The Ainur: The 'Gods' (?) of Middle-earth | Newcomer's Guide
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs2Ia76_oHKz7IZuWcRF2NA?sub_confirmation=1
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/girlnextgondor
A high-level summary of the Valar and Maiar, the 'angelic' or 'divine' spirits that are the oldest and most powerful beings in Arda. While they are only barely alluded to in The Lord of the Rings, an understanding of their origins and role is super-valuable to understanding the background of the War of the Ring and Middle-earth's history generally.
Includes threats of a Pokerap, surprise etymology, and other delights!
Intro - 0:00
History and Job Description - 1:38
The Valar (and some Maiar!) - 4:00
Morgoth, or, What do the Valar Actually Do? - 7:21
'Gods' of Middle-earth? - 8:59
Angelic, but not Angels - 12:52
Disclaimer: Under Section 1...
published: 30 May 2022
Eru Ilúvatar | Tolkien Explained | Hobbit Day 2023
Check out An Unexpected Soundscape & A Soundscape of Eä on Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/expectedsoundscape/an-unexpected-soundscape-and-a-soundscape-of-ea If you're watching this after the Kickstarter ends, use the code NERD25 at Jordanrannells.com to get 25% off of A Long-Expected Soundscape.
Check out the full Hobbit Day Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzxLO5Ihf4Fo2t5AjwbMXlI8S0ZkCH_iA
Hit subscribe and the bell for great Tolkien content every week!
Nerd of the Rings on PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/NerdoftheRings
NOTR merch: https://nerdoftherings.creator-spring.com/
To purchase artist work, check out these amazing artists!
Tulikoura - https://www.deviantart.com/tulikoura
Matthew Stewart - http://www.matthew-stewart.com/
BellaBergolts - https...
published: 23 Sep 2023
Ainur (Middle-earth)
The Ainur are the immortal spirits existing before the Creation in J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional universe. These were the first beings made of the thought of Eru Ilúvatar. They were able to sing such beautiful music that the world was created from it.
published: 03 Sep 2022
10 Most Powerful Valar in Middle Earth
After being shaped from the thoughts of Eru, the fourteen Ainur known as the Valar entered Arda to bring order to the world and confront the emerging evils of Melkor. They played a significant role in shaping Arda through the music of Ilúvatar, often addressing each other as "brother" or "sister". Each Ainur contributed to the creation of the world through music, except for Melkor, who was considered the most powerful at the time. His disagreement with Eru's vision for Arda led to his expulsion and a rebellion that caused many of the world's problems.
After Arda's creation, the fourteen Valar initially resided on Almaren, a concealed island on the Great Lake. However, after its destruction and the reshaping of the earth, long before the Awakening of the Elves, they moved to Aman and estab...
published: 10 Oct 2024
Lords of the Valar | Tolkien Explained
The Valar of Middle-earth! The great powers of Arda! Today, we complete our two-part series by covering the Lords of Tolkien's Valar: Manwë Súlimo - King of the Valar, Ulmo - King of the Sea, Aulë the Smith, Oromë the Huntsman, Mandos - Judge of the Dead, Lórien - Master of Dreams, Tulkas - Champion of Valinor
PART 1 - Queens of the Valar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sCpIbIXP6U
*Hit subscribe - and the bell - so you never miss a video from Nerd of the Rings!*
Nerd of the Rings on PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/NerdoftheRings
All content falls under fair use: any copying of copyrighted material done for a limited and “transformative” purpose, such as to comment upon, criticize, or parody a copyrighted work. Such uses can be done without permission from the copy...
published: 17 Apr 2021
Difference Between Ainur, Valar And Maiar In LOTR .#ringsofpower#lordoftherings#jrrtolkien#shorts
Difference Between Ainur, Valar And Maiar In LOTR .
E to
Thanks To all the artists whose art has been used to create this video.
published: 10 Sep 2024
Ainulindalë - The Music of the Ainur | Silmarillion Documentary
Hello and welcome! In this first installment of my video remakes, I'm excited to introduce you to a new narration style and more complex video animations. In this video, we will delve into Ainulindalë, also known as the Music of the Ainur, which is a creation myth from J.R.R. Tolkien's Silmarillion.
The tale begins with Ilúvatar, the supreme being, creating spirits of power called the Ainur. He taught them music and they sang before him, with the most beautiful theme he had shown them. He asked them to sing together a Great Music, in which their thoughts would be made visible through the Flame Imperishable. And so, the Music of the Ainur began.
