Atlantic (1929) is a British black-and-white film, directed and produced by Ewald André Dupont and starring Franklin Dyall and Madeleine Carroll. Originally, two versions were made, the English and German-language version Atlantik were shot simultaneously. Subsequently the production of a French version (Atlantis) began in spring 1930 using different footage and partially an altered storyline. The fourth version was released as a silent film.
Atlantic is a drama film based on the RMSTitanic and set aboard a fictional ship, called the Atlantic. The main plotline revolves around a man who has a shipboard affair with a fellow passenger, which is eventually discovered by his wife. The ship also has aboard an elderly couple, the Rools, who are on their anniversary cruise. Midway across the Atlantic Ocean, the Atlantic strikes an iceberg and is damaged to the point where it is sinking into the Atlantic. A shortage of lifeboats causes the crew to only allow women and children in (though the captain allows a few men to take to the last remaining boats as the disaster reaches its zenith) and many couples are separated. Mrs. Rool refuses to leave her husband and after the boats are gone all the passengers gather on the deck and sing "Nearer, My God, to Thee" as the Atlantic sinks into the ocean. The final scenes depict a group of passengers saying the Lord's Prayer in a flooding lounge.
In the year of 1929, there are many significant films.
The days of the silent film are numbered. A mad scramble to provide synchronized sound is on.
January 20 - Release of In Old Arizona, the first full-length talking film to be filmed outdoors.
February 1 - The Broadway Melody is released by MGM and becomes the first major musical film of the sound era, sparking a host of imitators as well as a series of Broadway Melody films that will run until 1940.
May 16 - The first Academy Awards, or Oscars, are distributed
July 13 - The first all color talkie (in Technicolor), On with the Show, is released by Warner Bros. who lead the way in a new color revolution just as they had ushered in that of the talkies.
August 20 - Hallelujah! is the first Hollywood film to contain an entire black cast.
Atlantic was an Italian toy manufacturing company based in Treviglio from 1966 to 1984. In the 1970s it became widely popular both in Italy and in Europe as a producer of 1:32- and HO-scaletoy soldiers. The original Atlantic company ceased to exist in 1984; in the late 1990s, the "Atlantic" brand and logo were acquired by Nexus Editrice.
Atlantic began producing toy soldiers in the late 1960s, achieving a great popularity in 1971 with the HO scale plastic toy soldier series "Soldati d'Italia" ("Italian soldiers") dedicated to the different branches of the contemporary Italian army. Based on this success, the company began creating series for the World War II armies and other historical periods, including the American Old West, the Roman Empire, and Ancient Egypt. The HO toy soldier line was complemented with a vast series of vehicles, from tanks to heavy bombers, as well as buildings (for example, a miniature Colosseum was created for the Roman Empire toy soldier series). Starting from 1978, Atlantic also commercialized science fiction toy soldier lines, some of which based on Japaneseanime such as Captain Harlock and Grendizer.
Vheissu (pronounced "vee-sue") is the fourth studio album by Thrice. It was released on October 17, 2005 by Island Records and peaked at #15 on the Billboard 200 chart. The album was released in two separate versions, including a limited edition version containing a booklet detailing the creation process of each track.
The album is characterized by many critics as being a rather experimental deviation from Thrice's post-hardcore roots, with the implementation of elements such as piano melodies ("For Miles"), electronica ("Red Sky"), folk Japanese music-box undertones ("Music Box" - The melody comes from the song Sakura Sakura) and chain gang chant choruses ("The Earth Will Shake"). UK producer Steve Osborne, whose past credits include many Brit-pop hits, was sought by Thrice to gain a new perspective on the songwriting process, enabling the band to expand their musical influences and produce a different album.
According to an interview with drummer Riley Breckenridge, the group recorded the album at Bearsville Studios, the same place he recorded drum tracks for 2003's Artist in the Ambulance. In describing reasons for returning to Bearsville, Breckenridge said, "It's so secluded and so cut off from everything ... and it was really cool to kinda separate ourselves from the rigors of being at home and the distractions of friends and families, and traffic and the L.A. and Orange County lifestyle."
