The Evangelical Christian Publishers Association (ECPA) is an international non-profittrade association whose member companies are involved in the publishing and distribution of Christian content worldwide. ECPA has operated since 1974, and operates by "building networking, information, and advocacy opportunities within the industry and throughout multiple channels so that members can more effectively produce and deliver transformational Christian content".
In addition to many programs and services ECPA provides to its members, ECPA also produces the Christian BestSeller Lists each month and a weekly news publication, Rush to Press, that recaps the industry's top news.
Since 1978, ECPA has given annual Christian Book Awards (formerly Gold Medallion). The 2014 awards were given in seven categories, including Bibles, Fiction, Children, Inspiration, Bible Reference, Non-fiction and New Author. It also awards the Christian Book of the Year chosen from the Christian Book Award finalists, based on judging scores for quality and excellence and including a sales component to represent the impact of the book on consumers.
Evangelicalism, Evangelical Christianity, or Evangelical Protestantism is a worldwide, transdenominational movement within ProtestantChristianity maintaining that the essence of the gospel consists in the doctrine of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ's atonement. Evangelicals believe in the centrality of the conversion or "born again" experience in receiving salvation, in the authority of the Bible as God's revelation to humanity, and spreading the Christian message.
The Publishers Association (PA) is the trade organisation serving book, journal and electronic publishers in the United Kingdom, established in 1896. Its mission is to strengthen the trading environment for UK publishers by providing a strong voice for the industry in government, in society and with other stakeholders in the UK, Europe and internationally. It seeks to provide a forum for the exchange of non‑competitive information between publishers and offer support and guidance to the industry through technological and other changes.
The PA’s board, known as the PA Council, consists of 15 representatives elected from the membership, together with the chairs of the Trade Publishers Council, the Academic and Professional Board, the Educational Publishers Council, and the International Board; and the chief executive. It meets approximately six times a year. A member of Council may serve up to two three-year terms.
The Publishers Association's officers for 2013–2014 are:
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The Evangelical Christian Publishers Association is an international non-profit trade association whose member companies are involved in the publishing and distribution of Christian content worldwide.ECPA has operated since 1974, and operates by "building networking, information, and advocacy opportunities within the industry and throughout multiple channels so that members can more effectively produce and deliver transformational Christian content".In addition to many programs and services ECPA provides to its members, ECPA also produces the Christian BestSeller Lists each month and a weekly news publication, Rush to Press, that recaps the industry's...
published: 16 Sep 2016
Dictionar biblic explicativ al Noului Testament
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Un compendiu de învăţătură biblică contemporană într-un singur volum
Dicţionarul biblic explicativ al Noului Testament este produsul unui grup de 94 de teologi evanghelici care au elaborat articole de înaltă ţinută academică pe teme de interes pentru studiul Noului Testament. Cititorul va fi avizat asupra formulării unor teorii ştiinţifice în diverse domenii şi va găsi argumente în favoarea interpretării evanghelice.
Dicţionarul prezintă ample comentarii asupra fiecărei cărţi din Noul Testament, evenimente-cheie şi subiecte teologice importante din Noul Testament, precum şi informaţii despre contextul iudaic şi roman al timpurilor scrierii Noului Testament.
Dicţionarul biblic explicativ...
published: 11 May 2021
Is This Really Believable? - Ravi Zacharias
Ravi Zacharias (born 26 March 1946) is an Indian-born Canadian-American Christian apologist. A defender of evangelical Protestantism Zacharias is the author of numerous Christian books, including the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association's Gold Medallion Book Award winner Can Man Live Without God? in the category "theology and doctrine" and Christian bestsellers Light in the Shadow of Jihad and The Grand Weaver. Zacharias is the founder and chairman of the board of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) and host of the radio programs Let My People Think and Just Thinking.
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The Evangelical Chr...
