Marlene Dietrich - Lili Marleen
published: 06 Jun 2009
1939 Lale Andersen - Lili Marlene (original German version)
Popular with both the German and Allied WWII troops, and first issued under the title “Lied eines Jungen Wachtpostens” (Song Of A Young Sentry), this recording by the German singer-songwriter became one of the more historically significant commercial music discs ever made.
The fascinating and complex tale behind the song--and this version in particular-- is interestingly related in the 2008 book “Lili Marlene: The Soldiers' Song of World War II,” or you might just check the “Lili Marleen” entry in Wikipedia.
Original 78rpm issued on Electrola 6993 - Lied eines Jungen Wachtpostens (Lili Marlen) (Schultze-Leip) by Lale Andersen with Bruno Seidler-Winkler Orch. & Chorus, recorded August 2, 1939 .
published: 30 Apr 2019
Lili Marleen (German version) - A song full of contradictions and history
The history of the song, Lili Marleen, is full of contradictions. A German composer set a poem born of the trenches of the First World War to music, and a German woman enamored of a Jew provided the voice that would make those verses famous. And oh, did I mention a natural-born German but Nazi-hating actress singing it both in German and English but rooting for the enemy? Mix all these things together and you have the making of a musical piece for all ages bound to break through all cultural and even ideological barriers. Broadcast just before 10 o'clock each night by a military radio station, Lili Marlene united and gave hope to the distraught and persecuted of all Europe.
The world was cruelly divided into two irreconcilable camps, but Lili Marleen traveled across all frontiers an...
published: 01 Jun 2019
LILI MARLEEN - WW2 Kurzfilm | Wehrmacht/Airborne Gefecht
Die alliierte Invasion ist gerade einmal einen Tag alt und Manning und seine Kameraden von der 101. Airborne Division versuchen ihren Einsatzort zu finden. Derweil sind der junge Soldat Paul und sein Kamerad Manfred im Hinterland der Invasionsfront und suchen ihre Einheit. Beide, Paul und Manning, hadern mit ihrer Situation. Jeder für sich hat seinen Grund, warum er wieder nach Hause kommen will.
Dieses Mal haben wir uns wieder an die Westfront gewagt und wir beleuchten die amerikanische und die deutsche Seite. Die eine Hauptfigur ist in der Wehrmacht und die andere bei der amerikanischen Airborne. Viel Spaß bei unserem neuesten WW2 Kurzfilm.
► Cast:
Daniel Grave: https://www.instagram.com/iamdanielgrave/
Marco Litta: https://www.instagram.com/marco_litta/
Saskia Keilbach: https://www.i...
published: 07 Nov 2021
Lili Marleen - English Subtitles - 1930s/40s German Song [720p]
Download with subtitles (torrent): http://n.cur.lv/marleensubs
Download w/out subtitles (torrent): http://n.cur.lv/marleennosubs
Lyrics and MP3s: http://soldatenlieder.com/Textpages/Lilimarleen.htm
published: 31 Aug 2015
Lili Marleen (Fassbinder, 1981)
Subtitled clip from Rainer Werner Fassbinder's Lili Marleen (1981): Willie (Hanna Schygulla) performs her explosive hit song.
published: 15 Apr 2013
lili marleen wehrmacht
published: 09 Dec 2018
LALE ANDERSEN, "Lili Marleen" (1938).
La historia de Lili Marleen comienza en 1915, cuando Hans Leip, soldado alemán, escribió unos poemas de tipo amoroso mientras estaba en el frente, durante la Iª Guerra Mundial. Estos versos fueron publicados en 1937 y llamaron la atención del conocido compositor Norbert Shultze, que les puso música.
La canción fue estrenada en 1938, interpretada, aunque en un principio se negó a ello, por la famosa cantante Lale Andersen. Pero al principio no tuvo éxito, vendiéndose apenas 700 copias del disco. Sin embargo, dos años más tarde, en 1940, ya comenzada la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un suboficial de una compañía alemana de reconocimiento acorazado, que tenía el disco, la dejó oír un día en una reunión informal en el cuartel y gustó tanto a sus compañeros que fue adoptada como canción de la compañ...
published: 12 Dec 2008
Hoi4 Lili Marlen
published: 03 Jun 2021
1939 Lale Andersen - Lili Marlene (original German version)
Popular with both the German and Allied WWII troops, and first issued under the title “Lied eines Jungen Wachtpostens” (Song Of A Young Sentry), this recording ...
