In the field of herpetology, he is commemorated in the specific epithets of Abronia deppii (Deppe's arboreal alligator lizard), Aspidoscelis deppei (blackbelly racerunner), Pituophis deppei (Mexican pine snake), and Tantilla deppei (Deppe's centipede snake). His name is also associated with Deppe's squirrel (Sciurus deppei ) and Oxalis deppei, the so-called "lucky four-leaf clover".
He was the younger brother of Wilhelm Deppe, an accountant with the zoological museum of Berlin.
Associated publications
"Travels in California in 1837"; (1953) Part of the series: Early California travels series, 15. Translated from a publication of 1847, Zeitschrift für Erdkunde, vol. 7, p. 383-90.
How to Pronounce ''Ferdinand Deppe'' Correctly in German
Learn how to say ''Ferdinand Deppe'' in German with this short pronunciation tutorial.
published: 15 Aug 2024
How to Pronounce Ferdinand Deppe in German
Contact : [email protected]
German: Wie man Ferdinand Deppe auf Deutsch ausspricht?
Turkish: Ferdinand Deppe Almanca dilinde nasıl okunur
Bosnian: Kako izgovoriti Ferdinand Deppe u njemački?
Arabic: كيف تنطق Ferdinand Deppe باللغة الألمانية؟
Swedish: Hur man uttalar Ferdinand Deppe på tyska?
Ukrainian: Як вимовляється Ferdinand Deppe на німецькій мові?
Russian: Как произносится Ferdinand Deppe на немецком языке?
Hindi: Ferdinand Deppe में जर्मन का उच्चारण कैसे करें?
Icelandic: Hvernig á að bera Ferdinand Deppe þýska?
Italian: Come pronunciare Ferdinand Deppe in Tedesco?
Hebrew: איך מבטאים Ferdinand Deppe בגרמנית?
Japanese: Ferdinand Deppeをドイツ語でどう発音するか
Chinese: 如何用德语发音“Ferdinand Deppe”?
Azerbaijani: Necə Alman Ferdinand Deppe tələffüz?
Belarusian: Як вымаўляецца Ferdinand Deppe н...
published: 21 Jan 2017
a snake - pituophis deppei deppe
Almost stepped on this snake. Poorly recorded video, but I was surprised by the snake. Sorry.
It was a very pretty looking snake. Art in motion.
pituophis deppei
Video of capturing a rattlesnake:
Pituophis deppei, commonly known as the Mexican bullsnake and the Mexican pine snake, is a species of nonvenomous colubrid snake endemic to Mexico. There are two recognized subspecies.
The specific name, deppei, is in honor of German artist Ferdinand Deppe, who collected natural history specimens in Mexico.
published: 30 Jan 2015
How To Pronounce Gordon Deppe
published: 03 Jun 2023
フェルディナント・デッペ, by Wikipedia / CC BY SA 3.0
フェルディナント・デッペ(Ferdinand Deppe、1794年 – 1861年)は、ドイツの博物学者、探検家、画家である。
デッペの描いた南カリフォルニアのサン・ガブリエル修道院の絵 ベルリンに生まれた。
1828年に探検家のアルベルト・フォン・ザック(Albert von Sack)が率いたメキシコの探検に、イギリスの博物学者、ウィリアム・ブロック(William Bullock)とともに、参加した。
この探検で集められて多くの標本はドイツに送られ、ベルリン動物学博物館のリヒテンシュタイン(Martin Lichtenstein)らによって研究された。
ハワイではオアフ島で現在は絶滅したオーオー鳥(Moho apicalis)を採集した。
爬虫類の種、Abronia deppii、Aspidoscelis deppei、Pituophis deppei、Tantilla deppeiに名前が残されている。
Microwave quantum teleportation
We demonstrate the successful realization of unconditional quantum teleportation in the microwave regime over the distance of 42 cm by exploiting two-mode squeezing and analog feedforward. We generate squeezed and feedforward signals in the GHz regime by using superconducting Josephson parametric amplifiers. We realize quantum teleportation of coherent states with fidelities exceeding the no-cloning limit, thus, proving the unconditional security of the protocol. Furthermore, our experiments reveal the influence of the feedforward gain and entanglement strength on the teleportation fidelity in the presence of finite noise and losses. In the end, we demonstrate that quantum microwave communication is feasible over macroscopic distances in the cryogenic envi...
published: 23 Mar 2021
Praeludium und Fughetta von Johann Kaspar Ferdinand Fischer
J.K.F. Fischer ( 1665-1746) war ein deutscher Komponist. Praeludium und Fughetta in G-Dur stammt aus seinem bekanntesten Werk 'Ariadne musica'.
published: 20 Mar 2024
Try to Pronounce These Words in German! Exercise #19
In this exercise you'll get a chance to test yourself and your progress in learning the German language.
Each word will appear on the screen for a few seconds before you can hear it pronounced correctly. Try and pronounce it by yourself first.
For more German pronunciation exercises: 👇🏻
🔆 Turn on CC for English translation.