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The Evangelical Christian Publishers Association is an international non-profit trade association whose member companies are involved in the publishing and distribution of Christian content worldwide.ECPA has operated since 1974, and operates by "building networking, information, and advocacy opportunities within the industry and throughout multiple channels so that members can more effectively produce and deliver transformational Christian content".In addition to many programs and services ECPA provides to its members, ECPA also produces the Christian BestSeller Lists each month and a weekly news publication, Rush to Press, that recaps the industry's top news.Since 1978, ECPA has given annual Christian Book Awards .
This channel is dedicated to make Wikipedia, one of the biggest knowledge databases in the world available to people with limited vision.
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The Evangelical Christian Publishers Association is an international non-profit trade association whose member companies are involved in the publishing and distribution of Christian content worldwide.ECPA has operated since 1974, and operates by "building networking, information, and advocacy opportunities within the industry and throughout multiple channels so that members can more effectively produce and deliver transformational Christian content".In addition to many programs and services ECPA provides to its members, ECPA also produces the Christian BestSeller Lists each month and a weekly news publication, Rush to Press, that recaps the industry's top news.Since 1978, ECPA has given annual Christian Book Awards .
This channel is dedicated to make Wikipedia, one of the biggest knowledge databases in the world available to people with limited vision.
Article available under a Creative Commons license
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Un compendiu de învăţătură biblică contemporană într-un sin...
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Un compendiu de învăţătură biblică contemporană într-un singur volum
Dicţionarul biblic explicativ al Noului Testament este produsul unui grup de 94 de teologi evanghelici care au elaborat articole de înaltă ţinută academică pe teme de interes pentru studiul Noului Testament. Cititorul va fi avizat asupra formulării unor teorii ştiinţifice în diverse domenii şi va găsi argumente în favoarea interpretării evanghelice.
Dicţionarul prezintă ample comentarii asupra fiecărei cărţi din Noul Testament, evenimente-cheie şi subiecte teologice importante din Noul Testament, precum şi informaţii despre contextul iudaic şi roman al timpurilor scrierii Noului Testament.
Dicţionarul biblic explicativ al Noului Testament reuneşte, într-un singur volum, o serie de articole esenţiale - 132 de articole - apărute într-o colecţie de dicţionare publicate de InterVarsity Press, şi anume: Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, Dictionary of Paul and His Letters, Dictionary of the Later New Testament and Its Developments şiDictionary of New Testament Background.
Această colecţie de dicţionare şi-a demonstrat valoarea încă de la publicarea primului volum, în 1992. Fiecare volum a câştigat Premiul Gold Medallion, premiu decernat anual de către Evangelical Christian Publishers Association pentru cărţi biblice sau teologice de referinţă.
Pe paginile acestui dicţionar veţi găsi peste 130 de articole în care sunt dezbătute:
* cărţile Noului Testament
* evenimente semnificative din Noul Testament
* subiecte teologice importante
* contextul iudaic şi roman.
Alte caracteristici valoroase includ:
* schiţe, diagrame şi tabele
* glosar de termeni
* bibliografii complete
* index al versetelor biblice.
"Editura Casa Cărţii pune la îndemână cititorului această lucrare de referinţă care oferă o bogăţie de informaţii cu privire la lumea în care au trăit Mântuitorul Isus şi apostolii Săi şi cu privire la învăţătura acestora. Rezultatele celor mai recente cercetări în domeniul teologiei biblice a Noului Testament şi al scrierilor părinţilor apostolici sunt prezentate într-un limbaj accesibil publicului larg. Dicţionarul biblic explicativ al Noului Testament este un instrument de cercetare care nu ar trebui să lipsească din biblioteca niciunui student în teologie sau a vreunui slujitor al Bisericii."
Conf. univ. dr. John Fleter Tipei, ITP Bucuresti
Cumpăra aici:
Un compendiu de învăţătură biblică contemporană într-un singur volum
Dicţionarul biblic explicativ al Noului Testament este produsul unui grup de 94 de teologi evanghelici care au elaborat articole de înaltă ţinută academică pe teme de interes pentru studiul Noului Testament. Cititorul va fi avizat asupra formulării unor teorii ştiinţifice în diverse domenii şi va găsi argumente în favoarea interpretării evanghelice.
