Two Steps From Hell - All Is Hell That Ends Well (SkyWorld)
Follow Two Steps From Hell & Discover our music:
Composed by Thomas Bergersen.
Follow Thomas & Discover his music:
published: 31 Oct 2012
97家有喜事 (All's Well End's Well '97)(粤语版) 🎬 蓝光|周星驰 |黎姿|黄百鸣 |吴镇宇|粵語CC中字|HK 越戈影院 Movie|高清修复
All's Well, End's Well '97 家有喜事 (粤语)高清修复 HK Movie 🇭🇰 🎬
导演: 张坚庭
编剧: 黄百鸣 / 谷德昭
主演: 周星驰 / 黄百鸣 / 吴镇宇 / 乔宏 / 伍咏薇 / 更多...
类型: 喜剧
制片国家/地区: 中国香港
语言: 国语 / 粤语
上映日期: 1997-02-06(中国香港)
片长: 90 分钟
又名: 喜事一家亲 / 都市恋情 / All's Well, End's Well '97
97家有喜事的剧情简介 · · · · · ·
老先生(乔宏 饰)有三个儿子。老大老良(黄百鸣 饰)整天忙于工作而忽略了老婆贤淑(伍咏薇 饰),贤淑每天在家中打点,却遭到老公误会她红杏出墙。次子老非利用读书逃避到投身社会,个性单纯,向往爱情却遭到伤害,之到后来认识了从北方来的小莲(吴倩莲 饰)。适逢老三老恭生日,平日老恭作恶多端,生性风流,两个哥哥以买彩票为名作为礼物送给老恭,其实那本来是一张过期的中奖彩票,他信以为真,因此欠下了巨债。祸不单行的他撞车脑震荡,变得疯疯癫癫……
#周星驰 #黄百鸣 #吴镇宇 #乔宏 #伍咏薇 #黎姿
#港片#经典港片 #华语电影 #家有喜事#喜剧片
🔔歡迎訂閱關注#越戈 Movie 頻道☑️(#https://www.youtube.com/c/reuse688)
__________©️版权声明 ©️ __________
published: 12 Mar 2024
All's Well That Ends By Rainbow Kitten Surprise
All's Well That Ends by Rainbow Kitten Surprise (Audio Stream)
From the album "RKS" now available: https://rks.lnk.to/RKS
© 2015 Rainbow Kitten Surprise
published: 01 May 2015
All's well ends well - summary
published: 04 Oct 2018
愛情、喜劇片|92家有喜事 (All's Well Ends Well)🎬 蓝光|周星馳 |張國榮|黃百鳴 |張曼玉|粵語中字|越戈影視 HK Movie|高清修復
92家有喜事 All's Well Ends Well (1992)粵語中字 P2藍光修復版 🇭🇰🎬
🔔P1視頻歡迎關注電報 https://t.me/lilire568 越戈影視頻道
導演: 高誌森
編劇: 谷德昭 / 蔡婷婷 / 張肇麟 / 楊振耀
主演: 張國榮 / 周星馳 / 張曼玉 / 吳君如 / 黃百鳴 / 更多...
