Gargoyles is an American animated series produced by Walt Disney Television Animation and Buena Vista Television, and originally aired from October 24, 1994 to February 15, 1997. The series features a species of nocturnal creatures known as gargoyles that turn to stone during the day. After spending a thousand years in an enchantedly petrified state, the gargoyles (who have been transported from medieval Scotland) are reawakened in modern-day New York City, and take on roles as the city's secret night-time protectors.
Gargoyles was noted for its relatively dark tone, complex story arcs, and melodrama; character arcs were heavily employed throughout the series, as were Shakespearean themes. A video game adaptation and a spin-off comic series were released in 1995. The show's storyline continued from 2006 to 2009 in a comic book series of the same title, produced by Slave Labor Graphics.
The series features a species of nocturnal creatures known as gargoyles that turn to stone during the day, focusing on a clan led by Goliath. In the year 994, the clan lives in a castle in Scotland. Many are betrayed and killed by humans and the remainder are magically frozen in stone until the castle "rises above the clouds." A millennium later, in 1994, billionaire David Xanatos purchases the gargoyles' castle & has it reconstructed atop his NYC skyscraper, the Eyrie Building- awakening the Manhattan Clan. While trying to adjust to their new world, they are aided by a sympathetic female police officer, Elisa Maza, and quickly come into conflict with the plotting Xanatos. In addition to dealing with the gargoyles' attempts to adjust to modern New York, the series also incorporated various supernatural threats to their safety and to the world at large.
Gargoyles opening theme, ripped by me
Check out my new channel:
published: 26 Jan 2007
Gargoyles 217 Double Jeopardy Wutang700
published: 28 Aug 2016
Gargoyles, 1972
Incorporating themes from horror films of both the '50s and the '70s, this suspenseful TV movie stars Cornel Wilde and Jennifer Salt as an archaeologist and his daughter, who discover a strange skull on display at a roadside tourist trap. After the museum owner is killed during an attack from an unseen foe, the pair are subsequently pursued across the American Southwest by a tribe of humanoid creatures that bear a striking resemblance to the gargoyles of myth, leading to a manic game of cat-and-mouse across the desert. This enjoyably spooky film essentially riffs on this one-note premise for over 70 minutes -- sort of an inversion of Night of the Living Dead's claustrophobic scenario -- and fortunately comes off quite well thanks to superb use of the desert locations, an eerie score, unifo...
published: 08 Apr 2018
WAIT... Remember Gargoyles?
Gargoyles was one of Disney's darker shows that put a lot of story, drama and action at the forefront. Gargoyles was deep and complex offering a lot of think pieces while delivering on some really incredible visuals and some creative and fun lore to follow. Let's take a look at the show itself, what happened to it and maybe its resurgence?
Written By: Jordan Fringe & Christine Parshall
Edited By: Jordan Fringe & Jaclyn Shin (shinjanaytor)
Channel Art By: Jerry Meehan
published: 14 Oct 2022
Gargoyles - intro (HD)
Gargoyles - intro (HD - dvd-rip)
published: 29 Oct 2017
The ENTIRE Story of Gargoyles in 63 Minutes
In this video, we’re breaking down the entire storyline of the classic animated series Gargoyles—from the ancient origins of the stone warriors to the modern-day battles of Goliath and his clan! 🐉👊 Whether you’re a longtime fan of the 90s cartoon or new to the series, this deep dive covers everything you need to know, including the iconic characters, complex plots, and the legendary conflicts that shaped this cult favorite.
Gargoyles Remastered is now available for pre-order on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Steam and GOG!
Launching October 19th, Gargoyles Remastered is an artfully crafted revival of the ‘90s classic 16-bit side-scrolling platform adventure. Relive the epic journey of Goliath and the Gargoyles featuring enhanced visuals, animations, and SFX, all inspired by the acclaimed animated series. The world of Gargoyles comes to life with a level of detail that will thrill fans of the animated series and retro gaming enthusiasts alike. Experience classic gameplay that stays authentic to its predecessor while including new features such as achievements, gameplay rewind, and more!
For more about Gargoyles Remastered!
