A bhikkhunī (Pali) or bhikṣuṇī (Sanskrit) is a fully ordained female monastic in Buddhism. Male monastics are called bhikkhus. Both bhikkhunis and bhikkhus live by the Vinaya, a set of rules. Until recently, the lineages of female monastics only remained in Mahayana Buddhism and thus are prevalent in countries such as Korea, Vietnam, China, and Taiwan but a few women have taken the full monastic vows in the Theravada and Vajrayana schools over the last decade.
In Buddhism, women are as capable of reaching nirvana as men. According to Buddhist scriptures, the order of bhikkhunis was first created by the Buddha at the specific request of his aunt and foster-mother Mahapajapati Gotami, who became the first ordained bhikkhuni. A famous work of the early Buddhist schools is the Therigatha, a collection of poems by elder nuns about enlightenment that was preserved in the Pāli Canon.
Bhikkhunis are required to take extra vows, the Eight Garudhammas, and are subordinate to and reliant upon the bhikkhu order. In places where the bhikkhuni lineage was historically missing or has died out, due to hardship, alternative forms of renunciation have developed. In Tibetan Buddhism, women officially take the vows of śrāmaṇerīs (novitiates); Theravadin woman may choose to take an informal and limited set of vows similar to the historical vows of the sāmaṇerī, like the maechi of Thailand and thilashin of Burma.
In the past few decades a controversy has arisen over the restarting of nuns' orders in two schools of Buddhism. We will discuss the controversy as it relates to the Theravāda school, and note in passing that a similar controversy exists in Tibetan Buddhism as well. We will look a little at the history involved, at why it has become so controversial, and at how we might approach the problem in the present day.
Thanks to Upayadhi for her kind help in researching this video!
☸️ Free mini-course at the Online Dharma Institute: onlinedharma.org.
🧡 If you find this material useful, check out my Patreon page and get fun benefits like exclusive behind-the-scenes videos, audio-only versions, and extensive show notes: https://www.patreon.com/dougsseculardharma
🧡 You can also make donations t...
published: 22 Mar 2021
"Bukan karma buruk terlahir sebagai perempuan": Kisah seorang bhikkhuni - BBC News Indonesia
“Akan sangat keliru jika ada yang mengatakan kelahiran sebagai seorang perempuan itu adalah karma buruk,” kata Julia Surya, atau Bhikkhunī Ṭhitācarīnī.
"Bahwa perempuan itu tidak cerdas, perempuan itu kualitasnya lebih rendah dari pria… Tidak.”
Ada pemahaman yang diyakini sebagian umat Buddha bahwa perempuan lebih inferior dari laki-laki.
Julia adalah satu dari belasan perempuan Indonesia yang ditahbiskan menjadi Bhikkhunī Theravāda-alirah Buddha terbesar di Indonesia selain Mahāyāna.
Ia adalah Bhikkhunī Theravāda bergelar Doktor pertama di Indonesia di bidang agama Buddha, yang terus berupaya menekankan pentingnya perempuan melengkapi diri dengan pendidikan.
“Ketika kita membekali diri dengan pendidikan, disiplin yang baik, itu akan menjadi satu nilai plus untuk tidak diremehkan...
published: 24 Mar 2021
THISBFF 2020 - Bhikkhuni [Trailer]
Premiering at THIS Buddhist Film Festival (Online Edition), 5 - 13 September 2020
Shortly after Enlightenment, the Buddha said: “I shall not come to my final passing away, until my Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis, laymen and laywomen, have come to be true disciples… ” Even though the Buddha established the Bhikkhunī order, the line of female ordination in the Theravāda tradition died out in the 11th century. Since then, it is a common belief that nuns can no longer be ordained.
BHIKKHUNI presents the story of women who, in order to implement the Buddha’s teachings, become fully ordained Bhikkhunīs, against the opinion of the monks’ Saṅgha. The film’s protagonists are Bhikkhunī Kusuma from Sri Lanka (ordained in 1996 in India), Bhikkhunī Dhammananda from Thailand (ordained in 2003 in Sr...
published: 30 Jul 2020
Buddhist Personality: Bhikkhuni Dhammananda
Bikkhuni Dhammananda, who has been working for revival of bhikkhuni tradition in Theravada Buddhism in Thailand talks about history, present condition and future of nuns (bhikkhuni) in Theravada Buddhism. She talks about women in Buddhism, her experience as a nun, world-wide movement, Nepal's situation and the development of Lumbini.
