El Paso | celý film
Film „El paso“ diváka zavede do kotle vášní, emocí a živelnosti. Režisér Zdeněk Tyc se po úspěšných „Smradech“ už podruhé vrací do světa Romů, který v nás zpravidla vzbuzuje strach a rozpaky, přestože o něm vlastně vůbec nic nevíme… „El paso“ je inspirováno skutečným osudem romské vdovy, matky devíti dětí. Filmová rodina Horváthových má dětí sedm. Příběh začíná okamžikem nečekané, tragické smrti otce. Matka Věra najednou stojí sama proti úřadům, odhodlaná udržet svou početnou rodinu pohromadě za každou cenu, jenže zoufale nepřipravená. Sociální odbor dává k soudu žádost na odebrání jejích dětí a následné svěření do ústavní péče. Ze dne na den jsou vystěhováni na periferii do sociálního bytu o jedné místnosti. Případ Věra versus město se dostane k mladé, ambiciózní advokátce. Svět Romů nezn...
published: 03 Jan 2017
Thunder Over El Paso | FREE WESTERN MOVIE | Full Length | Spaghetti Western | Full Action Movie
Thunder Over El Paso - An outlaw and a bounty hunter are searching for Mexican bandit Corbancho, who is running the El Paso area, and has also robbed the Bank of Tuscon of $400,000.
Thunder Over El Paso (1972)
Director: Roberto Bianchi Montero (as Roberto B. Montero)
Writers: Arpad DeRiso (screenplay), Maurizio Pradeaux (screenplay)
Stars: Antonio Sabato, Chris Avram, Erika Blanc
Country: Italy | Spain
Language: English
Release Date: 27 February 1972 (Italy)
Also Known As: Il était une fois à El Paso
Filming Locations: Elios Studios, Rome, Lazio, Italy
An outlaw and a bounty hunter are searching for Mexican bandit Corbancho, who is running the El Paso area, and has also robbed the Bank of Tuscon of $400,000. The bounty hunter is after the reward, while the other seek veng...
published: 11 Apr 2020
El Paso | American Western Film | STEFAN CLASSIC FILMS™
El Paso, 1949 | American Western Film | STEFAN CLASSIC FILMS™
This is a 1949 American Western film directed by Lewis R. Foster; and starring John Payne, Gail Russell, and Sterling Hayden.
The film was based on a story by J Robert Bren and Gladys Atwater. In July 1947, it was purchased by Pine-Thomas Productions, who had just made another, Western, named after a town in the Southwest, Albuquerque (1948).
published: 15 Aug 2022
Thunder Over El Paso | Spaghetti Western | Full Cowboy Movie | English
Thunder Over El Paso - An outlaw and a bounty hunter are searching for Mexican bandit Corbancho, who is running the El Paso area, and has also robbed the Bank of Tuscon of $400,000.
Thunder Over El Paso (1972)
Director: Roberto Bianchi Montero (as Roberto B. Montero)
Writers: Arpad DeRiso (screenplay), Maurizio Pradeaux (screenplay)
Stars: Antonio Sabato, Chris Avram, Erika Blanc
Country: Italy | Spain
Language: English
Release Date: 27 February 1972 (Italy)
Also Known As: Il était une fois à El Paso
Filming Locations: Elios Studios, Rome, Lazio, Italy
An outlaw and a bounty hunter are searching for Mexican bandit Corbancho, who is running the El Paso area, and has also robbed the Bank of Tuscon of $400,000. The bounty hunter is after the reward, while the other seek veng...
published: 30 Apr 2023
El Paso | Film o filmu
Zde se dozvíte, kde si můžete pustit celý tento film: https://filmtoro.cz/film/el-paso
Filmová distribuční společnost AQS, a.s. (Bioscop a Magic Box) pro Vás nabízí české i slovenské filmy, seriály a zahraniční filmy s dabingem či českými titulky. A to vše legálně a zcela zdarma.
published: 15 Sep 2022
THE EL PASO KID [1946] - Sunset Carson
Sunset Carson (Sunset Carson) is a member of an outlaw gang led by Gil Santos Robert Filmer), who have been holding up gold shipments dispatched from Laramie City. Sunset rebels when the gang leaves old Jeff Winters (Hank Patterson) to die alone after he has been wounded in a hold-up gunfight. Sunset and Jeff break with the gang and begin operating on their own, or plan to. On their first attempt, they rout Santos and his gang, and Sally Stoner (Marie Harmon), daughter of Laramie City Sheriff Frank Stoner (Edmund Cobb), assumes they are honest citizens who just saved the gold shipment. She takes Jeff to a doctor and Sunset is made a deputy sheriff. Shortly afterwards, Santos and his gang pull a robbery and implicate the innocent Sunset, and the aroused townspeople, convinced they have been...
