The Painter Who Revolutionized Landscapes
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Haladyn, Julian Jason. “Friedrich’s ‘Wanderer’: Paradox of the Modern Subject.” RACAR: Revue d’art Canadienne / Canadian Art Review, vol. 41, no. 1, AAUC/UAAC (Association des universités d’art du Canada / Universities Art Association of Canada), 2016, pp. 47–61, http://www.jstor.org/stable/43855855.
Mitchell, Timothy. “Caspar David Friedrich’s Der Watzmann: German Romantic Landscape Painting and Historical Geology.” The Art Bulletin, vol. 66, no. 3, [Taylor & Francis, Ltd., College Art Association], 1984, pp. 452–64, https://doi.org/10....
published: 01 Jan 2022
Caspar Friedrich: The Master Of Romantic Landscape Paintings | The Great Artists
Caspar David Friedrich changed the face of landscape paintings with his intense and emotional focus on nature, and became a key member of the Romantic movement.
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#Painting #Art #History
published: 04 May 2023
Caspar David Friedrich - Explained in 10 Famous Paintings
German Romantic painter Caspar David Friedrich died in poverty after his works fell out of fashion, but on his 250th birthday he is the artist of the moment. Friedrich was a pioneer who still shapes the visual world of today. His most famous painting Wanderer over a Sea of Fog is a favorite of the selfie generation.
Friedrich's works focus on loneliness and the sublime and feature transformative encounters with spiritualised nature. They often allude to specific locations but are actually fantasy compositions.
Friedrich-mania explained with reference to ten of his most famous paintings. Kitsch or Kunst? And why does the artist always depict people from behind?
For more visit: https://www.dw.com/en/culture/s-1441
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published: 31 Mar 2024
ART/ARCHITECTURE - Caspar David Friedrich
Caspar David Friedrich made brooding sublime pictures that speak directly to our times and to the melancholy sides of us.
Enjoying our Youtube videos? Get full access to all our audio content, videos, and thousands of thought-provoking articles, conversation cards and more with The School of Life Subscription: https://t.ly/1GEF7
Be more mindful, present and inspired. Get the best of The School of Life delivered straight to your inbox: https://t.ly/HiwRL
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theschooloflifelondon/
Brought to you by http://www.theschooloflife.com
Produced in collaboration with Khyan Mansley
published: 03 Apr 2015
Know the Artist: Caspar David Friedrich
This is Several Circles, where we tell the stories of extraordinary artists from across history and the present day. We believe art history content should be accessible—free of charge and impenetrable jargon, but abundant in fascinating facts, illuminating analyses, and entertaining anecdotes.
Each episode is written and hosted by Rachel, an art journalist-turned-copywriter at The Met, and produced by Jason, a New York City art technician. The fuzzy feline superstars are Jimmy (big and bushy) and Tallulah (small with thumbs).
We started this channel to indulge our fascination with what compels an artist to create the way they do, and we intend to grow it into a vast and celebratory archive of the weird and wonderful eccentrics who constitute the art history continuum.
Subscribe and cl...
published: 22 Dec 2022
Great Art Explained: The Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog by Caspar David Friedrich
The first 500 people to use my link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare - https://skl.sh/greatartexplained01241
My other channel, Great Books Explained here - https://www.youtube.com/@greatbooksexplained371
Please consider supporting this channel on Patreon (and getting exclusive content), thanks! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=53686503
or if you prefer a one-off donation - https://paypal.me/GreatArtExplained?country.x=GB&locale.x=en_GB
Alternatively, every video has a "thanks" button under it- I appreciate it!
The age of Enlightenment was a European intellectual movement of the 17th and 18th centuries, and it focused mainly on the power of human intelligence to explain the natural world.
Romanticism emerged as a response to the cold science of the Enlightenment, with Romant...
published: 05 Jan 2024
Caspar David Friedrich: Superstar! | Twist | ARTE
Er gilt als Maler der Sehnsucht: Caspar David Friedrich. Sein 250. Geburtstag ist in Deutschland 'das' Kunstereignis des Jahres, mit Ausstellungen in Hamburg, Berlin, Dresden, Greifswald und sogar New York. Wer war dieser Caspar David Friedrich? Wir folgen seinen Spuren, reisen an seine Sehnsuchtsorte und treffen Künstler*innen, die er inspiriert hat.
Der Schriftsteller Florian Illies nähert sich in seinem Buch „Zauber der Stille“ dem Menschen Caspar David Friedrich an und beschreibt in einer wilden Zeitreise, wie er geliebt, gehasst und vereinnahmt wurde.
