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Heart of America Sports Attractions

Heart of America Sports Attractions, also known as the Midwest Wrestling Association, Central States Wrestling and the World Wrestling Alliance, was an American professional wrestling promotion that ran shows mainly in Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and Iowa. Due to the promotion’s main office and base of operations being in Kansas City, Missouri the territory was often referred to simply as “Kansas City”. The promotion existed from July 1948 until it closed in 1988. The territory was one of the original territories of the National Wrestling Alliance with two of the 6 “founding fathers” of the NWA (Paul "Pinkie" George and Orville Brown) promoting in it.


Midwest Wrestling Association

Originally known as the Midwest Wrestling Association before the formation of the National Wrestling Alliance it controlled and booked shows territories in Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and Iowa and was seen as a cornerstone of the NWA. It joined the NWA in October 1948. The territory was promoted by Pinky George and the first official NWA World Heavyweight Champion Orville Brown (Sonny Myers being the preceding unofficial one) from the creation of the NWA until 1958.

Heart of America

Heart of America may refer to:

  • Heart of America (film)
  • Heart of America (song)
  • Heart of America (college rugby)
  • Heart of America (tour) 2002 tour by the music group U2
  • Heart of America (yacht), 12-metre class yacht
  • Heart of America (college rugby)

    The Heart of America Rugby Football Union is a college rugby conference playing in Division 1-AA, with members composed mostly of Big 12 and SEC schools (and many of these schools enjoying longstanding rivalries from the former Big Eight Conference). HOA organizes a league competition with the winner qualifying for the national playoffs, and every fall hosts a rugby sevens tournament with the winner qualifying for the national sevens championships.

    Heart of America was a Division 2 conference until 2011, with Arkansas and Missouri ranked among the top teams in Division 2. In summer 2011, however, with the creation of the Premier College Division (Division 1-A), several conferences including HOA decided to move up to Division 1-AA.

    The HOA conference is led by Conference Commissioner Miles Hunter of Oklahoma State.

    Current members

    The current member schools (and the date they joined the conference) are:

    Member notes:

  • Lindenwood joined HOA summer of 2012. Lindenwood was the Division 2 champion in 2011-12, and was promoted to Division 1-AA for the 2012-13 year.
  • Heart of America (film)

    Heart of America (also called Heart Of America: Home Room or simply Home Room; not to be confused with the 2002 film Home Room) is a 2002 drama film by German director Uwe Boll about a fictional school shooting in a suburban high school. The film also addresses the issue of school bullying.


    The last day of school contains many problems for both teachers and students of Riverton High School, and there are multiple storylines about this.

    The principal, Harold Lewis, must discipline English teacher William Pratt, who has let his professional frustrations get the better of him, while guidance counselor Vanessa Jones attempts to get through to student drug dealer Wex Presley, who is ruining her students.

    Meanwhile, Principal Lewis' daughter, Karen, is having trouble with her boyfriend, Tommy; outcast Dara McDermott craves drugs; a pregnant girl named Robin Walters argues with her boyfriend, Kevin Rhodes, about her future options; and bully Ricky Herman begins to recognize the consequences of his actions.


    • Heart of America Sports Attractions (Central States Wrestling) Championship History

      New updated video Heart of America Sports Attractions, also known as the Midwest Wrestling Association, Central States Wrestling and the World Wrestling Alliance, was an American professional wrestling promotion that ran shows mainly in Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and Iowa. Its main office and base of operations being in Kansas City, Missouri. The promotion existed from July 1948 until it closed in 1988. The St. Louis Wrestling Club was it sister promotion until 1985 when Jim Crockett Promotions purchased. Ice Kenkey Beat by Nana Kwabena

      published: 12 Oct 2020
    • Event Center for Heart of America (Central States Wrestling), 12/6-12/12, 1971

      Join Al Getz as he looks at all the known house shows from Heart of American for a one-week period in 1971. He also uses this information to estimate the total number of house shows the promotion ran during the year. Harley Race, The (Mongolian) Stomper, Bob Orton (Senior), Rufus R. Jones, Bob Geigel, and more!