published: 05 May 2023
El paso - trailer
Film „El paso diváka zavede do kotle vášní, emocí a živelnosti. Režisér Zdeněk Tyc se po úspěšných „Smradech už podruhé vrací do světa Romů, který v nás zpravidla vzbuzuje strach a rozpaky, přestože o něm vlastně vůbec nic nevíme „El paso je inspirováno skutečným osudem romské vdovy, matky devíti dětí. Filmová rodina Horváthových má dětí sedm. Příběh začíná okamžikem nečekané, tragické smrti otce. Matka Věra najednou stojí sama proti úřadům, odhodlaná udržet svou početnou rodinu pohromadě za každou cenu, jenže zoufale nepřipravená. Sociální odbor dává k soudu žádost na odebrání jejích dětí a následné svěření do ústavní péče. Ze dne na den jsou vystěhováni na periferii do sociálního bytu o jedné místnosti. Případ Věra versus město se dostane k mladé, ambiciózní advokátce. Svět Romů nezná a ...
published: 17 Dec 2008
Double-Crossed in El Paso (written and directed by Mike Doherty) is a short film depicted in the late 1800's in the southwestern United States. A group of four horsemen conspire a daring scheme to get money fast, but things don't go according to plan. What was supposed to be the perfect plan turned into the perfect storm as the West becomes a landscape for a wild showdown!
Join the official Facebook Group at
Starring: Mike Doherty, Lorelei Redmond, Todd South, and James "JC" Lovin
Produced by: Mark Dorman, Rick Harker, Charlie Johnson, and Jody Sowders
Executive Produced by: Charlie Hass and Richard Hillman
Director of Photography: Christian B. Meza
published: 25 Sep 2021
Film cafe opens in Downtown El Paso
Film cafe opens in Downtown El Paso
published: 14 Sep 2022
How Breaking Bad's Plot Parallels "El Paso" by Marty Robbins
A fun story about the making of this edit:
I made this video nearly all in one night. I first matched each lyric from the song with what shots from the show I'd put it with. In Breaking Bad, "El Paso" is playing in the truck that Walter steals to make his way back to ABQ. In fact, there's a shot where he throws the cassette of the album onto the passenger seat while searching the glove compartment for the key (which I made sure to include in this edit). Whenever I got to the line at 2:35 I realized that the portion of the song that plays when he turns the car on happened to be the exact line I unknowingly matched with that scene. It was very late at night and I was freaking out in my room realizing that I was spot on with my analysis. Good times.
Edited by Drake Martin
#BreakingBad #ElP...
published: 30 Jul 2020
Steve Martin-El Paso
Steve Martin doing the Marty Robbins classic "El Paso" from his 1980 TV special "Comedy Is Not Pretty."
published: 08 Aug 2015
El Paso (2009) - ukázka
Informace o filmu na http://www.sms.cz/film/el-paso
Drama, Česká republika, 2009, 100 min.
Režie: Zdeněk Tyc
Hrají: Denisa Demeterová, Albert Dudy, Tomás Fedák, Irena Horváthová, Jan Istok, Jana Janěková, Dudyová Nelly, Leoš Noha, Nikola Nováková, Igor Chmela, Katerina Poláková, David Prachař, Vladimír Javorský, Jana Janěková ml., Linda Rybová, Petr Lněnička, David Matásek, Igor Bareš
published: 31 Aug 2012
Marty Robbins - - Feleena From El Paso { The Movie }
I have made this Video , once before and had it Zapped , This on is more like a movie Comments Are Welcome { NOTE }---No, it's not made for kids
published: 09 Feb 2021
MANOS The Hands Of Fate (1966) Filming Locations in El Paso Texas / Then & Now of Worst Movie Ever
Manos : The Hands Of Fate Filming Locations
published: 18 Nov 2021
El Paso | celý film
Film „El paso“ diváka zavede do kotle vášní, emocí a živelnosti. Režisér Zdeněk Tyc se po úspěšných „Smradech“ už podruhé vrací do světa Romů, který v nás zprav...
Film „El paso“ diváka zavede do kotle vášní, emocí a živelnosti. Režisér Zdeněk Tyc se po úspěšných „Smradech“ už podruhé vrací do světa Romů, který v nás zpravidla vzbuzuje strach a rozpaky, přestože o něm vlastně vůbec nic nevíme… „El paso“ je inspirováno skutečným osudem romské vdovy, matky devíti dětí. Filmová rodina Horváthových má dětí sedm. Příběh začíná okamžikem nečekané, tragické smrti otce. Matka Věra najednou stojí sama proti úřadům, odhodlaná udržet svou početnou rodinu pohromadě za každou cenu, jenže zoufale nepřipravená. Sociální odbor dává k soudu žádost na odebrání jejích dětí a následné svěření do ústavní péče. Ze dne na den jsou vystěhováni na periferii do sociálního bytu o jedné místnosti. Případ Věra versus město se dostane k mladé, ambiciózní advokátce. Svět Romů nezná a ani ji příliš nezajímá, celou kauzu bere zpočátku jako odrazový můstek své začínající kariéry. Navzdory svým předsudkům, nepochopení a občas i samotné Věře, která blonďatou advokátku zpočátku odmítá vpustit do svého světa, případ nevzdá. Naštěstí není sama, kdo stojí na straně rodiny proti většině. Je tady ještě lehce nepraktický, ovšem o to pro svou práci zapálenější, kurátor Kochta. Jeho snaha pomoci Horváthovým je přiživována také ryze soukromým zájmem o atraktivní advokátku…
„El paso“ nekončí happy endem, jen jeho příslibem. Bez lakování na růžovo nabízí pozitivní příklad. A také čas na přemýšlení, zda být Romem opravdu znamená být vinen.
