Olympic '64 Dorin Liviu Zaharia - Cantic De Haiduc
"Cantic De Haiduc" este o prelucrare din folclor, realizata de Inglessis si Zaharia. Tema (haiduceasca) avea sa se dovedeasca o constanta atat in preferintele publicului cat si ale muzicienilor de la noi din tara. Releu al spiritului nonconformist, in conditiile lipsei unui camp prea larg de manifestare, Olympic '64 a propus (daca nu prima) una dintre primele mostre de balada haiduceasca in formula folk -- rock. Valoarea "Cantic"-ului consta in minima interventie asupra piesei populare si in acelasi timp a licentelor armonice si ritmice care o re-contextualizeaza.(muzicisifaze.com)
published: 14 Feb 2008
Olympic '64 Dorin Liviu Zaharia - Ziua Bradului De Noapte
“Ziua Bradului De Noapte” (2) ramane una dintre marile reusite ale muzicii rock romanesti. La cateva decenii de cand a fost compusa, muzica si text, de catre Dorin Liviu Zaharia, ascultand-o sau vorbind despre ea, ai sentimentul ca o carte “… s-a deschis la primul rand …”. O astfel de piesa elimina mimetismul de pe lista singurelor posibilitati de exprimare, demonstrand ca nu este o conditie sine qua non a muzicii de gen, chiar daca pop-culture-ul a intrat in tara prin import (uneori indirect). muzicisifaze.com
published: 10 Feb 2016
Olympic '64, „Kamadeva” (1970) - Arhiva Muzeul Rock din România
Olympic '64, „Kamadeva” (1970) - Muzeul Rock
Subscribe la canalul nostru: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_-5S0O8VQ_7Kc9YcbFYvqg?
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/modernism.ro
Twitter: https://www.facebook.com/modernism.ro
KAMADEVA... Adica o piesa inedita a legendarei formatii (a treia - pana acum nu existau decat doua - cu o poveste... de poveste:), despre care pana acum doar mi s-a povestit...
Pe de alta parte, deschidem un nou capitol in Arhiva MUZEUL ROCK... inregistrari deosebite din istoria rockului romanesc, care din diverse motive nu au aparut pana acum pe youtube.
Ele sunt destule, n-am constientizat importanta lor pana cand mi s-a atras atentia ca in portretul lui Dan Aldea am folosit asa ceva, fara sa stiu ca nu mai avea nimeni respectivele piese SFINX... Multumesc Andre...
published: 31 May 2020
DIMITRIE "PIKI" INGLESSIS(ex. Olympic 64) - Inteleg(Anii'70)
Membru in Olympic 64 intre anii 1964 - 1971, aici cu un fragment muzical in emisiunea Remix Underground difuzata probabil in 2002. Fragment de pe vhs digitalizat si remasterizat audio, bifonic egalizat.
published: 30 Jan 2023
Cantic de haiduc Olympic'64 1970
Piesa "Cantic de haiduc" a formatiei anilor '60-'70, Olympic'64, este o lucrare memorabila creata in 1967 si care la perioada respectiva reprezenta o referinta la intrebuintarea melosului popular romanesc. Este interpretata de regretatul Dorin Liviu Zaharia - Chubby, cu Picky Inglessis la chitara, Costin Petrescu baterie, Dan Dimitriu la bas si Marian Mircea la claviaturi. Despre trupa Olympic'64 avem insa din fericire, descrieri detaliate povestite in cartea "Intre Phoenix si...Le Corbusier" de Costin Petrescu, un frumos voiaj intre muzica si arhitectura.
published: 17 Mar 2023
Retro Rock / Olympic '64 ”Cîntic de haiduc”
Retro Rock / Olympic '64 ”Cîntic de haiduc”. Retro Rock este un ”Proiect cultural finanțat de Ministerul Culturii”.
Retro Rock / Sideral Modal Quartet ”Ești a mea” - 1970 (muzică / versuri: adaptare folclor de Dorin Liviu Zaharia și Dimitrie Inglessis)
Componența 2020:
Dan "Rini" Crăciun / voce
Miruna Puiu / voce
Andrei Bălașa / chitară
Cătălin Ungureanu / bas
Claudiu Purcărin / tobe
Filmările realizate la Arenele Romane - București.
Video producție: Tehno Plus / Burlacu Dragoș
Audio producție - Sound Studio Production
La începutul acestei pandemii de Covid 19, când artiștii liber profesioniști au avut mult de suferit, în lipsa concertelor, înregistrărilor ș.a.m.d., s-a născut un prim proiect intitulat „Rockul Carantinei” („vinovați” fiind: Doru Ionescu, Gabi Pipai A...
published: 30 Dec 2020
Relais de la Flamme olympique | Étape 64 - Essonne | Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024
published: 22 Jul 2024
Bob Hayes - Only Man To Win Olympic Gold & Superbowl | Tokyo 1964 Olympics
📲 Subscribe to @olympics: http://oly.ch/Subscribe
Highlights from the Tokyo 1964 Olympic Games as the USA's Bob Hayes wins the gold medal in the men's 100m event before going on to add the Superbowl to his impressive list of accolades.
The 100m title at the Tokyo 1964 Olympic Games went to Bob Hayes, probably one of the fastest runners who has ever lived and certainly one of the most successful, even though his career was short. In the run-up to the Olympic Games, he appeared entirely unbeatable, winning each of 49 races in which he took part between 1962 and 1964.
Hayes set a clutch of sprinting records. He was the first person to run the 100 yards (91.4m) in 9.1 seconds, and the first person to cover 60 yards (54.8m) in less than six seconds. The form book had him down as a red-ho...
published: 01 Jun 2013
Australian Olympic Team gets dressed for success • RFI English
With 460 athletes and nearly as many officials descending on Paris, Australia is sending one of the world's largest delegations to the 2024 Olympic Games – and getting a team of that size and all its equipment across the globe is no mean feat. RFI went behind the scenes to meet those making sure Team Australia's kit is ready and waiting for them. Read more here: https://rfi.my/Ao5n
##ParisOlympics2024 #Australia #sport
Find out more in our article: https://rfi.my/Ao5n.y
🔔 Subscribe to our channel now: https://rfi.my/YTen
🌍 Get all the news from around the world live: https://www.rfi.fr/en/
Join us on Facebook: https://rfi.my/FBen
Follow us on X (Twitter): https://rfi.my/Xen
See the news in pictures on Instagram: https://rfi.my/IGen
Get the latest stories on Telegram: https://rfi.my/TGe...
published: 23 Jul 2024
Retro Rock 2020 (Chromatic, Holograf, Progresiv TM, Olympic '64, Rodion G.A., FFN, Domino, etc)
Retro Rock 2020 (Chromatic, Holograf, Progresiv TM, Olympic '64, Rodion G.A., FFN, Domino, Catena, Progresiv TM & Roșu și Negru, Sideral Modal Quartet, Semnal M, )
Retro Rock este un ”Proiect cultural finanțat de Ministerul Culturii”.
Filmările realizate la Arenele Romane - București.
Video producție: Tehno Plus / Burlacu Dragoș
Audio producție - Sound Studio Production
La începutul acestei pandemii de Covid 19, când artiștii liber profesioniști au avut mult de suferit, în lipsa concertelor, înregistrărilor ș.a.m.d., s-a născut un prim proiect intitulat „Rockul Carantinei” („vinovați” fiind: Doru Ionescu, Gabi Pipai Andrieș și Iulian Vrabete) ce a dat un sens activității lor de acasă, provocându-i într-o întreprindere creativă deosebită: muzică pentru muzică.
Piese de r...
published: 05 Jan 2021
Olympic '64 Dorin Liviu Zaharia - Cantic De Haiduc
"Cantic De Haiduc" este o prelucrare din folclor, realizata de Inglessis si Zaharia. Tema (haiduceasca) avea sa se dovedeasca o constanta atat in preferintele ...
"Cantic De Haiduc" este o prelucrare din folclor, realizata de Inglessis si Zaharia. Tema (haiduceasca) avea sa se dovedeasca o constanta atat in preferintele publicului cat si ale muzicienilor de la noi din tara. Releu al spiritului nonconformist, in conditiile lipsei unui camp prea larg de manifestare, Olympic '64 a propus (daca nu prima) una dintre primele mostre de balada haiduceasca in formula folk -- rock. Valoarea "Cantic"-ului consta in minima interventie asupra piesei populare si in acelasi timp a licentelor armonice si ritmice care o re-contextualizeaza.(muzicisifaze.com)
"Cantic De Haiduc" este o prelucrare din folclor, realizata de Inglessis si Zaharia. Tema (haiduceasca) avea sa se dovedeasca o constanta atat in preferintele publicului cat si ale muzicienilor de la noi din tara. Releu al spiritului nonconformist, in conditiile lipsei unui camp prea larg de manifestare, Olympic '64 a propus (daca nu prima) una dintre primele mostre de balada haiduceasca in formula folk -- rock. Valoarea "Cantic"-ului consta in minima interventie asupra piesei populare si in acelasi timp a licentelor armonice si ritmice care o re-contextualizeaza.(muzicisifaze.com)
- published: 14 Feb 2008
- views: 217074
Olympic '64 Dorin Liviu Zaharia - Ziua Bradului De Noapte
“Ziua Bradului De Noapte” (2) ramane una dintre marile reusite ale muzicii rock romanesti. La cateva decenii de cand a fost compusa, muzica si text, de catre Do...