Dhammananda Bhikkhuni (Thai: ธัมมนันทา; rtgs: Thammanantha), was born Chatsumarn Kabilsingh (Thai: ฉัตรสุมาลย์ กบิลสิงห์; rtgs: Chatsuman Kabinsing) or Chatsumarn Kabilsingh Shatsena (Thai: ฉัตรสุมาลย์ กบิลสิงห์ ษัฏเสน; rtgs: Chatsuman Kabinsing Satsena; 6 October 1944) is a Thai bhikkhuni ("Buddhist nun"). On 28 February 2003, Kabilsingh received full monastic ordination as a bhikkhuni of the Theravada tradition in Sri Lanka, making her the first modern Thai ...
published: 07 Sep 2017
Most Venerable Bhikkhuni Dr. Lee - Bhikkhunis Magazine
Most Venerable Bhikkhuni Dr. Lee, the American Bhikkhuni, is the Abbess of the International Women’s Meditation Center Foundation in Thailand. As the Senior Consultant of Mettavalokanaya International Buddhist Magazine and Bhikkhunis International Buddhist Magazine, Most Venerable Bhikkhuni Dr. Lee direct in all guide lines to propagate Bhikkhuni Sasana via our 02 official Websites (https://www.bhikkhunis.com/ / https://www.mettavalokanaya.com/ ) and 02 Buddhist Magazines (Bhikkhunis / Mettavalokanaya). Furthermore, Most Venerable Bhikkhuni Dr. Lee always coordinate play the excellent role to take worldwide Senior and Most Popular Bhikkhunis articles and activities details for publish on our Magazines and websites. Also, two Buddhist nuns, Thai Bhikkhuni Most Venerable Rattanavali and Most...
In the past few decades a controversy has arisen over the restarting of nuns' orders in two schools of Buddhism. We will discuss the controversy as it relates t...
In the past few decades a controversy has arisen over the restarting of nuns' orders in two schools of Buddhism. We will discuss the controversy as it relates to the Theravāda school, and note in passing that a similar controversy exists in Tibetan Buddhism as well. We will look a little at the history involved, at why it has become so controversial, and at how we might approach the problem in the present day.
Thanks to Upayadhi for her kind help in researching this video!
☸️ Free mini-course at the Online Dharma Institute: onlinedharma.org.
🧡 If you find this material useful, check out my Patreon page and get fun benefits like exclusive behind-the-scenes videos, audio-only versions, and extensive show notes: https://www.patreon.com/dougsseculardharma
🧡 You can also make donations through: https://paypal.me/dougsdharma
✅ Videos recommended:
Women in Buddhism — https://youtu.be/864ksDOZwXk (My earlier video, discussing more of the deep history).
The Buddha’s Forgotten Nuns (2013 documentary about the revival of the bhikkhuni order): https://youtu.be/ngPkZ5zY_tQ
✅ Vinaya passage mentioned:
https://suttacentral.net/pli-tv-kd10/en/horner-brahmali Monks of Kosambī quarrel
✅ Other resources, papers, books:
Alliance for Bhikkhunis: http://www.bhikkhuni.net/
Articles on Bhikkhunis and the controversy: https://www.bhikkhuni.net/library/
Bhikkhuni FAQ by Bhikkhu Sujato: http://santifm.org/santipada/2010/bhikkhuni-faq/
Bhikkhu Anālayo, “The Legality of Bhikkhunī Ordination”, Journal of Buddhist Ethics (2013). https://www.buddhismuskunde.uni-hamburg.de/pdf/5-personen/analayo/legality.pdf
Bhikkhu Anālayo, “On the Bhikkhunī Ordination Controversy” (2014), https://www.buddhismuskunde.uni-hamburg.de/pdf/5-personen/analayo/bhikkhuni-controversy.pdf
Bhikkhu Anālayo, “The Validity of Bhikkhunī Ordination by Bhikkhus Only, According to the Pāli Vinaya” (2017), https://www.buddhismuskunde.uni-hamburg.de/pdf/5-personen/analayo/validity.pdf
Bhikkhu Anālayo, “The Case for Reviving the Bhikkhunī Order by Single Ordination” (2018), https://www.buddhismuskunde.uni-hamburg.de/pdf/5-personen/analayo/case.pdf
Bhikkhu Bodhi, The Revival of Bhikkhunī Ordination in the Theravāda Tradition (2009). http://www.bhikkhuni.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/venbodhi-revival-bhikkhuni-ordination.pdf
Bhikkhu Bodhi, “Can the Theravada Bhikkhuni Order be Re-established? It Already Has” (2012). http://www.bhikkhuni.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Reestablished.pdf
Leigh Brasington on the Ordination Controversy: http://www.leighb.com/nuns.htm
Judith Hertog, “The Sakyadhita Movement” (2019). https://www.lionsroar.com/the-sakyadhita-movement/
Susanne Mrozik, “‘We Love Our Nuns’: Affective Dimensions of the Sri Lankan Bhikkhunī Revival”, (2014) http://blogs.dickinson.edu/buddhistethics/files/2014/02/Mrozik-Bhikkhuni-final4.pdf
Martin Seeger, “The Bhikkhuni-ordination Controversy in Thailand” JIABS (2008).
