The story revolves around three roommates, journalist Tashi (Imran Khan), photographer Nitin Berry (Kunaal Roy Kapur) and cartoonist Arup (Vir Das), leading an unkempt and debt-ridden life in a shoddy apartment in Delhi. Tashi's ditzy fiancée, Sonia (Shenaz Treasurywala), is an air hostess who agrees to deliver a package for Vladimir Dragunsky (Kim Bodnia) to Somayajulu (Vijay Raaz), without realizing its contents or that Somayajulu is a gangster. Sonia asks Tashi to deliver the package. Tashi, in turn, asks Nitin to do so. But Nitin is unable to do so as he is suffering 'Delhi Belly'. Nitin hands Sonia's package to Arup for delivery to Somayajulu, along with a package containing his stool sample for delivery to Nitin's doctor. Arup mixes up the two bags. Somayajulu, furious, tortures Vladimir to find his package.
Delhi (/ˈdɛli/, Hindustani pronunciation:[d̪ɪlliː]Dilli), officially the National Capital Territory of Delhi, is the capital territory of India. Delhi is historically and culturally connected to both the Upper Doab of the Yamuna-Ganges river system and the Punjab region. It is bordered by Haryana on three sides and by Uttar Pradesh to the east. It is the largest city in India in terms of geographical area - about 1,484 square kilometres (573sqmi). It has a population of about 16.3 million, making it the second most populous city and second most populous urban agglomeration in India and 3rd largest urban area in the world. Such is the nature of urban expansion in Delhi that its growth has expanded beyond the NCT to incorporate towns in neighbouring states and at its largest extent can count a population of about 25 million residents as of 2014.
Delhi has been continuously inhabited since the 6th century BC. Through most of its history, Delhi has served as a capital of various kingdoms and empires. It has been captured, ransacked and rebuilt several times, particularly during the medieval period, and modern Delhi is a cluster of a number of cities spread across the metropolitan region.
Delhi (pronounced DEL-High) is a former township (now an unincorporated community) located off of the junction of Ontario Highways 59 and 3. Delhi is known as the "Heart of Tobacco Country." Prior to 1880, this community was known for its lumber industry.
Founded by Frederick Sovereign as Sovereign's Corners around 1826, the community was renamed Fredericksburg and eventually to its present-day name of Delhi. The name is usually attributed locally to a postmaster honouring a major city of the British Empire, Delhi, India.
Delhi Cemetery was first established sometime in the 19th century. While it was originally a cemetery exclusively for residents who were religiously involved in the Roman Catholic Church, changes in cemetery policy made it possible to have anyone buried or interned on their property. At least 111 people and/or families hold their final resting place here. The last names of the graves belong to different ethnic groups ranging from Anglo-Saxon, French Canadian, Eastern European, and those of Belgian descent. There are even few Chinese families buried within the cemetery and a wide amount of tombstones are written in languages other than English.
Delhi's ethnic groups are diverse. During the British Raj, Delhi was a district city of the Punjab Province of British India and is still historically and culturally connected to the Punjab region. The Yamuna river was the historical boundary between the Punjab and the rest of the Indo-Gangetic Plain, and its flood plains provide fertile alluvial soil suitable for agriculture but are prone to recurrent floods. The Yamuna, a sacred river in Hinduism, is the only major river flowing through Delhi. The original natives of Delhi are those whose ancestors lived in the Yamuna basin, a region which spreads radially from the capital up to a distance of approximately 200 kilometres. Today the migrant population consists largely of Bhojpuris and Biharis.
The Indian censuses record the native languages, but not the descent of the citizens. Linguistic data cannot accurately predict ethnicity: for example, many descendants of the PunjabiHindu and Sikh refugees who came to Delhi following the partition of India now speak Hindi natively. Thus, there is no concrete official data on the ethnic makeup of Delhi.