“Ziua Bradului De Noapte” (2) ramane una dintre marile reusite ale muzicii rock romanesti. La cateva decenii de cand a fost compusa, muzica si text, de catre Dorin Liviu Zaharia, ascultand-o sau vorbind despre ea, ai sentimentul ca o carte “… s-a deschis la primul rand …”. O astfel de piesa elimina mimetismul de pe lista singurelor posibilitati de exprimare, demonstrand ca nu este o conditie sine qua non a muzicii de gen, chiar daca pop-culture-ul a intrat in tara prin import (uneori indirect). muzicisifaze.com
“Ziua Bradului De Noapte” (2) ramane una dintre marile reusite ale muzicii rock romanesti. La cateva decenii de cand a fost compusa, muzica si text, de catre Dorin Liviu Zaharia, ascultand-o sau vorbind despre ea, ai sentimentul ca o carte “… s-a deschis la primul rand …”. O astfel de piesa elimina mimetismul de pe lista singurelor posibilitati de exprimare, demonstrand ca nu este o conditie sine qua non a muzicii de gen, chiar daca pop-culture-ul a intrat in tara prin import (uneori indirect). muzicisifaze.com
- published: 10 Feb 2016
- views: 24328
Olympic '64, „Kamadeva” (1970) - Arhiva Muzeul Rock din România
Olympic '64, „Kamadeva” (1970) - Muzeul Rock
Subscribe la canalul nostru: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_-5S0O8VQ_7Kc9YcbFYvqg?
Facebook: https://www.facebo...
Olympic '64, „Kamadeva” (1970) - Muzeul Rock
Subscribe la canalul nostru: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_-5S0O8VQ_7Kc9YcbFYvqg?
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/modernism.ro
Twitter: https://www.facebook.com/modernism.ro
KAMADEVA... Adica o piesa inedita a legendarei formatii (a treia - pana acum nu existau decat doua - cu o poveste... de poveste:), despre care pana acum doar mi s-a povestit...
Pe de alta parte, deschidem un nou capitol in Arhiva MUZEUL ROCK... inregistrari deosebite din istoria rockului romanesc, care din diverse motive nu au aparut pana acum pe youtube.
Ele sunt destule, n-am constientizat importanta lor pana cand mi s-a atras atentia ca in portretul lui Dan Aldea am folosit asa ceva, fara sa stiu ca nu mai avea nimeni respectivele piese SFINX... Multumesc Andrei Voiculescu si Postmodernism Museum / Cosmin Nasui & Cristi Farcas!
Doru Ionescu
mai multe: https://www.postmodernism.ro/arhiva-muzeul-rock-din-romania/
Olympic '64, „Kamadeva” (1970) - Muzeul Rock
Subscribe la canalul nostru: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_-5S0O8VQ_7Kc9YcbFYvqg?
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/modernism.ro
Twitter: https://www.facebook.com/modernism.ro
KAMADEVA... Adica o piesa inedita a legendarei formatii (a treia - pana acum nu existau decat doua - cu o poveste... de poveste:), despre care pana acum doar mi s-a povestit...
Pe de alta parte, deschidem un nou capitol in Arhiva MUZEUL ROCK... inregistrari deosebite din istoria rockului romanesc, care din diverse motive nu au aparut pana acum pe youtube.
Ele sunt destule, n-am constientizat importanta lor pana cand mi s-a atras atentia ca in portretul lui Dan Aldea am folosit asa ceva, fara sa stiu ca nu mai avea nimeni respectivele piese SFINX... Multumesc Andrei Voiculescu si Postmodernism Museum / Cosmin Nasui & Cristi Farcas!
Doru Ionescu
mai multe: https://www.postmodernism.ro/arhiva-muzeul-rock-din-romania/
- published: 31 May 2020
- views: 8374
DIMITRIE "PIKI" INGLESSIS(ex. Olympic 64) - Inteleg(Anii'70)
Membru in Olympic 64 intre anii 1964 - 1971, aici cu un fragment muzical in emisiunea Remix Underground difuzata probabil in 2002. Fragment de pe vhs digitaliza...
Membru in Olympic 64 intre anii 1964 - 1971, aici cu un fragment muzical in emisiunea Remix Underground difuzata probabil in 2002. Fragment de pe vhs digitalizat si remasterizat audio, bifonic egalizat.
Membru in Olympic 64 intre anii 1964 - 1971, aici cu un fragment muzical in emisiunea Remix Underground difuzata probabil in 2002. Fragment de pe vhs digitalizat si remasterizat audio, bifonic egalizat.
- published: 30 Jan 2023
- views: 336
Cantic de haiduc Olympic'64 1970
Piesa "Cantic de haiduc" a formatiei anilor '60-'70, Olympic'64, este o lucrare memorabila creata in 1967 si care la perioada respectiva reprezenta o referinta ...
Piesa "Cantic de haiduc" a formatiei anilor '60-'70, Olympic'64, este o lucrare memorabila creata in 1967 si care la perioada respectiva reprezenta o referinta la intrebuintarea melosului popular romanesc. Este interpretata de regretatul Dorin Liviu Zaharia - Chubby, cu Picky Inglessis la chitara, Costin Petrescu baterie, Dan Dimitriu la bas si Marian Mircea la claviaturi. Despre trupa Olympic'64 avem insa din fericire, descrieri detaliate povestite in cartea "Intre Phoenix si...Le Corbusier" de Costin Petrescu, un frumos voiaj intre muzica si arhitectura.
Piesa "Cantic de haiduc" a formatiei anilor '60-'70, Olympic'64, este o lucrare memorabila creata in 1967 si care la perioada respectiva reprezenta o referinta la intrebuintarea melosului popular romanesc. Este interpretata de regretatul Dorin Liviu Zaharia - Chubby, cu Picky Inglessis la chitara, Costin Petrescu baterie, Dan Dimitriu la bas si Marian Mircea la claviaturi. Despre trupa Olympic'64 avem insa din fericire, descrieri detaliate povestite in cartea "Intre Phoenix si...Le Corbusier" de Costin Petrescu, un frumos voiaj intre muzica si arhitectura.
- published: 17 Mar 2023
- views: 1565
Retro Rock / Olympic '64 ”Cîntic de haiduc”
Retro Rock / Olympic '64 ”Cîntic de haiduc”. Retro Rock este un ”Proiect cultural finanțat de Ministerul Culturii”.
Retro Rock / Sideral Modal Quartet ”Ești a ...
Retro Rock / Olympic '64 ”Cîntic de haiduc”. Retro Rock este un ”Proiect cultural finanțat de Ministerul Culturii”.
Retro Rock / Sideral Modal Quartet ”Ești a mea” - 1970 (muzică / versuri: adaptare folclor de Dorin Liviu Zaharia și Dimitrie Inglessis)
Componența 2020:
Dan "Rini" Crăciun / voce
Miruna Puiu / voce
Andrei Bălașa / chitară
Cătălin Ungureanu / bas
Claudiu Purcărin / tobe
Filmările realizate la Arenele Romane - București.
Video producție: Tehno Plus / Burlacu Dragoș
Audio producție - Sound Studio Production
La începutul acestei pandemii de Covid 19, când artiștii liber profesioniști au avut mult de suferit, în lipsa concertelor, înregistrărilor ș.a.m.d., s-a născut un prim proiect intitulat „Rockul Carantinei” („vinovați” fiind: Doru Ionescu, Gabi Pipai Andrieș și Iulian Vrabete) ce a dat un sens activității lor de acasă, provocându-i într-o întreprindere creativă deosebită: muzică pentru muzică.
Piese de rezistență ale muzicii românești pop-rock din perioada anilor ’60-’80 au fost înregistrate audio-video de soliști și instrumentiști din generații diferite, din România și din diaspora, fiecare de acasă, în condiții de distanțare socială. Unele remake-uri au respectat orchestrația inițială, altele au primit noi interpretări.
Ce a urmat... punerea în scenă a unui nou proiect intitulat ”Retro Rock”, prin care aceste piese au fost cântate și filmate live.
Le mulțumim celor de la Domeniile Sâmburești pentru că ne-au hidratat cu apă și vin :)
Retro Rock / Olympic '64 ”Cîntic de haiduc”. Retro Rock este un ”Proiect cultural finanțat de Ministerul Culturii”.
Retro Rock / Sideral Modal Quartet ”Ești a mea” - 1970 (muzică / versuri: adaptare folclor de Dorin Liviu Zaharia și Dimitrie Inglessis)
Componența 2020:
Dan "Rini" Crăciun / voce
Miruna Puiu / voce
Andrei Bălașa / chitară
Cătălin Ungureanu / bas
Claudiu Purcărin / tobe
Filmările realizate la Arenele Romane - București.
Video producție: Tehno Plus / Burlacu Dragoș
Audio producție - Sound Studio Production
La începutul acestei pandemii de Covid 19, când artiștii liber profesioniști au avut mult de suferit, în lipsa concertelor, înregistrărilor ș.a.m.d., s-a născut un prim proiect intitulat „Rockul Carantinei” („vinovați” fiind: Doru Ionescu, Gabi Pipai Andrieș și Iulian Vrabete) ce a dat un sens activității lor de acasă, provocându-i într-o întreprindere creativă deosebită: muzică pentru muzică.