Bhikkhu Thanissaro, The Question of Bhikkhunī Ordination (2018) https://www.dhammatalks.org/books/QuestionofBhikkhuniOrdination/Contents.html
Mindy Zlotnick and Donna McCarthy, “A History of the Bhikkhuni Order” http://present.bhikkhuni.net/2600-year-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/onlinedharmainstitute/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dougsdharma
❤️ Thanks to Patreon Patrons:
Anonymous (1)
Scarlett Farrow
Matthew Smith
Bob Snead
Shantha Wengappuli
Johan Thelander
Michael Roe
Jorge Seguel
Christopher Apostolof
Steven Kopp
Brett Merritt
David Bell
T Pham
Andi and Erik
Michael Scherrer
Michael Seefeld
khobe schofield
Alex Perdomo
Benji Forsyth
Kaine Usher
Cookie Forthecookie
Blaze Way
Samantha Moore
Carlos Gutierrez
#onlinedharmainstitute #buddhism #earlybuddhism #secularbuddhism
Disclaimer: Amazon links are affiliate links where I will earn a very small commission on purchases you make, at no additional cost to you. This goes a tiny way towards defraying the costs of making these videos. Thank you!
In the past few decades a controversy has arisen over the restarting of nuns' orders in two schools of Buddhism. We will discuss the controversy as it relates to the Theravāda school, and note in passing that a similar controversy exists in Tibetan Buddhism as well. We will look a little at the history involved, at why it has become so controversial, and at how we might approach the problem in the present day.
Thanks to Upayadhi for her kind help in researching this video!
☸️ Free mini-course at the Online Dharma Institute: onlinedharma.org.
🧡 If you find this material useful, check out my Patreon page and get fun benefits like exclusive behind-the-scenes videos, audio-only versions, and extensive show notes: https://www.patreon.com/dougsseculardharma
🧡 You can also make donations through: https://paypal.me/dougsdharma
✅ Videos recommended:
Women in Buddhism — https://youtu.be/864ksDOZwXk (My earlier video, discussing more of the deep history).
The Buddha’s Forgotten Nuns (2013 documentary about the revival of the bhikkhuni order): https://youtu.be/ngPkZ5zY_tQ
✅ Vinaya passage mentioned:
https://suttacentral.net/pli-tv-kd10/en/horner-brahmali Monks of Kosambī quarrel
✅ Other resources, papers, books:
Alliance for Bhikkhunis: http://www.bhikkhuni.net/
Articles on Bhikkhunis and the controversy: https://www.bhikkhuni.net/library/
Bhikkhuni FAQ by Bhikkhu Sujato: http://santifm.org/santipada/2010/bhikkhuni-faq/
Bhikkhu Anālayo, “The Legality of Bhikkhunī Ordination”, Journal of Buddhist Ethics (2013). https://www.buddhismuskunde.uni-hamburg.de/pdf/5-personen/analayo/legality.pdf
Bhikkhu Anālayo, “On the Bhikkhunī Ordination Controversy” (2014), https://www.buddhismuskunde.uni-hamburg.de/pdf/5-personen/analayo/bhikkhuni-controversy.pdf
Bhikkhu Anālayo, “The Validity of Bhikkhunī Ordination by Bhikkhus Only, According to the Pāli Vinaya” (2017), https://www.buddhismuskunde.uni-hamburg.de/pdf/5-personen/analayo/validity.pdf
Bhikkhu Anālayo, “The Case for Reviving the Bhikkhunī Order by Single Ordination” (2018), https://www.buddhismuskunde.uni-hamburg.de/pdf/5-personen/analayo/case.pdf
Bhikkhu Bodhi, The Revival of Bhikkhunī Ordination in the Theravāda Tradition (2009). http://www.bhikkhuni.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/venbodhi-revival-bhikkhuni-ordination.pdf
Bhikkhu Bodhi, “Can the Theravada Bhikkhuni Order be Re-established? It Already Has” (2012). http://www.bhikkhuni.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Reestablished.pdf
Leigh Brasington on the Ordination Controversy: http://www.leighb.com/nuns.htm
Judith Hertog, “The Sakyadhita Movement” (2019). https://www.lionsroar.com/the-sakyadhita-movement/
Susanne Mrozik, “‘We Love Our Nuns’: Affective Dimensions of the Sri Lankan Bhikkhunī Revival”, (2014) http://blogs.dickinson.edu/buddhistethics/files/2014/02/Mrozik-Bhikkhuni-final4.pdf
Martin Seeger, “The Bhikkhuni-ordination Controversy in Thailand” JIABS (2008).
