var global_geo = jQuery('#forecast');
get_forecast_details(city, 4, global_geo, country);
function forecast_status(msg) {
function get_forecast_details(city, days_count, global_geo, country) {
global_geo.html('Loading forecast ...');
data: {
city: city,
report: 'daily'
dataType: 'jsonp',
url: 'https://upge.wn.com/api/upge/cheetah-photo-search/weather_forecast_4days',
success: function(data) {
if(!data) { text = ('weater data temporarily not available'); }
// loop through the list of weather info
weather_info = '';
var weather_day_loop = 0;
jQuery.each(data.list, function(idx, value) {
if (idx < 1) {
if (weather_day_loop >= days_count) {
return false;
weather = value.weather.shift()
clouds = value.clouds
d = new Date(value.dt*1000)
t = d.getMonth()+1 + '-' + d.getDate() + '-' + d.getFullYear()
moment.lang('en', {
calendar : {
lastDay : '[Yesterday]',
sameDay : '[Today]',
nextDay : '[Tomorrow]',
lastWeek : '[last] dddd',
nextWeek : 'dddd',
sameElse : 'L'
mobj = moment(value.dt*1000)
// skip today
if (t == today) {
tempC = parseInt(parseFloat(value.temp.day)-273.15)
tempF = parseInt(tempC*1.8+32)
today = t;
weather_day_loop += 1;
weather_info += '
Aversa, Italy Day Tour - 4K
This walking tour of Aversa, Italy was filmed on January 28th, 2018 starting at 12:50 pm at the city gate. Aversa, Italy is a small Italian city of 53,000 about 12 miles north of Naples. Families have lived here for generations. There are no tourists. Kids run around the streets. Old men walk arm in arm as they talk. Groups of people stand around talk. This is the Italian way of life. If you travel by train between Rome and Naples then you will stop here. The Apostle Paul stopped here on his way up to Rome in the year 61 A.D. This short walk took place on a Sunday at noon. It begins at the Porta Napoli, the symbol of Aversa, and continues down Via Roma for a half mile.
Subscribe to my channel:
Visit my Facebook page:
published: 28 Jan 2018
Evening Walk- NEW CAMERA TEST in Aversa, Italy - 4/23/2022 - 4K UHD
This evening walk of AVERSA, ITALY was filmed on Saturday April 23rd, 2022 starting at 8:03 PM a the Porta Napoli. I filmed this walk to test out my new camera setup in a lowlight situation. I think it turned out well. What do you think? For the best experience, be sure to turn on closed captions [CC] and wear headphones 🎧 as you watch this tour.
🗺️Map of the Walk - https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1aM3nS0SAUQ8R-5zE50VMqb3pz9W-UbhN&usp=sharing 🗺️
🌎Complete List of Walks: http://www.shorturl.at/nsBXY 🌎
📢 𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗦𝘂𝗯𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗯𝗲! 📢 - https://www.youtube.com/c/ProWalks?sub_confirmation=1
🔷 Help with a donation! - https://www.paypal.me/Prowalks 🔷
🔶 Support me on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Prowal...
published: 24 Apr 2022
AversA - Pueblo Maldito [Video Oficial]
Pueblo maldito es un tema inspirado en la leyenda de #tololopampa pueblo que aparece y desaparece en la región de Atacama, específicamente en el valle del Huasco.
“Cuentan las historias que en estas extensas planicies, aparece como un fantasma de luces, colores, calles, vida nocturna, bares y restoranes. El minero o arriero que ha sufrido esta experiencia, relata haber comido, bailado, tomado y comprado más de algún regalo para su mujer; pero al otro día aparece durmiendo a pleno sol, con la cabeza apoyada sobre una piedra en medio del desierto”
Álbum: Enigmas de un desierto olvidado
Single 2022
Música por Aversa.
Edición audiovisual por Inzane, esfinge Prod.
