Gals! is a shōjomanga written and illustrated by Mihona Fujii. The manga was published by Shueisha and serialized in Ribon from 1998 to 2002. The manga was also published in the U.S. by CMX.
An anime adaptation produced by Studio Pierrot entitled Super Gals! Kotobuki Ran(超ギャルズ!寿蘭,Sūpā Gyaruzu! Kotobuki Ran) aired in Japan on TV Tokyo between April 1, 2001 and March 31, 2002, running a length of 52 episodes. The series aired on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:00, and the timeslot was taken over by another TV anime entitled Ultra Lightining Express Hikarian after this anime finished. Episodes 1-26 had been licensed and dubbed for North American distribution by ADV Films under the name Super Gals! and was distributed on DVD from 2003 to 2004. The Right Stuf International announced at Anime Expo 2006 that they had licensed all the episodes, including 27-52 and released a subtitled boxset containing the remaining 26 episodes on January 16, 2007. A box set containing all 52 episodes was also released in 2010.
Gals is first mentioned in 1185 as Galles. In French it was known as Chules.
The area around Gals has been inhabited for thousands of years. Some of the earliest archeological discoveries include a Bronze Age dug out canoe, Hallstattgrave mounds, La Tène and a Roman era wall. The recorded settlement was a large farm or estate that was built by the Counts of Neuchâtel. The village gradually grew up around the farm. During the 12th or 13th century the village was acquired by the BerneseAbbey of St. Johannsen. It remained part of the Abbey's land until the Abbey was secularized in 1528 during the Protestant Reformation. Gals became part of the Bernese bailiwick of Erlach. Serfdom was abolished relatively late, in 1551. The village first received a village charter in 1652. In the years 1746, 1837, 1852 and 1869, large fires ravaged the village. Between 1874 and 1883 the Zihl canal was built through the region. The canal allowed the villagers to drain the Grissachmoos marsh, which became rich farmland for sugar beets and other crops. In 1894 the village of Zihlbrücke was incorporated into Gals when the border between the Cantons of Bern and Neuchâtel was moved.
This video provides a step-by-step demonstration of how to perform a gait, arms and legs (GALS) examination in an OSCE station.
Read the guide alongside the video here:
Check out our other awesome clinical skills resources including:
• 🔥 Geeky Medics Bundles (discounted products):
• ✨ 1000+ OSCE Stations:
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• 📱 Geeky Medics OSCE App:
• 🩺 Medical Fi...
published: 04 Jun 2018
Девчата (FullHD, комедия, реж. Юрий Чулюкин, 1961 г.)
🔴 Подписывайтесь на канал, чтобы не пропускать фильмы: @MosfilmRuOfficial
По одноимённой повести Б. Бедного. На северные лесозаготовки приезжает Тося Кислицына — выпускница Симферопольского кулинарного училища, сирота, совсем девчонка, — умница, настоящий товарищ. На первых же танцах она отбривает местного кумира — лучшего бригадира Илью Ковригина, и начинается у них любовь-борьба, в лучших традициях советских лирических комедий.
Первый раз комедию показали в марте 1962 года в зале ЦДК. На премьеру пришли все, кроме Инны Макаровой. Она была обижена за то, что убрали финальную сцену её расставания с женихом. Картина сразу понравилась зрителям и даже критикам. Но высокое начальство посчитало, что комедия чересчур бытовая и мелковата для советского экрана, поэтому фильму была присвоена тре...
GALS Screen - Gait, Arms, Legs and Spine - GALS Examination Musculoskeletal Screen - Dr Gill
GALS Screen - Gaits, Arms, Legs and Spine - Musculoskeletal Screen - Dr Gill
The GALS screen is a core part of the MSK examinations, for when you are trying to identify an underlying limb problem
It's crucial to note that the GALS screen is technically this, a screening tool, rather than an examination, so the "GALS examination" is thus a misnomer.
A GALS screen would be indicated if a patient answered "Yes" to any of the initial three screening questions:
- Do they have pain or stiffness in the limbs, joints, or back
- Do they have difficulty going up and down stairs due to pain
- Do they have difficulty dressing due to pain
The GALS screen systematically looks over a patient's gait, arms, legs, and spine.
