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Bob Orton

Robert Dale "Bob" Orton (July 21, 1929 – July 16, 2006) was an American professional wrestler. The patriarch of the Orton wrestling family, his two sons (Bob Jr. and Barry) and grandson (Randy) have all wrestled professionally. To distinguish between him and his son, he is also known as Bob Orton Sr.


Orton was a two-time holder of the Florida version of the NWA World Tag Team Championship with partner Eddie Graham in 1966. He also innovated the pedigree as he captured several other titles in various NWA territories with it, including the NWA Southern Heavyweight title and the Florida Tag Team title (with Bob Jr.) in Florida Championship Wrestling and the NWA United States Heavyweight title in Central States Wrestling. He also competed in the American Wrestling Association, where he would also gain championship success. In 1961, Orton competed for the then NWA Capitol Wrestling Federation (now WWE) teaming with Nature Boy Buddy Rogers.

Orton eventually left Capitol Wrestling Corporation, by competing in other NWA territories. In 1968, Orton returned to Capitol Wrestling Corporation renamed as World Wide Wrestling Federation (WWWF, now WWE), often using the ring name Rocky Fitzpatrick. In September 1968, as Cowboy Rocky Fitzpatrick, he was number one challenger to WWWF champion Bruno Sammartino, losing to Bruno at Madison Square Garden. He fought Sammartino in other northeastern cities as well. He retired in July 2000 and spent the last years of his life living in Las Vegas, Nevada.


  • Bob Orton First RKO in 1987 *RARE*

    Cowboy Bob Orton Jr. use the RKO in WWF 1987. RARE Video.

    published: 01 Nov 2023
  • Roddy Piper vs. "Cowboy" Bob Orton: Saturday Night's Main Event, November 29, 1986

    "Rowdy" Roddy Piper backs "Cowboy" Bob Orton into a corner and shows no mercy with a flurry of punches during their battle on November 29, 1986.

    published: 01 Aug 2015
  • Disguised as a WWE fan, "Cowboy" Bob Orton helps his son Randy Orton defeat The Undertaker

    Bob Orton rushes the ring from the crowd to save his son Randy. Subscribe Now - http://www.youtube.com/user/wwe?sub_confirmation=1

    published: 29 Sep 2013
  • Superstar Protection: "Cowboy" Bob Orton's cast

    Superstar Protection: "Cowboy" Bob Orton's cast More WWE - http://www.wwe.com/

    published: 13 Oct 2011
  • Bob Orton Jr. has something to prove to his father Bob Orton Sr.: CWF, April 20, 1976 (WWE Network)

    Father and son discuss how the top athletes from various sports make for great Superstars in sports-entertainment: Courtesy of the award-winning WWE Network. Get your first month of WWE Network for FREE: http://wwenetwork.com Subscribe to WWE on YouTube: http://bit.ly/1i64OdT Visit WWE.com: http://goo.gl/akf0J4 Must-See WWE videos on YouTube: https://goo.gl/QmhBof

    published: 17 Jun 2018
  • Randy Orton Inducts His Father "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr. Into The 2005 WWE Hall Of Fame

    Randy Orton Inducts "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr. Into The 2005 WWE Hall Of Fame Apr 02,2005 #wwe #randyorton #boborton #halloffame Credits to WWE © Randy Orton Inducts His Father "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr. Into The 2005 WWE Hall Of Fame

    published: 09 Feb 2022
  • The Undertaker makes the Ortons appear in a casket: SmackDown, Oct. 7, 2005

    The Phenom’s rivalry with Randy Orton and his WWE Hall of Fame father takes a supernatural turn. Catch WWE action on Peacock, WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India and more. Stream WWE on Peacock https://pck.tv/3l4d8TP in the U.S. and on WWE Network http://wwe.yt/wwenetwork everywhere else --------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow WWE on YouTube for more exciting action! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to WWE on YouTube: http://wwe.yt/ Check out WWE.com for news and updates: http://goo.gl/akf0J4 Watch WWE on Sony in India: http://www.wwe.com/SonySportsNetwork Find the latest Superstar gear at WWEShop: http://shop.wwe.com --------------------------------------------- Check out our other channels!...

