Boyko or Boiko (Cyrillic: Бойки, Polish:Bojkowie, Slovak:Pujďáci), or simply Highlanders (verkhovyntsi) are a Ukrainian ethnographic group located in the Carpathian Mountains of Ukraine and Poland. Along with the neighboring Lemkos and Hutsuls, the Boykos are a sub-group of the Ukrainian people and speak a dialect of the Ukrainian language. Boykos differ from their neighbors in dialect, dress, folk architecture, and customs.
In Ukraine, the classification of Boykos and other Rusyns as an East Slavic ethnicity, distinct from Ukrainians is controversial. (The deprecated and archaic term Ruthenian, while it is also derived from Rus', is ambiguous, as it technically may refer to Rusyns and Ukrainians, as well as Belarusians and even Russians, depending on the historical period.) According to the 2011 Ukraine census only 131 people identified themselves as Boykos, separate from Ukrainians. However, this figure is distorted for two reasons: some people otherwise identifiable as Boykos regard that name as derogatory, In the Polish census of 2011, 258 people identified their nationality as Boyko, with 14 people listing it as their only national identification.
Who are the Boikos and where does their name come from? Find out in this short introductory video.
Where does "Lemko/лемко" come from?:
Where is Lemkovyna?:
Lemko With History
rusyn,lemko,carpathian rus,carpatho-Rusyn,ruthenia,ukraine,zakarpattia,lemkovyna,lemkowithhistory,hutsul,boyko,rusnak,history,hungary,greek-catholic,бойко,верховинці,boiko
published: 17 Oct 2022
Бойки 🌈 Boykos (Carpathian highlanders)
Boykos - group of Ukrainian highlanders from the Carpathian mountains. Maternal genetics of Boykos -
Материнська генетика бойків - - статистично бойки взагалі не були схожі на європейців за генетичними групами материнського походження.
Генетично бойки дуже далекі від словян (українців включно) та сучасних європейських народів (а понад усіх від гуцулів). Генетично бойки близькі доісторичному населенню Європи (ще до епохи Трипілля). Схожий до бойків генетичний склад мають перші землероби Європи. Genetically Boikos are very far from the Slavs and modern Europeans. The genetic pool of Boikos is the same as among neolithic prehistoric population of Europe, the first European farmers (LBK culture, read link above)....
Бойки / Boykos / Bojkos / Bojkowie. The most numerous and very distinct group of Ukrainian highlanders from the Carpathian mountains in west Ukraine. They have unique peculiar genetics, own dialect, own peculiar folk dress and music.
Music: Floyara pipe music from the Ukrainian Carpathian mountains. Floyara (1 meter long pipe) - favourite instrument of sheep shepherds from the mountains in west Ukraine. Also widely known in Slovakia (Slovak Carpathians) as fujara (not quite the same, but very similiar tool). Floyara is more known among and played Hutsuls rather than Boykos though.
I think Boykos have relations to the most ancient European archeological culture of (first agriculturalists) Trypillya - Cucuteni (at least they have almost same genetic pool as ancient LBK population / relate...
published: 03 Jul 2013
БОЙКИ | Boykos | Ukrainian Carpathian highlanders
Бойки (Boikos / Boykos) - Ukrainian highlanders of Halychyna in western Ukraine. Subgroup (one of the largest groups) of Ukrainian highlanders who inhabit the Carapathian mountains in south Lviv, and western Ivano-Frankivsk regions of Ukraine. Traditional Boiko music. Бойківщина. Українськи бойки. Бойківська музика.
Origisn of Boikos are not clear. Some speak that they are of Slavic - Vlach (Romanian) mixture. Others say that this might be ancient Celtic grooup that stems from celtic tribe of Boi (same as ancient Boi of Bohemia).
published: 21 May 2012
Бойківська коломийка Boykos Ukrainian highlanders
published: 09 Apr 2016
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published: 15 Jul 2017
Бойківський краю Бойки Boykos Ukrainian song
published: 09 Apr 2016
Бойківчанка 💕 Boyko girl | Ukrainian song
Бойківчанка (Boikivchanka / Boiko girl) - Ukrainian song from the Carpathian mountains in western corner of Ukraine. Пісня про бойківчанку.
Photo: Boiko girl in traditional dress - Maria Shpak, who was born in Boiko town of Perehinske, Ivano-Frankivsk region.
