The series tells the story of an Akita Inu pup called Gin (Japanese for "silver") who leaves his master, a young boy named Daisuke, to join a pack of wild dogs. The pack is gathering strong dogs from all over Japan to fight a deranged bear named Akakabuto and his minions. The story begins from the point of view of the humans, but swings to the dogs with episode seven of the anime. It is in that episode that the audience hears the dogs communicating with each other through speech, though it continues to be barks and whines to human ears. Takahashi was reportedly inspired by a news article about hunting dogs that had been abandoned by their masters and had begun living as wild animals.
All content used in this video belongs to its respective owners. I don't claim to own anything that has been used. I don't make money from these videos.
Media- Ginga Nagareboshi Gin
Episode- Nineteen (19)
published: 27 Feb 2022
Ginga: Nagareboshi Gin | Power Levels (anime/manga)
In this video we've collected each GNG character's stats and power levels. The stats are from Meteor Gin, images are from GingaWiki.
Power level calculation formula: (1+Skill)*(1+Power)*(1+Charisma)
In the video:
Blue - Skill
Red - Power
Green - Charisma
published: 06 Mar 2023
Silverfang: Meteor Gin - Opening Theme (HD)
Here is the opening of Silverfang: Meteor Gin/Ginga Nagareboshi Gin!
I matched the soundtrack version of the song to the opening, so it doesn't have the sound effects like the original.
Lyrics Translation:
The mountains are calling, the sky is calling
Something awaits you in the distant future
The blood is burning bright
The reason you were born is found
Run and run!
Run and run!
Become the wind and run!
And then become even greater than you were yesterday
Challenge the things that are greater than yourself
Like that
Youth is a falling star that never burns out
published: 19 Nov 2013
Ginga Nagareboshi Gin Full Opening (SUBS + TRANS)
Translation by: Kit (Ginga Scans) That is, this translation does not come from any fan sub version.
It took just a day to do it ^^ It was fun!
the purpose and character of the use (commercial or educational, transformative or reproductive);
the nature of the copyrighted work (fictional or factual, the degree of creativity);
the amount and substantiality of the portion of the original work used; and
the effect of the use upon the market (or potential market) for the original work.
The Act was later amended to extend the fair use defense to unpublished works.
published: 14 Sep 2016
Ginga Nagareboshi Gin- Harpooned Bear's Death
All content used in this video belongs to its respective owners. I don't claim to own anything that has been used. I don't make money from these videos.
Media- Ginga Nagareboshi Gin
Episode- Twenty (20)
published: 26 Feb 2022
Ginga Nagareboshi Gin | episode 01
published: 09 Jul 2023
Silver fang bloodiest kills [HD]
Bloodiest scenes of kills and attacks.
Silverfang soundtrack - Aim For It
Silverfang soundtrack - In The Shadows
Silverfang soundtrack - Temple Of Old Enemy Akakabuto
Silverfang soundtrack - Enemies Closing In
Silverfang soundtrack - Call Of The Wild
Akatora's death in Ginga Nagareboshi Gin.
Sadly he dies in the battle with Akakabuto.
He's seen in flashbacks through out the WEED manga and anime, as well mentioned in the Last Wars.
All content used in this video belongs to its respective owners. I don't claim to own anything that has been used. I don't make money from these videos.
All content used in this video belongs to its respective owners. I don't claim to own anything that has been used. I don't make money from these videos.
Media- Ginga Nagareboshi Gin
Episode- Nineteen (19)
All content used in this video belongs to its respective owners. I don't claim to own anything that has been used. I don't make money from these videos.
Media- Ginga Nagareboshi Gin
Episode- Nineteen (19)
In this video we've collected each GNG character's stats and power levels. The stats are from Meteor Gin, images are from GingaWiki.
Power level calculation for...
In this video we've collected each GNG character's stats and power levels. The stats are from Meteor Gin, images are from GingaWiki.
Power level calculation formula: (1+Skill)*(1+Power)*(1+Charisma)
In the video:
Blue - Skill
Red - Power
Green - Charisma
In this video we've collected each GNG character's stats and power levels. The stats are from Meteor Gin, images are from GingaWiki.
Power level calculation formula: (1+Skill)*(1+Power)*(1+Charisma)
In the video:
Blue - Skill
Red - Power
Green - Charisma
Here is the opening of Silverfang: Meteor Gin/Ginga Nagareboshi Gin!
I matched the soundtrack version of the song to the opening, so it doesn't have the sound e...
Here is the opening of Silverfang: Meteor Gin/Ginga Nagareboshi Gin!
I matched the soundtrack version of the song to the opening, so it doesn't have the sound effects like the original.
Lyrics Translation:
The mountains are calling, the sky is calling
Something awaits you in the distant future
The blood is burning bright
The reason you were born is found
Run and run!
Run and run!
Become the wind and run!
And then become even greater than you were yesterday
Challenge the things that are greater than yourself
Like that
Youth is a falling star that never burns out
Here is the opening of Silverfang: Meteor Gin/Ginga Nagareboshi Gin!
I matched the soundtrack version of the song to the opening, so it doesn't have the sound effects like the original.
Lyrics Translation:
The mountains are calling, the sky is calling
Something awaits you in the distant future
The blood is burning bright
The reason you were born is found
Run and run!
Run and run!
Become the wind and run!
And then become even greater than you were yesterday
Challenge the things that are greater than yourself
Like that
Youth is a falling star that never burns out
Translation by: Kit (Ginga Scans) That is, this translation does not come from any fan sub version.