    published: 25 Oct 2021
  • Randy Orton and Steve Austin debate RKO vs. Stunner: Broken Skull Sessions sneak peek

    “Stone Cold” opens up the conversation with Randy Orton on which finishing move is superior between the RKO or the Stunner in this sneak peek at Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Sessions, available to stream now on Peacock and WWE Network. Stream WWE on Peacock https://pck.tv/3l4d8TP in the U.S. and on WWE Network http://wwe.yt/wwenetwork everywhere else --------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow WWE on YouTube for more exciting action! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to WWE on YouTube: http://wwe.yt/ Check out WWE.com for news and updates: http://goo.gl/akf0J4 Watch WWE on Sony in India: http://www.wwe.com/SonySportsNetwork Find the latest Superstar gear at WWEShop: http://shop.wwe.com -------------------...

    published: 21 Mar 2021
  • UWF Fury Cast Episode #9: BANNED in Bhutan!

    Bob & Gene are back against their better judgement for more UWF ACTION!! We finally get the long awaited and much anticipated debut of the AWA World Champion, 'The Living Legend" Larry Zbyszko as he takes on the BULLDOZER!! John Tolos shows he not only inspired DDP's 'Diamond Cutter' sign back in 1990, but this week he's inspiring ANOTHER future legend! "Cowboy" Bob Orton does the UNTHINKABLE! (and no not just another crappy superplex!) There's going to be a lotta BUZZ about this incident! The main event features the UWF's FIRST EVER tag team match as "Wildman" Jack Armstrong (who?) teams up with the "Unpredictable" Cactus Jack to take on "Chief" Jay Strongbow ("Jr.") and the man with the "tremendous armdrag" David Sammartino! You can find ALL of Herb Abrams' UWF Fury Hour episodes on th...

    published: 22 Sep 2024
  • "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr: WWE Hall of Fame Video Package [Class of 2005]

    "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr: WWE Hall of Fame Video Package [Class of 2005] April 2, 2005

    published: 12 Feb 2023
developed with YouTube
Bob Orton First RKO in 1987 *RARE*

Bob Orton First RKO in 1987 *RARE*

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:32
  • Uploaded Date: 01 Nov 2023
  • views: 211755
Cowboy Bob Orton Jr. use the RKO in WWF 1987. RARE Video.
Roddy Piper vs. "Cowboy" Bob Orton: Saturday Night's Main Event, November 29, 1986

Roddy Piper vs. "Cowboy" Bob Orton: Saturday Night's Main Event, November 29, 1986

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:47
  • Uploaded Date: 01 Aug 2015
  • views: 298610
"Rowdy" Roddy Piper backs "Cowboy" Bob Orton into a corner and shows no mercy with a flurry of punches during their battle on November 29, 1986.
Disguised as a WWE fan, "Cowboy" Bob Orton helps his son Randy Orton defeat The Undertaker

Disguised as a WWE fan, "Cowboy" Bob Orton helps his son Randy Orton defeat The Undertaker

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:38
  • Uploaded Date: 29 Sep 2013
  • views: 646936
Bob Orton rushes the ring from the crowd to save his son Randy. Subscribe Now - http://www.youtube.com/user/wwe?sub_confirmation=1
Superstar Protection: "Cowboy" Bob Orton's cast

Superstar Protection: "Cowboy" Bob Orton's cast

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:42
  • Uploaded Date: 13 Oct 2011
  • views: 56312
Superstar Protection: "Cowboy" Bob Orton's cast More WWE - http://www.wwe.com/
Bob Orton Jr. has something to prove to his father Bob Orton Sr.: CWF, April 20, 1976 (WWE Network)

Bob Orton Jr. has something to prove to his father Bob Orton Sr.: CWF, April 20, 1976 (WWE Network)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:57
  • Uploaded Date: 17 Jun 2018
  • views: 74650
Father and son discuss how the top athletes from various sports make for great Superstars in sports-entertainment: Courtesy of the award-winning WWE Network. Get your first month of WWE Network for FREE: http://wwenetwork.com Subscribe to WWE on YouTube: http://bit.ly/1i64OdT Visit WWE.com: http://goo.gl/akf0J4 Must-See WWE videos on YouTube: https://goo.gl/QmhBof
Randy Orton Inducts His Father "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr. Into The 2005 WWE Hall Of Fame