Grabación y mezcla en Unpleasant Records.
published: 03 Sep 2022
Aversa (CE) - Natale, arrivano le luminarie grazie ai commercianti (19.12.23)
https://www.pupia.tv - Aversa (Caserta) - Contro ogni previsione, le luminarie ad Aversa si sono accese anche questo Natale. Il merito è stato dei commercianti che si sono consorziati per dare un minimo di atmosfera natalizia alla strada dello shopping, via Roma, cosa accaduta anche in qualche piccola parte di via Belvedere. Continua su: https://www.pupia.tv/?p=563504 (19.12.23)
published: 19 Dec 2023
First flight on my DJI Mavic Pro. Flying around a town in the Campania region of Italy.
Editing was made with Filmora Wondershare, which included the audio.
Drone: DJI Mavic Pro
Editing software: Filmora Wondershare.
Audio: Benjamin Thompson - Lullaby
published: 24 Apr 2017
World of Warcraft - "Invincible" - Video Games Live (VGL) - Vocals by Jillian Aversa
Vocalist Jillian Aversa performs "Invincible" from World of Warcraft with Video Games Live (VGL).
👋 Support my music video projects on Patreon: https://patreon.com/JillianAversa
► Subscribe to my channel: https://youtube.com/JillianAversa
Facebook: http://facebook.com/jillianaversa
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jillianaversa
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JillianAversa
Website: https://www.jillianaversa.com
Newsletter signup: http://eepurl.com/dNIzYM
Bandcamp: https://jillianaversa.bandcamp.com
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/jillian-aversa/376154139
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4eBxTYQt9UEuAibNT1eJ0N
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Jillian+Aversa&ref=sr_gnr_aps
Allura: https://impactsoundworks.com/pro...
published: 21 Aug 2013
AVERSA IS FIRST GRAIL RESPLENDENT! Builds & Analysis - Fire Emblem Heroes [FEH]
The newest FEH Pass unit is Resplendent Aversa and I analyze & go over Aversa Builds that you can run in different game modes! Aversa, the tactician of Plegia, is here to reveal her alluring new attire from Ljósálfheimr! Her sleek, black garment is highlighted by light-purple decorations designed to resemble flowers and feathers—creating a contrast that's sure to leave anyone spellbound!
👑 Enjoying the videos? You can also support me directly by becoming a member!
🎬 ALL Resplendent Reviews! - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-UHDqcwcC4h8CapnysBrkcVCKAK7OJ8V
🐦 Twitter › https://twitter.com/Pheonixmaster1
⬘ Unit Builder: https://feh.fromshado.ws/
#feh #FEHeroes #fireemblemheroes
🎶 Music:
- Chaos (Ablaze) - Fire Embl...
published: 24 Mar 2023
Tentata rapina in un'abitazione di Aversa (CE) sventata grazie al Sistema BOR!
La notte del 8 Febbraio scorso, una banda di ladri si è avvicinata a bordo di un'auto scura presso l'abitazione di un nostro cliente di Aversa (CE).
Questa volta non si tratta di un semplice tentativo di furto ma di un colpo ben studiato nei minimi dettagli!
Dalle immagini video possiamo notare, infatti, che il primo assalitore si è avvicinato alla porta di ingresso principale con il volto coperto da un passamontagna, ha letto il nome sulla cassetta postale per avere conferma che fosse la giusta casa e ha suonato il campanello per capire se la famiglia all'interno avesse sonno leggero...
Speravano di agire indisturbati ma non sapevano che la casa è sorvegliata dai Guardiani Virtuali che, connessi da remoto e in tempo reale dalla piattaforma tecnologica BOR, in partnership con l'istituto...
published: 22 Feb 2023
Volley A2: in diretta con Filippo Carlin per Delta Group-Aversa
Volley A2: in diretta con Filippo Carlin per Delta Group-Aversa
published: 25 Feb 2024
Storia di Aversa: una città normanna alle origini del Regno di Sicilia
Aversa sta per compiere 1000 anni.
Scopriamo la sua storia: proprio qui cominciò l'unità del Sud Italia.
Scopri tutte le nostre storie su www.storienapoli.it
published: 14 Dec 2021
Aversa, Italy Day Tour - 4K
This walking tour of Aversa, Italy was filmed on January 28th, 2018 starting at 12:50 pm at the city gate. Aversa, Italy is a small Italian city of 53,000 about...
