The film begins the story of Atlas Shrugged, set in a dystopian United States where John Galt leads innovators, from industrialists to artists, in a capital strike, "stopping the motor of the world" to reassert the importance of the free use of one's mind and of laissez-fairecapitalism.
It is 2016 and the United States is in a sustained economic depression. Industrial disasters, resource shortages, and gasoline at $37/gallon have made railroads the primary mode of transportation, but even they are in disrepair. After a major accident on the Rio Norte line of the Taggart Transcontinental railroad, CEO James Taggart shirks responsibility. His sister Dagny Taggart, Vice-President in Charge of Operation, defies him by replacing the aging track with new rails made of Rearden Metal, which is claimed to be lighter yet stronger than steel. Dagny meets with its inventor, Hank Rearden, and they negotiate a deal they both admit serves their respective self-interests.
Atlas Shrugged is a 1957 novel by Ayn Rand. Rand's fourth and last novel, it was also her longest, and the one she considered to be her magnum opus in the realm of fiction writing.Atlas Shrugged includes elements of science fiction,mystery, and romance, and it contains Rand's most extensive statement of Objectivism in any of her works of fiction.
The book depicts a dystopian United States, wherein many of society's most prominent and successful industrialists abandon their fortunes and the nation itself, in response to aggressive new regulations, whereupon most vital industries collapse. The title is a reference to Atlas, a Titan described in the novel as "the giant who holds the world on his shoulders". The significance of this reference appears in a conversation between the characters Francisco d'Anconia and Hank Rearden, in which d'Anconia asks Rearden what advice he would give Atlas upon seeing that "the greater [the titan's] effort, the heavier the world bore down on his shoulders". With Rearden unable to answer, d'Anconia gives his own response: "To shrug".
Dagny Taggart pilots an airplane in pursuit of another plane. Dagny asks herself, "Who is John Galt?" before apparently crashing into a mountainside.
Nine months earlier, Dagny is trying to understand the abandoned prototype of an advanced motor she and her lover Hank Rearden have found. Scientists across the country have been disappearing under mysterious circumstances, but Dagny is able to locate Quentin Daniels, who agrees to help from an abandoned laboratory in Utah.
Dagny's brother James Taggart, president of the family railroad, meets store clerk Cherryl Brooks and brings her to see a renowned pianist, who disappears during his performance, leaving a note asking, "Who is John Galt?" Later, at James and Cherryl's wedding, Dagny's friend Francisco d'Anconia argues with other guests about whether money is evil, and secretly informs Rearden about devastating explosions at his copper mine—the next day. Rearden spends the night with Dagny. Later, he is confronted about the affair by his wife Lillian, but when he offers a divorce she declines, in order to maintain her position in society.
The screenplays are written by John Aglialoro and Brian Patrick O'Toole (Part I); Duke Sandefur, O'Toole, and Duncan Scott (Part II); and J. James Manera, Harmon Kaslow, and Aglialoro (Part III). The films take place in a dystopian United States, wherein many of society's most prominent and successful industrialists abandon their fortunes and the nation itself, in response to aggressive new regulations, whereupon most vital industries collapse.
In Part I, railroad executive Dagny Taggart (Taylor Schilling) and steel mogul Henry Rearden (Grant Bowler) form an alliance to fight the increasingly authoritarian government of the United States. In Part II, Taggart (Samantha Mathis) and Rearden (Jason Beghe) search desperately for the inventor of a revolutionary motor as the U.S. government continues to spread its control over the national economy. In Part III, Taggart (Laura Regan) and Rearden (Rob Morrow) come into contact with the man responsible for the strike which much of the series focuses on the effects of.
Genre: drama
Regie / directed by: Paul Johansson ( One Tree Hill )
Darsteller / cast: Taylor Schilling , Grant Bowler , Paul Johansson , Armin Shimerman ,
Kinostart Deutschland: ?
Kinostart USA: April 2011
offizielle Filmsite: http://
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used with authorization
published: 21 Apr 2011
Atlas Shrugged
part 2
published: 03 Jul 2017
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand - Review (Ft. Vaush)
#atlasshrugged #aynrand #explained
Radical Reviewer taking a look at Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand critiquing the story and comparing its themes to Umberto Eco's 14 Features of F@$ism.