Like Disney Games on...
published: 07 Sep 2023
Brooklyn Gargoyles being the Ultimate Sass, for like 5 minutes.
Yeah I’m on that Brooklyn
My comfort character deserves a fun little compilation. :b
#gargoyles #brooklyngargoyles #brooklyn #disney #retrodisney #90snostalgia
Incorporating themes from horror films of both the '50s and the '70s, this suspenseful TV movie stars Cornel Wilde and Jennifer Salt as an archaeologist and his...
Incorporating themes from horror films of both the '50s and the '70s, this suspenseful TV movie stars Cornel Wilde and Jennifer Salt as an archaeologist and his daughter, who discover a strange skull on display at a roadside tourist trap. After the museum owner is killed during an attack from an unseen foe, the pair are subsequently pursued across the American Southwest by a tribe of humanoid creatures that bear a striking resemblance to the gargoyles of myth, leading to a manic game of cat-and-mouse across the desert. This enjoyably spooky film essentially riffs on this one-note premise for over 70 minutes -- sort of an inversion of Night of the Living Dead's claustrophobic scenario -- and fortunately comes off quite well thanks to superb use of the desert locations, an eerie score, uniformly good performances, and Emmy award-winning monster costumes from Stan Winston. A young Scott Glenn appears as a roguish biker who throws in with the good guys after taking a shine to the professor's daughter.
Incorporating themes from horror films of both the '50s and the '70s, this suspenseful TV movie stars Cornel Wilde and Jennifer Salt as an archaeologist and his daughter, who discover a strange skull on display at a roadside tourist trap. After the museum owner is killed during an attack from an unseen foe, the pair are subsequently pursued across the American Southwest by a tribe of humanoid creatures that bear a striking resemblance to the gargoyles of myth, leading to a manic game of cat-and-mouse across the desert. This enjoyably spooky film essentially riffs on this one-note premise for over 70 minutes -- sort of an inversion of Night of the Living Dead's claustrophobic scenario -- and fortunately comes off quite well thanks to superb use of the desert locations, an eerie score, uniformly good performances, and Emmy award-winning monster costumes from Stan Winston. A young Scott Glenn appears as a roguish biker who throws in with the good guys after taking a shine to the professor's daughter.
Gargoyles was one of Disney's darker shows that put a lot of story, drama and action at the forefront. Gargoyles was deep and complex offering a lot of think pi...
Gargoyles was one of Disney's darker shows that put a lot of story, drama and action at the forefront. Gargoyles was deep and complex offering a lot of think pieces while delivering on some really incredible visuals and some creative and fun lore to follow. Let's take a look at the show itself, what happened to it and maybe its resurgence?
Written By: Jordan Fringe & Christine Parshall
Edited By: Jordan Fringe & Jaclyn Shin (shinjanaytor)
Channel Art By: Jerry Meehan
Gargoyles was one of Disney's darker shows that put a lot of story, drama and action at the forefront. Gargoyles was deep and complex offering a lot of think pieces while delivering on some really incredible visuals and some creative and fun lore to follow. Let's take a look at the show itself, what happened to it and maybe its resurgence?
Written By: Jordan Fringe & Christine Parshall
Edited By: Jordan Fringe & Jaclyn Shin (shinjanaytor)
Channel Art By: Jerry Meehan
In this video, we’re breaking down the entire storyline of the classic animated series Gargoyles—from the ancient origins of the stone warriors to the modern-da...
In this video, we’re breaking down the entire storyline of the classic animated series Gargoyles—from the ancient origins of the stone warriors to the modern-day battles of Goliath and his clan! 🐉👊 Whether you’re a longtime fan of the 90s cartoon or new to the series, this deep dive covers everything you need to know, including the iconic characters, complex plots, and the legendary conflicts that shaped this cult favorite.
In this video, we’re breaking down the entire storyline of the classic animated series Gargoyles—from the ancient origins of the stone warriors to the modern-day battles of Goliath and his clan! 🐉👊 Whether you’re a longtime fan of the 90s cartoon or new to the series, this deep dive covers everything you need to know, including the iconic characters, complex plots, and the legendary conflicts that shaped this cult favorite.
