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Doug Green

Doug or Douglas Green may refer to:

  • Doug Green (footballer) (born 1951), former Australian rules footballer
  • Doug Green (Louisiana politician) (born 1950), former Louisiana insurance commissioner
  • Doug Green (Ohio politician), Republican member of the Ohio House of Representatives
  • Douglas B. Green (born 1946), American musician, arranger and Western music songwriter
  • Douglas R. Green, American scientist
  • See also

  • Doug Greenall (1927–2007), English rugby league footballer
  • Doug Green (Ohio politician)

    Doug Green is a Republican member of the Ohio House of Representatives for the 66th district. He was elected in 2012, winning the Republican primary with 39% of the vote and defeating Democrat Ken Mcneely in the general election with 75% of the vote. He has previously served as auditor and recorder of Brown County, Ohio.


    Doug Green (footballer)

    Doug Green (born 28 October 1951) is a former Australian rules footballer who played for East Fremantle in the WANFL during the 1970s. He also spent a season with South Melbourne in the Victorian Football League.

    Green, a defender, was used mostly across half back from his East Fremantle debut in 1970. He won a Lynn Medal in 1973 as East Fremantle's 'Best and fairest' player and finished runner-up in the award on six occasions over the course of his career. Green was at centre half back in their 1974 premiership side and became club captain in 1975, replacing Graham Melrose. He played in his second premiership in 1979, with the Grand Final being his last game for East Fremantle.

    Despite announcing his retirement in 1979, he was lured back into action by South Melbourne whom he joined halfway through the 1980 VFL season.

    Green regularly represented Western Australia at interstate level with a total of 14 appearances to his name. He made his debut at the 1972 Perth Carnival and within three years was captain of his state, a position he would hold at the 1975 Knockout Carnival.

    Doug Green (Louisiana politician)

    Douglas D. Green, known as Doug Green (born c. 1950), is the former Louisiana insurance commissioner who held the office from 1988 to 1991, when he received a 25-year federal sentence for taking $2 million in illegal campaign contributions from owners of insurance companies doing business with the state. Green's predecessor and fellow Democrat Sherman A. Bernard, whom he unseated in the 1987 nonpartisan blanket primary, pleaded guilty to extorting bribes disguised as campaign contributions and served forty-one months during the middle 1990s in a federal prison in Alabama.

    Election in 1987

    The 37-year-old Green, a candidate previously unknown, was described by one publication as having "looked like the boy next door". Green nevertheless upset Bernard in the 1987 primary, 773,026 votes (55.3 percent) to 456,539 (32.6 percent). Green had run on a platform calling for reform in the department - he even called himself "Mr. Clean". However, Green was subsequently heavily implicated in the Champion insurance scandal and received a far greater sentence than had Bernard for similar offenses but involving much less money. Champion wrote high-risk automobile policies for premium coverage at a lower price than was offered by its competition. In exchange for regulatory favors, Champion made more than $2 million in campaign contributions to Green. The failed Champion companly left $150 million in unpaid claims covered by taxpayers.


    • Our Town, Our Take (ep. 4) ft. Doug Oplinger

      Episode 4 // March 2023 ft. Doug Oplinger Band and Choir OMEA Contest: 0:08 GHS Winter Sports: 0:34 The Paw Print Issue 8: 1:09 https://ghspawprint.org/ Green Track and Field 1:15 Willadale Trail 1:30 Spring Break 1:52 Conversation with Doug Oplinger 2:17 http://www.cityofgreen.org/StudentRep =========================================================== Our Town, Our Take is a project of the Mayor's Junior Council to create a student lead podcast sharing information about what is happening in the City and Schools. The Mayor's Junior Council is a group of senior participants in the Student Municipal Representative Program. Learn more at http://www.cityofgreen.org/StudentRep

      published: 07 Mar 2023
    • Spectators Heckle Donald Trump on Golf Course

      ‘That swing looks a little broke. Was it made in China?’ — Watch former Pres. Donald Trump get heckled on his own golf course. » Sign up for our newsletter KnowThis to get the biggest stories of the day delivered straight to your inbox: https://go.nowth.is/knowthis_youtube » Subscribe to NowThis: http://go.nowth.is/News_Subscribe For more U.S. news and politics, subscribe to NowThis News. #Golf #Trump #Politics #News #NowThis Connect with NowThis » Like us on Facebook: http://go.nowth.is/News_Facebook » Tweet us on Twitter: http://go.nowth.is/News_Twitter » Follow us on Instagram: http://go.nowth.is/News_Instagram » Find us on Snapchat Discover: http://go.nowth.is/News_Snapchat NowThis is your premier news outlet providing you with all the videos you need to stay up to date on all the ...

