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Canals and navigations are human-made channels for water. In the vernacular both are referred to as 'canals'. The main difference between them is that a navigation parallels a river and shares its drainage basin, while a canal cuts across a drainage divide.

Types of artificial waterways

A navigation is a series of channels that run roughly parallel to the valley and stream bed of an unimproved river. A navigation always shares the drainage basin of the river. A vessel uses the calm parts of the river itself as well as improvements, traversing the same changes in height.

A true canal is a channel that cuts across a drainage divide, making a navigable channel connecting two different drainage basins.

Most commercially important canals of the first half of the 19th-century were a little of each, using rivers in long stretches, and divide crossing canals in others. This is true for many canals still in use.

Structures used in artificial waterways

Both navigations and canals use engineered structures to improve navigation:

Barge Canal

Barge Canal may refer to one of these projects:

  • Canaveral Barge Canal, in Brevard County, Florida
  • Cross Florida Barge Canal, a never-completed project to connect the St. Johns River to the Gulf of Mexico
  • St. Johns-Indian River Barge Canal, another cancelled project
  • New York State Barge Canal, the successor to the Erie Canal
  • Canaveral Barge Canal

    The Canaveral Barge Canal provides an east-to-west link between the Atlantic Ocean and Indian River Lagoon across northern Merritt Island, Florida, in two segments separated by the Banana River. It is located 15 miles south of Titusville, Florida. The canal is 12 feet deep and has entrances to other water systems including Syke's Creek and various marinas. The canal links Port Canaveral along the Atlantic Ocean to the Intracoastal Waterway running down the center of the Indian River Lagoon. The canal was constructed to allow the transport of crude oil by barge to the two power plants south of Titusville, Florida.

    List of crossings


  • Canaveral Lock - Waymarking.com
  • External links

  • Map: 28°24′33″N 80°41′37″W / 28.40917°N 80.69361°W / 28.40917; -80.69361Coordinates: 28°24′33″N 80°41′37″W / 28.40917°N 80.69361°W / 28.40917; -80.69361

  • Podcasts:

    • Custom 60x12 Widebeam Barge For Sale @ York Marina [SOLD]

      published: 28 Jun 2022
    • The true cost of our canal narrowboat dream

      We gave up our jobs to run a cafe on a canal boat (also called a narrowboat) but was it worth it? We're letting you in on how much it cost to buy our narrowboat, how much we spent on turning it into cafe and how much money we make! Let's talk money. Narrowboat money. For exclusive content and ad-free viewing check out our Patreon page which can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/hollythecafeboat For those of you just joining us, welcome! We're Vic and Jo and we've been narrowboating around the UK for the last few years on our 54ft narrowboat Zero. Last year we decided to give up our jobs in the city and add another boat to our fleet in hope of turning it into a travelling cafe and becoming full time boating baristas. Follow us as we learn the ins and outs of business on the water w...

      published: 11 Dec 2022
    • For Sale - Stunning Newly Completed Dutch Barge (now sold)

      All the details for this sale are on: Apollo Duck http://apolloduck.net/661956 Gumtree:https://www.gumtree.com/p/property-for-sale/stunning-new-build-dutch-barge/1402834709 This video contains a walkthrough and a quick look at some of the features of this beautiful dutch barge. This video is a break from our usual videos to advertise our Dutch Barge. It is up for sale and will make a beautiful home or business for someone. When she is sold we can finish the refit on our yacht and set sail. Tukelayle Stunning New Build Dutch Barge “Tukelayle” was launched in 2015 and has since been kept on the Rural River Avon, in Warwickshire. Since then she has been a wonderful home, to a family of five for four years, who have lived aboard whilst fitting her out to an exceptionally high st...

      published: 19 Apr 2021
    • Trains, Barge Canal & Steaks By the Track

      It's wintertime on the Florida S-Line. Trains are fewer right now, so we have to get on the road and hunt 'em down. Plus, I learn a few things on this trip including some facts about the old Cross-Florida Barge Canal.

      published: 03 Mar 2023
    • 107. Narrowboat journey from Stourport to Hawford Junction (Droitwich Barge canal) - River Severn