Bhikkhu Thanissaro, The Question of Bhikkhunī Ordination (2018) https://www.dhammatalks.org/books/QuestionofBhikkhuniOrdination/Contents.html
Mindy Zlotnick and Donna McCarthy, “A History of the Bhikkhuni Order” http://present.bhikkhuni.net/2600-year-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/onlinedharmainstitute/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dougsdharma
❤️ Thanks to Patreon Patrons:
Anonymous (1)
Scarlett Farrow
Matthew Smith
Bob Snead
Shantha Wengappuli
Johan Thelander
Michael Roe
Jorge Seguel
Christopher Apostolof
Steven Kopp
Brett Merritt
David Bell
T Pham
Andi and Erik
Michael Scherrer
Michael Seefeld
khobe schofield
Alex Perdomo
Benji Forsyth
Kaine Usher
Cookie Forthecookie
Blaze Way
Samantha Moore
Carlos Gutierrez
#onlinedharmainstitute #buddhism #earlybuddhism #secularbuddhism
Disclaimer: Amazon links are affiliate links where I will earn a very small commission on purchases you make, at no additional cost to you. This goes a tiny way towards defraying the costs of making these videos. Thank you!
“Akan sangat keliru jika ada yang mengatakan kelahiran sebagai seorang perempuan itu adalah karma buruk,” kata Julia Surya, atau Bhikkhunī Ṭhitācarīnī.
“Akan sangat keliru jika ada yang mengatakan kelahiran sebagai seorang perempuan itu adalah karma buruk,” kata Julia Surya, atau Bhikkhunī Ṭhitācarīnī.
"Bahwa perempuan itu tidak cerdas, perempuan itu kualitasnya lebih rendah dari pria… Tidak.”
Ada pemahaman yang diyakini sebagian umat Buddha bahwa perempuan lebih inferior dari laki-laki.
Julia adalah satu dari belasan perempuan Indonesia yang ditahbiskan menjadi Bhikkhunī Theravāda-alirah Buddha terbesar di Indonesia selain Mahāyāna.
Ia adalah Bhikkhunī Theravāda bergelar Doktor pertama di Indonesia di bidang agama Buddha, yang terus berupaya menekankan pentingnya perempuan melengkapi diri dengan pendidikan.
“Ketika kita membekali diri dengan pendidikan, disiplin yang baik, itu akan menjadi satu nilai plus untuk tidak diremehkan,” katanya.
Berlangganan channel ini di: https://bit.ly/2Mkg9hY
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bbcindonesia/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BBCIndonesia
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BBCNewsIndonesia/
“Akan sangat keliru jika ada yang mengatakan kelahiran sebagai seorang perempuan itu adalah karma buruk,” kata Julia Surya, atau Bhikkhunī Ṭhitācarīnī.
"Bahwa perempuan itu tidak cerdas, perempuan itu kualitasnya lebih rendah dari pria… Tidak.”
Ada pemahaman yang diyakini sebagian umat Buddha bahwa perempuan lebih inferior dari laki-laki.
Julia adalah satu dari belasan perempuan Indonesia yang ditahbiskan menjadi Bhikkhunī Theravāda-alirah Buddha terbesar di Indonesia selain Mahāyāna.
Ia adalah Bhikkhunī Theravāda bergelar Doktor pertama di Indonesia di bidang agama Buddha, yang terus berupaya menekankan pentingnya perempuan melengkapi diri dengan pendidikan.
“Ketika kita membekali diri dengan pendidikan, disiplin yang baik, itu akan menjadi satu nilai plus untuk tidak diremehkan,” katanya.
Berlangganan channel ini di: https://bit.ly/2Mkg9hY
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bbcindonesia/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BBCIndonesia
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BBCNewsIndonesia/
Premiering at THIS Buddhist Film Festival (Online Edition), 5 - 13 September 2020
Shortly after Enlightenment, the Buddha said: “I shall not come to ...
Premiering at THIS Buddhist Film Festival (Online Edition), 5 - 13 September 2020
Shortly after Enlightenment, the Buddha said: “I shall not come to my final passing away, until my Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis, laymen and laywomen, have come to be true disciples… ” Even though the Buddha established the Bhikkhunī order, the line of female ordination in the Theravāda tradition died out in the 11th century. Since then, it is a common belief that nuns can no longer be ordained.
BHIKKHUNI presents the story of women who, in order to implement the Buddha’s teachings, become fully ordained Bhikkhunīs, against the opinion of the monks’ Saṅgha. The film’s protagonists are Bhikkhunī Kusuma from Sri Lanka (ordained in 1996 in India), Bhikkhunī Dhammananda from Thailand (ordained in 2003 in Sri Lanka) and Bhikkhunī Gautami from Bangladesh (ordained in 2016 in Sri Lanka) – the first women in their countries’ modern history to become fully ordained nuns.
