凌波為何會嫁金漢,背後真相讓人淚目 #tvb #凌波 #金漢 #娛記太太
內容皆為本人製作,嚴禁搬運,版權侵權追究一切權利。 商務郵箱:[email protected]
譚玉英被逮捕真相讓人驚,拍拖38年未婚無子,慘遭TVB辭退太可憐 #譚玉英#TVB#李家鼎#兒童節目#娛記太太
許紹雄25歲女兒出嫁了,現婚禮現場畫面流出,女婿真實身份曝光驚呆眾人 #許紹雄#TVB#娛記太太
郭峰再立婚約,私生子曝光讓人驚,大兒含淚說出真相 #郭峰#歐陽佩珊#娛記太太
粵劇名伶龍劍笙淪打工仔,痛哭隱退驚人內幕,與陳寶珠恩怨終真相 #龍劍笙#陳寶珠#任白#粵劇名伶#娛記太太
劉德華女兒緊急入院真相驚人,朱麗倩泪流面面,女兒一句話看哭眾人 #劉德華#朱麗倩#娛記太太
published: 31 Aug 2023
See🔍凌波與金漢的銀色婚緣 #戀上老電影 #粟子 #凌波
#戀上老電影 #粟子 #凌波 #shorts
published: 22 Jan 2024
Она всю жизнь любила того, кто её предал#ВИВЬЕН ЛИ История жизни#биография
She loved the one who betrayed her all her life# VIVIEN LEE# life story#
British actress. Two-time Oscar winner in the category "Best Actress" - for the role of #Scarlett #O'Hara in the film "Gone with the Wind" and Blanche Dubois in the film "A Streetcar Named Desire". She also played the role of Blanche Dubois on the London stage in 1949. the actress often worked in collaboration with her husband, Laurence Olivier, who was an actor and director of several films with her participation. Throughout her thirty-year career, she has played a variety of roles, from comedy heroines by Noel Coward and George Bernard Shaw, to classic Shakespearean characters such as Ophelia, Cleopatra, Juliet and Lady Macbeth. In 1960, she received a star on the #Hollywood Walk of Fame
Британская актриса. Двухкр...
published: 16 Nov 2022
Japon, la tentation nationaliste - Remilitarisation du Japon - Documentaire Monde - AT
Au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le Japon doit rompre avec sa politique militariste et s’achemine vers une démocratie pacifiste garantie par la Constitution.
👋 + de documentaires histoire 👉 http://bit.ly/3lqyFpY 🙏 Abonnez vous !
Pourtant, un peu plus de soixante-dix ans plus tard, la conclusion d’un accord de paix avec la Russie se heurte toujours au différend sur les îles Kouriles, revendiquées par l’archipel nippon. Dans la ligne de mire d’une Corée du Nord nucléarisée, et sous le feu des critiques de Séoul qui lui reproche un demi-siècle de colonisation, le pays entretient en outre des relations tendues avec son puissant voisin chinois, sur fond de lutte pour le contrôle des voies maritimes.
Parallèlement, la résistance d’Okinawa au projet de construction de nouvelles ba...
published: 17 Dec 2023
Bro this girl entry 🔥 #shorts #kdrama #payback #moonchaewon #leesunkyun
Bro this girl entry 🔥
#shorts #kdrama #payback #moonchaewon #leesunkyun
published: 05 Feb 2023
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1/10) Movie CLIP - Young Indy (1989) HD
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade movie clips: http://j.mp/1VlqCtO
BUY THE MOVIE: http://j.mp/1T0AmUc
Don't miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/1u2y6pr
Young Indiana (River Phoenix) fights his way through a circus train while he tries to evade a group of grave robbers.