Režie: Zdeněk Tyc
Scénář: Zdeněk Tyc
Kamera: Patrik Hoznauer
Hudba: Vojtěch Lavička
Hrají: Irena Horváthová, Linda Rybová, David Prachař, Denisa Demeterová, Igor Chmela, Vladimír Javorský, Jana Janěková ml., Petr Lněnička, David Matásek, Igor Bareš, Leoš Noha, Simona Peková, Marie Ludvíková, Josef Ferenc, Miroslav Kaman, Ivan Herma, Miluše Staňková
Film „El paso“ diváka zavede do kotle vášní, emocí a živelnosti. Režisér Zdeněk Tyc se po úspěšných „Smradech“ už podruhé vrací do světa Romů, který v nás zpravidla vzbuzuje strach a rozpaky, přestože o něm vlastně vůbec nic nevíme… „El paso“ je inspirováno skutečným osudem romské vdovy, matky devíti dětí. Filmová rodina Horváthových má dětí sedm. Příběh začíná okamžikem nečekané, tragické smrti otce. Matka Věra najednou stojí sama proti úřadům, odhodlaná udržet svou početnou rodinu pohromadě za každou cenu, jenže zoufale nepřipravená. Sociální odbor dává k soudu žádost na odebrání jejích dětí a následné svěření do ústavní péče. Ze dne na den jsou vystěhováni na periferii do sociálního bytu o jedné místnosti. Případ Věra versus město se dostane k mladé, ambiciózní advokátce. Svět Romů nezná a ani ji příliš nezajímá, celou kauzu bere zpočátku jako odrazový můstek své začínající kariéry. Navzdory svým předsudkům, nepochopení a občas i samotné Věře, která blonďatou advokátku zpočátku odmítá vpustit do svého světa, případ nevzdá. Naštěstí není sama, kdo stojí na straně rodiny proti většině. Je tady ještě lehce nepraktický, ovšem o to pro svou práci zapálenější, kurátor Kochta. Jeho snaha pomoci Horváthovým je přiživována také ryze soukromým zájmem o atraktivní advokátku…
„El paso“ nekončí happy endem, jen jeho příslibem. Bez lakování na růžovo nabízí pozitivní příklad. A také čas na přemýšlení, zda být Romem opravdu znamená být vinen.
Režie: Zdeněk Tyc
Scénář: Zdeněk Tyc
Kamera: Patrik Hoznauer
Hudba: Vojtěch Lavička
Hrají: Irena Horváthová, Linda Rybová, David Prachař, Denisa Demeterová, Igor Chmela, Vladimír Javorský, Jana Janěková ml., Petr Lněnička, David Matásek, Igor Bareš, Leoš Noha, Simona Peková, Marie Ludvíková, Josef Ferenc, Miroslav Kaman, Ivan Herma, Miluše Staňková
- published: 03 Jan 2017
- views: 441793
Thunder Over El Paso | FREE WESTERN MOVIE | Full Length | Spaghetti Western | Full Action Movie
Thunder Over El Paso - An outlaw and a bounty hunter are searching for Mexican bandit Corbancho, who is running the El Paso area, and has also robbed the Bank o...
Thunder Over El Paso - An outlaw and a bounty hunter are searching for Mexican bandit Corbancho, who is running the El Paso area, and has also robbed the Bank of Tuscon of $400,000.
Thunder Over El Paso (1972)
Director: Roberto Bianchi Montero (as Roberto B. Montero)
Writers: Arpad DeRiso (screenplay), Maurizio Pradeaux (screenplay)
Stars: Antonio Sabato, Chris Avram, Erika Blanc
Country: Italy | Spain
Language: English
Release Date: 27 February 1972 (Italy)
Also Known As: Il était une fois à El Paso
Filming Locations: Elios Studios, Rome, Lazio, Italy
An outlaw and a bounty hunter are searching for Mexican bandit Corbancho, who is running the El Paso area, and has also robbed the Bank of Tuscon of $400,000. The bounty hunter is after the reward, while the other seek vengeance.
"Oh sure, as far as film goes, it's awful. But if you adore Italian produced spaghetti westerns as much as I do Roberto Montero's THUNDER OVER EL PASO (as the version I saw was titled) is pretty much everything fans of Italo Westerns watch them for. Cynical anti-heroes, offbeat locations, low-rent production values, atmospheric photography, some pretty Euro damsels ready to hop in bed with the lead actor and a healthy, bone crunching quota of violence ruthlessly dished out. Plus a compelling little musical score, this one an upbeat harmonica led folker by Carlo Savina.
Polizichetti tough guy actor Antonio Sabato joins forces with Chris Avram as a pair of surprisingly vicious black hat heroes who go after a big greasy pistolero boss and his gang of cutthroats who nabbed $200,000 in gold bars. So much for the plot; The rest of the movie is an enjoyable if forgettable mish-mash of shootings, beatings, knife throwing, jail breaks, showdowns, plots, counter-plots and a few minutes cozying up with jaw droppingly beautiful Pilar Velazquez. Her pickup line "I'm 18 and I know what I like!" would work on me too.