Piese de rezistență ale muzicii românești pop-rock din perioada anilor ’60-’80 au fost înregistrate audio-video de soliști și instrumentiști din generații diferite, din România și din diaspora, fiecare de acasă, în condiții de distanțare socială. Unele remake-uri au respectat orchestrația inițială, altele au primit noi interpretări.
Ce a urmat... punerea în scenă a unui nou proiect intitulat ”Retro Rock”, prin care aceste piese au fost cântate și filmate live.
Le mulțumim celor de la Domeniile Sâmburești pentru că ne-au hidratat cu apă și vin :)
- published: 30 Dec 2020
- views: 1986
Bob Hayes - Only Man To Win Olympic Gold & Superbowl | Tokyo 1964 Olympics
📲 Subscribe to @olympics: http://oly.ch/Subscribe
Highlights from the Tokyo 1964 Olympic Games as the USA's Bob Hayes wins the gold medal in the men's 100m e...
📲 Subscribe to @olympics: http://oly.ch/Subscribe
Highlights from the Tokyo 1964 Olympic Games as the USA's Bob Hayes wins the gold medal in the men's 100m event before going on to add the Superbowl to his impressive list of accolades.
The 100m title at the Tokyo 1964 Olympic Games went to Bob Hayes, probably one of the fastest runners who has ever lived and certainly one of the most successful, even though his career was short. In the run-up to the Olympic Games, he appeared entirely unbeatable, winning each of 49 races in which he took part between 1962 and 1964.
Hayes set a clutch of sprinting records. He was the first person to run the 100 yards (91.4m) in 9.1 seconds, and the first person to cover 60 yards (54.8m) in less than six seconds. The form book had him down as a red-hot favourite. He won his first-round race with ease, then won his quarter-final with a similar level of comfort. The only question now remaining was whether, under pressure, he may be hampered by a leg injury he had sustained a few months previously, but the semi-final seemed to answer that final doubt. He recorded a time of 9.91 seconds, which would have smashed the world record, but was not recognised because it was wind-assisted. It was more than enough, though, to get him into the final.
He was placed in Lane 1, which had to be raked over after being badly dug up by athletes at the start of the 20km walk. Hayes was also wearing borrowed spikes, because one of his own pair was lost when it was kicked under his bed in the athletes' village. Yet he exploded out of the blocks, took an early lead, and won by 2m, equalling the world record. It was the 49th win in a row -- Hayes only lost once over 100m, and never over 100 yards (91.4m).
His final act as an athlete, though, may have been his greatest. He ran the anchor leg in the 4x100m, and took over with the USA team in fifth place. What followed was an astonishing display of speed, strength and determination as he brought the baton home with a three-metre margin. It's believed his time for that 100m was around 8.8 secs, a remarkable pace even allowing for the flying start.
After the Games, Hayes transferred to playing professional American football and was a huge success. He spent nearly a decade playing for the Dallas Cowboys, before finishing his career with the San Francisco 49ers, and is the only person to have secured victory in both the Olympic Games and the Super Bowl.
Find more about the Tokyo 1964 Olympic Games: http://www.olympic.org/tokyo-1964-summer-olympics
🇨🇳 #Beijing2022 replays: https://oly.ch/B22Replays
🇯🇵 #Tokyo2020 replays: https://oly.ch/T20Replays
🗞️ News from the Olympic world: https://oly.ch/News
📲 Subscribe to @olympics: http://oly.ch/Subscribe
Highlights from the Tokyo 1964 Olympic Games as the USA's Bob Hayes wins the gold medal in the men's 100m event before going on to add the Superbowl to his impressive list of accolades.
The 100m title at the Tokyo 1964 Olympic Games went to Bob Hayes, probably one of the fastest runners who has ever lived and certainly one of the most successful, even though his career was short. In the run-up to the Olympic Games, he appeared entirely unbeatable, winning each of 49 races in which he took part between 1962 and 1964.
Hayes set a clutch of sprinting records. He was the first person to run the 100 yards (91.4m) in 9.1 seconds, and the first person to cover 60 yards (54.8m) in less than six seconds. The form book had him down as a red-hot favourite. He won his first-round race with ease, then won his quarter-final with a similar level of comfort. The only question now remaining was whether, under pressure, he may be hampered by a leg injury he had sustained a few months previously, but the semi-final seemed to answer that final doubt. He recorded a time of 9.91 seconds, which would have smashed the world record, but was not recognised because it was wind-assisted. It was more than enough, though, to get him into the final.
He was placed in Lane 1, which had to be raked over after being badly dug up by athletes at the start of the 20km walk. Hayes was also wearing borrowed spikes, because one of his own pair was lost when it was kicked under his bed in the athletes' village. Yet he exploded out of the blocks, took an early lead, and won by 2m, equalling the world record. It was the 49th win in a row -- Hayes only lost once over 100m, and never over 100 yards (91.4m).
His final act as an athlete, though, may have been his greatest. He ran the anchor leg in the 4x100m, and took over with the USA team in fifth place. What followed was an astonishing display of speed, strength and determination as he brought the baton home with a three-metre margin. It's believed his time for that 100m was around 8.8 secs, a remarkable pace even allowing for the flying start.
After the Games, Hayes transferred to playing professional American football and was a huge success. He spent nearly a decade playing for the Dallas Cowboys, before finishing his career with the San Francisco 49ers, and is the only person to have secured victory in both the Olympic Games and the Super Bowl.
Find more about the Tokyo 1964 Olympic Games: http://www.olympic.org/tokyo-1964-summer-olympics
🇨🇳 #Beijing2022 replays: https://oly.ch/B22Replays
🇯🇵 #Tokyo2020 replays: https://oly.ch/T20Replays
🗞️ News from the Olympic world: https://oly.ch/News
- published: 01 Jun 2013
- views: 489078
Australian Olympic Team gets dressed for success • RFI English
With 460 athletes and nearly as many officials descending on Paris, Australia is sending one of the world's largest delegations to the 2024 Olympic Games – and ...
With 460 athletes and nearly as many officials descending on Paris, Australia is sending one of the world's largest delegations to the 2024 Olympic Games – and getting a team of that size and all its equipment across the globe is no mean feat. RFI went behind the scenes to meet those making sure Team Australia's kit is ready and waiting for them. Read more here: https://rfi.my/Ao5n
##ParisOlympics2024 #Australia #sport
Find out more in our article: https://rfi.my/Ao5n.y
🔔 Subscribe to our channel now: https://rfi.my/YTen
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See the news in pictures on Instagram: https://rfi.my/IGen
Get the latest stories on Telegram: https://rfi.my/TGen
With 460 athletes and nearly as many officials descending on Paris, Australia is sending one of the world's largest delegations to the 2024 Olympic Games – and getting a team of that size and all its equipment across the globe is no mean feat. RFI went behind the scenes to meet those making sure Team Australia's kit is ready and waiting for them. Read more here: https://rfi.my/Ao5n
##ParisOlympics2024 #Australia #sport
Find out more in our article: https://rfi.my/Ao5n.y
🔔 Subscribe to our channel now: https://rfi.my/YTen
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See the news in pictures on Instagram: https://rfi.my/IGen
Get the latest stories on Telegram: https://rfi.my/TGen
- published: 23 Jul 2024
- views: 328
Retro Rock 2020 (Chromatic, Holograf, Progresiv TM, Olympic '64, Rodion G.A., FFN, Domino, etc)
Retro Rock 2020 (Chromatic, Holograf, Progresiv TM, Olympic '64, Rodion G.A., FFN, Domino, Catena, Progresiv TM & Roșu și Negru, Sideral Modal Quartet, Semnal M...
Retro Rock 2020 (Chromatic, Holograf, Progresiv TM, Olympic '64, Rodion G.A., FFN, Domino, Catena, Progresiv TM & Roșu și Negru, Sideral Modal Quartet, Semnal M, )
Retro Rock este un ”Proiect cultural finanțat de Ministerul Culturii”.
Filmările realizate la Arenele Romane - București.
Video producție: Tehno Plus / Burlacu Dragoș
Audio producție - Sound Studio Production
La începutul acestei pandemii de Covid 19, când artiștii liber profesioniști au avut mult de suferit, în lipsa concertelor, înregistrărilor ș.a.m.d., s-a născut un prim proiect intitulat „Rockul Carantinei” („vinovați” fiind: Doru Ionescu, Gabi Pipai Andrieș și Iulian Vrabete) ce a dat un sens activității lor de acasă, provocându-i într-o întreprindere creativă deosebită: muzică pentru muzică.
Piese de rezistență ale muzicii românești pop-rock din perioada anilor ’60-’80 au fost înregistrate audio-video de soliști și instrumentiști din generații diferite, din România și din diaspora, fiecare de acasă, în condiții de distanțare socială. Unele remake-uri au respectat orchestrația inițială, altele au primit noi interpretări.
Ce a urmat... punerea în scenă a unui nou proiect intitulat ”Retro Rock”, prin care aceste piese au fost cântate și filmate live.