At first, Ilúvatar sat and listened, but Melkor, one of the greatest Ainur, filled with pride, broke the harmony with his discordant notes. Ilúva...
published: 16 Apr 2023
The Valar and Maiar imagined by AI
#valar #maiar #thesilmarillion
The video presents the valar and maiar illustrations from Tolkien's stories created with artificial intelligence and edited by a digital artist.
Theme music: Ancient fathers by Kyle Preston
0:00 Intro
0:15 Eru (Ilúvatar)
0:30 Melkor (Morgoth)
0:45 Manwë
1:00 Varda
1:15 Ulmo
1:30 Aulë
1:40 Yavanna
2:00 Irmo
2:15 Mandos
2:30 Nienna
2:45 Vairë
3:00 Oromë
3:15 Vána
3:30 Estë
3:45 Tulkas
4:00 Nessa
4:15 Mairon (Sauron)
4:30 Gothmog
4:45 Curumo (Saruman)
5:00 Durin's Bane
5:15 Aiwendil (Radagast)
5:30 Olórin (Gandalf)
published: 29 Jan 2023
Understanding the Ainur (Valar & Maiar) | Middle-Earth Facts
#middlearth #lordoftherings #short #ytshorts #ytshort #ytshortsvideo #ytshortsvideos #tolkien #thehobbit #lotr #lotrgames #fantasy #silmarillion
#ainur #valar #maiar
The Ainur, sometimes referred to as the Divine Beings, included both the Valar and the Maiar. They were the earliest and most powerful entities formed by Eru Ilúvatar well before the Arda's creation. Arda includes the continent of Middle-earth.
published: 16 Sep 2023
Ainur and Their Allure For Middle earth
There's an interesting dynamic that plays out with the spirits of Middleearth: on e the one hand, they segregate themselves from it and on the other many choose to live in it. I am going to explore why some of the spirits from beyond chose to inhabit Middle earth proper when so many chose not to.
#tolkien #lord of the rings #silmarillion
published: 24 Sep 2023
The Ainur: The 'Gods' (?) of Middle-earth | Newcomer's Guide
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs2Ia76_oHKz7IZuWcRF2NA?sub_confirmation=1
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/girlnextgondor
A high-level summary o...
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs2Ia76_oHKz7IZuWcRF2NA?sub_confirmation=1
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/girlnextgondor
A high-level summary of the Valar and Maiar, the 'angelic' or 'divine' spirits that are the oldest and most powerful beings in Arda. While they are only barely alluded to in The Lord of the Rings, an understanding of their origins and role is super-valuable to understanding the background of the War of the Ring and Middle-earth's history generally.
Includes threats of a Pokerap, surprise etymology, and other delights!
Intro - 0:00
History and Job Description - 1:38
The Valar (and some Maiar!) - 4:00
Morgoth, or, What do the Valar Actually Do? - 7:21
'Gods' of Middle-earth? - 8:59
Angelic, but not Angels - 12:52
Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use purposes such as criticism, commentary, parody, news, reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. All works used in this video (images, audio, etc.) belong to their respective authors and are used with permission.