Popular with both the German and Allied WWII troops, and first issued under the title “Lied eines Jungen Wachtpostens” (Song Of A Young Sentry), this recording by the German singer-songwriter became one of the more historically significant commercial music discs ever made.
The fascinating and complex tale behind the song--and this version in particular-- is interestingly related in the 2008 book “Lili Marlene: The Soldiers' Song of World War II,” or you might just check the “Lili Marleen” entry in Wikipedia.
Original 78rpm issued on Electrola 6993 - Lied eines Jungen Wachtpostens (Lili Marlen) (Schultze-Leip) by Lale Andersen with Bruno Seidler-Winkler Orch. & Chorus, recorded August 2, 1939 .
The three* MusicProf channels are home to The HITS ARCHIVES, YouTube’s most comprehensive collection of U.S. ‘popular music’ recordings from 1925 thru 1975. Discover thousands of original hit versions, conveniently arranged in year-by-year playlists and sorted alphabetically in your choice of either song title or artist name. Simply visit this channel’s home page (here: https://www.youtube.com/@the78prof72 ), scroll down the rows of playlist categories, choose a favorite year, click on “view full playlist,” and then pick out the songs that you want to hear. Enjoy the music!
* The78Prof The45Prof AnotherProf
Popular with both the German and Allied WWII troops, and first issued under the title “Lied eines Jungen Wachtpostens” (Song Of A Young Sentry), this recording by the German singer-songwriter became one of the more historically significant commercial music discs ever made.
The fascinating and complex tale behind the song--and this version in particular-- is interestingly related in the 2008 book “Lili Marlene: The Soldiers' Song of World War II,” or you might just check the “Lili Marleen” entry in Wikipedia.
Original 78rpm issued on Electrola 6993 - Lied eines Jungen Wachtpostens (Lili Marlen) (Schultze-Leip) by Lale Andersen with Bruno Seidler-Winkler Orch. & Chorus, recorded August 2, 1939 .
The three* MusicProf channels are home to The HITS ARCHIVES, YouTube’s most comprehensive collection of U.S. ‘popular music’ recordings from 1925 thru 1975. Discover thousands of original hit versions, conveniently arranged in year-by-year playlists and sorted alphabetically in your choice of either song title or artist name. Simply visit this channel’s home page (here: https://www.youtube.com/@the78prof72 ), scroll down the rows of playlist categories, choose a favorite year, click on “view full playlist,” and then pick out the songs that you want to hear. Enjoy the music!
* The78Prof The45Prof AnotherProf
- published: 30 Apr 2019
- views: 1626504
Lili Marleen (German version) - A song full of contradictions and history
The history of the song, Lili Marleen, is full of contradictions. A German composer set a poem born of the trenches of the First World War to music, and a Germ...
The history of the song, Lili Marleen, is full of contradictions. A German composer set a poem born of the trenches of the First World War to music, and a German woman enamored of a Jew provided the voice that would make those verses famous. And oh, did I mention a natural-born German but Nazi-hating actress singing it both in German and English but rooting for the enemy? Mix all these things together and you have the making of a musical piece for all ages bound to break through all cultural and even ideological barriers. Broadcast just before 10 o'clock each night by a military radio station, Lili Marlene united and gave hope to the distraught and persecuted of all Europe.
The world was cruelly divided into two irreconcilable camps, but Lili Marleen traveled across all frontiers and war zones, moving within an ambiguity that flouted norms - it was a product of the Third Reich sung by English and American soldiers, too. Unlike traditional wartime compositions, Lili Marleen is about the harshness of the conflict and about saying farewell to one's nearest and dearest with no promise of future peace and happiness. From the book, Lili Marlene: The Biography of a Song by Rosa Sala Rose. The song you are now listening to was sung by Lale Andersen who first recorded it in 1939.