Le mulțumim celor de la Domeniile Sâmburești pentru că ne-au hidratat cu apă și vin :)
Chromatic - ”Racul, broasca și știuca”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtSl3D3_K1k
Olympic '64 - ”Cîntic de haiduc”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vS2pXdH2M5Q
Sideral Modal Quartet - ”Ești a mea”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDUqCp5sEvs
Rodion G.A. - ”Stele și lumini”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHV0NudqzmY
Progresiv TM & Roșu și Negru - ”Zburătorul”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWWvlI8yblE
Semnal M - ”Mai avem multe de făcut”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqwhY241adQ
FFN - ”La ceasul când stele încep să apună”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Xdsffmm7gg
Catena - ”Dorința / Hopatina”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eh5izLR1TdE
Post Scriptum - ”Mireasma nopții”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csEvGSdCR2Y&feature=youtu.be
Holograf - ”Păsări de fum”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoNeArjn5Ew&feature=youtu.be
Domino - ”Prefață”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9q1cE41SJyQ&feature=youtu.be
Retro Rock 2020 (Chromatic, Holograf, Progresiv TM, Olympic '64, Rodion G.A., FFN, Domino, Catena, Progresiv TM & Roșu și Negru, Sideral Modal Quartet, Semnal M, )
Retro Rock este un ”Proiect cultural finanțat de Ministerul Culturii”.
Filmările realizate la Arenele Romane - București.
Video producție: Tehno Plus / Burlacu Dragoș
Audio producție - Sound Studio Production
La începutul acestei pandemii de Covid 19, când artiștii liber profesioniști au avut mult de suferit, în lipsa concertelor, înregistrărilor ș.a.m.d., s-a născut un prim proiect intitulat „Rockul Carantinei” („vinovați” fiind: Doru Ionescu, Gabi Pipai Andrieș și Iulian Vrabete) ce a dat un sens activității lor de acasă, provocându-i într-o întreprindere creativă deosebită: muzică pentru muzică.
Piese de rezistență ale muzicii românești pop-rock din perioada anilor ’60-’80 au fost înregistrate audio-video de soliști și instrumentiști din generații diferite, din România și din diaspora, fiecare de acasă, în condiții de distanțare socială. Unele remake-uri au respectat orchestrația inițială, altele au primit noi interpretări.
Ce a urmat... punerea în scenă a unui nou proiect intitulat ”Retro Rock”, prin care aceste piese au fost cântate și filmate live.
Le mulțumim celor de la Domeniile Sâmburești pentru că ne-au hidratat cu apă și vin :)
Chromatic - ”Racul, broasca și știuca”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtSl3D3_K1k
Olympic '64 - ”Cîntic de haiduc”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vS2pXdH2M5Q
Sideral Modal Quartet - ”Ești a mea”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDUqCp5sEvs
Rodion G.A. - ”Stele și lumini”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHV0NudqzmY
Progresiv TM & Roșu și Negru - ”Zburătorul”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWWvlI8yblE
Semnal M - ”Mai avem multe de făcut”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqwhY241adQ
FFN - ”La ceasul când stele încep să apună”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Xdsffmm7gg
Catena - ”Dorința / Hopatina”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eh5izLR1TdE
Post Scriptum - ”Mireasma nopții”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csEvGSdCR2Y&feature=youtu.be
Holograf - ”Păsări de fum”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoNeArjn5Ew&feature=youtu.be
Domino - ”Prefață”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9q1cE41SJyQ&feature=youtu.be
- published: 05 Jan 2021
- views: 1402
A Nation Sings - Gymanfa Ganu 1963
"A Nation Sings" Five Thousand Voices at the Royal Albert Hall.
Side one:
Diadem 00:26
Trewen 04:42
Aberystwyth 08:30
Llef 11:34
Calon Lan 14:53
Sanctus 18:25
Side two:
Cwm Rhondda 22:30
Builth 26:10
Rachie 29:20
Mae d'eisiau di bob awr 33:03
Bryn Calfaria 37:15
Rhyd y Groes 39:46
Crimond 45:07
published: 25 May 2013
Cymanfa Ganu (Singing Festival) | Bethany Church, Ammanford, 1975
Here is a recording of the annual Whitsun Singing Festival from Bethany Church, Ammanford, in May 1975. The recording includes shots of the chapel, and English subtitles (with invaluable assistance from Richard Gillion's website of Welsh hymn translations). The organist is my father, Jeff Pugh (26 years old at the time). As well as hymns, the congregation also sing three psalms.
00:00 Fy enaid at dy Dduw (Rehoboth)
02:48 Datguddiwyd dirgelion i maes (Gardd Gethsemane)
06:16 O Iesu mawr, y Meddyg gwell (Hannah)
09:30 Gwnaed concwest ar Galfaria fryn (Carneddi)
13:32 Wrth droi fy ngolwg yma i lawr (Eden)
16:49 Ddiddanydd anfonedig nef (Ynysfach)
19:29 Tyrd, Ysbryd cariad mawr (Down Ampney)
25:44 Da yw moliannu yr Arglwydd (Psalm 92: 1-8, 12-15)
28:58 Fel y brefa yr hydd am yr afonydd dyfroed...
published: 31 Jul 2023
Cymanfa Ganu 1969 - Llef (Welsh hymn)
No copyright claim, against any audio or image content, is assumed in the publishing of this video. Copyright is owned by original artist or artists, or their legally appointed representatives.
from the 1969 BBC album
"Cymanfa Ganu"
a hymn-singing festival from Morriston, Glamorgan, in the presence of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales".
Recorded at Tabernacle Congregational Chapel, Morriston, July 6th 1969, for BBC TVs "Songs Of Praise"
The Tabernacle Choir,
Morriston Orpheus,
New Siloh Choir,
Swansea Male Voice Choir,
Dunvant Male Voice Choir
Morriston Ladies Choir,
St. David s Church Singers
Morriston Aelwyd Choir.
Conductor: Alun John
Organist: Eurfryn John
"Llef" - "A Cry"
O! Iesu mawr, rho d'anian bur
I eiddil gwan mewn, anial dir,
I'w nerthu drwy'r holl ...
published: 02 Oct 2010
Cymanfa Ganu (A Nation SIngs) 1969 - Llef (Welsh hymn)
Welsh Lyrics:
1 O! Iesu mawr, rho d'anian bur
I eiddil gwan mewn anial dir,
I'w nerthu drwy'r holl rwystrau sy
Ar ddyrys daith i'r Ganaan fry.
2 Pob gras sydd yn yr Eglwys fawr,
Fry yn y nef, neu ar y llawr,
Caf feddu'n oll, eu meddu'n un,
Wrth feddu d'anian Di dy Hun.
3 Mi lyna'n dawel wrth dy draed,
Mi ganaf am rinweddau'r gwaed,
Mi garia'r groes, mi nofia'r don,
Ond cael dy anian dan fy mron.
English Lyrics:
1 O Jesus, let Thy spirit bless
This frail one in the wilderness,
To guide him through the snares of life
On Canaan's way to Thee on high.
2 All grace that through Thy Church doth flow,
In heaven above and here below,
All shall I have, all shall be mine,
If I but have Thy grace divine.
3 To Thy most holy feet I'll cling,
The virtues of Thy blood I'll sing,
The cross I'll bea...
published: 29 May 2024
Cymanfa Ganu - Calon Lan (tune- Blaenwern)
No copyright claim, against any audio or image content, is assumed in the publishing of this video. Copyright is owned by original artist or artists, or their legally appointed representatives.
from the 1969 BBC album
"Cymanfa Ganu"
"A hymn-singing festival from Morriston, Glamorgan, in the presence of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales".
Recorded at Tabernacle Congregational Chapel, Morriston, 6th July 1969, for BBC TVs "Songs Of Praise".
The Tabernacle Choir,
Morriston Orpheus,
New Siloh Choir,
Swansea Male Voice Choir,
Dunvant Male Voice Choir
Morriston Ladies Choir,
St. David s Church Singers
Morriston Aelwyd Choir.
Conductor: Alun John
Organist: Eurfryn John
Nid wy'n gofyn bywyd moethus,
Aur y byd na'i berlau mân:
Gofyn wyf am galon hapus...
published: 02 Oct 2010
Cymanfa Ganu Undebol Treorci a’r cylch 1968
No copyright claim, against any audio or image content, is assumed in the publishing of this video. Copyright is owned by original artist or artists, or their legally appointed representatives.
Cymanfa Ganu a recordiwyd yn Nghapel Noddfa, Treorci, Cwm Rhondda / A Cymanfa Ganu recorded at Noddfa Chapel, Treorchy, Rhondda Valley
Terry James yn arwain a Richard Elfyn Jones yn cyfeilio / Terry James conducts & Richard Elfyn Jones accompanies.