This walking tour of Aversa, Italy was filmed on January 28th, 2018 starting at 12:50 pm at the city gate. Aversa, Italy is a small Italian city of 53,000 about 12 miles north of Naples. Families have lived here for generations. There are no tourists. Kids run around the streets. Old men walk arm in arm as they talk. Groups of people stand around talk. This is the Italian way of life. If you travel by train between Rome and Naples then you will stop here. The Apostle Paul stopped here on his way up to Rome in the year 61 A.D. This short walk took place on a Sunday at noon. It begins at the Porta Napoli, the symbol of Aversa, and continues down Via Roma for a half mile.
Subscribe to my channel:
Visit my Facebook page:
Follow my current walks on Instagram:
Did you enjoy the video? Consider making a donation to support future walks:
The Equipment I Use:
1. Gopro Hero 6:
2. EVO SS Gimbal:
3. Roland CS-10EM In-ear Monitors:
4. Zoom H1 Microphone:
5. Quick Pod Selfie Extreme Stick:
6. SanDisk Extreme 128GB microSDXC UHS-3 card:
7. Ailuki Rechargeable Gopro Batteries:
#Prowalks, #WalkingTour, #Aversa, #treadmillwalk, #Italy, citywalks, #walks,
This walking tour of Aversa, Italy was filmed on January 28th, 2018 starting at 12:50 pm at the city gate. Aversa, Italy is a small Italian city of 53,000 about 12 miles north of Naples. Families have lived here for generations. There are no tourists. Kids run around the streets. Old men walk arm in arm as they talk. Groups of people stand around talk. This is the Italian way of life. If you travel by train between Rome and Naples then you will stop here. The Apostle Paul stopped here on his way up to Rome in the year 61 A.D. This short walk took place on a Sunday at noon. It begins at the Porta Napoli, the symbol of Aversa, and continues down Via Roma for a half mile.
Subscribe to my channel:
Visit my Facebook page:
Follow my current walks on Instagram:
Did you enjoy the video? Consider making a donation to support future walks:
The Equipment I Use:
1. Gopro Hero 6:
2. EVO SS Gimbal:
3. Roland CS-10EM In-ear Monitors:
4. Zoom H1 Microphone:
5. Quick Pod Selfie Extreme Stick:
6. SanDisk Extreme 128GB microSDXC UHS-3 card:
7. Ailuki Rechargeable Gopro Batteries:
#Prowalks, #WalkingTour, #Aversa, #treadmillwalk, #Italy, citywalks, #walks,
- published: 28 Jan 2018
- views: 11945
Evening Walk- NEW CAMERA TEST in Aversa, Italy - 4/23/2022 - 4K UHD
This evening walk of AVERSA, ITALY was filmed on Saturday April 23rd, 2022 starting at 8:03 PM a the Porta Napoli. I filmed this walk to test out my new camera...
This evening walk of AVERSA, ITALY was filmed on Saturday April 23rd, 2022 starting at 8:03 PM a the Porta Napoli. I filmed this walk to test out my new camera setup in a lowlight situation. I think it turned out well. What do you think? For the best experience, be sure to turn on closed captions [CC] and wear headphones 🎧 as you watch this tour.
🗺️Map of the Walk - https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1aM3nS0SAUQ8R-5zE50VMqb3pz9W-UbhN&usp=sharing 🗺️
🌎Complete List of Walks: http://www.shorturl.at/nsBXY 🌎
📢 𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗦𝘂𝗯𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗯𝗲! 📢 - https://www.youtube.com/c/ProWalks?sub_confirmation=1
🔷 Help with a donation! - https://www.paypal.me/Prowalks 🔷
🔶 Support me on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Prowalks 🔶
🟥 Become a Member - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNzul4dnciIlDg8BAcn5-cQ/join 🟥
👕Merchandise - https://teespring.com/stores/prowalk-tours 👕
🔻𝗩𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗼 𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗟𝗶𝗻𝗸𝘀🔻
0:00 Porta Napoli
7:40 La Brasilena
17:31 Piazza Municipio
26:58 Turn Around Spot
Amazon Storefront: https://www.amazon.com/shop/prowalktours
🎥Camera1: Gopro Hero 10 https://amzn.to/3EwDveV
🎬Gimbal1: INKEE Falcon Plus https://amzn.to/3JWdgzF
🦯Camera Monopod: https://amzn.to/3rFzPCl
🎥Camera2: Sony a7siii:
🎬Gimbal2: DJI Ronin S2
🎤Microphone: https://amzn.to/3lYW5CI
🎧In-Ear Monitors: https://amzn.to/2DBdS1D
🎦Drone: https://amzn.to/3jYMiuR
✔️Let's connect✔️
➤Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Prowalks
➤Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/prowalktours
➤Twitter: https://twitter.com/ProwalkTours
[email protected]
I would like to thank Michael Damico, Andrey Antsut and Katrin John for being a top level Patreon Supporter! Thanks Dino, Andrey and Katrin for your support!
