Aṭṭhakathā (Pali for explanation, commentary) refers to Pali-language Theravadin Buddhist commentaries to the canonical Theravadin Tipitaka. These commentaries give the traditional interpretations of the scriptures. The major commentaries were based on earlier ones, now lost, in Pakrit, which were written down at the same time as the Canon, in the last century BCE. Some material in the commentaries is found in canonical texts of other schools of Buddhism, suggesting an early common source.
As with the Canon itself, the contents of collected editions of the Theravadin commentaries, compiled from the fourth century CE onwards, vary between editions. The minimal collection, found in the Thai edition (1992) includes the following (Skilling 2002).
Dhammapada Atthakatha merupakan kisah-kisah yang melatar belakangi munculnya syair-syair Dhammapada. Semua kejadian yang dikisahkan dalam Dhammapada Atthakatha ini terjadi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sehingga sungguh menarik untuk di simak dan didengarkan, karena nasehat-nasehat yang diberikan oleh guru Buddha memberikan jalan pencerahan yang tepat dan benar atas masalah-masalah yang mungkin kita hadapi. Banyak orang terbuka mata batinnya dan tercerahkan setelah membaca maupun menyimak peristiwa-peristiwa yang mengawali terjadinya syair-syair Dhammapada yang disabdakan oleh Sang Buddha.
Dhammapada adalah salah satu di antara kitab-kitab yang sangat terkenal dari Tipitaka. Kitab ini merupakan satu kumpulan ajaran Sang Buddha yang dituangkan dalam syair yang jelas dan ringkas.
published: 19 Mar 2021
Jaya Mangala Gatha-Verses of Auspicious Victory (rare Pali version)-Buddhist Chant
Based on the Book of Protection (Paritta Sutta) from the Pali canon, the Jaya Mangala Gatha is sung here in a rare recording by the Mahabodhi Society of India in original Pali. The Jaya Mangala Gatha is a chant recommended by the Buddha to destroy negativity and to generate auspiciousness. It proclaims the 8 major victories of the Buddha which are:
1) Victory over Mara
2) Victory over the demon Alavaka
3) Victory over the wild elephant Nalagiri
4) Victory over serial killer Angulimala
5) Victory over the evil intentions of Cinca who sought to defame
6) Victory over the haughty brahmin Saccaka
7) Victory over the serpent king Nandopananda
8) Victory over the false views of Brahma Baka
It is important to understand that most of these are allegorical stories that relate to the Buddha def...
published: 21 May 2011
#04 Kisah Kalayakkhini || Dhammapada Atthakatha
Halo sahabat dalam Dhamma yang bijaksana & Namo Buddhaya ...
Kisah dalam Dhammapada Atthakatha Yamaka Vagga 2 Syair Berpasangan Yaitu Kisah Kalayakkhini.
Semoga video ini memberika manfaat bagi kita semua,
Sabbe satta bhavantu sukkhitatta
Semoga semua mahkluk hidup berbahagia.
Lokadhamma Channel
YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/LOKADHAMMACHANNEL
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/lokadhammachannel
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/lokadhamma.channel.08
Dukung Juga:
Web Samaggi Phala: https://samaggi-phala.or.id
Vihara Dhammasoka : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2Rw...
Medkom STI : https://www...
Halo sahabat dalam Dhamma yang bijaksana & Namo Buddhaya ...
Kutipan kitab suci Dhammapada Atthakatha Yamaka Vagga 1 Syair Berpasangan.
Semoga video ini member...
Halo sahabat dalam Dhamma yang bijaksana & Namo Buddhaya ...
Kutipan kitab suci Dhammapada Atthakatha Yamaka Vagga 1 Syair Berpasangan.
Semoga video ini memberika manfaat bagi kita semua,
Sabbe satta bhavantu sukkhitatta
Semoga semua mahkluk hidup berbahagia.
Lokadhamma Channel
YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/LOKADHAMMACHANNEL
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/lokadhammachannel
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/lokadhamma.channel.08
Dukung Juga:
Web Samaggi Phala: https://samaggi-phala.or.id
Vihara Dhammasoka : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2Rw...