      #narrowboat #narrowboats #canal #canals #liveaboard #cruisingthecut At last there's a sunny day and despite the wind it's time to take the narrowboat off the canal and onto the mighty River Severn. Eventually I'll go to Tewkesbury but today it's only to the entrance of the Droitwich Barge Canal at Hawford Junction. Got a question? Read this! https://www.CruisingTheCut.co.uk/f-a-q/ Boat & Filming gear I use: https://www.CruisingTheCut.co.uk/gear/ Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/CruisingTheCut Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/CruisingTheCut Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CruisingTheCut Web: http://www.CruisingTheCut.co.uk Tip jar at https://www.ko-fi.com/davidjohns or https://www.patreon.com/CruisingTheCut Get your Cruising the Cut mugs, t-shirts and other merch here: https://crui...

      published: 03 Sep 2017
    • 146 - Stourport, The Severn and onto the Droitwich Barge canal

      In this vlog we travel through the Stourport Basins and out onto the River Severn and down to the Droitwich Barge Canal Our Links Email: nbminimallist@gmail.com Blog: http://www.minimallist.co.uk Twitter: https://twitter.com/nbminimallist Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NBMinimalList/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MINIMALLIST Jo wrote a short book about her travels and how she met Michael. https://tinyurl.com/yaw8a7t3 Michael's T-shirts are from Tee Republic. https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirts We don't often check our our messages on YouTube, if you want to contact us please either comment on a video or email us using the address listed above. We love hearing from everyone.

      published: 03 Feb 2019
    • 8 Ways a Canal Barge Cruise is Different to a Regular River Cruise

      What are the main differences between a European canal hotel barge cruise and a river cruise? I think there are 8 key things you need to know that makes a canal cruise different to a river cruise. By understanding how they differ you can better decide is a river cruise or canal hotel barge cruise is best for your next European river cruising vacation Note: I travelled as a guest of CroisiEurope on a 6-night hotel barge cruise in France before making this video Croisieurope had no input into the opinions or content of this video. ** Buy my Cruise T-shirts: http://bit.ly/TFTStore ** USA cruisers get great cruise deals CRUISEDIRECT.COM: http://bit.ly/TFTBookCruise ** UK Cruisers get great cruise deals with CRUISE.CO.UK: http://bit.ly/BookCruiseUK Gary Bembridge's Tips For Travellers aims t...

      published: 03 Nov 2019
    • Cruise the Burgundy Region of France aboard the 12 Passenger Hotel Barge La Belle Epoque

      La Belle Epoque in her first life transported logs from Burgundy to Paris, but today she is transformed into a deluxe hotel barge carrying a very different cargo along the same canals. She has been designed with both elegance and passenger comfort in mind and her welcoming features include a wood-panelled saloon/dining room with bespoke, hand-built seating and a spacious sun deck with spa pool. The comfortable cabin accommodation comprises two junior suites and four staterooms and a choice of twin or double beds, all with marble en suite facilities. La Belle Epoque is the perfect vessel to take you on a gentle voyage of discovery through a region studded with tradition and history that goes back centuries. As she meanders along the Burgundy Canal with its undulating countryside, you will...

      published: 16 Mar 2022
    • IWA Water Festival & Fun Day - Pelsall - 2023

      So the rain stopped and we had a chance to vlog the canal water festival, held this time in Pelsall.. it was a nice afternoon worth a couple of hours enjoying the canal side and take the drone up to film the waterway from the air. #drone #djimini3pro #narrowboat #liveaboard #canals #narrowboat #narrowboats #canal #canals #liveaboard #cruisingthecut Free Music for Videos 👉 Music by MYSM - New Life - https://thmatc.co/?l=EDDF53EC Free Music for Videos 👉 Music by Syphax - Ripples - https://thmatc.co/?l=F031641E

      published: 29 Aug 2023
    • CANAL BOAT LIVING UK | Canal boat costs | Narrow boat life

      CANAL BOAT LIVING UK | Canal boat costs | Narrow boat life #canalboat #narrowboatlife #canalboatcosts In this weeks episode we head down to Trinity Marina in Hinckley to catch up with my friend Jordan who has recently bought himself a Canal Boat to live in. The last time Jordan appeared on Drunk On Wanderlust we were wild camping The Great Glen way together, but since then a lot has changed in his life! He decided narrow boat life was the way forward, and hasn’t looked back. He kindly invited myself and Danni to stay for a few days to experience first hand the realities of Canal boat living In the UK and of course the costs involved. We had a good look around his boat and found out the pros and cons compared to living in a conventional house or flat. After that we took the canal bo...

      published: 14 Oct 2021
    Custom 60x12 Widebeam Barge For Sale @ York Marina [SOLD]

    Custom 60x12 Widebeam Barge For Sale @ York Marina [SOLD]