1. Sarah (S. Arnold) 00:00:00
2. Arwelfa (John Hughes) 00:03:40
3. Innocence (Ellis Edwards) 00:08:23
4. Prysgol (W. Owen) 00:10:35
5. Builth (David Jenkins; Charles) 00:13:52
6. Garnlwyd (R. Arthur Evans) 00:16:30
7. Blaen-Y-Coed (Joseph Parry, Elfed) 0:18:42
8. Worthy is the Lamb (Handel) 00:22:50
9. Bryn Myrddin (J. Morgan Nicholas) 00:27:08...
published: 13 Aug 2020
Cymanfa Ganu Cyhoeddi Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Capel Mawr Dinbych | Dechrau Canu Dechrau Canmol 2000
Cyflwynydd Huw Llywelyn Davies
Arweinydd Rhys Jones
Organydd Reg Evans
01:28 Mawr oedd Crist yn nhragwyddoldeb (Bryn Myrddin)
04:22 Hywel Wyn Edwards (trefnydd Eisteddfod)
05:45 I Dduw bo'r Gogoniant
08:10 Hywel Wyn Edwards
09:03 Pan fwyf yn teimlo'n unig lawr awr
13:27 Beth yw'r tristwch sydd ar gerdded
15:32 Alun Williams (Gwasg Gee / Tomos Gee)
17:19 Os gwelir fi bechadur
19:55 Alun Williams
20:25 Arglwydd Gad im Dawel Orffwys
Darlledu 01.10.2000
published: 18 Nov 2023
Cymanfa'r Diwygiad / Great Hymns of the Revival 1968
Cymanfa'r Diwygiad 1968 / Great Hymns of the Revival 1968
No copyright claim, against any audio or image content, is assumed in the publishing of this video. Copyright is owned by original artist or artists, or their legally appointed representatives.
Cymanfa'r Diwygiad 1968 / Great Hymns of the Revival 1968
Cymdeithasau Corawl Treorci a Nelson / Treorchy and Nelson Choral Societies
Terry James yn arwain a Glyn Bryfdir Jones yn cyfeilio / Terry James conducts & Glyn Bryfdir Jones accompanies.
1. O tyred, Iôr tragwyddol, Mae ynot ti dy hun (William Williams) Whitford (J Ambrose Lloyd) gydag anerchiad gan y Parchedig William Morris 00:00:00
2. I Galfaria trof fy ŵyneb, Ar Galfaria gwyn fy myd (Evan Rees (Dyfed)) Price (Daniel Protheroe) 00:03:25
3. Iesu, Iesu, ‘rwyt ti’n ddigon (Willi...
published: 24 Aug 2023
Cymanfa Ganu Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Dinbych | Leah + Eifion | Dechrau Canu Dechrau Canmol 2001
Cyflwynydd Huw Llywelyn Davies
Arweinydd Rhys Jones / Beryl Lloyd Roberts
Organydd Reg Evans
00:48 - Cyfweliad Eifion Lloyd Jones (Cadeirydd) a Leah Owen
02:14 - Rhagluniaeth Fawr y Nef (Builth)
04:50 - Cyfweliad Eifion Lloyd Jones
06:32 - Un Fendith dyro im (Sirioldeb / Eifion Wyn)
09:28 - Cyfweliad Leah Owen
11:20 - Pob seraff pob sant
13:21 - Cyfweliad Eifion Lloyd Jones
14:40 - Yn wylaidd plygwn wnawn
17:24 - Y Cariad sy'n Parhau (Charles Gounod)
20:00 - Cyfweliad Leah Owen (clip o Ysgol Twm o'r Nant)
21:28 - Arglwydd Iesu arwain f'enaid (In Memorium)
23:52 - Eifion Lloyd Jones a Leah Owen
Darlledu 29.07.2001
published: 24 Nov 2023
Cymanfa Ganu o Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Frenhinol Cymru, Aberafan 1966
No copyright claim, against any audio or image content, is assumed in the publishing of this video. Copyright is owned by original artist or artists, or their legally appointed representatives.
Cymanfa Ganu a recordiwyd yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Aberafan ar 7 Awst 1966 / A Cymanfa Ganu recorded at the National Eisteddfod of Wales Pavilion 7 August 1966
T. J. Roblin yn arwain ac Iris Thomas yn cyfeilio 9,000 o leisiau / T. J. Roblin conducts & Iris Thomas accompanies 9,000 voices
1. “Newyddion braf a ddaeth i’n bro” – John Dafydd
Tôn “Carey” – H. Carey
2. “Arnat Iesu, boed fy meddwl” – W. Williams
Tôn “Tyddyn Llwyn” – Evan Morgan
3. “Arglwydd, gad i’m dawel orffwys” – Emrys
Tôn “Arwelfa” – John Hughes
4. “Glan geriwbiaid a seraffiaid – Richard Mant (cy...
published: 05 Aug 2020
A Nation Sings - Gymanfa Ganu 1963
"A Nation Sings" Five Thousand Voices at the Royal Albert Hall.
Side one:
Diadem 00:26
Trewen 04:42
Aberystwyth 08:30
Llef 11:34
Calon Lan 14:53
Sanctus 18:25
"A Nation Sings" Five Thousand Voices at the Royal Albert Hall.
Side one:
Diadem 00:26
Trewen 04:42
Aberystwyth 08:30
Llef 11:34
Calon Lan 14:53
Sanctus 18:25
Side two:
Cwm Rhondda 22:30
Builth 26:10
Rachie 29:20
Mae d'eisiau di bob awr 33:03
Bryn Calfaria 37:15
Rhyd y Groes 39:46
Crimond 45:07
"A Nation Sings" Five Thousand Voices at the Royal Albert Hall.
Side one:
Diadem 00:26
Trewen 04:42
Aberystwyth 08:30
Llef 11:34
Calon Lan 14:53
Sanctus 18:25
Side two:
Cwm Rhondda 22:30
Builth 26:10
Rachie 29:20
Mae d'eisiau di bob awr 33:03
Bryn Calfaria 37:15
Rhyd y Groes 39:46
Crimond 45:07
- published: 25 May 2013
- views: 223674
Cymanfa Ganu (Singing Festival) | Bethany Church, Ammanford, 1975
Here is a recording of the annual Whitsun Singing Festival from Bethany Church, Ammanford, in May 1975. The recording includes shots of the chapel, and English ...
Here is a recording of the annual Whitsun Singing Festival from Bethany Church, Ammanford, in May 1975. The recording includes shots of the chapel, and English subtitles (with invaluable assistance from Richard Gillion's website of Welsh hymn translations). The organist is my father, Jeff Pugh (26 years old at the time). As well as hymns, the congregation also sing three psalms.
00:00 Fy enaid at dy Dduw (Rehoboth)
02:48 Datguddiwyd dirgelion i maes (Gardd Gethsemane)
06:16 O Iesu mawr, y Meddyg gwell (Hannah)
09:30 Gwnaed concwest ar Galfaria fryn (Carneddi)
13:32 Wrth droi fy ngolwg yma i lawr (Eden)
16:49 Ddiddanydd anfonedig nef (Ynysfach)
19:29 Tyrd, Ysbryd cariad mawr (Down Ampney)
25:44 Da yw moliannu yr Arglwydd (Psalm 92: 1-8, 12-15)
28:58 Fel y brefa yr hydd am yr afonydd dyfroedd (Psalm 42: 1-5)
33:52 O'r fath newid rhyfeddol a wnaed ynof fi (Daeth Iesu i'm calon i fyw)
38:18 O am gael ffydd i edrych (Rhyddid)
41:48 Duw sydd berffaith ei ffordd (Psalm 18: 30-31)
44:45 Ar lan'r Iorddonen ddofn (Hermon)
48:41 Draw mi wela'r nos yn darfod (Llanrwst)
Here is a recording of the annual Whitsun Singing Festival from Bethany Church, Ammanford, in May 1975. The recording includes shots of the chapel, and English subtitles (with invaluable assistance from Richard Gillion's website of Welsh hymn translations). The organist is my father, Jeff Pugh (26 years old at the time). As well as hymns, the congregation also sing three psalms.
00:00 Fy enaid at dy Dduw (Rehoboth)
02:48 Datguddiwyd dirgelion i maes (Gardd Gethsemane)
06:16 O Iesu mawr, y Meddyg gwell (Hannah)
09:30 Gwnaed concwest ar Galfaria fryn (Carneddi)
13:32 Wrth droi fy ngolwg yma i lawr (Eden)
16:49 Ddiddanydd anfonedig nef (Ynysfach)
19:29 Tyrd, Ysbryd cariad mawr (Down Ampney)
25:44 Da yw moliannu yr Arglwydd (Psalm 92: 1-8, 12-15)
28:58 Fel y brefa yr hydd am yr afonydd dyfroedd (Psalm 42: 1-5)
33:52 O'r fath newid rhyfeddol a wnaed ynof fi (Daeth Iesu i'm calon i fyw)
38:18 O am gael ffydd i edrych (Rhyddid)
41:48 Duw sydd berffaith ei ffordd (Psalm 18: 30-31)
44:45 Ar lan'r Iorddonen ddofn (Hermon)
48:41 Draw mi wela'r nos yn darfod (Llanrwst)
- published: 31 Jul 2023
- views: 3438
Cymanfa Ganu 1969 - Llef (Welsh hymn)
No copyright claim, against any audio or image content, is assumed in the publishing of this video. Copyright is owned by original artist or artists, or their l...
No copyright claim, against any audio or image content, is assumed in the publishing of this video. Copyright is owned by original artist or artists, or their legally appointed representatives.
from the 1969 BBC album
"Cymanfa Ganu"
a hymn-singing festival from Morriston, Glamorgan, in the presence of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales".