Delhi Belly Latest Hindi Full Movie | Imran Khan, Raju Kher, Vijay Raaz, Anusha, Aamir Khan
Delhi Belly Latest Hindi Full Movie | Imran Khan, Raju Kher, Vijay Raaz, Anusha, Aamir Khan,
The story revolves around three roommates, journalist Tashi, photographer Nitin Berry and cartoonist Arup, leading an unkempt and debt-ridden life in a shady apartment in Delhi. Tashi's ditzy fiancée, Sonia, is an air hostess who agrees to deliver a package for Vladimir Dragunsky to Somayajulu, without realizing its contents or that Somayajulu is a gangster. Sonia asks Tashi to deliver the package. Tashi, in turn, asks Nitin to do so. But Nitin is unable to do so as he is suffering from diarrhea. Nitin hands Sonia's package to Arup for delivery to Somayajulu, along with a package containing his stool sample for delivery to Nitin's doctor. Arup mixes up the two bags. Somayajulu, furious, tortures Vl...
published: 18 Aug 2023
Delhi Belly Full Movie | New Comedy Movie | Full HD Movie | #comedy
published: 14 Dec 2020
Delhi Belly (2011) Full Movie in English | Best Hindi Films Online
Three struggling room-mates unknowingly become potential prey of a ruthless gangster.
published: 05 Jun 2014
Delhi Belly Trailer
See the trailer for Delhi Belly released on the 1 July 2011 at selected Cineworld Cinemas. Visit for more info and booking.
Meet Tashi (Imran Khan). He's due to get married in one month's time but is beginning to get cold feet. He just can't be sure if his bride-to-be is The One.
Arun (Vir Das) is facing problems on two fronts. His girlfriend has just dumped him, and he has to put up with a stupid, annoying boss whose idea of creativity is to sketch a smile on a banana. The question is: which of them deserves to die first?
Nitin (Kunal Roy Kapur) has a rather more pressing and delicate issue to deal with. Having wolfed down some delicious Tandoori chicken from a street vendor, he's gone down with the most explosive case of Delhi Belly he's ever known.
published: 14 Jun 2011
Delhi Belly Full Movie New Comedy Movie Imran Khan, Kunaal Roy Kapur Vir Das, Poorna HD
Enjoy :)
published: 23 Jan 2021
Delhi Belly : Aamir Khan's Warning
Aamir Khan & the lead actors of Delhi Belly tell you what to expect from their upcoming film. In theaters on July 1st, 2011.
To catch all the excitement around Delhi Belly and all other UTV films.
Join our facebook fan page
To get the latest updates on all UTV film videos subscribe to our official Youtube channel
published: 18 Jun 2011
Vijay Raaz Funny Scene | Ye Toh Tatti Hai | Delhi Belly | Netflix India
Sir, ye toh description hai.
Follow Netflix India on:
#DelhiBelly #NetflixIndia
published: 10 Mar 2020
Delhi Belly Full Movie HD | Imran Khan | Vir Das | Kunal Roy Kapoor | Vijay Raaz#aamirkhan#bollywood
Delhi Belly is produced by Amir khan which is a funny movie
published: 24 May 2023
Delhi Belly Full Movie In Hindi
Tashi, Nitin and Arup, three strugglers who are also roommates, unknowingly become the target of a powerful gangster when they misplace his expensive diamonds.
Release date: 1 July 2011 (India)
Director: Abhinay Deo
Box office: ₹ 91 crore
Languages: English; Hindi
This movie contains cuss words. Watch with headphones. Subscribe to our Channel.
#delhibelly #movies
Delhi Belly Latest Hindi Full Movie | Imran Khan, Raju Kher, Vijay Raaz, Anusha, Aamir Khan,
The story revolves around three roommates, journalist Tashi, photog...