The third installment in the widely beloved Spielberg/Lucas Indiana Jones saga begins with an introduction to a younger Indy (played by the late River Phoenix), who, through a fast-paced prologue, gives the audience insight into the roots of his taste for adventure, fear of snakes, and dogged determination to take historical artifacts out of the hands of bad guys and into the museums in which they belong. A grown-up Indy (Harrison Ford) reveals himself shortly afterward in a fa...
published: 01 Jun 2016
🔴▶ VEJA As 25 Fotos ANTIGAS Mais ESTRANHAS e Bizarras | CenaTop
📷 Curtiu o vídeo? Deixe seu like ✔ Quer mais? Inscreva-se ✔
Explore o passado com uma coleção de 25 fotos antigas que desafiam a normalidade e mergulham no mundo do estranho e bizarro. Desde retratos peculiares até momentos incomuns capturados pela lente da história, estas imagens oferecem uma visão fascinante de épocas passadas. Prepare-se para se surpreender e intrigar com essa jornada visual pelo incomum.
★ Obrigado! Deixe seu comentário abaixo! Curta e Compartilhe!
published: 06 Nov 2022
He's Been Locked In This Machine For 70 Years - Paul Alexander
Let's learn about Paul Alexander the man who's been locked in this machine for almost 70 years.
Suggest a topic here to be turned into a video: http://bit.ly/2kwqhuh
Subscribe for more! ► https://goo.gl/pgcoq1 ◄
Stay updated ► https://goo.gl/JyGcTt https://goo.gl/5c8dzr ◄
For copyright queries or general inquiries please get in touch: [email protected]
Legal Stuff.
Unless otherwise created by BeAmazed, licenses have been obtained for images/footage in the video from the following sources: https://pastebin.com/sDha7AGa
published: 29 Aug 2021
published: 02 Nov 2009
兩位戲骨遺憾離世,洪莉娜慘遭車禍,李英愛人氣不再,只有她從配角逆襲成頂流! 《大長今》20年主演今何在?
2023年必追的高質量韓劇!朴敘俊韓素希、李敏鎬孔孝真驚喜合作,《阿斯達年代記》、《Sweet Home》等熱劇迎來第二季!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIKJmrXGraU&t=107s #人魚小姐張瑞希#多年龍套逆襲成大明星卻被自己作到谷底#今48歲整容失敗糊成素人
published: 04 Oct 2020
凌波為何會嫁金漢,背後真相讓人淚目 #tvb #凌波 #金漢 #娛記太太
內容皆為本人製作,嚴禁搬運,版權侵權追究一切權利。 商務郵箱:
[email protected]
譚玉英被逮捕真相讓人驚,拍拖38年未婚無子,慘遭TVB辭退太可憐 #譚玉英#TVB#李家鼎#兒童節目#娛記太太
內容皆為本人製作,嚴禁搬運,版權侵權追究一切權利。 商務郵箱:
[email protected]
譚玉英被逮捕真相讓人驚,拍拖38年未婚無子,慘遭TVB辭退太可憐 #譚玉英#TVB#李家鼎#兒童節目#娛記太太
許紹雄25歲女兒出嫁了,現婚禮現場畫面流出,女婿真實身份曝光驚呆眾人 #許紹雄#TVB#娛記太太
郭峰再立婚約,私生子曝光讓人驚,大兒含淚說出真相 #郭峰#歐陽佩珊#娛記太太
粵劇名伶龍劍笙淪打工仔,痛哭隱退驚人內幕,與陳寶珠恩怨終真相 #龍劍笙#陳寶珠#任白#粵劇名伶#娛記太太
劉德華女兒緊急入院真相驚人,朱麗倩泪流面面,女兒一句話看哭眾人 #劉德華#朱麗倩#娛記太太
內容皆為本人製作,嚴禁搬運,版權侵權追究一切權利。 商務郵箱:
[email protected]
譚玉英被逮捕真相讓人驚,拍拖38年未婚無子,慘遭TVB辭退太可憐 #譚玉英#TVB#李家鼎#兒童節目#娛記太太
許紹雄25歲女兒出嫁了,現婚禮現場畫面流出,女婿真實身份曝光驚呆眾人 #許紹雄#TVB#娛記太太
郭峰再立婚約,私生子曝光讓人驚,大兒含淚說出真相 #郭峰#歐陽佩珊#娛記太太
粵劇名伶龍劍笙淪打工仔,痛哭隱退驚人內幕,與陳寶珠恩怨終真相 #龍劍笙#陳寶珠#任白#粵劇名伶#娛記太太
劉德華女兒緊急入院真相驚人,朱麗倩泪流面面,女兒一句話看哭眾人 #劉德華#朱麗倩#娛記太太
- published: 31 Aug 2023
- views: 84013
See🔍凌波與金漢的銀色婚緣 #戀上老電影 #粟子 #凌波
#戀上老電影 #粟子 #凌波 #shorts
#戀上老電影 #粟子 #凌波 #shorts
- published: 22 Jan 2024
- views: 12216
Она всю жизнь любила того, кто её предал#ВИВЬЕН ЛИ История жизни#биография
She loved the one who betrayed her all her life# VIVIEN LEE# life story#
British actress. Two-time Oscar winner in the category "Best Actress" - for the role o...