Gargoyles Remastered is now available for pre-order on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Steam and GOG!
Launching October 19th, Gargoyles Remastered i...
Gargoyles Remastered is now available for pre-order on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Steam and GOG!
Launching October 19th, Gargoyles Remastered is an artfully crafted revival of the ‘90s classic 16-bit side-scrolling platform adventure. Relive the epic journey of Goliath and the Gargoyles featuring enhanced visuals, animations, and SFX, all inspired by the acclaimed animated series. The world of Gargoyles comes to life with a level of detail that will thrill fans of the animated series and retro gaming enthusiasts alike. Experience classic gameplay that stays authentic to its predecessor while including new features such as achievements, gameplay rewind, and more!
For more about Gargoyles Remastered!
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#DisneyGargoyles #GargoylesRemastered
Gargoyles Remastered is now available for pre-order on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Steam and GOG!
Launching October 19th, Gargoyles Remastered is an artfully crafted revival of the ‘90s classic 16-bit side-scrolling platform adventure. Relive the epic journey of Goliath and the Gargoyles featuring enhanced visuals, animations, and SFX, all inspired by the acclaimed animated series. The world of Gargoyles comes to life with a level of detail that will thrill fans of the animated series and retro gaming enthusiasts alike. Experience classic gameplay that stays authentic to its predecessor while including new features such as achievements, gameplay rewind, and more!
For more about Gargoyles Remastered!
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D23: The Official Disney Fan Club is for the fan in all of us-- your source for everything from all the wonderful worlds of Disney, including news, behind-the-scenes content, exclusive events, and more!
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D23: The Official Disney Fan Club
#DisneyGargoyles #GargoylesRemastered
Yeah I’m on that Brooklyn
My comfort character deserves a fun little compilation. :b
#gargoyles #brooklyngargoyles #brooklyn #disney #retrodisney #90snostalgi...
Yeah I’m on that Brooklyn
My comfort character deserves a fun little compilation. :b
#gargoyles #brooklyngargoyles #brooklyn #disney #retrodisney #90snostalgia
Yeah I’m on that Brooklyn
My comfort character deserves a fun little compilation. :b
#gargoyles #brooklyngargoyles #brooklyn #disney #retrodisney #90snostalgia
Incorporating themes from horror films of both the '50s and the '70s, this suspenseful TV movie stars Cornel Wilde and Jennifer Salt as an archaeologist and his daughter, who discover a strange skull on display at a roadside tourist trap. After the museum owner is killed during an attack from an unseen foe, the pair are subsequently pursued across the American Southwest by a tribe of humanoid creatures that bear a striking resemblance to the gargoyles of myth, leading to a manic game of cat-and-mouse across the desert. This enjoyably spooky film essentially riffs on this one-note premise for over 70 minutes -- sort of an inversion of Night of the Living Dead's claustrophobic scenario -- and fortunately comes off quite well thanks to superb use of the desert locations, an eerie score, uniformly good performances, and Emmy award-winning monster costumes from Stan Winston. A young Scott Glenn appears as a roguish biker who throws in with the good guys after taking a shine to the professor's daughter.
Gargoyles was one of Disney's darker shows that put a lot of story, drama and action at the forefront. Gargoyles was deep and complex offering a lot of think pieces while delivering on some really incredible visuals and some creative and fun lore to follow. Let's take a look at the show itself, what happened to it and maybe its resurgence?
Written By: Jordan Fringe & Christine Parshall
Edited By: Jordan Fringe & Jaclyn Shin (shinjanaytor)
Channel Art By: Jerry Meehan
In this video, we’re breaking down the entire storyline of the classic animated series Gargoyles—from the ancient origins of the stone warriors to the modern-day battles of Goliath and his clan! 🐉👊 Whether you’re a longtime fan of the 90s cartoon or new to the series, this deep dive covers everything you need to know, including the iconic characters, complex plots, and the legendary conflicts that shaped this cult favorite.
Gargoyles Remastered is now available for pre-order on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Steam and GOG!