In fluid dynamics, lubrication theory describes the flow of fluids (liquids or gases) in a geometry in which one dimension is significantly smaller than the others. An example is the flow above air hockey tables, where the thickness of the air layer beneath the puck is much smaller than the dimensions of the puck itself.
Internal flows are those where the fluid is fully bounded. Internal flow lubrication theory has many industrial applications because of its role in the design of fluid bearings. Here a key goal of lubrication theory is to determine the pressure distribution in the fluid volume, and hence the forces on the bearing components. The working fluid in this case is often termed a lubricant.
Free film lubrication theory is concerned with the case in which one of the surfaces containing the fluid is a free surface. In that case the position of the free surface is itself unknown, and one goal of lubrication theory is then to determine this. Surface tension may then be significant, or even dominant. Issues of wetting and dewetting then arise. For very thin films (thickness less than one micrometre), additional intermolecular forces, such as Van der Waals forces or disjoining forces, may become significant.
Atlantic (1929) 4k Restoration | Original Black & White
Updated and Improved 4k Stabilised Black and White version.
Also Known as "Titanic: Disaster in the Atlantic",
Atlantic is a drama film based on the RMS Titanic and set aboard a fictional ship, called the Atlantic. The main plotline revolves around a man who has a shipboard affair with a fellow passenger, which is eventually discovered by his wife. The ship also has aboard an elderly couple, the Rools, who are on their anniversary cruise. Midway across the Atlantic Ocean, the Atlantic strikes an iceberg and is damaged to the point where it is sinking into the Atlantic. A shortage of lifeboats causes the crew to only allow women and children in (though the captain allows a few men to take to the last remaining boats as the disaster reaches its zenith) and many couples are separated. Mrs. ...
published: 07 Jul 2022
Atlantic (1929) 4k Restoration | Colourised
Updated and Improved 4k Stabilised Colour version.
NEW Atlantic Black and White 4k Remaster -
Also Known as "Titanic: Disaster in the Atlantic",
Atlantic is a drama film based on the RMS Titanic and set aboard a fictional ship, called the Atlantic. The main plotline revolves around a man who has a shipboard affair with a fellow passenger, which is eventually discovered by his wife. The ship also has aboard an elderly couple, the Rools, who are on their anniversary cruise. Midway across the Atlantic Ocean, the Atlantic strikes an iceberg and is damaged to the point where it is sinking into the Atlantic. A shortage of lifeboats causes the crew to only allow women and children in (though the captain allows a few men to take to the last remaining boats as the di...
published: 06 Jul 2022
(This version is outdated, check description) Atlantic | 1929 | Full Movie | Colour | 4k Remaster
NEW 4k colour version with image stabilisation -
NEW 4k Black and White version with image stabilisation -
Also Known as "Titanic: Disaster in the Atlantic",
Atlantic is a drama film based on the RMS Titanic and set aboard a fictional ship, called the Atlantic. The main plotline revolves around a man who has a shipboard affair with a fellow passenger, which is eventually discovered by his wife. The ship also has aboard an elderly couple, the Rools, who are on their anniversary cruise. Midway across the Atlantic Ocean, the Atlantic strikes an iceberg and is damaged to the point where it is sinking into the Atlantic. A shortage of lifeboats causes the crew to only allow women and children in (though the captain allows a few men to ...
published: 01 Sep 2020
Film "Atlantic" (1929).
published: 04 Jul 2018
Atlantic (1929) - the forgotten Titanic film - extract
A thinly-veiled retelling of the Titanic disaster - direct reference to which was forbidden by the White Star Line - E.A. Dupont's 1929 epic 'Atlantic' was among the earliest British sound films and the first produced in multiple languages (English, German, and later French). This extract from the English version features Madeleine Carroll in her first sound role.
All titles on the BFI Films channel are preserved in the vast collections of the BFI National Archive. To find out more about the Archive visit
published: 05 Apr 2012
Titanic- Disaster in the Atlantic (1929 4k Restoration Colorized)
Otherwise known as the forgotten Titanic movie. The 1929 classic film was made 15 years after the sinking of the Titanic and features and all-star cast of it's time.