She loved the one who betrayed her all her life# VIVIEN LEE# life story#
British actress. Two-time Oscar winner in the category "Best Actress" - for the role of #Scarlett #O'Hara in the film "Gone with the Wind" and Blanche Dubois in the film "A Streetcar Named Desire". She also played the role of Blanche Dubois on the London stage in 1949. the actress often worked in collaboration with her husband, Laurence Olivier, who was an actor and director of several films with her participation. Throughout her thirty-year career, she has played a variety of roles, from comedy heroines by Noel Coward and George Bernard Shaw, to classic Shakespearean characters such as Ophelia, Cleopatra, Juliet and Lady Macbeth. In 1960, she received a star on the #Hollywood Walk of Fame
Британская актриса. Двухкратная обладательница премии «Оскар» в категории «Лучшая актриса» - за роль #Скарлетт #О'Хары в фильме «Унесённые ветром» и Бланш Дюбуа в фильме «Трамвай „Желание"». Роль Бланш Дюбуа она также играла на лондонской театральной сцене в 1949 году. Актриса часто работала в сотрудничестве со своим мужем, Лоренсом Оливье, который был актёром и режиссёром нескольких фильмов с её участием. На протяжении своей тридцатилетней карьеры она играла разнообразные роли: от героинь комедий Ноэла Коуарда и Джорджа Бернарда Шоу, до классических шекспировских характеров, таких, как Офелия, Клеопатра, Джульетта и леди Макбет. В 1960 году была удостоена именной звезды на #Голливудской «Аллее славы»
She loved the one who betrayed her all her life# VIVIEN LEE# life story#
British actress. Two-time Oscar winner in the category "Best Actress" - for the role of #Scarlett #O'Hara in the film "Gone with the Wind" and Blanche Dubois in the film "A Streetcar Named Desire". She also played the role of Blanche Dubois on the London stage in 1949. the actress often worked in collaboration with her husband, Laurence Olivier, who was an actor and director of several films with her participation. Throughout her thirty-year career, she has played a variety of roles, from comedy heroines by Noel Coward and George Bernard Shaw, to classic Shakespearean characters such as Ophelia, Cleopatra, Juliet and Lady Macbeth. In 1960, she received a star on the #Hollywood Walk of Fame
Британская актриса. Двухкратная обладательница премии «Оскар» в категории «Лучшая актриса» - за роль #Скарлетт #О'Хары в фильме «Унесённые ветром» и Бланш Дюбуа в фильме «Трамвай „Желание"». Роль Бланш Дюбуа она также играла на лондонской театральной сцене в 1949 году. Актриса часто работала в сотрудничестве со своим мужем, Лоренсом Оливье, который был актёром и режиссёром нескольких фильмов с её участием. На протяжении своей тридцатилетней карьеры она играла разнообразные роли: от героинь комедий Ноэла Коуарда и Джорджа Бернарда Шоу, до классических шекспировских характеров, таких, как Офелия, Клеопатра, Джульетта и леди Макбет. В 1960 году была удостоена именной звезды на #Голливудской «Аллее славы»
- published: 16 Nov 2022
- views: 877183
Japon, la tentation nationaliste - Remilitarisation du Japon - Documentaire Monde - AT
Au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le Japon doit rompre avec sa politique militariste et s’achemine vers une démocratie pacifiste garantie par la Const...
Au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le Japon doit rompre avec sa politique militariste et s’achemine vers une démocratie pacifiste garantie par la Constitution.
👋 + de documentaires histoire 👉 http://bit.ly/3lqyFpY 🙏 Abonnez vous !