Delhi Belly Latest Hindi Full Movie | Imran Khan, Raju Kher, Vijay Raaz, Anusha, Aamir Khan,
The story revolves around three roommates, journalist Tashi, photographer Nitin Berry and cartoonist Arup, leading an unkempt and debt-ridden life in a shady apartment in Delhi. Tashi's ditzy fiancée, Sonia, is an air hostess who agrees to deliver a package for Vladimir Dragunsky to Somayajulu, without realizing its contents or that Somayajulu is a gangster. Sonia asks Tashi to deliver the package. Tashi, in turn, asks Nitin to do so. But Nitin is unable to do so as he is suffering from diarrhea. Nitin hands Sonia's package to Arup for delivery to Somayajulu, along with a package containing his stool sample for delivery to Nitin's doctor. Arup mixes up the two bags. Somayajulu, furious, tortures Vladimir to find his package.
Meanwhile, Nitin photographs his landlord Manish with a prostitute. He sends an envelope with the photographs to his landlord to blackmail him. Tashi is with Sonia, when his colleague Menaka calls him on the pretext of work. When he reaches the place he realizes that it is just a party and Menaka called him just to have fun. Menaka's ex-husband Rajeev sees them together and punches Tashi in the eye in a fit of jealousy. Tashi retaliates and knocks Rajeev out. As Tashi and Menaka leave they are chased by a furious Rajeev and his friends who shoot at them. The duo barely manages to escape.
Vladimir informs Somayajulu that the mix-up must have been caused by Sonia as she didn't know what she was carrying in the package. Somayajulu calls Sonia, informs her about the mix-up and asks her to give him the address of the person who had delivered the package. When Tashi arrives into his apartment, he walks into Somayajulu who has Arup standing on a stool with a noose around his neck. On hard interrogation, Somayajulu discovers the mix-up and realizes that the package must be with Nitin's doctor.
Nitin gets the package from his doctor's office, wherein Somayajulu finds his thirty diamonds hidden inside. Upon recovering his booty, he orders his henchmen to kill the three roommates. One of them is about to shoot Tashi, when another kicks the stool on which Arup was standing to hang him. Luckily for the roommates, the ceiling of the apartment collapses, since it can't take Arup's weight. The cave-in knocks out Somayajulu and his men, leaving one with broken arms. Tashi, Arup and Nitin escape with the diamonds and spend the night at Menaka's place. The next day they sell the diamonds to a local jeweller.
As the roommates prepare to get out of town with the money, they get a call from Somayajulu who has kidnapped Sonia. He threatens to kill her if they don't return the diamonds. The trio tries to buy back the diamonds from the jeweller, who demands double the sale amount.
Without the money, Tashi comes up with a plan. Nitin, Arup, Tashi and Menaka disguise themselves in burqas and rob the jeweller, leaving him the bag of money. They flee in Tashi's car with the police on their tail and go to the hotel where Somayajulu is holding Sonia. As they are about to make the exchange with Somayajulu, the police arrive at the hotel room where a shoot-out between the police and Somayajulu's gang.
Nitin, Arup, Tashi, Sonia and Vladimir who had hit the floor during the gunfight, are left as the only survivors. Menaka, who by now realises that she likes Tashi, is upset to learn about his engagement and walks away from him. Tashi breaks off his engagement to Sonia. Later, it is revealed that Nitin did not return the cash to the jewellery store owner, and had kept most of the money for himself (whereupon he abandons blackmailing the landlord). The film ends when Menaka comes to the roommates' apartment to return Tashi's car's hubcap lost while escaping from Rajeev. Tashi jumps into her car through the open window and kisses her passionately.
Producer-actor Aamir Khan is seen dancing in a song and dance performance as the credits start rolling.