      published: 01 Jul 2023
    • KC On the Mat - Central States Wrestling Documentary

      Documentary about Heart of America Sports Attractions aka Central States Wrestling

      published: 01 Jul 2015
    • Tales From The Territories - NWA Central States Wrestling (Kansas) - Full Episode 28/30

      #WrestlingDocumentary #WWE #WWF #WCW #NWA New Videos EVERY Sunday! Check out my NEW movie! - https://www.facebook.com/Lords-Of-The-Real-Estate-Movie-111141777029887 Follow me for more cool shit!! Twitter - https://twitter.com/RatedR69 Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/RatedRWrestlingReport/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/ratedmuthafuckinr/ Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/0x4UFqj0tCrQwtnjdpMvPM #TalesFromTheTerritories

      published: 02 May 2021
    • Dynamic Wrestling Federation: All Out War | Full Show | 09.25.2021 | Pro Wrestling | Kansas City

      The Dynamic Wrestling Federation presents our inaugural event, All Out War. Top wrestlers from around the country descended on Overland Park, Kansas ( just outside of Kansas City, Mo ) to take part in a one-night tournament with the winner being crowned the first-ever Dynamic Wrestling Federation Champion! WWE Hall Of Famer, "The Mouth Of The South" Jimmy Hart was in the house and we also had a fantastic women's match that saw Marti Belle battle "The Badstreet Beauty" Miranda Gordy! First Round Match-Ups "The Monarch" Jeremy Wyatt vs Redwing "The Wrestling Genius" Daniel Makabe vs "The Connisuer" Niles Plonk "The Infamous" Devin Thomas vs Moonshine Mantell "Dirty" Jake Dirden w/ Roscoe Leech vs Gil Rogers If you liked this video, give it a thumbs up and share it! If you are in the area,...

      published: 31 Dec 2021
    • Discover Kansas City: A Journey Through the Heart of America (4 Minutes)

      In this exciting video, we present "Discover Kansas City: A Journey Through the Heart of America," focusing on the vibrant culture, rich history, and delicious cuisine that make Kansas City a must-visit destination. Known for its jazz heritage, mouthwatering barbecue, and beautiful fountains, Kansas City offers a unique blend of experiences for every traveler. We will explore top attractions, including the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, the historic Country Club Plaza, and the lively Power and Light District, as well as provide essential tips for navigating the city and experiencing local favorites. Whether you're planning your first trip or returning for more adventures, this guide will equip you with valuable insights to make the most of your visit to Kansas City. Join us as we embark on a...

      published: 13 Oct 2024
    • WCW: Jim Crockett Promotions 1985-1988

      In March 1985, McMahon sold his TBS time slot and the "World Championship Wrestling" name to Jim Crockett Promotions (JCP), owned by Jim Crockett, Jr., under pressure from Ted Turner. The WWF and its major superstar, Hulk Hogan, however, were now the superior figures of wrestling after the success of the first WrestleMania, so the sale took place to successfully put the company in better shape. The new WCW, which was now a combination of JCP (Mid-Atlantic Wrestling) and Championship Wrestling from Georgia, was now the top show on TBS, and Jim Crockett, Jr. became NWA President for the second time. By 1986, Jim Crockett Promotions controlled key portions of the NWA, including the traditional NWA territories in North and South Carolina, Georgia, and St. Louis, thanks in no small part to the...

      published: 14 Oct 2021
    • 25 Best Places to Visit in the USA - Travel Video

      Check out all the places seen in this video: https://www.touropia.com/best-places-to-visit-in-usa/ Comprised of 50 states, the USA occupies an area that’s only just marginally smaller than Europe. It’s in this vast country that you will find an unbelievably diverse array of natural landscapes, cityscapes, people and cultures. From the tropical islands of Hawaii to the desert landscape of the Grand Canyon, as well as the multicultural cities such as Chicago and New York City, you’ll never be stuck for destinations to discover. Here’s a look at the best places to visit in the USA:

      published: 03 Jul 2019
    • Top 5 Iconic Cities in the USA | Explore the Richness of US Culture and History