Good luck and have fun! :-)
published: 17 Oct 2024
Die Geschichte der deutschen Gewerkschaftsbewegung Mit Fülberth, Deppe & Immelt
Schon 1977 provozierten die Autoren große Auseinandersetzungen um das Buch »Geschichte der deutschen Gewerkschaftsbewegung« und einer angeblichen »kommunistischen Unterwanderung« der DGB-Gewerkschaften.
Das Buch entstand als Gemeinschaftsarbeit mit Studierenden, die von den Herausgebern (Frank Deppe, Georg Fülberth und Jürgen Harrer) betreut wurden. Es entstand in einer Periode, in der vor allem unter jungen Kolleginnen und Kollegen in den Gewerkschaften das Interesse an der Geschichte der Arbeiter- und Gewerkschaftsbewegung deutlich zugenommen hatte. Die Jungen, die in den Kämpfen der Gegenwart engagiert waren, interessierten sich vor allem auch für Perioden der Anpassung und der Niederlagen der Gewerkschaften (im Ersten Weltkrieg, in der Novemberevolution und zwischen 1930 und 1933). Da...
Contact : [email protected]
German: Wie man Ferdinand Deppe auf Deutsch ausspricht?
Turkish: Ferdinand Deppe Almanca dilinde nasıl okunur
Bosnian: Ka...
Contact : [email protected]
German: Wie man Ferdinand Deppe auf Deutsch ausspricht?
Turkish: Ferdinand Deppe Almanca dilinde nasıl okunur
Bosnian: Kako izgovoriti Ferdinand Deppe u njemački?
Arabic: كيف تنطق Ferdinand Deppe باللغة الألمانية؟
Swedish: Hur man uttalar Ferdinand Deppe på tyska?
Ukrainian: Як вимовляється Ferdinand Deppe на німецькій мові?
Russian: Как произносится Ferdinand Deppe на немецком языке?
Hindi: Ferdinand Deppe में जर्मन का उच्चारण कैसे करें?
Icelandic: Hvernig á að bera Ferdinand Deppe þýska?
Italian: Come pronunciare Ferdinand Deppe in Tedesco?
Hebrew: איך מבטאים Ferdinand Deppe בגרמנית?
Japanese: Ferdinand Deppeをドイツ語でどう発音するか
Chinese: 如何用德语发音“Ferdinand Deppe”?
Azerbaijani: Necə Alman Ferdinand Deppe tələffüz?
Belarusian: Як вымаўляецца Ferdinand Deppe на нямецкай мове?
Bulgarian: Как се произнася Ferdinand Deppe на немски?
Bengali: Ferdinand Deppe জার্মান উচ্চারণ করতেই কেমন?
Afrikaans: Hoe om Ferdinand Deppe spreek in Duits?
Catalan: Com pronunciar Ferdinand Deppe en alemany?
Cebuano: Unsa nga paagi sa paglitok Ferdinand Deppe sa igtagsa?
Czech: Jak vyslovit Ferdinand Deppe v němčině?
Welsh: Sut i ynganu Ferdinand Deppe mewn german?
Danish: Hvordan man udtaler Ferdinand Deppe i tysk?
Greek: Πώς να προφέρετε Ferdinand Deppe στα Γερμανικά;
English: How to pronounce Ferdinand Deppe in german ?
Esperanto: How to pronounce Ferdinand Deppe in german ?
Spanish: Cómo pronunciar Ferdinand Deppe en alemán?
Estonian: Kuidas hääldada Ferdinand Deppe saksa?
Persian: چگونه به Ferdinand Deppe در آلمانی تلفظ کنید؟
Finnish: Kuinka äännetään Ferdinand Deppe saksaksi?
French: Comment prononcer Ferdinand Deppe en allemand?
Irish: Conas a fhuaimniú Ferdinand Deppe i german?
Gujarati: Ferdinand Deppe જર્મન ઉચ્ચાર કેવી રીતે?
Hausa: Yadda za a furta Ferdinand Deppe a Jamus?
Croatian: Kako izgovoriti Ferdinand Deppe na njemačkom jeziku?
Haitian Creole: Ki jan yo fè konnen Ferdinand Deppe nan german?
Hungarian: Hogyan kell mondani Ferdinand Deppe németül?
Armenian: Ինչպես արտասանել Ferdinand Deppe - ի գերմաներեն.
Indonesian: Bagaimana cara mengucapkan Ferdinand Deppe di Jerman?
Igbo: Olee otú ịkpọ Ferdinand Deppe German?
Georgian: როგორ შეხედულებებსა Ferdinand Deppe in german?
Kazakh: неміс Ferdinand Deppe қалай оқылады?
Khmer: តើធ្វើដូចម្តេចដើម្បីប្រកាស Ferdinand Deppe នៅអាល្លឺម៉ង់?
Kannada: ಹೇಗೆ ಜರ್ಮನ್ Ferdinand Deppe ಉಚ್ಚರಿಸಲು?
Korean: Ferdinand Deppe을 독일어로 발음하는 방법
Latin: How to pronounce Ferdinand Deppe in german ?