Medkom STI : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxFu...
Official Youtube Account of Lokadhamma Channel
#LokadhammaChannel #MelestarikanAjaranBuddha #Dhammapada
Dhammapada Atthakatha merupakan kisah-kisah yang melatar belakangi munculnya syair-syair Dhammapada. Semua kejadian yang dikisahkan dalam Dhammapada Atthakatha ...
Dhammapada Atthakatha merupakan kisah-kisah yang melatar belakangi munculnya syair-syair Dhammapada. Semua kejadian yang dikisahkan dalam Dhammapada Atthakatha ini terjadi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sehingga sungguh menarik untuk di simak dan didengarkan, karena nasehat-nasehat yang diberikan oleh guru Buddha memberikan jalan pencerahan yang tepat dan benar atas masalah-masalah yang mungkin kita hadapi. Banyak orang terbuka mata batinnya dan tercerahkan setelah membaca maupun menyimak peristiwa-peristiwa yang mengawali terjadinya syair-syair Dhammapada yang disabdakan oleh Sang Buddha.
Dhammapada adalah salah satu di antara kitab-kitab yang sangat terkenal dari Tipitaka. Kitab ini merupakan satu kumpulan ajaran Sang Buddha yang dituangkan dalam syair yang jelas dan ringkas.
Dhammapada merupakan kitab kedua dari Khuddaka Nikaya yang merupakan bagian dari Sutta Pitaka, yang terdiri dari 423 syair dalam 26 bab yang diatur dalam beberapa topik. Dalam Dhammapada tersimpan prinsip-prinsip dasar ajaran Sang#DhammapadaAtthakatha#Kisah#Culekasataka#Syair116
Dhammapada Atthakatha merupakan kisah-kisah yang melatar belakangi munculnya syair-syair Dhammapada. Semua kejadian yang dikisahkan dalam Dhammapada Atthakatha ini terjadi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sehingga sungguh menarik untuk di simak dan didengarkan, karena nasehat-nasehat yang diberikan oleh guru Buddha memberikan jalan pencerahan yang tepat dan benar atas masalah-masalah yang mungkin kita hadapi. Banyak orang terbuka mata batinnya dan tercerahkan setelah membaca maupun menyimak peristiwa-peristiwa yang mengawali terjadinya syair-syair Dhammapada yang disabdakan oleh Sang Buddha.
Dhammapada adalah salah satu di antara kitab-kitab yang sangat terkenal dari Tipitaka. Kitab ini merupakan satu kumpulan ajaran Sang Buddha yang dituangkan dalam syair yang jelas dan ringkas.
Dhammapada merupakan kitab kedua dari Khuddaka Nikaya yang merupakan bagian dari Sutta Pitaka, yang terdiri dari 423 syair dalam 26 bab yang diatur dalam beberapa topik. Dalam Dhammapada tersimpan prinsip-prinsip dasar ajaran Sang#DhammapadaAtthakatha#Kisah#Culekasataka#Syair116
Based on the Book of Protection (Paritta Sutta) from the Pali canon, the Jaya Mangala Gatha is sung here in a rare recording by the Mahabodhi Society of India i...
Based on the Book of Protection (Paritta Sutta) from the Pali canon, the Jaya Mangala Gatha is sung here in a rare recording by the Mahabodhi Society of India in original Pali. The Jaya Mangala Gatha is a chant recommended by the Buddha to destroy negativity and to generate auspiciousness. It proclaims the 8 major victories of the Buddha which are:
1) Victory over Mara
2) Victory over the demon Alavaka
3) Victory over the wild elephant Nalagiri
4) Victory over serial killer Angulimala
5) Victory over the evil intentions of Cinca who sought to defame
6) Victory over the haughty brahmin Saccaka
7) Victory over the serpent king Nandopananda
8) Victory over the false views of Brahma Baka
It is important to understand that most of these are allegorical stories that relate to the Buddha defeating the negative aspects of his (Mara and Alavaka) and others' minds.