It should be noted that there are several variations to what is contained wi...
published: 01 Apr 2021
Super Gals Episode 01 L'ultime Gal au monde (VOSTFR)
Episode 01 de Super Gals en VOSTFR
published: 21 Dec 2017
Why is Bra on Peppy Gals but Pan isn't?
Check out the original video:
Out of context playlist:
Also check out the member only perks:
Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle
published: 14 Aug 2021
Super Gals Episode 02 Le plus palpitant grand piège à Shibuya (VOSTFR)
Episode 02 de Super Gals en VOSTFR
published: 28 Dec 2017
This video provides a step-by-step demonstration of how to perform a gait, arms and legs (GALS) examination in an OSCE station.
Read the guide alongside the vi...
This video provides a step-by-step demonstration of how to perform a gait, arms and legs (GALS) examination in an OSCE station.
Read the guide alongside the video here:
Check out our other awesome clinical skills resources including:
• 🔥 Geeky Medics Bundles (discounted products):
• ✨ 1000+ OSCE Stations:
• 🏥 Geeky Medics OSCE Revision Book:
• 📝 150+ PDF OSCE Checklists:
• 🗂️ 3000+ OSCE Flashcards:
• 📱 Geeky Medics OSCE App:
• 🩺 Medical Finals SBA Question Pack:
• 💊 PSA Question Pack:
- Introduction 00:00
- Screening questions 00:37
- Gait 00:50
- Arms 00:59
- Legs 02:22
- Spine 03:33
- Summary of findings 04:14
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Always adhere to your medical school/local hospital guidelines when performing examinations or clinical procedures. DO NOT perform any examination or procedure on patients based purely upon the content of these videos. Geeky Medics accepts no liability for loss of any kind incurred as a result of reliance upon the information provided in this video.
Some people have found this video useful for ASMR purposes.
Achieve success in your medical school OSCEs, UKMLA CPSA, and PLAB 2 exams with our free clinical skills videos. Subscribe to our channel to be informed of our latest releases. 🙂
PLAB 2 OSCE Stations
Revise for the Simulated Consultation Assessment (SCA) with our collection of high-quality SCA cases written by GPs and Training Program Directors. Check out our SCA revision cases and prepare for the MRCGP
This video provides a step-by-step demonstration of how to perform a gait, arms and legs (GALS) examination in an OSCE station.
Read the guide alongside the video here:
Check out our other awesome clinical skills resources including:
• 🔥 Geeky Medics Bundles (discounted products):
• ✨ 1000+ OSCE Stations:
• 🏥 Geeky Medics OSCE Revision Book:
• 📝 150+ PDF OSCE Checklists:
• 🗂️ 3000+ OSCE Flashcards:
• 📱 Geeky Medics OSCE App:
• 🩺 Medical Finals SBA Question Pack:
• 💊 PSA Question Pack:
- Introduction 00:00
- Screening questions 00:37
- Gait 00:50
- Arms 00:59
- Legs 02:22
- Spine 03:33
- Summary of findings 04:14
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Always adhere to your medical school/local hospital guidelines when performing examinations or clinical procedures. DO NOT perform any examination or procedure on patients based purely upon the content of these videos. Geeky Medics accepts no liability for loss of any kind incurred as a result of reliance upon the information provided in this video.
Some people have found this video useful for ASMR purposes.
Achieve success in your medical school OSCEs, UKMLA CPSA, and PLAB 2 exams with our free clinical skills videos. Subscribe to our channel to be informed of our latest releases. 🙂
PLAB 2 OSCE Stations
Revise for the Simulated Consultation Assessment (SCA) with our collection of high-quality SCA cases written by GPs and Training Program Directors. Check out our SCA revision cases and prepare for the MRCGP
🔴 Подписывайтесь на канал, чтобы не пропускать фильмы: @MosfilmRuOfficial
По одноимённой повести Б. Бедного. На северные лесозаготовки приезжает Тося Кислицын...
🔴 Подписывайтесь на канал, чтобы не пропускать фильмы: @MosfilmRuOfficial
По одноимённой повести Б. Бедного. На северные лесозаготовки приезжает Тося Кислицына — выпускница Симферопольского кулинарного училища, сирота, совсем девчонка, — умница, настоящий товарищ. На первых же танцах она отбривает местного кумира — лучшего бригадира Илью Ковригина, и начинается у них любовь-борьба, в лучших традициях советских лирических комедий.
