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Load news page with ajax here } else if(num > 1900){ //FIX ME. 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Eric Saade

Eric Saade (Arabic: إريك سعادة Īrik Saʿāda, IPA: [ˈiːrik saʔaːdɐ]; 中文名字: 爱瑞克·萨迪; Swedish pronunciation: [ˈeː.ˈrɪk sa.ˈaː.ˈdɛ], (29 October 1990) in Kattarp, Helsingborg, Sweden) is a Swedish pop singer. He spent two years with the boy band What's Up!, leaving the band in February 2009 to pursue a solo career. After winning the Swedish Melodifestivalen 2011 with "Popular" Saade represented Sweden at the Eurovision Song Contest 2011 in Germany, placing third.

Early life

Saade was born in Kattarp, Sweden to Walid Saade, a Palestinian-Lebanese, and Marlene Jacobsson, a Swede. After his parents divorced when he was four, he lived with his mother. Saade is the second of eight siblings and half-siblings.

Saade began singing after seeing Michael Jackson on TV, and his other musical influences are Robbie Williams, Bryan Adams, the Backstreet Boys and Justin Timberlake.

He first sang on stage at his mother's wedding when he was six. Saade began writing songs at 13, winning the Swedish music contest Joker (later renamed Popkorn) and signing a record deal at 15.

Forgive Me (Leona Lewis song)

"Forgive Me" is a song by British singer Leona Lewis featured on the North American version and on the international deluxe edition of her debut album Spirit (2008). It was released as the fourth single of the album in the United Kingdom on 3 November 2008. The song was written by Aliaune "Akon" Thiam, Claude Kelly and Giorgio Tuinfort, and produced by the former. Musically, "Forgive Me" is a R&B, dance-pop and soul track written in A minor. Its lyrics address a girl who has found a new love and asks her old love for forgiveness.

The song received generally positive reviews from music critics, however some of them criticised Lewis's voice for being very similar those of Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey voice. Lewis has performed it on some television shows, such as GMTV and The National Lottery Live. The music video—inspired by Broadway musicals, including Carousel and West Side Story—was released in September 2008. It also features the Jabbawockeez dance crew. "Forgive Me" reached number five on the British and Irish charts, thus making it Lewis's fourth single to peak within the top ten in the UK. It peaked atop the Slovakia singles chart and reached the top ten in Italy and Sweden. Lewis performed the song during her tour The Labyrinth.

Versus the World (Versus the World album)

Versus the World is the debut album by the Santa Barbara-based band, Versus The World. It was released on September 27, 2005.

Track listing

  • "Transmission 0617" - 0:45
  • "Is There No End" - 2:22
  • "Don't Let Go" - 3:47
  • "Ghost In The Bottle" - 3:20
  • "Medellin" - 3:26
  • "Victim" - 3:00
  • "Blasphemy & Treason" - 3:47
  • "Love Every Scar" - 2:28
  • "Seconds to Shine" - 3:59
  • "If I Died" - 3:58
  • "Forgive Me" - 2:46
  • "In Spite of the World" - 3:20
  • "Blue and Cold" - 4:19*
  • "Nowhere Fast" - 3:07*
  • "Blue and Cold" and "Nowhere Fast" are only available on the European version of the album.
  • Trivia

  • The track "Forgive Me" was featured on WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2007.
  • Forgive Me

    Forgive Me may refer to:

    Films and television

  • Forgive Me (TV series), a 2013 television series
  • Forgive Me (original title: Vergeef me), a 2001 film by Cyrus Frisch
  • Music


  • Forgive Me (Eric Saade album), 2013
  • Forgive Me (Maher Zain album), 2012
  • Songs

  • "Forgive Me", a classical music song by Rimsky-Korsakov
  • "Forgive Me", a classical music song by Valery Gavrilin to a text by Alexander Volodin
  • "Forgive Me", song written by Jack Yellen, Milton Ager on Pat Boone album Howdy! 1957
  • "Forgive Me" (Leona Lewis song), 2008
  • "Forgive Me" (Lynden David Hall song), 2000
  • "Forgive Me", a 2008 song by City and Colour from the album Bring Me Your Love
  • "Forgive Me", a 1984 song by Donna Summer from the album Cats Without Claws
  • "Forgive Me", a 1999 song by Evanescence from the EP Sound Asleep
  • "Forgive Me", a 2007 song by Group 1 Crew from the album Group 1 Crew
  • "Forgive Me", a 1957 song by The McGuire Sisters
  • "Forgive Me", a 2007 song by Missy Higgins from the album On a Clear Night
  • "Forgive Me", a 2005 song by Proof in his album Searching for Jerry Garcia
  • Podcasts:

