- published: 10 Feb 2024
- views: 264480
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Coordinates: 51°20′46″N 2°58′37″W / 51.346°N 2.977°W / 51.346; -2.977
Weston-super-Mare /ˈwɛstən ˌsuːpə ˈmɛər/ is a seaside resort in Somerset, England, on the Bristol Channel 18 miles (29 km) south west of Bristol between Worlebury Hill and Bleadon Hill. It includes the suburbs of Oldmixon, West Wick and Worle. Its population at the 2011 census was 76,143. Since 1983, Weston has been twinned with Hildesheim, Germany.
Although there is evidence in the local area of occupation since the Iron Age, it was still a small village until the 19th century when it became a seaside resort, and was connected with local towns and cities by a railway, and two piers were built. The growth continued until the second half of the 20th century, when tourism declined and some local industries closed. A regeneration programme is being undertaken with attractions including the Helicopter Museum, Weston-super-Mare Museum, Grand Pier and an aquarium. The Paddle Steamer Waverley and MV Balmoral offer day sea trips from Knightstone Island to various destinations along the Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary. Cultural venues include The Playhouse, the Winter Gardens and Blakehay Theatre.
Coordinates: 51°13′40″N 2°19′17″W / 51.2279°N 2.3215°W / 51.2279; -2.3215
Frome (i/ˈfruːm/ FROOM; Welsh: Ffraw) is a town and civil parish in eastern Somerset, England. Located at the eastern end of the Mendip Hills, the town is built on uneven high ground, and centres on the River Frome. The town is approximately 13 miles (21 km) south of Bath, 43 miles (69 km) east of the county town, Taunton and 107 miles (172 km) west of London. In the 2011 census, the population was given as 26,203. The town is in the Mendip district of Somerset and is part of the parliamentary constituency of Somerton and Frome.
In April 2010 a large hoard of third-century Roman coins was unearthed in a field near the town. From AD 950 to 1650, Frome was larger than Bath and originally grew due to the wool and cloth industry. It later diversified into metal-working and printing, although these have declined. The town was enlarged during the 20th century but still retains a very large number of listed buildings, and most of the centre falls within a conservation area.
Frome was a constituency centred on the town of Frome in Somerset. It returned one Member of Parliament to the House of Commons of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1832, until it was abolished for the 1950 general election. Between 1832 and 1885, it was a parliamentary borough; after 1885 it was a county constituency, a division of Somerset.
Frome was one of the boroughs created by the Great Reform Act of 1832, as the town was at that point one of the bigger towns in England which was not already represented, and its then-flourishing woollen manufacturing industry made it seem likely to grow further. The new borough consisted only of the town of Frome, and had a population (according to the 1831 census) of approximately 11,240. The registered electorate at the 1832 election was 322. Frome was near to Longleat, and the Marquess of Bath was influential in election outcomes throughout its life as a borough.
However, the town did not increase dramatically in size in the next few years, and the electorate was still only just over 400 by 1865, although the extension of the franchise at the 1868 election trebled this. By the time of the Third Reform Act, Frome was too small to continue as a constituency in itself and the borough was abolished with effect from the 1885 election.
The Hundred of Frome is one of the 40 historical Hundreds in the ceremonial county of Somerset, England, dating from before the Norman conquest during the Anglo-Saxon era although exact dates are unknown. Each hundred had a 'fyrd', which acted as the local defence force and a court which was responsible for the maintenance of the frankpledge system. They also formed a unit for the collection of taxes. The role of the hundred court was described in the Dooms (laws) of King Edgar. The name of the hundred was normally that of its meeting-place.
The Hundred of Frome was the largest hundred in the county and had its headquarters in the town of Frome. It consisted of the ancient parishes of: Frome-Selwood, and the parishes of Beckington, Berkeley, Cloford, East Cranmore, Elm, Laverton, Leigh, Luddington, Marston Bigott, Mells, Nunney, Orchardleigh, Road, Rodden, Standerwick, Wanstrow, Whatley, Witham Friary, and Woolverton. It covered an area of 37,620 acres (15,220 ha).
The importance of the hundred courts declined from the seventeenth century. By the 19th century several different single-purpose subdivisions of counties, such as poor law unions, sanitary districts, and highway districts sprang up, filling the administrative role previously played by parishes and hundreds. Although the Hundreds have never been formally abolished, their functions ended with the establishment of county courts in 1867 and the introduction of districts by the Local Government Act 1894.