Первый раз комедию показали в марте 1962 года в зале ЦДК. На премьеру пришли все, кроме Инны Макаровой. Она была обижена за то, что убрали финальную сцену её расставания с женихом. Картина сразу понравилась зрителям и даже критикам. Но высокое начальство посчитало, что комедия чересчур бытовая и мелковата для советского экрана, поэтому фильму была присвоена третья прокатная категория.
За рубежом картина имела успех. Получила приз Эдинбургского кинофестиваля и приз кинофестиваля в Мар-дель-Плата. Зарубежные газеты называли Румянцеву «Чарли Чаплин в юбке», а итальянцы — «русской Джульеттой Мазиной».
Режиссер: Чулюкин Юрий
Сценаристы: Бедный Борис
Композитор: Пахмутова Александра
В главных ролях: Рыбников Николай, Овчинникова Люсьена, Румянцева Надежда, Хитров Станислав, Филиппов Роман, Дружинина Светлана, Адоскин Анатолий Михайлович, Меньшикова Нина, Пуговкин Михаил, Макарова Инна
Интересные фрагменты:
00:00:00 начало фильма
00:00:15 песня подруг
00:05:30 Тося приехала
00:36:00 песня "Старый клён"
00:38:30 ".. пятёрку получила?.."
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Восстановление кинокартины выполнено специалистами подразделения "Телекино и Компьютерная графика" киноконцерна "Мосфильм".
🔴 Подписывайтесь на канал, чтобы не пропускать фильмы: @MosfilmRuOfficial
По одноимённой повести Б. Бедного. На северные лесозаготовки приезжает Тося Кислицына — выпускница Симферопольского кулинарного училища, сирота, совсем девчонка, — умница, настоящий товарищ. На первых же танцах она отбривает местного кумира — лучшего бригадира Илью Ковригина, и начинается у них любовь-борьба, в лучших традициях советских лирических комедий.
Первый раз комедию показали в марте 1962 года в зале ЦДК. На премьеру пришли все, кроме Инны Макаровой. Она была обижена за то, что убрали финальную сцену её расставания с женихом. Картина сразу понравилась зрителям и даже критикам. Но высокое начальство посчитало, что комедия чересчур бытовая и мелковата для советского экрана, поэтому фильму была присвоена третья прокатная категория.
За рубежом картина имела успех. Получила приз Эдинбургского кинофестиваля и приз кинофестиваля в Мар-дель-Плата. Зарубежные газеты называли Румянцеву «Чарли Чаплин в юбке», а итальянцы — «русской Джульеттой Мазиной».
Режиссер: Чулюкин Юрий
Сценаристы: Бедный Борис
Композитор: Пахмутова Александра
В главных ролях: Рыбников Николай, Овчинникова Люсьена, Румянцева Надежда, Хитров Станислав, Филиппов Роман, Дружинина Светлана, Адоскин Анатолий Михайлович, Меньшикова Нина, Пуговкин Михаил, Макарова Инна
Интересные фрагменты:
00:00:00 начало фильма
00:00:15 песня подруг
00:05:30 Тося приехала
00:36:00 песня "Старый клён"
00:38:30 ".. пятёрку получила?.."
Смотрите наши фильмы на сайте
Подпишитесь на наши страницы в социальных сетях!
Восстановление кинокартины выполнено специалистами подразделения "Телекино и Компьютерная графика" киноконцерна "Мосфильм".
GALS Screen - Gaits, Arms, Legs and Spine - Musculoskeletal Screen - Dr Gill
The GALS screen is a core part of the MSK examinations, for when you are trying to...
GALS Screen - Gaits, Arms, Legs and Spine - Musculoskeletal Screen - Dr Gill
The GALS screen is a core part of the MSK examinations, for when you are trying to identify an underlying limb problem
It's crucial to note that the GALS screen is technically this, a screening tool, rather than an examination, so the "GALS examination" is thus a misnomer.