    • Eric Saade – Popular | EUROVISION 2024

      published: 07 May 2024
    • Eric Saade - Popular (Sweden) - Live - 2011 Eurovision Song Contest Final

      Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv Eric Saade represented Sweden at the 2011 Eurovision Song Contest in Düsseldorf, performing the song 'Popular'. Sweden came in 3rd position in the Final with 185 points.

      published: 29 Jun 2011
    • Eric Saade - Popular (Opening act) @ Eurovision song contest 2024

      From Malmö in Sweden 7 may 2024 Semifinal 1

      published: 08 May 2024
    • Eric Saade - Every Minute

      Startnummer 7 i tredje deltävlingen av Melodifestivalen 2021 - Every Minute med Eric Saade! Eric Saade slog igenom i Melodifestivalen som 19-åring med ”Manboy” och vann hela tävlingen året därpå med ”Popular”. Eric har varit ute på turnéer och haft hits både i Sverige och utomlands. Singeln ”Wide Awake”, som han gjorde tillsammans med Gustaf Norén från Mando Diao, tog sig in på många listor runt om i Europa 2016. Genom sin medverkan i Så mycket bättre 2017 fick Eric upp intresset för att skriva på svenska, och tillsammans med Anis Don Demina fick han en stor hit med den svenskspråkiga låten ”Postcard”. 2019 programledde Eric Melodifestivalen, och nu går han tillbaka till sitt poppiga sound på engelska. • Född: Den 29 oktober 1990 (30 år). • Bosatt: Stockholm. • Uppväxt: Kattarp. • Melo...

      published: 27 Feb 2021
    • Eric Saade - Popular [Director's Cut] (Official Video)

      Eric Saade won the Swedish contest "Melodifestivalen" with the song "Popular" this year where the winner advances to the upcoming Eurovision Contest. (ericsaade.com) This is the director's cut of the music video which contains more violence not suitable for children. This video was primarily shot with RED One, and a AF101 was used as a secondary unit for different angles and compositions. Color correction was made with Magic Bullet Colorista II, Looks and Mojo in Final Cut Pro 7. Director/Editor: Mikeadelica DoP: Andres Rignell Colorist/2nd Camera: Sami Sinervä Copyright Roxy Recording

      published: 14 May 2011
    • Eric Saade feat. J-Son - Hearts In The Air (Official Video)

      iTunes: http://bit.ly/jFpk5m Spotify: http://bit.ly/jaVe6q ► INSTAGRAM: ericsaadeofficial The official video for Hearts in the Air by Eric Saade feat. J-Son, from the album Saade Vol 1. out on June 29th. Directed by Patric Ullaeus/Revolver WWW.ERICSAADE.COM

      published: 28 Jun 2011
    • Eleni Foureira, Eric Saade and Chanel - OPENING ACT (LIVE Eurovision 2024)

      Eleni Foureira, Eric Saade and Chanel are back on Eurovision stage to perform their hit songs “Fuego”, “Popular” and “SloMo”. Eurovision 2024 Semi Final 1

      published: 07 May 2024
    • Eric Saade - Hotter Than Fire [feat. Dev] (Official Video)

      Official video for "Hotter Than Fire (feat. Dev)" taken from the album "Saade, Vol.2" (2011). Buy on iTunes: http://bit.ly/sR5kTj // Spotify: http://spoti.fi/hotterthanfire Credits: Written By: J. Gill/E.Saade/J.Santos/D. Star Tailes Video Credits: Produced by Carnivale Pictures / Mikael Cross Films, Producer: Mikael Cross, Director: TOBIAS NORDQUIST D.O.P. Bratislav Stankovic M.U.A. Maja Petrini Digital FX Lukas Thuvesson Stunt Coordinator - Peter Lundberg at Stuntmakers Art department Beatrice Strand Steadycam operator Nestor Salazar Camera operator (techno crane) Patrik Leidstedt Techno grip Kristian Öryd. Special thanks to Cramo. WWW.ERICSAADE.COM http://www.facebook.com/ericsaadeofficial http://twitter.com/ericsaademusic

      published: 08 Dec 2011
    • Eric Saade - Every Minute Live

      Sthlm Aid den 30 maj Eric Saade Every Minute Trädgården/ under bron i Stockholm

      published: 03 Jul 2024
    • Eric Saade - Masquerade [Official Music Video]