Pourtant, un peu plus de soixante-dix ans plus tard, la conclusion d’un accord de paix avec la Russie se heurte toujours au différend sur les îles Kouriles, revendiquées par l’archipel nippon. Dans la ligne de mire d’une Corée du Nord nucléarisée, et sous le feu des critiques de Séoul qui lui reproche un demi-siècle de colonisation, le pays entretient en outre des relations tendues avec son puissant voisin chinois, sur fond de lutte pour le contrôle des voies maritimes.
Parallèlement, la résistance d’Okinawa au projet de construction de nouvelles bases militaires américaines a contribué à durcir les rapports entre Tokyo et Washington. Plébiscitant un pouvoir fort depuis la catastrophe de Fukushima, qui a mis en lumière de graves dysfonctionnements au sommet de l’État, les électeurs japonais ont donné au parti libéral-démocrate de Shinzo Abe deux tiers des sièges au Sénat, ouvrant la voie à une possible révision de la Constitution.
Japon, la tentation nationaliste
Réalisateur: Kenichi Watanabe
Producteurs : ARTE France, Kami Productions, Crescendo Films
©ARTE - 2017
Au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le Japon doit rompre avec sa politique militariste et s’achemine vers une démocratie pacifiste garantie par la Constitution.
👋 + de documentaires histoire 👉 http://bit.ly/3lqyFpY 🙏 Abonnez vous !
Pourtant, un peu plus de soixante-dix ans plus tard, la conclusion d’un accord de paix avec la Russie se heurte toujours au différend sur les îles Kouriles, revendiquées par l’archipel nippon. Dans la ligne de mire d’une Corée du Nord nucléarisée, et sous le feu des critiques de Séoul qui lui reproche un demi-siècle de colonisation, le pays entretient en outre des relations tendues avec son puissant voisin chinois, sur fond de lutte pour le contrôle des voies maritimes.
Parallèlement, la résistance d’Okinawa au projet de construction de nouvelles bases militaires américaines a contribué à durcir les rapports entre Tokyo et Washington. Plébiscitant un pouvoir fort depuis la catastrophe de Fukushima, qui a mis en lumière de graves dysfonctionnements au sommet de l’État, les électeurs japonais ont donné au parti libéral-démocrate de Shinzo Abe deux tiers des sièges au Sénat, ouvrant la voie à une possible révision de la Constitution.
Japon, la tentation nationaliste
Réalisateur: Kenichi Watanabe
Producteurs : ARTE France, Kami Productions, Crescendo Films
©ARTE - 2017
- published: 17 Dec 2023
- views: 133163
Bro this girl entry 🔥 #shorts #kdrama #payback #moonchaewon #leesunkyun
Bro this girl entry 🔥
#shorts #kdrama #payback #moonchaewon #leesunkyun
Bro this girl entry 🔥
#shorts #kdrama #payback #moonchaewon #leesunkyun
Bro this girl entry 🔥
#shorts #kdrama #payback #moonchaewon #leesunkyun
- published: 05 Feb 2023
- views: 7685340
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1/10) Movie CLIP - Young Indy (1989) HD
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade movie clips: http://j.mp/1VlqCtO
BUY THE MOVIE: http://j.mp/1T0AmUc
Don't miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/1u2y6p...
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade movie clips: http://j.mp/1VlqCtO
BUY THE MOVIE: http://j.mp/1T0AmUc
Don't miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/1u2y6pr
Young Indiana (River Phoenix) fights his way through a circus train while he tries to evade a group of grave robbers.