Vir Das, Poorna Jagannathan, Abhinay Deo, Aamir Khan, Shenaz Treasuryvala, Imran Khan, Kunal Roy Kapoor at the film's success bash
Imran Khan as Tashi Malhotra / Tashi Dorjee Lhatoo
Kunaal Roy Kapur as Nitin Berry
Vir Das as Arup Rather
Rahul Singh as Rajeev Khanna (Menaka's Ex-husband)
Poorna Jagannathan as Menaka Vashisht
Shenaz Treasurywala as Sonia Mehra
Raju Kher as Zubin Mehra (Sonia's Father)
Vijay Raaz as Somayajulu
John Gabriel as Lucky (Somayajulu's Henchman)
Lushin Dubey as Mrs. Mehra (Sonia's Mother)
Paresh Ganatra as Manish Chand Jain
Rahul Pendkalkar as Prateek Jain
Sanjay Taneja as DIG Phool Chand Jain (Manish's Brother)
Rajendra Sethi as Sudhir Adlakha (the jeweller)
Pradeep Kabra as Brajesh (Somayajulu's Henchman)
Dharmendar Singh as Bunty (Somayajulu's Henchman)
Kim Bodnia as Vladimir Dragunsky
Anusha Dhandekar as VJ Sophaya
Bugs Bhargava as Swapan Bannerjee (Arup's boss)
Aamir Khan as Disco Fighter (Guest Appearance in song "I Hate You (Like I Love You)")
Delhi Belly Latest Hindi Full Movie | Imran Khan, Raju Kher, Vijay Raaz, Anusha, Aamir Khan,
The story revolves around three roommates, journalist Tashi, photographer Nitin Berry and cartoonist Arup, leading an unkempt and debt-ridden life in a shady apartment in Delhi. Tashi's ditzy fiancée, Sonia, is an air hostess who agrees to deliver a package for Vladimir Dragunsky to Somayajulu, without realizing its contents or that Somayajulu is a gangster. Sonia asks Tashi to deliver the package. Tashi, in turn, asks Nitin to do so. But Nitin is unable to do so as he is suffering from diarrhea. Nitin hands Sonia's package to Arup for delivery to Somayajulu, along with a package containing his stool sample for delivery to Nitin's doctor. Arup mixes up the two bags. Somayajulu, furious, tortures Vladimir to find his package.
Meanwhile, Nitin photographs his landlord Manish with a prostitute. He sends an envelope with the photographs to his landlord to blackmail him. Tashi is with Sonia, when his colleague Menaka calls him on the pretext of work. When he reaches the place he realizes that it is just a party and Menaka called him just to have fun. Menaka's ex-husband Rajeev sees them together and punches Tashi in the eye in a fit of jealousy. Tashi retaliates and knocks Rajeev out. As Tashi and Menaka leave they are chased by a furious Rajeev and his friends who shoot at them. The duo barely manages to escape.
Vladimir informs Somayajulu that the mix-up must have been caused by Sonia as she didn't know what she was carrying in the package. Somayajulu calls Sonia, informs her about the mix-up and asks her to give him the address of the person who had delivered the package. When Tashi arrives into his apartment, he walks into Somayajulu who has Arup standing on a stool with a noose around his neck. On hard interrogation, Somayajulu discovers the mix-up and realizes that the package must be with Nitin's doctor.
Nitin gets the package from his doctor's office, wherein Somayajulu finds his thirty diamonds hidden inside. Upon recovering his booty, he orders his henchmen to kill the three roommates. One of them is about to shoot Tashi, when another kicks the stool on which Arup was standing to hang him. Luckily for the roommates, the ceiling of the apartment collapses, since it can't take Arup's weight. The cave-in knocks out Somayajulu and his men, leaving one with broken arms. Tashi, Arup and Nitin escape with the diamonds and spend the night at Menaka's place. The next day they sell the diamonds to a local jeweller.
As the roommates prepare to get out of town with the money, they get a call from Somayajulu who has kidnapped Sonia. He threatens to kill her if they don't return the diamonds. The trio tries to buy back the diamonds from the jeweller, who demands double the sale amount.
Without the money, Tashi comes up with a plan. Nitin, Arup, Tashi and Menaka disguise themselves in burqas and rob the jeweller, leaving him the bag of money. They flee in Tashi's car with the police on their tail and go to the hotel where Somayajulu is holding Sonia. As they are about to make the exchange with Somayajulu, the police arrive at the hotel room where a shoot-out between the police and Somayajulu's gang.
