- published: 26 Oct 2009
- views: 287410858
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And Winter Came... is the seventh studio album from Irish musician Enya. The album was announced by Enya via her official site on 12 September 2008, and was released on 7 November 2008. The songs on the album primarily have a Christmas or winter theme. Since its release, the album has sold more than 3 million copies.
The album consists of 12 tracks: ten English songs, which are all original compositions, plus "Oíche Chiúin" being sung in Irish and '"Oh Come, Oh Come Emmanuel" in English and Latin. A couple of tracks of the new album are reworked versions of songs that Enya released in the past: "Oíche Chiúin" is a re-recording of a song that she released for the first time back in 1988, originally as a b-side of the "Evening Falls" single; "And Winter Came..." is a reworked version of the song "Midnight Blue", which had previously been released in 2001, originally as a b-side of the "Wild Child" single.
An announcement on Enya's official website, www.enya.com, on 18 September 2008 confirmed that the first single of the album, which was to be released on 7 November of that year, was "Trains and Winter Rains". However, unlike most Enya albums of the past, which have spawned one or more CD singles, often with non-album bonus tracks, there has to date been no release of any singles from this album on physical media.
Enya (born Eithne Ní Bhraonáin; anglicised as Enya Brennan; 17 May 1961) is an Irish singer-songwriter, musician, and producer. She has sold 26.5 million RIAA-certified albums in the US and an estimated 75 million worldwide, making her one of the world's best-selling artists. She is Ireland's best-selling solo artist, and records her music with lyricist Roma Ryan and producer and manager Nicky Ryan.
Enya began her music career in 1980 as a member of Clannad, her family's Celtic band. After playing on two of their albums, she left in 1982 to pursue a solo career. She adopted a distinctive sound through voice-layering, folk melodies, and keyboards on her debut album Enya (1987), produced as the soundtrack for the BBC documentary series The Celts. Her next album, Watermark (1988), was her breakthrough record following the success of its lead single "Orinoco Flow", which reached the top 10 in ten countries and propelled Enya's rise to worldwide fame. Her follow-up albums Shepherd Moons (1991), The Memory of Trees (1995) and A Day Without Rain (2000), continued her success through the 1990s and into the 2000s, helped by the respective charting singles "Caribbean Blue", "Anywhere Is", and "Only Time". Following Amarantine (2005) and And Winter Came (2008), Enya took an extended break from music; she returned in 2012 to record Dark Sky Island (2015).
Enya (born 1961) is an Irish vocalist, instrumentalist and composer.
Enya may also refer to:
Enya is the first studio album from the Irish musician Enya, released in 1987 on BBC Records. It was produced as the soundtrack to the 1987 BBC television documentary series The Celts.
Enya received mostly positive reviews and was a mild commercial success, reaching No. 69 in the UK. Following Enya's rise in popularity, the album was reissued as The Celts by Warner Music Group which reached No. 10 in the UK. The album has sold 1 million copies in the US.
The album was first released in the UK by the BBC on their own label, and later issued in North America by Atlantic Records. It reached No.69 in the UK Albums Chart in June 1987. In 1992, Warner Music reissued a remastered version of the album as The Celts.
The album includes only a portion of the music Enya composed for the documentary series. In 1992, coinciding with the reissue of the album, a previously unreleased track from these sessions, "Eclipse", was released as a B-side on the CD single for "the Celts". In 2005, another previously unreleased track from the same sessions, a "Spaghetti Western Theme" done in the style of Hugo Montenegro, was released on the CD single for "Amarantine", in memory of one of the producers of the TV series.
Enya - Only Time (Official 4K Music Video) Follow Enya: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/official_enya Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/officialenya Twitter - https://twitter.com/official_enya Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/enya Subscribe for more content from Enya: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNIlkuT0DYEc8aFbv3YcvdQ?sub_confirmation=1 See more Official Music Videos from Enya here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6n_XTD5fjYHGR5InaFr7RgknCOgXSHa7 "Only Time" Lyrics: Who can say where the road goes Where the day flows, only time And who can say if your love grows As your heart chose, only time Who can say why your heart sighs As your love flies, only time And who can say why your heart cries When your love lies, only time Who can say when the roads meet Tha...
The Very Best Of ENYA Songs 🎵 ENYA Greatest Hits Full Album 🎵 ENYA Collection 2021 The Very Best Of ENYA Songs 🎵 ENYA Greatest Hits Full Album 🎵 ENYA Collection 2021 The Very Best Of ENYA Songs 🎵 ENYA Greatest Hits Full Album 🎵 ENYA Collection 2021 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Subscribe channel for more videos: 🔔Subscribe: https://bitly.com.vn/oh1o5b ⚡Facebook: https://bitly.com.vn/gXDsC 👉Instagram: https://bitly.com.vn/O3G39 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▶️Tracklist: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✪ Play Music is the best music channel for people love music on Youtube, with the pop music the youth-oriented styles it influenced. ✪ We strive to make great music videos that help people happy more through music and song with unique approach to repeated choruses and hooks ✪ Thanks to you and your...
The Very Best Of ENYA Songs ~ ENYA Greatest Hits Full Album ~ ENYA Collection The Very Best Of ENYA Songs ~ ENYA Greatest Hits Full Album ~ ENYA Collection ==================================== 👉 Subscribe: http://bit.ly/WindSubscribe ♫ Playlist: https://bit.ly/3d1ucHO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▶️ "W I N D" is a youtube channel that synthesizes the best and latest European and American songs for everyone ➤ We will try to create the best and most impressive products for audiences worldwide ➤ Please Subcribe and Share our videos with the people around you for them to watch ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - This is one of the official Youtube channels authorized by Warner Music t...