A short film based on a true story. A World War II soldier risks his life in order to restore a moment of peace. Song performed by Katie Holley: Lili Marleen is a true story about the power of a simple song and a courageous act that helps us remember what’s really important in our lives. This inspirational true story was published on We Are The Mighty on February 5, 2020 by Blake Stillwell. https://www.wearethemighty.com/mighty-trending/the-power-of-music/
A remarkable story for the ages. This well done, wonderful, and inspiring short film about the war and the song was created and being shared with you through the courtesy of PTSD 989. Thank you.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzNCvu4Uq8M&list=RDSzNCvu4Uq8M&index=1 Another superbly done story of the song, "Lili Marleen," covering 2 world wars and beyond. Quite accurate and informative account of the history of the song. No doubt a lot of time and work spent researching and putting it all together into a show. A bit long, 51 minutes, but well-worth the time especially for the history buff in you. Creator and credit goes to Michael Foley.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpP_SOfxJZ8&t=2471s An interview of Norbert Schultze, composer of that famous war song, "Lili Marleen." Start at 1:15:35 he vehemently denied being a Nazi. "Was I really a Nazi? I've never thought I was. I joined the party and did what I did in order to get by." he remarked. "I conformed but I wasn't a Nazi. This term did not apply to me," he emphatically concluded.
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Lili_Marlene Link to "The Story of Lili Marleen, 1944." The first person who sung Lili Marleen was a little Swedish girl named Lale Andersen when she was working in a night club in Berlin in 1939. At that time, nobody paid attention either to Lale or to the song. Their first real appearance was in the spring of 1941, Radio Belgrade. "This is Radio Belgrade. Transmitting for the first time in German," said the announcer. He continued by saying, "And now to end our first broadcast, Lili Marleen sung by Lale Andersen." And the rest, as they say, is history. Indeed, one of the most wonderful songs ever written. Thank you for watching.
Den första personen som sjöng Lili Marleen var en liten svensk flicka som heter Lale Andersen när hon arbetade på en nattklubb i Berlin 1939. Vid den tiden var ingen uppmärksam på varken Lale eller låten. Deras första verkliga utseende var våren 1941, Radio Belgrad. "Det här är Radio Belgrad. Sänder för första gången på tyska", sade tillkännagivaren. Han fortsatte med att säga, "Och nu för att avsluta vår första sändning, Lili Marleen som sjungs av Lale Andersen. Och resten, som de säger, är historia. Faktiskt, den underbaraste låten någonsin. Tack för att du tittade. Här är länken till "Historien om Lili Marleen, 1944."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGFzh1clyN4 French version of the song "Lili Marleen" by Suzy Solidor. Qui est Suzy Solidor? également connue sous le nom de Suzanne Louise Marie Marion, elle était la femme la plus peinte du monde. Elle a posé pour un large éventail d'artistes dont Tamara de Limpicka, Pablo Picasso, George Braque, Francis Picabia et de nombreux autres peintres. Elle était également une chanteuse et une actrice talentueuse. Ses chansons étaient populaires auprès d'un large public et continuent d'être entendues.
The history of the song, Lili Marleen, is full of contradictions. A German composer set a poem born of the trenches of the First World War to music, and a German woman enamored of a Jew provided the voice that would make those verses famous. And oh, did I mention a natural-born German but Nazi-hating actress singing it both in German and English but rooting for the enemy? Mix all these things together and you have the making of a musical piece for all ages bound to break through all cultural and even ideological barriers. Broadcast just before 10 o'clock each night by a military radio station, Lili Marlene united and gave hope to the distraught and persecuted of all Europe.
The world was cruelly divided into two irreconcilable camps, but Lili Marleen traveled across all frontiers and war zones, moving within an ambiguity that flouted norms - it was a product of the Third Reich sung by English and American soldiers, too. Unlike traditional wartime compositions, Lili Marleen is about the harshness of the conflict and about saying farewell to one's nearest and dearest with no promise of future peace and happiness. From the book, Lili Marlene: The Biography of a Song by Rosa Sala Rose. The song you are now listening to was sung by Lale Andersen who first recorded it in 1939.