На світлині: Бойківчанка Марія Шпак, родом зі бойківського містечка Перегінське в Карпатах.
published: 18 Jun 2012
Boyko Dance on a Barrel
Dance on a Barrel (Bitlya, Lviv region). Excerpt from video "The Boyko Republic".
More about Ukrainian Dance Workshop Tour -
More video -
published: 11 Feb 2015
BOYKOS OFF SEASON S.P.E.E.D. program crew speak about the workout at the track.
BC LIONS and MIAMI DOlPHIN speak after a good track workout with coach Boyko.
Who are the Boikos and where does their name come from? Find out in this short introductory video.
Where does "Lemko/лемко" come from?:
Who are the Boikos and where does their name come from? Find out in this short introductory video.
Where does "Lemko/лемко" come from?:
Where is Lemkovyna?:
Lemko With History
rusyn,lemko,carpathian rus,carpatho-Rusyn,ruthenia,ukraine,zakarpattia,lemkovyna,lemkowithhistory,hutsul,boyko,rusnak,history,hungary,greek-catholic,бойко,верховинці,boiko
Who are the Boikos and where does their name come from? Find out in this short introductory video.
Where does "Lemko/лемко" come from?:
Where is Lemkovyna?:
Lemko With History
rusyn,lemko,carpathian rus,carpatho-Rusyn,ruthenia,ukraine,zakarpattia,lemkovyna,lemkowithhistory,hutsul,boyko,rusnak,history,hungary,greek-catholic,бойко,верховинці,boiko
Boykos - group of Ukrainian highlanders from the Carpathian mountains. Maternal genetics of Boykos -
Материнська генети...
Boykos - group of Ukrainian highlanders from the Carpathian mountains. Maternal genetics of Boykos -
Материнська генетика бойків - - статистично бойки взагалі не були схожі на європейців за генетичними групами материнського походження.
Генетично бойки дуже далекі від словян (українців включно) та сучасних європейських народів (а понад усіх від гуцулів). Генетично бойки близькі доісторичному населенню Європи (ще до епохи Трипілля). Схожий до бойків генетичний склад мають перші землероби Європи. Genetically Boikos are very far from the Slavs and modern Europeans. The genetic pool of Boikos is the same as among neolithic prehistoric population of Europe, the first European farmers (LBK culture, read link above).
Оскільки бойки генетично далекі від слов'яно- романо- чи германомовних народів, у сиву давнину у них мала бути своя оригінальна несловянська архаїчна праіндоєвропейська мова, з часом бойки були у скоріш за все витіснені у гори прийшлими прасловянами (асимільовані карпатськими хорватами) з півночі та з півдня вони відступали у гори перед кельтами / ілліро-дакійцями.
Boykos have same genetic pool as Linear Pottery cultures ca. 5500 - 4500 BC (yellow and bright green fields on the map:
that was followed by Alföld culture 2100-1700 BC:
Boykos - group of Ukrainian highlanders from the Carpathian mountains. Maternal genetics of Boykos -
Материнська генетика бойків - - статистично бойки взагалі не були схожі на європейців за генетичними групами материнського походження.
Генетично бойки дуже далекі від словян (українців включно) та сучасних європейських народів (а понад усіх від гуцулів). Генетично бойки близькі доісторичному населенню Європи (ще до епохи Трипілля). Схожий до бойків генетичний склад мають перші землероби Європи. Genetically Boikos are very far from the Slavs and modern Europeans. The genetic pool of Boikos is the same as among neolithic prehistoric population of Europe, the first European farmers (LBK culture, read link above).
Оскільки бойки генетично далекі від слов'яно- романо- чи германомовних народів, у сиву давнину у них мала бути своя оригінальна несловянська архаїчна праіндоєвропейська мова, з часом бойки були у скоріш за все витіснені у гори прийшлими прасловянами (асимільовані карпатськими хорватами) з півночі та з півдня вони відступали у гори перед кельтами / ілліро-дакійцями.
Boykos have same genetic pool as Linear Pottery cultures ca. 5500 - 4500 BC (yellow and bright green fields on the map:
that was followed by Alföld culture 2100-1700 BC:
Бойки / Boykos / Bojkos / Bojkowie. The most numerous and very distinct group of Ukrainian highlanders from the Carpathian mountains in west Ukraine. They have ...