The third installment in the widely beloved Spielberg/Lucas Indiana Jones saga begins with an introduction to a younger Indy (played by the late River Phoenix), who, through a fast-paced prologue, gives the audience insight into the roots of his taste for adventure, fear of snakes, and dogged determination to take historical artifacts out of the hands of bad guys and into the museums in which they belong. A grown-up Indy (Harrison Ford) reveals himself shortly afterward in a familiar classroom scene, teaching archeology to a disproportionate number of starry-eyed female college students in 1938. Once again, however, Mr. Jones is drawn away from his day job after an art collector (Julian Glover) approaches him with a proposition to find the much sought after Holy Grail. Circumstances reveal that there was another avid archeologist in search of the famed cup -- Indiana Jones' father, Dr. Henry Jones (Sean Connery) -- who had recently disappeared during his efforts. The junior and senior members of the Jones family find themselves in a series of tough situations in locales ranging from Venice to the most treacherous spots in the Middle East. Complicating the situation further is the presence of Elsa (Alison Doody), a beautiful and intelligent woman with one fatal flaw: she's an undercover Nazi agent. The search for the grail is a dangerous quest, and its discovery may prove fatal to those who seek it for personal gain. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade earned a then record-breaking $50 million in its first week of release.
TM & © Paramount (1989)
Cast: Richard Young, River Phoenix
Director: Steven Spielberg
Producers: George Lucas, Frank Marshall, Arthur F. Repola, Robert Watts
Screenwriters: Jeffrey Boam, George Lucas, Menno Meyjes, Philip Kaufman
The MOVIECLIPS channel is the largest collection of licensed movie clips on the web. Here you will find unforgettable moments, scenes and lines from all your favorite films. Made by movie fans, for movie fans.
MOVIECLIPS: http://bit.ly/1u2yaWd
ComingSoon: http://bit.ly/1DVpgtR
Indie & Film Festivals: http://bit.ly/1wbkfYg
Hero Central: http://bit.ly/1AMUZwv
Extras: http://bit.ly/1u431fr
Classic Trailers: http://bit.ly/1u43jDe
Pop-Up Trailers: http://bit.ly/1z7EtZR
Movie News: http://bit.ly/1C3Ncd2
Movie Games: http://bit.ly/1ygDV13
Fandango: http://bit.ly/1Bl79ye
Fandango FrontRunners: http://bit.ly/1CggQfC
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1y8M8ax
Twitter: http://bit.ly/1ghOWmt
Pinterest: http://bit.ly/14wL9De
Tumblr: http://bit.ly/1vUwhH7
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade movie clips: http://j.mp/1VlqCtO
BUY THE MOVIE: http://j.mp/1T0AmUc
Don't miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/1u2y6pr
Young Indiana (River Phoenix) fights his way through a circus train while he tries to evade a group of grave robbers.
The third installment in the widely beloved Spielberg/Lucas Indiana Jones saga begins with an introduction to a younger Indy (played by the late River Phoenix), who, through a fast-paced prologue, gives the audience insight into the roots of his taste for adventure, fear of snakes, and dogged determination to take historical artifacts out of the hands of bad guys and into the museums in which they belong. A grown-up Indy (Harrison Ford) reveals himself shortly afterward in a familiar classroom scene, teaching archeology to a disproportionate number of starry-eyed female college students in 1938. Once again, however, Mr. Jones is drawn away from his day job after an art collector (Julian Glover) approaches him with a proposition to find the much sought after Holy Grail. Circumstances reveal that there was another avid archeologist in search of the famed cup -- Indiana Jones' father, Dr. Henry Jones (Sean Connery) -- who had recently disappeared during his efforts. The junior and senior members of the Jones family find themselves in a series of tough situations in locales ranging from Venice to the most treacherous spots in the Middle East. Complicating the situation further is the presence of Elsa (Alison Doody), a beautiful and intelligent woman with one fatal flaw: she's an undercover Nazi agent. The search for the grail is a dangerous quest, and its discovery may prove fatal to those who seek it for personal gain. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade earned a then record-breaking $50 million in its first week of release.
TM & © Paramount (1989)
Cast: Richard Young, River Phoenix
Director: Steven Spielberg
Producers: George Lucas, Frank Marshall, Arthur F. Repola, Robert Watts
Screenwriters: Jeffrey Boam, George Lucas, Menno Meyjes, Philip Kaufman
The MOVIECLIPS channel is the largest collection of licensed movie clips on the web. Here you will find unforgettable moments, scenes and lines from all your favorite films. Made by movie fans, for movie fans.
