Farinelli (Italian pronunciation:[fariˈnɛlːi]) (24 January 1705–16 September 1782), was the stage name of Carlo Maria Michelangelo Nicola Broschi (pronounced[ˈkarlo ˈbrɔski]), celebrated Italiancastrato singer of the 18th century and one of the greatest singers in the history of opera.
Early years
Broschi was born in Andria (in what is now Apulia, Italy) into a family of musicians. As recorded in the baptismal register of the church of S. Nicola in Andria, his father Salvatore was a composer and maestro di cappella of the city's cathedral, and his mother, Caterina Barrese, a citizen of Naples. The Duke of Andria, Fabrizio Carafa, a member of the House of Carafa, one of the most prestigious families of the Neapolitan nobility, honored Maestro Broschi by taking a leading part in the baptism of his second son, who was baptised Carlo Maria Michelangelo Nicola. [In later life, Farinelli wrote: "Il Duca d'Andria mi tenne al fonte." ("The Duke of Andria held me at the font.")]. In 1706 Salvatore also took up the non-musical post of governor of the town of Maratea (on the western coast of what is now Basilicata), and in 1709 that of Terlizzi (some twenty miles south-east of Andria). Unlike many castrati, who came from poor families, Farinelli was well-to-do, and was related to minor nobility on both sides of the family.
Farinelli is an opera in two acts, described as 'serio-comic', by John Barnett, to a libretto by his brother Charles Zachary Barnett. Produced in 1839, it is the third of the composer's large-scale operas, and was the last to reach the stage. The hero is the castrato singer Farinelli, although the storyline of the opera is fictional.
The success of Barnett's 1834 opera, The Mountain Sylph, encouraged further commissions, though neither was as successful as the Sylph. Fair Rosamond appeared in 1837, and Farinelli was premiered on 8 February 1839 at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane.
The book is an adaptation of the anonymous Farinelli, ou le Bouffe du Roi, premiered in Paris in 1835. The story is based on the legend that, while he was in the service of Philip V of Spain, the beauty of Farinelli's singing was able to cure the king of his melancholia. Whilst it is true that as chamber musician to the king Farinelli had influence at the Spanish court, there is no record of him ever becoming involved with court politics as the opera implies.
Although based on real-life events, dramatic license was taken to a great extent, and only the basic facts of Farinelli's life are correct, while the plot line is completely fictional and far removed from what is known about real-life Carlo Broschi (1705–1782). For example, the ambiguous relationship between the Broschi brothers, the stormy one with rival composer Handel, and Farinelli's own amorous escapades and over-the-top "rockstar" attitude are totally spurious. Additionally, Farinelli's brother is given much more importance than he actually had in his brother's career, while Porpora's own (and that of other composers of the Neapolitan School as well) is de-emphasized; the movie also offers a different explanation for how Carlo Broschi came to take the stage name Farinelli than what has been historically ascertained. George Frideric Handel, played by Jeroen Krabbé, is made out to be somewhat of a villain, a portrait based on the competition between the London theater at which Handel's music was played and the rival theater at which Farinelli sang for a short period.
Haendel - Lascia ch'io pianga - From the movie "Farinelli"
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published: 24 Jul 2017
Film 'Farinelli' - Ombra fedele anch'io (Aria of Dario from opera 'Idaspe' by Riccardo Broschi)
Although Dionisi provided the speaking voice (originally in French), Farinelli's singing voice was provided by Polish soprano Ewa Malas-Godlewska and American countertenor Derek Lee Ragin, who were recorded separately and then digitally merged to recreate the sound of a castrato.