A short film based on a true story. A World War II soldier risks his life in order to restore a moment of peace. Song performed by Katie Holley: Lili Marleen is a true story about the power of a simple song and a courageous act that helps us remember what’s really important in our lives. This inspirational true story was published on We Are The Mighty on February 5, 2020 by Blake Stillwell. https://www.wearethemighty.com/mighty-trending/the-power-of-music/
A remarkable story for the ages. This well done, wonderful, and inspiring short film about the war and the song was created and being shared with you through the courtesy of PTSD 989. Thank you.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzNCvu4Uq8M&list=RDSzNCvu4Uq8M&index=1 Another superbly done story of the song, "Lili Marleen," covering 2 world wars and beyond. Quite accurate and informative account of the history of the song. No doubt a lot of time and work spent researching and putting it all together into a show. A bit long, 51 minutes, but well-worth the time especially for the history buff in you. Creator and credit goes to Michael Foley.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpP_SOfxJZ8&t=2471s An interview of Norbert Schultze, composer of that famous war song, "Lili Marleen." Start at 1:15:35 he vehemently denied being a Nazi. "Was I really a Nazi? I've never thought I was. I joined the party and did what I did in order to get by." he remarked. "I conformed but I wasn't a Nazi. This term did not apply to me," he emphatically concluded.
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Lili_Marlene Link to "The Story of Lili Marleen, 1944." The first person who sung Lili Marleen was a little Swedish girl named Lale Andersen when she was working in a night club in Berlin in 1939. At that time, nobody paid attention either to Lale or to the song. Their first real appearance was in the spring of 1941, Radio Belgrade. "This is Radio Belgrade. Transmitting for the first time in German," said the announcer. He continued by saying, "And now to end our first broadcast, Lili Marleen sung by Lale Andersen." And the rest, as they say, is history. Indeed, one of the most wonderful songs ever written. Thank you for watching.
Den första personen som sjöng Lili Marleen var en liten svensk flicka som heter Lale Andersen när hon arbetade på en nattklubb i Berlin 1939. Vid den tiden var ingen uppmärksam på varken Lale eller låten. Deras första verkliga utseende var våren 1941, Radio Belgrad. "Det här är Radio Belgrad. Sänder för första gången på tyska", sade tillkännagivaren. Han fortsatte med att säga, "Och nu för att avsluta vår första sändning, Lili Marleen som sjungs av Lale Andersen. Och resten, som de säger, är historia. Faktiskt, den underbaraste låten någonsin. Tack för att du tittade. Här är länken till "Historien om Lili Marleen, 1944."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGFzh1clyN4 French version of the song "Lili Marleen" by Suzy Solidor. Qui est Suzy Solidor? également connue sous le nom de Suzanne Louise Marie Marion, elle était la femme la plus peinte du monde. Elle a posé pour un large éventail d'artistes dont Tamara de Limpicka, Pablo Picasso, George Braque, Francis Picabia et de nombreux autres peintres. Elle était également une chanteuse et une actrice talentueuse. Ses chansons étaient populaires auprès d'un large public et continuent d'être entendues.
- published: 01 Jun 2019
- views: 3197445
LILI MARLEEN - WW2 Kurzfilm | Wehrmacht/Airborne Gefecht
Die alliierte Invasion ist gerade einmal einen Tag alt und Manning und seine Kameraden von der 101. Airborne Division versuchen ihren Einsatzort zu finden. Derw...
Die alliierte Invasion ist gerade einmal einen Tag alt und Manning und seine Kameraden von der 101. Airborne Division versuchen ihren Einsatzort zu finden. Derweil sind der junge Soldat Paul und sein Kamerad Manfred im Hinterland der Invasionsfront und suchen ihre Einheit. Beide, Paul und Manning, hadern mit ihrer Situation. Jeder für sich hat seinen Grund, warum er wieder nach Hause kommen will.
Dieses Mal haben wir uns wieder an die Westfront gewagt und wir beleuchten die amerikanische und die deutsche Seite. Die eine Hauptfigur ist in der Wehrmacht und die andere bei der amerikanischen Airborne. Viel Spaß bei unserem neuesten WW2 Kurzfilm.