      published: 05 Aug 2022
    • California cliff collapses, and then the video gets even wilder | #shorts #newvideo #subscribe

      published: 29 Mar 2023
    • State Rep. Doug Green Histroy Fund Tax Check Off PSA

      State Representative Doug Green and President of Historic New Richmond, Linda Shunk talk about the Ohio Historical Society's History Fund tax check off.

      published: 31 Mar 2014
    • Judge Dragged Out of Courtroom After Being Sentenced to Jail

      After a judge sentenced another judge to jail time, chaos erupted in an Ohio courtroom and the defendant had to be dragged out. Former Cincinnati Judge Tracie Hunter was convicted in 2014 of misusing her position as a judge to help her brother. She was sentenced to six months in jail and has been appealing the ruling ever since. The case has drawn outrage from the African American community, who say Hunter is being treated unfairly. InsideEdition.com http://insideedition.com/'s Mara Montalbano has more. #InsideEdition

      published: 24 Jul 2019
    • Chris Christie confronts fan at baseball game

      "He started calling me a tough guy," said Brad Joseph, the man Gov. Christie confronted.

      published: 31 Jul 2017
    • Defendant collapses in court after guilty verdict

      Diana Lovejoy collapsed in a California courtroom Monday after she was convicted in what authorities call a botched murder-for-hire plot targeting her now-ex-husband, who was shot in September 2016 but survived. Subscribe to the "CBSN" Channel HERE: http://bit.ly/1Re2MgS Watch "CBSN" live HERE: http://cbsn.ws/1PlLpZ7 Follow "CBSN" on Instagram HERE: http://bit.ly/1PO0dkx Like "CBSN" on Facebook HERE: http://on.fb.me/1o3Deb4 Follow "CBSN" on Twitter HERE: http://bit.ly/1V4qhIu Get the latest news and best in original reporting from CBS News delivered to your inbox. Subscribe to newsletters HERE: http://cbsn.ws/1RqHw7T Get your news on the go! Download CBS News mobile apps HERE: http://cbsn.ws/1Xb1WC8 Get new episodes of shows you love across devices the next day, stream local news live,...

      published: 14 Nov 2017
    • Politically Wise Radio Show with Doug Green

      Politically Wise Radio Show Host is Rev. Thomas Wise Guest is Doug Green A radio show about the lives of Christians in Ohio involved with politics

      published: 06 May 2014
    • Drunk-driving defendant sentenced to 50 years for crash that killed 3

      Two years after a drunk-driving crash killed the Felipek family, defendant Amber Perera learned her fate. Hillsborough Judge Christopher Sabella took the bench as a packed courtroom hung on his every word. He reminded Perera of a jailhouse comment she made about her life being ruined. "Yes ma'am, your life is ruined. But you also ruined a lot of lives and ended three lives." MORE: https://www.fox13news.com/news/drunk-driving-defendant-sentenced-to-50-years-for-crash-that-killed-3 FOX 13 Tampa Bay brings you the important videos like breaking news, Tampa Bay weather, and local stories. But also plenty of fun stuff, like #WeLiveHere tips, the best of our archives, and all those 'only-in-Florida' stories. Subscribe to FOX 13 News: https://www.youtube.com/c/fox13tampa/ Watch more FOX 1...

      published: 23 Oct 2019
    • Florida jury shown accused killer's breakdown during interrogation