Nitin, Arup, Tashi, Sonia and Vladimir who had hit the floor during the gunfight, are left as the only survivors. Menaka, who by now realises that she likes Tashi, is upset to learn about his engagement and walks away from him. Tashi breaks off his engagement to Sonia. Later, it is revealed that Nitin did not return the cash to the jewellery store owner, and had kept most of the money for himself (whereupon he abandons blackmailing the landlord). The film ends when Menaka comes to the roommates' apartment to return Tashi's car's hubcap lost while escaping from Rajeev. Tashi jumps into her car through the open window and kisses her passionately.
Producer-actor Aamir Khan is seen dancing in a song and dance performance as the credits start rolling.
Vir Das, Poorna Jagannathan, Abhinay Deo, Aamir Khan, Shenaz Treasuryvala, Imran Khan, Kunal Roy Kapoor at the film's success bash
Imran Khan as Tashi Malhotra / Tashi Dorjee Lhatoo
Kunaal Roy Kapur as Nitin Berry
Vir Das as Arup Rather
Rahul Singh as Rajeev Khanna (Menaka's Ex-husband)
Poorna Jagannathan as Menaka Vashisht
Shenaz Treasurywala as Sonia Mehra
Raju Kher as Zubin Mehra (Sonia's Father)
Vijay Raaz as Somayajulu
John Gabriel as Lucky (Somayajulu's Henchman)
Lushin Dubey as Mrs. Mehra (Sonia's Mother)
Paresh Ganatra as Manish Chand Jain
Rahul Pendkalkar as Prateek Jain
Sanjay Taneja as DIG Phool Chand Jain (Manish's Brother)
Rajendra Sethi as Sudhir Adlakha (the jeweller)
Pradeep Kabra as Brajesh (Somayajulu's Henchman)
Dharmendar Singh as Bunty (Somayajulu's Henchman)
Kim Bodnia as Vladimir Dragunsky
Anusha Dhandekar as VJ Sophaya
Bugs Bhargava as Swapan Bannerjee (Arup's boss)
Aamir Khan as Disco Fighter (Guest Appearance in song "I Hate You (Like I Love You)")
See the trailer for Delhi Belly released on the 1 July 2011 at selected Cineworld Cinemas. Visit for more info and booking.
Meet Tashi...
See the trailer for Delhi Belly released on the 1 July 2011 at selected Cineworld Cinemas. Visit for more info and booking.
Meet Tashi (Imran Khan). He's due to get married in one month's time but is beginning to get cold feet. He just can't be sure if his bride-to-be is The One.
Arun (Vir Das) is facing problems on two fronts. His girlfriend has just dumped him, and he has to put up with a stupid, annoying boss whose idea of creativity is to sketch a smile on a banana. The question is: which of them deserves to die first?
Nitin (Kunal Roy Kapur) has a rather more pressing and delicate issue to deal with. Having wolfed down some delicious Tandoori chicken from a street vendor, he's gone down with the most explosive case of Delhi Belly he's ever known.
They're three ordinary guys, best buddies and flatmates. But with one crucial distinction: they're on the hitlist of one of the world's deadliest crime syndicates.
Cert: TBA
Running time TBA min - Follow us here - Become a fan here
See the trailer for Delhi Belly released on the 1 July 2011 at selected Cineworld Cinemas. Visit for more info and booking.
Meet Tashi (Imran Khan). He's due to get married in one month's time but is beginning to get cold feet. He just can't be sure if his bride-to-be is The One.
Arun (Vir Das) is facing problems on two fronts. His girlfriend has just dumped him, and he has to put up with a stupid, annoying boss whose idea of creativity is to sketch a smile on a banana. The question is: which of them deserves to die first?