Randy Orton Inducts His Father "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr. Into The 2005 WWE Hall Of Fame

  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:33
  • Uploaded Date: 09 Feb 2022
  • views: 53290
Randy Orton Inducts "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr. Into The 2005 WWE Hall Of Fame Apr 02,2005 #wwe #randyorton #boborton #halloffame Credits to WWE © Randy Orton Inducts His Father "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr. Into The 2005 WWE Hall Of Fame
The Undertaker makes the Ortons appear in a casket: SmackDown, Oct. 7, 2005

The Undertaker makes the Ortons appear in a casket: SmackDown, Oct. 7, 2005

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:01
  • Uploaded Date: 25 Oct 2021
  • views: 1401290
The Phenom’s rivalry with Randy Orton and his WWE Hall of Fame father takes a supernatural turn. Catch WWE action on Peacock, WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India and more. Stream WWE on Peacock https://pck.tv/3l4d8TP in the U.S. and on WWE Network http://wwe.yt/wwenetwork everywhere else --------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow WWE on YouTube for more exciting action! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to WWE on YouTube: http://wwe.yt/ Check out WWE.com for news and updates: http://goo.gl/akf0J4 Watch WWE on Sony in India: http://www.wwe.com/SonySportsNetwork Find the latest Superstar gear at WWEShop: http://shop.wwe.com --------------------------------------------- Check out our other channels! --------------------------------------------- The Bella Twins: https://www.youtube.com/thebellatwins UpUpDownDown: https://www.youtube.com/upupdowndown WWEMusic: https://www.youtube.com/wwemusic Total Divas: https://www.youtube.com/wwetotaldivas ------------------------------------ WWE on Social Media ------------------------------------ Twitter: https://twitter.com/wwe Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wwe Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wwe/ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/RealWWE Giphy: https://giphy.com/wwe ------------------------------------ WWE Podcasts ------------------------------------ After the Bell with Corey Graves: https://wwe.com/afterthebell The New Day: Feel the Power: https://wwe.com/feelthepower Uncool with Alexa Bliss: https://wwe.com/uncoolwithalexa
Randy Orton and Steve Austin debate RKO vs. Stunner: Broken Skull Sessions sneak peek

Randy Orton and Steve Austin debate RKO vs. Stunner: Broken Skull Sessions sneak peek

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:39
  • Uploaded Date: 21 Mar 2021
  • views: 4213147
“Stone Cold” opens up the conversation with Randy Orton on which finishing move is superior between the RKO or the Stunner in this sneak peek at Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Sessions, available to stream now on Peacock and WWE Network. Stream WWE on Peacock https://pck.tv/3l4d8TP in the U.S. and on WWE Network http://wwe.yt/wwenetwork everywhere else --------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow WWE on YouTube for more exciting action! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to WWE on YouTube: http://wwe.yt/ Check out WWE.com for news and updates: http://goo.gl/akf0J4 Watch WWE on Sony in India: http://www.wwe.com/SonySportsNetwork Find the latest Superstar gear at WWEShop: http://shop.wwe.com --------------------------------------------- Check out our other channels! --------------------------------------------- The Bella Twins: https://www.youtube.com/thebellatwins UpUpDownDown: https://www.youtube.com/upupdowndown WWEMusic: https://www.youtube.com/wwemusic Total Divas: https://www.youtube.com/wwetotaldivas ------------------------------------ WWE on Social Media ------------------------------------ Twitter: https://twitter.com/wwe Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wwe Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wwe/ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/RealWWE Giphy: https://giphy.com/wwe ------------------------------------ WWE Podcasts ------------------------------------ After the Bell with Corey Graves: https://wwe.com/afterthebell The New Day: Feel the Power: https://wwe.com/feelthepower Uncool with Alexa Bliss: https://wwe.com/uncoolwithalexa
UWF Fury Cast Episode #9: BANNED in Bhutan!