類型: 劇情 / 喜劇 / 愛情 / 家庭
製片國家/地區: 中國香港
語言: 粵語
上映日期: 1992-01-25(中國香港)
片長: 100分鐘 / 106分鐘(修復加長版)
又名: All's Well, Ends Well / Family Happiness
劇情簡介 :
常家大哥常滿(黃百鳴 飾)事業有成,可是卻嫌棄家中老婆程大嫂(吳君如 飾)是個黃臉婆,不懂打扮。程大嫂每天在家服侍老人癡呆的公婆,深得常騷(張國榮 飾)與常歡(周星馳 飾)的喜愛。娘娘腔常騷與「男人婆」表姑媽梁無雙(毛舜筠 飾)是一對死對頭,可在兩人同時受到感情傷害的時候,萌生愛意。常歡是出名的花花公子,卻意外撞壞了腦子,女朋友何裏玉(張曼玉 飾)還是願意留在他的身邊。當個人都心有所屬時,卻要幫大哥想辦法挽回與程大嫂的感情。
__________©️版权声明 ©️ __________
published: 26 May 2024
The Batman Official Soundtrack | All's Well That Ends Farewell - Michael Giacchino | WaterTower
All's Well That Ends Farewell - by Michael Giacchino | From The Batman Soundtrack
Available now: https://lnk.to/TheBatmanID
Listen to more from The Batman:
Subscribe to WaterTower Music on YouTube:
#Batman #MichaelGiacchino #DCComics
1. Can't Fight City Halloween
2. Mayoral Ducting
3. It's Raining Vengeance
4. Don't Be Voyeur with Me
5. Crossing the Feline
6. Gannika Girl
7. Moving in for the Gil
8. Funeral and Far Between
9. Collar ID
10. Escaped Crusader
11. Penguin of Guilt
12. Highway to the Anger Zone
13. World's Worst Translator
14. Riddles, Riddles Everywhere
15. Meow and You and Everyone We Know
16. For All Your Pennyworth
17. Are You a Kenzie or a ...
published: 25 Feb 2022
Act 1, Scene 3 | All's Well That Ends Well | Royal Shakespeare Company
Charlotte Cornwell as the Countess and Joanna Horton as Helena in Act 1, Scene 3 of Shakespeare's All's Well That Ends Well, directed by Nancy Meckler.
published: 12 Sep 2013
All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylor's Version) (From The Vault) (Lyric Video)
Listen to Red (Taylor's Version) album here: https://taylor.lnk.to/redtaylorsversion
🕰️ Pre-order the new album Midnights by Taylor Swift available everywhere October 21: https://taylor.lnk.to/taylorswiftmidnightsYT
►Subscribe to Taylor Swift on YouTube: https://ts.lnk.to/subscribe
►Exclusive Merch: http://taylorswift.lnk.to/store
►Follow Taylor Swift online:
Instagram: http://instagram.com/taylorswift
Facebook: http://facebook.com/taylorswift
Tumblr: http://taylorswift.tumblr.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/taylorswift13
Snapchat: http://snapchat.com/add/taylorswift
Website: http://www.taylorswift.com
I walked through the door with you
The air was cold
But somethin bout it felt like home somehow
And I left my scarf there at your sister’s house
And you’ve stil...
published: 12 Nov 2021
Project Diablo II | Season 9: Solo Self Found (SSF) Barbarian - First Clone attempt!
My first Clone of the SSF. Had some nerves and couldn't keep Frenzy up to save my life (shocker) but all's well that ends well.
As always, leave any feedback if you have some! Always appreciate hearing from my fellow D2 gamers :) Cheers!
Armory- https://bit.ly/SSFBorb
Tune into the Twitch strim if you're interested in watching real-time! https://www.twitch.tv/schmidtwerd
Join my ARPG Discord here- https://discord.gg/tUKPqdHMkH
published: 24 Jun 2024
Trailer | All's Well That Ends Well | Royal Shakespeare Company
The trailer for our new production of All's Well That Ends Well, directed by Nancy Meckler.
All's Well That Ends Well plays in the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon from 19 July to 26 September. It transfers to the Theatre Royal, Newcastle Upon Tyne from 5 - 9 November 2013.
published: 22 Jul 2013
Two Steps From Hell - All Is Hell That Ends Well (SkyWorld)
Follow Two Steps From Hell & Discover our music:
Composed by Thomas Bergersen.
Follow Thomas & Discover his music:
Follow Two Steps From Hell & Discover our music:
Composed by Thomas Bergersen.
Follow Thomas & Discover his music:
Follow Two Steps From Hell & Discover our music:
Composed by Thomas Bergersen.
Follow Thomas & Discover his music:
- published: 31 Oct 2012
- views: 2037632
97家有喜事 (All's Well End's Well '97)(粤语版) 🎬 蓝光|周星驰 |黎姿|黄百鸣 |吴镇宇|粵語CC中字|HK 越戈影院 Movie|高清修复
All's Well, End's Well '97 家有喜事 (粤语)高清修复 HK Movie 🇭🇰 🎬
导演: 张坚庭
编剧: 黄百鸣 / 谷德昭
主演: 周星驰 / 黄百鸣 / 吴镇宇 / 乔宏 / 伍咏薇 / 更多...