Dicţionarul prezintă ample comentarii asupra fiecărei cărţi din Noul Testament, evenimente-cheie şi subiecte teologice importante din Noul Testament, precum şi informaţii despre contextul iudaic şi roman al timpurilor scrierii Noului Testament.
Dicţionarul biblic explicativ al Noului Testament reuneşte, într-un singur volum, o serie de articole esenţiale - 132 de articole - apărute într-o colecţie de dicţionare publicate de InterVarsity Press, şi anume: Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, Dictionary of Paul and His Letters, Dictionary of the Later New Testament and Its Developments şiDictionary of New Testament Background.
Această colecţie de dicţionare şi-a demonstrat valoarea încă de la publicarea primului volum, în 1992. Fiecare volum a câştigat Premiul Gold Medallion, premiu decernat anual de către Evangelical Christian Publishers Association pentru cărţi biblice sau teologice de referinţă.
Pe paginile acestui dicţionar veţi găsi peste 130 de articole în care sunt dezbătute:
* cărţile Noului Testament
* evenimente semnificative din Noul Testament
* subiecte teologice importante
* contextul iudaic şi roman.
Alte caracteristici valoroase includ:
* schiţe, diagrame şi tabele
* glosar de termeni
* bibliografii complete
* index al versetelor biblice.
"Editura Casa Cărţii pune la îndemână cititorului această lucrare de referinţă care oferă o bogăţie de informaţii cu privire la lumea în care au trăit Mântuitorul Isus şi apostolii Săi şi cu privire la învăţătura acestora. Rezultatele celor mai recente cercetări în domeniul teologiei biblice a Noului Testament şi al scrierilor părinţilor apostolici sunt prezentate într-un limbaj accesibil publicului larg. Dicţionarul biblic explicativ al Noului Testament este un instrument de cercetare care nu ar trebui să lipsească din biblioteca niciunui student în teologie sau a vreunui slujitor al Bisericii."
Conf. univ. dr. John Fleter Tipei, ITP Bucuresti
Ravi Zacharias (born 26 March 1946) is an Indian-born Canadian-American Christian apologist. A defender of evangelical Protestantism Zacharias is the author of...
Ravi Zacharias (born 26 March 1946) is an Indian-born Canadian-American Christian apologist. A defender of evangelical Protestantism Zacharias is the author of numerous Christian books, including the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association's Gold Medallion Book Award winner Can Man Live Without God? in the category "theology and doctrine" and Christian bestsellers Light in the Shadow of Jihad and The Grand Weaver. Zacharias is the founder and chairman of the board of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) and host of the radio programs Let My People Think and Just Thinking.
Ravi Zacharias (born 26 March 1946) is an Indian-born Canadian-American Christian apologist. A defender of evangelical Protestantism Zacharias is the author of numerous Christian books, including the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association's Gold Medallion Book Award winner Can Man Live Without God? in the category "theology and doctrine" and Christian bestsellers Light in the Shadow of Jihad and The Grand Weaver. Zacharias is the founder and chairman of the board of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) and host of the radio programs Let My People Think and Just Thinking.
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The Evangelical Christian Publishers Association is an international non-profit trade association whose member companies are involved in the publishing and distribution of Christian content worldwide.ECPA has operated since 1974, and operates by "building networking, information, and advocacy opportunities within the industry and throughout multiple channels so that members can more effectively produce and deliver transformational Christian content".In addition to many programs and services ECPA provides to its members, ECPA also produces the Christian BestSeller Lists each month and a weekly news publication, Rush to Press, that recaps the industry's top news.Since 1978, ECPA has given annual Christian Book Awards .