Director Roberto Bianchi Montero is perhaps better known for his Giallo exploitation masterpiece SO SWEET SO DEAD and demonstrates a similar skill at moving the plot forward. The pace never drags and while nothing overtly spectacular or memorable happens the movie never pushes a wrong button. Even the requisite Torture Scene is over & done with without much fuss, and interestingly is inflicted by the protagonists rather than on them. Here are two guys who'd waterboard somebody without thinking about it, the only difference between themselves & the villain being that they get to score with the leading ladies.
One interesting aspect about the film is that it's pretty much an all Italian affair with no imported big-name Yankee star. Then again by 1972 the Italians no longer felt the urgency to have a recognizable name for the American markets and just got on with the business at hand of making their movies. Also for a 1972 spaghetti western it is notable for not having a comedy formula ala the Trinity films, and instead focuses squarely on the juvenile fantasy & violence angle. Good show!" Written by Squonkamatic on IMDb.com
Also Known As (AKA):
(original title): I senza Dio
France: Il était une fois à El Paso
Greece (transliterated title): Makrya ap' ton Theo
Norway: Minnesota joe
Portugal: Os Sem Deus
Spain: Yo los mato, tú cobras la recompensa
USA: Thunder Over El Paso
USA: Sentence of God
USA: The Godless Ones
West Germany: Rache in El Paso
✘ Twitter - https://twitter.com/Grjngo_com
✘ Merchandise - https://bit.ly/2FLB0sV
► Classics: https://bit.ly/2CBLt8c
► Spaghetti Western: https://bit.ly/2CyCe8I
► All Playlists: https://bit.ly/2EOOfIH
#westernmovies #grjngo #freewestern
COPYRIGHT: All of the films published by us are legally licensed. We have acquired the rights (at least for specific territories) from the rightholders by contract. If you have questions please send an email to:
[email protected], Amogo Networx - The AVOD Channel Network, www.amogo-networx.com.
Thunder Over El Paso - An outlaw and a bounty hunter are searching for Mexican bandit Corbancho, who is running the El Paso area, and has also robbed the Bank of Tuscon of $400,000.
Thunder Over El Paso (1972)
Director: Roberto Bianchi Montero (as Roberto B. Montero)
Writers: Arpad DeRiso (screenplay), Maurizio Pradeaux (screenplay)
Stars: Antonio Sabato, Chris Avram, Erika Blanc
Country: Italy | Spain
Language: English
Release Date: 27 February 1972 (Italy)
Also Known As: Il était une fois à El Paso
Filming Locations: Elios Studios, Rome, Lazio, Italy
An outlaw and a bounty hunter are searching for Mexican bandit Corbancho, who is running the El Paso area, and has also robbed the Bank of Tuscon of $400,000. The bounty hunter is after the reward, while the other seek vengeance.
"Oh sure, as far as film goes, it's awful. But if you adore Italian produced spaghetti westerns as much as I do Roberto Montero's THUNDER OVER EL PASO (as the version I saw was titled) is pretty much everything fans of Italo Westerns watch them for. Cynical anti-heroes, offbeat locations, low-rent production values, atmospheric photography, some pretty Euro damsels ready to hop in bed with the lead actor and a healthy, bone crunching quota of violence ruthlessly dished out. Plus a compelling little musical score, this one an upbeat harmonica led folker by Carlo Savina.
Polizichetti tough guy actor Antonio Sabato joins forces with Chris Avram as a pair of surprisingly vicious black hat heroes who go after a big greasy pistolero boss and his gang of cutthroats who nabbed $200,000 in gold bars. So much for the plot; The rest of the movie is an enjoyable if forgettable mish-mash of shootings, beatings, knife throwing, jail breaks, showdowns, plots, counter-plots and a few minutes cozying up with jaw droppingly beautiful Pilar Velazquez. Her pickup line "I'm 18 and I know what I like!" would work on me too.
Director Roberto Bianchi Montero is perhaps better known for his Giallo exploitation masterpiece SO SWEET SO DEAD and demonstrates a similar skill at moving the plot forward. The pace never drags and while nothing overtly spectacular or memorable happens the movie never pushes a wrong button. Even the requisite Torture Scene is over & done with without much fuss, and interestingly is inflicted by the protagonists rather than on them. Here are two guys who'd waterboard somebody without thinking about it, the only difference between themselves & the villain being that they get to score with the leading ladies.
One interesting aspect about the film is that it's pretty much an all Italian affair with no imported big-name Yankee star. Then again by 1972 the Italians no longer felt the urgency to have a recognizable name for the American markets and just got on with the business at hand of making their movies. Also for a 1972 spaghetti western it is notable for not having a comedy formula ala the Trinity films, and instead focuses squarely on the juvenile fantasy & violence angle. Good show!" Written by Squonkamatic on IMDb.com
Also Known As (AKA):
(original title): I senza Dio
France: Il était une fois à El Paso
Greece (transliterated title): Makrya ap' ton Theo
Norway: Minnesota joe
Portugal: Os Sem Deus
Spain: Yo los mato, tú cobras la recompensa
USA: Thunder Over El Paso
USA: Sentence of God
USA: The Godless Ones
West Germany: Rache in El Paso
✘ Twitter - https://twitter.com/Grjngo_com
✘ Merchandise - https://bit.ly/2FLB0sV
► Classics: https://bit.ly/2CBLt8c
► Spaghetti Western: https://bit.ly/2CyCe8I
► All Playlists: https://bit.ly/2EOOfIH
#westernmovies #grjngo #freewestern
COPYRIGHT: All of the films published by us are legally licensed. We have acquired the rights (at least for specific territories) from the rightholders by contract. If you have questions please send an email to:
[email protected], Amogo Networx - The AVOD Channel Network, www.amogo-networx.com.