🖌️Art Credits🖌️
A full list of artworks, including links, is found here:
Thumbnail Art Credits:
"Taniquetil" by Anna Kulisz: https://www.deviantart.com/kuliszu/art/Taniquetil-873538016
"Breath of Arda" by Christina Kraus: https://www.deviantart.com/elbenherzart/art/Breath-of-Arda-662688387
Artists (in order of work’s first appearance):
1 - Ralph Damiani https://www.artstation.com/ralphdamiani
2 - CK Göksoy https://www.artstation.com/ckgoksoy
3 - Robert Zigo https://www.deviantart.com/crocorax
4 - Un Nam (Tolrone) https://www.artstation.com/ssen
5 - Nick Keller http://www.nickkellerart.com/
6 - Alystraea (Annamare) https://www.deviantart.com/alystraeaart , https://www.deviantart.com/alystraea
7 - Dymond Starr Austin https://dymondstarr.com/
8 - Sarah Weizhen Xu https://www.artstation.com/sarahweizhen; https://sarahweizhenxu.com/
9 - Madlore https://www.instagram.com/loricaart/
10 - Anastasiya Sytnik (Algrass) https://www.instagram.com/algrass_art/
11 - Lisa B (Sempermoi) https://sempermoi.tumblr.com/
12 - Kip Rasmussen https://www.kiprasmussen.com/
13 - Rodrigo Garbini https://www.instagram.com/enanoakd/
14 - Kenneth Sofia https://www.artstation.com/kensofia42
15 - Gerwell https://gerwell.tumblr.com/
16 - Kurai Geijutsu https://www.deviantart.com/kuraigeijutsu/about
17 - Sepi-Donne https://www.deviantart.com/sepi-donne
18 - Borja Pindado https://www.artstation.com/borjap
19 - Helge C. Balzer https://helgecbalzer.com/
20 - Nykolai Aleksander https://admemento.squarespace.com/
21 - Firat Solhan https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Brgnm
22 - Christina Kraus https://www.artstation.com/christinakraus
23 - Ivan Cavini https://www.artstation.com/artwork/k41xql
24 - Sarka Skorpikova https://www.deviantart.com/sarkaskorpikova
25 - Ted Nasmith https://www.tednasmith.com/
26 - ZIPAVIKA https://www.artstation.com/zipavika
27 - Dmitry Prosvirnin https://www.artstation.com/d8p (C. Fantasy Flight Games)
28 - Pete Amachree https://www.artstation.com/summerpudding
29 - Jay Carpenter http://www.jaylockwoodcarpenter.com/
30 - Aleksander Karcz https://www.artstation.com/aleksander-karcz (C. Fantasy Flight Games)
31 - H.F. Evergreen (Fesbra) "A cool dude" https://www.fesbra.com/
32 - Martin Mottet https://martinmottet.com/
33 - MGCoco https://mgcoco.tumblr.com
🎵Music Credits🎶
Where required, a license has been purchased for use of music.
Royalty Free Zone: https://www.youtube.com/c/RoyaltyFreeZone
Tracks Used: "Whisper in Time," "Behind the Memories"
Fesliyan Studios: https://www.fesliyanstudios.com/
Tracks Used: "Heaven," "Cathedral Ambience," "Tranquility"
Thank you to those who have supported me on Patreon!
Stefan Schiller
Rob McPhee
Ken Higgenbotham
Daniel Stride
Daniel Bass
Zach Burns
Eric Dreasher
Arthur Menkin
Anna Feruglio Dal Dan
Andres Guerra
Anders (Valdagast)
House of Finwe
Dorwin Gray
Elu Thiccgol
Emperor Kane
Jarrod Carver
John Love
Karen Donohue
Michael Donohue
🔥House of Feanor🔥
Brendan Mooney
Joel Bion
Kevin Gilstad
Lewis Maskell
Tamara Saldanha
#tolkien #lotr #valar #gandalf #angels #istari
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs2Ia76_oHKz7IZuWcRF2NA?sub_confirmation=1
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/girlnextgondor
A high-level summary of the Valar and Maiar, the 'angelic' or 'divine' spirits that are the oldest and most powerful beings in Arda. While they are only barely alluded to in The Lord of the Rings, an understanding of their origins and role is super-valuable to understanding the background of the War of the Ring and Middle-earth's history generally.
Includes threats of a Pokerap, surprise etymology, and other delights!
Intro - 0:00
History and Job Description - 1:38
The Valar (and some Maiar!) - 4:00
Morgoth, or, What do the Valar Actually Do? - 7:21
'Gods' of Middle-earth? - 8:59
Angelic, but not Angels - 12:52
Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use purposes such as criticism, commentary, parody, news, reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. All works used in this video (images, audio, etc.) belong to their respective authors and are used with permission.