published: 17 Jun 2016
Farinelli (1994) Trailer
Farinelli (1994)
Gérard Corbiau
Stefano Dionisi
Enrico Lo Verso
Ewa Malas-Godlewska, soprano
Derek Lee Ragin, countertenor
published: 29 Jun 2014
Carlo Broschi (Farinelli) - Lascia ch'io pianga dal Rinaldo di Georg Friedrich Haendel
Nato ad Andria nel 1705 da una famiglia di musicisti e funzionari del re di Napoli, Carlo Broschi detto Farinelli, perde il padre a soli dodici anni. Forse a quel tempo era già stato sottoposto alla castrazione, in caso contrario la responsabilità dell'intervento è da attribuire al fratello Riccardo divenuto il capofamiglia e di 10 anni più grande. Broschi prendeva lezioni di musica dal maestro Nicolò Porpora. La famiglia Farina gli offrì un aiuto economico enorme per intraprendere i suoi studi musicali, infatti da qui il soprannome Farinelli. Carlo Broschi diviene famoso per: il suo timbro vocale molto gradevole, l’ estensione e la tenuta di fiato invidiabili, e per le sue "messe di voce", cioè quei suoni che da pianissimo crescono d'intensità fino a diventare fortissimi ed in seguito de...
published: 12 Feb 2016
JOAO PAULO se transforma en un FARINELLI cantando ÓPERA | Semifinal 2 | Got Talent España 7 (2021)
Los mejores concursantes que han pasado por las Audiciones de la séptima edición de «Got Talent España» se reúnen en la fase de Semifinales del talent show de Telecinco y Fremantle. El formato cuenta en esta nueva etapa con espectaculares actuaciones, cuidadas puestas en escena y más emoción que nunca. Los nervios están a flor de piel en unas noches decisivas en las que conoceremos la identidad de los finalistas de esta temporada.
Santi Millán repite como maestro de ceremonias, mientras que el publicista y presentador de televisión Risto Mejide, la cantante Edurne y el humorista y actor Dani Martínez siguen como jurado; aunque en esta ocasión su papel es distinto. Ya no tienen que dar «síes» o «noes» en cada una de las actuaciones, ahora deben valorarlas y a la que consideren mejor de la...
published: 26 Nov 2021
FARINELLI, 'Son qual nave ch'agitata', Aria from Opera 'Artaserse' by Riccardo Broschi (excerpt)
published: 04 Oct 2021
😮💨Farinelli Breathing Exercise for Singers | Breath Control 10 seconds
😮💨The Farinelli breathing exercise for singers. Learn how to manage breath control with this traditional breathing exercise. See instructions on screen and below. This exercise is helpful for reducing anxiety and for people suffering from COPD - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
See 20 Second Version here: https://youtu.be/t-ieofpopmU
See this playlist for more daily breathing exercises for singers.
For a slightly easier version for kids and teens see https://youtu.be/VnClleZAFc4
This breathing technique will also help relieve anxiety if done correctly. Try lying on your back with your knees bent and place a book on your belly button and then do the exercise.
1️⃣Before you begin make sure you hav...
published: 13 Apr 2021
Farinelli -. Lascia ch'io pianga (Haëndel)
El más famoso de todos los contratenores fue Carlos Broschi también llamado Farinelli ...
published: 20 Aug 2011
Soy Cantante | T02 - CAP 06 | Canal Femme
Sexta semana de competencia en Soy Cantante desde Farinelli Divas, todos los viernes.
Suscríbete a nuestro canal y comparte...
#SoyCantante #CanalFemme
published: 23 Jun 2024
R. Broschi - Arias for Farinelli - Vivica Genaux - mezzo soprano
Riccardo Broschi [c.1698-1756]
00:05 - Ombra fedele anch'io
10:01 - Qual guerriero in campo armato
Vivica Genaux - mezzo-soprano
Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin
dir. René Jacobs
Harmonia Mundi
Although Dionisi provided the speaking voice (originally in French), Farinelli's singing voice was provided by Polish soprano Ewa Malas-Godlewska and American c...
Although Dionisi provided the speaking voice (originally in French), Farinelli's singing voice was provided by Polish soprano Ewa Malas-Godlewska and American countertenor Derek Lee Ragin, who were recorded separately and then digitally merged to recreate the sound of a castrato.
Although Dionisi provided the speaking voice (originally in French), Farinelli's singing voice was provided by Polish soprano Ewa Malas-Godlewska and American countertenor Derek Lee Ragin, who were recorded separately and then digitally merged to recreate the sound of a castrato.
Nato ad Andria nel 1705 da una famiglia di musicisti e funzionari del re di Napoli, Carlo Broschi detto Farinelli, perde il padre a soli dodici anni. Forse a qu...