Der Landschaftsfotograf Kilian Schönberger sucht auf seinen Streifzügen durch die Natur „Caspar David Friedrich-Momente“ mit der Kamera und hat einen Bildband veröffentlicht: „Lockruf der Einsamkeit“. „Twist“ hat ihn in die Alpen begl...
published: 30 Jan 2024
What Friedrich Can Teach Us About The Sublime
What is the Sublime? To help us figure out what it is, we can look at Caspar David Friedrich's paintings and see what they can tell us about the Sublime. From the Wanderer Above The Sea of Fog to the Monk by the Sea, the Two Men Contemplating the Moon and the Abbey in the Oakwood, find out what Friedrich's paintings say about the enigmatic Sublime.
0:00 Intro
0:46 1. Nature
4:35 2. Vastness
6:50 3. Humans
7:47 Final Thoughts
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published: 06 Jul 2021
[media art] 새해의 길을 밝혀줄 노래 | Wanderer above the Sea of Fog & Fix You_Coldplay
📌ART: Wanderer above the Sea of Fog_Caspar David Friedrich
Fix You_Coldplay
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#Fix You #Coldplay #Wanderer above the Sea of Fog #Caspar David Friedrich #music #art #artreaming #pop #2025 #명화 #아트리밍
published: 30 Dec 2024
Caspar David Friedrich: vita e opere in 10 punti
Breve biografia della vita e di Caspar David Friedrich, uno dei più grandi artisti romantici. Nuovo video della serie #artistiin10punti▼▼CONTINUA SOTTO▼▼
Icona del romanticismo, Caspar David Friedrich nacque nel 1774 a Greifswald, in Pomerania, città tedesca di 5.000 abitanti sulle rive del mar Baltico, annessa alla Prussia nel 1815. Caspar fu il sesto dei dieci figli di Gottlieb Adolf, fabbricante di sapone e di candele, e di Sophie Dorothea Bechly. Dura e triste fu la sua vita, orfano di madre a sette anni, gli morì la prima sorella, Barbara, quando questa aveva appena venti mesi. L’altra sorella, Elisabeth, morì già grande, quando lui di anni ne aveva diciassette. La morte è costantemente presente nello spirito dei romantici, ma a maggior ragione fu presente nella vita di questo artist...
published: 16 Sep 2018
The Painter Who Revolutionized Landscapes
GET MY BOOK: https://amzn.to/3ymfQPV
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GET MY BOOK: https://amzn.to/3ymfQPV
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheeNerdwriter
Haladyn, Julian Jason. “Friedrich’s ‘Wanderer’: Paradox of the Modern Subject.” RACAR: Revue d’art Canadienne / Canadian Art Review, vol. 41, no. 1, AAUC/UAAC (Association des universités d’art du Canada / Universities Art Association of Canada), 2016, pp. 47–61, http://www.jstor.org/stable/43855855.
Mitchell, Timothy. “Caspar David Friedrich’s Der Watzmann: German Romantic Landscape Painting and Historical Geology.” The Art Bulletin, vol. 66, no. 3, [Taylor & Francis, Ltd., College Art Association], 1984, pp. 452–64, https://doi.org/10.2307/3050447.
Anoka Faruqee, "The Kantian Sublime: Why Care?"
Kant, The Critique of Judgement, Section 23
"From this it may be seen at once that we express ourselves on the whole inaccurately if we term any object of nature sublime, although we may with perfect propriety call many such objects beautiful. For how can that which is apprehended as inherently contra-final be noted with an expression of approval? All that we can say is that the object lends itself to the presentation of a sublimity discoverable in the mind."
Siegel, Linda. “Synaesthesia and the Paintings of Caspar David Friedrich.” Art Journal, vol. 33, no. 3, [Taylor & Francis, Ltd., College Art Association], 1974, pp. 196–204, https://doi.org/10.2307/775782.
Paulo Pinto, "The experience of the sublime in the work of Caspar David Friedrich"
Matthew Fitzgerald, "The Sublime: An Aesthetic Concept in Change
MUSIC (via Epidemic Sound)
Martin Gauffin, "The Lowest"
August Wilhelmsson, "Now Is The Time To Leave"
David Celeste, "A Song Of Lament"
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The Nerdwriter is a series of video essays about art, culture, politics, philosophy and more.
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheeNerdwriter
Haladyn, Julian Jason. “Friedrich’s ‘Wanderer’: Paradox of the Modern Subject.” RACAR: Revue d’art Canadienne / Canadian Art Review, vol. 41, no. 1, AAUC/UAAC (Association des universités d’art du Canada / Universities Art Association of Canada), 2016, pp. 47–61, http://www.jstor.org/stable/43855855.
Mitchell, Timothy. “Caspar David Friedrich’s Der Watzmann: German Romantic Landscape Painting and Historical Geology.” The Art Bulletin, vol. 66, no. 3, [Taylor & Francis, Ltd., College Art Association], 1984, pp. 452–64, https://doi.org/10.2307/3050447.