Lithuanian: Kaip ištarti Ferdinand Deppe vokiečių?
Latvian: Kā izrunāt Ferdinand Deppe vācu?
Malagasy: Ahoana no hanaovana Ferdinand Deppe tamin'ny teny alemà?
Maori: Me pēhea te ki te kiia Ferdinand Deppe i german?
Macedonian: Како да го изговара Ferdinand Deppe германски?
Malayalam: ജർമൻ Ferdinand Deppe എങ്ങനെ ഉച്ചരിക്കാൻ?
Mongolian: Герман дахь Ferdinand Deppe хэрхэн хэлэх вэ?
Malay: Cara mengucapkan Ferdinand Deppe di jerman?
Maltese: Kif jippronunzja Ferdinand Deppe bil-Ġermaniż?
Myanmar (Burmese): ဂြာမနျထဲတွင် Ferdinand Deppe စီရင်ဖို့ဘယ်လိုနေသလဲ?
Nepali: जर्मन Ferdinand Deppe उच्चारण गर्न?
Dutch: Hoe wordt Ferdinand Deppe uitgesproken in het Duits?
Norwegian: Hvordan å uttale Ferdinand Deppe på tysk?
Polish: Jak wymówić Ferdinand Deppe w języku niemieckim?
Portuguese: Como pronunciar Ferdinand Deppe, em Alemão?
Romanian: Cum se pronunță Ferdinand Deppe în Germană?
Sinhala: ජර්මන් Ferdinand Deppe උච්චාරණය කරන්නේ කෙසේ ද?
Slovak: Ako vysloviť Ferdinand Deppe v nemčine?
Slovenian: Kako izgovoriti Ferdinand Deppe v nemškem jeziku?
Somali: Sida loo Ninkanu Ferdinand Deppe ee Jarmalka?
Albanian: Se si të shprehem Ferdinand Deppe në gjermanisht?
Serbian: Како изговорити Берлинамада на немачком?
Sundanese: Kumaha ngucapkeun Ferdinand Deppe di german?
Tamil: எப்படி ஜெர்மன் Ferdinand Deppe உச்சரிக்க?
Telugu: ఎలా జర్మన్ లో Ferdinand Deppe పలకడంలో?
Tajik: Чӣ тавр Ferdinand Deppe дар Олмон талаффузи?
Thai: วิธีการออกเสียง Ferdinand Deppe ในเยอรมัน?
Filipino: Kung paano ipahayag na Ferdinand Deppe sa aleman?
Urdu: گانے Ferdinand Deppe جرمن میں تلفظ کرنے کے لئے؟
Uzbek: Qanday nemis Ferdinand Deppe o'qiladi?
Vietnamese: Làm thế nào để phát âm Ferdinand Deppe ở Đức?
Yiddish: ווי צו אַרויסרעדן בערלינאַמאַדאַ אין דייַטש?
Yoruba: Bawo ni lati pronounce Ferdinand Deppe ni jẹmánì?
Contact : [email protected]
German: Wie man Ferdinand Deppe auf Deutsch ausspricht?
Turkish: Ferdinand Deppe Almanca dilinde nasıl okunur
Bosnian: Kako izgovoriti Ferdinand Deppe u njemački?
Arabic: كيف تنطق Ferdinand Deppe باللغة الألمانية؟
Swedish: Hur man uttalar Ferdinand Deppe på tyska?
Ukrainian: Як вимовляється Ferdinand Deppe на німецькій мові?
Russian: Как произносится Ferdinand Deppe на немецком языке?
Hindi: Ferdinand Deppe में जर्मन का उच्चारण कैसे करें?
Icelandic: Hvernig á að bera Ferdinand Deppe þýska?
Italian: Come pronunciare Ferdinand Deppe in Tedesco?
Hebrew: איך מבטאים Ferdinand Deppe בגרמנית?
Japanese: Ferdinand Deppeをドイツ語でどう発音するか
Chinese: 如何用德语发音“Ferdinand Deppe”?
Azerbaijani: Necə Alman Ferdinand Deppe tələffüz?
Belarusian: Як вымаўляецца Ferdinand Deppe на нямецкай мове?
Bulgarian: Как се произнася Ferdinand Deppe на немски?
Bengali: Ferdinand Deppe জার্মান উচ্চারণ করতেই কেমন?
Afrikaans: Hoe om Ferdinand Deppe spreek in Duits?
Catalan: Com pronunciar Ferdinand Deppe en alemany?
Cebuano: Unsa nga paagi sa paglitok Ferdinand Deppe sa igtagsa?
Czech: Jak vyslovit Ferdinand Deppe v němčině?
Welsh: Sut i ynganu Ferdinand Deppe mewn german?
Danish: Hvordan man udtaler Ferdinand Deppe i tysk?
Greek: Πώς να προφέρετε Ferdinand Deppe στα Γερμανικά;
English: How to pronounce Ferdinand Deppe in german ?
Esperanto: How to pronounce Ferdinand Deppe in german ?