A GALS screen would be indicated if a patient answered "Yes" to any of the initial three screening questions:
- Do they have pain or stiffness in the limbs, joints, or back
- Do they have difficulty going up and down stairs due to pain
- Do they have difficulty dressing due to pain
The GALS screen systematically looks over a patient's gait, arms, legs, and spine.
It should be noted that there are several variations to what is contained within the GALS screen. Personally, I prefer to assess the spine after having reviewed a patient's gait.
Remember the core of the examination is finding areas of pain, or discomfort which would then trigger the clinician to do a full in-depth examination of that particular joint or body part
Watch further orthopaedic examinations for your OSCE revision:
The Elbow Examination
The Spine Examination:
The Knee examination
The Hip examination
The GALS examination - Gait, Arms, Legs, Spine - GALS screen
Please note that there is no ABSOLUTE way to perform a clinical examination. Different institutions and even clinicians will have differing degrees of variations - the aim is the effectively identify medically relevant signs.
However during OSCE assessments. Different medical schools, nursing colleges and other health professional courses will have their own preferred approach to a clinical evaluation - you should concentrate on THEIR marks schemes for your assessments.
The examination demonstrated here is derived from Macleods Clinical Examination - a recognised standard textbook for clinical skills.
Some people viewing this medical examination video may experience an ASMR effect
#Gals #DrGill #Clinicalskills
GALS Screen - Gaits, Arms, Legs and Spine - Musculoskeletal Screen - Dr Gill
The GALS screen is a core part of the MSK examinations, for when you are trying to identify an underlying limb problem
It's crucial to note that the GALS screen is technically this, a screening tool, rather than an examination, so the "GALS examination" is thus a misnomer.
A GALS screen would be indicated if a patient answered "Yes" to any of the initial three screening questions:
- Do they have pain or stiffness in the limbs, joints, or back
- Do they have difficulty going up and down stairs due to pain
- Do they have difficulty dressing due to pain
The GALS screen systematically looks over a patient's gait, arms, legs, and spine.
It should be noted that there are several variations to what is contained within the GALS screen. Personally, I prefer to assess the spine after having reviewed a patient's gait.
Remember the core of the examination is finding areas of pain, or discomfort which would then trigger the clinician to do a full in-depth examination of that particular joint or body part
Watch further orthopaedic examinations for your OSCE revision:
The Elbow Examination
The Spine Examination:
The Knee examination
The Hip examination
The GALS examination - Gait, Arms, Legs, Spine - GALS screen
Please note that there is no ABSOLUTE way to perform a clinical examination. Different institutions and even clinicians will have differing degrees of variations - the aim is the effectively identify medically relevant signs.
However during OSCE assessments. Different medical schools, nursing colleges and other health professional courses will have their own preferred approach to a clinical evaluation - you should concentrate on THEIR marks schemes for your assessments.
The examination demonstrated here is derived from Macleods Clinical Examination - a recognised standard textbook for clinical skills.
Some people viewing this medical examination video may experience an ASMR effect
#Gals #DrGill #Clinicalskills
Check out the original video:
Out of context playlist:
Check out the original video:
Out of context playlist:
Also check out the member only perks:
Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle
Check out the original video:
Out of context playlist:
Also check out the member only perks:
Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle
This video provides a step-by-step demonstration of how to perform a gait, arms and legs (GALS) examination in an OSCE station.
Read the guide alongside the video here:
Check out our other awesome clinical skills resources including:
• 🔥 Geeky Medics Bundles (discounted products):
• ✨ 1000+ OSCE Stations:
• 🏥 Geeky Medics OSCE Revision Book:
• 📝 150+ PDF OSCE Checklists:
• 🗂️ 3000+ OSCE Flashcards:
• 📱 Geeky Medics OSCE App:
• 🩺 Medical Finals SBA Question Pack:
• 💊 PSA Question Pack:
- Introduction 00:00
- Screening questions 00:37
- Gait 00:50
- Arms 00:59
- Legs 02:22
- Spine 03:33
- Summary of findings 04:14
Subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to know about our latest content: ✉️
Join the Geeky Medics community: 👩👩👧👧
Always adhere to your medical school/local hospital guidelines when performing examinations or clinical procedures. DO NOT perform any examination or procedure on patients based purely upon the content of these videos. Geeky Medics accepts no liability for loss of any kind incurred as a result of reliance upon the information provided in this video.