类型: 喜剧
制片国家/地区: 中国香港
语言: 国语 / 粤语
上映日期: 19...
All's Well, End's Well '97 家有喜事 (粤语)高清修复 HK Movie 🇭🇰 🎬
导演: 张坚庭
编剧: 黄百鸣 / 谷德昭
主演: 周星驰 / 黄百鸣 / 吴镇宇 / 乔宏 / 伍咏薇 / 更多...
类型: 喜剧
制片国家/地区: 中国香港
语言: 国语 / 粤语
上映日期: 1997-02-06(中国香港)
片长: 90 分钟
又名: 喜事一家亲 / 都市恋情 / All's Well, End's Well '97
97家有喜事的剧情简介 · · · · · ·
老先生(乔宏 饰)有三个儿子。老大老良(黄百鸣 饰)整天忙于工作而忽略了老婆贤淑(伍咏薇 饰),贤淑每天在家中打点,却遭到老公误会她红杏出墙。次子老非利用读书逃避到投身社会,个性单纯,向往爱情却遭到伤害,之到后来认识了从北方来的小莲(吴倩莲 饰)。适逢老三老恭生日,平日老恭作恶多端,生性风流,两个哥哥以买彩票为名作为礼物送给老恭,其实那本来是一张过期的中奖彩票,他信以为真,因此欠下了巨债。祸不单行的他撞车脑震荡,变得疯疯癫癫……
#周星驰 #黄百鸣 #吴镇宇 #乔宏 #伍咏薇 #黎姿
#港片#经典港片 #华语电影 #家有喜事#喜剧片
🔔歡迎訂閱關注#越戈 Movie 頻道☑️(#https://www.youtube.com/c/reuse688)
__________©️版权声明 ©️ __________
_______©️Copyright Statement©️ _______
We respect intellectual property and copyright and work hard to ensure that the music and materials we use are legal and authorized. If you think our video infringes your copyright, please contact us in time and we will handle it as soon as possible. The auxiliary images are all from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author
All's Well, End's Well '97 家有喜事 (粤语)高清修复 HK Movie 🇭🇰 🎬
导演: 张坚庭
编剧: 黄百鸣 / 谷德昭
主演: 周星驰 / 黄百鸣 / 吴镇宇 / 乔宏 / 伍咏薇 / 更多...
类型: 喜剧
制片国家/地区: 中国香港
语言: 国语 / 粤语
上映日期: 1997-02-06(中国香港)
片长: 90 分钟
又名: 喜事一家亲 / 都市恋情 / All's Well, End's Well '97
97家有喜事的剧情简介 · · · · · ·
老先生(乔宏 饰)有三个儿子。老大老良(黄百鸣 饰)整天忙于工作而忽略了老婆贤淑(伍咏薇 饰),贤淑每天在家中打点,却遭到老公误会她红杏出墙。次子老非利用读书逃避到投身社会,个性单纯,向往爱情却遭到伤害,之到后来认识了从北方来的小莲(吴倩莲 饰)。适逢老三老恭生日,平日老恭作恶多端,生性风流,两个哥哥以买彩票为名作为礼物送给老恭,其实那本来是一张过期的中奖彩票,他信以为真,因此欠下了巨债。祸不单行的他撞车脑震荡,变得疯疯癫癫……
#周星驰 #黄百鸣 #吴镇宇 #乔宏 #伍咏薇 #黎姿
#港片#经典港片 #华语电影 #家有喜事#喜剧片
🔔歡迎訂閱關注#越戈 Movie 頻道☑️(#https://www.youtube.com/c/reuse688)
__________©️版权声明 ©️ __________
_______©️Copyright Statement©️ _______
We respect intellectual property and copyright and work hard to ensure that the music and materials we use are legal and authorized. If you think our video infringes your copyright, please contact us in time and we will handle it as soon as possible. The auxiliary images are all from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author
- published: 12 Mar 2024
- views: 100966
All's Well That Ends By Rainbow Kitten Surprise
All's Well That Ends by Rainbow Kitten Surprise (Audio Stream)
From the album "RKS" now available: https://rks.lnk.to/RKS
© 2015 Rainbow Kitt...
