An Extremely Goofy Movie (also known as A Goofy Movie 2), is a 2000 American direct-to-video animated comedy film made by Walt Disney Pictures, produced by Walt Disney Television Animation and animation production by Walt Disney Television Animation (Australia) Pty. Limited. Directed by Douglas McCarthy, it is the sequel to the 1995 film A Goofy Movie, featuring the return of characters from the film adaptations of based on the animated television series Goof Troop. The story follows Max's freshman year at college, which is compounded by his father's presence when Goofy arrives at the same college to get a degree because of his failure to complete college.
Max Goof, now nearly 18 years old, departs for college with his best friends P.J. and Bobby Zimeruski. He strives to work together with his friends to become the top team at the college X Games. Upon arriving, Max is met by the "Gamma Mu Mu" fraternity, who are the reigning X-Games champions, including their leader, Bradley Uppercrust III. Bradley invites only Max to join his fraternity, but Max refuses to leave his friends behind. A rivalry starts between Max's team and Bradley's Gammas, and they bet whoever loses in the finals will be towel-boy to the other.
Original Video:
PaperBoxHouse's Channel:
Lythero's Channel:
published: 22 May 2024
Shake Your Groove Thing Goofy Movie
Check out my performance of Billie Jean and Off the Wall!
Off the Wall:
Billie Jean:
published: 30 Jun 2013
An Extremely Goofy Movie - PJ x Beret Girl Moments
#AnExtremelyGoofyMovie #Disney
published: 05 Feb 2022
an extremely goofy movie out of context
editing this makes me realize how funny bobby is LOL
max goof goofy disney bradley uppercrust the iii maxley out of context scene edit funny idk
published: 06 Aug 2024
An Extremely Goofy Movie (2000) Final Race with healthbars 2/2
Goofy manages to temporarily knock out Bradley with a horseshoe in the final section of the race, his final trick results in his second-in-command, Tank, and Max getting trapped underneath the wreckage of a logo. As Bradley passes them by, Max and Goofy rescue Tank, who assists Max in winning the race. Afterwards, Bradley concedes his defeat as Max calls off the bet, but allows a vengeful Tank to advance on Bradley for betraying him and fling him into the X Games blimp overhead.
published: 24 Feb 2022
An Extremely Goofy Ending
End credits, featuring PJ's WICKED AWESOME dance!
The film is owned by Disney.
published: 07 Sep 2008
An Extremely Goofy Movie But It's Just People Screaming
Goofy Movie 2 But It's People Screaming, that's it.
published: 16 Aug 2022
maxley being zesty for 2:32 || An Extremely Goofy Movie
These two are consuming my soul and since I haven’t seen any videos of these two on YouTube I decided to change that! Enjoy some homosexuals.
published: 30 May 2024
Opening to Toy Story VHS (2000)
This is the opening to the 2000 VHS of “Toy Story.”
Here’s the order:
1. Green FBI Warning Screens
2. Walt Disney Home Video Logo
3. New and Exciting from Disney Bumper
4. Tarzan Trailer
5. An Extremely Goofy Movie Trailer
6. Winnie the Pooh: Sing a Song with Tigger Trailer
7. The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea Trailer
8. Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Movie Trailer
9. Promo
10. Join Us After the Movie Screen
11. Tin Toy Short Film
12. Feature Presentation Screen
13. Format Screen
14. Lucasfilm LTD. THX Logo
15. Walt Disney Pictures Logo (Pixar Version)
16. Start Of The Film
That’s All!
No Copyright Infringement is intended!
published: 23 Oct 2024
Bradley Uppercrust the III Scenepack | A goofy movie |
Check out my performance of Billie Jean and Off the Wall!
Off the Wall:
Check out my performance of Billie Jean and Off the Wall!
Off the Wall:
Billie Jean:
Check out my performance of Billie Jean and Off the Wall!
Off the Wall:
Billie Jean:
Goofy manages to temporarily knock out Bradley with a horseshoe in the final section of the race, his final trick results in his second-in-command, Tank, and Ma...
Goofy manages to temporarily knock out Bradley with a horseshoe in the final section of the race, his final trick results in his second-in-command, Tank, and Max getting trapped underneath the wreckage of a logo. As Bradley passes them by, Max and Goofy rescue Tank, who assists Max in winning the race. Afterwards, Bradley concedes his defeat as Max calls off the bet, but allows a vengeful Tank to advance on Bradley for betraying him and fling him into the X Games blimp overhead.