🖌️Art Credits🖌️
A full list of artworks, including links, is found here:
Thumbnail Art Credits:
"Taniquetil" by Anna Kulisz: https://www.deviantart.com/kuliszu/art/Taniquetil-873538016
"Breath of Arda" by Christina Kraus: https://www.deviantart.com/elbenherzart/art/Breath-of-Arda-662688387
Artists (in order of work’s first appearance):
1 - Ralph Damiani https://www.artstation.com/ralphdamiani
2 - CK Göksoy https://www.artstation.com/ckgoksoy
3 - Robert Zigo https://www.deviantart.com/crocorax
4 - Un Nam (Tolrone) https://www.artstation.com/ssen
5 - Nick Keller http://www.nickkellerart.com/
6 - Alystraea (Annamare) https://www.deviantart.com/alystraeaart , https://www.deviantart.com/alystraea
7 - Dymond Starr Austin https://dymondstarr.com/
8 - Sarah Weizhen Xu https://www.artstation.com/sarahweizhen; https://sarahweizhenxu.com/
9 - Madlore https://www.instagram.com/loricaart/
10 - Anastasiya Sytnik (Algrass) https://www.instagram.com/algrass_art/
11 - Lisa B (Sempermoi) https://sempermoi.tumblr.com/
12 - Kip Rasmussen https://www.kiprasmussen.com/
13 - Rodrigo Garbini https://www.instagram.com/enanoakd/
14 - Kenneth Sofia https://www.artstation.com/kensofia42
15 - Gerwell https://gerwell.tumblr.com/
16 - Kurai Geijutsu https://www.deviantart.com/kuraigeijutsu/about
17 - Sepi-Donne https://www.deviantart.com/sepi-donne
18 - Borja Pindado https://www.artstation.com/borjap
19 - Helge C. Balzer https://helgecbalzer.com/
20 - Nykolai Aleksander https://admemento.squarespace.com/
21 - Firat Solhan https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Brgnm
22 - Christina Kraus https://www.artstation.com/christinakraus
23 - Ivan Cavini https://www.artstation.com/artwork/k41xql
24 - Sarka Skorpikova https://www.deviantart.com/sarkaskorpikova
25 - Ted Nasmith https://www.tednasmith.com/
26 - ZIPAVIKA https://www.artstation.com/zipavika
27 - Dmitry Prosvirnin https://www.artstation.com/d8p (C. Fantasy Flight Games)
28 - Pete Amachree https://www.artstation.com/summerpudding
29 - Jay Carpenter http://www.jaylockwoodcarpenter.com/
30 - Aleksander Karcz https://www.artstation.com/aleksander-karcz (C. Fantasy Flight Games)
31 - H.F. Evergreen (Fesbra) "A cool dude" https://www.fesbra.com/
32 - Martin Mottet https://martinmottet.com/
33 - MGCoco https://mgcoco.tumblr.com
🎵Music Credits🎶
Where required, a license has been purchased for use of music.
Royalty Free Zone: https://www.youtube.com/c/RoyaltyFreeZone
Tracks Used: "Whisper in Time," "Behind the Memories"
Fesliyan Studios: https://www.fesliyanstudios.com/
Tracks Used: "Heaven," "Cathedral Ambience," "Tranquility"
Thank you to those who have supported me on Patreon!
Stefan Schiller
Rob McPhee
Ken Higgenbotham
Daniel Stride
Daniel Bass
Zach Burns
Eric Dreasher
Arthur Menkin
Anna Feruglio Dal Dan
Andres Guerra
Anders (Valdagast)
House of Finwe
Dorwin Gray
Elu Thiccgol
Emperor Kane
Jarrod Carver
John Love
Karen Donohue
Michael Donohue
🔥House of Feanor🔥
Brendan Mooney
Joel Bion
Kevin Gilstad
Lewis Maskell
Tamara Saldanha
#tolkien #lotr #valar #gandalf #angels #istari
- published: 30 May 2022
- views: 28283
Eru Ilúvatar | Tolkien Explained | Hobbit Day 2023
Check out An Unexpected Soundscape & A Soundscape of Eä on Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/expectedsoundscape/an-unexpected-soundscape-and-a-s...
Check out An Unexpected Soundscape & A Soundscape of Eä on Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/expectedsoundscape/an-unexpected-soundscape-and-a-soundscape-of-ea If you're watching this after the Kickstarter ends, use the code NERD25 at Jordanrannells.com to get 25% off of A Long-Expected Soundscape.
Check out the full Hobbit Day Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzxLO5Ihf4Fo2t5AjwbMXlI8S0ZkCH_iA
Hit subscribe and the bell for great Tolkien content every week!
Nerd of the Rings on PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/NerdoftheRings
NOTR merch: https://nerdoftherings.creator-spring.com/
To purchase artist work, check out these amazing artists!