Enya - Orinoco Flow (Official 4K Music Video) Subscribe to the Enya channel for the latest official music videos, Interviews and live performances here - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNIlkuT0DYEc8aFbv3YcvdQ See more official videos from Enya here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA06AD2A95F7A3EDE Follow Enya: https://www.instagram.com/official_enya Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/officialenya Twitter - https://twitter.com/official_enya Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/enya Lyrics: Let me sail, let me sail, let the Orinoco flow Let me reach, let me beach on the shores of Tripoli Let me sail, let me sail, let me crash upon your shore Let me reach, let me beach far beyond the Yellow Sea Sail away, sail away, sail away Sail away, sail away, sail away Sail away, sail awa...
Enya - Caribbean Blue (Official 4K Music Video) Watch the video in 4K by changing the quality in settings! Subscribe to the Enya channel for the latest official music videos, Interviews and live performances here - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNIlkuT0DYEc8aFbv3YcvdQ See more official videos from Enya here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA06AD2A95F7A3EDE Follow Enya: https://www.instagram.com/official_enya Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/officialenya Twitter - https://twitter.com/official_enya Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/enya Lyrics: Eurus Afer Ventus So the world goes round and round With all you ever knew They say the sky high above Is Caribbean blue... If every man says all he can If every man is true Do I believe the sky above Is Caribbean blue... ......
Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzocPyf4-Gc&html5=1 #Enya #Celtic #celticmusic
Soundtrack from the 2001 Peter Jackson film "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" with Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, Viggo Mortensen, Orlando Bloom, Cate Blanchett, Sean Astin, Christopher Lee, Sean Bean, Liv Tyler, Billy Boyd, John Rhys-Davies, Hugo Weaving, Ian Holm & Andy Serkis. Based on the novel by J. R. R. Tolkien. --- 'HD Film Tributes' is a channel with over three hundred movie homages currently posted. We make zero money from YouTube as obviously none of these edits will ever be monetized by us. Any and all ad revenue from these videos goes directly to Google as well as to the various copyright owners, just as it should.
Listen to Watermark in full to celebrate the album's 35th year and watch it come to life with enchanting visuals and official music videos. Stream Watermark: https://enya.lnk.to/Watermark Subscribe to the Enya YouTube channel for the latest official music videos, interviews and live performances: https://www.youtube.com/@enyatv Follow Enya: https://www.facebook.com/officialenya https://www.instagram.com/official_enya/ https://twitter.com/official_enya Enya was born Eithne Ni Bhraonain in Donegal, Ireland. Enya studied classical music at college under private tuition. On leaving college she was asked by Producer Nicky Ryan to join her siblings in their family band. She did so for a short time, but found it too restrictive musically, and so in 1982 she joined Nicky Ryan and Roma Ryan in ...
Enya - Anywhere Is (Official 4K Music Video) Subscribe to the Enya channel for the latest official music videos, Interviews and live performances here - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNIlkuT0DYEc8aFbv3YcvdQ See more official videos from Enya here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA06AD2A95F7A3EDE Follow Enya: https://www.instagram.com/official_enya Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/officialenya Twitter - https://twitter.com/official_enya Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/enya Enya was born Eithne Ni Bhraonain in Donegal, Ireland. Enya studied classical music at college under private tuition. On leaving college she was asked by Producer Nicky Ryan to join her siblings in their family band. She did so for a short time, but found it too restrictive musically, and so in 198...
The Very Best Of ENYA Full Album 2021 - ENYA Greatest Hits Playlist The Very Best Of ENYA Full Album 2021 - ENYA Greatest Hits Playlist The Very Best Of ENYA Full Album 2021 - ENYA Greatest Hits Playlist ==================================== 👉 Subscribe: http://bit.ly/WindSubscribe ♫ Playlist: https://bit.ly/3d1ucHO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▶️ "W I N D" is a youtube channel that synthesizes the best and latest European and American songs for everyone ➤ We will try to create the best and most impressive products for audiences worldwide ➤ Please Subcribe and Share our videos with the people around you for them to watch ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - This is one of the offici...
And Winter Came... is the seventh studio album from Irish musician Enya. The album was announced by Enya via her official site on 12 September 2008, and was released on 7 November 2008. The songs on the album primarily have a Christmas or winter theme. Since its release, the album has sold more than 3 million copies.
The album consists of 12 tracks: ten English songs, which are all original compositions, plus "Oíche Chiúin" being sung in Irish and '"Oh Come, Oh Come Emmanuel" in English and Latin. A couple of tracks of the new album are reworked versions of songs that Enya released in the past: "Oíche Chiúin" is a re-recording of a song that she released for the first time back in 1988, originally as a b-side of the "Evening Falls" single; "And Winter Came..." is a reworked version of the song "Midnight Blue", which had previously been released in 2001, originally as a b-side of the "Wild Child" single.
An announcement on Enya's official website, www.enya.com, on 18 September 2008 confirmed that the first single of the album, which was to be released on 7 November of that year, was "Trains and Winter Rains". However, unlike most Enya albums of the past, which have spawned one or more CD singles, often with non-album bonus tracks, there has to date been no release of any singles from this album on physical media.
Memories we share together
Moments no one else can know
I will keep them close to me
Never let them go
Once you filled my hands with roses
Then you gave your heart to me
When a kiss had followed this
Love was meant to be
Time goes by
And the snow is drifting
Slowly in the sky
Cold, cold night
As you lie beside me
I can hear your heartbeat
You have lost yourself in dreaming
I have lost myself in you
Now we lie beneath the sky
Stars and midnight blue