Twitter: @ReviewerRadical
Tik Tok:
Vaush's Channel:
Time Stamps:
Intro: 0:00
Part 1: 3:06
Part 2: 17:38
Part 3: 39:22
Conclusion: 1:18:53
Videos Referenced in this Review:
My Marx's Kapital For Beginners Video:
Knowing Better's Capitalism and Libertarianism Video:
The Take Documentary:
Thought Slime'...
published: 28 May 2021
⭐️ A Lesson from Atlas Shrugged
Re-released; more pertinent than ever . The Biden administration has disregarded Atlas Shrugged as a cautionary tale, instead opting to treat it as an instruction manual. From "Atlas Shrugged II", a lesson in individual integrity in a free society.
published: 26 May 2016
Book Review: Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
I can't even begin to tell you how much I didn't want to read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. It felt like a mountain that I would never be able to climb. But then, I realized that life is about overcoming challenges and reaching your goals.
'Cause baby there ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
(not even Galt's Gulch)
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from finishing Atlas Shrugged!
Atlas Shrugged is the longest book I have ever read in my life. And I can officially say that I finished the book, and I'm glad I read it! In this book review, there will not be too many spoilers because I want to encourage you to embark on the reading journey of discovery like I did. I hope that I can convince you to try reading Atlas Shrugged for the first time or to pick it up a...
published: 14 Dec 2019
Atlas Shrugged Trailer
This is the official Atlas Shrugged Part 1 Movie Trailer. See the official Atlas Shrugged Part 2 trailer here:
Atlas Shrugged Part II now available on DVD and Blu-ray all major retail outlets.
Order the 2-Disc Special Edition DVD or d'Anconia Copper Blu-ray online:
Sign up for the Atlas Shrugged Newsletter:
Disappear to Galt's Gulch:
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published: 08 Feb 2011
Atlas Shrugged (Part II): Money is no evil
James Taggart: You know, money cannot buy happiness. True words were never spoken. We're no longer chasing the almighty dollar. Our ideals are higher than profit. Is there the aristocracy of money, we have...
Francisco d'Anconia: The aristocracy of pull. I mean... now it's about influence but you knew that already.
James Taggart: What I know is you need to learn some manners.
Guest #01: Ever doubt that money is the root of all evil? Here's your proof.
Francisco d'Anconia: Oh, so you think money is the root of all evil? Have you ever asked yourself what's the root of money? Money is a tool that allows us to trade with one another. Your goods for mine, your efforts for mine; the keystone of civilization. Having money is not the measure of a man, what matter is how he got it. If you p...
published: 20 Feb 2013
Atlas Shrugged - Renegade Cut
An analysis of the Atlas Shrugged film trilogy. Topics include Objectivism, Ayn Rand, the global financial crisis and the federal government. Support Renegade Cut Media through Patreon.
Please watch: "Good and Evil in The Lord of the Rings"
Genre: drama
Regie / directed by: Paul Johansson ( One Tree Hill )
Darsteller / cast: Taylor Schilling , Grant Bowler , Paul Johansson , Armin Shimerma...
Genre: drama
Regie / directed by: Paul Johansson ( One Tree Hill )
Darsteller / cast: Taylor Schilling , Grant Bowler , Paul Johansson , Armin Shimerman ,
Kinostart Deutschland: ?
Kinostart USA: April 2011
offizielle Filmsite: http://
Verwendung mit freundlicher Genehmigung von
used with authorization
Genre: drama
Regie / directed by: Paul Johansson ( One Tree Hill )
Darsteller / cast: Taylor Schilling , Grant Bowler , Paul Johansson , Armin Shimerman ,
Kinostart Deutschland: ?
Kinostart USA: April 2011
offizielle Filmsite: http://
Verwendung mit freundlicher Genehmigung von
used with authorization
#atlasshrugged #aynrand #explained
Radical Reviewer taking a look at Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand critiquing the story and comparing its themes to Umberto Eco's ...
#atlasshrugged #aynrand #explained
Radical Reviewer taking a look at Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand critiquing the story and comparing its themes to Umberto Eco's 14 Features of F@$ism.