Tulikoura - https://www.deviantart.com/tulikoura
Matthew Stewart - http://www.matthew-stewart.com/
BellaBergolts - https://www.deviantart.com/bellabergolts
Magdalena Katanska - https://www.artstation.com/magdalenakatanska/prints https://www.instagram.com/qualiney
Jerry Vanderstelt - https://store.vandersteltstudio.com/main.sc
Anna Podedworna - https://www.artstation.com/akreon
Jenny Dolfen - goldseven.wordpress.com/
Turner Mohan - www.instagram.com/turner_mohan
Ted Nasmith - www.tednasmith.com/shop/
Anke Eissmann - http://anke.edoras-art.de/anke_illustration.html
Aronja Art - https://www.instagram.com/aronjaart/
Ivan Cavini - https://www.instagram.com/ivan_cavini/
Sara Morello - https://www.artstation.com/saramorello
Matěj Čadil - https://www.etsy.com/people/matejcadil
Tulikoura - https://www.deviantart.com/tulikoura
Aegeri - https://www.deviantart.com/aegeri
Sergio Botero - https://www.artstation.com/sboterod
Noe Leyva - https://twitter.com/NoeLeyvArt
Clemence Morisseau - https://www.artstation.com/kahirie
Edvige Faini - www.edvigefaini.com , www.facebook.com/edvige.faini www.instagram.com/edvige_faini
Miriam Ellis - https://www.miriamellis.com
Stevce Lazarevski - https://www.artstation.com/artofstevce
Álvaro González - https://www.instagram.com/alvarofernag_art
Ainulindale - Ralph Damiani
Ainulindale - alystraea art
Eru_Iluvatar_(and_the_Ainur) - Šárka_Škorpíková
Eru and the Gods Singing the First Song of Creation - Kip Rasmussen
The Creation of Arda - Ralph Damiani
Eru_Iluvatar - Janka Latečková
iluvatar's mighty theme - kuliszu
ainulindale - kuliszu
ainulindale, harmony - kuliszu
Between Ilmen and Vista - Šárka Škorpíková
ainur, children of iluvatar - nahar
birth of valar - skullb*st*rd
ainulindale - Anato Finnstark
The Making of Middle-earth - John Howe
valar, melkor - kuliszu
the music of the ainur - aegeri
the discord of melkor - kuliszu
ainulindale, disturbance - kuliszu
ainulindale, discord - kuliszu
Ainulindale - aegeri
Ainulindale - Anna Kulisz
Ainulindale - The last chord - Anna Kulisz
Melkor Weaves Opposing Music - Ted Nasmith
The Court of the Valar - Ralph Damiani
Wizards, the Istari - Ivan Cavini
cuivienen - aegeri
awakening of the elves - kuliszu
And Aule made the Dwarves - Anna Kulisz
fathers of the dwarves - steamey
Aule - Ralph Damiani
Aule Crafting the Dwarves - Peet
Aule the Destroyer – Ted Nasmith
Aule - Janka Latečková
Aule and the Seven Fathers – Ted Nasmith
Fantasy landscape - Felix Englund
Ancient Garden - Ralph Damiani
Ents - Steamey
Mt Doom - Felix Englund
Manwe - Janka Latečková
The Wave Destroying Numenor - Daniel Dougherty
Luthien Finds Beren - Kip Rasmussen
men met dark elves - steamey
Thingol - Kimberly
making the girdle of melian - steamey
the royal court of thingol - steamey
Melian - Kimberly
Melian of the Maiar - Šárka Škorpíková
Beren and Luthien Plight Their Troth - Kip Rasmussen
Beren Recovers a Silmaril - Anke Eissmann
The White Flame - Ralph Damiani
Numenor Atlantis - Pete Amachree
Elves - steamey
ancalime in numenor's harbor - steamey
The Eagles of Manwë stand guard over a Númenórean coastal town - Pete Amachree
Númenórean shrine to Yavanna, before the arrival of Sauron - Pete Amachree
Númenórean shrine to Yavanna Kementari - Pete Amachree
Sunrise on Numenor - Kip Rasmussen
Meneltarma - Peter Xavier Price
Meneltarma - Ralph Damiani
a royal wedding in numenor - Matej Cadil
imperial numenorean armour - Turner Mohan
Of the Shape of Numenor - Alan Lee
Looking West from Andunie - Alan Lee
Numenor - Šárka Škorpíková
Sauron and Ar-Pharazon - Janka Latečková
ar pharazon - steamey
downfall of numenor - dracarys drekkar
Ar Pharazons ships - John Howe
Drowning of Numenor - John Howe
The Eagles of Manwe – Ted Nasmith
drowning of numenor - mattleese87
Fall of Numenor – Alan Lee
The Eagles and the Army - Alan Lee
The Ships of the Faithful – Ted Nasmith
Ar-Pharazon assails Valinor - Alan Lee
Elros looking west Númenor - Anke Eißmann
Last battle - Felix Englund
Light of Valinor – Ted Nasmith
Gandalf Balrog - Felix Englund
gandalf the white - bembiann
Zirak-zigil - John Howe
Manwe and Varda - Šárka Škorpíková
The Blue Wizards Journeying East – Ted Nasmith
The White Hand of Saruman - Ralph Damiani
Gandalf and the Balrog Upon Celebdil – Ted Nasmith
Ainulindale - Anna Kulisz
#iluvatar #tolkien #silmarillion
Check out An Unexpected Soundscape & A Soundscape of Eä on Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/expectedsoundscape/an-unexpected-soundscape-and-a-soundscape-of-ea If you're watching this after the Kickstarter ends, use the code NERD25 at Jordanrannells.com to get 25% off of A Long-Expected Soundscape.