All's Well That Ends by Rainbow Kitten Surprise (Audio Stream)
From the album "RKS" now available: https://rks.lnk.to/RKS
© 2015 Rainbow Kitten Surprise
All's Well That Ends by Rainbow Kitten Surprise (Audio Stream)
From the album "RKS" now available: https://rks.lnk.to/RKS
© 2015 Rainbow Kitten Surprise
- published: 01 May 2015
- views: 6593902
愛情、喜劇片|92家有喜事 (All's Well Ends Well)🎬 蓝光|周星馳 |張國榮|黃百鳴 |張曼玉|粵語中字|越戈影視 HK Movie|高清修復
92家有喜事 All's Well Ends Well (1992)粵語中字 P2藍光修復版 🇭🇰🎬
🔔P1視頻歡迎關注電報 https://t.me/lilire568 越戈影視頻道
導演: 高誌森
編劇: 谷德昭 / 蔡婷婷 / 張肇麟 / 楊振耀
主演: 張國榮 / 周星馳 / 張曼玉 / 吳君如 / 黃百鳴 ...
92家有喜事 All's Well Ends Well (1992)粵語中字 P2藍光修復版 🇭🇰🎬
🔔P1視頻歡迎關注電報 https://t.me/lilire568 越戈影視頻道
導演: 高誌森
編劇: 谷德昭 / 蔡婷婷 / 張肇麟 / 楊振耀
主演: 張國榮 / 周星馳 / 張曼玉 / 吳君如 / 黃百鳴 / 更多...
類型: 劇情 / 喜劇 / 愛情 / 家庭
製片國家/地區: 中國香港
語言: 粵語
上映日期: 1992-01-25(中國香港)
片長: 100分鐘 / 106分鐘(修復加長版)
又名: All's Well, Ends Well / Family Happiness
劇情簡介 :
常家大哥常滿(黃百鳴 飾)事業有成,可是卻嫌棄家中老婆程大嫂(吳君如 飾)是個黃臉婆,不懂打扮。程大嫂每天在家服侍老人癡呆的公婆,深得常騷(張國榮 飾)與常歡(周星馳 飾)的喜愛。娘娘腔常騷與「男人婆」表姑媽梁無雙(毛舜筠 飾)是一對死對頭,可在兩人同時受到感情傷害的時候,萌生愛意。常歡是出名的花花公子,卻意外撞壞了腦子,女朋友何裏玉(張曼玉 飾)還是願意留在他的身邊。當個人都心有所屬時,卻要幫大哥想辦法挽回與程大嫂的感情。
__________©️版权声明 ©️ __________
92家有喜事 All's Well Ends Well (1992)粵語中字 P2藍光修復版 🇭🇰🎬
🔔P1視頻歡迎關注電報 https://t.me/lilire568 越戈影視頻道
導演: 高誌森
編劇: 谷德昭 / 蔡婷婷 / 張肇麟 / 楊振耀
主演: 張國榮 / 周星馳 / 張曼玉 / 吳君如 / 黃百鳴 / 更多...