Anoka Faruqee, "The Kantian Sublime: Why Care?"
Kant, The Critique of Judgement, Section 23
"From this it may be seen at once that we express ourselves on the whole inaccurately if we term any object of nature sublime, although we may with perfect propriety call many such objects beautiful. For how can that which is apprehended as inherently contra-final be noted with an expression of approval? All that we can say is that the object lends itself to the presentation of a sublimity discoverable in the mind."
Siegel, Linda. “Synaesthesia and the Paintings of Caspar David Friedrich.” Art Journal, vol. 33, no. 3, [Taylor & Francis, Ltd., College Art Association], 1974, pp. 196–204, https://doi.org/10.2307/775782.
Paulo Pinto, "The experience of the sublime in the work of Caspar David Friedrich"
Matthew Fitzgerald, "The Sublime: An Aesthetic Concept in Change
MUSIC (via Epidemic Sound)
Martin Gauffin, "The Lowest"
August Wilhelmsson, "Now Is The Time To Leave"
David Celeste, "A Song Of Lament"
Watch More Nerdwriter:
Latest Uploads: https://youtube.com/watch?v=gqlgf_q3nN4&list=PLwg4AG1KkgLxZ2RPuELOONAszjFfv5DvT
Understanding Art: https://youtube.com/watch?v=cLJAXu5OD-c&list=PLwg4AG1KkgLwP5FuUIiVEy-ILMD23AN1v
Essays About Art: https://youtube.com/watch?v=cLJAXu5OD-c&list=PLwg4AG1KkgLwv68sdgTCCK8F8OjhSjbMl
Essays About Social Science: https://youtube.com/watch?v=hBweUnkfQ2E&list=PLwg4AG1KkgLz2pLNCT97EbZgwCgnTV_kR
Popular Videos: https://youtube.com/watch?v=_aFo_BV-UzI&list=PLwg4AG1KkgLx18HrK7lCOjRXZFpmrdkvV
The Nerdwriter is a series of video essays about art, culture, politics, philosophy and more.
- published: 01 Jan 2022
- views: 341985
Caspar Friedrich: The Master Of Romantic Landscape Paintings | The Great Artists
Caspar David Friedrich changed the face of landscape paintings with his intense and emotional focus on nature, and became a key member of the Romantic movement....
Caspar David Friedrich changed the face of landscape paintings with his intense and emotional focus on nature, and became a key member of the Romantic movement.
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#Painting #Art #History
Caspar David Friedrich changed the face of landscape paintings with his intense and emotional focus on nature, and became a key member of the Romantic movement.
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Perspective is YouTube's home for the arts. Come here to get your fill of great music, theatre, art and much, much more!
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Any queries, please contact us at:
[email protected]
#Painting #Art #History
- published: 04 May 2023
- views: 62806
Caspar David Friedrich - Explained in 10 Famous Paintings
German Romantic painter Caspar David Friedrich died in poverty after his works fell out of fashion, but on his 250th birthday he is the artist of the moment. Fr...
German Romantic painter Caspar David Friedrich died in poverty after his works fell out of fashion, but on his 250th birthday he is the artist of the moment. Friedrich was a pioneer who still shapes the visual world of today. His most famous painting Wanderer over a Sea of Fog is a favorite of the selfie generation.
Friedrich's works focus on loneliness and the sublime and feature transformative encounters with spiritualised nature. They often allude to specific locations but are actually fantasy compositions.
Friedrich-mania explained with reference to ten of his most famous paintings. Kitsch or Kunst? And why does the artist always depict people from behind?
For more visit: https://www.dw.com/en/culture/s-1441
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00:00 Introduction
01:07 The Power of Imagination
06:35 Memories of Childhood
08:23 Painting for the Environment
12:28 Solitude
15:40 Pictures of Eternity
18:18 Friendships
19:57 Painter for the Masses
22:20 Future of Romanticism
German Romantic painter Caspar David Friedrich died in poverty after his works fell out of fashion, but on his 250th birthday he is the artist of the moment. Friedrich was a pioneer who still shapes the visual world of today. His most famous painting Wanderer over a Sea of Fog is a favorite of the selfie generation.
Friedrich's works focus on loneliness and the sublime and feature transformative encounters with spiritualised nature. They often allude to specific locations but are actually fantasy compositions.
Friedrich-mania explained with reference to ten of his most famous paintings. Kitsch or Kunst? And why does the artist always depict people from behind?