Бойки / Boykos / Bojkos / Bojkowie. The most numerous and very distinct group of Ukrainian highlanders from the Carpathian mountains in west Ukraine. They have unique peculiar genetics, own dialect, own peculiar folk dress and music.
Music: Floyara pipe music from the Ukrainian Carpathian mountains. Floyara (1 meter long pipe) - favourite instrument of sheep shepherds from the mountains in west Ukraine. Also widely known in Slovakia (Slovak Carpathians) as fujara (not quite the same, but very similiar tool). Floyara is more known among and played Hutsuls rather than Boykos though.
I think Boykos have relations to the most ancient European archeological culture of (first agriculturalists) Trypillya - Cucuteni (at least they have almost same genetic pool as ancient LBK population / related to Trypillya Cucuteni people / about same period). Boykos have some folk features (in dress, especially shoes, trousers, hats) found also among Romanian (Vlach) highlanders. They also have some Asian influence evident in their church architecture and genetics (most likely some nomads from Asia settled in the Carpathians and mixed with them).
There are also claims that Boykos are remants of Serbs (Serbian tribes) who migrated to the Balkans from Ukraine, along with Croats. There is some similiarity in Boyko and Serb folk costumes. Also Serb legends say that their ancestral home was Bojka. ПІДТРИМАЙ МІЙ ПРОЕКТ!
Бойки / Boykos / Bojkos / Bojkowie. The most numerous and very distinct group of Ukrainian highlanders from the Carpathian mountains in west Ukraine. They have unique peculiar genetics, own dialect, own peculiar folk dress and music.
Music: Floyara pipe music from the Ukrainian Carpathian mountains. Floyara (1 meter long pipe) - favourite instrument of sheep shepherds from the mountains in west Ukraine. Also widely known in Slovakia (Slovak Carpathians) as fujara (not quite the same, but very similiar tool). Floyara is more known among and played Hutsuls rather than Boykos though.
I think Boykos have relations to the most ancient European archeological culture of (first agriculturalists) Trypillya - Cucuteni (at least they have almost same genetic pool as ancient LBK population / related to Trypillya Cucuteni people / about same period). Boykos have some folk features (in dress, especially shoes, trousers, hats) found also among Romanian (Vlach) highlanders. They also have some Asian influence evident in their church architecture and genetics (most likely some nomads from Asia settled in the Carpathians and mixed with them).
There are also claims that Boykos are remants of Serbs (Serbian tribes) who migrated to the Balkans from Ukraine, along with Croats. There is some similiarity in Boyko and Serb folk costumes. Also Serb legends say that their ancestral home was Bojka. ПІДТРИМАЙ МІЙ ПРОЕКТ!
Бойки (Boikos / Boykos) - Ukrainian highlanders of Halychyna in western Ukraine. Subgroup (one of the largest groups) of Ukrainian highlanders who inhabit the C...
Бойки (Boikos / Boykos) - Ukrainian highlanders of Halychyna in western Ukraine. Subgroup (one of the largest groups) of Ukrainian highlanders who inhabit the Carapathian mountains in south Lviv, and western Ivano-Frankivsk regions of Ukraine. Traditional Boiko music. Бойківщина. Українськи бойки. Бойківська музика.
Origisn of Boikos are not clear. Some speak that they are of Slavic - Vlach (Romanian) mixture. Others say that this might be ancient Celtic grooup that stems from celtic tribe of Boi (same as ancient Boi of Bohemia).
Бойки (Boikos / Boykos) - Ukrainian highlanders of Halychyna in western Ukraine. Subgroup (one of the largest groups) of Ukrainian highlanders who inhabit the Carapathian mountains in south Lviv, and western Ivano-Frankivsk regions of Ukraine. Traditional Boiko music. Бойківщина. Українськи бойки. Бойківська музика.
Origisn of Boikos are not clear. Some speak that they are of Slavic - Vlach (Romanian) mixture. Others say that this might be ancient Celtic grooup that stems from celtic tribe of Boi (same as ancient Boi of Bohemia).
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Бойківчанка (Boikivchanka / Boiko girl) - Ukrainian song from the Carpathian mountains in western corner of Ukraine. Пісня про бойківчанку.
Photo: Boiko girl i...
Бойківчанка (Boikivchanka / Boiko girl) - Ukrainian song from the Carpathian mountains in western corner of Ukraine. Пісня про бойківчанку.