Nato ad Andria nel 1705 da una famiglia di musicisti e funzionari del re di Napoli, Carlo Broschi detto Farinelli, perde il padre a soli dodici anni. Forse a quel tempo era già stato sottoposto alla castrazione, in caso contrario la responsabilità dell'intervento è da attribuire al fratello Riccardo divenuto il capofamiglia e di 10 anni più grande. Broschi prendeva lezioni di musica dal maestro Nicolò Porpora. La famiglia Farina gli offrì un aiuto economico enorme per intraprendere i suoi studi musicali, infatti da qui il soprannome Farinelli. Carlo Broschi diviene famoso per: il suo timbro vocale molto gradevole, l’ estensione e la tenuta di fiato invidiabili, e per le sue "messe di voce", cioè quei suoni che da pianissimo crescono d'intensità fino a diventare fortissimi ed in seguito decrescere nuovamente.
La scena è tratta dal film "Farinelli, voce regina" che è stato premiato come miglior film straniero ai Golden Globe e ha ricevuto una nomination all'Oscar.
(www.wikipedia.it - www.haendel.it)
Nato ad Andria nel 1705 da una famiglia di musicisti e funzionari del re di Napoli, Carlo Broschi detto Farinelli, perde il padre a soli dodici anni. Forse a quel tempo era già stato sottoposto alla castrazione, in caso contrario la responsabilità dell'intervento è da attribuire al fratello Riccardo divenuto il capofamiglia e di 10 anni più grande. Broschi prendeva lezioni di musica dal maestro Nicolò Porpora. La famiglia Farina gli offrì un aiuto economico enorme per intraprendere i suoi studi musicali, infatti da qui il soprannome Farinelli. Carlo Broschi diviene famoso per: il suo timbro vocale molto gradevole, l’ estensione e la tenuta di fiato invidiabili, e per le sue "messe di voce", cioè quei suoni che da pianissimo crescono d'intensità fino a diventare fortissimi ed in seguito decrescere nuovamente.
La scena è tratta dal film "Farinelli, voce regina" che è stato premiato come miglior film straniero ai Golden Globe e ha ricevuto una nomination all'Oscar.
(www.wikipedia.it - www.haendel.it)
Los mejores concursantes que han pasado por las Audiciones de la séptima edición de «Got Talent España» se reúnen en la fase de Semifinales del talent show de T...
Los mejores concursantes que han pasado por las Audiciones de la séptima edición de «Got Talent España» se reúnen en la fase de Semifinales del talent show de Telecinco y Fremantle. El formato cuenta en esta nueva etapa con espectaculares actuaciones, cuidadas puestas en escena y más emoción que nunca. Los nervios están a flor de piel en unas noches decisivas en las que conoceremos la identidad de los finalistas de esta temporada.
Santi Millán repite como maestro de ceremonias, mientras que el publicista y presentador de televisión Risto Mejide, la cantante Edurne y el humorista y actor Dani Martínez siguen como jurado; aunque en esta ocasión su papel es distinto. Ya no tienen que dar «síes» o «noes» en cada una de las actuaciones, ahora deben valorarlas y a la que consideren mejor de la noche pueden otorgarle un Pase de Oro consensuado. ¿Quién logrará este pase directo a la Gran Final del programa? ¡Conseguirlo no será nada fácil!
Los trucos de magia más sorprendentes, las acrobacias más arriesgadas, las actuaciones musicales más emotivas o los números de baile más espectaculares. Lo mejor de la séptima temporada de «Got Talent España» se reúne en cuatro emocionantes galas previas a la Gran Final. En cada una de ellas, un concursante podrá llevarse el Pase de Oro del jurado y otros dos participantes tendrán un billete directo a la última gala de la edición; lo conseguirán el más votado por el público en plató y el elegido por el jurado entre los más votados de la noche.
¡Bienvenidos al canal oficial de «Got Talent España»!
► Si estás en España podrás acceder a los mejores clips en http://www.telecinco.es/gottalent/ y al programa completo en http://www.mitele.es/programas-tv/got-talent/
► ¡No te pierdas los últimos vídeos de «Got Talent España»!