類型: 劇情 / 喜劇 / 愛情 / 家庭
製片國家/地區: 中國香港
語言: 粵語
上映日期: 1992-01-25(中國香港)
片長: 100分鐘 / 106分鐘(修復加長版)
又名: All's Well, Ends Well / Family Happiness
劇情簡介 :
常家大哥常滿(黃百鳴 飾)事業有成,可是卻嫌棄家中老婆程大嫂(吳君如 飾)是個黃臉婆,不懂打扮。程大嫂每天在家服侍老人癡呆的公婆,深得常騷(張國榮 飾)與常歡(周星馳 飾)的喜愛。娘娘腔常騷與「男人婆」表姑媽梁無雙(毛舜筠 飾)是一對死對頭,可在兩人同時受到感情傷害的時候,萌生愛意。常歡是出名的花花公子,卻意外撞壞了腦子,女朋友何裏玉(張曼玉 飾)還是願意留在他的身邊。當個人都心有所屬時,卻要幫大哥想辦法挽回與程大嫂的感情。
__________©️版权声明 ©️ __________
- published: 26 May 2024
- views: 2464
The Batman Official Soundtrack | All's Well That Ends Farewell - Michael Giacchino | WaterTower
All's Well That Ends Farewell - by Michael Giacchino | From The Batman Soundtrack
Available now: https://lnk.to/TheBatmanID
Listen to more from The Batman:
All's Well That Ends Farewell - by Michael Giacchino | From The Batman Soundtrack
Available now: https://lnk.to/TheBatmanID
Listen to more from The Batman:
Subscribe to WaterTower Music on YouTube:
#Batman #MichaelGiacchino #DCComics
1. Can't Fight City Halloween
2. Mayoral Ducting
3. It's Raining Vengeance
4. Don't Be Voyeur with Me
5. Crossing the Feline
6. Gannika Girl
7. Moving in for the Gil
8. Funeral and Far Between
9. Collar ID
10. Escaped Crusader
11. Penguin of Guilt
12. Highway to the Anger Zone
13. World's Worst Translator
14. Riddles, Riddles Everywhere
15. Meow and You and Everyone We Know
16. For All Your Pennyworth
17. Are You a Kenzie or a Can't-zie?
18. An Im-purr-fect Murder
19. The Great Pumpkin Pie
20. Hoarding School
21. A Flood of Terrors
22. A Bat in the Rafters, Pt. 1
23. A Bat in the Rafters, Pt. 2
24. The Bat's True Calling
25. All's Well That Ends Farewell
26. The Batman
27. Catwoman
28. The Riddler
29. Sonata in Darkness
Connect with WaterTower Music:
Follow WaterTower Music on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/watertowermusic
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Connect with The Batman:
Follow The Batman on INSTAGRAM:
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Follow The Batman on TWITTER:
About WaterTower Music:
WaterTower Music, the in-house label for the WarnerMedia companies, releases recorded music as rich and diverse as the companies themselves. It has been the soundtrack home to many of the world’s most iconic films, television shows and games since 2001. Featured releases include the soundtracks for Aquaman, The Hobbit, Game of Thrones, The Suicide Squad, King Arthur, Justice League, Westworld, and Dune
The Batman Official Soundtrack | All's Well That Ends Farewell - Michael Giacchino | WaterTower
All's Well That Ends Farewell - by Michael Giacchino | From The Batman Soundtrack
Available now: https://lnk.to/TheBatmanID
Listen to more from The Batman:
Subscribe to WaterTower Music on YouTube:
#Batman #MichaelGiacchino #DCComics
1. Can't Fight City Halloween
2. Mayoral Ducting
3. It's Raining Vengeance
4. Don't Be Voyeur with Me
5. Crossing the Feline
6. Gannika Girl
7. Moving in for the Gil
8. Funeral and Far Between
9. Collar ID
10. Escaped Crusader
11. Penguin of Guilt
12. Highway to the Anger Zone
13. World's Worst Translator
14. Riddles, Riddles Everywhere
15. Meow and You and Everyone We Know
16. For All Your Pennyworth
17. Are You a Kenzie or a Can't-zie?
18. An Im-purr-fect Murder
19. The Great Pumpkin Pie
20. Hoarding School
21. A Flood of Terrors
22. A Bat in the Rafters, Pt. 1
23. A Bat in the Rafters, Pt. 2
24. The Bat's True Calling
25. All's Well That Ends Farewell
26. The Batman
27. Catwoman
28. The Riddler
29. Sonata in Darkness
Connect with WaterTower Music:
Follow WaterTower Music on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/watertowermusic
Follow WaterTower Music on TIKTOK:
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Visit WaterTower Music at:
Connect with The Batman:
Follow The Batman on INSTAGRAM:
Like The Batman on FACEBOOK:
Follow The Batman on TWITTER:
About WaterTower Music:
WaterTower Music, the in-house label for the WarnerMedia companies, releases recorded music as rich and diverse as the companies themselves. It has been the soundtrack home to many of the world’s most iconic films, television shows and games since 2001. Featured releases include the soundtracks for Aquaman, The Hobbit, Game of Thrones, The Suicide Squad, King Arthur, Justice League, Westworld, and Dune
The Batman Official Soundtrack | All's Well That Ends Farewell - Michael Giacchino | WaterTower
- published: 25 Feb 2022
- views: 476158
Act 1, Scene 3 | All's Well That Ends Well | Royal Shakespeare Company
Charlotte Cornwell as the Countess and Joanna Horton as Helena in Act 1, Scene 3 of Shakespeare's All's Well That Ends Well, directed by Nancy Meckler.
Charlotte Cornwell as the Countess and Joanna Horton as Helena in Act 1, Scene 3 of Shakespeare's All's Well That Ends Well, directed by Nancy Meckler.
Charlotte Cornwell as the Countess and Joanna Horton as Helena in Act 1, Scene 3 of Shakespeare's All's Well That Ends Well, directed by Nancy Meckler.
- published: 12 Sep 2013
- views: 124275
All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylor's Version) (From The Vault) (Lyric Video)
Listen to Red (Taylor's Version) album here: https://taylor.lnk.to/redtaylorsversion
🕰️ Pre-order the new album Midnights by Taylor Swift available everywhere ...
Listen to Red (Taylor's Version) album here: https://taylor.lnk.to/redtaylorsversion
🕰️ Pre-order the new album Midnights by Taylor Swift available everywhere October 21: https://taylor.lnk.to/taylorswiftmidnightsYT
►Subscribe to Taylor Swift on YouTube: https://ts.lnk.to/subscribe
►Exclusive Merch: http://taylorswift.lnk.to/store
►Follow Taylor Swift online:
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I walked through the door with you
The air was cold
But somethin bout it felt like home somehow
And I left my scarf there at your sister’s house
And you’ve still got it in your drawer even now
Oh your sweet disposition, and my wide eyed gaze
We’re singing in the car getting lost upstate
Autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place
And I can picture it after all these days
And I know it’s long gone and that magic’s not here no more
And I might be ok but I’m not fine at all…
Cause there we are again on that
Little town street
You almost ran the red
Cause you were looking over at me
Wind in my hair, I was there
I remember it all too well
Photo album on the counter
Your cheeks were turning red
You used to be a little kid with glasses
in a twin-sized bed
And your mother’s telling stories bout you on
the tee ball team
You taught me bout your past
Thinkin your future was me
And you were tossing me the car keys
‘F*** the patriarchy’ keychain on the ground
We were always skipping town
And I was thinking on the drive down
Any time now, he’s gonna say it’s love
You never called it what it was
til we were dead and gone and buried
Check the pulse and come back
Swearing it’s the same, after 3 months in the grave
And then you wondered where it went to
As I reached for you but
All I felt was shame
And you held my lifeless frame
And I know it’s long gone and
There was nothing else I could do
And I forget about you long enough
To forget why I needed to…
Cause there we are again in the middle of the night
We’re dancin round the kitchen in the
refrigerator light
Down the stairs, I was there
I remember it all too well…
And there we are again
When nobody had to know
You kept me like a secret
But I kept you like an oath
Sacred prayer and we’d swear
to remember it all too well
Well maybe we got lost in translation
Maybe I asked for too much
But maybe this thing was a masterpiece
Til you tore it all up
Running scared, I was there
I remember it all too well
And you call me up again
Just to break me like a promise
So casually cruel in the name of being honest
I’m a crumpled up piece of paper lying here
Cause I remember it all, all, all
They say all’s well that ends well
But I’m in a new hell every time
You double-cross my mind
You said if we had been closer in age
Maybe it would have been fine
And that made me want to die.
The idea you had of me
Who was she?