Spanish: Cómo pronunciar Ferdinand Deppe en alemán?
Estonian: Kuidas hääldada Ferdinand Deppe saksa?
Persian: چگونه به Ferdinand Deppe در آلمانی تلفظ کنید؟
Finnish: Kuinka äännetään Ferdinand Deppe saksaksi?
French: Comment prononcer Ferdinand Deppe en allemand?
Irish: Conas a fhuaimniú Ferdinand Deppe i german?
Gujarati: Ferdinand Deppe જર્મન ઉચ્ચાર કેવી રીતે?
Hausa: Yadda za a furta Ferdinand Deppe a Jamus?
Croatian: Kako izgovoriti Ferdinand Deppe na njemačkom jeziku?
Haitian Creole: Ki jan yo fè konnen Ferdinand Deppe nan german?
Hungarian: Hogyan kell mondani Ferdinand Deppe németül?
Armenian: Ինչպես արտասանել Ferdinand Deppe - ի գերմաներեն.
Indonesian: Bagaimana cara mengucapkan Ferdinand Deppe di Jerman?
Igbo: Olee otú ịkpọ Ferdinand Deppe German?
Georgian: როგორ შეხედულებებსა Ferdinand Deppe in german?
Kazakh: неміс Ferdinand Deppe қалай оқылады?
Khmer: តើធ្វើដូចម្តេចដើម្បីប្រកាស Ferdinand Deppe នៅអាល្លឺម៉ង់?
Kannada: ಹೇಗೆ ಜರ್ಮನ್ Ferdinand Deppe ಉಚ್ಚರಿಸಲು?
Korean: Ferdinand Deppe을 독일어로 발음하는 방법
Latin: How to pronounce Ferdinand Deppe in german ?
Lithuanian: Kaip ištarti Ferdinand Deppe vokiečių?
Latvian: Kā izrunāt Ferdinand Deppe vācu?
Malagasy: Ahoana no hanaovana Ferdinand Deppe tamin'ny teny alemà?
Maori: Me pēhea te ki te kiia Ferdinand Deppe i german?
Macedonian: Како да го изговара Ferdinand Deppe германски?
Malayalam: ജർമൻ Ferdinand Deppe എങ്ങനെ ഉച്ചരിക്കാൻ?
Mongolian: Герман дахь Ferdinand Deppe хэрхэн хэлэх вэ?
Malay: Cara mengucapkan Ferdinand Deppe di jerman?
Maltese: Kif jippronunzja Ferdinand Deppe bil-Ġermaniż?
Myanmar (Burmese): ဂြာမနျထဲတွင် Ferdinand Deppe စီရင်ဖို့ဘယ်လိုနေသလဲ?
Nepali: जर्मन Ferdinand Deppe उच्चारण गर्न?
Dutch: Hoe wordt Ferdinand Deppe uitgesproken in het Duits?
Norwegian: Hvordan å uttale Ferdinand Deppe på tysk?
Polish: Jak wymówić Ferdinand Deppe w języku niemieckim?
Portuguese: Como pronunciar Ferdinand Deppe, em Alemão?
Romanian: Cum se pronunță Ferdinand Deppe în Germană?
Sinhala: ජර්මන් Ferdinand Deppe උච්චාරණය කරන්නේ කෙසේ ද?
Slovak: Ako vysloviť Ferdinand Deppe v nemčine?
Slovenian: Kako izgovoriti Ferdinand Deppe v nemškem jeziku?
Somali: Sida loo Ninkanu Ferdinand Deppe ee Jarmalka?
Albanian: Se si të shprehem Ferdinand Deppe në gjermanisht?
Serbian: Како изговорити Берлинамада на немачком?
Sundanese: Kumaha ngucapkeun Ferdinand Deppe di german?
Tamil: எப்படி ஜெர்மன் Ferdinand Deppe உச்சரிக்க?
Telugu: ఎలా జర్మన్ లో Ferdinand Deppe పలకడంలో?
Tajik: Чӣ тавр Ferdinand Deppe дар Олмон талаффузи?
Thai: วิธีการออกเสียง Ferdinand Deppe ในเยอรมัน?
Filipino: Kung paano ipahayag na Ferdinand Deppe sa aleman?
Urdu: گانے Ferdinand Deppe جرمن میں تلفظ کرنے کے لئے؟
Uzbek: Qanday nemis Ferdinand Deppe o'qiladi?
Vietnamese: Làm thế nào để phát âm Ferdinand Deppe ở Đức?
Yiddish: ווי צו אַרויסרעדן בערלינאַמאַדאַ אין דייַטש?
Yoruba: Bawo ni lati pronounce Ferdinand Deppe ni jẹmánì?
Almost stepped on this snake. Poorly recorded video, but I was surprised by the snake. Sorry.
It was a very pretty looking snake. Art in motion.
pituophis depp...
Almost stepped on this snake. Poorly recorded video, but I was surprised by the snake. Sorry.