Recorded at Tabernacle Congregational Chapel, Morriston, July 6th 1969, for BBC TVs "Songs Of Praise"
The Tabernacle Choir,
Morriston Orpheus,
New Siloh Choir,
Swansea Male Voice Choir,
Dunvant Male Voice Choir
Morriston Ladies Choir,
St. David s Church Singers
Morriston Aelwyd Choir.
Conductor: Alun John
Organist: Eurfryn John
"Llef" - "A Cry"
O! Iesu mawr, rho d'anian bur
I eiddil gwan mewn, anial dir,
I'w nerthu drwy'r holl rwystrau sy
Ar ddyrys daith i'r Ganaan fry.
O Jesus, let Thy spirit bless
This frail one in the wilderness
To guide him through the snares of life
On Canaan's way to Thee on high.
Pob gras sydd yn yr Eglwys fawr,
Fry yn y nef, neu ar y llawr,
Caf feddu ull, eu meddu'n un,
Wrth feddu d'annian Di dy Hun.
All grace that through Thy Church doth flow,
In heaven above and here below,
All shall I have, all shall be mine
If I but have Thy grace divine.
Mi lyna'n dawel wrth dy draed,
Mi ganaf am rinweddau'r gwaed,
Mi garia'r groes, mi nofia'r don,
Ond cael dy anian dan fy mron.
To Thy most holy feet I'll cling,
The virtues of Thy blood I'll sing,
The cross I'll bear, the wave I'll ride,
If Thou but with me now abide.
Written by Griffith Hugh Jones in 1890: https://biography.wales/article/s-JONE-HUG-1849
No copyright claim, against any audio or image content, is assumed in the publishing of this video. Copyright is owned by original artist or artists, or their legally appointed representatives.
from the 1969 BBC album
"Cymanfa Ganu"
a hymn-singing festival from Morriston, Glamorgan, in the presence of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales".
Recorded at Tabernacle Congregational Chapel, Morriston, July 6th 1969, for BBC TVs "Songs Of Praise"
The Tabernacle Choir,
Morriston Orpheus,
New Siloh Choir,
Swansea Male Voice Choir,
Dunvant Male Voice Choir
Morriston Ladies Choir,
St. David s Church Singers
Morriston Aelwyd Choir.
Conductor: Alun John
Organist: Eurfryn John
"Llef" - "A Cry"
O! Iesu mawr, rho d'anian bur
I eiddil gwan mewn, anial dir,
I'w nerthu drwy'r holl rwystrau sy
Ar ddyrys daith i'r Ganaan fry.
O Jesus, let Thy spirit bless
This frail one in the wilderness
To guide him through the snares of life
On Canaan's way to Thee on high.
Pob gras sydd yn yr Eglwys fawr,
Fry yn y nef, neu ar y llawr,
Caf feddu ull, eu meddu'n un,
Wrth feddu d'annian Di dy Hun.
All grace that through Thy Church doth flow,
In heaven above and here below,
All shall I have, all shall be mine
If I but have Thy grace divine.
Mi lyna'n dawel wrth dy draed,
Mi ganaf am rinweddau'r gwaed,
Mi garia'r groes, mi nofia'r don,
Ond cael dy anian dan fy mron.
To Thy most holy feet I'll cling,
The virtues of Thy blood I'll sing,
The cross I'll bear, the wave I'll ride,
If Thou but with me now abide.
Written by Griffith Hugh Jones in 1890: https://biography.wales/article/s-JONE-HUG-1849
- published: 02 Oct 2010
- views: 222591
Cymanfa Ganu (A Nation SIngs) 1969 - Llef (Welsh hymn)
Welsh Lyrics:
1 O! Iesu mawr, rho d'anian bur
I eiddil gwan mewn anial dir,
I'w nerthu drwy'r holl rwystrau sy
Ar ddyrys daith i'r Ganaan fry.
2 Pob gras sydd ...
Welsh Lyrics:
1 O! Iesu mawr, rho d'anian bur
I eiddil gwan mewn anial dir,
I'w nerthu drwy'r holl rwystrau sy
Ar ddyrys daith i'r Ganaan fry.
2 Pob gras sydd yn yr Eglwys fawr,
Fry yn y nef, neu ar y llawr,
Caf feddu'n oll, eu meddu'n un,
Wrth feddu d'anian Di dy Hun.
3 Mi lyna'n dawel wrth dy draed,
Mi ganaf am rinweddau'r gwaed,
Mi garia'r groes, mi nofia'r don,
Ond cael dy anian dan fy mron.
English Lyrics:
1 O Jesus, let Thy spirit bless
This frail one in the wilderness,
To guide him through the snares of life
On Canaan's way to Thee on high.
2 All grace that through Thy Church doth flow,
In heaven above and here below,
All shall I have, all shall be mine,
If I but have Thy grace divine.
3 To Thy most holy feet I'll cling,
The virtues of Thy blood I'll sing,
The cross I'll bear, the wave I'll ride,
If Thou but with me now abide.
Title: A cry (Llef)
Author: David Charles (1803-1880)
Tune: Llef
Composer: Griffith Hugh Jones (Welsh: Gutyn Arfon) (1890)
Occasion: Gymanfa Ganu (A Nation Sings) 1969
Disclaimer: I do not own the content of the video.
Welsh Lyrics:
1 O! Iesu mawr, rho d'anian bur
I eiddil gwan mewn anial dir,
I'w nerthu drwy'r holl rwystrau sy
Ar ddyrys daith i'r Ganaan fry.
2 Pob gras sydd yn yr Eglwys fawr,
Fry yn y nef, neu ar y llawr,
Caf feddu'n oll, eu meddu'n un,
Wrth feddu d'anian Di dy Hun.
3 Mi lyna'n dawel wrth dy draed,
Mi ganaf am rinweddau'r gwaed,
Mi garia'r groes, mi nofia'r don,
Ond cael dy anian dan fy mron.
English Lyrics:
1 O Jesus, let Thy spirit bless
This frail one in the wilderness,
To guide him through the snares of life
On Canaan's way to Thee on high.
2 All grace that through Thy Church doth flow,
In heaven above and here below,
All shall I have, all shall be mine,
If I but have Thy grace divine.
3 To Thy most holy feet I'll cling,
The virtues of Thy blood I'll sing,
The cross I'll bear, the wave I'll ride,
If Thou but with me now abide.
Title: A cry (Llef)
Author: David Charles (1803-1880)
Tune: Llef
Composer: Griffith Hugh Jones (Welsh: Gutyn Arfon) (1890)
Occasion: Gymanfa Ganu (A Nation Sings) 1969
Disclaimer: I do not own the content of the video.
- published: 29 May 2024
- views: 12
Cymanfa Ganu - Calon Lan (tune- Blaenwern)
No copyright claim, against any audio or image content, is assumed in the publishing of this video. Copyright is owned by original artist or artists, or their l...
No copyright claim, against any audio or image content, is assumed in the publishing of this video. Copyright is owned by original artist or artists, or their legally appointed representatives.
from the 1969 BBC album
"Cymanfa Ganu"
"A hymn-singing festival from Morriston, Glamorgan, in the presence of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales".
Recorded at Tabernacle Congregational Chapel, Morriston, 6th July 1969, for BBC TVs "Songs Of Praise".
The Tabernacle Choir,
Morriston Orpheus,
New Siloh Choir,
Swansea Male Voice Choir,
Dunvant Male Voice Choir
Morriston Ladies Choir,
St. David s Church Singers
Morriston Aelwyd Choir.
Conductor: Alun John
Organist: Eurfryn John
Nid wy'n gofyn bywyd moethus,
Aur y byd na'i berlau mân:
Gofyn wyf am galon hapus,
Calon onest, calon lân.
Calon lân yn llawn daioni,
Tecach yw na'r lili dlos:
Dim ond calon lân all ganu
Canu'r dydd a chanu'r nos.
Pe dymunwn olud bydol,
Hedyn buan ganddo sydd;
Golud calon lân, rinweddol,
Yn dwyn bythol elw fydd.
Hwyr a bore fy nymuniad
Gwyd i'r nef ar adain cân
Ar i Dduw, er mwyn fy Ngheidwad,
Roddi i mi galon lân.
No copyright claim, against any audio or image content, is assumed in the publishing of this video. Copyright is owned by original artist or artists, or their legally appointed representatives.
from the 1969 BBC album
"Cymanfa Ganu"
"A hymn-singing festival from Morriston, Glamorgan, in the presence of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales".
Recorded at Tabernacle Congregational Chapel, Morriston, 6th July 1969, for BBC TVs "Songs Of Praise".
The Tabernacle Choir,
Morriston Orpheus,
New Siloh Choir,
Swansea Male Voice Choir,
Dunvant Male Voice Choir
Morriston Ladies Choir,
St. David s Church Singers
Morriston Aelwyd Choir.
Conductor: Alun John
Organist: Eurfryn John
Nid wy'n gofyn bywyd moethus,
Aur y byd na'i berlau mân:
Gofyn wyf am galon hapus,
Calon onest, calon lân.
Calon lân yn llawn daioni,
Tecach yw na'r lili dlos:
Dim ond calon lân all ganu
Canu'r dydd a chanu'r nos.