      On the third day of the capital murder trial of defendant Tyrone Johnson, the jury was shown video of his police interview after he allegedly gunned down his girlfriend, Stephanie Willis, and her 10-year-old son Ricky, in a bedroom apartment they shared with Johnson. Story: https://www.fox13news.com/news/cold-and-calculated-killing-or-crime-of-passion-tyrone-johnson-capital-murder-trial-continues FOX 13 Tampa Bay brings you the important videos like breaking news, Tampa Bay weather, and local stories. But also plenty of fun stuff, like 'We Live Here' tips, the best of our archives, and all those 'only-in-Florida' stories. Subscribe to FOX 13 News: https://www.youtube.com/FOX13TampaBay?sub_confirmation=1 Watch more FOX 13 News video: https://fox13news.com/ Watch FOX 13 News live: https:/...

      published: 11 Nov 2021
    developed with YouTube
    Our Town, Our Take (ep. 4) ft. Doug Oplinger

    Our Town, Our Take (ep. 4) ft. Doug Oplinger

    • Order:
    • Duration: 23:06
    • Uploaded Date: 07 Mar 2023
    • views: 145
    Episode 4 // March 2023 ft. Doug Oplinger Band and Choir OMEA Contest: 0:08 GHS Winter Sports: 0:34 The Paw Print Issue 8: 1:09 https://ghspawprint.org/ Green Track and Field 1:15 Willadale Trail 1:30 Spring Break 1:52 Conversation with Doug Oplinger 2:17 http://www.cityofgreen.org/StudentRep =========================================================== Our Town, Our Take is a project of the Mayor's Junior Council to create a student lead podcast sharing information about what is happening in the City and Schools. The Mayor's Junior Council is a group of senior participants in the Student Municipal Representative Program. Learn more at http://www.cityofgreen.org/StudentRep
    Spectators Heckle Donald Trump on Golf Course

    Spectators Heckle Donald Trump on Golf Course

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:26
    • Uploaded Date: 05 Aug 2022
    • views: 4507234
    ‘That swing looks a little broke. Was it made in China?’ — Watch former Pres. Donald Trump get heckled on his own golf course. » Sign up for our newsletter KnowThis to get the biggest stories of the day delivered straight to your inbox: https://go.nowth.is/knowthis_youtube » Subscribe to NowThis: http://go.nowth.is/News_Subscribe For more U.S. news and politics, subscribe to NowThis News. #Golf #Trump #Politics #News #NowThis Connect with NowThis » Like us on Facebook: http://go.nowth.is/News_Facebook » Tweet us on Twitter: http://go.nowth.is/News_Twitter » Follow us on Instagram: http://go.nowth.is/News_Instagram » Find us on Snapchat Discover: http://go.nowth.is/News_Snapchat NowThis is your premier news outlet providing you with all the videos you need to stay up to date on all the latest in trending news. From entertainment to politics, to viral videos and breaking news stories, we’re delivering all you need to know straight to your social feeds. We live where you live. http://www.youtube.com/nowthisnews @nowthisnews
    California cliff collapses, and then the video gets even wilder | #shorts #newvideo #subscribe

    California cliff collapses, and then the video gets even wilder | #shorts #newvideo #subscribe

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:42
    • Uploaded Date: 29 Mar 2023
    • views: 42490130
    State Rep. Doug Green Histroy Fund Tax Check Off PSA

    State Rep. Doug Green Histroy Fund Tax Check Off PSA

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:11
    • Uploaded Date: 31 Mar 2014
    • views: 74
    State Representative Doug Green and President of Historic New Richmond, Linda Shunk talk about the Ohio Historical Society's History Fund tax check off.
    Judge Dragged Out of Courtroom After Being Sentenced to Jail

    Judge Dragged Out of Courtroom After Being Sentenced to Jail

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:40
    • Uploaded Date: 24 Jul 2019
    • views: 22715535
    After a judge sentenced another judge to jail time, chaos erupted in an Ohio courtroom and the defendant had to be dragged out. Former Cincinnati Judge Tracie Hunter was convicted in 2014 of misusing her position as a judge to help her brother. She was sentenced to six months in jail and has been appealing the ruling ever since. The case has drawn outrage from the African American community, who say Hunter is being treated unfairly. InsideEdition.com http://insideedition.com/'s Mara Montalbano has more. #InsideEdition
    Chris Christie confronts fan at baseball game