Launching October 19th, Gargoyles Remastered is an artfully crafted revival of the ‘90s classic 16-bit side-scrolling platform adventure. Relive the epic journey of Goliath and the Gargoyles featuring enhanced visuals, animations, and SFX, all inspired by the acclaimed animated series. The world of Gargoyles comes to life with a level of detail that will thrill fans of the animated series and retro gaming enthusiasts alike. Experience classic gameplay that stays authentic to its predecessor while including new features such as achievements, gameplay rewind, and more!
For more about Gargoyles Remastered!
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Click the 👍 if you liked this video!
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D23: The Official Disney Fan Club is for the fan in all of us-- your source for everything from all the wonderful worlds of Disney, including news, behind-the-scenes content, exclusive events, and more!
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D23: The Official Disney Fan Club
#DisneyGargoyles #GargoylesRemastered
Yeah I’m on that Brooklyn
My comfort character deserves a fun little compilation. :b
#gargoyles #brooklyngargoyles #brooklyn #disney #retrodisney #90snostalgia
Gargoyles is an American animated series produced by Walt Disney Television Animation and Buena Vista Television, and originally aired from October 24, 1994 to February 15, 1997. The series features a species of nocturnal creatures known as gargoyles that turn to stone during the day. After spending a thousand years in an enchantedly petrified state, the gargoyles (who have been transported from medieval Scotland) are reawakened in modern-day New York City, and take on roles as the city's secret night-time protectors.
Gargoyles was noted for its relatively dark tone, complex story arcs, and melodrama; character arcs were heavily employed throughout the series, as were Shakespearean themes. A video game adaptation and a spin-off comic series were released in 1995. The show's storyline continued from 2006 to 2009 in a comic book series of the same title, produced by Slave Labor Graphics.
The series features a species of nocturnal creatures known as gargoyles that turn to stone during the day, focusing on a clan led by Goliath. In the year 994, the clan lives in a castle in Scotland. Many are betrayed and killed by humans and the remainder are magically frozen in stone until the castle "rises above the clouds." A millennium later, in 1994, billionaire David Xanatos purchases the gargoyles' castle & has it reconstructed atop his NYC skyscraper, the Eyrie Building- awakening the Manhattan Clan. While trying to adjust to their new world, they are aided by a sympathetic female police officer, Elisa Maza, and quickly come into conflict with the plotting Xanatos. In addition to dealing with the gargoyles' attempts to adjust to modern New York, the series also incorporated various supernatural threats to their safety and to the world at large.
Sharpened today your steel finger tips taps my shoulder You'd better know the smell of his breath You are the skin beneath his nails You'd better sleep with your cloths on they could be here anytime You'd better learn how to swim When it rains - god is crying When the devil chips a nail - there's an earthquake Now i see how man made it out to be a action reaction They'll make a believer out of you You'd better learn how to swim You gotta swim like you're going to burst into flames You'd better learn how to swim in frozen waters You should spend some time, You should see what it's like to live in a life embalmed in decadence If you think it's too much to remember, too much to know exactly where they're at You'd better save some rope for your neck The davil paints his nails as god's angels adjust their wire wings Will you be so sure that you could never believe again You'd better fake it You'd better make time to learn how to swim
During my career as a stonemason I have worked with specialists on every part of a medieval church as they’ve replaced stolen lead, rehung bells, reframed stained glass or prevented wall paintings from flaking away ... UK. Religion. Related articles ... .
A WOMAN has been left looking like a ‘gargoyle’ after a tattoo artist posed as an aesthetic doctor and gave her face filler ... HandoutAndrea says she looks like a ‘gargoyle’ after cosmetic procedures done by Sean[/caption].
(MENAFN - GetNews) Partisan Gargoyles is a non-partisan provider of politically themed merchandise for the 2024 election. They offer a range of products, including decorative gargoyle wall hangings, ... .
Gargoyles (1994) Season 2 focuses on a group of nocturnal creatures who turn saviors for a city ... Here’s how you can watch and stream Gargoyles Season 2 via streaming services such as DisneyPlus ... Gargoyles’s synopsis is as follows..
Gargoyles (1994) Season 3 is here with the Gargoyles facing new challenges to hide their identity ... Here’s how you can watch and stream Gargoyles (1994) Season 3 via streaming services such as DisneyPlus.