A never-needy, ever lovely jewel
Whose shine reflects on you
Not weeping in a party bathroom
Some actress asking me what happened
That’s what happened: You.
You, who charmed my dad with self-effacing jokes
Sipping coffee like you were on a late night show
But then he watched me watch the front door
all night, willing you to come
And he said, “it’s supposed to be fun…
Turning 21”
Time won’t fly
It’s like I’m paralyzed by it
I’d like to be my old self again
But I’m still trying to find it
After plaid shirt days
And nights when you made me your own
Now you mail back my things
And I walk home alone
But you keep my old scarf
From that very first week
Cause it reminds you of innocence, and it smells like me
You can’t get rid of it
Cause you remember it all too well
Cause there we are again when
I loved you so
Back before you lost the one real thing
You’ve ever known
It was rare, I was there
I remember it all too well
Wind in my hair, you were there
You remember it all
Down the stairs, you were there
You remember it all
It was rare, I was there
I remember it all too well
And I was never good at telling jokes
But the punchline goes:
“I’ll get older, but your lovers stay my age”
From when your Brooklyn broke my skin and bones
I’m a soldier who’s returning half her weight
And did the twin flame bruise paint you blue?
Just between us, did the love affair maim you too?
Cause in this city’s barren cold
I still remember the first fall of snow
And how it glistened as it fell
I remember it all too well
Just between us did the love affair maim you
All too well
Just between us, do you remember it
All too well
Just between us, I remember it all too well
Wind in my hair
I was there, I was there
Down the stairs, I was there
I was there
Sacred prayer
I was there, I was there
It was rare, you remember it
All too well
#taylorswift #redtaylorsversion #taylorsversion
Listen to Red (Taylor's Version) album here: https://taylor.lnk.to/redtaylorsversion
🕰️ Pre-order the new album Midnights by Taylor Swift available everywhere October 21: https://taylor.lnk.to/taylorswiftmidnightsYT
►Subscribe to Taylor Swift on YouTube: https://ts.lnk.to/subscribe
►Exclusive Merch: http://taylorswift.lnk.to/store
►Follow Taylor Swift online:
Instagram: http://instagram.com/taylorswift
Facebook: http://facebook.com/taylorswift
Tumblr: http://taylorswift.tumblr.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/taylorswift13
Snapchat: http://snapchat.com/add/taylorswift
Website: http://www.taylorswift.com
I walked through the door with you
The air was cold
But somethin bout it felt like home somehow
And I left my scarf there at your sister’s house
And you’ve still got it in your drawer even now
Oh your sweet disposition, and my wide eyed gaze
We’re singing in the car getting lost upstate
Autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place
And I can picture it after all these days
And I know it’s long gone and that magic’s not here no more
And I might be ok but I’m not fine at all…
Cause there we are again on that
Little town street
You almost ran the red
Cause you were looking over at me
Wind in my hair, I was there
I remember it all too well
Photo album on the counter
Your cheeks were turning red
You used to be a little kid with glasses
in a twin-sized bed
And your mother’s telling stories bout you on
the tee ball team
You taught me bout your past
Thinkin your future was me
And you were tossing me the car keys
‘F*** the patriarchy’ keychain on the ground
We were always skipping town
And I was thinking on the drive down
Any time now, he’s gonna say it’s love
You never called it what it was
til we were dead and gone and buried
Check the pulse and come back
Swearing it’s the same, after 3 months in the grave
And then you wondered where it went to
As I reached for you but
All I felt was shame
And you held my lifeless frame
And I know it’s long gone and
There was nothing else I could do
And I forget about you long enough
To forget why I needed to…
Cause there we are again in the middle of the night
We’re dancin round the kitchen in the
refrigerator light
Down the stairs, I was there
I remember it all too well…
And there we are again
When nobody had to know
You kept me like a secret
But I kept you like an oath
Sacred prayer and we’d swear
to remember it all too well
Well maybe we got lost in translation
Maybe I asked for too much
But maybe this thing was a masterpiece
Til you tore it all up
Running scared, I was there
I remember it all too well
And you call me up again
Just to break me like a promise
So casually cruel in the name of being honest
I’m a crumpled up piece of paper lying here
Cause I remember it all, all, all
They say all’s well that ends well
But I’m in a new hell every time
You double-cross my mind
You said if we had been closer in age
Maybe it would have been fine
And that made me want to die.