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:37
    • Uploaded Date: 28 Jun 2022
    • views: 49749
    The true cost of our canal narrowboat dream

    The true cost of our canal narrowboat dream

    • Order:
    • Duration: 20:41
    • Uploaded Date: 11 Dec 2022
    • views: 587647
    We gave up our jobs to run a cafe on a canal boat (also called a narrowboat) but was it worth it? We're letting you in on how much it cost to buy our narrowboat, how much we spent on turning it into cafe and how much money we make! Let's talk money. Narrowboat money. For exclusive content and ad-free viewing check out our Patreon page which can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/hollythecafeboat For those of you just joining us, welcome! We're Vic and Jo and we've been narrowboating around the UK for the last few years on our 54ft narrowboat Zero. Last year we decided to give up our jobs in the city and add another boat to our fleet in hope of turning it into a travelling cafe and becoming full time boating baristas. Follow us as we learn the ins and outs of business on the water whilst cruising around the UK. If you're embarking on a boaty DIY project yourself, this is the book (the bible) that Vic recommends: https://amzn.to/3f2C7nJ Click here to SUBSCRIBE and follow along with our narrowboat renovation (it’s free): http://www.youtube.com/c/HollyTheCafeBoat?sub_confirmation=1 Find us on Instagram at /Hollythecafeboat for more up-to-date whereabouts and senseless stories. To watch more narrowboat adventures: The Glamourous Side Of Narrowboating: https://youtu.be/4_o7CkfbTOc Narrowboat Transformation (Paint job completed!) - https://youtu.be/DoVJP6CjlNw Your FAQ’s answered (Narrowboat Q&A) - https://youtu.be/V5MA8HtZVv0 What we do on rainy weekends - https://youtu.be/Z9CHU0Q6SOA Or catch up with one of our playlists: Every video, in order, from the beginning - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlO4T6dG1vDAszKOwkbzNoTRdRNz-0ZG- Painting our narrowboat - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlO4T6dG1vDDEcVVSSom69MkEODllOW5J Camera equipment we use: Main Camera: https://amzn.to/3i3aI5G Main lens: https://amzn.to/3jNVIZI SD Card: https://amzn.to/31YvZI6 Microphone: https://amzn.to/3bspKj6 GoPro: https://amzn.to/3gSI0mE (These are affiliate links btw) We use Epidemic sound for music, check them out here for a 30 day free trail: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/snuqh7/
    For Sale - Stunning Newly Completed Dutch Barge (now sold)

    For Sale - Stunning Newly Completed Dutch Barge (now sold)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 9:12
    • Uploaded Date: 19 Apr 2021
    • views: 206497
    All the details for this sale are on: Apollo Duck http://apolloduck.net/661956 Gumtree:https://www.gumtree.com/p/property-for-sale/stunning-new-build-dutch-barge/1402834709 This video contains a walkthrough and a quick look at some of the features of this beautiful dutch barge. This video is a break from our usual videos to advertise our Dutch Barge. It is up for sale and will make a beautiful home or business for someone. When she is sold we can finish the refit on our yacht and set sail. Tukelayle Stunning New Build Dutch Barge “Tukelayle” was launched in 2015 and has since been kept on the Rural River Avon, in Warwickshire. Since then she has been a wonderful home, to a family of five for four years, who have lived aboard whilst fitting her out to an exceptionally high standard. The family moved out at the beginning of 2021, and since then she has undergone an extensive amount of work, to finish her off, and bring her up to an outstanding “‘as new’ standard. Tukelalye is currently moored at a stunning riverside location 10 minutes drive west of Stratford-upon-Avon. This mooring is available for the new owners (subject to discussion with the mooring’s manager). Packed with neat features, copious storage, and the ability to be safely cruised single handed, she is ready for purchase immediately, ready for a summer of fun on the water. Tukelayle is. Being advertised through several channels online.
    Trains, Barge Canal & Steaks By the Track

    Trains, Barge Canal & Steaks By the Track

    • Order:
    • Duration: 18:54
    • Uploaded Date: 03 Mar 2023
    • views: 76434
    It's wintertime on the Florida S-Line. Trains are fewer right now, so we have to get on the road and hunt 'em down. Plus, I learn a few things on this trip including some facts about the old Cross-Florida Barge Canal.
    107. Narrowboat journey from Stourport to Hawford Junction (Droitwich Barge canal) - River Severn