Nitin (Kunal Roy Kapur) has a rather more pressing and delicate issue to deal with. Having wolfed down some delicious Tandoori chicken from a street vendor, he's gone down with the most explosive case of Delhi Belly he's ever known.
They're three ordinary guys, best buddies and flatmates. But with one crucial distinction: they're on the hitlist of one of the world's deadliest crime syndicates.
Cert: TBA
Running time TBA min - Follow us here - Become a fan here
Aamir Khan & the lead actors of Delhi Belly tell you what to expect from their upcoming film. In theaters on July 1st, 2011.
To catch all the excitement around...
Aamir Khan & the lead actors of Delhi Belly tell you what to expect from their upcoming film. In theaters on July 1st, 2011.
To catch all the excitement around Delhi Belly and all other UTV films.
Join our facebook fan page
To get the latest updates on all UTV film videos subscribe to our official Youtube channel
Aamir Khan & the lead actors of Delhi Belly tell you what to expect from their upcoming film. In theaters on July 1st, 2011.
To catch all the excitement around Delhi Belly and all other UTV films.
Join our facebook fan page
To get the latest updates on all UTV film videos subscribe to our official Youtube channel
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#DelhiBelly #NetflixIndia
Tashi, Nitin and Arup, three strugglers who are also roommates, unknowingly become the target of a powerful gangster when they misplace his expensive diamonds.
Tashi, Nitin and Arup, three strugglers who are also roommates, unknowingly become the target of a powerful gangster when they misplace his expensive diamonds.
Release date: 1 July 2011 (India)
Director: Abhinay Deo
Box office: ₹ 91 crore
Languages: English; Hindi
This movie contains cuss words. Watch with headphones. Subscribe to our Channel.
#delhibelly #movies
Tashi, Nitin and Arup, three strugglers who are also roommates, unknowingly become the target of a powerful gangster when they misplace his expensive diamonds.
Release date: 1 July 2011 (India)
Director: Abhinay Deo
Box office: ₹ 91 crore
Languages: English; Hindi
This movie contains cuss words. Watch with headphones. Subscribe to our Channel.
#delhibelly #movies
Delhi Belly Latest Hindi Full Movie | Imran Khan, Raju Kher, Vijay Raaz, Anusha, Aamir Khan,
The story revolves around three roommates, journalist Tashi, photographer Nitin Berry and cartoonist Arup, leading an unkempt and debt-ridden life in a shady apartment in Delhi. Tashi's ditzy fiancée, Sonia, is an air hostess who agrees to deliver a package for Vladimir Dragunsky to Somayajulu, without realizing its contents or that Somayajulu is a gangster. Sonia asks Tashi to deliver the package. Tashi, in turn, asks Nitin to do so. But Nitin is unable to do so as he is suffering from diarrhea. Nitin hands Sonia's package to Arup for delivery to Somayajulu, along with a package containing his stool sample for delivery to Nitin's doctor. Arup mixes up the two bags. Somayajulu, furious, tortures Vladimir to find his package.
Meanwhile, Nitin photographs his landlord Manish with a prostitute. He sends an envelope with the photographs to his landlord to blackmail him. Tashi is with Sonia, when his colleague Menaka calls him on the pretext of work. When he reaches the place he realizes that it is just a party and Menaka called him just to have fun. Menaka's ex-husband Rajeev sees them together and punches Tashi in the eye in a fit of jealousy. Tashi retaliates and knocks Rajeev out. As Tashi and Menaka leave they are chased by a furious Rajeev and his friends who shoot at them. The duo barely manages to escape.
Vladimir informs Somayajulu that the mix-up must have been caused by Sonia as she didn't know what she was carrying in the package. Somayajulu calls Sonia, informs her about the mix-up and asks her to give him the address of the person who had delivered the package. When Tashi arrives into his apartment, he walks into Somayajulu who has Arup standing on a stool with a noose around his neck. On hard interrogation, Somayajulu discovers the mix-up and realizes that the package must be with Nitin's doctor.