Mare' (Arabic: مارع, also spelled Marea) is a town 25 kilometers north of Aleppo in northern Syria. It is the largest town and the administrative centre of the Mare' nahiyah in the Azaz District of the Aleppo Governorate. Nearby localities include Shaykh Issa and Tell Rifaat to the west, A'zaz to the northwest, Dabiq to the northeast, al-Bab to the southeast, and Maarat Umm Hawsh and Herbel to the south. According to the Syria Central Bureau of Statistics, it had a population of 16,904 in the 2004 census, out of a total population in the Mare' nahiyah of 39,306.
Mare' has been affected by the ongoing Syrian uprising against the government of Bashar al-Assad. The Ibn Walid brigade of the opposition Free Syrian Army was formed in the town in August 2012.
As of January 2015, Mare' is controlled by the Islamic Front.
The Mare' Operations Room is based around the town.
A mare is an adult female horse or other equine.
In most cases, a mare is a female horse over the age of three, and a filly is a female horse age three and younger. In Thoroughbred horse racing a mare is defined as a female horse more than four years old, but the word can also be used for other female equine animals, particularly mules and zebras, though a female donkey is usually called a "jenny." A broodmare is a mare used for breeding. A horse's female parent is known as its dam.
An uncastrated adult male horse is called a stallion and a castrated male is a gelding. Occasionally the term "horse" is used in a restrictive sense to designate only a male horse.
Mares carry their young (called foals) for approximately 11 months from conception to birth. (Average range 320–370 days.) Usually just one young is born; twins are rare. When a domesticated mare foals, she nurses the foal for at least four to six months before it is weaned, though mares in the wild may allow a foal to nurse for up to a year.
Mareš (feminine Marešová) is a Czech surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Back in the day Western-Super-Mare was the hotspot for tourism in the UK, people from all around the country would come here for a weekend trip or a long holiday. However in recent years Weston has been on a steep decline! Half the town is boarded up and locals are leaving for a new life elsewhere. I came here with @JoefishJ who showed me the reality of people here living in Weston-Super-Mare and to see why this once great holiday town has been completely forgotten about. Go check out Joe's channel to see his video on this as well, link below. https://www.youtube.com/@UCJDbRT9MDNkJQ8iZil1gGXQ Thank you to @_the_wessex_nomad_ as well for the chat and sharing your story on Western. Check out his channel Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/backpacker.ben/ Contact me 📧 - benryanfrier@gm...
Join me on a Tour in Weston-super-Mare, also known as Weston, is a seaside town in Somerset, England. It is part of the unitary authority of North Somerset. It lies by the Bristol Channel 18 miles south west of Bristol between Worlebury Hill and Bleadon Hill, It has one of the largest tidal ranges in the world, second only to the Bay of Fundi in Canada. I start by parking on the beach! yes crazy and walk along the seafront and visit Funland, The Grand Pier one of the oldest building in Weston and so much more! Come walk with me in Weston-super-Mare Did you know facts about Weston super mare :- The transatlantic cable, which carried telegraph messages between Britain and America, washed ashore on Weston-super-Mare beach. It was of such strategic importance in the First World War sentries...
Join me on a delightful adventure in Weston-super-Mare as I uncover the amazing fish and chips that everyone’s talking about! 🐟🍟 This iconic British seaside town is known for its stunning views, sandy beaches, and, of course, its incredible food scene. In today’s vlog, I take you to one of Weston-super-Mare’s top-rated chippies to sample the best traditional fish and chips you can find. Whether you’re a local exploring hidden gems, a visitor planning your next trip, or someone who loves discovering daily vlogs about life in the UK, this video is for you! As a passionate UK vlogger based in Weston-super-Mare, I love showcasing the charm of this coastal town and sharing authentic British experiences with my viewers. Stick around for mouthwatering shots of golden-crisp fish, perfectly salte...