► Cast:
Daniel Grave: https://www.instagram.com/iamdanielgrave/
Marco Litta: https://www.instagram.com/marco_litta/
Saskia Keilbach: https://www.instagram.com/saskiakeilbach/
Tristan Hebestreit: https://www.instagram.com/tristanhebestreit/
🎵Musik: Clemens Weinhold
Supported by:
☕ PayPal Unterstüzter Link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=SYGYZQEWA8R5E&source=url
📎 Amazon Reflink: http://amzn.to/2iFWn3d [einfach als Lesezeichen speichern, um uns kostenlos zu unterstützen] :)
❤️ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/paralightworx
✔️ YouTube Mitglied: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL71wsv7FeodBuD0jIt6JSQ/join
🔥 Fanshop: https://www.seedshirt.de/shop/paralightworx
📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paralightworx/
🟦 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ParaLightWorx
🛒 Amazon Wishlist: https://www.amazon.de/hz/wishlist/ls/19GPSQ6VN8QVA?ref_=wl_share
📱 Telegramkanal: https://t.me/paralightworx
🎵 Abspannmusik: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcV3rLSbY8E
🎥 Kamera: Lumix GH5
🔎 Objektive:
► Walimex pro Video DSLR All Star Set für Canon II
📼 Recorder: Atomos Ninja V 5
➿ Sound Device:
🎙️ Mikrofon: MKH416
🎞️ Picture Profile: VLogL
#wk2 #wehrmacht #lilimarleen
Die alliierte Invasion ist gerade einmal einen Tag alt und Manning und seine Kameraden von der 101. Airborne Division versuchen ihren Einsatzort zu finden. Derweil sind der junge Soldat Paul und sein Kamerad Manfred im Hinterland der Invasionsfront und suchen ihre Einheit. Beide, Paul und Manning, hadern mit ihrer Situation. Jeder für sich hat seinen Grund, warum er wieder nach Hause kommen will.
Dieses Mal haben wir uns wieder an die Westfront gewagt und wir beleuchten die amerikanische und die deutsche Seite. Die eine Hauptfigur ist in der Wehrmacht und die andere bei der amerikanischen Airborne. Viel Spaß bei unserem neuesten WW2 Kurzfilm.
► Cast:
Daniel Grave: https://www.instagram.com/iamdanielgrave/
Marco Litta: https://www.instagram.com/marco_litta/
Saskia Keilbach: https://www.instagram.com/saskiakeilbach/
Tristan Hebestreit: https://www.instagram.com/tristanhebestreit/
🎵Musik: Clemens Weinhold
Supported by:
☕ PayPal Unterstüzter Link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=SYGYZQEWA8R5E&source=url
📎 Amazon Reflink: http://amzn.to/2iFWn3d [einfach als Lesezeichen speichern, um uns kostenlos zu unterstützen] :)
❤️ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/paralightworx
✔️ YouTube Mitglied: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL71wsv7FeodBuD0jIt6JSQ/join
🔥 Fanshop: https://www.seedshirt.de/shop/paralightworx
📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paralightworx/
🟦 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ParaLightWorx
🛒 Amazon Wishlist: https://www.amazon.de/hz/wishlist/ls/19GPSQ6VN8QVA?ref_=wl_share
📱 Telegramkanal: https://t.me/paralightworx
🎵 Abspannmusik: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcV3rLSbY8E
🎥 Kamera: Lumix GH5
🔎 Objektive:
► Walimex pro Video DSLR All Star Set für Canon II
📼 Recorder: Atomos Ninja V 5
➿ Sound Device:
🎙️ Mikrofon: MKH416
🎞️ Picture Profile: VLogL
#wk2 #wehrmacht #lilimarleen
- published: 07 Nov 2021
- views: 3220462
Lili Marleen - English Subtitles - 1930s/40s German Song [720p]
Download with subtitles (torrent): http://n.cur.lv/marleensubs
Download w/out subtitles (torrent): http://n.cur.lv/marleennosubs
Lyrics and MP3s: http://soldate...