It was a very pretty looking snake. Art in motion.
pituophis deppei
Video of capturing a rattlesnake:
Pituophis deppei, commonly known as the Mexican bullsnake and the Mexican pine snake, is a species of nonvenomous colubrid snake endemic to Mexico. There are two recognized subspecies.
The specific name, deppei, is in honor of German artist Ferdinand Deppe, who collected natural history specimens in Mexico.
Almost stepped on this snake. Poorly recorded video, but I was surprised by the snake. Sorry.
It was a very pretty looking snake. Art in motion.
pituophis deppei
Video of capturing a rattlesnake:
Pituophis deppei, commonly known as the Mexican bullsnake and the Mexican pine snake, is a species of nonvenomous colubrid snake endemic to Mexico. There are two recognized subspecies.
The specific name, deppei, is in honor of German artist Ferdinand Deppe, who collected natural history specimens in Mexico.
フェルディナント・デッペ, by Wikipedia / CC BY SA 3.0
フェルディナント・デッペ, by Wikipedia / CC BY SA 3.0
フェルディナント・デッペ(Ferdinand Deppe、1794年 – 1861年)は、ドイツの博物学者、探検家、画家である。
デッペの描いた南カリフォルニアのサン・ガブリエル修道院の絵 ベルリンに生まれた。
1828年に探検家のアルベルト・フォン・ザック(Albert von Sack)が率いたメキシコの探検に、イギリスの博物学者、ウィリアム・ブロック(William Bullock)とともに、参加した。
この探検で集められて多くの標本はドイツに送られ、ベルリン動物学博物館のリヒテンシュタイン(Martin Lichtenstein)らによって研究された。
ハワイではオアフ島で現在は絶滅したオーオー鳥(Moho apicalis)を採集した。
爬虫類の種、Abronia deppii、Aspidoscelis deppei、Pituophis deppei、Tantilla deppeiに名前が残されている。
リス族の種、Sciurus deppeiや、英名でラッキー・クローバーと呼ばれる植物の種、Oxalis deppei(モンカタバミ、Oxalis tetraphyllaのシノニム)にも献名された。
(命名者略記を閲覧する/IPNIでAuthor Detailsを検索する。)
Microwave quantum teleportation
We demonstrate the successful realization of unconditional quantum teleportation in the microwave regime over the distance of ...
Microwave quantum teleportation
We demonstrate the successful realization of unconditional quantum teleportation in the microwave regime over the distance of 42 cm by exploiting two-mode squeezing and analog feedforward. We generate squeezed and feedforward signals in the GHz regime by using superconducting Josephson parametric amplifiers. We realize quantum teleportation of coherent states with fidelities exceeding the no-cloning limit, thus, proving the unconditional security of the protocol. Furthermore, our experiments reveal the influence of the feedforward gain and entanglement strength on the teleportation fidelity in the presence of finite noise and losses. In the end, we demonstrate that quantum microwave communication is feasible over macroscopic distances in the cryogenic environment. Our results enable future implementations of microwave quantum local area networks and distributed quantum computing with superconducting circuits.
We acknowledge support by the German Research Foundation through the Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST), Elite Network of Bavaria through the program ExQM, EU Flagship project QMiCS (Grant No. 820505), and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) via the project QUARATE (Grant No. 13N15380).
▶ EACN Workshop:
▶ Website:
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Microwave quantum teleportation
We demonstrate the successful realization of unconditional quantum teleportation in the microwave regime over the distance of 42 cm by exploiting two-mode squeezing and analog feedforward. We generate squeezed and feedforward signals in the GHz regime by using superconducting Josephson parametric amplifiers. We realize quantum teleportation of coherent states with fidelities exceeding the no-cloning limit, thus, proving the unconditional security of the protocol. Furthermore, our experiments reveal the influence of the feedforward gain and entanglement strength on the teleportation fidelity in the presence of finite noise and losses. In the end, we demonstrate that quantum microwave communication is feasible over macroscopic distances in the cryogenic environment. Our results enable future implementations of microwave quantum local area networks and distributed quantum computing with superconducting circuits.
We acknowledge support by the German Research Foundation through the Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST), Elite Network of Bavaria through the program ExQM, EU Flagship project QMiCS (Grant No. 820505), and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) via the project QUARATE (Grant No. 13N15380).
▶ EACN Workshop:
▶ Website:
▶ Twitter:
▶ LinkedIn:
In this exercise you'll get a chance to test yourself and your progress in learning the German language.
Each word will appear on the screen for a few seconds b...
In this exercise you'll get a chance to test yourself and your progress in learning the German language.
Each word will appear on the screen for a few seconds before you can hear it pronounced correctly. Try and pronounce it by yourself first.
For more German pronunciation exercises: 👇🏻
🔆 Turn on CC for English translation.
Good luck and have fun! :-)
In this exercise you'll get a chance to test yourself and your progress in learning the German language.
Each word will appear on the screen for a few seconds before you can hear it pronounced correctly. Try and pronounce it by yourself first.
For more German pronunciation exercises: 👇🏻
🔆 Turn on CC for English translation.