Goofy manages to temporarily knock out Bradley with a horseshoe in the final section of the race, his final trick results in his second-in-command, Tank, and Max getting trapped underneath the wreckage of a logo. As Bradley passes them by, Max and Goofy rescue Tank, who assists Max in winning the race. Afterwards, Bradley concedes his defeat as Max calls off the bet, but allows a vengeful Tank to advance on Bradley for betraying him and fling him into the X Games blimp overhead.
This is the opening to the 2000 VHS of “Toy Story.”
Here’s the order:
1. Green FBI Warning Screens
2. Walt Disney Home Video Logo
3. New and Exciting from Disn...
This is the opening to the 2000 VHS of “Toy Story.”
Here’s the order:
1. Green FBI Warning Screens
2. Walt Disney Home Video Logo
3. New and Exciting from Disney Bumper
4. Tarzan Trailer
5. An Extremely Goofy Movie Trailer
6. Winnie the Pooh: Sing a Song with Tigger Trailer
7. The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea Trailer
8. Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Movie Trailer
9. Promo
10. Join Us After the Movie Screen
11. Tin Toy Short Film
12. Feature Presentation Screen
13. Format Screen
14. Lucasfilm LTD. THX Logo
15. Walt Disney Pictures Logo (Pixar Version)
16. Start Of The Film
That’s All!
No Copyright Infringement is intended!
This is the opening to the 2000 VHS of “Toy Story.”
Here’s the order:
1. Green FBI Warning Screens
2. Walt Disney Home Video Logo
3. New and Exciting from Disney Bumper
4. Tarzan Trailer
5. An Extremely Goofy Movie Trailer
6. Winnie the Pooh: Sing a Song with Tigger Trailer
7. The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea Trailer
8. Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Movie Trailer
9. Promo
10. Join Us After the Movie Screen
11. Tin Toy Short Film
12. Feature Presentation Screen
13. Format Screen
14. Lucasfilm LTD. THX Logo
15. Walt Disney Pictures Logo (Pixar Version)
16. Start Of The Film
That’s All!
No Copyright Infringement is intended!
Check out my performance of Billie Jean and Off the Wall!
Off the Wall:
Billie Jean:
Goofy manages to temporarily knock out Bradley with a horseshoe in the final section of the race, his final trick results in his second-in-command, Tank, and Max getting trapped underneath the wreckage of a logo. As Bradley passes them by, Max and Goofy rescue Tank, who assists Max in winning the race. Afterwards, Bradley concedes his defeat as Max calls off the bet, but allows a vengeful Tank to advance on Bradley for betraying him and fling him into the X Games blimp overhead.
This is the opening to the 2000 VHS of “Toy Story.”
Here’s the order:
1. Green FBI Warning Screens
2. Walt Disney Home Video Logo
3. New and Exciting from Disney Bumper
4. Tarzan Trailer
5. An Extremely Goofy Movie Trailer
6. Winnie the Pooh: Sing a Song with Tigger Trailer
7. The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea Trailer
8. Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Movie Trailer
9. Promo
10. Join Us After the Movie Screen
11. Tin Toy Short Film
12. Feature Presentation Screen
13. Format Screen
14. Lucasfilm LTD. THX Logo
15. Walt Disney Pictures Logo (Pixar Version)
16. Start Of The Film
That’s All!
No Copyright Infringement is intended!
An Extremely Goofy Movie (also known as A Goofy Movie 2), is a 2000 American direct-to-video animated comedy film made by Walt Disney Pictures, produced by Walt Disney Television Animation and animation production by Walt Disney Television Animation (Australia) Pty. Limited. Directed by Douglas McCarthy, it is the sequel to the 1995 film A Goofy Movie, featuring the return of characters from the film adaptations of based on the animated television series Goof Troop. The story follows Max's freshman year at college, which is compounded by his father's presence when Goofy arrives at the same college to get a degree because of his failure to complete college.
Max Goof, now nearly 18 years old, departs for college with his best friends P.J. and Bobby Zimeruski. He strives to work together with his friends to become the top team at the college X Games. Upon arriving, Max is met by the "Gamma Mu Mu" fraternity, who are the reigning X-Games champions, including their leader, Bradley Uppercrust III. Bradley invites only Max to join his fraternity, but Max refuses to leave his friends behind. A rivalry starts between Max's team and Bradley's Gammas, and they bet whoever loses in the finals will be towel-boy to the other.
(Keighley, Biscuits. 3:48) You just can't mold me I'll be what I wanna be And I'll see what I wanna see Even if two plus two you means three you can't hold me You know my name You got my number I'm just a somethin You wanna put under When I'm a walkin Down the empty street You put up a barrier That I have to meet You send me a message You want me to stop The things I'm takin From what you got Your talk-talk-a-talkin Bout what I do But ya better stop pushin