Download with subtitles (torrent): http://n.cur.lv/marleensubs
Download w/out subtitles (torrent): http://n.cur.lv/marleennosubs
Lyrics and MP3s: http://soldatenlieder.com/Textpages/Lilimarleen.htm
Download with subtitles (torrent): http://n.cur.lv/marleensubs
Download w/out subtitles (torrent): http://n.cur.lv/marleennosubs
Lyrics and MP3s: http://soldatenlieder.com/Textpages/Lilimarleen.htm
- published: 31 Aug 2015
- views: 1350249
Lili Marleen (Fassbinder, 1981)
Subtitled clip from Rainer Werner Fassbinder's Lili Marleen (1981): Willie (Hanna Schygulla) performs her explosive hit song.
Subtitled clip from Rainer Werner Fassbinder's Lili Marleen (1981): Willie (Hanna Schygulla) performs her explosive hit song.
Subtitled clip from Rainer Werner Fassbinder's Lili Marleen (1981): Willie (Hanna Schygulla) performs her explosive hit song.
- published: 15 Apr 2013
- views: 263519
LALE ANDERSEN, "Lili Marleen" (1938).
La historia de Lili Marleen comienza en 1915, cuando Hans Leip, soldado alemán, escribió unos poemas de tipo amoroso mientras estaba en el frente, durante la Iª...
La historia de Lili Marleen comienza en 1915, cuando Hans Leip, soldado alemán, escribió unos poemas de tipo amoroso mientras estaba en el frente, durante la Iª Guerra Mundial. Estos versos fueron publicados en 1937 y llamaron la atención del conocido compositor Norbert Shultze, que les puso música.
La canción fue estrenada en 1938, interpretada, aunque en un principio se negó a ello, por la famosa cantante Lale Andersen. Pero al principio no tuvo éxito, vendiéndose apenas 700 copias del disco. Sin embargo, dos años más tarde, en 1940, ya comenzada la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un suboficial de una compañía alemana de reconocimiento acorazado, que tenía el disco, la dejó oír un día en una reunión informal en el cuartel y gustó tanto a sus compañeros que fue adoptada como canción de la compañía. El grupo fue enviado en la primavera de 1941 al frente del norte de África, formando parte del Afrika Korps.
La canción se volvería un éxito cuando la Soldatensender Belgrad (Radio de los Soldados de Belgrado), la estación de radio para las fuerzas armadas alemanas en la Yugoslavia ocupada, comenzó a transmitirla en 1941. Lili Marleen pronto se volvió inmensamente popular con los soldados alemanes en el frente. El transmisor de la estación de radio en Belgrado era lo suficientemente poderoso para ser recibido en toda Europa y el Mediterráneo y la canción se hizo popular entre las topas aliadas también.
La canción se convirtió en el tema preferido entre los soldados de ambos bandos del frente occidental.
Pero al gobierno nacionalsocialista no le agradaba la canción cuartelera de amantes separados y Joseph Goebbels prohibió su difusión en la radio.
Lale Andersen (Liese-Lotte Bunnenberg) nació en 1905 en Lehe (Bremerhaven). Tuvo una vida azarosa, con altibajos en su carrera. En 1961 representó a Alemania en el Festival de Eurovisión, celebrado en Cannes, con la canción "Einmal sehen wir uns wieder".
Lale murió en Viena en 1972. Su cuerpo está enterrado en la isla de Langeoog, donde tenía su residencia.
Letra de Hans Leip:
Vor der Kaserne
Vor dem großen Tor
Stand eine Laterne
Und steht sie noch davor
So woll'n wir uns da wieder seh'n
Bei der Laterne wollen wir steh'n
Wie einst Lili Marleen.
Unsere beide Schatten
Sah'n wie einer aus
Daß wir so lieb uns hatten
Das sah man gleich daraus
Und alle Leute soll'n es seh'n
Wenn wir bei der Laterne steh'n
Wie einst Lili Marleen.