Visit https://www.thisfilmfest.com for more information!
Like us on https://www.facebook.com/THISBFF
Follow us on https://www.instagram.com/thisbffsg/
Premiering at THIS Buddhist Film Festival (Online Edition), 5 - 13 September 2020
Shortly after Enlightenment, the Buddha said: “I shall not come to my final passing away, until my Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis, laymen and laywomen, have come to be true disciples… ” Even though the Buddha established the Bhikkhunī order, the line of female ordination in the Theravāda tradition died out in the 11th century. Since then, it is a common belief that nuns can no longer be ordained.
BHIKKHUNI presents the story of women who, in order to implement the Buddha’s teachings, become fully ordained Bhikkhunīs, against the opinion of the monks’ Saṅgha. The film’s protagonists are Bhikkhunī Kusuma from Sri Lanka (ordained in 1996 in India), Bhikkhunī Dhammananda from Thailand (ordained in 2003 in Sri Lanka) and Bhikkhunī Gautami from Bangladesh (ordained in 2016 in Sri Lanka) – the first women in their countries’ modern history to become fully ordained nuns.
Visit https://www.thisfilmfest.com for more information!
Like us on https://www.facebook.com/THISBFF
Follow us on https://www.instagram.com/thisbffsg/
Bikkhuni Dhammananda, who has been working for revival of bhikkhuni tradition in Theravada Buddhism in Thailand talks about history, present condition and futur...
Bikkhuni Dhammananda, who has been working for revival of bhikkhuni tradition in Theravada Buddhism in Thailand talks about history, present condition and future of nuns (bhikkhuni) in Theravada Buddhism. She talks about women in Buddhism, her experience as a nun, world-wide movement, Nepal's situation and the development of Lumbini.
Dhammananda Bhikkhuni (Thai: ธัมมนันทา; rtgs: Thammanantha), was born Chatsumarn Kabilsingh (Thai: ฉัตรสุมาลย์ กบิลสิงห์; rtgs: Chatsuman Kabinsing) or Chatsumarn Kabilsingh Shatsena (Thai: ฉัตรสุมาลย์ กบิลสิงห์ ษัฏเสน; rtgs: Chatsuman Kabinsing Satsena; 6 October 1944) is a Thai bhikkhuni ("Buddhist nun"). On 28 February 2003, Kabilsingh received full monastic ordination as a bhikkhuni of the Theravada tradition in Sri Lanka, making her the first modern Thai woman to receive full ordination as a Theravada bhikkhuni. She is Abbess of Songdhammakalyani Monastery, the only temple in Thailand where there are bhikkhunis.
Subscribe Bodhi Television : बाेधी टेलिभिजन संग जाेडिनुहाेस् https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjowTZLq2bmdBwlfHujShWQ?sub_confirmation=1
Bikkhuni Dhammananda, who has been working for revival of bhikkhuni tradition in Theravada Buddhism in Thailand talks about history, present condition and future of nuns (bhikkhuni) in Theravada Buddhism. She talks about women in Buddhism, her experience as a nun, world-wide movement, Nepal's situation and the development of Lumbini.
Dhammananda Bhikkhuni (Thai: ธัมมนันทา; rtgs: Thammanantha), was born Chatsumarn Kabilsingh (Thai: ฉัตรสุมาลย์ กบิลสิงห์; rtgs: Chatsuman Kabinsing) or Chatsumarn Kabilsingh Shatsena (Thai: ฉัตรสุมาลย์ กบิลสิงห์ ษัฏเสน; rtgs: Chatsuman Kabinsing Satsena; 6 October 1944) is a Thai bhikkhuni ("Buddhist nun"). On 28 February 2003, Kabilsingh received full monastic ordination as a bhikkhuni of the Theravada tradition in Sri Lanka, making her the first modern Thai woman to receive full ordination as a Theravada bhikkhuni. She is Abbess of Songdhammakalyani Monastery, the only temple in Thailand where there are bhikkhunis.
Subscribe Bodhi Television : बाेधी टेलिभिजन संग जाेडिनुहाेस् https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjowTZLq2bmdBwlfHujShWQ?sub_confirmation=1
Most Venerable Bhikkhuni Dr. Lee, the American Bhikkhuni, is the Abbess of the International Women’s Meditation Center Foundation in Thailand. As the Senior Con...