Check out the full Hobbit Day Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzxLO5Ihf4Fo2t5AjwbMXlI8S0ZkCH_iA
Hit subscribe and the bell for great Tolkien content every week!
Nerd of the Rings on PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/NerdoftheRings
NOTR merch: https://nerdoftherings.creator-spring.com/
To purchase artist work, check out these amazing artists!
Tulikoura - https://www.deviantart.com/tulikoura
Matthew Stewart - http://www.matthew-stewart.com/
BellaBergolts - https://www.deviantart.com/bellabergolts
Magdalena Katanska - https://www.artstation.com/magdalenakatanska/prints https://www.instagram.com/qualiney
Jerry Vanderstelt - https://store.vandersteltstudio.com/main.sc
Anna Podedworna - https://www.artstation.com/akreon
Jenny Dolfen - goldseven.wordpress.com/
Turner Mohan - www.instagram.com/turner_mohan
Ted Nasmith - www.tednasmith.com/shop/
Anke Eissmann - http://anke.edoras-art.de/anke_illustration.html
Aronja Art - https://www.instagram.com/aronjaart/
Ivan Cavini - https://www.instagram.com/ivan_cavini/
Sara Morello - https://www.artstation.com/saramorello
Matěj Čadil - https://www.etsy.com/people/matejcadil
Tulikoura - https://www.deviantart.com/tulikoura
Aegeri - https://www.deviantart.com/aegeri
Sergio Botero - https://www.artstation.com/sboterod
Noe Leyva - https://twitter.com/NoeLeyvArt
Clemence Morisseau - https://www.artstation.com/kahirie
Edvige Faini - www.edvigefaini.com , www.facebook.com/edvige.faini www.instagram.com/edvige_faini
Miriam Ellis - https://www.miriamellis.com
Stevce Lazarevski - https://www.artstation.com/artofstevce
Álvaro González - https://www.instagram.com/alvarofernag_art
Ainulindale - Ralph Damiani
Ainulindale - alystraea art
Eru_Iluvatar_(and_the_Ainur) - Šárka_Škorpíková
Eru and the Gods Singing the First Song of Creation - Kip Rasmussen
The Creation of Arda - Ralph Damiani
Eru_Iluvatar - Janka Latečková
iluvatar's mighty theme - kuliszu
ainulindale - kuliszu
ainulindale, harmony - kuliszu
Between Ilmen and Vista - Šárka Škorpíková
ainur, children of iluvatar - nahar
birth of valar - skullb*st*rd
ainulindale - Anato Finnstark
The Making of Middle-earth - John Howe
valar, melkor - kuliszu
the music of the ainur - aegeri
the discord of melkor - kuliszu
ainulindale, disturbance - kuliszu
ainulindale, discord - kuliszu
Ainulindale - aegeri
Ainulindale - Anna Kulisz
Ainulindale - The last chord - Anna Kulisz
Melkor Weaves Opposing Music - Ted Nasmith
The Court of the Valar - Ralph Damiani
Wizards, the Istari - Ivan Cavini
cuivienen - aegeri
awakening of the elves - kuliszu
And Aule made the Dwarves - Anna Kulisz
fathers of the dwarves - steamey
Aule - Ralph Damiani
Aule Crafting the Dwarves - Peet
Aule the Destroyer – Ted Nasmith
Aule - Janka Latečková
Aule and the Seven Fathers – Ted Nasmith
Fantasy landscape - Felix Englund
Ancient Garden - Ralph Damiani
Ents - Steamey
Mt Doom - Felix Englund
Manwe - Janka Latečková
The Wave Destroying Numenor - Daniel Dougherty
Luthien Finds Beren - Kip Rasmussen
men met dark elves - steamey
Thingol - Kimberly
making the girdle of melian - steamey
the royal court of thingol - steamey
Melian - Kimberly
Melian of the Maiar - Šárka Škorpíková
Beren and Luthien Plight Their Troth - Kip Rasmussen
Beren Recovers a Silmaril - Anke Eissmann
The White Flame - Ralph Damiani
Numenor Atlantis - Pete Amachree
Elves - steamey
ancalime in numenor's harbor - steamey
The Eagles of Manwë stand guard over a Númenórean coastal town - Pete Amachree
Númenórean shrine to Yavanna, before the arrival of Sauron - Pete Amachree