Best Fish & Chips - Weston Super Mare Welcome to my video of me trying Papas Fish & Chips at Weston Super mare.. It ticked all the boxes for me, good size portion, lovely well cooked chips, crispy batter on the fish and the food came in recyclable packaging.. Papa’s was established in 1966 by Photio’s Papas, who’s vision, determination, hard work and sincerity created a name in quality and customer service. Not to mention an early pioneer of supporting sustainable fish resources on the marketplace. #ratemytakeaway #ratemyfood Hi, I am Ant from Weston Super mare in the UK. My channel is all about me and my hobbies which are flying Drones and driving my small speed boat. If you have any questions please ask. ❤️ Thanks very much for watching my Vlog. ❤️ 👍 SUBSCRIBE FOR REGULAR VLOGS 👍 M...
Who remembers when you could go to an ice cream van and buy a mr whippy cone for 99P? watch the full series here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4o0D92DdLLA&list=PLWqCgRwEP4mw28uPVoMvdYUJdFO9hPwyM Well we can remember these days, but they seem to be a distant memory. we often find that in london or manchester city centres ice cream vans can be charging as much as £4 for a humble mr whippy ice cream. ice creams should still be 99p in our opinion, so we are taking on the challenge of searching the whole of the UK for a mr whippy ice cream that is sold for 99p. do you think we will be able to find one? this is the 39485893 instalment of this fun youtube series. we travel to weston-super-mare in the south west coast of England to see if we can find some 99p 99 mr whippy walls ice c...
Ever heard of "Bring Your Own Bag"? 🧐 | Weston-super-Mare Foodie Adventure Welcome to my latest vlog, where I explore an exciting foodie experience right here in Weston-super-Mare! Today, I’m diving into the epic “Bring Your Own Bag” trend at Spuddies, the local hotspot that’s turning snack time into a creative masterpiece. 🥔🌟 #westonsupermare #foodhacks In this video, I bring a massive bag of crisps and load it up with mouthwatering toppings like melted cheese, spicy chili, and nacho-style extras. It’s a food hack that’s as fun as it is delicious! Whether you’re a Weston-super-Mare local or just love discovering unique food experiences, this vlog is for you. 🍟🧀🔥 If you’re a fan of UK vlogs, daily vlogs, or love exploring the best eats in Weston-super-Mare, don’t miss this one. I’l...
Best Sweet Shop in Weston-super-Mare Mr. Perkins Traditional Sweet Shop in Weston-super-Mare! Just had a blast exploring the amazing Mr Perkins Traditional Sweet Shop in Weston-super-Mare! 🍬 From classic favourites to mind-blowing flavours, this place is a sugar lover's paradise. #westonsupermare #vlog #sweet Who's ready for a sweet tooth tour? Check out my new vlog to see all the gooey, chewy, and sugary goodness! 📍 4 Regent St, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1SQ 🍫 Ready to relive your childhood? Watch now and get your sweet fix! Trust me, this is the sweetest spot in town. Welcome to Weston Super Man! I'm a UK vlogger and blogger bringing you the best of Weston-super-Mare, Somerset. Join me as I explore and showcase the positive aspects of our beautiful seaside town. Discover the best pla...
JOIN: https://www.puregym.com/gyms/weston-super-mare If you're on the hunt for super gym facilities at a super price, PureGym Weston-super-Mare is the perfect choice for you. Our members are fully equipped to lead a healthy lifestyle with 24/7 access to state-of-the-art kit, free gym classes, free parking and memberships that are contract-free. We're the largest gym chain in the UK and you can join online today and get unlimited access to everything you need on your fitness journey. You'll find us on the Gallagher Retail Park in Marchfields Way next to 'Computers for Africa'. To get to the retail park take the Weston-super-Mare exit from the roundabout and the slip road off towards Currys and Dreams. #PureGym #westonsupermare #UKgym ___________________________________________________...
Unlimited Food Heaven: Discover Weston Super Mare's Best All You Can Eat Spot Do you have an insatiable appetite for delicious food? Are you looking for a place where you can satisfy your cravings without worrying about the quantity? Coco Buffet is a multi-cuisine buffet restaurant. And many more continental, Indian, Thai, Chinese, , European, foods are available at our buffet line. Look no further than Weston Super Mare's best all-you-can-eat spot! Hi, I am Ant from Weston Super mare in the UK. My channel is all about me and my hobbies which are flying Drones and driving my small speed boat. If you have any questions please ask. ❤️ Thanks very much for watching my Vlog. ❤️ 👍 SUBSCRIBE FOR REGULAR VLOGS 👍 MY GEAR: 🎬 🎥Fimi Palm:Hand Held camera with a gimble 📹DJI Osmo Action:Great...
