Cutting It is a BBC television drama series set in Manchester, England, focusing on the lives and loves of the team running a hairdressing salon. It ran for four series between 2002 and 2005. The show featured a number of actors who have since become established stars, including Amanda Holden and Ben Daniels.
Series 1
In the first series, Alison Henshall, known as Allie, and her husband, Gavin Ferraday, run a hairdressing and beauty salon. Allie's sisters, Darcy and Sydney, are the salon's beautician and nail technician. Allie and Gavin also employ three more staff, hairdresser Shane, junior Ruby and accountant Eugene. Their parents, Brawdie and Tom, complete the regular cast.
Finn Bevan, Allie's ex, and his current wife, Mia, open a rival salon across the road. Allie is upset as she wanted a 2nd Henshall Ferraday salon while Gavin wants to start a family. Allie is reluctant, insisting that she is not maternal and tells Finn that she aborted their baby but later admits that she gave their daughter up for adoption. Ruby reveals that she is Allie and Finn's biological daughter after Allie visits her parents to discuss Ruby's behaviour. Gavin knows that they knew each other years ago and soon realizes the truth about their relationship, as does Mia. Finn makes it clear that he wants Allie back but, despite a one-night stand, she chooses to stay with Gavin until he leaves, needing space. On his return, he insists Ruby tell Allie the truth and she is horrified to learn that Finn is her biological father. Gavin asks Allie to choose and she chooses Finn, leaving with him.
O.T. Genasis - Cut It (feat. Young Dolph) [Official Music Video]
O.T. Genasis - Cut It (feat. Young Dolph)
New mixtape Coke N Butter out now!
#OTGenasis #CokeNButter #CutIt #YoungDolph
published: 09 Oct 2015
Cutting It s02e03 HD
Cutting It s02e03 HD
published: 09 Jul 2016
Cutting It - Christian Henson & Joe Henson (OGN Intro Music)
From KPM 560.
Cutting It - Christian Henson & Joe Henson
published: 18 Jun 2014
Cutting It s02e04 HD
Cutting It s02e04 HD
published: 09 Jul 2016
Daniela & Ben Spector - Cut it out - ft. M Jack Bee (Official video)
"Cut it out" is the new single out of "Love is"
the mutual album-project of Daniela & Ben Spector.
Listen to the whole album
join Daniela and Ben on Facebook:
Follow Daniela and Ben on Twitter::!/MRandMrsSpector
Who is M Jack Bee?
The video was shot by pro videographer Mike Mccrimon,
thanks to his courtesy, we were able to use it.
Eran Hilleli helped to bring it all together.
Mike Mccrimon::
Eran Hilleli::
published: 10 Feb 2011
DJ Freedem - Cutting It Close
DJ Freedem Cutting It Close
Hip Hop Music
Artist: DJ Freedem
Title: Cutting It Close
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You're free to use this song in any of your videos
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No Copyright Music promote music that's free to download and use on YouTube videos.
You can use any song from this channel on Youtube without
worrying about content ID matches or copyright claims.
published: 18 May 2020
Cut It - Arab Edition
Arab Fathers Be Like...
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Song- O.T. Genasis - Cut It ft. Young Dolph
published: 19 Jan 2017
Ruby Tuesday in "Cutting It"
Ruby Tuesday from Rolling Stones, performed in "Cutting It" tv series (S3E1)
published: 17 Feb 2012
James Murray in Cutting It (2005)
Cast interview with James Murray talking about his character, Liam Carney, in season four of Cutting It.
published: 26 Mar 2008
Finn's Goodbye | Cutting It | BBC Studios
There are tearful good-byes amongst the Cutting It crew as Finn (Ben Daniels) leaves Allie for good.
This is a channel from BBC Studios who help fund new BBC programmes. Service information and feedback:
published: 30 Oct 2007
Forgiveness | Cutting It | BBC Studios
Mia comes to the Salon to ask for Allie's forgiveness. But can Allie show Mia the same kindness? Drama starring Amanda Holden and Sarah Parish.
This is a channel from BBC Studios who help fund new BBC programmes. Service information and feedback:
published: 29 Oct 2007
Cutting It : Carpet Scene
A favourite scene for Cutting It devotees.
published: 08 Jun 2009
Cutting It: Allie's Pregnant?
Is Allie's secret hospital scan going to give good news?
Watch more Cutting It from BBC Worldwide here:
This is a channel from BBC Studios who help fund new BBC programmes. Service information and feedback:
O.T. Genasis - Cut It (feat. Young Dolph)
New mixtape Coke N Butter out now!
O.T. Genasis - Cut It (feat. Young Dolph)
New mixtape Coke N Butter out now!
#OTGenasis #CokeNButter #CutIt #YoungDolph
"Cut it out" is the new single out of "Love is"
the mutual album-project of Daniela & Ben Spector.