Amazing performances from all the cast that includes, Franklin Dyall, Madeline Carroll, Gordon James, Monty Banks (comedy actor who puts in a fantastic performance as the doomed character named Dandy), Ellaline Terriss, John Stewart, Arthur Hardy, John Longdon, Donald Calthorp and Joan Berry.
Madeline Carroll stole the movie for me. Her heartbreaking portrayal of Monica is Oscar worthy, especially when she is taken from her husband to board a lifeboat.
enjoy the movie.
published: 15 Aug 2022
Atlantic 1929 - Deleted Final Plunge
I was bored so I just did it
published: 15 Sep 2021
Atlantic 1929 Final Plunge (Movie Vs Animated)
The animated one is by @CalifornianTheAnimator (my other channel)
published: 13 Jul 2024
ATLANTIC 1929 Titanic's deleted scene final plunge (REMASTERED)
published: 28 May 2023
Atlantic 1929 and A night to remember 1958
Atlantic 1929 and A night to remember 1958 #ships #comparison #edit #fiction
Updated and Improved 4k Stabilised Black and White version.
Also Known as "Titanic: Disaster in the Atlantic",
Atlantic is a drama film based on the RMS Titan...
Updated and Improved 4k Stabilised Black and White version.
Also Known as "Titanic: Disaster in the Atlantic",
Atlantic is a drama film based on the RMS Titanic and set aboard a fictional ship, called the Atlantic. The main plotline revolves around a man who has a shipboard affair with a fellow passenger, which is eventually discovered by his wife. The ship also has aboard an elderly couple, the Rools, who are on their anniversary cruise. Midway across the Atlantic Ocean, the Atlantic strikes an iceberg and is damaged to the point where it is sinking into the Atlantic. A shortage of lifeboats causes the crew to only allow women and children in (though the captain allows a few men to take to the last remaining boats as the disaster reaches its zenith) and many couples are separated. Mrs. Rool refuses to leave her husband and after the boats are gone all the passengers gather on the deck and sing "Nearer, My God, to Thee" as the Atlantic sinks into the ocean. The final scenes depict a group of passengers saying the Lord's Prayer in a flooding lounge.
Comparison with Original - 1:29:58
Original Source -
Franklin Dyall as John Rool
Madeleine Carroll as Monica
John Stuart as Lawrence
Ellaline Terriss as Alice Rool
Monty Banks as Dandy
Donald Calthrop as Pointer
John Longden as Lanchester
Arthur Hardy as Maj Boldy
Helen Haye as Clara Tate-Hughes
D.A. Clarke-Smith as Freddie Tate-Hughes
Joan Barry as Betty Tate-Hughes
Francis Lister as Padre
Sydney Lynn as Captain Collins
Syd Crossley as Telegraphist
Dino Galvani as Steward
Danny Green as Passenger
Fanny Wright as Passenger
Atlantic | 1929 | Full Movie | in B&W | 4k Remaster
Atlantic | 1929 | Full Movie 4k Remaster
atlantic 1929 HD
atlantic 1929 full movie
titanic disaster in the atlantic full movie 1929
Updated and Improved 4k Stabilized.
#titanic #4k #videoenhanceai
Updated and Improved 4k Stabilised Black and White version.
Also Known as "Titanic: Disaster in the Atlantic",
Atlantic is a drama film based on the RMS Titanic and set aboard a fictional ship, called the Atlantic. The main plotline revolves around a man who has a shipboard affair with a fellow passenger, which is eventually discovered by his wife. The ship also has aboard an elderly couple, the Rools, who are on their anniversary cruise. Midway across the Atlantic Ocean, the Atlantic strikes an iceberg and is damaged to the point where it is sinking into the Atlantic. A shortage of lifeboats causes the crew to only allow women and children in (though the captain allows a few men to take to the last remaining boats as the disaster reaches its zenith) and many couples are separated. Mrs. Rool refuses to leave her husband and after the boats are gone all the passengers gather on the deck and sing "Nearer, My God, to Thee" as the Atlantic sinks into the ocean. The final scenes depict a group of passengers saying the Lord's Prayer in a flooding lounge.