For more visit: https://www.dw.com/en/culture/s-1441
⮞ Follow DW Culture on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dw.culture
⮞ Follow DW Culture on Twitter: twitter.com/DW_Culture
Please follow DW's netiquette: https://p.dw.com/p/MF1G
00:00 Introduction
01:07 The Power of Imagination
06:35 Memories of Childhood
08:23 Painting for the Environment
12:28 Solitude
15:40 Pictures of Eternity
18:18 Friendships
19:57 Painter for the Masses
22:20 Future of Romanticism
- published: 31 Mar 2024
- views: 18711
ART/ARCHITECTURE - Caspar David Friedrich
Caspar David Friedrich made brooding sublime pictures that speak directly to our times and to the melancholy sides of us.
Enjoying our Youtube videos? Get ful...
Caspar David Friedrich made brooding sublime pictures that speak directly to our times and to the melancholy sides of us.
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Produced in collaboration with Khyan Mansley
http://www.youtube.com/khyan1 #TheSchoolOfLife
Caspar David Friedrich made brooding sublime pictures that speak directly to our times and to the melancholy sides of us.
Enjoying our Youtube videos? Get full access to all our audio content, videos, and thousands of thought-provoking articles, conversation cards and more with The School of Life Subscription: https://t.ly/1GEF7
Be more mindful, present and inspired. Get the best of The School of Life delivered straight to your inbox: https://t.ly/HiwRL
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Brought to you by http://www.theschooloflife.com
Produced in collaboration with Khyan Mansley
http://www.youtube.com/khyan1 #TheSchoolOfLife
- published: 03 Apr 2015
- views: 227788
Know the Artist: Caspar David Friedrich
This is Several Circles, where we tell the stories of extraordinary artists from across history and the present day. We believe art history content should be ac...
This is Several Circles, where we tell the stories of extraordinary artists from across history and the present day. We believe art history content should be accessible—free of charge and impenetrable jargon, but abundant in fascinating facts, illuminating analyses, and entertaining anecdotes.
Each episode is written and hosted by Rachel, an art journalist-turned-copywriter at The Met, and produced by Jason, a New York City art technician. The fuzzy feline superstars are Jimmy (big and bushy) and Tallulah (small with thumbs).
We started this channel to indulge our fascination with what compels an artist to create the way they do, and we intend to grow it into a vast and celebratory archive of the weird and wonderful eccentrics who constitute the art history continuum.
Subscribe and click the bell to be notified whenever we publish a new video!
#CasparDavidFriedrich #Friedrich #romanticart
This episode's Community Spotlight is on the Canadian artist Stéphane Richard! Check out his work at www.stephanerichardart.com, on Facebook: www.facebook.com/stephanerichardart, and on Instagram: www.instagram.com/stephanerichardart/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
This video is sponsored by #Masterworks.
Skip the waitlist and invest in blue-chip art for the very first time by signing up for Masterworks: https://masterworks.art/severalcircles
Purchase shares in great masterpieces from artists like Francis Bacon, Banksy, Andy Warhol, and more.
See important Masterworks disclosures: https://www.masterworks.io/about/disclaimer
This is Several Circles, where we tell the stories of extraordinary artists from across history and the present day. We believe art history content should be accessible—free of charge and impenetrable jargon, but abundant in fascinating facts, illuminating analyses, and entertaining anecdotes.
Each episode is written and hosted by Rachel, an art journalist-turned-copywriter at The Met, and produced by Jason, a New York City art technician. The fuzzy feline superstars are Jimmy (big and bushy) and Tallulah (small with thumbs).
We started this channel to indulge our fascination with what compels an artist to create the way they do, and we intend to grow it into a vast and celebratory archive of the weird and wonderful eccentrics who constitute the art history continuum.
Subscribe and click the bell to be notified whenever we publish a new video!
#CasparDavidFriedrich #Friedrich #romanticart
This episode's Community Spotlight is on the Canadian artist Stéphane Richard! Check out his work at www.stephanerichardart.com, on Facebook: www.facebook.com/stephanerichardart, and on Instagram: www.instagram.com/stephanerichardart/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
This video is sponsored by #Masterworks.
Skip the waitlist and invest in blue-chip art for the very first time by signing up for Masterworks: https://masterworks.art/severalcircles
Purchase shares in great masterpieces from artists like Francis Bacon, Banksy, Andy Warhol, and more.
See important Masterworks disclosures: https://www.masterworks.io/about/disclaimer
- published: 22 Dec 2022
- views: 14316
Great Art Explained: The Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog by Caspar David Friedrich
The first 500 people to use my link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare - https://skl.sh/greatartexplained01241
My other channel, Great Books Explained...
The first 500 people to use my link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare - https://skl.sh/greatartexplained01241
My other channel, Great Books Explained here - https://www.youtube.com/@greatbooksexplained371
Please consider supporting this channel on Patreon (and getting exclusive content), thanks! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=53686503
or if you prefer a one-off donation - https://paypal.me/GreatArtExplained?country.x=GB&locale.x=en_GB
Alternatively, every video has a "thanks" button under it- I appreciate it!