No part of this video may be used for personal or private use without written permission from Prowalk Tours. I will not remove a copyright strike after one has been issued.
#ProwalkTours #Walkingtour #Aversa
This evening walk of AVERSA, ITALY was filmed on Saturday April 23rd, 2022 starting at 8:03 PM a the Porta Napoli. I filmed this walk to test out my new camera setup in a lowlight situation. I think it turned out well. What do you think? For the best experience, be sure to turn on closed captions [CC] and wear headphones 🎧 as you watch this tour.
🗺️Map of the Walk - https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1aM3nS0SAUQ8R-5zE50VMqb3pz9W-UbhN&usp=sharing 🗺️
🌎Complete List of Walks: http://www.shorturl.at/nsBXY 🌎
📢 𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗦𝘂𝗯𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗯𝗲! 📢 - https://www.youtube.com/c/ProWalks?sub_confirmation=1
🔷 Help with a donation! - https://www.paypal.me/Prowalks 🔷
🔶 Support me on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Prowalks 🔶
🟥 Become a Member - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNzul4dnciIlDg8BAcn5-cQ/join 🟥
👕Merchandise - https://teespring.com/stores/prowalk-tours 👕
🔻𝗩𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗼 𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗟𝗶𝗻𝗸𝘀🔻
0:00 Porta Napoli
7:40 La Brasilena
17:31 Piazza Municipio
26:58 Turn Around Spot
Amazon Storefront: https://www.amazon.com/shop/prowalktours
🎥Camera1: Gopro Hero 10 https://amzn.to/3EwDveV
🎬Gimbal1: INKEE Falcon Plus https://amzn.to/3JWdgzF
🦯Camera Monopod: https://amzn.to/3rFzPCl
🎥Camera2: Sony a7siii:
🎬Gimbal2: DJI Ronin S2
🎤Microphone: https://amzn.to/3lYW5CI
🎧In-Ear Monitors: https://amzn.to/2DBdS1D
🎦Drone: https://amzn.to/3jYMiuR
✔️Let's connect✔️
➤Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Prowalks
➤Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/prowalktours
➤Twitter: https://twitter.com/ProwalkTours
[email protected]
I would like to thank Michael Damico, Andrey Antsut and Katrin John for being a top level Patreon Supporter! Thanks Dino, Andrey and Katrin for your support!
No part of this video may be used for personal or private use without written permission from Prowalk Tours. I will not remove a copyright strike after one has been issued.
#ProwalkTours #Walkingtour #Aversa
- published: 24 Apr 2022
- views: 43443
AversA - Pueblo Maldito [Video Oficial]
Pueblo maldito es un tema inspirado en la leyenda de #tololopampa pueblo que aparece y desaparece en la región de Atacama, específicamente en el valle del Huasc...
Pueblo maldito es un tema inspirado en la leyenda de #tololopampa pueblo que aparece y desaparece en la región de Atacama, específicamente en el valle del Huasco.
“Cuentan las historias que en estas extensas planicies, aparece como un fantasma de luces, colores, calles, vida nocturna, bares y restoranes. El minero o arriero que ha sufrido esta experiencia, relata haber comido, bailado, tomado y comprado más de algún regalo para su mujer; pero al otro día aparece durmiendo a pleno sol, con la cabeza apoyada sobre una piedra en medio del desierto”
Álbum: Enigmas de un desierto olvidado
Single 2022
Música por Aversa.
Edición audiovisual por Inzane, esfinge Prod.
Grabación y mezcla en Unpleasant Records.
Pueblo maldito es un tema inspirado en la leyenda de #tololopampa pueblo que aparece y desaparece en la región de Atacama, específicamente en el valle del Huasco.