Most Venerable Bhikkhuni Dr. Lee, the American Bhikkhuni, is the Abbess of the International Women’s Meditation Center Foundation in Thailand. As the Senior Consultant of Mettavalokanaya International Buddhist Magazine and Bhikkhunis International Buddhist Magazine, Most Venerable Bhikkhuni Dr. Lee direct in all guide lines to propagate Bhikkhuni Sasana via our 02 official Websites (https://www.bhikkhunis.com/ / https://www.mettavalokanaya.com/ ) and 02 Buddhist Magazines (Bhikkhunis / Mettavalokanaya). Furthermore, Most Venerable Bhikkhuni Dr. Lee always coordinate play the excellent role to take worldwide Senior and Most Popular Bhikkhunis articles and activities details for publish on our Magazines and websites. Also, two Buddhist nuns, Thai Bhikkhuni Most Venerable Rattanavali and Most Venerable Bhikkhuni Dr. Lee, got the idea to develop an award in honor of Buddhist women’s accomplishments on the United Nations’ International Women’s Day. This idea arose in March 2001 after the nuns attended two events: (1) The Outstanding Women’s Awards in Thailand organized by the Gender and Development Research Institute and (2) an invited speech offered by Venerable Bhikkhuni Dr. Lee at the United Nations Auditorium in honor of International Women’s Day on 8 March 2001. https://bhikkhunis.com/bhikkhunis-international-buddhist-magazine/ http://www.bhikkhunis.com
Most Venerable Bhikkhuni Dr. Lee, the American Bhikkhuni, is the Abbess of the International Women’s Meditation Center Foundation in Thailand. As the Senior Consultant of Mettavalokanaya International Buddhist Magazine and Bhikkhunis International Buddhist Magazine, Most Venerable Bhikkhuni Dr. Lee direct in all guide lines to propagate Bhikkhuni Sasana via our 02 official Websites (https://www.bhikkhunis.com/ / https://www.mettavalokanaya.com/ ) and 02 Buddhist Magazines (Bhikkhunis / Mettavalokanaya). Furthermore, Most Venerable Bhikkhuni Dr. Lee always coordinate play the excellent role to take worldwide Senior and Most Popular Bhikkhunis articles and activities details for publish on our Magazines and websites. Also, two Buddhist nuns, Thai Bhikkhuni Most Venerable Rattanavali and Most Venerable Bhikkhuni Dr. Lee, got the idea to develop an award in honor of Buddhist women’s accomplishments on the United Nations’ International Women’s Day. This idea arose in March 2001 after the nuns attended two events: (1) The Outstanding Women’s Awards in Thailand organized by the Gender and Development Research Institute and (2) an invited speech offered by Venerable Bhikkhuni Dr. Lee at the United Nations Auditorium in honor of International Women’s Day on 8 March 2001. https://bhikkhunis.com/bhikkhunis-international-buddhist-magazine/ http://www.bhikkhunis.com
In the past few decades a controversy has arisen over the restarting of nuns' orders in two schools of Buddhism. We will discuss the controversy as it relates to the Theravāda school, and note in passing that a similar controversy exists in Tibetan Buddhism as well. We will look a little at the history involved, at why it has become so controversial, and at how we might approach the problem in the present day.
Thanks to Upayadhi for her kind help in researching this video!
☸️ Free mini-course at the Online Dharma Institute: onlinedharma.org.
🧡 If you find this material useful, check out my Patreon page and get fun benefits like exclusive behind-the-scenes videos, audio-only versions, and extensive show notes: https://www.patreon.com/dougsseculardharma
🧡 You can also make donations through: https://paypal.me/dougsdharma
✅ Videos recommended:
Women in Buddhism — https://youtu.be/864ksDOZwXk (My earlier video, discussing more of the deep history).
The Buddha’s Forgotten Nuns (2013 documentary about the revival of the bhikkhuni order): https://youtu.be/ngPkZ5zY_tQ
✅ Vinaya passage mentioned:
https://suttacentral.net/pli-tv-kd10/en/horner-brahmali Monks of Kosambī quarrel
✅ Other resources, papers, books:
Alliance for Bhikkhunis: http://www.bhikkhuni.net/
Articles on Bhikkhunis and the controversy: https://www.bhikkhuni.net/library/
Bhikkhuni FAQ by Bhikkhu Sujato: http://santifm.org/santipada/2010/bhikkhuni-faq/
Bhikkhu Anālayo, “The Legality of Bhikkhunī Ordination”, Journal of Buddhist Ethics (2013). https://www.buddhismuskunde.uni-hamburg.de/pdf/5-personen/analayo/legality.pdf
Bhikkhu Anālayo, “On the Bhikkhunī Ordination Controversy” (2014), https://www.buddhismuskunde.uni-hamburg.de/pdf/5-personen/analayo/bhikkhuni-controversy.pdf
Bhikkhu Anālayo, “The Validity of Bhikkhunī Ordination by Bhikkhus Only, According to the Pāli Vinaya” (2017), https://www.buddhismuskunde.uni-hamburg.de/pdf/5-personen/analayo/validity.pdf
Bhikkhu Anālayo, “The Case for Reviving the Bhikkhunī Order by Single Ordination” (2018), https://www.buddhismuskunde.uni-hamburg.de/pdf/5-personen/analayo/case.pdf
Bhikkhu Bodhi, The Revival of Bhikkhunī Ordination in the Theravāda Tradition (2009). http://www.bhikkhuni.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/venbodhi-revival-bhikkhuni-ordination.pdf
Bhikkhu Bodhi, “Can the Theravada Bhikkhuni Order be Re-established? It Already Has” (2012). http://www.bhikkhuni.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Reestablished.pdf
Leigh Brasington on the Ordination Controversy: http://www.leighb.com/nuns.htm
Judith Hertog, “The Sakyadhita Movement” (2019). https://www.lionsroar.com/the-sakyadhita-movement/
Susanne Mrozik, “‘We Love Our Nuns’: Affective Dimensions of the Sri Lankan Bhikkhunī Revival”, (2014) http://blogs.dickinson.edu/buddhistethics/files/2014/02/Mrozik-Bhikkhuni-final4.pdf
Martin Seeger, “The Bhikkhuni-ordination Controversy in Thailand” JIABS (2008).