Pe dymunwn olud bydol,
Hedyn buan ganddo sydd;
Golud calon lân, rinweddol,
Yn dwyn bythol elw fydd.
Hwyr a bore fy nymuniad
Gwyd i'r nef ar adain cân
Ar i Dduw, er mwyn fy Ngheidwad,
Roddi i mi galon lân.
- published: 02 Oct 2010
- views: 57561
Cymanfa Ganu Undebol Treorci a’r cylch 1968
No copyright claim, against any audio or image content, is assumed in the publishing of this video. Copyright is owned by original artist or artists, or their l...
No copyright claim, against any audio or image content, is assumed in the publishing of this video. Copyright is owned by original artist or artists, or their legally appointed representatives.
Cymanfa Ganu a recordiwyd yn Nghapel Noddfa, Treorci, Cwm Rhondda / A Cymanfa Ganu recorded at Noddfa Chapel, Treorchy, Rhondda Valley
Terry James yn arwain a Richard Elfyn Jones yn cyfeilio / Terry James conducts & Richard Elfyn Jones accompanies.
1. Sarah (S. Arnold) 00:00:00
2. Arwelfa (John Hughes) 00:03:40
3. Innocence (Ellis Edwards) 00:08:23
4. Prysgol (W. Owen) 00:10:35
5. Builth (David Jenkins; Charles) 00:13:52
6. Garnlwyd (R. Arthur Evans) 00:16:30
7. Blaen-Y-Coed (Joseph Parry, Elfed) 0:18:42
8. Worthy is the Lamb (Handel) 00:22:50
9. Bryn Myrddin (J. Morgan Nicholas) 00:27:08
10. Troyte’s Chant (A.H.D. Troyte) 00:30:35
11. Gwynfa (J.H. Roberts) 00:33:00
12. Y Faenol (W. Probert) 00:37:59
13. Brwynog (T.R. Williams) 00:40:34
14. Trewen (D. Emlyn Evans, Jones) 00:43:02
15. Pennant (T. Osborne Roberts) 00:46:10
16. Cwm Rhondda (John Hughes) 00:49:31
17. Benediction 00:52:50
No copyright claim, against any audio or image content, is assumed in the publishing of this video. Copyright is owned by original artist or artists, or their legally appointed representatives.
Cymanfa Ganu a recordiwyd yn Nghapel Noddfa, Treorci, Cwm Rhondda / A Cymanfa Ganu recorded at Noddfa Chapel, Treorchy, Rhondda Valley
Terry James yn arwain a Richard Elfyn Jones yn cyfeilio / Terry James conducts & Richard Elfyn Jones accompanies.
1. Sarah (S. Arnold) 00:00:00
2. Arwelfa (John Hughes) 00:03:40
3. Innocence (Ellis Edwards) 00:08:23
4. Prysgol (W. Owen) 00:10:35
5. Builth (David Jenkins; Charles) 00:13:52
6. Garnlwyd (R. Arthur Evans) 00:16:30
7. Blaen-Y-Coed (Joseph Parry, Elfed) 0:18:42
8. Worthy is the Lamb (Handel) 00:22:50
9. Bryn Myrddin (J. Morgan Nicholas) 00:27:08
10. Troyte’s Chant (A.H.D. Troyte) 00:30:35
11. Gwynfa (J.H. Roberts) 00:33:00
12. Y Faenol (W. Probert) 00:37:59
13. Brwynog (T.R. Williams) 00:40:34
14. Trewen (D. Emlyn Evans, Jones) 00:43:02
15. Pennant (T. Osborne Roberts) 00:46:10
16. Cwm Rhondda (John Hughes) 00:49:31
17. Benediction 00:52:50
- published: 13 Aug 2020
- views: 10880
Cymanfa Ganu Cyhoeddi Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Capel Mawr Dinbych | Dechrau Canu Dechrau Canmol 2000
Cyflwynydd Huw Llywelyn Davies
Arweinydd Rhys Jones
Organydd Reg Evans
01:28 Mawr oedd Crist yn nhragwyddoldeb (Bryn Myrddin)
04:22 Hywel Wyn Edwards (trefnydd...
Cyflwynydd Huw Llywelyn Davies
Arweinydd Rhys Jones
Organydd Reg Evans
01:28 Mawr oedd Crist yn nhragwyddoldeb (Bryn Myrddin)
04:22 Hywel Wyn Edwards (trefnydd Eisteddfod)
05:45 I Dduw bo'r Gogoniant
08:10 Hywel Wyn Edwards
09:03 Pan fwyf yn teimlo'n unig lawr awr
13:27 Beth yw'r tristwch sydd ar gerdded
15:32 Alun Williams (Gwasg Gee / Tomos Gee)
17:19 Os gwelir fi bechadur
19:55 Alun Williams
20:25 Arglwydd Gad im Dawel Orffwys
Darlledu 01.10.2000
Cyflwynydd Huw Llywelyn Davies
Arweinydd Rhys Jones
Organydd Reg Evans
01:28 Mawr oedd Crist yn nhragwyddoldeb (Bryn Myrddin)
04:22 Hywel Wyn Edwards (trefnydd Eisteddfod)
05:45 I Dduw bo'r Gogoniant
08:10 Hywel Wyn Edwards
09:03 Pan fwyf yn teimlo'n unig lawr awr
13:27 Beth yw'r tristwch sydd ar gerdded
15:32 Alun Williams (Gwasg Gee / Tomos Gee)
17:19 Os gwelir fi bechadur
19:55 Alun Williams
20:25 Arglwydd Gad im Dawel Orffwys
Darlledu 01.10.2000
- published: 18 Nov 2023
- views: 1254
Cymanfa'r Diwygiad / Great Hymns of the Revival 1968
Cymanfa'r Diwygiad 1968 / Great Hymns of the Revival 1968
No copyright claim, against any audio or image content, is assumed in the publishing of this video. ...
Cymanfa'r Diwygiad 1968 / Great Hymns of the Revival 1968
No copyright claim, against any audio or image content, is assumed in the publishing of this video. Copyright is owned by original artist or artists, or their legally appointed representatives.
Cymanfa'r Diwygiad 1968 / Great Hymns of the Revival 1968
Cymdeithasau Corawl Treorci a Nelson / Treorchy and Nelson Choral Societies
Terry James yn arwain a Glyn Bryfdir Jones yn cyfeilio / Terry James conducts & Glyn Bryfdir Jones accompanies.
1. O tyred, Iôr tragwyddol, Mae ynot ti dy hun (William Williams) Whitford (J Ambrose Lloyd) gydag anerchiad gan y Parchedig William Morris 00:00:00
2. I Galfaria trof fy ŵyneb, Ar Galfaria gwyn fy myd (Evan Rees (Dyfed)) Price (Daniel Protheroe) 00:03:25
3. Iesu, Iesu, ‘rwyt ti’n ddigon (William Williams) Caersalem (Robert Edwards) 00:05:30
4. Dyma Feibil annwyl Iesu (Thomas Owen, Evan Griffiths) Moriah (Alaw Gymreig) 00:08:42
5. Golwg, Arglwydd, ar Dy ŵyneb (William Williams) Dolfor (Alaw Gymreig) 00:11:37
6. Adenydd colomen pe cawn (Thomas William) Glanrhondda (W T Rees (Alaw Ddu)) 00:13:54
7. Caned Nef a daear lawr (Edward Parry) Llanfair (Robert Williams) 00:16:03
8. Pa le pa fodd dechreuaf Foliannu’r Iesu mawr? (Roger Edwards) Pen-Yr-Yrfa (William James) 00:18:34
9. Mi dafla’ ‘maich oddi ar fy ngwar (William Williams) Cwm Nedd (Hen Alaw) 00:21:48
10. Pam y caiff bwystfilod rheibus Dorri’r egin mân i lawr? (William Williams) Henryd (J Ambrose Lloyd) 00:25:28
11. Mi glywaf dyner lais yn galw arnaf fi (John Roberts (Ieuan Gwyllt)) Gwahoddiad (Lewis Hartsough) 00:27:26
12. Mae’r gwaed a redodd ar y groes (Robert Williams) (Robert ap Gwilym Ddu) Deemster (William Owen) 00:32:03
13. Dyma gariad fel y moroedd (William Rhys (Gwilym Hiraethog)) Ebenezer (Thomas J Williams) 00:36:08
14. Bendith / Benediction 00:39:25
Cymanfa'r Diwygiad 1968 / Great Hymns of the Revival 1968
No copyright claim, against any audio or image content, is assumed in the publishing of this video. Copyright is owned by original artist or artists, or their legally appointed representatives.
Cymanfa'r Diwygiad 1968 / Great Hymns of the Revival 1968
Cymdeithasau Corawl Treorci a Nelson / Treorchy and Nelson Choral Societies
Terry James yn arwain a Glyn Bryfdir Jones yn cyfeilio / Terry James conducts & Glyn Bryfdir Jones accompanies.