- published: 11 Apr 2020
- views: 5430171
El Paso | American Western Film | STEFAN CLASSIC FILMS™
El Paso, 1949 | American Western Film | STEFAN CLASSIC FILMS™
This is a...
El Paso, 1949 | American Western Film | STEFAN CLASSIC FILMS™
This is a 1949 American Western film directed by Lewis R. Foster; and starring John Payne, Gail Russell, and Sterling Hayden.
The film was based on a story by J Robert Bren and Gladys Atwater. In July 1947, it was purchased by Pine-Thomas Productions, who had just made another, Western, named after a town in the Southwest, Albuquerque (1948).
El Paso, 1949 | American Western Film | STEFAN CLASSIC FILMS™
This is a 1949 American Western film directed by Lewis R. Foster; and starring John Payne, Gail Russell, and Sterling Hayden.
The film was based on a story by J Robert Bren and Gladys Atwater. In July 1947, it was purchased by Pine-Thomas Productions, who had just made another, Western, named after a town in the Southwest, Albuquerque (1948).
- published: 15 Aug 2022
- views: 591
Thunder Over El Paso | Spaghetti Western | Full Cowboy Movie | English
Thunder Over El Paso - An outlaw and a bounty hunter are searching for Mexican bandit Corbancho, who is running the El Paso area, and has also robbed the Bank o...
Thunder Over El Paso - An outlaw and a bounty hunter are searching for Mexican bandit Corbancho, who is running the El Paso area, and has also robbed the Bank of Tuscon of $400,000.
Thunder Over El Paso (1972)
Director: Roberto Bianchi Montero (as Roberto B. Montero)
Writers: Arpad DeRiso (screenplay), Maurizio Pradeaux (screenplay)
Stars: Antonio Sabato, Chris Avram, Erika Blanc
Country: Italy | Spain
Language: English
Release Date: 27 February 1972 (Italy)
Also Known As: Il était une fois à El Paso
Filming Locations: Elios Studios, Rome, Lazio, Italy
An outlaw and a bounty hunter are searching for Mexican bandit Corbancho, who is running the El Paso area, and has also robbed the Bank of Tuscon of $400,000. The bounty hunter is after the reward, while the other seek vengeance.
"Oh sure, as far as film goes, it's awful. But if you adore Italian produced spaghetti westerns as much as I do Roberto Montero's THUNDER OVER EL PASO (as the version I saw was titled) is pretty much everything fans of Italo Westerns watch them for. Cynical anti-heroes, offbeat locations, low-rent production values, atmospheric photography, some pretty Euro damsels ready to hop in bed with the lead actor and a healthy, bone crunching quota of violence ruthlessly dished out. Plus a compelling little musical score, this one an upbeat harmonica led folker by Carlo Savina.
Polizichetti tough guy actor Antonio Sabato joins forces with Chris Avram as a pair of surprisingly vicious black hat heroes who go after a big greasy pistolero boss and his gang of cutthroats who nabbed $200,000 in gold bars. So much for the plot; The rest of the movie is an enjoyable if forgettable mish-mash of shootings, beatings, knife throwing, jail breaks, showdowns, plots, counter-plots and a few minutes cozying up with jaw droppingly beautiful Pilar Velazquez. Her pickup line "I'm 18 and I know what I like!" would work on me too.
Director Roberto Bianchi Montero is perhaps better known for his Giallo exploitation masterpiece SO SWEET SO DEAD and demonstrates a similar skill at moving the plot forward. The pace never drags and while nothing overtly spectacular or memorable happens the movie never pushes a wrong button. Even the requisite Torture Scene is over & done with without much fuss, and interestingly is inflicted by the protagonists rather than on them. Here are two guys who'd waterboard somebody without thinking about it, the only difference between themselves & the villain being that they get to score with the leading ladies.
One interesting aspect about the film is that it's pretty much an all Italian affair with no imported big-name Yankee star. Then again by 1972 the Italians no longer felt the urgency to have a recognizable name for the American markets and just got on with the business at hand of making their movies. Also for a 1972 spaghetti western it is notable for not having a comedy formula ala the Trinity films, and instead focuses squarely on the juvenile fantasy & violence angle. Good show!
6/10" Written by Squonkamatic on IMDb.com
Also Known As (AKA):
(original title): I senza Dio
France: Il était une fois à El Paso
Greece (transliterated title): Makrya ap' ton Theo
Norway: Minnesota joe
Portugal: Os Sem Deus
Spain: Yo los mato, tú cobras la recompensa
USA: Thunder Over El Paso
USA: Sentence of God
USA: The Godless Ones
West Germany: Rache in El Paso
✘ Website: https://www.grjngo.com
✘ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/grjngo_westernmovies
✘ Twitter - https://twitter.com/Grjngo_com
✘ Membership - https://bit.ly/2V63h4q
✘ Merchandise - https://bit.ly/2FLB0sV
► Classics: https://bit.ly/2CBLt8c
► Spaghetti Western: https://bit.ly/2CyCe8I
► All Playlists: https://bit.ly/2EOOfIH
#westernmovies #freemovies #spaghettiwesterns
COPYRIGHT: All of the films published by us are legally licensed. We have acquired the rights (at least for specific territories) from the copyright holders by contract. If you have questions please send an email to: info[at]amogo.de, Amogo Networx - The AVOD Channel Network, www.amogo-networx.com.