    107. Narrowboat journey from Stourport to Hawford Junction (Droitwich Barge canal) - River Severn

    • Order:
    • Duration: 11:59
    • Uploaded Date: 03 Sep 2017
    • views: 118142
    #narrowboat #narrowboats #canal #canals #liveaboard #cruisingthecut At last there's a sunny day and despite the wind it's time to take the narrowboat off the canal and onto the mighty River Severn. Eventually I'll go to Tewkesbury but today it's only to the entrance of the Droitwich Barge Canal at Hawford Junction. Got a question? Read this! https://www.CruisingTheCut.co.uk/f-a-q/ Boat & Filming gear I use: https://www.CruisingTheCut.co.uk/gear/ Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/CruisingTheCut Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/CruisingTheCut Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CruisingTheCut Web: http://www.CruisingTheCut.co.uk Tip jar at https://www.ko-fi.com/davidjohns or https://www.patreon.com/CruisingTheCut Get your Cruising the Cut mugs, t-shirts and other merch here: https://cruisingthecut.myspreadshop.co.uk Buying anything via this Amazon link gets me a commission to help me keep the videos coming. Thank you! https://geni.us/CtC_CanalBoats Theme music: "Vespers" by Topher Mohr and Alex Alena, from the YouTube music library
    146 - Stourport, The Severn and onto the Droitwich Barge canal

    146 - Stourport, The Severn and onto the Droitwich Barge canal

    • Order:
    • Duration: 15:03
    • Uploaded Date: 03 Feb 2019
    • views: 9606
    In this vlog we travel through the Stourport Basins and out onto the River Severn and down to the Droitwich Barge Canal Our Links Email: nbminimallist@gmail.com Blog: http://www.minimallist.co.uk Twitter: https://twitter.com/nbminimallist Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NBMinimalList/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MINIMALLIST Jo wrote a short book about her travels and how she met Michael. https://tinyurl.com/yaw8a7t3 Michael's T-shirts are from Tee Republic. https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirts We don't often check our our messages on YouTube, if you want to contact us please either comment on a video or email us using the address listed above. We love hearing from everyone.
    8 Ways a Canal Barge Cruise is Different to a Regular River Cruise

    8 Ways a Canal Barge Cruise is Different to a Regular River Cruise

    • Order:
    • Duration: 10:17
    • Uploaded Date: 03 Nov 2019
    • views: 24068
    What are the main differences between a European canal hotel barge cruise and a river cruise? I think there are 8 key things you need to know that makes a canal cruise different to a river cruise. By understanding how they differ you can better decide is a river cruise or canal hotel barge cruise is best for your next European river cruising vacation Note: I travelled as a guest of CroisiEurope on a 6-night hotel barge cruise in France before making this video Croisieurope had no input into the opinions or content of this video. ** Buy my Cruise T-shirts: http://bit.ly/TFTStore ** USA cruisers get great cruise deals CRUISEDIRECT.COM: http://bit.ly/TFTBookCruise ** UK Cruisers get great cruise deals with CRUISE.CO.UK: http://bit.ly/BookCruiseUK Gary Bembridge's Tips For Travellers aims to help you make more of your precious travel time and money on land and when cruising the oceans or rivers of the world. To help you, in every video I draw on my first-hand tips and advice from travelling every month for over 20 years and 60+ cruises. Follow Tips For Travellers on: - Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/garybembridge - Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tipsfortravellers - Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/garybembridge #CanalBargeCruise #BargeCruise #RiverCruise
    Cruise the Burgundy Region of France aboard the 12 Passenger Hotel Barge La Belle Epoque

    Cruise the Burgundy Region of France aboard the 12 Passenger Hotel Barge La Belle Epoque