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Los mejores concursantes que han pasado por las Audiciones de la séptima edición de «Got Talent España» se reúnen en la fase de Semifinales del talent show de Telecinco y Fremantle. El formato cuenta en esta nueva etapa con espectaculares actuaciones, cuidadas puestas en escena y más emoción que nunca. Los nervios están a flor de piel en unas noches decisivas en las que conoceremos la identidad de los finalistas de esta temporada.
Santi Millán repite como maestro de ceremonias, mientras que el publicista y presentador de televisión Risto Mejide, la cantante Edurne y el humorista y actor Dani Martínez siguen como jurado; aunque en esta ocasión su papel es distinto. Ya no tienen que dar «síes» o «noes» en cada una de las actuaciones, ahora deben valorarlas y a la que consideren mejor de la noche pueden otorgarle un Pase de Oro consensuado. ¿Quién logrará este pase directo a la Gran Final del programa? ¡Conseguirlo no será nada fácil!
Los trucos de magia más sorprendentes, las acrobacias más arriesgadas, las actuaciones musicales más emotivas o los números de baile más espectaculares. Lo mejor de la séptima temporada de «Got Talent España» se reúne en cuatro emocionantes galas previas a la Gran Final. En cada una de ellas, un concursante podrá llevarse el Pase de Oro del jurado y otros dos participantes tendrán un billete directo a la última gala de la edición; lo conseguirán el más votado por el público en plató y el elegido por el jurado entre los más votados de la noche.
¡Bienvenidos al canal oficial de «Got Talent España»!
► Si estás en España podrás acceder a los mejores clips en http://www.telecinco.es/gottalent/ y al programa completo en http://www.mitele.es/programas-tv/got-talent/
► ¡No te pierdas los últimos vídeos de «Got Talent España»!
Suscríbete al canal de YouTube http://bit.ly/GOTTALENT_SPAIN
• Facebook • https://www.facebook.com/GotTalentES/
• Instagram • https://www.instagram.com/gottalenttv/
• Twitter • https://twitter.com/gottalentes/
• TikTok • https://tiktok.com/@gottalentes
😮💨The Farinelli breathing exercise for singers. Learn how to manage breath control with this traditional breathing exercise. See instructions on screen and belo...
😮💨The Farinelli breathing exercise for singers. Learn how to manage breath control with this traditional breathing exercise. See instructions on screen and below. This exercise is helpful for reducing anxiety and for people suffering from COPD - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
See 20 Second Version here: https://youtu.be/t-ieofpopmU
See this playlist for more daily breathing exercises for singers.
For a slightly easier version for kids and teens see https://youtu.be/VnClleZAFc4
This breathing technique will also help relieve anxiety if done correctly. Try lying on your back with your knees bent and place a book on your belly button and then do the exercise.
1️⃣Before you begin make sure you have good posture, with feet hip width apart, standing tall with a slightly raised sternum, keeping the shoulders down at all times. Inhale silently through the mouth. You should be expanding around the abdominal area and ribcage and possibly the back. Don't breathe in too much or over inflate.
2️⃣Suspend means to keep the ribcage in an expanded position, not allowing it to collapse. Basically it means staying in the inspiratory position for longer, or the breath is paused. During the suspension there should be no tension in the throat. The vocal folds are completely relaxed (meaning you could still breathe in and out). Don't hold your breath, by closing the throat i.e. as in bearing down to lift something, keep the throat open. The suspension causes the diaphragm to ascend slower than usual, creating a steady stream of air. This is the secret to singing long phrases.
3️⃣Exhale: Keep the sternum raised as you exhale. The belly button will gradually move toward your spine and the lower ribs will also move inwards. If you run out of air, pull the belly button in slightly.
For the next breathing cycle, release the abdominals (belly button area) and inhale silently again.