Twitter: @ReviewerRadical
Tik Tok:
Vaush's Channel:
Time Stamps:
Intro: 0:00
Part 1: 3:06
Part 2: 17:38
Part 3: 39:22
Conclusion: 1:18:53
Videos Referenced in this Review:
My Marx's Kapital For Beginners Video:
Knowing Better's Capitalism and Libertarianism Video:
The Take Documentary:
Thought Slime's Ancap Minecraft Video:
My Review of the Libertarian Manifesto:
#atlasshrugged #aynrand #explained
Radical Reviewer taking a look at Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand critiquing the story and comparing its themes to Umberto Eco's 14 Features of F@$ism.
Twitter: @ReviewerRadical
Tik Tok:
Vaush's Channel:
Time Stamps:
Intro: 0:00
Part 1: 3:06
Part 2: 17:38
Part 3: 39:22
Conclusion: 1:18:53
Videos Referenced in this Review:
My Marx's Kapital For Beginners Video:
Knowing Better's Capitalism and Libertarianism Video:
The Take Documentary:
Thought Slime's Ancap Minecraft Video:
My Review of the Libertarian Manifesto:
Re-released; more pertinent than ever . The Biden administration has disregarded Atlas Shrugged as a cautionary tale, instead opting to treat it as an instructi...
Re-released; more pertinent than ever . The Biden administration has disregarded Atlas Shrugged as a cautionary tale, instead opting to treat it as an instruction manual. From "Atlas Shrugged II", a lesson in individual integrity in a free society.
Re-released; more pertinent than ever . The Biden administration has disregarded Atlas Shrugged as a cautionary tale, instead opting to treat it as an instruction manual. From "Atlas Shrugged II", a lesson in individual integrity in a free society.
I can't even begin to tell you how much I didn't want to read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. It felt like a mountain that I would never be able to climb. But the...
I can't even begin to tell you how much I didn't want to read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. It felt like a mountain that I would never be able to climb. But then, I realized that life is about overcoming challenges and reaching your goals.
'Cause baby there ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
(not even Galt's Gulch)
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from finishing Atlas Shrugged!
Atlas Shrugged is the longest book I have ever read in my life. And I can officially say that I finished the book, and I'm glad I read it! In this book review, there will not be too many spoilers because I want to encourage you to embark on the reading journey of discovery like I did. I hope that I can convince you to try reading Atlas Shrugged for the first time or to pick it up again after it has been sitting on your shelf for years. Whatever you do, keep chugging along and don't give up!
Get a copy of Atlas Shrugged at my affiliate link here:
Check out the Pocket Guide to Atlas Shrugged from The Atlas Society at my affiliate link here:
Amazon Store:
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1776 United Affiliate Link: Use discount code 76MILITIA-STEFFI
#AtlasShrugged #AynRand #WhoIsJohnGalt
I can't even begin to tell you how much I didn't want to read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. It felt like a mountain that I would never be able to climb. But then, I realized that life is about overcoming challenges and reaching your goals.
'Cause baby there ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
(not even Galt's Gulch)
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from finishing Atlas Shrugged!
Atlas Shrugged is the longest book I have ever read in my life. And I can officially say that I finished the book, and I'm glad I read it! In this book review, there will not be too many spoilers because I want to encourage you to embark on the reading journey of discovery like I did. I hope that I can convince you to try reading Atlas Shrugged for the first time or to pick it up again after it has been sitting on your shelf for years. Whatever you do, keep chugging along and don't give up!
Get a copy of Atlas Shrugged at my affiliate link here:
Check out the Pocket Guide to Atlas Shrugged from The Atlas Society at my affiliate link here:
Amazon Store:
YouTube Subscribe:
1776 United Affiliate Link: Use discount code 76MILITIA-STEFFI
#AtlasShrugged #AynRand #WhoIsJohnGalt
This is the official Atlas Shrugged Part 1 Movie Trailer. See the official Atlas Shrugged Part 2 trailer here:
This is the official Atlas Shrugged Part 1 Movie Trailer. See the official Atlas Shrugged Part 2 trailer here:
Atlas Shrugged Part II now available on DVD and Blu-ray all major retail outlets.