      Welcome to our channel! In this exciting video, we take you on a journey to explore America's top five iconic cities, each offering a unique blend of culture, history, and attractions. Join us as we delve into the vibrant streets and iconic landmarks that make these cities truly special. Number 5: San Francisco, California. Discover the picturesque Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz Island, and charming cable cars in this tech-savvy and culturally diverse city. Number 4: Washington, D.C. Immerse yourself in the heart of American governance and explore the rich cultural landscape with numerous Smithsonian museums and iconic landmarks like the White House and Capitol Building. Number 3: Chicago, Illinois. Witness the impressive architecture and indulge in a thriving arts scene while experiencing t...

      published: 31 Jul 2023
    • "Discovering Indianapolis: Uncovering Hidden Gems in the Heart of America"

      In this video, join us on a captivating journey through the vibrant city of Indianapolis, where we unveil the best-kept secrets and hidden gems that make this Midwestern metropolis truly special. From charming neighborhoods to off-the-beaten-path attractions, we'll take you on a tour of the city's lesser-known treasures, showcasing its rich history, diverse culture, and unique character. Whether you're a local looking for new adventures or a visitor seeking the authentic Indianapolis experience, this video is your guide to discovering the hidden gems that make Indy shine. Get ready to explore Indianapolis like never before!

      published: 23 Aug 2023
    developed with YouTube
    Heart of America Sports Attractions (Central States Wrestling) Championship History

    Heart of America Sports Attractions (Central States Wrestling) Championship History

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:28
    • Uploaded Date: 12 Oct 2020
    • views: 285
    New updated video Heart of America Sports Attractions, also known as the Midwest Wrestling Association, Central States Wrestling and the World Wrestling Alliance, was an American professional wrestling promotion that ran shows mainly in Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and Iowa. Its main office and base of operations being in Kansas City, Missouri. The promotion existed from July 1948 until it closed in 1988. The St. Louis Wrestling Club was it sister promotion until 1985 when Jim Crockett Promotions purchased. Ice Kenkey Beat by Nana Kwabena
    Event Center for Heart of America (Central States Wrestling), 12/6-12/12, 1971

    Event Center for Heart of America (Central States Wrestling), 12/6-12/12, 1971

    • Order:
    • Duration: 18:33
    • Uploaded Date: 01 Jul 2023
    • views: 156
    Join Al Getz as he looks at all the known house shows from Heart of American for a one-week period in 1971. He also uses this information to estimate the total number of house shows the promotion ran during the year. Harley Race, The (Mongolian) Stomper, Bob Orton (Senior), Rufus R. Jones, Bob Geigel, and more!
    KC On the Mat - Central States Wrestling Documentary

    KC On the Mat - Central States Wrestling Documentary

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:29:57
    • Uploaded Date: 01 Jul 2015
    • views: 107214
    Documentary about Heart of America Sports Attractions aka Central States Wrestling
    Tales From The Territories - NWA Central States Wrestling (Kansas) - Full Episode 28/30

    Tales From The Territories - NWA Central States Wrestling (Kansas) - Full Episode 28/30

    • Order:
    • Duration: 26:49
    • Uploaded Date: 02 May 2021
    • views: 65904
    #WrestlingDocumentary #WWE #WWF #WCW #NWA New Videos EVERY Sunday! Check out my NEW movie! - https://www.facebook.com/Lords-Of-The-Real-Estate-Movie-111141777029887 Follow me for more cool shit!! Twitter - https://twitter.com/RatedR69 Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/RatedRWrestlingReport/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/ratedmuthafuckinr/ Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/0x4UFqj0tCrQwtnjdpMvPM #TalesFromTheTerritories
    Dynamic Wrestling Federation: All Out War | Full Show | 09.25.2021 | Pro Wrestling | Kansas City

    Dynamic Wrestling Federation: All Out War | Full Show | 09.25.2021 | Pro Wrestling | Kansas City