Comparison with Original - 1:29:58
Original Source -
Franklin Dyall as John Rool
Madeleine Carroll as Monica
John Stuart as Lawrence
Ellaline Terriss as Alice Rool
Monty Banks as Dandy
Donald Calthrop as Pointer
John Longden as Lanchester
Arthur Hardy as Maj Boldy
Helen Haye as Clara Tate-Hughes
D.A. Clarke-Smith as Freddie Tate-Hughes
Joan Barry as Betty Tate-Hughes
Francis Lister as Padre
Sydney Lynn as Captain Collins
Syd Crossley as Telegraphist
Dino Galvani as Steward
Danny Green as Passenger
Fanny Wright as Passenger
Atlantic | 1929 | Full Movie | in B&W | 4k Remaster
Atlantic | 1929 | Full Movie 4k Remaster
atlantic 1929 HD
atlantic 1929 full movie
titanic disaster in the atlantic full movie 1929
Updated and Improved 4k Stabilized.
#titanic #4k #videoenhanceai
Updated and Improved 4k Stabilised Colour version.
NEW Atlantic Black and White 4k Remaster -
Also Known as "Titanic: Disaster in...
Updated and Improved 4k Stabilised Colour version.
NEW Atlantic Black and White 4k Remaster -
Also Known as "Titanic: Disaster in the Atlantic",
Atlantic is a drama film based on the RMS Titanic and set aboard a fictional ship, called the Atlantic. The main plotline revolves around a man who has a shipboard affair with a fellow passenger, which is eventually discovered by his wife. The ship also has aboard an elderly couple, the Rools, who are on their anniversary cruise. Midway across the Atlantic Ocean, the Atlantic strikes an iceberg and is damaged to the point where it is sinking into the Atlantic. A shortage of lifeboats causes the crew to only allow women and children in (though the captain allows a few men to take to the last remaining boats as the disaster reaches its zenith) and many couples are separated. Mrs. Rool refuses to leave her husband and after the boats are gone all the passengers gather on the deck and sing "Nearer, My God, to Thee" as the Atlantic sinks into the ocean. The final scenes depict a group of passengers saying the Lord's Prayer in a flooding lounge.
Comparison with Original - 1:29:58
Original Source -
Franklin Dyall as John Rool
Madeleine Carroll as Monica
John Stuart as Lawrence
Ellaline Terriss as Alice Rool
Monty Banks as Dandy
Donald Calthrop as Pointer
John Longden as Lanchester
Arthur Hardy as Maj Boldy
Helen Haye as Clara Tate-Hughes
D.A. Clarke-Smith as Freddie Tate-Hughes
Joan Barry as Betty Tate-Hughes
Francis Lister as Padre
Sydney Lynn as Captain Collins
Syd Crossley as Telegraphist
Dino Galvani as Steward
Danny Green as Passenger
Fanny Wright as Passenger
Atlantic | 1929 | Full Movie | in Color | 4k Remaster
Atlantic | 1929 | Full Movie | in Colour | 4k Remaster
Atlantic | 1929 | Full Movie | Colour | 4k Remaster
atlantic 1929 HD
atlantic 1929 full movie
titanic disaster in the atlantic full movie 1929
Updated and Improved 4k Stabilized Color version.
#titanic #colorised #4k #deoldify #videoenhanceai
Updated and Improved 4k Stabilised Colour version.
NEW Atlantic Black and White 4k Remaster -
Also Known as "Titanic: Disaster in the Atlantic",
Atlantic is a drama film based on the RMS Titanic and set aboard a fictional ship, called the Atlantic. The main plotline revolves around a man who has a shipboard affair with a fellow passenger, which is eventually discovered by his wife. The ship also has aboard an elderly couple, the Rools, who are on their anniversary cruise. Midway across the Atlantic Ocean, the Atlantic strikes an iceberg and is damaged to the point where it is sinking into the Atlantic. A shortage of lifeboats causes the crew to only allow women and children in (though the captain allows a few men to take to the last remaining boats as the disaster reaches its zenith) and many couples are separated. Mrs. Rool refuses to leave her husband and after the boats are gone all the passengers gather on the deck and sing "Nearer, My God, to Thee" as the Atlantic sinks into the ocean. The final scenes depict a group of passengers saying the Lord's Prayer in a flooding lounge.