It took just a day to do it ^^ It was fun!
the ...
Translation by: Kit (Ginga Scans) That is, this translation does not come from any fan sub version.
It took just a day to do it ^^ It was fun!
the purpose and character of the use (commercial or educational, transformative or reproductive);
the nature of the copyrighted work (fictional or factual, the degree of creativity);
the amount and substantiality of the portion of the original work used; and
the effect of the use upon the market (or potential market) for the original work.
The Act was later amended to extend the fair use defense to unpublished works.
Translation by: Kit (Ginga Scans) That is, this translation does not come from any fan sub version.
It took just a day to do it ^^ It was fun!
the purpose and character of the use (commercial or educational, transformative or reproductive);
the nature of the copyrighted work (fictional or factual, the degree of creativity);
the amount and substantiality of the portion of the original work used; and
the effect of the use upon the market (or potential market) for the original work.
The Act was later amended to extend the fair use defense to unpublished works.
All content used in this video belongs to its respective owners. I don't claim to own anything that has been used. I don't make money from these videos.
All content used in this video belongs to its respective owners. I don't claim to own anything that has been used. I don't make money from these videos.
Media- Ginga Nagareboshi Gin
Episode- Twenty (20)
All content used in this video belongs to its respective owners. I don't claim to own anything that has been used. I don't make money from these videos.
Media- Ginga Nagareboshi Gin
Episode- Twenty (20)
Bloodiest scenes of kills and attacks.
Silverfang soundtrack - Aim For It
Silverfang soundtrack - In The Shadows
Silverfang soundtrack - Temple Of Ol...
Bloodiest scenes of kills and attacks.
Silverfang soundtrack - Aim For It
Silverfang soundtrack - In The Shadows
Silverfang soundtrack - Temple Of Old Enemy Akakabuto
Silverfang soundtrack - Enemies Closing In
Silverfang soundtrack - Call Of The Wild
Bloodiest scenes of kills and attacks.
Silverfang soundtrack - Aim For It
Silverfang soundtrack - In The Shadows
Silverfang soundtrack - Temple Of Old Enemy Akakabuto
Silverfang soundtrack - Enemies Closing In
Silverfang soundtrack - Call Of The Wild
Akatora's death in Ginga Nagareboshi Gin.
Sadly he dies in the battle with Akakabuto.
He's seen in flashbacks through out the WEED manga and anime, as well ment...
Akatora's death in Ginga Nagareboshi Gin.
Sadly he dies in the battle with Akakabuto.
He's seen in flashbacks through out the WEED manga and anime, as well mentioned in the Last Wars.
Akatora's death in Ginga Nagareboshi Gin.
Sadly he dies in the battle with Akakabuto.
He's seen in flashbacks through out the WEED manga and anime, as well mentioned in the Last Wars.
All content used in this video belongs to its respective owners. I don't claim to own anything that has been used. I don't make money from these videos.
Media- Ginga Nagareboshi Gin
Episode- Nineteen (19)
In this video we've collected each GNG character's stats and power levels. The stats are from Meteor Gin, images are from GingaWiki.
Power level calculation formula: (1+Skill)*(1+Power)*(1+Charisma)
In the video:
Blue - Skill
Red - Power
Green - Charisma
Here is the opening of Silverfang: Meteor Gin/Ginga Nagareboshi Gin!
I matched the soundtrack version of the song to the opening, so it doesn't have the sound effects like the original.
Lyrics Translation:
The mountains are calling, the sky is calling
Something awaits you in the distant future
The blood is burning bright
The reason you were born is found
Run and run!
Run and run!
Become the wind and run!
And then become even greater than you were yesterday
Challenge the things that are greater than yourself
Like that
Youth is a falling star that never burns out
Translation by: Kit (Ginga Scans) That is, this translation does not come from any fan sub version.
It took just a day to do it ^^ It was fun!
the purpose and character of the use (commercial or educational, transformative or reproductive);
the nature of the copyrighted work (fictional or factual, the degree of creativity);
the amount and substantiality of the portion of the original work used; and
the effect of the use upon the market (or potential market) for the original work.
The Act was later amended to extend the fair use defense to unpublished works.
All content used in this video belongs to its respective owners. I don't claim to own anything that has been used. I don't make money from these videos.
Media- Ginga Nagareboshi Gin
Episode- Twenty (20)
Bloodiest scenes of kills and attacks.
Silverfang soundtrack - Aim For It
Silverfang soundtrack - In The Shadows
Silverfang soundtrack - Temple Of Old Enemy Akakabuto
Silverfang soundtrack - Enemies Closing In
Silverfang soundtrack - Call Of The Wild
Akatora's death in Ginga Nagareboshi Gin.
Sadly he dies in the battle with Akakabuto.
He's seen in flashbacks through out the WEED manga and anime, as well mentioned in the Last Wars.
The series tells the story of an Akita Inu pup called Gin (Japanese for "silver") who leaves his master, a young boy named Daisuke, to join a pack of wild dogs. The pack is gathering strong dogs from all over Japan to fight a deranged bear named Akakabuto and his minions. The story begins from the point of view of the humans, but swings to the dogs with episode seven of the anime. It is in that episode that the audience hears the dogs communicating with each other through speech, though it continues to be barks and whines to human ears. Takahashi was reportedly inspired by a news article about hunting dogs that had been abandoned by their masters and had begun living as wild animals.