Photo: Boiko girl in traditional dress - Maria Shpak, who was born in Boiko town of Perehinske, Ivano-Frankivsk region.
На світлині: Бойківчанка Марія Шпак, родом зі бойківського містечка Перегінське в Карпатах.
Бойківчанка (Boikivchanka / Boiko girl) - Ukrainian song from the Carpathian mountains in western corner of Ukraine. Пісня про бойківчанку.
Photo: Boiko girl in traditional dress - Maria Shpak, who was born in Boiko town of Perehinske, Ivano-Frankivsk region.
На світлині: Бойківчанка Марія Шпак, родом зі бойківського містечка Перегінське в Карпатах.
Dance on a Barrel (Bitlya, Lviv region). Excerpt from video "The Boyko Republic".
More about Ukrainian Dance Workshop Tour -
Dance on a Barrel (Bitlya, Lviv region). Excerpt from video "The Boyko Republic".
More about Ukrainian Dance Workshop Tour -
More video -
Dance on a Barrel (Bitlya, Lviv region). Excerpt from video "The Boyko Republic".
More about Ukrainian Dance Workshop Tour -
More video -
Who are the Boikos and where does their name come from? Find out in this short introductory video.
Where does "Lemko/лемко" come from?:
Where is Lemkovyna?:
Lemko With History
rusyn,lemko,carpathian rus,carpatho-Rusyn,ruthenia,ukraine,zakarpattia,lemkovyna,lemkowithhistory,hutsul,boyko,rusnak,history,hungary,greek-catholic,бойко,верховинці,boiko
Boykos - group of Ukrainian highlanders from the Carpathian mountains. Maternal genetics of Boykos -
Материнська генетика бойків - - статистично бойки взагалі не були схожі на європейців за генетичними групами материнського походження.
Генетично бойки дуже далекі від словян (українців включно) та сучасних європейських народів (а понад усіх від гуцулів). Генетично бойки близькі доісторичному населенню Європи (ще до епохи Трипілля). Схожий до бойків генетичний склад мають перші землероби Європи. Genetically Boikos are very far from the Slavs and modern Europeans. The genetic pool of Boikos is the same as among neolithic prehistoric population of Europe, the first European farmers (LBK culture, read link above).
Оскільки бойки генетично далекі від слов'яно- романо- чи германомовних народів, у сиву давнину у них мала бути своя оригінальна несловянська архаїчна праіндоєвропейська мова, з часом бойки були у скоріш за все витіснені у гори прийшлими прасловянами (асимільовані карпатськими хорватами) з півночі та з півдня вони відступали у гори перед кельтами / ілліро-дакійцями.
Boykos have same genetic pool as Linear Pottery cultures ca. 5500 - 4500 BC (yellow and bright green fields on the map:
that was followed by Alföld culture 2100-1700 BC:
Бойки / Boykos / Bojkos / Bojkowie. The most numerous and very distinct group of Ukrainian highlanders from the Carpathian mountains in west Ukraine. They have unique peculiar genetics, own dialect, own peculiar folk dress and music.
Music: Floyara pipe music from the Ukrainian Carpathian mountains. Floyara (1 meter long pipe) - favourite instrument of sheep shepherds from the mountains in west Ukraine. Also widely known in Slovakia (Slovak Carpathians) as fujara (not quite the same, but very similiar tool). Floyara is more known among and played Hutsuls rather than Boykos though.
I think Boykos have relations to the most ancient European archeological culture of (first agriculturalists) Trypillya - Cucuteni (at least they have almost same genetic pool as ancient LBK population / related to Trypillya Cucuteni people / about same period). Boykos have some folk features (in dress, especially shoes, trousers, hats) found also among Romanian (Vlach) highlanders. They also have some Asian influence evident in their church architecture and genetics (most likely some nomads from Asia settled in the Carpathians and mixed with them).
There are also claims that Boykos are remants of Serbs (Serbian tribes) who migrated to the Balkans from Ukraine, along with Croats. There is some similiarity in Boyko and Serb folk costumes. Also Serb legends say that their ancestral home was Bojka. ПІДТРИМАЙ МІЙ ПРОЕКТ!
Бойки (Boikos / Boykos) - Ukrainian highlanders of Halychyna in western Ukraine. Subgroup (one of the largest groups) of Ukrainian highlanders who inhabit the Carapathian mountains in south Lviv, and western Ivano-Frankivsk regions of Ukraine. Traditional Boiko music. Бойківщина. Українськи бойки. Бойківська музика.