The age of Enlightenment was a European intellectual movement of the 17th and 18th centuries, and it focused mainly on the power of human intelligence to explain the natural world.
Romanticism emerged as a response to the cold science of the Enlightenment, with Romantics maintaining that art emerges from divine inspiration, and the artist’s role is as the mediator between the creative and the divine.
The romantic age was characterised by a sense of drama and by the sublime spirit, a philosophical tradition, where a power or a force, an event or even beauty is so overwhelming, so awe inspiring and infinite, that it is beyond our comprehension. Nature, wild and uncontrolled became a major subject and the focus shifted to reconnecting with emotion and spirituality.
The Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog by Caspar David Friedrich is a perfect embodiment of these ideas.
I would like to thank all my Patreon supporters, in particular, Alan Stewart, Alexander Velser, Alyssa Phillips, AMSN, Anja Zeutschel, Bria Nicole Art, David Asabreu, Christa Sawyer, Eric Mann, Erique K, Francis Song, Griffin Evans, Hugo Moita, Jemma Theivendran, John Baer, Jon Hanzen, Julio Cardenas, Karim Hopper, Kibibi Shaw, Louise Tait, Monte St Johns, New Curiosity, Paul Ark, Paul Waterman, Sager Saxena, Sean Welgemoed, Stefan Paisson, Stephen Beresford, Tanya Moore, Theresa Garfink, Toni Ko, tyler Wittreich, and Will Dew's-Power.
"What a brilliant series this is" - Stephen Fry on Twitter
I input the English subtitles myself but I rely on volunteers to do subtitles for other languages and I really appreciate it - just contact me at
[email protected]
Spanish Subtitles by Alma Perdomo (Gracias)
Opening Animation and Title Sequence by Brian Adsit (instagram https://instagram.com/brian_vfx?utm_m... and Behance www.behance.com/badsit88)
Sound Mix by Robert Lewis (Thank you!)
Aerial mountain footage by Maarten Schot - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsUmi18C3sc
Hermannsdenkmal Detmold - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_ZGoPUErmQ&t=44s
All the videos, songs, images, and graphics used in the video belong to their respective owners and I or this channel do not claim any right over them.
Caspar David Friedrich by Johannes Grave
Friedrich by Norbert Wolf
Caspar David Friedrich and the Subject of Landscape by Joseph Leo Koerner
Caspar David Friedrich: The Spirit of German Romanticism in Art by Clifford West
Tristan und Isolde by Richard Wagner, 1859
Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.
The first 500 people to use my link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare - https://skl.sh/greatartexplained01241
My other channel, Great Books Explained here - https://www.youtube.com/@greatbooksexplained371
Please consider supporting this channel on Patreon (and getting exclusive content), thanks! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=53686503
or if you prefer a one-off donation - https://paypal.me/GreatArtExplained?country.x=GB&locale.x=en_GB
Alternatively, every video has a "thanks" button under it- I appreciate it!
The age of Enlightenment was a European intellectual movement of the 17th and 18th centuries, and it focused mainly on the power of human intelligence to explain the natural world.
Romanticism emerged as a response to the cold science of the Enlightenment, with Romantics maintaining that art emerges from divine inspiration, and the artist’s role is as the mediator between the creative and the divine.
The romantic age was characterised by a sense of drama and by the sublime spirit, a philosophical tradition, where a power or a force, an event or even beauty is so overwhelming, so awe inspiring and infinite, that it is beyond our comprehension. Nature, wild and uncontrolled became a major subject and the focus shifted to reconnecting with emotion and spirituality.
The Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog by Caspar David Friedrich is a perfect embodiment of these ideas.
I would like to thank all my Patreon supporters, in particular, Alan Stewart, Alexander Velser, Alyssa Phillips, AMSN, Anja Zeutschel, Bria Nicole Art, David Asabreu, Christa Sawyer, Eric Mann, Erique K, Francis Song, Griffin Evans, Hugo Moita, Jemma Theivendran, John Baer, Jon Hanzen, Julio Cardenas, Karim Hopper, Kibibi Shaw, Louise Tait, Monte St Johns, New Curiosity, Paul Ark, Paul Waterman, Sager Saxena, Sean Welgemoed, Stefan Paisson, Stephen Beresford, Tanya Moore, Theresa Garfink, Toni Ko, tyler Wittreich, and Will Dew's-Power.
"What a brilliant series this is" - Stephen Fry on Twitter
I input the English subtitles myself but I rely on volunteers to do subtitles for other languages and I really appreciate it - just contact me at
[email protected]
Spanish Subtitles by Alma Perdomo (Gracias)
Opening Animation and Title Sequence by Brian Adsit (instagram https://instagram.com/brian_vfx?utm_m... and Behance www.behance.com/badsit88)
Sound Mix by Robert Lewis (Thank you!)