Thunder Over El Paso - An outlaw and a bounty hunter are searching for Mexican bandit Corbancho, who is running the El Paso area, and has also robbed the Bank of Tuscon of $400,000.
Thunder Over El Paso (1972)
Director: Roberto Bianchi Montero (as Roberto B. Montero)
Writers: Arpad DeRiso (screenplay), Maurizio Pradeaux (screenplay)
Stars: Antonio Sabato, Chris Avram, Erika Blanc
Country: Italy | Spain
Language: English
Release Date: 27 February 1972 (Italy)
Also Known As: Il était une fois à El Paso
Filming Locations: Elios Studios, Rome, Lazio, Italy
An outlaw and a bounty hunter are searching for Mexican bandit Corbancho, who is running the El Paso area, and has also robbed the Bank of Tuscon of $400,000. The bounty hunter is after the reward, while the other seek vengeance.
"Oh sure, as far as film goes, it's awful. But if you adore Italian produced spaghetti westerns as much as I do Roberto Montero's THUNDER OVER EL PASO (as the version I saw was titled) is pretty much everything fans of Italo Westerns watch them for. Cynical anti-heroes, offbeat locations, low-rent production values, atmospheric photography, some pretty Euro damsels ready to hop in bed with the lead actor and a healthy, bone crunching quota of violence ruthlessly dished out. Plus a compelling little musical score, this one an upbeat harmonica led folker by Carlo Savina.
Polizichetti tough guy actor Antonio Sabato joins forces with Chris Avram as a pair of surprisingly vicious black hat heroes who go after a big greasy pistolero boss and his gang of cutthroats who nabbed $200,000 in gold bars. So much for the plot; The rest of the movie is an enjoyable if forgettable mish-mash of shootings, beatings, knife throwing, jail breaks, showdowns, plots, counter-plots and a few minutes cozying up with jaw droppingly beautiful Pilar Velazquez. Her pickup line "I'm 18 and I know what I like!" would work on me too.
Director Roberto Bianchi Montero is perhaps better known for his Giallo exploitation masterpiece SO SWEET SO DEAD and demonstrates a similar skill at moving the plot forward. The pace never drags and while nothing overtly spectacular or memorable happens the movie never pushes a wrong button. Even the requisite Torture Scene is over & done with without much fuss, and interestingly is inflicted by the protagonists rather than on them. Here are two guys who'd waterboard somebody without thinking about it, the only difference between themselves & the villain being that they get to score with the leading ladies.
One interesting aspect about the film is that it's pretty much an all Italian affair with no imported big-name Yankee star. Then again by 1972 the Italians no longer felt the urgency to have a recognizable name for the American markets and just got on with the business at hand of making their movies. Also for a 1972 spaghetti western it is notable for not having a comedy formula ala the Trinity films, and instead focuses squarely on the juvenile fantasy & violence angle. Good show!
6/10" Written by Squonkamatic on IMDb.com
Also Known As (AKA):
(original title): I senza Dio
France: Il était une fois à El Paso
Greece (transliterated title): Makrya ap' ton Theo
Norway: Minnesota joe
Portugal: Os Sem Deus
Spain: Yo los mato, tú cobras la recompensa
USA: Thunder Over El Paso
USA: Sentence of God
USA: The Godless Ones
West Germany: Rache in El Paso
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- published: 30 Apr 2023
- views: 37462
El Paso | Film o filmu
Zde se dozvíte, kde si můžete pustit celý tento film: https://filmtoro.cz/film/el-paso
Filmová distribuční společnost AQS, a.s. (Bioscop a Magic Box) pro Vás na...
Zde se dozvíte, kde si můžete pustit celý tento film: https://filmtoro.cz/film/el-paso
Filmová distribuční společnost AQS, a.s. (Bioscop a Magic Box) pro Vás nabízí české i slovenské filmy, seriály a zahraniční filmy s dabingem či českými titulky. A to vše legálně a zcela zdarma.
Zde se dozvíte, kde si můžete pustit celý tento film: https://filmtoro.cz/film/el-paso
Filmová distribuční společnost AQS, a.s. (Bioscop a Magic Box) pro Vás nabízí české i slovenské filmy, seriály a zahraniční filmy s dabingem či českými titulky. A to vše legálně a zcela zdarma.
- published: 15 Sep 2022
- views: 326
THE EL PASO KID [1946] - Sunset Carson
Sunset Carson (Sunset Carson) is a member of an outlaw gang led by Gil Santos Robert Filmer), who have been holding up gold shipments dispatched from Laramie Ci...