      Music video by Eric Saade performing "Masquerade", taken from the album "Masquerade". ©2010 King Island Roxystars Recordings Facebook - Eric Saade Official Instagram - @ericsaadeofficial Twitter - @ericsaademusic www.ericsaade.com

      published: 11 Aug 2010
    Eric Saade – Popular | EUROVISION 2024

    Eric Saade – Popular | EUROVISION 2024

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:26
    • Uploaded Date: 07 May 2024
    • views: 151251
    Eric Saade - Popular (Sweden) - Live - 2011 Eurovision Song Contest Final

    Eric Saade - Popular (Sweden) - Live - 2011 Eurovision Song Contest Final

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:20
    • Uploaded Date: 29 Jun 2011
    • views: 7698084
    Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv Eric Saade represented Sweden at the 2011 Eurovision Song Contest in Düsseldorf, performing the song 'Popular'. Sweden came in 3rd position in the Final with 185 points.
    Eric Saade - Popular (Opening act) @ Eurovision song contest 2024

    Eric Saade - Popular (Opening act) @ Eurovision song contest 2024

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:29
    • Uploaded Date: 08 May 2024
    • views: 49661
    From Malmö in Sweden 7 may 2024 Semifinal 1
    Eric Saade - Every Minute

    Eric Saade - Every Minute

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:25
    • Uploaded Date: 27 Feb 2021
    • views: 2694493
    Startnummer 7 i tredje deltävlingen av Melodifestivalen 2021 - Every Minute med Eric Saade! Eric Saade slog igenom i Melodifestivalen som 19-åring med ”Manboy” och vann hela tävlingen året därpå med ”Popular”. Eric har varit ute på turnéer och haft hits både i Sverige och utomlands. Singeln ”Wide Awake”, som han gjorde tillsammans med Gustaf Norén från Mando Diao, tog sig in på många listor runt om i Europa 2016. Genom sin medverkan i Så mycket bättre 2017 fick Eric upp intresset för att skriva på svenska, och tillsammans med Anis Don Demina fick han en stor hit med den svenskspråkiga låten ”Postcard”. 2019 programledde Eric Melodifestivalen, och nu går han tillbaka till sitt poppiga sound på engelska. • Född: Den 29 oktober 1990 (30 år). • Bosatt: Stockholm. • Uppväxt: Kattarp. • Melodifestivalrutin: 2021: ”Every Minute” 2019: Programledare (med Kodjo Akolor, Marika Carlsson och Sarah Dawn Finer) 2015: ”Sting” (femte plats) 2011: ”Popular” (vinnare, tredje plats i Eurovision) 2010: ”Manboy” (tredje plats) • Övrigt: I början av sin bana var Eric med i pojkbandet ”What’s Up”, där en annan av medlemmarna var den senare Melodifestivalvinnaren Robin Stjernberg. Eric var greenroomreporter i finalen av Eurovision Song Contest 2013 och presenterade Sveriges poäng i Eurovision Song Contest 2019. Medverkande • Husdansare: Kenny Lantz. • Kör utanför scen: Greg Curtis. Bakom bidraget • Nummerkreatörer: Fredrik ”Benke” Rydman, Lotta Furebäck, Sacha Jean-Baptiste och Jennie Widegren. • Koreograf: Fredrik ”Benke” Rydman. Effekter och rekvisita • Vit platta. • Svart tyg med magnetsläpp. • Eventuellt svart matta. • Externt ljus. • Vajer. Tema: Svart rymd. Antal kameraklipp • Ca 99. Eric om bidraget: – Min låt är en sexig, beroendeframkallande poplåt – med ett litet mörker i sig.
    Eric Saade - Popular [Director's Cut] (Official Video)

    Eric Saade - Popular [Director's Cut] (Official Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:44
    • Uploaded Date: 14 May 2011
    • views: 838944
    Eric Saade won the Swedish contest "Melodifestivalen" with the song "Popular" this year where the winner advances to the upcoming Eurovision Contest. (ericsaade.com) This is the director's cut of the music video which contains more violence not suitable for children. This video was primarily shot with RED One, and a AF101 was used as a secondary unit for different angles and compositions. Color correction was made with Magic Bullet Colorista II, Looks and Mojo in Final Cut Pro 7. Director/Editor: Mikeadelica DoP: Andres Rignell Colorist/2nd Camera: Sami Sinervä Copyright Roxy Recording
    Eric Saade feat. J-Son - Hearts In The Air (Official Video)