Nitin gets the package from his doctor's office, wherein Somayajulu finds his thirty diamonds hidden inside. Upon recovering his booty, he orders his henchmen to kill the three roommates. One of them is about to shoot Tashi, when another kicks the stool on which Arup was standing to hang him. Luckily for the roommates, the ceiling of the apartment collapses, since it can't take Arup's weight. The cave-in knocks out Somayajulu and his men, leaving one with broken arms. Tashi, Arup and Nitin escape with the diamonds and spend the night at Menaka's place. The next day they sell the diamonds to a local jeweller.
As the roommates prepare to get out of town with the money, they get a call from Somayajulu who has kidnapped Sonia. He threatens to kill her if they don't return the diamonds. The trio tries to buy back the diamonds from the jeweller, who demands double the sale amount.
Without the money, Tashi comes up with a plan. Nitin, Arup, Tashi and Menaka disguise themselves in burqas and rob the jeweller, leaving him the bag of money. They flee in Tashi's car with the police on their tail and go to the hotel where Somayajulu is holding Sonia. As they are about to make the exchange with Somayajulu, the police arrive at the hotel room where a shoot-out between the police and Somayajulu's gang.
Nitin, Arup, Tashi, Sonia and Vladimir who had hit the floor during the gunfight, are left as the only survivors. Menaka, who by now realises that she likes Tashi, is upset to learn about his engagement and walks away from him. Tashi breaks off his engagement to Sonia. Later, it is revealed that Nitin did not return the cash to the jewellery store owner, and had kept most of the money for himself (whereupon he abandons blackmailing the landlord). The film ends when Menaka comes to the roommates' apartment to return Tashi's car's hubcap lost while escaping from Rajeev. Tashi jumps into her car through the open window and kisses her passionately.
Producer-actor Aamir Khan is seen dancing in a song and dance performance as the credits start rolling.
Vir Das, Poorna Jagannathan, Abhinay Deo, Aamir Khan, Shenaz Treasuryvala, Imran Khan, Kunal Roy Kapoor at the film's success bash
Imran Khan as Tashi Malhotra / Tashi Dorjee Lhatoo
Kunaal Roy Kapur as Nitin Berry
Vir Das as Arup Rather
Rahul Singh as Rajeev Khanna (Menaka's Ex-husband)
Poorna Jagannathan as Menaka Vashisht
Shenaz Treasurywala as Sonia Mehra
Raju Kher as Zubin Mehra (Sonia's Father)
Vijay Raaz as Somayajulu
John Gabriel as Lucky (Somayajulu's Henchman)
Lushin Dubey as Mrs. Mehra (Sonia's Mother)
Paresh Ganatra as Manish Chand Jain
Rahul Pendkalkar as Prateek Jain
Sanjay Taneja as DIG Phool Chand Jain (Manish's Brother)
Rajendra Sethi as Sudhir Adlakha (the jeweller)
Pradeep Kabra as Brajesh (Somayajulu's Henchman)
Dharmendar Singh as Bunty (Somayajulu's Henchman)
Kim Bodnia as Vladimir Dragunsky
Anusha Dhandekar as VJ Sophaya
Bugs Bhargava as Swapan Bannerjee (Arup's boss)
Aamir Khan as Disco Fighter (Guest Appearance in song "I Hate You (Like I Love You)")
See the trailer for Delhi Belly released on the 1 July 2011 at selected Cineworld Cinemas. Visit for more info and booking.
Meet Tashi (Imran Khan). He's due to get married in one month's time but is beginning to get cold feet. He just can't be sure if his bride-to-be is The One.
Arun (Vir Das) is facing problems on two fronts. His girlfriend has just dumped him, and he has to put up with a stupid, annoying boss whose idea of creativity is to sketch a smile on a banana. The question is: which of them deserves to die first?