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:06:25
    • Uploaded Date: 31 Dec 2021
    • views: 15810
    The Dynamic Wrestling Federation presents our inaugural event, All Out War. Top wrestlers from around the country descended on Overland Park, Kansas ( just outside of Kansas City, Mo ) to take part in a one-night tournament with the winner being crowned the first-ever Dynamic Wrestling Federation Champion! WWE Hall Of Famer, "The Mouth Of The South" Jimmy Hart was in the house and we also had a fantastic women's match that saw Marti Belle battle "The Badstreet Beauty" Miranda Gordy! First Round Match-Ups "The Monarch" Jeremy Wyatt vs Redwing "The Wrestling Genius" Daniel Makabe vs "The Connisuer" Niles Plonk "The Infamous" Devin Thomas vs Moonshine Mantell "Dirty" Jake Dirden w/ Roscoe Leech vs Gil Rogers If you liked this video, give it a thumbs up and share it! If you are in the area, come out and support us! Also, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to be notified as soon as we post all of our future shows. Remember to support local professional wrestling! https://www.dwfwrestling.com https://twitter.com/dwfwrestlingkc https://facebook.com/dwfwrestlingkc Video Owned By and © 2021 Heart Of America Sports Attractions, LLC
    Discover Kansas City: A Journey Through the Heart of America (4 Minutes)

    Discover Kansas City: A Journey Through the Heart of America (4 Minutes)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:13
    • Uploaded Date: 13 Oct 2024
    • views: 10
    In this exciting video, we present "Discover Kansas City: A Journey Through the Heart of America," focusing on the vibrant culture, rich history, and delicious cuisine that make Kansas City a must-visit destination. Known for its jazz heritage, mouthwatering barbecue, and beautiful fountains, Kansas City offers a unique blend of experiences for every traveler. We will explore top attractions, including the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, the historic Country Club Plaza, and the lively Power and Light District, as well as provide essential tips for navigating the city and experiencing local favorites. Whether you're planning your first trip or returning for more adventures, this guide will equip you with valuable insights to make the most of your visit to Kansas City. Join us as we embark on a journey through this dynamic city! Hashtags: #KansasCity #VisitKansasCity #TravelGuide #ExploreKansasCity #KansasCityCulture #KansasCityCuisine #MidwestTravel #KansasCityAttractions #KansasCityHistory #KansasCityAdventure SEO Tags: Kansas City, Discover Kansas City, Kansas City Travel Guide, Exploring Kansas City, Top Attractions in Kansas City, Kansas City Hidden Gems, Kansas City Culture and Traditions, Kansas City Food and Cuisine, Kansas City Nightlife, Kansas City History, Traveling in Kansas City, Kansas City Travel Tips, Kansas City Itinerary, Kansas City Festivals and Events, Kansas City Arts and Entertainment, Kansas City Parks and Recreation, Kansas City Sports, Kansas City Music Scene, Kansas City Shopping, Kansas City Architecture, Kansas City Community and People, Kansas City and Local Markets, Kansas City and Family Activities, Kansas City and Outdoor Adventures, Kansas City and Historical Sites, Kansas City and Culinary Experiences, Kansas City and Eco-Tourism, Kansas City and Cultural Experiences, Kansas City and Local Breweries, Kansas City and Art Galleries, Kansas City and Historic Districts, Kansas City and Scenic Views
    WCW: Jim Crockett Promotions 1985-1988

    WCW: Jim Crockett Promotions 1985-1988

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:12
    • Uploaded Date: 14 Oct 2021
    • views: 174
    In March 1985, McMahon sold his TBS time slot and the "World Championship Wrestling" name to Jim Crockett Promotions (JCP), owned by Jim Crockett, Jr., under pressure from Ted Turner. The WWF and its major superstar, Hulk Hogan, however, were now the superior figures of wrestling after the success of the first WrestleMania, so the sale took place to successfully put the company in better shape. The new WCW, which was now a combination of JCP (Mid-Atlantic Wrestling) and Championship Wrestling from Georgia, was now the top show on TBS, and Jim Crockett, Jr. became NWA President for the second time. By 1986, Jim Crockett Promotions controlled key portions of the NWA, including the traditional NWA territories in North and South Carolina, Georgia, and St. Louis, thanks in no small part to the success of the Jim Crockett Sr. Memorial Cup (which showcased talent from various NWA territories), as well as a working cross-promotional relationship with Verne Gagne's American Wrestling Association. JCP merged its NWA territories into one group, promoting under the banner "NWA World Championship Wrestling". This sparked a feud between Crockett and Vince McMahon's WWF, and the companies attempted to outmaneuver each other to acquire key television slots. It was the WWF, however, who was able to become a hit in St. Louis (and the rest of Missouri as well), which brought trouble to the NWA Central States. The WWF was able to become a hit across the country as well, as the feud between Hulk Hogan and Paul Orndorff appealed to a large audience. Following this, Bob Geigel became the NWA President once again. In the same year, JCP also purchased Geigel's Heart of America Sports Attractions, promoters of the Central States territory, which owned the rights to promote wrestling shows through the states of Kansas, Missouri, and Iowa. #WCW
    25 Best Places to Visit in the USA - Travel Video