Some people have found this video useful for ASMR purposes.
Achieve success in your medical school OSCEs, UKMLA CPSA, and PLAB 2 exams with our free clinical skills videos. Subscribe to our channel to be informed of our latest releases. 🙂
PLAB 2 OSCE Stations
Revise for the Simulated Consultation Assessment (SCA) with our collection of high-quality SCA cases written by GPs and Training Program Directors. Check out our SCA revision cases and prepare for the MRCGP
🔴 Подписывайтесь на канал, чтобы не пропускать фильмы: @MosfilmRuOfficial
По одноимённой повести Б. Бедного. На северные лесозаготовки приезжает Тося Кислицына — выпускница Симферопольского кулинарного училища, сирота, совсем девчонка, — умница, настоящий товарищ. На первых же танцах она отбривает местного кумира — лучшего бригадира Илью Ковригина, и начинается у них любовь-борьба, в лучших традициях советских лирических комедий.
Первый раз комедию показали в марте 1962 года в зале ЦДК. На премьеру пришли все, кроме Инны Макаровой. Она была обижена за то, что убрали финальную сцену её расставания с женихом. Картина сразу понравилась зрителям и даже критикам. Но высокое начальство посчитало, что комедия чересчур бытовая и мелковата для советского экрана, поэтому фильму была присвоена третья прокатная категория.
За рубежом картина имела успех. Получила приз Эдинбургского кинофестиваля и приз кинофестиваля в Мар-дель-Плата. Зарубежные газеты называли Румянцеву «Чарли Чаплин в юбке», а итальянцы — «русской Джульеттой Мазиной».
Режиссер: Чулюкин Юрий
Сценаристы: Бедный Борис
Композитор: Пахмутова Александра
В главных ролях: Рыбников Николай, Овчинникова Люсьена, Румянцева Надежда, Хитров Станислав, Филиппов Роман, Дружинина Светлана, Адоскин Анатолий Михайлович, Меньшикова Нина, Пуговкин Михаил, Макарова Инна
Интересные фрагменты:
00:00:00 начало фильма
00:00:15 песня подруг
00:05:30 Тося приехала
00:36:00 песня "Старый клён"
00:38:30 ".. пятёрку получила?.."
Смотрите наши фильмы на сайте
Подпишитесь на наши страницы в социальных сетях!
Восстановление кинокартины выполнено специалистами подразделения "Телекино и Компьютерная графика" киноконцерна "Мосфильм".
GALS Screen - Gaits, Arms, Legs and Spine - Musculoskeletal Screen - Dr Gill
The GALS screen is a core part of the MSK examinations, for when you are trying to identify an underlying limb problem
It's crucial to note that the GALS screen is technically this, a screening tool, rather than an examination, so the "GALS examination" is thus a misnomer.
A GALS screen would be indicated if a patient answered "Yes" to any of the initial three screening questions:
- Do they have pain or stiffness in the limbs, joints, or back
- Do they have difficulty going up and down stairs due to pain
- Do they have difficulty dressing due to pain
The GALS screen systematically looks over a patient's gait, arms, legs, and spine.
It should be noted that there are several variations to what is contained within the GALS screen. Personally, I prefer to assess the spine after having reviewed a patient's gait.
Remember the core of the examination is finding areas of pain, or discomfort which would then trigger the clinician to do a full in-depth examination of that particular joint or body part
Watch further orthopaedic examinations for your OSCE revision:
The Elbow Examination
The Spine Examination:
The Knee examination
The Hip examination
The GALS examination - Gait, Arms, Legs, Spine - GALS screen
Please note that there is no ABSOLUTE way to perform a clinical examination. Different institutions and even clinicians will have differing degrees of variations - the aim is the effectively identify medically relevant signs.
However during OSCE assessments. Different medical schools, nursing colleges and other health professional courses will have their own preferred approach to a clinical evaluation - you should concentrate on THEIR marks schemes for your assessments.
The examination demonstrated here is derived from Macleods Clinical Examination - a recognised standard textbook for clinical skills.