Order the 2-Disc Special Edition DVD or d'Anconia Copper Blu-ray online:
Sign up for the Atlas Shrugged Newsletter:
Disappear to Galt's Gulch:
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This is the official Atlas Shrugged Part 1 Movie Trailer. See the official Atlas Shrugged Part 2 trailer here:
Atlas Shrugged Part II now available on DVD and Blu-ray all major retail outlets.
Order the 2-Disc Special Edition DVD or d'Anconia Copper Blu-ray online:
Sign up for the Atlas Shrugged Newsletter:
Disappear to Galt's Gulch:
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James Taggart: You know, money cannot buy happiness. True words were never spoken. We're no longer chasing the almighty dollar. Our ideals are higher than profi...
James Taggart: You know, money cannot buy happiness. True words were never spoken. We're no longer chasing the almighty dollar. Our ideals are higher than profit. Is there the aristocracy of money, we have...
Francisco d'Anconia: The aristocracy of pull. I mean... now it's about influence but you knew that already.
James Taggart: What I know is you need to learn some manners.
Guest #01: Ever doubt that money is the root of all evil? Here's your proof.
Francisco d'Anconia: Oh, so you think money is the root of all evil? Have you ever asked yourself what's the root of money? Money is a tool that allows us to trade with one another. Your goods for mine, your efforts for mine; the keystone of civilization. Having money is not the measure of a man, what matter is how he got it. If you produce it by creating value then money is a token of honor.
James Taggart: Look who's talking about honor.
Francisco d'Anconia: But if he's taken it from those who produce, then there is no honor. And you're simply a looter.
Guest #02: Senior d'Anconia, we all know that money is made by the strong at the expense of the weak.
Francisco d'Anconia: Hmm... what kind of strength are you talking about? The power to create value, or the ability to manipulate? To extort money in backroom deal, to exercise pull.
James Taggart: Alright. Just leave.
Franciso d'Anconia: What money ceases us to be the tool by which man deal with one another, then men become the tools of men. Blood, whips, chains or dollars; take your choice, there is no other and your time is running out.
Henry Rearden: D'Anconia, I wanna speak to you.
Francisco d'Anconia: Mr. Rearden, to whom do you think I would speak? Tell me, do you own any d'Anconia global commodity stock?
Henry Rearden: No.
Francisco d'Anconia: Good. Because everyone else in this room does and they deserve too.
Henry Rearden: What are you talking about?
Francisco d'Anconia: There was a fire at the d'Anconia ore docks in Valparaiso tomorrow morning. Among related events, the d'Anconia mines will buried under rock slides. Most of them too.
Henry Rearden: Why would you do that?
Francisco d'Anconia: Money is the root of all evil - so I just got tired of being evil.
James Taggart: You know, money cannot buy happiness. True words were never spoken. We're no longer chasing the almighty dollar. Our ideals are higher than profit. Is there the aristocracy of money, we have...
Francisco d'Anconia: The aristocracy of pull. I mean... now it's about influence but you knew that already.
James Taggart: What I know is you need to learn some manners.
Guest #01: Ever doubt that money is the root of all evil? Here's your proof.
Francisco d'Anconia: Oh, so you think money is the root of all evil? Have you ever asked yourself what's the root of money? Money is a tool that allows us to trade with one another. Your goods for mine, your efforts for mine; the keystone of civilization. Having money is not the measure of a man, what matter is how he got it. If you produce it by creating value then money is a token of honor.
James Taggart: Look who's talking about honor.
Francisco d'Anconia: But if he's taken it from those who produce, then there is no honor. And you're simply a looter.
Guest #02: Senior d'Anconia, we all know that money is made by the strong at the expense of the weak.
Francisco d'Anconia: Hmm... what kind of strength are you talking about? The power to create value, or the ability to manipulate? To extort money in backroom deal, to exercise pull.
James Taggart: Alright. Just leave.
Franciso d'Anconia: What money ceases us to be the tool by which man deal with one another, then men become the tools of men. Blood, whips, chains or dollars; take your choice, there is no other and your time is running out.
Henry Rearden: D'Anconia, I wanna speak to you.
Francisco d'Anconia: Mr. Rearden, to whom do you think I would speak? Tell me, do you own any d'Anconia global commodity stock?