    Chris Christie confronts fan at baseball game

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:06
    • Uploaded Date: 31 Jul 2017
    • views: 4174807
    "He started calling me a tough guy," said Brad Joseph, the man Gov. Christie confronted.
    Defendant collapses in court after guilty verdict

    Defendant collapses in court after guilty verdict

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:31
    • Uploaded Date: 14 Nov 2017
    • views: 78554650
    Diana Lovejoy collapsed in a California courtroom Monday after she was convicted in what authorities call a botched murder-for-hire plot targeting her now-ex-husband, who was shot in September 2016 but survived. Subscribe to the "CBSN" Channel HERE: http://bit.ly/1Re2MgS Watch "CBSN" live HERE: http://cbsn.ws/1PlLpZ7 Follow "CBSN" on Instagram HERE: http://bit.ly/1PO0dkx Like "CBSN" on Facebook HERE: http://on.fb.me/1o3Deb4 Follow "CBSN" on Twitter HERE: http://bit.ly/1V4qhIu Get the latest news and best in original reporting from CBS News delivered to your inbox. Subscribe to newsletters HERE: http://cbsn.ws/1RqHw7T Get your news on the go! Download CBS News mobile apps HERE: http://cbsn.ws/1Xb1WC8 Get new episodes of shows you love across devices the next day, stream local news live, and watch full seasons of CBS fan favorites anytime, anywhere with CBS All Access. Try it free! http://bit.ly/1OQA29B --- CBSN is the first digital streaming news network that will allow Internet-connected consumers to watch live, anchored news coverage on their connected TV and other devices. At launch, the network is available 24/7 and makes all of the resources of CBS News available directly on digital platforms with live, anchored coverage 15 hours each weekday. CBSN. Always On.
    Politically Wise Radio Show with Doug Green

    Politically Wise Radio Show with Doug Green

    • Order:
    • Duration: 29:58
    • Uploaded Date: 06 May 2014
    • views: 15
    Politically Wise Radio Show Host is Rev. Thomas Wise Guest is Doug Green A radio show about the lives of Christians in Ohio involved with politics
    Drunk-driving defendant sentenced to 50 years for crash that killed 3

    Drunk-driving defendant sentenced to 50 years for crash that killed 3

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:18
    • Uploaded Date: 23 Oct 2019
    • views: 17327794
    Two years after a drunk-driving crash killed the Felipek family, defendant Amber Perera learned her fate. Hillsborough Judge Christopher Sabella took the bench as a packed courtroom hung on his every word. He reminded Perera of a jailhouse comment she made about her life being ruined. "Yes ma'am, your life is ruined. But you also ruined a lot of lives and ended three lives." MORE: https://www.fox13news.com/news/drunk-driving-defendant-sentenced-to-50-years-for-crash-that-killed-3 FOX 13 Tampa Bay brings you the important videos like breaking news, Tampa Bay weather, and local stories. But also plenty of fun stuff, like #WeLiveHere tips, the best of our archives, and all those 'only-in-Florida' stories. Subscribe to FOX 13 News: https://www.youtube.com/c/fox13tampa/ Watch more FOX 13 News video: https://fox13news.com/ Watch FOX 13 News live: https://fox13news.com/live Download our app: https://www.fox13news.com/apps Get our newsletter: https://www.fox13news.com/email
    Florida jury shown accused killer's breakdown during interrogation

    Florida jury shown accused killer's breakdown during interrogation

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:08
    • Uploaded Date: 11 Nov 2021
    • views: 3767587
    On the third day of the capital murder trial of defendant Tyrone Johnson, the jury was shown video of his police interview after he allegedly gunned down his girlfriend, Stephanie Willis, and her 10-year-old son Ricky, in a bedroom apartment they shared with Johnson. Story: https://www.fox13news.com/news/cold-and-calculated-killing-or-crime-of-passion-tyrone-johnson-capital-murder-trial-continues FOX 13 Tampa Bay brings you the important videos like breaking news, Tampa Bay weather, and local stories. But also plenty of fun stuff, like 'We Live Here' tips, the best of our archives, and all those 'only-in-Florida' stories. Subscribe to FOX 13 News: https://www.youtube.com/FOX13TampaBay?sub_confirmation=1 Watch more FOX 13 News video: https://fox13news.com/ Watch FOX 13 News live: https://fox13news.com/live Download our app: https://fox13news.onelink.me/Sd7G?pid=social&c=youtube&af_web_dp=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.fox13news.com%2Fapps Get our newsletter: https://www.fox13news.com/email
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    Our Town, Our Take (ep. 4) ft. Doug Oplinger