Sunset Carson (Sunset Carson) is a member of an outlaw gang led by Gil Santos Robert Filmer), who have been holding up gold shipments dispatched from Laramie City. Sunset rebels when the gang leaves old Jeff Winters (Hank Patterson) to die alone after he has been wounded in a hold-up gunfight. Sunset and Jeff break with the gang and begin operating on their own, or plan to. On their first attempt, they rout Santos and his gang, and Sally Stoner (Marie Harmon), daughter of Laramie City Sheriff Frank Stoner (Edmund Cobb), assumes they are honest citizens who just saved the gold shipment. She takes Jeff to a doctor and Sunset is made a deputy sheriff. Shortly afterwards, Santos and his gang pull a robbery and implicate the innocent Sunset, and the aroused townspeople, convinced they have been double-crossed, are ready to shoot Sunset on sight.
Sunset Carson (Sunset Carson) is a member of an outlaw gang led by Gil Santos Robert Filmer), who have been holding up gold shipments dispatched from Laramie City. Sunset rebels when the gang leaves old Jeff Winters (Hank Patterson) to die alone after he has been wounded in a hold-up gunfight. Sunset and Jeff break with the gang and begin operating on their own, or plan to. On their first attempt, they rout Santos and his gang, and Sally Stoner (Marie Harmon), daughter of Laramie City Sheriff Frank Stoner (Edmund Cobb), assumes they are honest citizens who just saved the gold shipment. She takes Jeff to a doctor and Sunset is made a deputy sheriff. Shortly afterwards, Santos and his gang pull a robbery and implicate the innocent Sunset, and the aroused townspeople, convinced they have been double-crossed, are ready to shoot Sunset on sight.
- published: 05 May 2023
- views: 133719
El paso - trailer
Film „El paso diváka zavede do kotle vášní, emocí a živelnosti. Režisér Zdeněk Tyc se po úspěšných „Smradech už podruhé vrací do světa Romů, který v nás zpravid...
Film „El paso diváka zavede do kotle vášní, emocí a živelnosti. Režisér Zdeněk Tyc se po úspěšných „Smradech už podruhé vrací do světa Romů, který v nás zpravidla vzbuzuje strach a rozpaky, přestože o něm vlastně vůbec nic nevíme „El paso je inspirováno skutečným osudem romské vdovy, matky devíti dětí. Filmová rodina Horváthových má dětí sedm. Příběh začíná okamžikem nečekané, tragické smrti otce. Matka Věra najednou stojí sama proti úřadům, odhodlaná udržet svou početnou rodinu pohromadě za každou cenu, jenže zoufale nepřipravená. Sociální odbor dává k soudu žádost na odebrání jejích dětí a následné svěření do ústavní péče. Ze dne na den jsou vystěhováni na periferii do sociálního bytu o jedné místnosti. Případ Věra versus město se dostane k mladé, ambiciózní advokátce. Svět Romů nezná a ani ji příliš nezajímá, celou kauzu bere zpočátku jako odrazový můstek své začínající kariéry. Navzdory svým předsudkům, nepochopení a občas i samotné Věře, která blonďatou advokátku zpočátku odmítá vpustit do svého světa, případ nevzdá. Naštěstí není sama, kdo stojí na straně rodiny proti většině. Je tady ještě lehce nepraktický, ovšem o to pro svou práci zapálenější, kurátor Kochta. Jeho snaha pomoci Horváthovým je přiživována také ryze soukromým zájmem o atraktivní advokátku
„El paso nekončí happy endem, jen jeho příslibem. Bez lakování na růžovo nabízí pozitivní příklad. A také čas na přemýšlení, zda být Romem opravdu znamená být vinen.
V kinech od 19.3.2009.
Film „El paso diváka zavede do kotle vášní, emocí a živelnosti. Režisér Zdeněk Tyc se po úspěšných „Smradech už podruhé vrací do světa Romů, který v nás zpravidla vzbuzuje strach a rozpaky, přestože o něm vlastně vůbec nic nevíme „El paso je inspirováno skutečným osudem romské vdovy, matky devíti dětí. Filmová rodina Horváthových má dětí sedm. Příběh začíná okamžikem nečekané, tragické smrti otce. Matka Věra najednou stojí sama proti úřadům, odhodlaná udržet svou početnou rodinu pohromadě za každou cenu, jenže zoufale nepřipravená. Sociální odbor dává k soudu žádost na odebrání jejích dětí a následné svěření do ústavní péče. Ze dne na den jsou vystěhováni na periferii do sociálního bytu o jedné místnosti. Případ Věra versus město se dostane k mladé, ambiciózní advokátce. Svět Romů nezná a ani ji příliš nezajímá, celou kauzu bere zpočátku jako odrazový můstek své začínající kariéry. Navzdory svým předsudkům, nepochopení a občas i samotné Věře, která blonďatou advokátku zpočátku odmítá vpustit do svého světa, případ nevzdá. Naštěstí není sama, kdo stojí na straně rodiny proti většině. Je tady ještě lehce nepraktický, ovšem o to pro svou práci zapálenější, kurátor Kochta. Jeho snaha pomoci Horváthovým je přiživována také ryze soukromým zájmem o atraktivní advokátku
„El paso nekončí happy endem, jen jeho příslibem. Bez lakování na růžovo nabízí pozitivní příklad. A také čas na přemýšlení, zda být Romem opravdu znamená být vinen.
V kinech od 19.3.2009.
- published: 17 Dec 2008
- views: 13905
Double-Crossed in El Paso (written and directed by Mike Doherty) is a short film depicted in the late 1800's in the southwestern United States. A group of four ...