Comparison with Original - 1:29:58
Original Source -
Franklin Dyall as John Rool
Madeleine Carroll as Monica
John Stuart as Lawrence
Ellaline Terriss as Alice Rool
Monty Banks as Dandy
Donald Calthrop as Pointer
John Longden as Lanchester
Arthur Hardy as Maj Boldy
Helen Haye as Clara Tate-Hughes
D.A. Clarke-Smith as Freddie Tate-Hughes
Joan Barry as Betty Tate-Hughes
Francis Lister as Padre
Sydney Lynn as Captain Collins
Syd Crossley as Telegraphist
Dino Galvani as Steward
Danny Green as Passenger
Fanny Wright as Passenger
Atlantic | 1929 | Full Movie | in Color | 4k Remaster
Atlantic | 1929 | Full Movie | in Colour | 4k Remaster
Atlantic | 1929 | Full Movie | Colour | 4k Remaster
atlantic 1929 HD
atlantic 1929 full movie
titanic disaster in the atlantic full movie 1929
Updated and Improved 4k Stabilized Color version.
#titanic #colorised #4k #deoldify #videoenhanceai
NEW 4k colour version with image stabilisation -
NEW 4k Black and White version with image stabilisation -
NEW 4k colour version with image stabilisation -
NEW 4k Black and White version with image stabilisation -
Also Known as "Titanic: Disaster in the Atlantic",
Atlantic is a drama film based on the RMS Titanic and set aboard a fictional ship, called the Atlantic. The main plotline revolves around a man who has a shipboard affair with a fellow passenger, which is eventually discovered by his wife. The ship also has aboard an elderly couple, the Rools, who are on their anniversary cruise. Midway across the Atlantic Ocean, the Atlantic strikes an iceberg and is damaged to the point where it is sinking into the Atlantic. A shortage of lifeboats causes the crew to only allow women and children in (though the captain allows a few men to take to the last remaining boats as the disaster reaches its zenith) and many couples are separated. Mrs. Rool refuses to leave her husband and after the boats are gone all the passengers gather on the deck and sing "Nearer, My God, to Thee" as the Atlantic sinks into the ocean. The final scenes depict a group of passengers saying the Lord's Prayer in a flooding lounge.
Comparison with Original - 1:32:29
Original Source -
Franklin Dyall as John Rool
Madeleine Carroll as Monica
John Stuart as Lawrence
Ellaline Terriss as Alice Rool
Monty Banks as Dandy
Donald Calthrop as Pointer
John Longden as Lanchester
Arthur Hardy as Maj Boldy
Helen Haye as Clara Tate-Hughes
D.A. Clarke-Smith as Freddie Tate-Hughes
Joan Barry as Betty Tate-Hughes
Francis Lister as Padre
Sydney Lynn as Captain Collins
Syd Crossley as Telegraphist
Dino Galvani as Steward
Danny Green as Passenger
Fanny Wright as Passenger
Atlantic | 1929 | Full Movie | in Color | 4k Remaster
Atlantic | 1929 | Full Movie | in Colour | 4k Remaster
Atlantic | 1929 | Full Movie | Colour | 4k Remaster
atlantic 1929 HD
atlantic 1929 full movie
titanic disaster in the atlantic full movie 1929
#titanic #colorised #4k #deoldify #videoenhanceai
NEW 4k colour version with image stabilisation -
NEW 4k Black and White version with image stabilisation -
Also Known as "Titanic: Disaster in the Atlantic",
Atlantic is a drama film based on the RMS Titanic and set aboard a fictional ship, called the Atlantic. The main plotline revolves around a man who has a shipboard affair with a fellow passenger, which is eventually discovered by his wife. The ship also has aboard an elderly couple, the Rools, who are on their anniversary cruise. Midway across the Atlantic Ocean, the Atlantic strikes an iceberg and is damaged to the point where it is sinking into the Atlantic. A shortage of lifeboats causes the crew to only allow women and children in (though the captain allows a few men to take to the last remaining boats as the disaster reaches its zenith) and many couples are separated. Mrs. Rool refuses to leave her husband and after the boats are gone all the passengers gather on the deck and sing "Nearer, My God, to Thee" as the Atlantic sinks into the ocean. The final scenes depict a group of passengers saying the Lord's Prayer in a flooding lounge.