    Eric Saade feat. J-Son - Hearts In The Air (Official Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:27
    • Uploaded Date: 28 Jun 2011
    • views: 9092377
    iTunes: http://bit.ly/jFpk5m Spotify: http://bit.ly/jaVe6q ► INSTAGRAM: ericsaadeofficial The official video for Hearts in the Air by Eric Saade feat. J-Son, from the album Saade Vol 1. out on June 29th. Directed by Patric Ullaeus/Revolver WWW.ERICSAADE.COM
    Eleni Foureira, Eric Saade and Chanel -  OPENING ACT (LIVE Eurovision 2024)

    Eleni Foureira, Eric Saade and Chanel - OPENING ACT (LIVE Eurovision 2024)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:51
    • Uploaded Date: 07 May 2024
    • views: 205888
    Eleni Foureira, Eric Saade and Chanel are back on Eurovision stage to perform their hit songs “Fuego”, “Popular” and “SloMo”. Eurovision 2024 Semi Final 1
    Eric Saade - Hotter Than Fire [feat. Dev] (Official Video)

    Eric Saade - Hotter Than Fire [feat. Dev] (Official Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:52
    • Uploaded Date: 08 Dec 2011
    • views: 4150032
    Official video for "Hotter Than Fire (feat. Dev)" taken from the album "Saade, Vol.2" (2011). Buy on iTunes: http://bit.ly/sR5kTj // Spotify: http://spoti.fi/hotterthanfire Credits: Written By: J. Gill/E.Saade/J.Santos/D. Star Tailes Video Credits: Produced by Carnivale Pictures / Mikael Cross Films, Producer: Mikael Cross, Director: TOBIAS NORDQUIST D.O.P. Bratislav Stankovic M.U.A. Maja Petrini Digital FX Lukas Thuvesson Stunt Coordinator - Peter Lundberg at Stuntmakers Art department Beatrice Strand Steadycam operator Nestor Salazar Camera operator (techno crane) Patrik Leidstedt Techno grip Kristian Öryd. Special thanks to Cramo. WWW.ERICSAADE.COM http://www.facebook.com/ericsaadeofficial http://twitter.com/ericsaademusic
    Eric Saade - Every Minute Live

    Eric Saade - Every Minute Live

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:12
    • Uploaded Date: 03 Jul 2024
    • views: 8
    Sthlm Aid den 30 maj Eric Saade Every Minute Trädgården/ under bron i Stockholm
    Eric Saade - Masquerade [Official Music Video]

    Eric Saade - Masquerade [Official Music Video]

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    • Duration: 4:21
    • Uploaded Date: 11 Aug 2010
    • views: 8087359
    Music video by Eric Saade performing "Masquerade", taken from the album "Masquerade". ©2010 King Island Roxystars Recordings Facebook - Eric Saade Official Instagram - @ericsaadeofficial Twitter - @ericsaademusic www.ericsaade.com
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    Eric Saade

    Eric Saade (Arabic: إريك سعادة Īrik Saʿāda, IPA: [ˈiːrik saʔaːdɐ]; 中文名字: 爱瑞克·萨迪; Swedish pronunciation: [ˈeː.ˈrɪk sa.ˈaː.ˈdɛ], (29 October 1990) in Kattarp, Helsingborg, Sweden) is a Swedish pop singer. He spent two years with the boy band What's Up!, leaving the band in February 2009 to pursue a solo career. After winning the Swedish Melodifestivalen 2011 with "Popular" Saade represented Sweden at the Eurovision Song Contest 2011 in Germany, placing third.

    Early life

    Saade was born in Kattarp, Sweden to Walid Saade, a Palestinian-Lebanese, and Marlene Jacobsson, a Swede. After his parents divorced when he was four, he lived with his mother. Saade is the second of eight siblings and half-siblings.

    Saade began singing after seeing Michael Jackson on TV, and his other musical influences are Robbie Williams, Bryan Adams, the Backstreet Boys and Justin Timberlake.

    He first sang on stage at his mother's wedding when he was six. Saade began writing songs at 13, winning the Swedish music contest Joker (later renamed Popkorn) and signing a record deal at 15.

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