“Cuentan las historias que en estas extensas planicies, aparece como un fantasma de luces, colores, calles, vida nocturna, bares y restoranes. El minero o arriero que ha sufrido esta experiencia, relata haber comido, bailado, tomado y comprado más de algún regalo para su mujer; pero al otro día aparece durmiendo a pleno sol, con la cabeza apoyada sobre una piedra en medio del desierto”
Álbum: Enigmas de un desierto olvidado
Single 2022
Música por Aversa.
Edición audiovisual por Inzane, esfinge Prod.
Grabación y mezcla en Unpleasant Records.
- published: 03 Sep 2022
- views: 2177
Aversa (CE) - Natale, arrivano le luminarie grazie ai commercianti (19.12.23)
https://www.pupia.tv - Aversa (Caserta) - Contro ogni previsione, le luminarie ad Aversa si sono accese anche questo Natale. Il merito è stato dei commercianti ...
https://www.pupia.tv - Aversa (Caserta) - Contro ogni previsione, le luminarie ad Aversa si sono accese anche questo Natale. Il merito è stato dei commercianti che si sono consorziati per dare un minimo di atmosfera natalizia alla strada dello shopping, via Roma, cosa accaduta anche in qualche piccola parte di via Belvedere. Continua su: https://www.pupia.tv/?p=563504 (19.12.23)
https://www.pupia.tv - Aversa (Caserta) - Contro ogni previsione, le luminarie ad Aversa si sono accese anche questo Natale. Il merito è stato dei commercianti che si sono consorziati per dare un minimo di atmosfera natalizia alla strada dello shopping, via Roma, cosa accaduta anche in qualche piccola parte di via Belvedere. Continua su: https://www.pupia.tv/?p=563504 (19.12.23)
- published: 19 Dec 2023
- views: 285
First flight on my DJI Mavic Pro. Flying around a town in the Campania region of Italy.
Editing was made with Filmora Wondershare, which included the audio.
First flight on my DJI Mavic Pro. Flying around a town in the Campania region of Italy.
Editing was made with Filmora Wondershare, which included the audio.
Drone: DJI Mavic Pro
Editing software: Filmora Wondershare.
Audio: Benjamin Thompson - Lullaby
First flight on my DJI Mavic Pro. Flying around a town in the Campania region of Italy.
Editing was made with Filmora Wondershare, which included the audio.
Drone: DJI Mavic Pro
Editing software: Filmora Wondershare.
Audio: Benjamin Thompson - Lullaby
- published: 24 Apr 2017
- views: 2943
World of Warcraft - "Invincible" - Video Games Live (VGL) - Vocals by Jillian Aversa
Vocalist Jillian Aversa performs "Invincible" from World of Warcraft with Video Games Live (VGL).
👋 Support my music video projects on Patreon: https://patreon....
Vocalist Jillian Aversa performs "Invincible" from World of Warcraft with Video Games Live (VGL).
👋 Support my music video projects on Patreon: https://patreon.com/JillianAversa
► Subscribe to my channel: https://youtube.com/JillianAversa
Facebook: http://facebook.com/jillianaversa
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jillianaversa
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JillianAversa
Website: https://www.jillianaversa.com
Newsletter signup: http://eepurl.com/dNIzYM
Bandcamp: https://jillianaversa.bandcamp.com
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/jillian-aversa/376154139
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4eBxTYQt9UEuAibNT1eJ0N
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Jillian+Aversa&ref=sr_gnr_aps
Allura: https://impactsoundworks.com/product/allura-volume-1/
Vocalist Jillian Aversa performs "Invincible" from Blizzard's World of Warcraft at Video Games Live (VGL) at the MasterCard Center in Beijing, China 2013! Original music and soundtrack composed by Russell Brower.
Song: "Invincible"
Game: World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
Performers: Jillian Aversa (vocalist), Russell Brower (composer/conductor)
Original Composer: Russell Brower
Filmed at: Beijing, China - Video Games Live - MasterCard Center - August 2013
Jillian Aversa is an award-winning vocalist, composer, performer, and YouTube artist whose shimmering voice has appeared in official video game soundtracks to HALO, DESTINY, GOD OF WAR, CIVILIZATION, KILLER INSTINCT, KATAMARI DAMACY, SOULCALBUR, CRIMSON DRAGON, and more. She has released three solo albums to date, and often collaborates with her EDM producer husband, Andrew "zircon" Aversa. She has also toured with the international symphonic show VIDEO GAMES LIVE for several years.