Good luck and have fun! :-)
Schon 1977 provozierten die Autoren große Auseinandersetzungen um das Buch »Geschichte der deutschen Gewerkschaftsbewegung« und einer angeblichen »kommunistisch...
Schon 1977 provozierten die Autoren große Auseinandersetzungen um das Buch »Geschichte der deutschen Gewerkschaftsbewegung« und einer angeblichen »kommunistischen Unterwanderung« der DGB-Gewerkschaften.
Das Buch entstand als Gemeinschaftsarbeit mit Studierenden, die von den Herausgebern (Frank Deppe, Georg Fülberth und Jürgen Harrer) betreut wurden. Es entstand in einer Periode, in der vor allem unter jungen Kolleginnen und Kollegen in den Gewerkschaften das Interesse an der Geschichte der Arbeiter- und Gewerkschaftsbewegung deutlich zugenommen hatte. Die Jungen, die in den Kämpfen der Gegenwart engagiert waren, interessierten sich vor allem auch für Perioden der Anpassung und der Niederlagen der Gewerkschaften (im Ersten Weltkrieg, in der Novemberevolution und zwischen 1930 und 1933). Das Buch provozierte Kritik – vor allem von Seiten der Sozialdemokratie und der sozialpartnerschaftlich orientierten Gewerkschaftsführungen. Es löste bis in die 1980er Jahre eine breite Debatte, aber auch zahlreiche Konferenzen und Buchveröffentlichungen über die Geschichte der deutschen Gewerkschaften aus.
Harro hat sich mit Frank Deppe, Georg Fülberth und dem Gewerkschaftssekretär Ulf Immelt zusammen in der Kommunisten-Kneipe getroffen und die Geschichte der deutschen Gewerkschaftsbewegung bis in die Gegenwart Revue passieren lassen.
Wir sind nicht profitorientiert und betreiben den Podcast als Hobby ohne Gewinnabsicht. Wir freuen uns trotzdem immer sehr über eure finanzielle Unterstützung, entweder über Paypal oder Überweisungen an unser Konto 😊
IBAN: DE50 5001 0517 5438 1634 51
Schon 1977 provozierten die Autoren große Auseinandersetzungen um das Buch »Geschichte der deutschen Gewerkschaftsbewegung« und einer angeblichen »kommunistischen Unterwanderung« der DGB-Gewerkschaften.
Das Buch entstand als Gemeinschaftsarbeit mit Studierenden, die von den Herausgebern (Frank Deppe, Georg Fülberth und Jürgen Harrer) betreut wurden. Es entstand in einer Periode, in der vor allem unter jungen Kolleginnen und Kollegen in den Gewerkschaften das Interesse an der Geschichte der Arbeiter- und Gewerkschaftsbewegung deutlich zugenommen hatte. Die Jungen, die in den Kämpfen der Gegenwart engagiert waren, interessierten sich vor allem auch für Perioden der Anpassung und der Niederlagen der Gewerkschaften (im Ersten Weltkrieg, in der Novemberevolution und zwischen 1930 und 1933). Das Buch provozierte Kritik – vor allem von Seiten der Sozialdemokratie und der sozialpartnerschaftlich orientierten Gewerkschaftsführungen. Es löste bis in die 1980er Jahre eine breite Debatte, aber auch zahlreiche Konferenzen und Buchveröffentlichungen über die Geschichte der deutschen Gewerkschaften aus.
Harro hat sich mit Frank Deppe, Georg Fülberth und dem Gewerkschaftssekretär Ulf Immelt zusammen in der Kommunisten-Kneipe getroffen und die Geschichte der deutschen Gewerkschaftsbewegung bis in die Gegenwart Revue passieren lassen.
Wir sind nicht profitorientiert und betreiben den Podcast als Hobby ohne Gewinnabsicht. Wir freuen uns trotzdem immer sehr über eure finanzielle Unterstützung, entweder über Paypal oder Überweisungen an unser Konto 😊
IBAN: DE50 5001 0517 5438 1634 51
Contact : [email protected]
German: Wie man Ferdinand Deppe auf Deutsch ausspricht?
Turkish: Ferdinand Deppe Almanca dilinde nasıl okunur
Bosnian: Kako izgovoriti Ferdinand Deppe u njemački?
Arabic: كيف تنطق Ferdinand Deppe باللغة الألمانية؟
Swedish: Hur man uttalar Ferdinand Deppe på tyska?
Ukrainian: Як вимовляється Ferdinand Deppe на німецькій мові?
Russian: Как произносится Ferdinand Deppe на немецком языке?
Hindi: Ferdinand Deppe में जर्मन का उच्चारण कैसे करें?
Icelandic: Hvernig á að bera Ferdinand Deppe þýska?
Italian: Come pronunciare Ferdinand Deppe in Tedesco?
Hebrew: איך מבטאים Ferdinand Deppe בגרמנית?
Japanese: Ferdinand Deppeをドイツ語でどう発音するか
Chinese: 如何用德语发音“Ferdinand Deppe”?
