934 and 1935, Job lived in Belgrade and Zagreb, then returned to Supetar. He died of tuberculosis in a Zagreb clinic on 28 April 1936.
- published: 05 Jan 2023
- views: 831
Advent u Zagrebu, posjet članova Kloštranske palete izložbi Albert Giacometti i Ignjat Job 2016. HD
video: Branko Novosel, foto: Mato Zeman i Branko Novosel
foto galerija: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ix9uud67ehuqf55/AABAiimmzwUlaeUm_WBAB8ZKa?dl=0
web: http://ep...
video: Branko Novosel, foto: Mato Zeman i Branko Novosel
foto galerija: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ix9uud67ehuqf55/AABAiimmzwUlaeUm_WBAB8ZKa?dl=0
web: http://epodravina.hr/fotovideo-likovna-udruga-klostranska-paleta-obisla-najznacajnije-izlozbe-zagrebu/
U subotu 26. studenoga članovi Kloštanske palete organizirali su jednodnevni edukativni izlet u Zagreb. Tom prilikom razgledali su dvije izložbe:
Alberta Giacomettija (1901.-1966.) u Umjetničkom paviljonu i retrospektivnu izložbu Ignjata Joba u Klovićevim dvorima.
U sklopu ciklusa "Najveći kipari 20. stoljeća" je u Umjetničkom paviljonu izloženo dvadesetak crteža, isto toliko litografija kao i Giacomettijevi poznati "tanki ljudi": ciklus od devet skulptura pod nazivom "Žene iz Venecije" te autorovo remek djelo "Čovjek koji hoda", skulptura koja je na tržištu umjetnina postigla cijenu od 104 milijuna dolara.
Ambijent stradanja i prolaznosti naglasio je svevremenu ljudsku patnju.
Povodom 80. godišnjice smrti Ignjata Joba (Dubrovnik 1895. - Zagreb 1936.), jednog od najznačajnijih slikara hrvatske moderne umjetnosti, u Klovićevim dvorima je postavljena njegova retrospektivna izložba "Vatra Mediterana". Ovaj ekspresionista kojemu je veliki uzor bio Van Gog i čije slikarstvo Grgo Gamulin naziva "spontanim ekspresionizmom", naslikao je oko 250 radova od kojih je velik dio prikazan na ovoj izložbi, koja obuhvaća i njegove crteže, obiteljske fotografije, osobne stvari i pisma. Nemiran život, pun osobnih stradanja i psihičkih kriza završava, kao i mnogih hrvatskih umjetnika, uznapredovalom tuberkulozom od koje prerano umire.
Stručno vodstvo koje su nam osigurale obje galerije bilo je vrlo edukativno i stručno nas je provelo ovim nezaboravnim izložbama, dvjema možda najznačajnijima koje su ove godine organizirane u Hrvatskoj.
video: Branko Novosel, foto: Mato Zeman i Branko Novosel
foto galerija: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ix9uud67ehuqf55/AABAiimmzwUlaeUm_WBAB8ZKa?dl=0
web: http://epodravina.hr/fotovideo-likovna-udruga-klostranska-paleta-obisla-najznacajnije-izlozbe-zagrebu/
U subotu 26. studenoga članovi Kloštanske palete organizirali su jednodnevni edukativni izlet u Zagreb. Tom prilikom razgledali su dvije izložbe:
Alberta Giacomettija (1901.-1966.) u Umjetničkom paviljonu i retrospektivnu izložbu Ignjata Joba u Klovićevim dvorima.
U sklopu ciklusa "Najveći kipari 20. stoljeća" je u Umjetničkom paviljonu izloženo dvadesetak crteža, isto toliko litografija kao i Giacomettijevi poznati "tanki ljudi": ciklus od devet skulptura pod nazivom "Žene iz Venecije" te autorovo remek djelo "Čovjek koji hoda", skulptura koja je na tržištu umjetnina postigla cijenu od 104 milijuna dolara.
Ambijent stradanja i prolaznosti naglasio je svevremenu ljudsku patnju.
Povodom 80. godišnjice smrti Ignjata Joba (Dubrovnik 1895. - Zagreb 1936.), jednog od najznačajnijih slikara hrvatske moderne umjetnosti, u Klovićevim dvorima je postavljena njegova retrospektivna izložba "Vatra Mediterana". Ovaj ekspresionista kojemu je veliki uzor bio Van Gog i čije slikarstvo Grgo Gamulin naziva "spontanim ekspresionizmom", naslikao je oko 250 radova od kojih je velik dio prikazan na ovoj izložbi, koja obuhvaća i njegove crteže, obiteljske fotografije, osobne stvari i pisma. Nemiran život, pun osobnih stradanja i psihičkih kriza završava, kao i mnogih hrvatskih umjetnika, uznapredovalom tuberkulozom od koje prerano umire.
Stručno vodstvo koje su nam osigurale obje galerije bilo je vrlo edukativno i stručno nas je provelo ovim nezaboravnim izložbama, dvjema možda najznačajnijima koje su ove godine organizirane u Hrvatskoj.
- published: 27 Nov 2016
- views: 230