Aerial mountain footage by Maarten Schot - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsUmi18C3sc
Hermannsdenkmal Detmold - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_ZGoPUErmQ&t=44s
All the videos, songs, images, and graphics used in the video belong to their respective owners and I or this channel do not claim any right over them.
Caspar David Friedrich by Johannes Grave
Friedrich by Norbert Wolf
Caspar David Friedrich and the Subject of Landscape by Joseph Leo Koerner
Caspar David Friedrich: The Spirit of German Romanticism in Art by Clifford West
Tristan und Isolde by Richard Wagner, 1859
Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.
- published: 05 Jan 2024
- views: 222708
Caspar David Friedrich: Superstar! | Twist | ARTE
Er gilt als Maler der Sehnsucht: Caspar David Friedrich. Sein 250. Geburtstag ist in Deutschland 'das' Kunstereignis des Jahres, mit Ausstellungen in Hamburg, B...
Er gilt als Maler der Sehnsucht: Caspar David Friedrich. Sein 250. Geburtstag ist in Deutschland 'das' Kunstereignis des Jahres, mit Ausstellungen in Hamburg, Berlin, Dresden, Greifswald und sogar New York. Wer war dieser Caspar David Friedrich? Wir folgen seinen Spuren, reisen an seine Sehnsuchtsorte und treffen Künstler*innen, die er inspiriert hat.
Der Schriftsteller Florian Illies nähert sich in seinem Buch „Zauber der Stille“ dem Menschen Caspar David Friedrich an und beschreibt in einer wilden Zeitreise, wie er geliebt, gehasst und vereinnahmt wurde.
Der Landschaftsfotograf Kilian Schönberger sucht auf seinen Streifzügen durch die Natur „Caspar David Friedrich-Momente“ mit der Kamera und hat einen Bildband veröffentlicht: „Lockruf der Einsamkeit“. „Twist“ hat ihn in die Alpen begleitet.
Inspiriert von Friedrich ist auch die Konzeptkünstlerin Swaantje Güntzel. So wie in der Romantik die Beziehung Mensch-Natur neu ausgelotet wurde, thematisiert auch sie unser Verhältnis zur Natur - mit provokanten Kunstaktionen.
Die Stimmung der magischen Friedrich-Bilder hat auch den Musiker Schiller inspiriert. Er hat den „Wanderer über dem Nebelmeer“ vertont. In seinen sphärischen Klangwolken mischt er elektronische und sinfonische Sounds.
Caspar David Friedrichs Kunst inspiriert – vielleicht, weil sie so erstaunlich zeitlos ist.
Magazin (D 2024, 30 Min)
0:00 Intro 250.Geburtstag Caspar David Friedrich / Werkschau Hamburg
5:35 Schriftsteller Florian Illies über Caspar David Friedrich
10:04 Fotograf Kilian Schönberger sucht CDF-Momente mit Kamera
14:52 Friedrich und Greifswald
19:35 Friedrich und Videogames
20:51 Friedrich und die zeitgenössische Kunst, 21:33 Künstlerin Swaantje Güntzel
24:00 Musikprojekt Schiller, musikalisch inspiriert von Friedrich
#caspardavidfriedrich #twist #arte
Video auf Youtube verfügbar bis zum 27/01/2025
Mediathek: https://www.arte.tv/de/videos/116057-001-A/twist/
Weitere Links:
SCHILLER official @schillermusik2040
Abonniert unseren YouTube Kulturkanal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsygZtQQSplGF6JA3XWvsdg
Abonniert unseren YouTube Hauptkanal (Dokus und Reportagen):
Folgt uns in den sozialen Netzwerken:
Facebook: https://de-de.facebook.com/artede/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arte.tv/?hl=de
Er gilt als Maler der Sehnsucht: Caspar David Friedrich. Sein 250. Geburtstag ist in Deutschland 'das' Kunstereignis des Jahres, mit Ausstellungen in Hamburg, Berlin, Dresden, Greifswald und sogar New York. Wer war dieser Caspar David Friedrich? Wir folgen seinen Spuren, reisen an seine Sehnsuchtsorte und treffen Künstler*innen, die er inspiriert hat.
Der Schriftsteller Florian Illies nähert sich in seinem Buch „Zauber der Stille“ dem Menschen Caspar David Friedrich an und beschreibt in einer wilden Zeitreise, wie er geliebt, gehasst und vereinnahmt wurde.
Der Landschaftsfotograf Kilian Schönberger sucht auf seinen Streifzügen durch die Natur „Caspar David Friedrich-Momente“ mit der Kamera und hat einen Bildband veröffentlicht: „Lockruf der Einsamkeit“. „Twist“ hat ihn in die Alpen begleitet.