Listen to the whole album
"Cut it out" is the new single out of "Love is"
the mutual album-project of Daniela & Ben Spector.
Listen to the whole album
join Daniela and Ben on Facebook:
Follow Daniela and Ben on Twitter::!/MRandMrsSpector
Who is M Jack Bee?
The video was shot by pro videographer Mike Mccrimon,
thanks to his courtesy, we were able to use it.
Eran Hilleli helped to bring it all together.
Mike Mccrimon::
Eran Hilleli::
"Cut it out" is the new single out of "Love is"
the mutual album-project of Daniela & Ben Spector.
Listen to the whole album
join Daniela and Ben on Facebook:
Follow Daniela and Ben on Twitter::!/MRandMrsSpector
Who is M Jack Bee?
The video was shot by pro videographer Mike Mccrimon,
thanks to his courtesy, we were able to use it.
Eran Hilleli helped to bring it all together.
Mike Mccrimon::
Eran Hilleli::
DJ Freedem Cutting It Close
Hip Hop Music
Artist: DJ Freedem
Title: Cutting It Close
Download Song:
DJ Freedem Cutting It Close
Hip Hop Music
Artist: DJ Freedem
Title: Cutting It Close
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You're free to use this song in any of your videos
License Photo:
No Copyright Music promote music that's free to download and use on YouTube videos.
You can use any song from this channel on Youtube without
worrying about content ID matches or copyright claims.
DJ Freedem Cutting It Close
Hip Hop Music
Artist: DJ Freedem
Title: Cutting It Close
Download Song:
You're free to use this song in any of your videos
License Photo:
No Copyright Music promote music that's free to download and use on YouTube videos.
You can use any song from this channel on Youtube without
worrying about content ID matches or copyright claims.
Arab Fathers Be Like...
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Arab Fathers Be Like...
For more videos be sure to subscribe to our channel Jordindian.
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Song- O.T. Genasis - Cut It ft. Young Dolph
Arab Fathers Be Like...
For more videos be sure to subscribe to our channel Jordindian.
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Song- O.T. Genasis - Cut It ft. Young Dolph
There are tearful good-byes amongst the Cutting It crew as Finn (Ben Daniels) leaves Allie for good.
This is a channel from BBC Studios who help fund new BBC ...
There are tearful good-byes amongst the Cutting It crew as Finn (Ben Daniels) leaves Allie for good.
This is a channel from BBC Studios who help fund new BBC programmes. Service information and feedback:
There are tearful good-byes amongst the Cutting It crew as Finn (Ben Daniels) leaves Allie for good.
This is a channel from BBC Studios who help fund new BBC programmes. Service information and feedback:
Mia comes to the Salon to ask for Allie's forgiveness. But can Allie show Mia the same kindness? Drama starring Amanda Holden and Sarah Parish.
This is a chan...
Mia comes to the Salon to ask for Allie's forgiveness. But can Allie show Mia the same kindness? Drama starring Amanda Holden and Sarah Parish.
This is a channel from BBC Studios who help fund new BBC programmes. Service information and feedback:
Mia comes to the Salon to ask for Allie's forgiveness. But can Allie show Mia the same kindness? Drama starring Amanda Holden and Sarah Parish.
This is a channel from BBC Studios who help fund new BBC programmes. Service information and feedback:
Is Allie's secret hospital scan going to give good news?
Watch more Cutting It from BBC Worldwide here:
Is Allie's secret hospital scan going to give good news?
Watch more Cutting It from BBC Worldwide here:
This is a channel from BBC Studios who help fund new BBC programmes. Service information and feedback:
Is Allie's secret hospital scan going to give good news?
Watch more Cutting It from BBC Worldwide here:
This is a channel from BBC Studios who help fund new BBC programmes. Service information and feedback:
"Cut it out" is the new single out of "Love is"
the mutual album-project of Daniela & Ben Spector.
Listen to the whole album
join Daniela and Ben on Facebook:
Follow Daniela and Ben on Twitter::!/MRandMrsSpector
Who is M Jack Bee?
The video was shot by pro videographer Mike Mccrimon,
thanks to his courtesy, we were able to use it.
Eran Hilleli helped to bring it all together.
Mike Mccrimon::
Eran Hilleli::
DJ Freedem Cutting It Close
Hip Hop Music
Artist: DJ Freedem
Title: Cutting It Close
Download Song:
You're free to use this song in any of your videos
License Photo:
No Copyright Music promote music that's free to download and use on YouTube videos.
You can use any song from this channel on Youtube without
worrying about content ID matches or copyright claims.
Arab Fathers Be Like...
For more videos be sure to subscribe to our channel Jordindian.
Hit the like Button too :)
Check us out on Facebook
Song- O.T. Genasis - Cut It ft. Young Dolph
There are tearful good-byes amongst the Cutting It crew as Finn (Ben Daniels) leaves Allie for good.