UWF Fury Cast Episode #9: BANNED in Bhutan!

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:19:17
  • Uploaded Date: 22 Sep 2024
  • views: 70
Bob & Gene are back against their better judgement for more UWF ACTION!! We finally get the long awaited and much anticipated debut of the AWA World Champion, 'The Living Legend" Larry Zbyszko as he takes on the BULLDOZER!! John Tolos shows he not only inspired DDP's 'Diamond Cutter' sign back in 1990, but this week he's inspiring ANOTHER future legend! "Cowboy" Bob Orton does the UNTHINKABLE! (and no not just another crappy superplex!) There's going to be a lotta BUZZ about this incident! The main event features the UWF's FIRST EVER tag team match as "Wildman" Jack Armstrong (who?) teams up with the "Unpredictable" Cactus Jack to take on "Chief" Jay Strongbow ("Jr.") and the man with the "tremendous armdrag" David Sammartino! You can find ALL of Herb Abrams' UWF Fury Hour episodes on the FREE tier of our patreon over at www.patreon.com/retrowrestlingarchive Join today absolutely free and get a ton of great content not available on this channel, and for even more exclusive content, join the premium membership for only $6 a month! JOIN OUR HERB ABRAMS' UWF FACEBOOK GROUP! https://www.facebook.com/groups/uwfuniverse FOR TONS OF EXCLUSIVE RETRO WRESTLING CONTENT: Check out our Patreon at www.patreon.com/retrowrestlingarchive Check out the Retro Wrestling Re-View USWA Podcast! @ www.uswapodcast.com Dangerous Conversations with Doug Gilbert is a new pro wrestling podcast from the Wrestlecopia Podcast Network! For more info check out www.douggilbertpodcast.com For more great pro wrestling fun, explore www.wrestlecopia.com
"Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr: WWE Hall of Fame Video Package [Class of 2005]

"Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr: WWE Hall of Fame Video Package [Class of 2005]

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:13
  • Uploaded Date: 12 Feb 2023
  • views: 9337
"Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr: WWE Hall of Fame Video Package [Class of 2005] April 2, 2005
developed with YouTube
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developed with YouTube

Bob Orton First RKO in 1987 *RARE*

Cowboy Bob Orton Jr. use the RKO in WWF 1987. RARE Video.
Bob Orton First RKO in 1987 *RARE*
Cowboy Bob Orton Jr. use the RKO in WWF 1987. RARE Video.
published: 01 Nov 2023
Play in Full Screen
Roddy Piper vs. "Cowboy" Bob Orton: Saturday Night's Main Event, November 29, 1986
"Rowdy" Roddy Piper backs "Cowboy" Bob Orton into a corner and shows no mercy with a flurr...
published: 01 Aug 2015
Play in Full Screen
Disguised as a WWE fan, "Cowboy" Bob Orton helps his son Randy Orton defeat The Undertaker
Bob Orton rushes the ring from the crowd to save his son Randy. Subscribe Now - http://ww...
published: 29 Sep 2013
Play in Full Screen
Superstar Protection: "Cowboy" Bob Orton's cast
Superstar Protection: "Cowboy" Bob Orton's cast More WWE - http://www.wwe.com/
published: 13 Oct 2011
Play in Full Screen
Bob Orton Jr. has something to prove to his father Bob Orton Sr.: CWF, April 20, 1976 (WWE Network)
Father and son discuss how the top athletes from various sports make for great Superstars ...
published: 17 Jun 2018
Play in Full Screen
Randy Orton Inducts His Father "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr. Into The 2005 WWE Hall Of Fame
Randy Orton Inducts "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr. Into The 2005 WWE Hall Of Fame Apr 02,2005 #ww...
published: 09 Feb 2022
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published: 12 Feb 2023
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Bob Orton

Robert Dale "Bob" Orton (July 21, 1929 – July 16, 2006) was an American professional wrestler. The patriarch of the Orton wrestling family, his two sons (Bob Jr. and Barry) and grandson (Randy) have all wrestled professionally. To distinguish between him and his son, he is also known as Bob Orton Sr.