    Episode 4 // March 2023 ft. Doug Oplinger Band and Choir OMEA Contest: 0:08 GHS Winter Sports: 0:34 The Paw Print Issue 8: 1:09 https://ghspawprint.org/ Green Track and Field 1:15 Willadale Trail 1:30 Spring Break 1:52 Conversation with Doug Oplinger 2:17 http://www.cityofgreen.org/StudentRep =========================================================== Our Town, Our Take is a project of the Mayor's Junior Council to create a student lead podcast sharing information about what is happening in the City and Schools. The Mayor's Junior Council is a group of senior participants in the Student Municipal Representative Program. Learn more at http://www.cityofgreen.org/StudentRep
    Our Town, Our Take (ep. 4) ft. Doug Oplinger
    Episode 4 // March 2023 ft. Doug Oplinger Band and Choir OMEA Contest: 0:08 GHS Winter S...
    published: 07 Mar 2023
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    Spectators Heckle Donald Trump on Golf Course
    ‘That swing looks a little broke. Was it made in China?’ — Watch former Pres. Donald Trump...
    published: 05 Aug 2022
    Play in Full Screen
    California cliff collapses, and then the video gets even wilder | #shorts #newvideo #subscribe
    published: 29 Mar 2023
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    State Rep. Doug Green Histroy Fund Tax Check Off PSA
    State Representative Doug Green and President of Historic New Richmond, Linda Shunk talk a...
    published: 31 Mar 2014
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    Judge Dragged Out of Courtroom After Being Sentenced to Jail
    After a judge sentenced another judge to jail time, chaos erupted in an Ohio courtroom and...
    published: 24 Jul 2019
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    Chris Christie confronts fan at baseball game
    "He started calling me a tough guy," said Brad Joseph, the man Gov. Christie confronted.
    published: 31 Jul 2017
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    Defendant collapses in court after guilty verdict
    Diana Lovejoy collapsed in a California courtroom Monday after she was convicted in what a...
    published: 14 Nov 2017
    Play in Full Screen
    Politically Wise Radio Show with Doug Green
    Politically Wise Radio Show Host is Rev. Thomas Wise Guest is Doug Green A radio show abou...
    published: 06 May 2014
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    Drunk-driving defendant sentenced to 50 years for crash that killed 3
    Two years after a drunk-driving crash killed the Felipek family, defendant Amber Perera le...
    published: 23 Oct 2019
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    Florida jury shown accused killer's breakdown during interrogation
    On the third day of the capital murder trial of defendant Tyrone Johnson, the jury was sho...
    published: 11 Nov 2021
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    Doug Green

    Doug or Douglas Green may refer to:

  • Doug Green (footballer) (born 1951), former Australian rules footballer
  • Doug Green (Louisiana politician) (born 1950), former Louisiana insurance commissioner
  • Doug Green (Ohio politician), Republican member of the Ohio House of Representatives
  • Douglas B. Green (born 1946), American musician, arranger and Western music songwriter
  • Douglas R. Green, American scientist
  • See also

  • Doug Greenall (1927–2007), English rugby league footballer
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    Go green to avoid 'sixth mass extinction', says Labour's new business watchdog

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    The Washington Commanders once ruled an entire region. After years of struggle, the joy has returned

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    22, 1983 ... 22, 1983. (AP Photo/File). The images are still vivid. Still alive. Still fresh. Even now, 42 years later ... They aren’t favored to win ... Doug Williams ... Darrell Green ... game, my grandmother ladling her homemade sauce out of her signature green pot.

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    With losses under Doug Gottlieb piling up in record fashion, UWGB men's basketball attempts to stay positive

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