It is said that these verses if chanted with a clear and pure intention are helpful in protecting the seeker by attracting the Good around.
The Pali pronunciation here is exemplary and difficult to find.
In Pali:
Bahum sahassam-abhinim
mita sayudham tam
Girimekhalam udita ghora
sasena maram
Danadidhamma vidhina
jitava munindo
Tarn tejasa bhavatu te
Maratirekam-abhiyuj jhita
Ghorampanalavaka makkha
mathaddha yakkham
Khanti sudanta vidhina jitava munindo
Tam tejasa bhavatu te
Nalagirim gajavaram
atimatta bhutan
Davaggicakkam-asanlva sudarunantam
Mettambuseka vidhina jitava munindo
Tarn tejasa bhavatu te
Ukkhitta khagga mati hattha sudarunantam
Dhavarn tiyojana pathan gulimala vantarn
Iddhibhi sarikhatamano jitava munindo
Tarn tejasa bhavatu te
Katvana katthamudararn iva gabbhinlya
Cincaya duttha vacanarn janakaya majjhe
Santena somavidhina jitava munindo
Tarn tejasa bhavatu te
Saccarn vihaya matisac caka vadaketum
Vadabhiropitamanam atiandhabhutam
Pannapadlpajalito jitava munindo
Tarn tejasa bhavatu te
Nandopanandabhujagam vibudham
Puttena therabhujagena damapayanto Iddhupadesa
vidhina jitava munindo
Tarn tejasa bhavatu te
Duggahaditthi bhujajagena
Brahmam visuddhi jutimiddhi
Nanagadena vidhina jitava munindo
Tarn tejasa bhavatu te
Etapi Buddha j ayamangala atthagatha
Yavacako dinadine sarate matandi
Hitvana neka vividhani cupaddavani
Mokkham sukham adhigameyya
English translation:
Creating thousand hands, with weapons
armed was Mara seated on the
trumpeting, ferocious elephant Girimekhala.
Him, together with his army, did the
Lord of Sages subdue by means of generosity and other virtues.
By its grace may joyous victory be thine.
More violent than Mara were the
indocile, obstinate demon Alavaka, who
battled with the Buddha throughout the
whole night.
Him, did the Lord of Sages
subdue by means of His patience and
By its grace may joyous victory be thine.
Nalagiri, the mighty elephant, highly
intoxicated was raging like a forest-fire
and was terrible as thunder-bolt.
Sprinkling the waters of loving-kindness,
this ferocious Beast, did the Lord of
Sages subdue.
By its grace may joyous victory be thine.
With uplifted sword, for a distance of
three leagues, did wicked Angulimala
run. The Lord of Sages subdued him by
His psychic powers.
By its grace may joyous victory be thine.
Her belly bound with faggots, to simulate
the bigness of pregnancy, Cinca, with
harsh words made foul accusation in the
midst of an assemblage. Her, did the
Lord of Sages subdue by His serene and
peaceful bearing.
By its grace may Joyous victory be thine.
Haughty Saccaka, who ignored truth, was
like a banner in controversy, and his
vision was blinded by his own
disputation. Lighting the lamp of
wisdom, Him did the Lord of Sages
By its grace may Joyous victory be thine.
The wise and powerful serpent
Nandopananda, the Noble Sage caused
to be subdued by the psychic power of
his disciple son (Thero Moggallana).
By its grace may joyous victory be thine.
The pure, radiant, majestic Brahma,
named Baka, whose hand was grievously
bitten by the snake of tenacious false-views,
the Lord of Sages cure with His
medicine of wisdom.
By its grace may joyous victory be thine.
The wise one, who daily recites and
earnestly remembers these eight verses
of joyous victory of the Budhha, will get
rid of various misfortunes and gain the
bliss of Nirvana.