Comparison with Original - 1:32:29
Original Source -
Franklin Dyall as John Rool
Madeleine Carroll as Monica
John Stuart as Lawrence
Ellaline Terriss as Alice Rool
Monty Banks as Dandy
Donald Calthrop as Pointer
John Longden as Lanchester
Arthur Hardy as Maj Boldy
Helen Haye as Clara Tate-Hughes
D.A. Clarke-Smith as Freddie Tate-Hughes
Joan Barry as Betty Tate-Hughes
Francis Lister as Padre
Sydney Lynn as Captain Collins
Syd Crossley as Telegraphist
Dino Galvani as Steward
Danny Green as Passenger
Fanny Wright as Passenger
Atlantic | 1929 | Full Movie | in Color | 4k Remaster
Atlantic | 1929 | Full Movie | in Colour | 4k Remaster
Atlantic | 1929 | Full Movie | Colour | 4k Remaster
atlantic 1929 HD
atlantic 1929 full movie
titanic disaster in the atlantic full movie 1929
#titanic #colorised #4k #deoldify #videoenhanceai
A thinly-veiled retelling of the Titanic disaster - direct reference to which was forbidden by the White Star Line - E.A. Dupont's 1929 epic 'Atlantic' was amon...
A thinly-veiled retelling of the Titanic disaster - direct reference to which was forbidden by the White Star Line - E.A. Dupont's 1929 epic 'Atlantic' was among the earliest British sound films and the first produced in multiple languages (English, German, and later French). This extract from the English version features Madeleine Carroll in her first sound role.
All titles on the BFI Films channel are preserved in the vast collections of the BFI National Archive. To find out more about the Archive visit
A thinly-veiled retelling of the Titanic disaster - direct reference to which was forbidden by the White Star Line - E.A. Dupont's 1929 epic 'Atlantic' was among the earliest British sound films and the first produced in multiple languages (English, German, and later French). This extract from the English version features Madeleine Carroll in her first sound role.
All titles on the BFI Films channel are preserved in the vast collections of the BFI National Archive. To find out more about the Archive visit
Otherwise known as the forgotten Titanic movie. The 1929 classic film was made 15 years after the sinking of the Titanic and features and all-star cast of it's ...
Otherwise known as the forgotten Titanic movie. The 1929 classic film was made 15 years after the sinking of the Titanic and features and all-star cast of it's time.
Amazing performances from all the cast that includes, Franklin Dyall, Madeline Carroll, Gordon James, Monty Banks (comedy actor who puts in a fantastic performance as the doomed character named Dandy), Ellaline Terriss, John Stewart, Arthur Hardy, John Longdon, Donald Calthorp and Joan Berry.
Madeline Carroll stole the movie for me. Her heartbreaking portrayal of Monica is Oscar worthy, especially when she is taken from her husband to board a lifeboat.
enjoy the movie.
Otherwise known as the forgotten Titanic movie. The 1929 classic film was made 15 years after the sinking of the Titanic and features and all-star cast of it's time.
Amazing performances from all the cast that includes, Franklin Dyall, Madeline Carroll, Gordon James, Monty Banks (comedy actor who puts in a fantastic performance as the doomed character named Dandy), Ellaline Terriss, John Stewart, Arthur Hardy, John Longdon, Donald Calthorp and Joan Berry.
Madeline Carroll stole the movie for me. Her heartbreaking portrayal of Monica is Oscar worthy, especially when she is taken from her husband to board a lifeboat.
enjoy the movie.
Updated and Improved 4k Stabilised Black and White version.
Also Known as "Titanic: Disaster in the Atlantic",
Atlantic is a drama film based on the RMS Titanic and set aboard a fictional ship, called the Atlantic. The main plotline revolves around a man who has a shipboard affair with a fellow passenger, which is eventually discovered by his wife. The ship also has aboard an elderly couple, the Rools, who are on their anniversary cruise. Midway across the Atlantic Ocean, the Atlantic strikes an iceberg and is damaged to the point where it is sinking into the Atlantic. A shortage of lifeboats causes the crew to only allow women and children in (though the captain allows a few men to take to the last remaining boats as the disaster reaches its zenith) and many couples are separated. Mrs. Rool refuses to leave her husband and after the boats are gone all the passengers gather on the deck and sing "Nearer, My God, to Thee" as the Atlantic sinks into the ocean. The final scenes depict a group of passengers saying the Lord's Prayer in a flooding lounge.