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:59
    • Uploaded Date: 16 Mar 2022
    • views: 27156
    La Belle Epoque in her first life transported logs from Burgundy to Paris, but today she is transformed into a deluxe hotel barge carrying a very different cargo along the same canals. She has been designed with both elegance and passenger comfort in mind and her welcoming features include a wood-panelled saloon/dining room with bespoke, hand-built seating and a spacious sun deck with spa pool. The comfortable cabin accommodation comprises two junior suites and four staterooms and a choice of twin or double beds, all with marble en suite facilities. La Belle Epoque is the perfect vessel to take you on a gentle voyage of discovery through a region studded with tradition and history that goes back centuries. As she meanders along the Burgundy Canal with its undulating countryside, you will find that the towpath is always there for a spot of walking or cycling. There are many reasons to select La Belle Epoque as your vessel of choice on your next cruising holiday. She plies the peaceful Canal de Bourgogne in Northern Burgundy, boasting an itinerary that includes Chablis wine tasting, an excursion to the Abbaye de Fontenay and an optional (and unforgettable) hot air balloon flight. Champagne Wednesdays are a new and popular addition to her itinerary, while keen cyclists can take advantage of our “Biking Plus” option and admire her from the towpaths as well as the sun deck. What is hotel barging? Despite the growing popularity of cruising, especially on large river vessels, hotel barging is still a little known niche concept. Most hotel barges started life as cargo vessels but have since been painstakingly converted to offer luxury boutique accommodation for small groups of up to 20 passengers. This is cruising, but in a very different style to ships plying the big rivers or oceans. The pace is slow, with a 6 day cruise covering maybe just 50 miles along a rural canal. Passengers can walk or bike the towpaths as their floating hotel glides gently along. Guests enjoy an intimate atmosphere, high levels of personal service and immersion into the culture, history and gastronomy of regions of Europe such as Burgundy, the Midi, or the Italian Veneto. Every day there is an excursion, perhaps to a chateau, a vineyard for a wine tasting, or some other ‘off the beaten track’ location. About half of European Waterways’ bookings are for whole boat charters, ideal for families. Otherwise, clients book a cabin to join other like-minded people. A ‘slow boat’ European Waterways barge cruise offers the ultimate in experiential travel. A truly unique experience! European Waterways offer luxury hotel barge cruises on the beautiful canals and rivers of Europe, such as through Burgundy, the Midi, Alsace, the Po Valley, Holland and the Scottish Highlands. The exclusive collection of hotel barges accommodate up to 20 passengers who may charter a whole barge with family or friends, or join a small group of like-minded travellers on an individual cabin basis. Each barge is fully crewed with a Captain, chef, hostesses, deck-hand and tour guide. The 6-night cruises include gourmet meals, fine wines, open bar, excursions and the use of facilities such as bicycles and spa pools. http://www.europeanwaterways.com/
    IWA Water Festival & Fun Day - Pelsall - 2023

    IWA Water Festival & Fun Day - Pelsall - 2023

    • Order:
    • Duration: 22:01
    • Uploaded Date: 29 Aug 2023
    • views: 215
    So the rain stopped and we had a chance to vlog the canal water festival, held this time in Pelsall.. it was a nice afternoon worth a couple of hours enjoying the canal side and take the drone up to film the waterway from the air. #drone #djimini3pro #narrowboat #liveaboard #canals #narrowboat #narrowboats #canal #canals #liveaboard #cruisingthecut Free Music for Videos 👉 Music by MYSM - New Life - https://thmatc.co/?l=EDDF53EC Free Music for Videos 👉 Music by Syphax - Ripples - https://thmatc.co/?l=F031641E
    CANAL BOAT LIVING UK | Canal boat costs | Narrow boat life

    CANAL BOAT LIVING UK | Canal boat costs | Narrow boat life

    • Order:
    • Duration: 10:03
    • Uploaded Date: 14 Oct 2021
    • views: 107954
    CANAL BOAT LIVING UK | Canal boat costs | Narrow boat life #canalboat #narrowboatlife #canalboatcosts In this weeks episode we head down to Trinity Marina in Hinckley to catch up with my friend Jordan who has recently bought himself a Canal Boat to live in. The last time Jordan appeared on Drunk On Wanderlust we were wild camping The Great Glen way together, but since then a lot has changed in his life! He decided narrow boat life was the way forward, and hasn’t looked back. He kindly invited myself and Danni to stay for a few days to experience first hand the realities of Canal boat living In the UK and of course the costs involved. We had a good look around his boat and found out the pros and cons compared to living in a conventional house or flat. After that we took the canal boat for a trip down Ashby Canal, so I could have a go at driving the narrow boat and try my hand at mooring for the first time. We made it to Sutton Wharf where we moored about 100 meters from the cafe. I loved every minute and was eager to hear about the costs involved of owning a canal boat home in England. It was interesting to see how the narrow boat was heated and how the electricity worked whilst out on the water, also the diesel costs. Jordan is definitely happy with his decision, and seems very content with boat life 😃 I must admit I am quite tempted myself! But atm, whilst I’m travelling so much and with my plans to go abroad for a while next year it wouldn’t be feasible. I hope you enjoy this video, and if you haven’t already… hit that subscribe button for more adventures! Next week I am attempting another long distance walking trail, The Whereyman’s Way from Norwich to Great Yarmouth. I’ve also got a fun Halloween wild camp coming up shortly on haunted Pendle Hill! Stay safe everyone 😃 x
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    • For Sale - Stunning Newly Completed Dutch Barge (now sold)
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    • Trains, Barge Canal & Steaks By the Track
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    • 107. Narrowboat journey from Stourport to Hawford Junction (Droitwich Barge canal) - River Severn
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    • Cruise the Burgundy Region of France aboard the 12 Passenger Hotel Barge La Belle Epoque
      Cruise the Burgundy Region of France aboard the 12 Passenger Hotel Barge La Belle Epoqueremove from playlist
    • IWA Water Festival & Fun Day - Pelsall - 2023
      IWA Water Festival & Fun Day - Pelsall - 2023remove from playlist
    • CANAL BOAT LIVING UK | Canal boat costs | Narrow boat life
      CANAL BOAT LIVING UK | Canal boat costs | Narrow boat liferemove from playlist
    PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 2:06:46