Based on the Book of Protection (Paritta Sutta) from the Pali canon, the Jaya Mangala Gatha is sung here in a rare recording by the Mahabodhi Society of India in original Pali. The Jaya Mangala Gatha is a chant recommended by the Buddha to destroy negativity and to generate auspiciousness. It proclaims the 8 major victories of the Buddha which are:
1) Victory over Mara
2) Victory over the demon Alavaka
3) Victory over the wild elephant Nalagiri
4) Victory over serial killer Angulimala
5) Victory over the evil intentions of Cinca who sought to defame
6) Victory over the haughty brahmin Saccaka
7) Victory over the serpent king Nandopananda
8) Victory over the false views of Brahma Baka
It is important to understand that most of these are allegorical stories that relate to the Buddha defeating the negative aspects of his (Mara and Alavaka) and others' minds.
It is said that these verses if chanted with a clear and pure intention are helpful in protecting the seeker by attracting the Good around.
The Pali pronunciation here is exemplary and difficult to find.
In Pali:
Bahum sahassam-abhinim
mita sayudham tam
Girimekhalam udita ghora
sasena maram
Danadidhamma vidhina
jitava munindo
Tarn tejasa bhavatu te
Maratirekam-abhiyuj jhita
Ghorampanalavaka makkha
mathaddha yakkham
Khanti sudanta vidhina jitava munindo
Tam tejasa bhavatu te
Nalagirim gajavaram
atimatta bhutan
Davaggicakkam-asanlva sudarunantam
Mettambuseka vidhina jitava munindo
Tarn tejasa bhavatu te
Ukkhitta khagga mati hattha sudarunantam
Dhavarn tiyojana pathan gulimala vantarn
Iddhibhi sarikhatamano jitava munindo
Tarn tejasa bhavatu te
Katvana katthamudararn iva gabbhinlya
Cincaya duttha vacanarn janakaya majjhe
Santena somavidhina jitava munindo
Tarn tejasa bhavatu te
Saccarn vihaya matisac caka vadaketum
Vadabhiropitamanam atiandhabhutam
Pannapadlpajalito jitava munindo
Tarn tejasa bhavatu te
Nandopanandabhujagam vibudham
Puttena therabhujagena damapayanto Iddhupadesa
vidhina jitava munindo
Tarn tejasa bhavatu te
Duggahaditthi bhujajagena
Brahmam visuddhi jutimiddhi
Nanagadena vidhina jitava munindo
Tarn tejasa bhavatu te
Etapi Buddha j ayamangala atthagatha
Yavacako dinadine sarate matandi
Hitvana neka vividhani cupaddavani
Mokkham sukham adhigameyya
English translation:
Creating thousand hands, with weapons
armed was Mara seated on the
trumpeting, ferocious elephant Girimekhala.
Him, together with his army, did the
Lord of Sages subdue by means of generosity and other virtues.
By its grace may joyous victory be thine.
More violent than Mara were the
indocile, obstinate demon Alavaka, who
battled with the Buddha throughout the
whole night.
Him, did the Lord of Sages
subdue by means of His patience and
By its grace may joyous victory be thine.
Nalagiri, the mighty elephant, highly
intoxicated was raging like a forest-fire
and was terrible as thunder-bolt.
Sprinkling the waters of loving-kindness,
this ferocious Beast, did the Lord of
Sages subdue.
By its grace may joyous victory be thine.
With uplifted sword, for a distance of
three leagues, did wicked Angulimala
run. The Lord of Sages subdued him by
His psychic powers.
By its grace may joyous victory be thine.
Her belly bound with faggots, to simulate
the bigness of pregnancy, Cinca, with
harsh words made foul accusation in the
midst of an assemblage. Her, did the
Lord of Sages subdue by His serene and
peaceful bearing.
By its grace may Joyous victory be thine.
Haughty Saccaka, who ignored truth, was
like a banner in controversy, and his
vision was blinded by his own
disputation. Lighting the lamp of
wisdom, Him did the Lord of Sages
By its grace may Joyous victory be thine.
The wise and powerful serpent
Nandopananda, the Noble Sage caused
to be subdued by the psychic power of
his disciple son (Thero Moggallana).