Comparison with Original - 1:29:58
Original Source -
Franklin Dyall as John Rool
Madeleine Carroll as Monica
John Stuart as Lawrence
Ellaline Terriss as Alice Rool
Monty Banks as Dandy
Donald Calthrop as Pointer
John Longden as Lanchester
Arthur Hardy as Maj Boldy
Helen Haye as Clara Tate-Hughes
D.A. Clarke-Smith as Freddie Tate-Hughes
Joan Barry as Betty Tate-Hughes
Francis Lister as Padre
Sydney Lynn as Captain Collins
Syd Crossley as Telegraphist
Dino Galvani as Steward
Danny Green as Passenger
Fanny Wright as Passenger
Atlantic | 1929 | Full Movie | in B&W | 4k Remaster
Atlantic | 1929 | Full Movie 4k Remaster
atlantic 1929 HD
atlantic 1929 full movie
titanic disaster in the atlantic full movie 1929
Updated and Improved 4k Stabilized.
#titanic #4k #videoenhanceai
Updated and Improved 4k Stabilised Colour version.
NEW Atlantic Black and White 4k Remaster -
Also Known as "Titanic: Disaster in the Atlantic",
Atlantic is a drama film based on the RMS Titanic and set aboard a fictional ship, called the Atlantic. The main plotline revolves around a man who has a shipboard affair with a fellow passenger, which is eventually discovered by his wife. The ship also has aboard an elderly couple, the Rools, who are on their anniversary cruise. Midway across the Atlantic Ocean, the Atlantic strikes an iceberg and is damaged to the point where it is sinking into the Atlantic. A shortage of lifeboats causes the crew to only allow women and children in (though the captain allows a few men to take to the last remaining boats as the disaster reaches its zenith) and many couples are separated. Mrs. Rool refuses to leave her husband and after the boats are gone all the passengers gather on the deck and sing "Nearer, My God, to Thee" as the Atlantic sinks into the ocean. The final scenes depict a group of passengers saying the Lord's Prayer in a flooding lounge.
Comparison with Original - 1:29:58
Original Source -
Franklin Dyall as John Rool
Madeleine Carroll as Monica
John Stuart as Lawrence
Ellaline Terriss as Alice Rool
Monty Banks as Dandy
Donald Calthrop as Pointer
John Longden as Lanchester
Arthur Hardy as Maj Boldy
Helen Haye as Clara Tate-Hughes
D.A. Clarke-Smith as Freddie Tate-Hughes
Joan Barry as Betty Tate-Hughes
Francis Lister as Padre
Sydney Lynn as Captain Collins
Syd Crossley as Telegraphist
Dino Galvani as Steward
Danny Green as Passenger
Fanny Wright as Passenger
Atlantic | 1929 | Full Movie | in Color | 4k Remaster
Atlantic | 1929 | Full Movie | in Colour | 4k Remaster
Atlantic | 1929 | Full Movie | Colour | 4k Remaster
atlantic 1929 HD
atlantic 1929 full movie
titanic disaster in the atlantic full movie 1929
Updated and Improved 4k Stabilized Color version.
#titanic #colorised #4k #deoldify #videoenhanceai
NEW 4k colour version with image stabilisation -
NEW 4k Black and White version with image stabilisation -
Also Known as "Titanic: Disaster in the Atlantic",
Atlantic is a drama film based on the RMS Titanic and set aboard a fictional ship, called the Atlantic. The main plotline revolves around a man who has a shipboard affair with a fellow passenger, which is eventually discovered by his wife. The ship also has aboard an elderly couple, the Rools, who are on their anniversary cruise. Midway across the Atlantic Ocean, the Atlantic strikes an iceberg and is damaged to the point where it is sinking into the Atlantic. A shortage of lifeboats causes the crew to only allow women and children in (though the captain allows a few men to take to the last remaining boats as the disaster reaches its zenith) and many couples are separated. Mrs. Rool refuses to leave her husband and after the boats are gone all the passengers gather on the deck and sing "Nearer, My God, to Thee" as the Atlantic sinks into the ocean. The final scenes depict a group of passengers saying the Lord's Prayer in a flooding lounge.