Schon rief der Posten,
Sie blasen Zapfenstreich
Das kann drei Tage kosten
Kam'rad, ich komm sogleich
Da sagten wir auf Wiedersehen
Wie gerne wollt ich mit dir geh'n
Mit dir Lili Marleen.
Deine Schritte kennt sie,
Deinen zieren Gang
Alle Abend brennt sie,
Doch mich vergaß sie lang
Und sollte mir ein Leids gescheh'n
Wer wird bei der Laterne stehen
Mit dir Lili Marleen?
Aus dem stillen Raume,
Aus der Erde Grund
Hebt mich wie im Traume
Dein verliebter Mund
Wenn sich die späten Nebel drehn
Werd' ich bei der Laterne steh'n
Wie einst Lili Marleen.
La historia de Lili Marleen comienza en 1915, cuando Hans Leip, soldado alemán, escribió unos poemas de tipo amoroso mientras estaba en el frente, durante la Iª Guerra Mundial. Estos versos fueron publicados en 1937 y llamaron la atención del conocido compositor Norbert Shultze, que les puso música.
La canción fue estrenada en 1938, interpretada, aunque en un principio se negó a ello, por la famosa cantante Lale Andersen. Pero al principio no tuvo éxito, vendiéndose apenas 700 copias del disco. Sin embargo, dos años más tarde, en 1940, ya comenzada la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un suboficial de una compañía alemana de reconocimiento acorazado, que tenía el disco, la dejó oír un día en una reunión informal en el cuartel y gustó tanto a sus compañeros que fue adoptada como canción de la compañía. El grupo fue enviado en la primavera de 1941 al frente del norte de África, formando parte del Afrika Korps.
La canción se volvería un éxito cuando la Soldatensender Belgrad (Radio de los Soldados de Belgrado), la estación de radio para las fuerzas armadas alemanas en la Yugoslavia ocupada, comenzó a transmitirla en 1941. Lili Marleen pronto se volvió inmensamente popular con los soldados alemanes en el frente. El transmisor de la estación de radio en Belgrado era lo suficientemente poderoso para ser recibido en toda Europa y el Mediterráneo y la canción se hizo popular entre las topas aliadas también.
La canción se convirtió en el tema preferido entre los soldados de ambos bandos del frente occidental.
Pero al gobierno nacionalsocialista no le agradaba la canción cuartelera de amantes separados y Joseph Goebbels prohibió su difusión en la radio.
Lale Andersen (Liese-Lotte Bunnenberg) nació en 1905 en Lehe (Bremerhaven). Tuvo una vida azarosa, con altibajos en su carrera. En 1961 representó a Alemania en el Festival de Eurovisión, celebrado en Cannes, con la canción "Einmal sehen wir uns wieder".
Lale murió en Viena en 1972. Su cuerpo está enterrado en la isla de Langeoog, donde tenía su residencia.
Letra de Hans Leip:
Vor der Kaserne
Vor dem großen Tor
Stand eine Laterne
Und steht sie noch davor
So woll'n wir uns da wieder seh'n
Bei der Laterne wollen wir steh'n
Wie einst Lili Marleen.
Unsere beide Schatten
Sah'n wie einer aus
Daß wir so lieb uns hatten
Das sah man gleich daraus
Und alle Leute soll'n es seh'n
Wenn wir bei der Laterne steh'n
Wie einst Lili Marleen.
Schon rief der Posten,
Sie blasen Zapfenstreich
Das kann drei Tage kosten
Kam'rad, ich komm sogleich
Da sagten wir auf Wiedersehen
Wie gerne wollt ich mit dir geh'n
Mit dir Lili Marleen.
Deine Schritte kennt sie,
Deinen zieren Gang
Alle Abend brennt sie,
Doch mich vergaß sie lang
Und sollte mir ein Leids gescheh'n
Wer wird bei der Laterne stehen
Mit dir Lili Marleen?
Aus dem stillen Raume,
Aus der Erde Grund
Hebt mich wie im Traume
Dein verliebter Mund
Wenn sich die späten Nebel drehn
Werd' ich bei der Laterne steh'n
Wie einst Lili Marleen.
- published: 12 Dec 2008
- views: 3186563