By its grace may joyous victory be thine.
The pure, radiant, majestic Brahma,
named Baka, whose hand was grievously
bitten by the snake of tenacious false-views,
the Lord of Sages cure with His
medicine of wisdom.
By its grace may joyous victory be thine.
The wise one, who daily recites and
earnestly remembers these eight verses
of joyous victory of the Budhha, will get
rid of various misfortunes and gain the
bliss of Nirvana.
Halo sahabat dalam Dhamma yang bijaksana & Namo Buddhaya ...
Kisah dalam Dhammapada Atthakatha Yamaka Vagga 2 Syair Berpasangan Yaitu Kisah Kalayakkhini.
Halo sahabat dalam Dhamma yang bijaksana & Namo Buddhaya ...
Kisah dalam Dhammapada Atthakatha Yamaka Vagga 2 Syair Berpasangan Yaitu Kisah Kalayakkhini.
Semoga video ini memberika manfaat bagi kita semua,
Sabbe satta bhavantu sukkhitatta
Semoga semua mahkluk hidup berbahagia.
Lokadhamma Channel
YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/LOKADHAMMACHANNEL
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/lokadhammachannel
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/lokadhamma.channel.08
Dukung Juga:
Web Samaggi Phala: https://samaggi-phala.or.id
Vihara Dhammasoka : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2Rw...
Medkom STI : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxFu...
Official Youtube Account of Lokadhamma Channel
#LokadhammaChannel #MelestarikanAjaranBuddha #Dhammapada
Dhammapada Atthakatha merupakan kisah-kisah yang melatar belakangi munculnya syair-syair Dhammapada. Semua kejadian yang dikisahkan dalam Dhammapada Atthakatha ini terjadi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sehingga sungguh menarik untuk di simak dan didengarkan, karena nasehat-nasehat yang diberikan oleh guru Buddha memberikan jalan pencerahan yang tepat dan benar atas masalah-masalah yang mungkin kita hadapi. Banyak orang terbuka mata batinnya dan tercerahkan setelah membaca maupun menyimak peristiwa-peristiwa yang mengawali terjadinya syair-syair Dhammapada yang disabdakan oleh Sang Buddha.
Dhammapada adalah salah satu di antara kitab-kitab yang sangat terkenal dari Tipitaka. Kitab ini merupakan satu kumpulan ajaran Sang Buddha yang dituangkan dalam syair yang jelas dan ringkas.
Dhammapada merupakan kitab kedua dari Khuddaka Nikaya yang merupakan bagian dari Sutta Pitaka, yang terdiri dari 423 syair dalam 26 bab yang diatur dalam beberapa topik. Dalam Dhammapada tersimpan prinsip-prinsip dasar ajaran Sang#DhammapadaAtthakatha#Kisah#Culekasataka#Syair116
Based on the Book of Protection (Paritta Sutta) from the Pali canon, the Jaya Mangala Gatha is sung here in a rare recording by the Mahabodhi Society of India in original Pali. The Jaya Mangala Gatha is a chant recommended by the Buddha to destroy negativity and to generate auspiciousness. It proclaims the 8 major victories of the Buddha which are:
1) Victory over Mara
2) Victory over the demon Alavaka
3) Victory over the wild elephant Nalagiri
4) Victory over serial killer Angulimala
5) Victory over the evil intentions of Cinca who sought to defame
6) Victory over the haughty brahmin Saccaka
7) Victory over the serpent king Nandopananda
8) Victory over the false views of Brahma Baka
It is important to understand that most of these are allegorical stories that relate to the Buddha defeating the negative aspects of his (Mara and Alavaka) and others' minds.
It is said that these verses if chanted with a clear and pure intention are helpful in protecting the seeker by attracting the Good around.
The Pali pronunciation here is exemplary and difficult to find.