Origisn of Boikos are not clear. Some speak that they are of Slavic - Vlach (Romanian) mixture. Others say that this might be ancient Celtic grooup that stems from celtic tribe of Boi (same as ancient Boi of Bohemia).
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Бойківчанка (Boikivchanka / Boiko girl) - Ukrainian song from the Carpathian mountains in western corner of Ukraine. Пісня про бойківчанку.
Photo: Boiko girl in traditional dress - Maria Shpak, who was born in Boiko town of Perehinske, Ivano-Frankivsk region.
На світлині: Бойківчанка Марія Шпак, родом зі бойківського містечка Перегінське в Карпатах.
Dance on a Barrel (Bitlya, Lviv region). Excerpt from video "The Boyko Republic".
More about Ukrainian Dance Workshop Tour -
More video -
Boyko or Boiko (Cyrillic: Бойки, Polish:Bojkowie, Slovak:Pujďáci), or simply Highlanders (verkhovyntsi) are a Ukrainian ethnographic group located in the Carpathian Mountains of Ukraine and Poland. Along with the neighboring Lemkos and Hutsuls, the Boykos are a sub-group of the Ukrainian people and speak a dialect of the Ukrainian language. Boykos differ from their neighbors in dialect, dress, folk architecture, and customs.
In Ukraine, the classification of Boykos and other Rusyns as an East Slavic ethnicity, distinct from Ukrainians is controversial. (The deprecated and archaic term Ruthenian, while it is also derived from Rus', is ambiguous, as it technically may refer to Rusyns and Ukrainians, as well as Belarusians and even Russians, depending on the historical period.) According to the 2011 Ukraine census only 131 people identified themselves as Boykos, separate from Ukrainians. However, this figure is distorted for two reasons: some people otherwise identifiable as Boykos regard that name as derogatory, In the Polish census of 2011, 258 people identified their nationality as Boyko, with 14 people listing it as their only national identification.
Finally found a place they could never reach Sipping singha beer on Pattaya Beach Singha beer don't ask no questions Singha beer don't tell no lies Singha beer don't ask no questions Singha beer don't tell no lies There's a guy next to me won't tell me his name Buy's me mekong whiskey just the same Singha beer don't ask no questions Singha beer don't tell no lies Singha beer don't ask no questions Singha beer don't tell no lies I'm just a wally Hanging out on Pattaya Beach I'm just a wally Hanging out on Pattaya Beach Met a girl said she's really going to blow my mind She say's she don't mean sex and I say alright Turns out she's a bloke, tries to give me head I have to run out screaming to the street instead She's just a wally Hanging out on Pattaya Beach I'm just a wally Hanging out on Pattaya Beach Singha beer don't ask no questions Singha beer don't tell no lies... In the house of the gods Where no mongrels preach I watched the sun going down On Pattaya Beach I'm just a wally Hanging out on Pattaya Beach I'm just a wall Hanging out on Pattaya Beach
Petition No 1259/2019 by Desislava Velichkova (Bulgarian) on an alleged infringement of EU legislation on industrial air pollution Petition No 1301/2019 by Boyko Nikiforov (Bulgarian), on behalf of ...
So far, the Rapid City Rush has brought in a balance of new faces and familiar names. To start their third week of player acquisitions, the ECHL affiliate of the Calgary Flames brought back someone who enjoyed success with the ....
NORTHAMPTON — During one of the Belchertown 12U All-Star baseball team’s games earlier this summer, assistant coach Kevin Auffrey overheard one of the kids on the opposing team say something that cracked him up.His daughter, Rioghán, was playing... .
) Viktor Dremsizov - the undercover pilot of Bulgaria Air and an interview with Captain Boyko Ichev 14 June 2024 "I have clearance for today's flight, confirmed, ...
) Captain Boyko Ichev interviewed about the pilot's work in the morning show of Bulgaria ON AIR12 January 2024 Captain Boyko Ichev was the guest of Bulgaria ON AIR's show ...
EDMONTON — The Edmonton Elks signed Canadian offensive lineman Brett Boyko two a two-year contract extension Wednesday. Boyko was slated to become a free agent next month.
EDMONTON — The Edmonton Elks signed Canadian offensive lineman Brett Boyko two a two-year contract extension Wednesday. Boyko was slated to become a free agent next month.