Some people viewing this medical examination video may experience an ASMR effect
#Gals #DrGill #Clinicalskills
Check out the original video:
Out of context playlist:
Also check out the member only perks:
Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle
Gals! is a shōjomanga written and illustrated by Mihona Fujii. The manga was published by Shueisha and serialized in Ribon from 1998 to 2002. The manga was also published in the U.S. by CMX.
An anime adaptation produced by Studio Pierrot entitled Super Gals! Kotobuki Ran(超ギャルズ!寿蘭,Sūpā Gyaruzu! Kotobuki Ran) aired in Japan on TV Tokyo between April 1, 2001 and March 31, 2002, running a length of 52 episodes. The series aired on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:00, and the timeslot was taken over by another TV anime entitled Ultra Lightining Express Hikarian after this anime finished. Episodes 1-26 had been licensed and dubbed for North American distribution by ADV Films under the name Super Gals! and was distributed on DVD from 2003 to 2004. The Right Stuf International announced at Anime Expo 2006 that they had licensed all the episodes, including 27-52 and released a subtitled boxset containing the remaining 26 episodes on January 16, 2007. A box set containing all 52 episodes was also released in 2010.
[Verse 1:] I'm inna vet, yellow vet, yellow vet I parked da fence Gucci mane laflare so much money dat I can buy a friend Cedes benz s-classy bitch e-class 615 ya trick Roll with my exotic bitch sittin on sum expensive rims Dey sho is dey cost a mill, dey diamond out das what it is Dey diamond out das what is is, dey diamond out dey cost a mill And who are you? what it do I have no clue bitch who are you? I have no glue bitch who are you now what it do bitch whu are you? So icey baby, nike baby, air max cost $190 baby Nike game so crazy baby east atlanta moreland baby Lamborgini marcelago call dat bitch his foxy lady Foxy lady lamborgini marcelago gucci crazy My 90 80 roller skating sum say that I'm roller blading Ice skating I'm still blazing more ice denna hockey game No grady baby crazy baby sum think I'm a 80's baby Born 1 19 80 ya bitch and got mo money den ya daddy Yea ya daddy, yea ya pappy Caddy like my daddy's daddy, caddy like my daddy's pappy I'm ya mammy's baby daddy, make ya daddy slap ya mammy If ya owe me 50 whammies make ya daddy slap ya mammy [Hook: Kollosuss] Hoe we settin standards, puts in da hamper Swaggin on deez niggaz posted up in east atlanta My nigga gucci grabb em, cramp em inna magnum If u need one holla at kollosus he can hav'em [Verse 2: Kollosus] Half of my product u can get it if u need dat If I feel dat u flugazey goonie knock yo sleeve back, believe Zone 6 key black, don't giva fuck bout beef I'll leave hangin onna meat rack Betta hold yo seat back I'm headin 2 da top dey caint move me Me and mr perfect and a couple cute groupies Rollin up a bleezy we don't wanna hit yo doobey Stanken up dat loud in dat 08' dooley Like who is flashin sho groovey Dem hoez be chewy chewy, screamin dey gon do me But me I keep it cooley, low key truely Blowin on dat guey witta snub nosed tooley
'GoldenBachelor' runner-up talks Gerry, Theresa at 'Golden Wedding'. Gerry and Theresa of "The Golden Bachelor" married live on ABC's "The Golden Wedding" in front of family and other contestants. Time to put down that romance novel ... ET on ABC.
) Get dressed up and celebrate with your favorite role model(s)!. The LaurelHillsCommunity Center is having a night of dancing, refreshments, games, and great entertainment! ... Location. Laurel Hills Community Center. Date ... 7.
Israeli actress issues clarification after her representatives claimed she was not permitted to wear the pin at Golden Globes. Some chose to tell a story that never happened ....
In a striking appearance featuring an elegant black Armani dress, Israeli actress Gal Gadot captured attention but also drew criticism Sunday at the Golden Globes ceremony.
As wildfires continue to ravage Los Angeles, forcing mass evacuation, Israeli actresses Gal Gadot and Moran Atias have taken to social media to document the crisis and express solidarity with affected residents.
Golden Globes denies Gal Gadot was not allowed to wear hostage pin to award ceremony. ‘Any report otherwise is ‘categorically false’.’� | Read More�News from Israel....