In Pali:
Bahum sahassam-abhinim
mita sayudham tam
Girimekhalam udita ghora
sasena maram
Danadidhamma vidhina
jitava munindo
Tarn tejasa bhavatu te
Maratirekam-abhiyuj jhita
Ghorampanalavaka makkha
mathaddha yakkham
Khanti sudanta vidhina jitava munindo
Tam tejasa bhavatu te
Nalagirim gajavaram
atimatta bhutan
Davaggicakkam-asanlva sudarunantam
Mettambuseka vidhina jitava munindo
Tarn tejasa bhavatu te
Ukkhitta khagga mati hattha sudarunantam
Dhavarn tiyojana pathan gulimala vantarn
Iddhibhi sarikhatamano jitava munindo
Tarn tejasa bhavatu te
Katvana katthamudararn iva gabbhinlya
Cincaya duttha vacanarn janakaya majjhe
Santena somavidhina jitava munindo
Tarn tejasa bhavatu te
Saccarn vihaya matisac caka vadaketum
Vadabhiropitamanam atiandhabhutam
Pannapadlpajalito jitava munindo
Tarn tejasa bhavatu te
Nandopanandabhujagam vibudham
Puttena therabhujagena damapayanto Iddhupadesa
vidhina jitava munindo
Tarn tejasa bhavatu te
Duggahaditthi bhujajagena
Brahmam visuddhi jutimiddhi
Nanagadena vidhina jitava munindo
Tarn tejasa bhavatu te
Etapi Buddha j ayamangala atthagatha
Yavacako dinadine sarate matandi
Hitvana neka vividhani cupaddavani
Mokkham sukham adhigameyya
English translation:
Creating thousand hands, with weapons
armed was Mara seated on the
trumpeting, ferocious elephant Girimekhala.
Him, together with his army, did the
Lord of Sages subdue by means of generosity and other virtues.
By its grace may joyous victory be thine.
More violent than Mara were the
indocile, obstinate demon Alavaka, who
battled with the Buddha throughout the
whole night.
Him, did the Lord of Sages
subdue by means of His patience and
By its grace may joyous victory be thine.
Nalagiri, the mighty elephant, highly
intoxicated was raging like a forest-fire
and was terrible as thunder-bolt.
Sprinkling the waters of loving-kindness,
this ferocious Beast, did the Lord of
Sages subdue.
By its grace may joyous victory be thine.
With uplifted sword, for a distance of
three leagues, did wicked Angulimala
run. The Lord of Sages subdued him by
His psychic powers.
By its grace may joyous victory be thine.
Her belly bound with faggots, to simulate
the bigness of pregnancy, Cinca, with
harsh words made foul accusation in the
midst of an assemblage. Her, did the
Lord of Sages subdue by His serene and
peaceful bearing.
By its grace may Joyous victory be thine.
Haughty Saccaka, who ignored truth, was
like a banner in controversy, and his
vision was blinded by his own
disputation. Lighting the lamp of
wisdom, Him did the Lord of Sages
By its grace may Joyous victory be thine.
The wise and powerful serpent
Nandopananda, the Noble Sage caused
to be subdued by the psychic power of
his disciple son (Thero Moggallana).
By its grace may joyous victory be thine.
The pure, radiant, majestic Brahma,
named Baka, whose hand was grievously
bitten by the snake of tenacious false-views,
the Lord of Sages cure with His
medicine of wisdom.
By its grace may joyous victory be thine.
The wise one, who daily recites and
earnestly remembers these eight verses
of joyous victory of the Budhha, will get
rid of various misfortunes and gain the
bliss of Nirvana.
Aṭṭhakathā (Pali for explanation, commentary) refers to Pali-language Theravadin Buddhist commentaries to the canonical Theravadin Tipitaka. These commentaries give the traditional interpretations of the scriptures. The major commentaries were based on earlier ones, now lost, in Pakrit, which were written down at the same time as the Canon, in the last century BCE. Some material in the commentaries is found in canonical texts of other schools of Buddhism, suggesting an early common source.
As with the Canon itself, the contents of collected editions of the Theravadin commentaries, compiled from the fourth century CE onwards, vary between editions. The minimal collection, found in the Thai edition (1992) includes the following (Skilling 2002).