The idea you had of me
Who was she?
A never-needy, ever lovely jewel
Whose shine reflects on you
Not weeping in a party bathroom
Some actress asking me what happened
That’s what happened: You.
You, who charmed my dad with self-effacing jokes
Sipping coffee like you were on a late night show
But then he watched me watch the front door
all night, willing you to come
And he said, “it’s supposed to be fun…
Turning 21”
Time won’t fly
It’s like I’m paralyzed by it
I’d like to be my old self again
But I’m still trying to find it
After plaid shirt days
And nights when you made me your own
Now you mail back my things
And I walk home alone
But you keep my old scarf
From that very first week
Cause it reminds you of innocence, and it smells like me
You can’t get rid of it
Cause you remember it all too well
Cause there we are again when
I loved you so
Back before you lost the one real thing
You’ve ever known
It was rare, I was there
I remember it all too well
Wind in my hair, you were there
You remember it all
Down the stairs, you were there
You remember it all
It was rare, I was there
I remember it all too well
And I was never good at telling jokes
But the punchline goes:
“I’ll get older, but your lovers stay my age”
From when your Brooklyn broke my skin and bones
I’m a soldier who’s returning half her weight
And did the twin flame bruise paint you blue?
Just between us, did the love affair maim you too?
Cause in this city’s barren cold
I still remember the first fall of snow
And how it glistened as it fell
I remember it all too well
Just between us did the love affair maim you
All too well
Just between us, do you remember it
All too well
Just between us, I remember it all too well
Wind in my hair
I was there, I was there
Down the stairs, I was there
I was there
Sacred prayer
I was there, I was there
It was rare, you remember it
All too well
#taylorswift #redtaylorsversion #taylorsversion
- published: 12 Nov 2021
- views: 137733909
Project Diablo II | Season 9: Solo Self Found (SSF) Barbarian - First Clone attempt!
My first Clone of the SSF. Had some nerves and couldn't keep Frenzy up to save my life (shocker) but all's well that ends well.
As always, leave any feedback i...
My first Clone of the SSF. Had some nerves and couldn't keep Frenzy up to save my life (shocker) but all's well that ends well.
As always, leave any feedback if you have some! Always appreciate hearing from my fellow D2 gamers :) Cheers!
Armory- https://bit.ly/SSFBorb
Tune into the Twitch strim if you're interested in watching real-time! https://www.twitch.tv/schmidtwerd
Join my ARPG Discord here- https://discord.gg/tUKPqdHMkH
My first Clone of the SSF. Had some nerves and couldn't keep Frenzy up to save my life (shocker) but all's well that ends well.
As always, leave any feedback if you have some! Always appreciate hearing from my fellow D2 gamers :) Cheers!
Armory- https://bit.ly/SSFBorb
Tune into the Twitch strim if you're interested in watching real-time! https://www.twitch.tv/schmidtwerd
Join my ARPG Discord here- https://discord.gg/tUKPqdHMkH
- published: 24 Jun 2024
- views: 451
Trailer | All's Well That Ends Well | Royal Shakespeare Company
The trailer for our new production of All's Well That Ends Well, directed by Nancy Meckler.
All's Well That Ends Well plays in the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, St...
The trailer for our new production of All's Well That Ends Well, directed by Nancy Meckler.
All's Well That Ends Well plays in the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon from 19 July to 26 September. It transfers to the Theatre Royal, Newcastle Upon Tyne from 5 - 9 November 2013.
The trailer for our new production of All's Well That Ends Well, directed by Nancy Meckler.
All's Well That Ends Well plays in the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon from 19 July to 26 September. It transfers to the Theatre Royal, Newcastle Upon Tyne from 5 - 9 November 2013.
- published: 22 Jul 2013
- views: 48545