The Farinelli exercise is name after an Italian castrato singer of the 18th century who apparently had extraordinary breath control. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farinelli
Compilations - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcigh71yKq2dscYQfaW2vNT7ObzSbKU5y
Breathing - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcigh71yKq2dUvYK39Y8HBXXL5J5N-2Br
Resonance- https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcigh71yKq2c2UWYnTIufjyhuKd0xcIYy
Chest Voice - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcigh71yKq2fpocIvio4rfP5r-qdYKOnF
Head Voice - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcigh71yKq2c7ZFfZKhY_Q9ujEheEmTJH
Mixed Voice - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcigh71yKq2dqpC-T3IN4FTAKIuUVC9uj
Agility and Range: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcigh71yKq2dqpC-T3IN4FTAKIuUVC9uj
Riffs Runs Blues - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcigh71yKq2e8ZQcNZZp8MoOfoc3LEeoP
*SAVE $60 worth of FREE Vocal Exercises - Enter promo code YT20*
⬆⬇ Learn How to Change Pitch and Speed
Tool, Gear and Applications: https://www.dotssinging.com/tools
Improve Pitch with Sing & See: https://www.singandsee.com/?ref=633d307b1bab5
Video Editing PowerDirector365: https://www.jdoqocy.com/click-101135690-10466622
*SINGING TEACHER TRAINING - LEVEL UP YOUR SKILLS* Join the Evolve Program with Chris Johnson – Dive in for 50% off the first month! https://teachvoice.circle.so/checkout/evolve-singing-teacher-membership?affiliate_code=d8627e
*START ON YOUTUBE THE RIGHT WAY* https://www.tubebuddy.com/DotsSinging
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dotssinging
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/dotssinging
TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@dotssinging
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com.au/dotssingingandmusicschool/
Note: Some of the links on this page contain affiliate links. If you buy through my links, I will earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
#vocalwarmups #farinellibreathing #dotssinging
😮💨The Farinelli breathing exercise for singers. Learn how to manage breath control with this traditional breathing exercise. See instructions on screen and below. This exercise is helpful for reducing anxiety and for people suffering from COPD - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
See 20 Second Version here: https://youtu.be/t-ieofpopmU
See this playlist for more daily breathing exercises for singers.
For a slightly easier version for kids and teens see https://youtu.be/VnClleZAFc4
This breathing technique will also help relieve anxiety if done correctly. Try lying on your back with your knees bent and place a book on your belly button and then do the exercise.
1️⃣Before you begin make sure you have good posture, with feet hip width apart, standing tall with a slightly raised sternum, keeping the shoulders down at all times. Inhale silently through the mouth. You should be expanding around the abdominal area and ribcage and possibly the back. Don't breathe in too much or over inflate.
2️⃣Suspend means to keep the ribcage in an expanded position, not allowing it to collapse. Basically it means staying in the inspiratory position for longer, or the breath is paused. During the suspension there should be no tension in the throat. The vocal folds are completely relaxed (meaning you could still breathe in and out). Don't hold your breath, by closing the throat i.e. as in bearing down to lift something, keep the throat open. The suspension causes the diaphragm to ascend slower than usual, creating a steady stream of air. This is the secret to singing long phrases.
3️⃣Exhale: Keep the sternum raised as you exhale. The belly button will gradually move toward your spine and the lower ribs will also move inwards. If you run out of air, pull the belly button in slightly.
For the next breathing cycle, release the abdominals (belly button area) and inhale silently again.
The Farinelli exercise is name after an Italian castrato singer of the 18th century who apparently had extraordinary breath control. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farinelli
Compilations - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcigh71yKq2dscYQfaW2vNT7ObzSbKU5y
Breathing - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcigh71yKq2dUvYK39Y8HBXXL5J5N-2Br
Resonance- https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcigh71yKq2c2UWYnTIufjyhuKd0xcIYy
Chest Voice - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcigh71yKq2fpocIvio4rfP5r-qdYKOnF
Head Voice - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcigh71yKq2c7ZFfZKhY_Q9ujEheEmTJH
Mixed Voice - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcigh71yKq2dqpC-T3IN4FTAKIuUVC9uj
Agility and Range: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcigh71yKq2dqpC-T3IN4FTAKIuUVC9uj
Riffs Runs Blues - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcigh71yKq2e8ZQcNZZp8MoOfoc3LEeoP
*SAVE $60 worth of FREE Vocal Exercises - Enter promo code YT20*
⬆⬇ Learn How to Change Pitch and Speed
Tool, Gear and Applications: https://www.dotssinging.com/tools
Improve Pitch with Sing & See: https://www.singandsee.com/?ref=633d307b1bab5
Video Editing PowerDirector365: https://www.jdoqocy.com/click-101135690-10466622
*SINGING TEACHER TRAINING - LEVEL UP YOUR SKILLS* Join the Evolve Program with Chris Johnson – Dive in for 50% off the first month! https://teachvoice.circle.so/checkout/evolve-singing-teacher-membership?affiliate_code=d8627e
*START ON YOUTUBE THE RIGHT WAY* https://www.tubebuddy.com/DotsSinging
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dotssinging
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/dotssinging
TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@dotssinging
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com.au/dotssingingandmusicschool/
Note: Some of the links on this page contain affiliate links. If you buy through my links, I will earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
#vocalwarmups #farinellibreathing #dotssinging
Sexta semana de competencia en Soy Cantante desde Farinelli Divas, todos los viernes.