#westonsupermare #shopping #virtualwalk - - - - - - - - - - kittikoko - Isle of Wight tourist attractions, virtual walks, bus ride POVs, hovercraft videos, arcade tours and everyday life.
We hope you enjoy this walk around Frome in Somerset - a great day trip from Bath (with subtitles). One of the Times “Best Places to Live in Britain”, Frome is also a welcoming and vibrant place to visit, with its rich history, culture and natural beauty. Full of historic buildings, beautiful independent shops and creative people, Frome is a wonderfully eventful town. It is the perfect destination for discerning tourists looking for something just a little bit different on visits to Somerset. Frome is a town with a charming historic centre and has a wealth of architectural interest alongside a thriving contemporary and performing arts scene. Frome is also the original Somerset Market Town, a hugely important destination hosting a thriving market since the time the ink was still wet on The...
Frome in Somerset is a lovely market town packed with history and beautiful old buildings. Come and join me and explore together. To see my video of the Frome Plaque Trail, click the link below. The Frome Plaque Trail in 4K https://youtu.be/fo4VDRk0HPQ Click now to visit my website and FREE newsletter https://rolandstravels.substack.com/ Please follow me on Twitter https://Twitter.com/RolandMillward Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rolandmillward Facebook https://www.facebook.com/rolandtravels If you would like to support what I do you are able to use the link below. Buy Me a Coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/RolandMillward - Thank you.
Near to Bath is the cute little market town of Frome, we fancied heading out for the day and so caught the train and went for a wander around the cobbled streets ❤️ If you'd like to support my work you can buy me a coffee 🤗 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/TheChaosDiaries If you're interested in more info, travel guides or itinerary tips, check out my blog! https://www.thechaosdiaries.com/ Credit: Music by Pluto and Charon - Back When - https://thmatc.co/?l=4F87294D Music by C.JAMES - Losing - https://thmatc.co/?l=EC7019C3
I wander around the streets and narrow alleyways of this historic town in Somerset; this is the first time that Westcountry Wanderings has visited the county. #Frome #Somerset #BrunelRailwayShed
Gas problems send us on a hunt for a new canister before we head to the 3rd best town in England, Frome. Great place until we have camera problems and spend all day trying to find a screwdriver to fix the problem. Only then do we get to check the place out properly and enjoy one of the finest churches in England and the wonderful quaint streets. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TravelTrollsTV Become A Family Member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd2_Z8IE9V2THqtdzNVQsIg/join Travel Trolls TV Shop: https://traveltrollstvshop.myteespring.co Support Us: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=XQSTAZQ8925VQ Email: TravelTrollsTV@hotmail.com Other YouTube Channels: Mazzy X: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRkk2wD6cCGCyV4zmnxkISA Deep Digger Dan https://www.you...
We visit a monthly market in the unassuming Somerset town that’s proving an easy sell to locals, buoying local businesses and luring in punters from miles around. To discover more about Monocle magazine head to http://www.monocle.com
The best of Saturday's match against Weston super Mare A F C
A short walk through the sunny streets of Frome.
Coordinates: 51°20′46″N 2°58′37″W / 51.346°N 2.977°W / 51.346; -2.977
Weston-super-Mare /ˈwɛstən ˌsuːpə ˈmɛər/ is a seaside resort in Somerset, England, on the Bristol Channel 18 miles (29 km) south west of Bristol between Worlebury Hill and Bleadon Hill. It includes the suburbs of Oldmixon, West Wick and Worle. Its population at the 2011 census was 76,143. Since 1983, Weston has been twinned with Hildesheim, Germany.
Although there is evidence in the local area of occupation since the Iron Age, it was still a small village until the 19th century when it became a seaside resort, and was connected with local towns and cities by a railway, and two piers were built. The growth continued until the second half of the 20th century, when tourism declined and some local industries closed. A regeneration programme is being undertaken with attractions including the Helicopter Museum, Weston-super-Mare Museum, Grand Pier and an aquarium. The Paddle Steamer Waverley and MV Balmoral offer day sea trips from Knightstone Island to various destinations along the Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary. Cultural venues include The Playhouse, the Winter Gardens and Blakehay Theatre.