Azerbaijani: Necə Alman Ferdinand Deppe tələffüz?
Belarusian: Як вымаўляецца Ferdinand Deppe на нямецкай мове?
Bulgarian: Как се произнася Ferdinand Deppe на немски?
Bengali: Ferdinand Deppe জার্মান উচ্চারণ করতেই কেমন?
Afrikaans: Hoe om Ferdinand Deppe spreek in Duits?
Catalan: Com pronunciar Ferdinand Deppe en alemany?
Cebuano: Unsa nga paagi sa paglitok Ferdinand Deppe sa igtagsa?
Czech: Jak vyslovit Ferdinand Deppe v němčině?
Welsh: Sut i ynganu Ferdinand Deppe mewn german?
Danish: Hvordan man udtaler Ferdinand Deppe i tysk?
Greek: Πώς να προφέρετε Ferdinand Deppe στα Γερμανικά;
English: How to pronounce Ferdinand Deppe in german ?
Esperanto: How to pronounce Ferdinand Deppe in german ?
Spanish: Cómo pronunciar Ferdinand Deppe en alemán?
Estonian: Kuidas hääldada Ferdinand Deppe saksa?
Persian: چگونه به Ferdinand Deppe در آلمانی تلفظ کنید؟
Finnish: Kuinka äännetään Ferdinand Deppe saksaksi?
French: Comment prononcer Ferdinand Deppe en allemand?
Irish: Conas a fhuaimniú Ferdinand Deppe i german?
Gujarati: Ferdinand Deppe જર્મન ઉચ્ચાર કેવી રીતે?
Hausa: Yadda za a furta Ferdinand Deppe a Jamus?
Croatian: Kako izgovoriti Ferdinand Deppe na njemačkom jeziku?
Haitian Creole: Ki jan yo fè konnen Ferdinand Deppe nan german?
Hungarian: Hogyan kell mondani Ferdinand Deppe németül?
Armenian: Ինչպես արտասանել Ferdinand Deppe - ի գերմաներեն.
Indonesian: Bagaimana cara mengucapkan Ferdinand Deppe di Jerman?
Igbo: Olee otú ịkpọ Ferdinand Deppe German?
Georgian: როგორ შეხედულებებსა Ferdinand Deppe in german?
Kazakh: неміс Ferdinand Deppe қалай оқылады?
Khmer: តើធ្វើដូចម្តេចដើម្បីប្រកាស Ferdinand Deppe នៅអាល្លឺម៉ង់?
Kannada: ಹೇಗೆ ಜರ್ಮನ್ Ferdinand Deppe ಉಚ್ಚರಿಸಲು?
Korean: Ferdinand Deppe을 독일어로 발음하는 방법
Latin: How to pronounce Ferdinand Deppe in german ?
Lithuanian: Kaip ištarti Ferdinand Deppe vokiečių?
Latvian: Kā izrunāt Ferdinand Deppe vācu?
Malagasy: Ahoana no hanaovana Ferdinand Deppe tamin'ny teny alemà?
Maori: Me pēhea te ki te kiia Ferdinand Deppe i german?
Macedonian: Како да го изговара Ferdinand Deppe германски?
Malayalam: ജർമൻ Ferdinand Deppe എങ്ങനെ ഉച്ചരിക്കാൻ?
Mongolian: Герман дахь Ferdinand Deppe хэрхэн хэлэх вэ?
Malay: Cara mengucapkan Ferdinand Deppe di jerman?
Maltese: Kif jippronunzja Ferdinand Deppe bil-Ġermaniż?
Myanmar (Burmese): ဂြာမနျထဲတွင် Ferdinand Deppe စီရင်ဖို့ဘယ်လိုနေသလဲ?
Nepali: जर्मन Ferdinand Deppe उच्चारण गर्न?
Dutch: Hoe wordt Ferdinand Deppe uitgesproken in het Duits?
Norwegian: Hvordan å uttale Ferdinand Deppe på tysk?
Polish: Jak wymówić Ferdinand Deppe w języku niemieckim?
Portuguese: Como pronunciar Ferdinand Deppe, em Alemão?
Romanian: Cum se pronunță Ferdinand Deppe în Germană?
Sinhala: ජර්මන් Ferdinand Deppe උච්චාරණය කරන්නේ කෙසේ ද?
Slovak: Ako vysloviť Ferdinand Deppe v nemčine?
Slovenian: Kako izgovoriti Ferdinand Deppe v nemškem jeziku?
Somali: Sida loo Ninkanu Ferdinand Deppe ee Jarmalka?
Albanian: Se si të shprehem Ferdinand Deppe në gjermanisht?
Serbian: Како изговорити Берлинамада на немачком?
Sundanese: Kumaha ngucapkeun Ferdinand Deppe di german?
Tamil: எப்படி ஜெர்மன் Ferdinand Deppe உச்சரிக்க?
Telugu: ఎలా జర్మన్ లో Ferdinand Deppe పలకడంలో?
Tajik: Чӣ тавр Ferdinand Deppe дар Олмон талаффузи?