Henry Rearden: No.
Francisco d'Anconia: Good. Because everyone else in this room does and they deserve too.
Henry Rearden: What are you talking about?
Francisco d'Anconia: There was a fire at the d'Anconia ore docks in Valparaiso tomorrow morning. Among related events, the d'Anconia mines will buried under rock slides. Most of them too.
Henry Rearden: Why would you do that?
Francisco d'Anconia: Money is the root of all evil - so I just got tired of being evil.
An analysis of the Atlas Shrugged film trilogy. Topics include Objectivism, Ayn Rand, the global financial crisis and the federal government. Support Renegade C...
An analysis of the Atlas Shrugged film trilogy. Topics include Objectivism, Ayn Rand, the global financial crisis and the federal government. Support Renegade Cut Media through Patreon.
Please watch: "Good and Evil in The Lord of the Rings"
An analysis of the Atlas Shrugged film trilogy. Topics include Objectivism, Ayn Rand, the global financial crisis and the federal government. Support Renegade Cut Media through Patreon.
Please watch: "Good and Evil in The Lord of the Rings"
Genre: drama
Regie / directed by: Paul Johansson ( One Tree Hill )
Darsteller / cast: Taylor Schilling , Grant Bowler , Paul Johansson , Armin Shimerman ,
Kinostart Deutschland: ?
Kinostart USA: April 2011
offizielle Filmsite: http://
Verwendung mit freundlicher Genehmigung von
used with authorization
#atlasshrugged #aynrand #explained
Radical Reviewer taking a look at Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand critiquing the story and comparing its themes to Umberto Eco's 14 Features of F@$ism.
Twitter: @ReviewerRadical
Tik Tok:
Vaush's Channel:
Time Stamps:
Intro: 0:00
Part 1: 3:06
Part 2: 17:38
Part 3: 39:22
Conclusion: 1:18:53
Videos Referenced in this Review:
My Marx's Kapital For Beginners Video:
Knowing Better's Capitalism and Libertarianism Video:
The Take Documentary:
Thought Slime's Ancap Minecraft Video:
My Review of the Libertarian Manifesto:
Re-released; more pertinent than ever . The Biden administration has disregarded Atlas Shrugged as a cautionary tale, instead opting to treat it as an instruction manual. From "Atlas Shrugged II", a lesson in individual integrity in a free society.
I can't even begin to tell you how much I didn't want to read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. It felt like a mountain that I would never be able to climb. But then, I realized that life is about overcoming challenges and reaching your goals.
'Cause baby there ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
(not even Galt's Gulch)
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from finishing Atlas Shrugged!
Atlas Shrugged is the longest book I have ever read in my life. And I can officially say that I finished the book, and I'm glad I read it! In this book review, there will not be too many spoilers because I want to encourage you to embark on the reading journey of discovery like I did. I hope that I can convince you to try reading Atlas Shrugged for the first time or to pick it up again after it has been sitting on your shelf for years. Whatever you do, keep chugging along and don't give up!
Get a copy of Atlas Shrugged at my affiliate link here:
Check out the Pocket Guide to Atlas Shrugged from The Atlas Society at my affiliate link here:
Amazon Store:
YouTube Subscribe:
1776 United Affiliate Link: Use discount code 76MILITIA-STEFFI
#AtlasShrugged #AynRand #WhoIsJohnGalt
This is the official Atlas Shrugged Part 1 Movie Trailer. See the official Atlas Shrugged Part 2 trailer here:
Atlas Shrugged Part II now available on DVD and Blu-ray all major retail outlets.
Order the 2-Disc Special Edition DVD or d'Anconia Copper Blu-ray online:
Sign up for the Atlas Shrugged Newsletter:
Disappear to Galt's Gulch:
Like us on facebook:
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James Taggart: You know, money cannot buy happiness. True words were never spoken. We're no longer chasing the almighty dollar. Our ideals are higher than profit. Is there the aristocracy of money, we have...
Francisco d'Anconia: The aristocracy of pull. I mean... now it's about influence but you knew that already.
James Taggart: What I know is you need to learn some manners.
Guest #01: Ever doubt that money is the root of all evil? Here's your proof.