Inspiriert von Friedrich ist auch die Konzeptkünstlerin Swaantje Güntzel. So wie in der Romantik die Beziehung Mensch-Natur neu ausgelotet wurde, thematisiert auch sie unser Verhältnis zur Natur - mit provokanten Kunstaktionen.
Die Stimmung der magischen Friedrich-Bilder hat auch den Musiker Schiller inspiriert. Er hat den „Wanderer über dem Nebelmeer“ vertont. In seinen sphärischen Klangwolken mischt er elektronische und sinfonische Sounds.
Caspar David Friedrichs Kunst inspiriert – vielleicht, weil sie so erstaunlich zeitlos ist.
Magazin (D 2024, 30 Min)
0:00 Intro 250.Geburtstag Caspar David Friedrich / Werkschau Hamburg
5:35 Schriftsteller Florian Illies über Caspar David Friedrich
10:04 Fotograf Kilian Schönberger sucht CDF-Momente mit Kamera
14:52 Friedrich und Greifswald
19:35 Friedrich und Videogames
20:51 Friedrich und die zeitgenössische Kunst, 21:33 Künstlerin Swaantje Güntzel
24:00 Musikprojekt Schiller, musikalisch inspiriert von Friedrich
#caspardavidfriedrich #twist #arte
Video auf Youtube verfügbar bis zum 27/01/2025
Mediathek: https://www.arte.tv/de/videos/116057-001-A/twist/
Weitere Links:
SCHILLER official @schillermusik2040
Abonniert unseren YouTube Kulturkanal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsygZtQQSplGF6JA3XWvsdg
Abonniert unseren YouTube Hauptkanal (Dokus und Reportagen):
Folgt uns in den sozialen Netzwerken:
Facebook: https://de-de.facebook.com/artede/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arte.tv/?hl=de
- published: 30 Jan 2024
- views: 84028
What Friedrich Can Teach Us About The Sublime
What is the Sublime? To help us figure out what it is, we can look at Caspar David Friedrich's paintings and see what they can tell us about the Sublime. From t...
What is the Sublime? To help us figure out what it is, we can look at Caspar David Friedrich's paintings and see what they can tell us about the Sublime. From the Wanderer Above The Sea of Fog to the Monk by the Sea, the Two Men Contemplating the Moon and the Abbey in the Oakwood, find out what Friedrich's paintings say about the enigmatic Sublime.
0:00 Intro
0:46 1. Nature
4:35 2. Vastness
6:50 3. Humans
7:47 Final Thoughts
Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheCanvas
What is the Sublime? To help us figure out what it is, we can look at Caspar David Friedrich's paintings and see what they can tell us about the Sublime. From the Wanderer Above The Sea of Fog to the Monk by the Sea, the Two Men Contemplating the Moon and the Abbey in the Oakwood, find out what Friedrich's paintings say about the enigmatic Sublime.
0:00 Intro
0:46 1. Nature
4:35 2. Vastness
6:50 3. Humans
7:47 Final Thoughts
Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheCanvas
- published: 06 Jul 2021
- views: 113710
[media art] 새해의 길을 밝혀줄 노래 | Wanderer above the Sea of Fog & Fix You_Coldplay
📌ART: Wanderer above the Sea of Fog_Caspar David Friedrich
Fix You_Coldplay
💖구독과 좋아요는 영상 제작에 큰 힘이 됩니다.
구독하기 https://www.youtube.com/@artreaming
📌ART: Wanderer above the Sea of Fog_Caspar David Friedrich
Fix You_Coldplay
💖구독과 좋아요는 영상 제작에 큰 힘이 됩니다.
구독하기 https://www.youtube.com/@artreaming
✅ 영상 속 광고는 유튜브 저작권 규정상 자동 삽입되며 수익은 저작권자에게 갑니다.
#Fix You #Coldplay #Wanderer above the Sea of Fog #Caspar David Friedrich #music #art #artreaming #pop #2025 #명화 #아트리밍
📌ART: Wanderer above the Sea of Fog_Caspar David Friedrich
Fix You_Coldplay
💖구독과 좋아요는 영상 제작에 큰 힘이 됩니다.
구독하기 https://www.youtube.com/@artreaming
✅ 영상 속 광고는 유튜브 저작권 규정상 자동 삽입되며 수익은 저작권자에게 갑니다.