This is a channel from BBC Studios who help fund new BBC programmes. Service information and feedback:
Mia comes to the Salon to ask for Allie's forgiveness. But can Allie show Mia the same kindness? Drama starring Amanda Holden and Sarah Parish.
This is a channel from BBC Studios who help fund new BBC programmes. Service information and feedback:
Is Allie's secret hospital scan going to give good news?
Watch more Cutting It from BBC Worldwide here:
This is a channel from BBC Studios who help fund new BBC programmes. Service information and feedback:
Cutting It is a BBC television drama series set in Manchester, England, focusing on the lives and loves of the team running a hairdressing salon. It ran for four series between 2002 and 2005. The show featured a number of actors who have since become established stars, including Amanda Holden and Ben Daniels.
Series 1
In the first series, Alison Henshall, known as Allie, and her husband, Gavin Ferraday, run a hairdressing and beauty salon. Allie's sisters, Darcy and Sydney, are the salon's beautician and nail technician. Allie and Gavin also employ three more staff, hairdresser Shane, junior Ruby and accountant Eugene. Their parents, Brawdie and Tom, complete the regular cast.
Finn Bevan, Allie's ex, and his current wife, Mia, open a rival salon across the road. Allie is upset as she wanted a 2nd Henshall Ferraday salon while Gavin wants to start a family. Allie is reluctant, insisting that she is not maternal and tells Finn that she aborted their baby but later admits that she gave their daughter up for adoption. Ruby reveals that she is Allie and Finn's biological daughter after Allie visits her parents to discuss Ruby's behaviour. Gavin knows that they knew each other years ago and soon realizes the truth about their relationship, as does Mia. Finn makes it clear that he wants Allie back but, despite a one-night stand, she chooses to stay with Gavin until he leaves, needing space. On his return, he insists Ruby tell Allie the truth and she is horrified to learn that Finn is her biological father. Gavin asks Allie to choose and she chooses Finn, leaving with him.
Lying here between your progeny and your Visa card statement Beside the coffee stained torn envelope We took your facsimile and we pinned it to the wall Here on the other side of the world You call here when it's 3 AM and we hear music playing You call here and you don't have time to talk You call in on your cell phone but you're cutting out Here on the other side of the world You send in electronic mail transmissions Dispatches from your colonies - your Commonwealth But your syntax is distracted and your sideways happy face Is not on the other side of the world from the girl with the starry eyes and the easy smile she's just sitting there Could I stay a while? Lying here between your progeny and your Visa card statement Beside the coffee stained torn envelope We took your facsimile and we pinned it to the wall
The action was taken after two Chinar trees (Oriental plane trees) on Hali Road were cut, according to MuhammadNiaz Khan Kakar, Quetta’s divisional conservator of forest ... The trees were cut “without ...
What should I do with my ornamental grasses over the winter? I haven't cut back the old growth, not sure when I should do this. Ornamental grasses do not need to be cut back before winter ... not cutting.
It was a summer Sunday, and Mr ... He spies a pair of scissors and cut, cut, cut. Feeling better, he cuts more. magazines, napkins, a stray sock cut, cut ... “Why is my hair so long? Do I like that look?” Indecision sweeps him away, so, cut, cut, cut.
"It's hard to cut government spending, but I think the efforts are genuine, and I think they know they have to deliver something," Wong told BI ... "There will be legal challenges along the way and it ...
“It’s felt slow ... MeanwhileScotland has missed its climate targets, is off track to meet a goal to restore 250,000 hectares of peatland by 2030, has missed most of its forestry targets, and cut spending on agri-environment schemes.
The Bank of Canada has been cutting its key interest rate aggressively to ease the pressure on the economy, most recently to 3.25 per cent, now that inflation is stabilizing around its two per cent target.
After reaching 11-under par with birdies on three of his first five holes Saturday and sitting well inside the cut line, Brown stumbled with three bogeys and a double bogey in his final 13 holes ... “It was a blast competing on the PGA Tour ... Unkind cut.
In the post, we get to see a glimpse of the cakes she cut and the meals she enjoyed on her special day ... The BLACKPINK member wore the 'Happy Birthday' tag on her head instead of putting it on the cake, exuding queen vibes.
A Tuesday ribbon-cutting at UnityPoint Health-St ...Luke’s Hospital is hosting a Tuesday ribbon-cutting to mark the completion of its vascular and interventional radiology labs expansion.
After a promising start, Nashville's BladesBrown had a rocky finish as he missed the cut in his first tournament as a professional golfer at the PGA Tour American Express... miss the cut by three shots.
It is also a mistake to think Trumpism is isolated to the U.S ... will benefit from a shift in the growth balance in its favor. Also, by cutting rates and pushing for fiscal stimulus, the U.S. is now spending its future growth.
The world’s biggest economy is now 11.5 per cent larger than its pre-pandemic size ... Mr Trump’s promise to cut taxes and deregulate is expected to increase the growth gap between the US and other G7 nations.