    25 Best Places to Visit in the USA - Travel Video

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    • Duration: 28:39
    • Uploaded Date: 03 Jul 2019
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    Check out all the places seen in this video: https://www.touropia.com/best-places-to-visit-in-usa/ Comprised of 50 states, the USA occupies an area that’s only just marginally smaller than Europe. It’s in this vast country that you will find an unbelievably diverse array of natural landscapes, cityscapes, people and cultures. From the tropical islands of Hawaii to the desert landscape of the Grand Canyon, as well as the multicultural cities such as Chicago and New York City, you’ll never be stuck for destinations to discover. Here’s a look at the best places to visit in the USA:
    Top 5 Iconic Cities in the USA | Explore the Richness of US Culture and History

    Top 5 Iconic Cities in the USA | Explore the Richness of US Culture and History

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    • Duration: 5:42
    • Uploaded Date: 31 Jul 2023
    • views: 44
    Welcome to our channel! In this exciting video, we take you on a journey to explore America's top five iconic cities, each offering a unique blend of culture, history, and attractions. Join us as we delve into the vibrant streets and iconic landmarks that make these cities truly special. Number 5: San Francisco, California. Discover the picturesque Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz Island, and charming cable cars in this tech-savvy and culturally diverse city. Number 4: Washington, D.C. Immerse yourself in the heart of American governance and explore the rich cultural landscape with numerous Smithsonian museums and iconic landmarks like the White House and Capitol Building. Number 3: Chicago, Illinois. Witness the impressive architecture and indulge in a thriving arts scene while experiencing the city's deep-rooted sports culture. Number 2: Los Angeles, California. Explore the glamorous world of Hollywood and soak up the sun on beautiful beaches while embracing the city's creativity and artistic essence. Number 1: New York City, New York. The Big Apple awaits you with its awe-inspiring skyline, diverse neighborhoods, and an abundance of world-class arts, theaters, and culinary delights. Join us on this virtual adventure through America's top five iconic cities and let us know your thoughts in the comment section below. Don't forget to like and subscribe to our channel for more fascinating updates. Tags: #ExploringAmerica #IconicCities #TravelUSA #SanFrancisco #WashingtonDC #Chicago #LosAngeles #NewYorkCity #GoldenGateBridge #AlcatrazIsland #Hollywood #EmpireStateBuilding #TravelVlog #CityTour #CulturalHeritage #AmericanAttractions #USATravel #AdventureAwaits #Subscribe #Like #TravelEnthusiast #Wanderlust #ExploreAmerica
    "Discovering Indianapolis: Uncovering Hidden Gems in the Heart of America"

    "Discovering Indianapolis: Uncovering Hidden Gems in the Heart of America"

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    • Duration: 8:23
    • Uploaded Date: 23 Aug 2023
    • views: 82
    In this video, join us on a captivating journey through the vibrant city of Indianapolis, where we unveil the best-kept secrets and hidden gems that make this Midwestern metropolis truly special. From charming neighborhoods to off-the-beaten-path attractions, we'll take you on a tour of the city's lesser-known treasures, showcasing its rich history, diverse culture, and unique character. Whether you're a local looking for new adventures or a visitor seeking the authentic Indianapolis experience, this video is your guide to discovering the hidden gems that make Indy shine. Get ready to explore Indianapolis like never before!
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