Thai: วิธีการออกเสียง Ferdinand Deppe ในเยอรมัน?
Filipino: Kung paano ipahayag na Ferdinand Deppe sa aleman?
Urdu: گانے Ferdinand Deppe جرمن میں تلفظ کرنے کے لئے؟
Uzbek: Qanday nemis Ferdinand Deppe o'qiladi?
Vietnamese: Làm thế nào để phát âm Ferdinand Deppe ở Đức?
Yiddish: ווי צו אַרויסרעדן בערלינאַמאַדאַ אין דייַטש?
Yoruba: Bawo ni lati pronounce Ferdinand Deppe ni jẹmánì?
Almost stepped on this snake. Poorly recorded video, but I was surprised by the snake. Sorry.
It was a very pretty looking snake. Art in motion.
pituophis deppei
Video of capturing a rattlesnake:
Pituophis deppei, commonly known as the Mexican bullsnake and the Mexican pine snake, is a species of nonvenomous colubrid snake endemic to Mexico. There are two recognized subspecies.
The specific name, deppei, is in honor of German artist Ferdinand Deppe, who collected natural history specimens in Mexico.
Microwave quantum teleportation
We demonstrate the successful realization of unconditional quantum teleportation in the microwave regime over the distance of 42 cm by exploiting two-mode squeezing and analog feedforward. We generate squeezed and feedforward signals in the GHz regime by using superconducting Josephson parametric amplifiers. We realize quantum teleportation of coherent states with fidelities exceeding the no-cloning limit, thus, proving the unconditional security of the protocol. Furthermore, our experiments reveal the influence of the feedforward gain and entanglement strength on the teleportation fidelity in the presence of finite noise and losses. In the end, we demonstrate that quantum microwave communication is feasible over macroscopic distances in the cryogenic environment. Our results enable future implementations of microwave quantum local area networks and distributed quantum computing with superconducting circuits.
We acknowledge support by the German Research Foundation through the Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST), Elite Network of Bavaria through the program ExQM, EU Flagship project QMiCS (Grant No. 820505), and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) via the project QUARATE (Grant No. 13N15380).
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In this exercise you'll get a chance to test yourself and your progress in learning the German language.
Each word will appear on the screen for a few seconds before you can hear it pronounced correctly. Try and pronounce it by yourself first.
For more German pronunciation exercises: 👇🏻
🔆 Turn on CC for English translation.
Good luck and have fun! :-)
Schon 1977 provozierten die Autoren große Auseinandersetzungen um das Buch »Geschichte der deutschen Gewerkschaftsbewegung« und einer angeblichen »kommunistischen Unterwanderung« der DGB-Gewerkschaften.
Das Buch entstand als Gemeinschaftsarbeit mit Studierenden, die von den Herausgebern (Frank Deppe, Georg Fülberth und Jürgen Harrer) betreut wurden. Es entstand in einer Periode, in der vor allem unter jungen Kolleginnen und Kollegen in den Gewerkschaften das Interesse an der Geschichte der Arbeiter- und Gewerkschaftsbewegung deutlich zugenommen hatte. Die Jungen, die in den Kämpfen der Gegenwart engagiert waren, interessierten sich vor allem auch für Perioden der Anpassung und der Niederlagen der Gewerkschaften (im Ersten Weltkrieg, in der Novemberevolution und zwischen 1930 und 1933). Das Buch provozierte Kritik – vor allem von Seiten der Sozialdemokratie und der sozialpartnerschaftlich orientierten Gewerkschaftsführungen. Es löste bis in die 1980er Jahre eine breite Debatte, aber auch zahlreiche Konferenzen und Buchveröffentlichungen über die Geschichte der deutschen Gewerkschaften aus.
Harro hat sich mit Frank Deppe, Georg Fülberth und dem Gewerkschaftssekretär Ulf Immelt zusammen in der Kommunisten-Kneipe getroffen und die Geschichte der deutschen Gewerkschaftsbewegung bis in die Gegenwart Revue passieren lassen.
Wir sind nicht profitorientiert und betreiben den Podcast als Hobby ohne Gewinnabsicht. Wir freuen uns trotzdem immer sehr über eure finanzielle Unterstützung, entweder über Paypal oder Überweisungen an unser Konto 😊
IBAN: DE50 5001 0517 5438 1634 51
In the field of herpetology, he is commemorated in the specific epithets of Abronia deppii (Deppe's arboreal alligator lizard), Aspidoscelis deppei (blackbelly racerunner), Pituophis deppei (Mexican pine snake), and Tantilla deppei (Deppe's centipede snake). His name is also associated with Deppe's squirrel (Sciurus deppei ) and Oxalis deppei, the so-called "lucky four-leaf clover".
He was the younger brother of Wilhelm Deppe, an accountant with the zoological museum of Berlin.
Associated publications
"Travels in California in 1837"; (1953) Part of the series: Early California travels series, 15. Translated from a publication of 1847, Zeitschrift für Erdkunde, vol. 7, p. 383-90.