Comparison with Original - 1:32:29
Original Source -
Franklin Dyall as John Rool
Madeleine Carroll as Monica
John Stuart as Lawrence
Ellaline Terriss as Alice Rool
Monty Banks as Dandy
Donald Calthrop as Pointer
John Longden as Lanchester
Arthur Hardy as Maj Boldy
Helen Haye as Clara Tate-Hughes
D.A. Clarke-Smith as Freddie Tate-Hughes
Joan Barry as Betty Tate-Hughes
Francis Lister as Padre
Sydney Lynn as Captain Collins
Syd Crossley as Telegraphist
Dino Galvani as Steward
Danny Green as Passenger
Fanny Wright as Passenger
Atlantic | 1929 | Full Movie | in Color | 4k Remaster
Atlantic | 1929 | Full Movie | in Colour | 4k Remaster
Atlantic | 1929 | Full Movie | Colour | 4k Remaster
atlantic 1929 HD
atlantic 1929 full movie
titanic disaster in the atlantic full movie 1929
#titanic #colorised #4k #deoldify #videoenhanceai
A thinly-veiled retelling of the Titanic disaster - direct reference to which was forbidden by the White Star Line - E.A. Dupont's 1929 epic 'Atlantic' was among the earliest British sound films and the first produced in multiple languages (English, German, and later French). This extract from the English version features Madeleine Carroll in her first sound role.
All titles on the BFI Films channel are preserved in the vast collections of the BFI National Archive. To find out more about the Archive visit
Otherwise known as the forgotten Titanic movie. The 1929 classic film was made 15 years after the sinking of the Titanic and features and all-star cast of it's time.
Amazing performances from all the cast that includes, Franklin Dyall, Madeline Carroll, Gordon James, Monty Banks (comedy actor who puts in a fantastic performance as the doomed character named Dandy), Ellaline Terriss, John Stewart, Arthur Hardy, John Longdon, Donald Calthorp and Joan Berry.
Madeline Carroll stole the movie for me. Her heartbreaking portrayal of Monica is Oscar worthy, especially when she is taken from her husband to board a lifeboat.
enjoy the movie.
Atlantic (1929) is a British black-and-white film, directed and produced by Ewald André Dupont and starring Franklin Dyall and Madeleine Carroll. Originally, two versions were made, the English and German-language version Atlantik were shot simultaneously. Subsequently the production of a French version (Atlantis) began in spring 1930 using different footage and partially an altered storyline. The fourth version was released as a silent film.
Atlantic is a drama film based on the RMSTitanic and set aboard a fictional ship, called the Atlantic. The main plotline revolves around a man who has a shipboard affair with a fellow passenger, which is eventually discovered by his wife. The ship also has aboard an elderly couple, the Rools, who are on their anniversary cruise. Midway across the Atlantic Ocean, the Atlantic strikes an iceberg and is damaged to the point where it is sinking into the Atlantic. A shortage of lifeboats causes the crew to only allow women and children in (though the captain allows a few men to take to the last remaining boats as the disaster reaches its zenith) and many couples are separated. Mrs. Rool refuses to leave her husband and after the boats are gone all the passengers gather on the deck and sing "Nearer, My God, to Thee" as the Atlantic sinks into the ocean. The final scenes depict a group of passengers saying the Lord's Prayer in a flooding lounge.
Within days of the sinking, short films claiming to show the great ship before its fateful voyage began playing in packed movie houses and theaters on both sides of the Atlantic.
Within days of the sinking, short films claiming to show the great ship before its fateful voyage began playing in packed movie houses and theaters on both sides of the Atlantic.
Within days of the sinking, short films claiming to show the great ship before its fateful voyage began playing in packed movie houses and theaters on both sides of the Atlantic.
Within days of the sinking, short films claiming to show the great ship before its fateful voyage began playing in packed movie houses and theaters on both sides of the Atlantic.