Suscríbete a nuestro canal y comparte...
#SoyCantante #CanalFemme
Sexta semana de competencia en Soy Cantante desde Farinelli Divas, todos los viernes.
Suscríbete a nuestro canal y comparte...
#SoyCantante #CanalFemme
Sexta semana de competencia en Soy Cantante desde Farinelli Divas, todos los viernes.
Suscríbete a nuestro canal y comparte...
#SoyCantante #CanalFemme
Riccardo Broschi [c.1698-1756]
00:05 - Ombra fedele anch'io
10:01 - Qual guerriero in campo armato
Vivica Genaux - mezzo-soprano
Akademie für Alte ...
Riccardo Broschi [c.1698-1756]
00:05 - Ombra fedele anch'io
10:01 - Qual guerriero in campo armato
Vivica Genaux - mezzo-soprano
Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin
dir. René Jacobs
Harmonia Mundi
Riccardo Broschi [c.1698-1756]
00:05 - Ombra fedele anch'io
10:01 - Qual guerriero in campo armato
Vivica Genaux - mezzo-soprano
Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin
dir. René Jacobs
Harmonia Mundi
Although Dionisi provided the speaking voice (originally in French), Farinelli's singing voice was provided by Polish soprano Ewa Malas-Godlewska and American countertenor Derek Lee Ragin, who were recorded separately and then digitally merged to recreate the sound of a castrato.
Nato ad Andria nel 1705 da una famiglia di musicisti e funzionari del re di Napoli, Carlo Broschi detto Farinelli, perde il padre a soli dodici anni. Forse a quel tempo era già stato sottoposto alla castrazione, in caso contrario la responsabilità dell'intervento è da attribuire al fratello Riccardo divenuto il capofamiglia e di 10 anni più grande. Broschi prendeva lezioni di musica dal maestro Nicolò Porpora. La famiglia Farina gli offrì un aiuto economico enorme per intraprendere i suoi studi musicali, infatti da qui il soprannome Farinelli. Carlo Broschi diviene famoso per: il suo timbro vocale molto gradevole, l’ estensione e la tenuta di fiato invidiabili, e per le sue "messe di voce", cioè quei suoni che da pianissimo crescono d'intensità fino a diventare fortissimi ed in seguito decrescere nuovamente.
La scena è tratta dal film "Farinelli, voce regina" che è stato premiato come miglior film straniero ai Golden Globe e ha ricevuto una nomination all'Oscar.
(www.wikipedia.it - www.haendel.it)
Los mejores concursantes que han pasado por las Audiciones de la séptima edición de «Got Talent España» se reúnen en la fase de Semifinales del talent show de Telecinco y Fremantle. El formato cuenta en esta nueva etapa con espectaculares actuaciones, cuidadas puestas en escena y más emoción que nunca. Los nervios están a flor de piel en unas noches decisivas en las que conoceremos la identidad de los finalistas de esta temporada.
Santi Millán repite como maestro de ceremonias, mientras que el publicista y presentador de televisión Risto Mejide, la cantante Edurne y el humorista y actor Dani Martínez siguen como jurado; aunque en esta ocasión su papel es distinto. Ya no tienen que dar «síes» o «noes» en cada una de las actuaciones, ahora deben valorarlas y a la que consideren mejor de la noche pueden otorgarle un Pase de Oro consensuado. ¿Quién logrará este pase directo a la Gran Final del programa? ¡Conseguirlo no será nada fácil!