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    Custom 60x12 Widebeam Barge For Sale @ York Marina [SOLD]
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    The true cost of our canal narrowboat dream
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    For Sale - Stunning Newly Completed Dutch Barge (now sold)
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    107. Narrowboat journey from Stourport to Hawford Junction (Droitwich Barge canal) - River Severn
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    146 - Stourport, The Severn and onto the Droitwich Barge canal
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    8 Ways a Canal Barge Cruise is Different to a Regular River Cruise
    What are the main differences between a European canal hotel barge cruise and a river crui...
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    IWA Water Festival & Fun Day - Pelsall - 2023
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    CANAL BOAT LIVING UK | Canal boat costs | Narrow boat life
    CANAL BOAT LIVING UK | Canal boat costs | Narrow boat life #canalboat #narrowboatlife #c...
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    Canals and navigations are human-made channels for water. In the vernacular both are referred to as 'canals'. The main difference between them is that a navigation parallels a river and shares its drainage basin, while a canal cuts across a drainage divide.

    Types of artificial waterways

    A navigation is a series of channels that run roughly parallel to the valley and stream bed of an unimproved river. A navigation always shares the drainage basin of the river. A vessel uses the calm parts of the river itself as well as improvements, traversing the same changes in height.

    A true canal is a channel that cuts across a drainage divide, making a navigable channel connecting two different drainage basins.

    Most commercially important canals of the first half of the 19th-century were a little of each, using rivers in long stretches, and divide crossing canals in others. This is true for many canals still in use.

    Structures used in artificial waterways

    Both navigations and canals use engineered structures to improve navigation:

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    Latest News for: barge canal


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    Yahoo Daily News 13 Feb 2025
    Pogba's drugs ban, for testing positive for the banned substance DHEA, expires next month after a successful appeal dropped the punishment from four years to 18 months ... I doubt even the barge polls strewn along the Ship Canal would even touch him ... .

    Just imagine… a swim lane in the canal

    Islington Tribune 07 Feb 2025
    But if Copenhagen, Munich, Vienna and Amsterdam can make their rivers and canals clean enough to swim in, why can’t we? ... The boats and barges would be another obstacle, explained Ian Shacklock, chair of the Friends of Regent’s Canal.

    Canal bridge work for Rothen Group

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    Reopened in 2011, the canals – consisting of the Droitwich Barge Canal and Droitwich Junction Canal – have also become a thriving cruising ring for boaters looking to navigate the picturesque Mid-Worcestershire Ring.

    Mote event in Sarasota showcases three technologies developed to fight red tide

    Herald-Tribune Sarasota 30 Jan 2025
    He added that it could also be deployed from crop dusters or via big barges ... Steve McKenzie, lead technician with Prescott Water, noted that the system could be used in canal systems or multiple systems deployed on barges to treat red tide blooms.

    Luxurious houseboats with designer fireplaces and alfresco dining are attracting buyers in search of 'unique ...

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    But these plush homes aren't found in glossy apartment buildings or picturesque cottages - instead they're concealed within the houseboats, barges and yachts that line the country's rivers and canals ... £1,000,000 DUTCH BARGE IN BRENTFORD.

    BREVARD COUNTY HISTORY: Port Canaveral is a Culmination of a Long Awaited Dream

    Space Coast Daily 25 Jan 2025
    On December 1 of that year, the Port Authority issued $1,365,999 in bonds for construction of the harbor, channel and Barge Canal; and on June 6, 1950, a dredge started cutting a path east from the middle of the Indian River to the Port site.
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