Bhikkhu Thanissaro, The Question of Bhikkhunī Ordination (2018) https://www.dhammatalks.org/books/QuestionofBhikkhuniOrdination/Contents.html
Mindy Zlotnick and Donna McCarthy, “A History of the Bhikkhuni Order” http://present.bhikkhuni.net/2600-year-journey/
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“Akan sangat keliru jika ada yang mengatakan kelahiran sebagai seorang perempuan itu adalah karma buruk,” kata Julia Surya, atau Bhikkhunī Ṭhitācarīnī.
"Bahwa perempuan itu tidak cerdas, perempuan itu kualitasnya lebih rendah dari pria… Tidak.”
Ada pemahaman yang diyakini sebagian umat Buddha bahwa perempuan lebih inferior dari laki-laki.
Julia adalah satu dari belasan perempuan Indonesia yang ditahbiskan menjadi Bhikkhunī Theravāda-alirah Buddha terbesar di Indonesia selain Mahāyāna.
Ia adalah Bhikkhunī Theravāda bergelar Doktor pertama di Indonesia di bidang agama Buddha, yang terus berupaya menekankan pentingnya perempuan melengkapi diri dengan pendidikan.
“Ketika kita membekali diri dengan pendidikan, disiplin yang baik, itu akan menjadi satu nilai plus untuk tidak diremehkan,” katanya.
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Premiering at THIS Buddhist Film Festival (Online Edition), 5 - 13 September 2020
Shortly after Enlightenment, the Buddha said: “I shall not come to my final passing away, until my Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis, laymen and laywomen, have come to be true disciples… ” Even though the Buddha established the Bhikkhunī order, the line of female ordination in the Theravāda tradition died out in the 11th century. Since then, it is a common belief that nuns can no longer be ordained.
BHIKKHUNI presents the story of women who, in order to implement the Buddha’s teachings, become fully ordained Bhikkhunīs, against the opinion of the monks’ Saṅgha. The film’s protagonists are Bhikkhunī Kusuma from Sri Lanka (ordained in 1996 in India), Bhikkhunī Dhammananda from Thailand (ordained in 2003 in Sri Lanka) and Bhikkhunī Gautami from Bangladesh (ordained in 2016 in Sri Lanka) – the first women in their countries’ modern history to become fully ordained nuns.
Visit https://www.thisfilmfest.com for more information!
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Bikkhuni Dhammananda, who has been working for revival of bhikkhuni tradition in Theravada Buddhism in Thailand talks about history, present condition and future of nuns (bhikkhuni) in Theravada Buddhism. She talks about women in Buddhism, her experience as a nun, world-wide movement, Nepal's situation and the development of Lumbini.
Dhammananda Bhikkhuni (Thai: ธัมมนันทา; rtgs: Thammanantha), was born Chatsumarn Kabilsingh (Thai: ฉัตรสุมาลย์ กบิลสิงห์; rtgs: Chatsuman Kabinsing) or Chatsumarn Kabilsingh Shatsena (Thai: ฉัตรสุมาลย์ กบิลสิงห์ ษัฏเสน; rtgs: Chatsuman Kabinsing Satsena; 6 October 1944) is a Thai bhikkhuni ("Buddhist nun"). On 28 February 2003, Kabilsingh received full monastic ordination as a bhikkhuni of the Theravada tradition in Sri Lanka, making her the first modern Thai woman to receive full ordination as a Theravada bhikkhuni. She is Abbess of Songdhammakalyani Monastery, the only temple in Thailand where there are bhikkhunis.