Los trucos de magia más sorprendentes, las acrobacias más arriesgadas, las actuaciones musicales más emotivas o los números de baile más espectaculares. Lo mejor de la séptima temporada de «Got Talent España» se reúne en cuatro emocionantes galas previas a la Gran Final. En cada una de ellas, un concursante podrá llevarse el Pase de Oro del jurado y otros dos participantes tendrán un billete directo a la última gala de la edición; lo conseguirán el más votado por el público en plató y el elegido por el jurado entre los más votados de la noche.
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► Si estás en España podrás acceder a los mejores clips en http://www.telecinco.es/gottalent/ y al programa completo en http://www.mitele.es/programas-tv/got-talent/
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😮💨The Farinelli breathing exercise for singers. Learn how to manage breath control with this traditional breathing exercise. See instructions on screen and below. This exercise is helpful for reducing anxiety and for people suffering from COPD - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
See 20 Second Version here: https://youtu.be/t-ieofpopmU
See this playlist for more daily breathing exercises for singers.
For a slightly easier version for kids and teens see https://youtu.be/VnClleZAFc4
This breathing technique will also help relieve anxiety if done correctly. Try lying on your back with your knees bent and place a book on your belly button and then do the exercise.
1️⃣Before you begin make sure you have good posture, with feet hip width apart, standing tall with a slightly raised sternum, keeping the shoulders down at all times. Inhale silently through the mouth. You should be expanding around the abdominal area and ribcage and possibly the back. Don't breathe in too much or over inflate.
2️⃣Suspend means to keep the ribcage in an expanded position, not allowing it to collapse. Basically it means staying in the inspiratory position for longer, or the breath is paused. During the suspension there should be no tension in the throat. The vocal folds are completely relaxed (meaning you could still breathe in and out). Don't hold your breath, by closing the throat i.e. as in bearing down to lift something, keep the throat open. The suspension causes the diaphragm to ascend slower than usual, creating a steady stream of air. This is the secret to singing long phrases.
3️⃣Exhale: Keep the sternum raised as you exhale. The belly button will gradually move toward your spine and the lower ribs will also move inwards. If you run out of air, pull the belly button in slightly.
For the next breathing cycle, release the abdominals (belly button area) and inhale silently again.
The Farinelli exercise is name after an Italian castrato singer of the 18th century who apparently had extraordinary breath control. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farinelli
Compilations - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcigh71yKq2dscYQfaW2vNT7ObzSbKU5y
Breathing - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcigh71yKq2dUvYK39Y8HBXXL5J5N-2Br
Resonance- https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcigh71yKq2c2UWYnTIufjyhuKd0xcIYy
Chest Voice - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcigh71yKq2fpocIvio4rfP5r-qdYKOnF
Head Voice - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcigh71yKq2c7ZFfZKhY_Q9ujEheEmTJH
Mixed Voice - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcigh71yKq2dqpC-T3IN4FTAKIuUVC9uj
Agility and Range: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcigh71yKq2dqpC-T3IN4FTAKIuUVC9uj
Riffs Runs Blues - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcigh71yKq2e8ZQcNZZp8MoOfoc3LEeoP
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#vocalwarmups #farinellibreathing #dotssinging
Sexta semana de competencia en Soy Cantante desde Farinelli Divas, todos los viernes.
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#SoyCantante #CanalFemme
Riccardo Broschi [c.1698-1756]
00:05 - Ombra fedele anch'io
10:01 - Qual guerriero in campo armato
Vivica Genaux - mezzo-soprano
Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin
dir. René Jacobs
Harmonia Mundi
Farinelli (Italian pronunciation:[fariˈnɛlːi]) (24 January 1705–16 September 1782), was the stage name of Carlo Maria Michelangelo Nicola Broschi (pronounced[ˈkarlo ˈbrɔski]), celebrated Italiancastrato singer of the 18th century and one of the greatest singers in the history of opera.