Nitin (Kunal Roy Kapur) has a rather more pressing and delicate issue to deal with. Having wolfed down some delicious Tandoori chicken from a street vendor, he's gone down with the most explosive case of Delhi Belly he's ever known.
They're three ordinary guys, best buddies and flatmates. But with one crucial distinction: they're on the hitlist of one of the world's deadliest crime syndicates.
Cert: TBA
Running time TBA min - Follow us here - Become a fan here
Aamir Khan & the lead actors of Delhi Belly tell you what to expect from their upcoming film. In theaters on July 1st, 2011.
To catch all the excitement around Delhi Belly and all other UTV films.
Join our facebook fan page
To get the latest updates on all UTV film videos subscribe to our official Youtube channel
Tashi, Nitin and Arup, three strugglers who are also roommates, unknowingly become the target of a powerful gangster when they misplace his expensive diamonds.
Release date: 1 July 2011 (India)
Director: Abhinay Deo
Box office: ₹ 91 crore
Languages: English; Hindi
This movie contains cuss words. Watch with headphones. Subscribe to our Channel.
#delhibelly #movies
The story revolves around three roommates, journalist Tashi (Imran Khan), photographer Nitin Berry (Kunaal Roy Kapur) and cartoonist Arup (Vir Das), leading an unkempt and debt-ridden life in a shoddy apartment in Delhi. Tashi's ditzy fiancée, Sonia (Shenaz Treasurywala), is an air hostess who agrees to deliver a package for Vladimir Dragunsky (Kim Bodnia) to Somayajulu (Vijay Raaz), without realizing its contents or that Somayajulu is a gangster. Sonia asks Tashi to deliver the package. Tashi, in turn, asks Nitin to do so. But Nitin is unable to do so as he is suffering 'Delhi Belly'. Nitin hands Sonia's package to Arup for delivery to Somayajulu, along with a package containing his stool sample for delivery to Nitin's doctor. Arup mixes up the two bags. Somayajulu, furious, tortures Vladimir to find his package.
Her name is Shubhangi Bajpai and she is from Delhi... His rise to fame came through a mix of stand-up specials, live performances, and appearances in Bollywood films like Delhi Belly, Go Goa Gone, and Badmaash Company.
The film is a social satire where two newly wed brides get lost and find themselves in an unknown setting ... She has been a producer on films like Dangal, Talaash, SecretSuperstar, DelhiBelly and Laal Singh Chaddha amongst others.
That's kind of, I think, the next thing, to start creating my own projects, acting wise as well," said the actor, who started out with films such as "DelhiBelly", "Go Goa Gone", "Mastizaade" and "Shaadi Ke Side Effects".
His rise to fame came through a mix of stand-up specials, live performances, and appearances in Bollywood films like DelhiBelly, Go Goa Gone, and Badmaash Company...Beyond stand-up, Das has ventured into acting, producing, and writing for TV and film.
On that note, here is a list of movies like Alia Bhatt’s Darlings, from Good LuckJerry to DelhiBelly... Delhi Belly. The 2011 movie Delhi Belly is among the best black comedies in Indian cinema.
She received appreciation for her performance in the film directed by Homi Adajania... The neo-noir drama show, directed by Abhinay Deo of DelhiBelly fame and produced by Zee Studios, was part of a line-up of 16 titles from five continents.
It's been over a decade later since the cult film Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na was released ... After debuting with Jaane Tu, Imran Khan went on to shed his boy-next-door avatar with movies like DelhiBelly, Luck, etc.
Sonali and Karisma worked together in Sooraj Barjatya's 1999 film Hum Saath-Saath Hain... The neo-noir drama show, directed by Abhinay Deo of DelhiBelly fame and produced by Zee Studios, was part of a line-up of 16 titles from five continents.
DirectorAbhinay Deo (24 India, DelhiBelly) fashions a gripping narrative that sticks to the core of the original plotline while making vital changes suitable to an Indian narrative ... Vishesh Entertainment’s & T-Series Films’ Savi Produced by.