1. O tyred, Iôr tragwyddol, Mae ynot ti dy hun (William Williams) Whitford (J Ambrose Lloyd) gydag anerchiad gan y Parchedig William Morris 00:00:00
2. I Galfaria trof fy ŵyneb, Ar Galfaria gwyn fy myd (Evan Rees (Dyfed)) Price (Daniel Protheroe) 00:03:25
3. Iesu, Iesu, ‘rwyt ti’n ddigon (William Williams) Caersalem (Robert Edwards) 00:05:30
4. Dyma Feibil annwyl Iesu (Thomas Owen, Evan Griffiths) Moriah (Alaw Gymreig) 00:08:42
5. Golwg, Arglwydd, ar Dy ŵyneb (William Williams) Dolfor (Alaw Gymreig) 00:11:37
6. Adenydd colomen pe cawn (Thomas William) Glanrhondda (W T Rees (Alaw Ddu)) 00:13:54
7. Caned Nef a daear lawr (Edward Parry) Llanfair (Robert Williams) 00:16:03
8. Pa le pa fodd dechreuaf Foliannu’r Iesu mawr? (Roger Edwards) Pen-Yr-Yrfa (William James) 00:18:34
9. Mi dafla’ ‘maich oddi ar fy ngwar (William Williams) Cwm Nedd (Hen Alaw) 00:21:48
10. Pam y caiff bwystfilod rheibus Dorri’r egin mân i lawr? (William Williams) Henryd (J Ambrose Lloyd) 00:25:28
11. Mi glywaf dyner lais yn galw arnaf fi (John Roberts (Ieuan Gwyllt)) Gwahoddiad (Lewis Hartsough) 00:27:26
12. Mae’r gwaed a redodd ar y groes (Robert Williams) (Robert ap Gwilym Ddu) Deemster (William Owen) 00:32:03
13. Dyma gariad fel y moroedd (William Rhys (Gwilym Hiraethog)) Ebenezer (Thomas J Williams) 00:36:08
14. Bendith / Benediction 00:39:25
- published: 24 Aug 2023
- views: 3215
Cymanfa Ganu Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Dinbych | Leah + Eifion | Dechrau Canu Dechrau Canmol 2001
Cyflwynydd Huw Llywelyn Davies
Arweinydd Rhys Jones / Beryl Lloyd Roberts
Organydd Reg Evans
00:48 - Cyfweliad Eifion Lloyd Jones (Cadeirydd) a Leah Owen
Cyflwynydd Huw Llywelyn Davies
Arweinydd Rhys Jones / Beryl Lloyd Roberts
Organydd Reg Evans
00:48 - Cyfweliad Eifion Lloyd Jones (Cadeirydd) a Leah Owen
02:14 - Rhagluniaeth Fawr y Nef (Builth)
04:50 - Cyfweliad Eifion Lloyd Jones
06:32 - Un Fendith dyro im (Sirioldeb / Eifion Wyn)
09:28 - Cyfweliad Leah Owen
11:20 - Pob seraff pob sant
13:21 - Cyfweliad Eifion Lloyd Jones
14:40 - Yn wylaidd plygwn wnawn
17:24 - Y Cariad sy'n Parhau (Charles Gounod)
20:00 - Cyfweliad Leah Owen (clip o Ysgol Twm o'r Nant)
21:28 - Arglwydd Iesu arwain f'enaid (In Memorium)
23:52 - Eifion Lloyd Jones a Leah Owen
Darlledu 29.07.2001
Cyflwynydd Huw Llywelyn Davies
Arweinydd Rhys Jones / Beryl Lloyd Roberts
Organydd Reg Evans
00:48 - Cyfweliad Eifion Lloyd Jones (Cadeirydd) a Leah Owen
02:14 - Rhagluniaeth Fawr y Nef (Builth)
04:50 - Cyfweliad Eifion Lloyd Jones
06:32 - Un Fendith dyro im (Sirioldeb / Eifion Wyn)
09:28 - Cyfweliad Leah Owen
11:20 - Pob seraff pob sant
13:21 - Cyfweliad Eifion Lloyd Jones
14:40 - Yn wylaidd plygwn wnawn
17:24 - Y Cariad sy'n Parhau (Charles Gounod)
20:00 - Cyfweliad Leah Owen (clip o Ysgol Twm o'r Nant)
21:28 - Arglwydd Iesu arwain f'enaid (In Memorium)
23:52 - Eifion Lloyd Jones a Leah Owen
Darlledu 29.07.2001
- published: 24 Nov 2023
- views: 1357
Cymanfa Ganu o Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Frenhinol Cymru, Aberafan 1966
No copyright claim, against any audio or image content, is assumed in the publishing of this video. Copyright is owned by original artist or artists, or their l...
No copyright claim, against any audio or image content, is assumed in the publishing of this video. Copyright is owned by original artist or artists, or their legally appointed representatives.
Cymanfa Ganu a recordiwyd yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Aberafan ar 7 Awst 1966 / A Cymanfa Ganu recorded at the National Eisteddfod of Wales Pavilion 7 August 1966
T. J. Roblin yn arwain ac Iris Thomas yn cyfeilio 9,000 o leisiau / T. J. Roblin conducts & Iris Thomas accompanies 9,000 voices
1. “Newyddion braf a ddaeth i’n bro” – John Dafydd
Tôn “Carey” – H. Carey
2. “Arnat Iesu, boed fy meddwl” – W. Williams
Tôn “Tyddyn Llwyn” – Evan Morgan
3. “Arglwydd, gad i’m dawel orffwys” – Emrys
Tôn “Arwelfa” – John Hughes
4. “Glan geriwbiaid a seraffiaid – Richard Mant (cyf. Alafon)
Tôn “Sanctus” – J. Richards
5. “Yr Arglwydd a feddwl amdanaf” – Elfed
Tôn “Eirinwg” – D. Emlyn Evans
6. “Da iawn i ŵr yw dwyn yr iau” – An./D. Silvan Evans
Tôn “Deemster” – W. Owen
7. “Tydi sy deilwng oll o’m cân” – David Charles
Tôn “Godre’r Coed” – Matthew W. Davies
8. “Mi wn fod fy Mhrynwr yn fyw” – Thomas Jones
Tôn “Trewen” – D. Emlyn Evans
9. “Bendigedig fyddo’r Iesu” – Spinther
Tôn “Mawlgan” – J. H. Roberts
10. “O! Iesu maddau fod y drws ynghau” – Elfed
Tôn “Navarre” – L. Bourgeois
11. “Cofia, f’enaid, gariad Iesu” – Thomas Williams
Tôn “Llan Baglan” – D. Afan Thomas
12. “Cofia’n gwlad, Ben-llywydd tirion” – Elfed
Tôn “Gweddi Wladgarol” – Caradog Roberts
13. “Wele’n sefyll rhwng y myrtwydd” – Ann Griffiths
Tôn “Cwm Rhondda” – John Hughes
14. “Duw mawr y rhyfeddodau maith” – Samuel Davies (cyf. J. Jones)
Tôn “Rhydygroes” – T.D. Edwards
No copyright claim, against any audio or image content, is assumed in the publishing of this video. Copyright is owned by original artist or artists, or their legally appointed representatives.
Cymanfa Ganu a recordiwyd yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Aberafan ar 7 Awst 1966 / A Cymanfa Ganu recorded at the National Eisteddfod of Wales Pavilion 7 August 1966
T. J. Roblin yn arwain ac Iris Thomas yn cyfeilio 9,000 o leisiau / T. J. Roblin conducts & Iris Thomas accompanies 9,000 voices
1. “Newyddion braf a ddaeth i’n bro” – John Dafydd
Tôn “Carey” – H. Carey
2. “Arnat Iesu, boed fy meddwl” – W. Williams
Tôn “Tyddyn Llwyn” – Evan Morgan
3. “Arglwydd, gad i’m dawel orffwys” – Emrys
Tôn “Arwelfa” – John Hughes
4. “Glan geriwbiaid a seraffiaid – Richard Mant (cyf. Alafon)
Tôn “Sanctus” – J. Richards
5. “Yr Arglwydd a feddwl amdanaf” – Elfed
Tôn “Eirinwg” – D. Emlyn Evans
6. “Da iawn i ŵr yw dwyn yr iau” – An./D. Silvan Evans
Tôn “Deemster” – W. Owen
7. “Tydi sy deilwng oll o’m cân” – David Charles
Tôn “Godre’r Coed” – Matthew W. Davies
8. “Mi wn fod fy Mhrynwr yn fyw” – Thomas Jones
Tôn “Trewen” – D. Emlyn Evans
9. “Bendigedig fyddo’r Iesu” – Spinther
Tôn “Mawlgan” – J. H. Roberts
10. “O! Iesu maddau fod y drws ynghau” – Elfed
Tôn “Navarre” – L. Bourgeois
11. “Cofia, f’enaid, gariad Iesu” – Thomas Williams
Tôn “Llan Baglan” – D. Afan Thomas
12. “Cofia’n gwlad, Ben-llywydd tirion” – Elfed
Tôn “Gweddi Wladgarol” – Caradog Roberts
13. “Wele’n sefyll rhwng y myrtwydd” – Ann Griffiths
Tôn “Cwm Rhondda” – John Hughes
14. “Duw mawr y rhyfeddodau maith” – Samuel Davies (cyf. J. Jones)
Tôn “Rhydygroes” – T.D. Edwards
- published: 05 Aug 2020
- views: 5711