Early years
Broschi was born in Andria (in what is now Apulia, Italy) into a family of musicians. As recorded in the baptismal register of the church of S. Nicola in Andria, his father Salvatore was a composer and maestro di cappella of the city's cathedral, and his mother, Caterina Barrese, a citizen of Naples. The Duke of Andria, Fabrizio Carafa, a member of the House of Carafa, one of the most prestigious families of the Neapolitan nobility, honored Maestro Broschi by taking a leading part in the baptism of his second son, who was baptised Carlo Maria Michelangelo Nicola. [In later life, Farinelli wrote: "Il Duca d'Andria mi tenne al fonte." ("The Duke of Andria held me at the font.")]. In 1706 Salvatore also took up the non-musical post of governor of the town of Maratea (on the western coast of what is now Basilicata), and in 1709 that of Terlizzi (some twenty miles south-east of Andria). Unlike many castrati, who came from poor families, Farinelli was well-to-do, and was related to minor nobility on both sides of the family.
Uh.. Come on State your business Come on Let's make it hot Come on (word) Let's make it hot Come on Let's make it hot Come on, let's make it hot (hardcore to make 'em rubbers at cold) Come on, come on with all do respect to tha game im tha ph- enom , not ready for primetime , be on extinction , change tha way u thinkin ,or be gone pass tha fuck out , somethin stinkin , could it be tha skunk? or could it be that body in tha trunk? of my lincoln , continental style, pop tha pussy like a pimple, im fed up I put it in your ear and fuck ya head up, turnin up tha tempauture , told them kids to enta tha 36, masta meth shiiit biohazaduas is pretentious, do it for tha chemically imbalanced , state ya business, pay me at tha door', ironman hear me raw , 12 inches Sure shot soldiers in the trenches Fire in a hole the game commences third string rappers play the benches Reload There'll be no repentance for soul Just life sentence with no change for parole And thats real Fire in a hole! (pray Fire in a hole! Fire in a hole! (yeah) Fire in a hole! (yeah, yeah) Fire in a hole! (yo, yo, yo, yo) Gundowned at sun down Run now from the bucks sound, touchdown Your crew wanna punt now, pump-bloww Swimming trunks torn up from the huntdown Brakes lock 'em up now a rich bitch smack 'em up now a plucked out eyebrow down Naa dog, a broad got to be a hussy A hood rat that ride like the bride of Chuckey Walk through my hood, your ?drools? is screamed: "Thug me" My revolver to reload like the Scussy, doc The bigfoot out for the squosh Shell shocked like I'm 6 months in the bush Fire in a hole! Hiking in the snow with 40 motherfuckers expiring the blow Footprints up timbs are wallabe souls We cased to placed like Barnaby Jones, hoes Lay it down like plats in ya hair Ride off with your money then clap in the air Fire in a hole! Fire in a hole! (yo) Fire in a hole! Fire in a hole! (yo) Fire in a hole! Fire in a hole! (yo) Fire in a hole! (yo, yo, yo) This is for them niggas on the bricks Holdin' down a block for my nigga carlton fisk The kid that stay up in a blocks Ain't no christmas ever since Santa scratched my name off the giftlist shit aint been the same since the pain or forgiveness Dead man talkin' about elected Un live it cancer around throat of a critic Yo doctor, describe me a drug that can knocka' New on his ass, take a blast up a nucker For real though arsenic production that kills slow your eardrums Like a happy hooker with a dildo I spas on anyone who shows his ass I got the mob with me plus a full tank of gas Yo, yo With me and meth swarm you need a net to cover you Turn a rap game into W C W Off the rope I hang glide to the grove Straight people doubt french fries and a coke Doc's the name the burglar, serve ya that lead through five from frigs and murtar They skirt out my with Rick ran down tires What a chicken I met who hand out flyers Look I'ma areas, I don't have it My crew large enough to walk and cause traffic Bounce like box springs on your craft-matic Before you be sueing doc for malpractice You couldn't bang from start Your girl see you beat up and shit Get a change of heart Flaming dark spit it, name a mark My impact towards you JFK playin' in a park Fire in a hole! Yeah Fire in a hole Yeah Mister meth, ha-ha Funk doctor, ha-ha Mathematics on the track, ha-ha All my niggas in the bricks All my niggas on Shaolin Worldwide To my whole crew, BBC