This channel is dedicated to make Wikipedia, one of the biggest knowledge databases in the world available to people with limited vision.
Article available under a Creative Commons license
Image source in video
Cumpăra aici:
Un compendiu de învăţătură biblică contemporană într-un singur volum
Dicţionarul biblic explicativ al Noului Testament este produsul unui grup de 94 de teologi evanghelici care au elaborat articole de înaltă ţinută academică pe teme de interes pentru studiul Noului Testament. Cititorul va fi avizat asupra formulării unor teorii ştiinţifice în diverse domenii şi va găsi argumente în favoarea interpretării evanghelice.
Dicţionarul prezintă ample comentarii asupra fiecărei cărţi din Noul Testament, evenimente-cheie şi subiecte teologice importante din Noul Testament, precum şi informaţii despre contextul iudaic şi roman al timpurilor scrierii Noului Testament.
Dicţionarul biblic explicativ al Noului Testament reuneşte, într-un singur volum, o serie de articole esenţiale - 132 de articole - apărute într-o colecţie de dicţionare publicate de InterVarsity Press, şi anume: Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, Dictionary of Paul and His Letters, Dictionary of the Later New Testament and Its Developments şiDictionary of New Testament Background.
Această colecţie de dicţionare şi-a demonstrat valoarea încă de la publicarea primului volum, în 1992. Fiecare volum a câştigat Premiul Gold Medallion, premiu decernat anual de către Evangelical Christian Publishers Association pentru cărţi biblice sau teologice de referinţă.
Pe paginile acestui dicţionar veţi găsi peste 130 de articole în care sunt dezbătute:
* cărţile Noului Testament
* evenimente semnificative din Noul Testament
* subiecte teologice importante
* contextul iudaic şi roman.
Alte caracteristici valoroase includ:
* schiţe, diagrame şi tabele
* glosar de termeni
* bibliografii complete
* index al versetelor biblice.
"Editura Casa Cărţii pune la îndemână cititorului această lucrare de referinţă care oferă o bogăţie de informaţii cu privire la lumea în care au trăit Mântuitorul Isus şi apostolii Săi şi cu privire la învăţătura acestora. Rezultatele celor mai recente cercetări în domeniul teologiei biblice a Noului Testament şi al scrierilor părinţilor apostolici sunt prezentate într-un limbaj accesibil publicului larg. Dicţionarul biblic explicativ al Noului Testament este un instrument de cercetare care nu ar trebui să lipsească din biblioteca niciunui student în teologie sau a vreunui slujitor al Bisericii."
Conf. univ. dr. John Fleter Tipei, ITP Bucuresti
Ravi Zacharias (born 26 March 1946) is an Indian-born Canadian-American Christian apologist. A defender of evangelical Protestantism Zacharias is the author of numerous Christian books, including the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association's Gold Medallion Book Award winner Can Man Live Without God? in the category "theology and doctrine" and Christian bestsellers Light in the Shadow of Jihad and The Grand Weaver. Zacharias is the founder and chairman of the board of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) and host of the radio programs Let My People Think and Just Thinking.
The Evangelical Christian Publishers Association (ECPA) is an international non-profittrade association whose member companies are involved in the publishing and distribution of Christian content worldwide. ECPA has operated since 1974, and operates by "building networking, information, and advocacy opportunities within the industry and throughout multiple channels so that members can more effectively produce and deliver transformational Christian content".
In addition to many programs and services ECPA provides to its members, ECPA also produces the Christian BestSeller Lists each month and a weekly news publication, Rush to Press, that recaps the industry's top news.
Since 1978, ECPA has given annual Christian Book Awards (formerly Gold Medallion). The 2014 awards were given in seven categories, including Bibles, Fiction, Children, Inspiration, Bible Reference, Non-fiction and New Author. It also awards the Christian Book of the Year chosen from the Christian Book Award finalists, based on judging scores for quality and excellence and including a sales component to represent the impact of the book on consumers.