Double-Crossed in El Paso (written and directed by Mike Doherty) is a short film depicted in the late 1800's in the southwestern United States. A group of four horsemen conspire a daring scheme to get money fast, but things don't go according to plan. What was supposed to be the perfect plan turned into the perfect storm as the West becomes a landscape for a wild showdown!
Join the official Facebook Group at
Starring: Mike Doherty, Lorelei Redmond, Todd South, and James "JC" Lovin
Produced by: Mark Dorman, Rick Harker, Charlie Johnson, and Jody Sowders
Executive Produced by: Charlie Hass and Richard Hillman
Director of Photography: Christian B. Meza
Double-Crossed in El Paso (written and directed by Mike Doherty) is a short film depicted in the late 1800's in the southwestern United States. A group of four horsemen conspire a daring scheme to get money fast, but things don't go according to plan. What was supposed to be the perfect plan turned into the perfect storm as the West becomes a landscape for a wild showdown!
Join the official Facebook Group at
Starring: Mike Doherty, Lorelei Redmond, Todd South, and James "JC" Lovin
Produced by: Mark Dorman, Rick Harker, Charlie Johnson, and Jody Sowders
Executive Produced by: Charlie Hass and Richard Hillman
Director of Photography: Christian B. Meza
- published: 25 Sep 2021
- views: 8034
How Breaking Bad's Plot Parallels "El Paso" by Marty Robbins
A fun story about the making of this edit:
I made this video nearly all in one night. I first matched each lyric from the song with what shots from the show I'...
A fun story about the making of this edit:
I made this video nearly all in one night. I first matched each lyric from the song with what shots from the show I'd put it with. In Breaking Bad, "El Paso" is playing in the truck that Walter steals to make his way back to ABQ. In fact, there's a shot where he throws the cassette of the album onto the passenger seat while searching the glove compartment for the key (which I made sure to include in this edit). Whenever I got to the line at 2:35 I realized that the portion of the song that plays when he turns the car on happened to be the exact line I unknowingly matched with that scene. It was very late at night and I was freaking out in my room realizing that I was spot on with my analysis. Good times.
Edited by Drake Martin
#BreakingBad #ElPaso #MartyRobbins
A fun story about the making of this edit:
I made this video nearly all in one night. I first matched each lyric from the song with what shots from the show I'd put it with. In Breaking Bad, "El Paso" is playing in the truck that Walter steals to make his way back to ABQ. In fact, there's a shot where he throws the cassette of the album onto the passenger seat while searching the glove compartment for the key (which I made sure to include in this edit). Whenever I got to the line at 2:35 I realized that the portion of the song that plays when he turns the car on happened to be the exact line I unknowingly matched with that scene. It was very late at night and I was freaking out in my room realizing that I was spot on with my analysis. Good times.
Edited by Drake Martin
#BreakingBad #ElPaso #MartyRobbins
- published: 30 Jul 2020
- views: 47991
Steve Martin-El Paso
Steve Martin doing the Marty Robbins classic "El Paso" from his 1980 TV special "Comedy Is Not Pretty."
Steve Martin doing the Marty Robbins classic "El Paso" from his 1980 TV special "Comedy Is Not Pretty."
Steve Martin doing the Marty Robbins classic "El Paso" from his 1980 TV special "Comedy Is Not Pretty."
- published: 08 Aug 2015
- views: 167254
El Paso (2009) - ukázka
Informace o filmu na http://www.sms.cz/film/el-paso
Drama, Česká republika, 2009, 100 min.
Režie: Zdeněk Tyc
Hrají: Denisa Demeterová, Albert Dudy, Tomás Fed...
Informace o filmu na http://www.sms.cz/film/el-paso
Drama, Česká republika, 2009, 100 min.
Režie: Zdeněk Tyc
Hrají: Denisa Demeterová, Albert Dudy, Tomás Fedák, Irena Horváthová, Jan Istok, Jana Janěková, Dudyová Nelly, Leoš Noha, Nikola Nováková, Igor Chmela, Katerina Poláková, David Prachař, Vladimír Javorský, Jana Janěková ml., Linda Rybová, Petr Lněnička, David Matásek, Igor Bareš
Informace o filmu na http://www.sms.cz/film/el-paso
Drama, Česká republika, 2009, 100 min.
Režie: Zdeněk Tyc
Hrají: Denisa Demeterová, Albert Dudy, Tomás Fedák, Irena Horváthová, Jan Istok, Jana Janěková, Dudyová Nelly, Leoš Noha, Nikola Nováková, Igor Chmela, Katerina Poláková, David Prachař, Vladimír Javorský, Jana Janěková ml., Linda Rybová, Petr Lněnička, David Matásek, Igor Bareš
- published: 31 Aug 2012
- views: 2965
Marty Robbins - - Feleena From El Paso { The Movie }
I have made this Video , once before and had it Zapped , This on is more like a movie Comments Are Welcome { NOTE }---No, it's not made for kids
I have made this Video , once before and had it Zapped , This on is more like a movie Comments Are Welcome { NOTE }---No, it's not made for kids
I have made this Video , once before and had it Zapped , This on is more like a movie Comments Are Welcome { NOTE }---No, it's not made for kids
- published: 09 Feb 2021
- views: 16849