Francisco d'Anconia: Oh, so you think money is the root of all evil? Have you ever asked yourself what's the root of money? Money is a tool that allows us to trade with one another. Your goods for mine, your efforts for mine; the keystone of civilization. Having money is not the measure of a man, what matter is how he got it. If you produce it by creating value then money is a token of honor.
James Taggart: Look who's talking about honor.
Francisco d'Anconia: But if he's taken it from those who produce, then there is no honor. And you're simply a looter.
Guest #02: Senior d'Anconia, we all know that money is made by the strong at the expense of the weak.
Francisco d'Anconia: Hmm... what kind of strength are you talking about? The power to create value, or the ability to manipulate? To extort money in backroom deal, to exercise pull.
James Taggart: Alright. Just leave.
Franciso d'Anconia: What money ceases us to be the tool by which man deal with one another, then men become the tools of men. Blood, whips, chains or dollars; take your choice, there is no other and your time is running out.
Henry Rearden: D'Anconia, I wanna speak to you.
Francisco d'Anconia: Mr. Rearden, to whom do you think I would speak? Tell me, do you own any d'Anconia global commodity stock?
Henry Rearden: No.
Francisco d'Anconia: Good. Because everyone else in this room does and they deserve too.
Henry Rearden: What are you talking about?
Francisco d'Anconia: There was a fire at the d'Anconia ore docks in Valparaiso tomorrow morning. Among related events, the d'Anconia mines will buried under rock slides. Most of them too.
Henry Rearden: Why would you do that?
Francisco d'Anconia: Money is the root of all evil - so I just got tired of being evil.
An analysis of the Atlas Shrugged film trilogy. Topics include Objectivism, Ayn Rand, the global financial crisis and the federal government. Support Renegade Cut Media through Patreon.
Please watch: "Good and Evil in The Lord of the Rings"
The film begins the story of Atlas Shrugged, set in a dystopian United States where John Galt leads innovators, from industrialists to artists, in a capital strike, "stopping the motor of the world" to reassert the importance of the free use of one's mind and of laissez-fairecapitalism.
It is 2016 and the United States is in a sustained economic depression. Industrial disasters, resource shortages, and gasoline at $37/gallon have made railroads the primary mode of transportation, but even they are in disrepair. After a major accident on the Rio Norte line of the Taggart Transcontinental railroad, CEO James Taggart shirks responsibility. His sister Dagny Taggart, Vice-President in Charge of Operation, defies him by replacing the aging track with new rails made of Rearden Metal, which is claimed to be lighter yet stronger than steel. Dagny meets with its inventor, Hank Rearden, and they negotiate a deal they both admit serves their respective self-interests.
Atlas Shrugged Part I (2011) ... He's the Ayn Rand devotee who spent fully 20 years trying to get somebody to give him the money to make a movie version of Rand's objectivist doorstopper Atlas Shrugged, ...
A majority of the Atlas Shrugged trilogy is here ... With this ignoble distinction, 365Days becomes the worst-reviewed trilogy ever, overcoming the Atlas Shrugged films without consent ... Atlas Shrugged ... Atlas Shrugged.
Curious about where to watch Atlas Shrugged Part III... Atlas Shrugged Part III ... It is the follow-up to the 2012 movie Atlas Shrugged. Part II and the third entry in the Atlas Shrugged film series, picking up where Part II left off ... Is Atlas Shrugged.
Want to know where to watch Atlas Shrugged ... The 2012American drama film Atlas Shrugged. Part II (also known as Atlas Shrugged II ... Part I and the second entry in the Atlas Shrugged film series, picking up where the previous one left off ... Atlas Shrugged.
The above event would have been shortly after the release of the last of the long anticipated Atlas Shrugged movies ... For Atlas Shrugged I will offer a warning about the three moves made from the book which correspond to the three parts of the novel.
Soon she would model a key character in her most famous novel, Atlas Shrugged, partly on Girdler ... key characters in Atlas Shrugged, troubled steel industrialist Hank Rearden, based partly on Girdler.
I don’t remember if Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged” was on the list, but I doubt it... The same thing happened in “Atlas Shrugged.” ... But I only do that in print and most of the time I follow Atlas’ example and shrug ... Like Atlas, I often shrug.