Subscribe Bodhi Television : बाेधी टेलिभिजन संग जाेडिनुहाेस् https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjowTZLq2bmdBwlfHujShWQ?sub_confirmation=1
Most Venerable Bhikkhuni Dr. Lee, the American Bhikkhuni, is the Abbess of the International Women’s Meditation Center Foundation in Thailand. As the Senior Consultant of Mettavalokanaya International Buddhist Magazine and Bhikkhunis International Buddhist Magazine, Most Venerable Bhikkhuni Dr. Lee direct in all guide lines to propagate Bhikkhuni Sasana via our 02 official Websites (https://www.bhikkhunis.com/ / https://www.mettavalokanaya.com/ ) and 02 Buddhist Magazines (Bhikkhunis / Mettavalokanaya). Furthermore, Most Venerable Bhikkhuni Dr. Lee always coordinate play the excellent role to take worldwide Senior and Most Popular Bhikkhunis articles and activities details for publish on our Magazines and websites. Also, two Buddhist nuns, Thai Bhikkhuni Most Venerable Rattanavali and Most Venerable Bhikkhuni Dr. Lee, got the idea to develop an award in honor of Buddhist women’s accomplishments on the United Nations’ International Women’s Day. This idea arose in March 2001 after the nuns attended two events: (1) The Outstanding Women’s Awards in Thailand organized by the Gender and Development Research Institute and (2) an invited speech offered by Venerable Bhikkhuni Dr. Lee at the United Nations Auditorium in honor of International Women’s Day on 8 March 2001. https://bhikkhunis.com/bhikkhunis-international-buddhist-magazine/ http://www.bhikkhunis.com
A bhikkhunī (Pali) or bhikṣuṇī (Sanskrit) is a fully ordained female monastic in Buddhism. Male monastics are called bhikkhus. Both bhikkhunis and bhikkhus live by the Vinaya, a set of rules. Until recently, the lineages of female monastics only remained in Mahayana Buddhism and thus are prevalent in countries such as Korea, Vietnam, China, and Taiwan but a few women have taken the full monastic vows in the Theravada and Vajrayana schools over the last decade.
In Buddhism, women are as capable of reaching nirvana as men. According to Buddhist scriptures, the order of bhikkhunis was first created by the Buddha at the specific request of his aunt and foster-mother Mahapajapati Gotami, who became the first ordained bhikkhuni. A famous work of the early Buddhist schools is the Therigatha, a collection of poems by elder nuns about enlightenment that was preserved in the Pāli Canon.
Bhikkhunis are required to take extra vows, the Eight Garudhammas, and are subordinate to and reliant upon the bhikkhu order. In places where the bhikkhuni lineage was historically missing or has died out, due to hardship, alternative forms of renunciation have developed. In Tibetan Buddhism, women officially take the vows of śrāmaṇerīs (novitiates); Theravadin woman may choose to take an informal and limited set of vows similar to the historical vows of the sāmaṇerī, like the maechi of Thailand and thilashin of Burma.
Itsumo yori sukoshi toomawari shite aruita kaerimichi Natsukashii fuyu no nioi ni futoashi ga tomaru Osanai koro kokoro ni ukabe teta yume Kanaeta kazu dake yubiori kaunto shite mo Shiroi tame iki... Kigatsukeba hoshin to jounetsu no hazama Utsurou kisetsu ni yudaneru hodo Kasumu ano koro omoiegaita mirai "Demo, korede ii" tte kokoro ga iu Miraizu wo nazoru kawari ni Te ni shita ima wo daite Susunde de yuku dake I SEE ME Nakushita mono, tsukanda mono Kakenuketa hibi wo Asu e tsumuide yuku Kono nigami ga watashi no michishirube Shingou machi de futo omoikaeshita kotoba wa Watashirashi-sa o mamoru katedatta no ka naa Kasena no ka naa Kotae nado imi no nai kotoba asobi Demo toikakete sagashite ashiato nokosu Hie kitta te nigirishimete "Demo, korede ii" tte kokoro ga iu Miraizu wo nazoru kawari ni Te ni shita ima wo daite Susunde de yuku dake I SEE ME Nakushita mono, tsukanda mono Kakenuketa hibi wo Asu e tsumuide yuku Kono nigami ga watashi no michishirube Furui yume ni se wo mukete hitomi tojirunara Watashi, hontou ni kanaetakatta no? Natsukashii itami ga kono mune no naka de uzuita toshite mo Obutsukanai hibi no +wake ni wa dekinai (I will never can let go, let it go, let it go) Keep on keepin' on I'll keep it on Tooi fuukei ni I SEE ME... I SEE ME "Demo, korede ii" tte kokoro ga iu Miraizu wo nazoru kawari ni Te ni shita ima wo daite Susunde de yuku dake I SEE ME Nakushita mono, tsukanda mono Kakenuketa hibi wo Asu e tsumuide yuku