On this channel, you’ll find her many music video covers of video game and TV music, examples of her official game soundtrack work, her original music, and some of her live performances. Make sure to subscribe and enable notifications!
Check out my other performance videos!
World of Warcraft "Lament of the Highborne": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAAWwfXN87c&t=1s
Tetris Opera: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1yZEs-hBHo
Portal "Still Alive": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WU9GZyt6XCc
Vocalist Jillian Aversa performs "Invincible" from World of Warcraft with Video Games Live (VGL).
👋 Support my music video projects on Patreon: https://patreon.com/JillianAversa
► Subscribe to my channel: https://youtube.com/JillianAversa
Facebook: http://facebook.com/jillianaversa
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jillianaversa
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JillianAversa
Website: https://www.jillianaversa.com
Newsletter signup: http://eepurl.com/dNIzYM
Bandcamp: https://jillianaversa.bandcamp.com
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/jillian-aversa/376154139
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4eBxTYQt9UEuAibNT1eJ0N
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Jillian+Aversa&ref=sr_gnr_aps
Allura: https://impactsoundworks.com/product/allura-volume-1/
Vocalist Jillian Aversa performs "Invincible" from Blizzard's World of Warcraft at Video Games Live (VGL) at the MasterCard Center in Beijing, China 2013! Original music and soundtrack composed by Russell Brower.
Song: "Invincible"
Game: World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
Performers: Jillian Aversa (vocalist), Russell Brower (composer/conductor)
Original Composer: Russell Brower
Filmed at: Beijing, China - Video Games Live - MasterCard Center - August 2013
Jillian Aversa is an award-winning vocalist, composer, performer, and YouTube artist whose shimmering voice has appeared in official video game soundtracks to HALO, DESTINY, GOD OF WAR, CIVILIZATION, KILLER INSTINCT, KATAMARI DAMACY, SOULCALBUR, CRIMSON DRAGON, and more. She has released three solo albums to date, and often collaborates with her EDM producer husband, Andrew "zircon" Aversa. She has also toured with the international symphonic show VIDEO GAMES LIVE for several years.
On this channel, you’ll find her many music video covers of video game and TV music, examples of her official game soundtrack work, her original music, and some of her live performances. Make sure to subscribe and enable notifications!
Check out my other performance videos!
World of Warcraft "Lament of the Highborne": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAAWwfXN87c&t=1s
Tetris Opera: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1yZEs-hBHo
Portal "Still Alive": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WU9GZyt6XCc
- published: 21 Aug 2013
- views: 4058446
AVERSA IS FIRST GRAIL RESPLENDENT! Builds & Analysis - Fire Emblem Heroes [FEH]
The newest FEH Pass unit is Resplendent Aversa and I analyze & go over Aversa Builds that you can run in different game modes! Aversa, the tactician of Plegia, ...
The newest FEH Pass unit is Resplendent Aversa and I analyze & go over Aversa Builds that you can run in different game modes! Aversa, the tactician of Plegia, is here to reveal her alluring new attire from Ljósálfheimr! Her sleek, black garment is highlighted by light-purple decorations designed to resemble flowers and feathers—creating a contrast that's sure to leave anyone spellbound!
👑 Enjoying the videos? You can also support me directly by becoming a member!
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🎶 Music:
- Chaos (Ablaze) - Fire Emblem Awakening
- “Don’t speak her name!” - Fire Emblem Premium Arrange II
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The newest FEH Pass unit is Resplendent Aversa and I analyze & go over Aversa Builds that you can run in different game modes! Aversa, the tactician of Plegia, is here to reveal her alluring new attire from Ljósálfheimr! Her sleek, black garment is highlighted by light-purple decorations designed to resemble flowers and feathers—creating a contrast that's sure to leave anyone spellbound!
👑 Enjoying the videos? You can also support me directly by becoming a member!