Orton was a two-time holder of the Florida version of the NWA World Tag Team Championship with partner Eddie Graham in 1966. He also innovated the pedigree as he captured several other titles in various NWA territories with it, including the NWA Southern Heavyweight title and the Florida Tag Team title (with Bob Jr.) in Florida Championship Wrestling and the NWA United States Heavyweight title in Central States Wrestling. He also competed in the American Wrestling Association, where he would also gain championship success. In 1961, Orton competed for the then NWA Capitol Wrestling Federation (now WWE) teaming with Nature Boy Buddy Rogers.

Orton eventually left Capitol Wrestling Corporation, by competing in other NWA territories. In 1968, Orton returned to Capitol Wrestling Corporation renamed as World Wide Wrestling Federation (WWWF, now WWE), often using the ring name Rocky Fitzpatrick. In September 1968, as Cowboy Rocky Fitzpatrick, he was number one challenger to WWWF champion Bruno Sammartino, losing to Bruno at Madison Square Garden. He fought Sammartino in other northeastern cities as well. He retired in July 2000 and spent the last years of his life living in Las Vegas, Nevada.

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Latest News for: bob orton sr


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Randy Orton could be returning to WWE soon. Fightful Select is reporting that WWE and Orton are targeting his return to take place before Survivor Series on November 25 ... Bob Orton Sr ... "He's training so we'll see what happens," Bob Orton said.

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Wrestlers hope to change lives through ‘Triumph over Tragedy’

The Post and Courier 15 Jul 2023
Big O” Bob Orton ... Pro wrestling great “Big O” Bob Orton Sr ... Orton’s pedigree lived on through his sons, WWE Hall of Famer Cowboy Bob Orton and the late Randal “Barry O” Orton, and grandson and WWE star Randy Orton.

Legendary Referee Says He Was Exposed to Hepatitis While Working for WWE

The Post and Courier 20 Jun 2023
He also said that he had to get a lawyer to protect his family. "When I was in WWE, there was a match with Undertaker and Randy Orton and Bob Orton Sr. was managing Randy at the time ... Rios, he goes, 'Don't get it in there.' Orton Sr ... It's nasty ... .

Reasons Why Randy Orton Can’t Fight In WWE

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His father is WWE Hall of FamerCowboy” Bob Orton, his uncle is BarryBarry O” Orton, and his grandfather, the late “The Big O”, Bob Orton Sr.; All of them were among the fiercest fighters of their generations.

Top WWE Star Ordered To Retire?!

What Culture 15 May 2023
'Cowboy' Bob Orton believes that doctors have advised his son Randy against returning to professional wrestling ... Although Bob said Randy is currently training after a lengthy spell on the sidelines, and feels like he is ready for a comeback, Orton Sr.

Bob Orton thinks Randy Orton's doctors told him to stop wrestling

The Post and Courier 14 May 2023
Bob Orton believes doctors have told his son to stop wrestling.� ... Bill Apter asked Bob Orton Sr ... "He's training so we'll see what happens," Bob Orton responded ... There had been some speculation Orton would be in Los Angeles for WrestleMania weekend.

Daily Pro Wrestling History (11/28): Starrcade 1985 - The Gathering

The Post and Courier 28 Nov 2022
Dusty Rhodes won the NWA title before the decision was later reversed. Pro Wrestling Illustrated. 1933 ... 1939 ... 1957 ... 1958. St ... - Bob Ellis defeated Bob Geigel to win Central States Title ... St ... - Bob Geigel beat Bulldog Plechas ... - Bob Orton Sr. & Bob Orton Jr.

At age 69, wrestling icon Ricky Steamboat to return to the ring

The Post and Courier 24 Sep 2022
Wrestling ... Wrestling ... Daily ... I’m 69 ... Bob Orton Sr ... Orton, father of Cowboy Bob Orton and grandfather of WWE star Randy Orton, worked as The Zodiak in the Florida and Georgia territories in 1972-73. Orton passed away on July 16, 2006, at the age of 76 ... .
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