#Fix You #Coldplay #Wanderer above the Sea of Fog #Caspar David Friedrich #music #art #artreaming #pop #2025 #명화 #아트리밍
- published: 30 Dec 2024
- views: 1673
Caspar David Friedrich: vita e opere in 10 punti
Breve biografia della vita e di Caspar David Friedrich, uno dei più grandi artisti romantici. Nuovo video della serie #artistiin10punti▼▼CONTINUA SOTTO▼▼
Breve biografia della vita e di Caspar David Friedrich, uno dei più grandi artisti romantici. Nuovo video della serie #artistiin10punti▼▼CONTINUA SOTTO▼▼
Icona del romanticismo, Caspar David Friedrich nacque nel 1774 a Greifswald, in Pomerania, città tedesca di 5.000 abitanti sulle rive del mar Baltico, annessa alla Prussia nel 1815. Caspar fu il sesto dei dieci figli di Gottlieb Adolf, fabbricante di sapone e di candele, e di Sophie Dorothea Bechly. Dura e triste fu la sua vita, orfano di madre a sette anni, gli morì la prima sorella, Barbara, quando questa aveva appena venti mesi. L’altra sorella, Elisabeth, morì già grande, quando lui di anni ne aveva diciassette. La morte è costantemente presente nello spirito dei romantici, ma a maggior ragione fu presente nella vita di questo artista.
Il video inoltre è sottotitolato in italiano, inglese, francese e spagnolo. Per i sottotitoli in lingua straniera puoi contribuire anche tu! Segui quindi la playlist per non perderti mai nulla e lascia un commento sotto ai video in cui puoi tu stesso suggerirci opere oppure nuovi temi da trattare in futuro. Il tuo contributo è quindi molto prezioso 😉
#artesplorando #CasparDavidFriedrich
➡ Friedrich per Taschen https://amzn.to/2Mfmr4h
➡ https://www.artesplorando.it/tag/caspar-david-friedrich
➡ https://www.youtube.com/artesplorandochannel
LA MIA PAGINA FB: https://www.facebook.com/Artesplorando/
IL MIO TWITTER: https://twitter.com/artesplorando
IL MIO PINTEREST: https://it.pinterest.com/artesplorando/
IL MIO PROFILO LINKEDIN: http://bit.ly/2j2Bi22
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IL MIO NEGOZIO: https://shop.spreadshirt.it/artesplorando/
IL MIO SITO: http://www.artesplorando.it/
➡ Al museo con Artesplorando: http://bit.ly/2dJDEyZ
➡ Audioquadri: http://bit.ly/2hDPO1A
➡ 10 momenti di: http://bit.ly/2dJCQdk
➡ Artisti in 10 punti: http://bit.ly/2dJCEur
➡ Artesplorazioni: http://bit.ly/2iW15bP
➡ Quick Art: http://bit.ly/2j7jkvp
Breve biografia della vita e di Caspar David Friedrich, uno dei più grandi artisti romantici. Nuovo video della serie #artistiin10punti▼▼CONTINUA SOTTO▼▼
Icona del romanticismo, Caspar David Friedrich nacque nel 1774 a Greifswald, in Pomerania, città tedesca di 5.000 abitanti sulle rive del mar Baltico, annessa alla Prussia nel 1815. Caspar fu il sesto dei dieci figli di Gottlieb Adolf, fabbricante di sapone e di candele, e di Sophie Dorothea Bechly. Dura e triste fu la sua vita, orfano di madre a sette anni, gli morì la prima sorella, Barbara, quando questa aveva appena venti mesi. L’altra sorella, Elisabeth, morì già grande, quando lui di anni ne aveva diciassette. La morte è costantemente presente nello spirito dei romantici, ma a maggior ragione fu presente nella vita di questo artista.
Il video inoltre è sottotitolato in italiano, inglese, francese e spagnolo. Per i sottotitoli in lingua straniera puoi contribuire anche tu! Segui quindi la playlist per non perderti mai nulla e lascia un commento sotto ai video in cui puoi tu stesso suggerirci opere oppure nuovi temi da trattare in futuro. Il tuo contributo è quindi molto prezioso 😉
#artesplorando #CasparDavidFriedrich
➡ Friedrich per Taschen https://amzn.to/2Mfmr4h
➡ https://www.artesplorando.it/tag/caspar-david-friedrich
➡ https://www.youtube.com/artesplorandochannel
LA MIA PAGINA FB: https://www.facebook.com/Artesplorando/
IL MIO TWITTER: https://twitter.com/artesplorando
IL MIO PINTEREST: https://it.pinterest.com/artesplorando/
IL MIO PROFILO LINKEDIN: http://bit.ly/2j2Bi22
IL MIO INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/artesplorando/
IL MIO NEGOZIO: https://shop.spreadshirt.it/artesplorando/
IL MIO SITO: http://www.artesplorando.it/
➡ Al museo con Artesplorando: http://bit.ly/2dJDEyZ
➡ Audioquadri: http://bit.ly/2hDPO1A
➡ 10 momenti di: http://bit.ly/2dJCQdk
➡ Artisti in 10 punti: http://bit.ly/2dJCEur
➡ Artesplorazioni: http://bit.ly/2iW15bP
➡ Quick Art: http://bit.ly/2j7jkvp
- published: 16 Sep 2018
- views: 43296