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🐦 Twitter › https://twitter.com/Pheonixmaster1
⬘ Unit Builder: https://feh.fromshado.ws/
#feh #FEHeroes #fireemblemheroes
🎶 Music:
- Chaos (Ablaze) - Fire Emblem Awakening
- “Don’t speak her name!” - Fire Emblem Premium Arrange II
🎬 Check out my other FEH Content!
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★ FEH Banner Reviews -
★ FEH Theme Battles! -
★ FEH F2P Guides -
★ FEH Tactics Drills Guides -
★ FEH LHB/MHB F2P Guides!
★ FEH Arena Showcase!
- published: 24 Mar 2023
- views: 23258
Tentata rapina in un'abitazione di Aversa (CE) sventata grazie al Sistema BOR!
La notte del 8 Febbraio scorso, una banda di ladri si è avvicinata a bordo di un'auto scura presso l'abitazione di un nostro cliente di Aversa (CE).
Questa vol...
La notte del 8 Febbraio scorso, una banda di ladri si è avvicinata a bordo di un'auto scura presso l'abitazione di un nostro cliente di Aversa (CE).
Questa volta non si tratta di un semplice tentativo di furto ma di un colpo ben studiato nei minimi dettagli!
Dalle immagini video possiamo notare, infatti, che il primo assalitore si è avvicinato alla porta di ingresso principale con il volto coperto da un passamontagna, ha letto il nome sulla cassetta postale per avere conferma che fosse la giusta casa e ha suonato il campanello per capire se la famiglia all'interno avesse sonno leggero...
Speravano di agire indisturbati ma non sapevano che la casa è sorvegliata dai Guardiani Virtuali che, connessi da remoto e in tempo reale dalla piattaforma tecnologica BOR, in partnership con l'istituto di vigilanza privata DSS Security, hanno avviato i protocolli di emergenza riuscendo ad allontanarli prima che provassero a entrare e mettere in serio pericolo l'incolumità dei nostri clienti all'interno dell'abitazione!
Immagina cosa sarebbe accaduto se a proteggere la famiglia non ci fossero stati i Guardiani Virtuali BOR...
Chiama ora il Numero Verde 800 126 494 e richiedi una consulenza gratuita personalizzata.
La notte del 8 Febbraio scorso, una banda di ladri si è avvicinata a bordo di un'auto scura presso l'abitazione di un nostro cliente di Aversa (CE).
Questa volta non si tratta di un semplice tentativo di furto ma di un colpo ben studiato nei minimi dettagli!
Dalle immagini video possiamo notare, infatti, che il primo assalitore si è avvicinato alla porta di ingresso principale con il volto coperto da un passamontagna, ha letto il nome sulla cassetta postale per avere conferma che fosse la giusta casa e ha suonato il campanello per capire se la famiglia all'interno avesse sonno leggero...
Speravano di agire indisturbati ma non sapevano che la casa è sorvegliata dai Guardiani Virtuali che, connessi da remoto e in tempo reale dalla piattaforma tecnologica BOR, in partnership con l'istituto di vigilanza privata DSS Security, hanno avviato i protocolli di emergenza riuscendo ad allontanarli prima che provassero a entrare e mettere in serio pericolo l'incolumità dei nostri clienti all'interno dell'abitazione!
Immagina cosa sarebbe accaduto se a proteggere la famiglia non ci fossero stati i Guardiani Virtuali BOR...
Chiama ora il Numero Verde 800 126 494 e richiedi una consulenza gratuita personalizzata.
- published: 22 Feb 2023
- views: 10383
Storia di Aversa: una città normanna alle origini del Regno di Sicilia
Aversa sta per compiere 1000 anni.
Scopriamo la sua storia: proprio qui cominciò l'unità del Sud Italia.
Scopri tutte le nostre sto...
Aversa sta per compiere 1000 anni.
Scopriamo la sua storia: proprio qui cominciò l'unità del Sud Italia.
Scopri tutte le nostre storie su www.storienapoli.it
Aversa sta per compiere 1000 anni.
Scopriamo la sua storia: proprio qui cominciò l'unità del Sud Italia.
Scopri tutte le nostre storie su www.storienapoli.it
- published: 14 Dec 2021
- views: 6106