MOVIECLIPS: http://bit.ly/1u2yaWd
ComingSoon: http://bit.ly/1DVpgtR
Indie & Film Festivals: http://bit.ly/1wbkfYg
Hero Central: http://bit.ly/1AMUZwv
Extras: http://bit.ly/1u431fr
Classic Trailers: http://bit.ly/1u43jDe
Pop-Up Trailers: http://bit.ly/1z7EtZR
Movie News: http://bit.ly/1C3Ncd2
Movie Games: http://bit.ly/1ygDV13
Fandango: http://bit.ly/1Bl79ye
Fandango FrontRunners: http://bit.ly/1CggQfC
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1y8M8ax
Twitter: http://bit.ly/1ghOWmt
Pinterest: http://bit.ly/14wL9De
Tumblr: http://bit.ly/1vUwhH7
- published: 01 Jun 2016
- views: 1610644
🔴▶ VEJA As 25 Fotos ANTIGAS Mais ESTRANHAS e Bizarras | CenaTop
📷 Curtiu o vídeo? Deixe seu like ✔ Quer mais? Inscreva-se ✔
Explore o passado com uma coleção de 25 fotos antigas que des...
📷 Curtiu o vídeo? Deixe seu like ✔ Quer mais? Inscreva-se ✔
Explore o passado com uma coleção de 25 fotos antigas que desafiam a normalidade e mergulham no mundo do estranho e bizarro. Desde retratos peculiares até momentos incomuns capturados pela lente da história, estas imagens oferecem uma visão fascinante de épocas passadas. Prepare-se para se surpreender e intrigar com essa jornada visual pelo incomum.
★ Obrigado! Deixe seu comentário abaixo! Curta e Compartilhe!
📷 Curtiu o vídeo? Deixe seu like ✔ Quer mais? Inscreva-se ✔
Explore o passado com uma coleção de 25 fotos antigas que desafiam a normalidade e mergulham no mundo do estranho e bizarro. Desde retratos peculiares até momentos incomuns capturados pela lente da história, estas imagens oferecem uma visão fascinante de épocas passadas. Prepare-se para se surpreender e intrigar com essa jornada visual pelo incomum.
★ Obrigado! Deixe seu comentário abaixo! Curta e Compartilhe!
- published: 06 Nov 2022
- views: 2014239
He's Been Locked In This Machine For 70 Years - Paul Alexander
Let's learn about Paul Alexander the man who's been locked in this machine for almost 70 years.
Suggest a topic here to be turned into a video: http://bit.ly/2k...
Let's learn about Paul Alexander the man who's been locked in this machine for almost 70 years.
Suggest a topic here to be turned into a video: http://bit.ly/2kwqhuh
Subscribe for more! ► https://goo.gl/pgcoq1 ◄
Stay updated ► https://goo.gl/JyGcTt https://goo.gl/5c8dzr ◄
For copyright queries or general inquiries please get in touch:
[email protected]
Legal Stuff.
Unless otherwise created by BeAmazed, licenses have been obtained for images/footage in the video from the following sources: https://pastebin.com/sDha7AGa
Let's learn about Paul Alexander the man who's been locked in this machine for almost 70 years.
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- published: 29 Aug 2021
- views: 7644548
兩位戲骨遺憾離世,洪莉娜慘遭車禍,李英愛人氣不再,只有她從配角逆襲成頂流! 《大長今》20年主演今何在?
2023年必追的高質量韓劇!朴敘俊韓素希、李敏鎬孔孝真驚喜合作,《阿斯達年代記》、《Sweet Home》等熱劇迎來第二季!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIKJmrXGraU&t=107s #人魚小姐張瑞希#多年龍套逆襲成大明星卻被自己作到谷底#今48歲整容失敗糊成素人
兩位戲骨遺憾離世,洪莉娜慘遭車禍,李英愛人氣不再,只有她從配角逆襲成頂流! 《大長今》20年主演今何在?
2023年必追的高質量韓劇!朴敘俊韓素希、李敏鎬孔孝真驚喜合作,《阿斯達年代記》、《Sweet Home》等熱劇迎來第二季!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIKJmrXGraU&t=107s #人魚小姐張瑞希#多年龍套逆襲成大明星卻被自己作到谷底#今48歲整容失敗糊成素人
- published: 04 Oct 2020
- views: 256863