Númenórean shrine to Yavanna Kementari - Pete Amachree
Sunrise on Numenor - Kip Rasmussen
Meneltarma - Peter Xavier Price
Meneltarma - Ralph Damiani
a royal wedding in numenor - Matej Cadil
imperial numenorean armour - Turner Mohan
Of the Shape of Numenor - Alan Lee
Looking West from Andunie - Alan Lee
Numenor - Šárka Škorpíková
Sauron and Ar-Pharazon - Janka Latečková
ar pharazon - steamey
downfall of numenor - dracarys drekkar
Ar Pharazons ships - John Howe
Drowning of Numenor - John Howe
The Eagles of Manwe – Ted Nasmith
drowning of numenor - mattleese87
Fall of Numenor – Alan Lee
The Eagles and the Army - Alan Lee
The Ships of the Faithful – Ted Nasmith
Ar-Pharazon assails Valinor - Alan Lee
Elros looking west Númenor - Anke Eißmann
Last battle - Felix Englund
Light of Valinor – Ted Nasmith
Gandalf Balrog - Felix Englund
gandalf the white - bembiann
Zirak-zigil - John Howe
Manwe and Varda - Šárka Škorpíková
The Blue Wizards Journeying East – Ted Nasmith
The White Hand of Saruman - Ralph Damiani
Gandalf and the Balrog Upon Celebdil – Ted Nasmith
Ainulindale - Anna Kulisz
#iluvatar #tolkien #silmarillion
- published: 23 Sep 2023
- views: 416962
Ainur (Middle-earth)
The Ainur are the immortal spirits existing before the Creation in J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional universe. These were the first beings made of the thought of Er...
The Ainur are the immortal spirits existing before the Creation in J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional universe. These were the first beings made of the thought of Eru Ilúvatar. They were able to sing such beautiful music that the world was created from it.
The Ainur are the immortal spirits existing before the Creation in J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional universe. These were the first beings made of the thought of Eru Ilúvatar. They were able to sing such beautiful music that the world was created from it.
- published: 03 Sep 2022
- views: 24
10 Most Powerful Valar in Middle Earth
After being shaped from the thoughts of Eru, the fourteen Ainur known as the Valar entered Arda to bring order to the world and confront the emerging evils of M...
After being shaped from the thoughts of Eru, the fourteen Ainur known as the Valar entered Arda to bring order to the world and confront the emerging evils of Melkor. They played a significant role in shaping Arda through the music of Ilúvatar, often addressing each other as "brother" or "sister". Each Ainur contributed to the creation of the world through music, except for Melkor, who was considered the most powerful at the time. His disagreement with Eru's vision for Arda led to his expulsion and a rebellion that caused many of the world's problems.
After Arda's creation, the fourteen Valar initially resided on Almaren, a concealed island on the Great Lake. However, after its destruction and the reshaping of the earth, long before the Awakening of the Elves, they moved to Aman and established the realm of Valinor. They were later known as the 'Powers of the World', although they seldom directly intervened in the world's events. Eru granted them authority over Arda, and in Valinor, they built the golden city of Váli-màr, with their own residences scattered across the plain, and Máhanaxar, the "Ring of Doom", where they convened and held discussions.
After being shaped from the thoughts of Eru, the fourteen Ainur known as the Valar entered Arda to bring order to the world and confront the emerging evils of Melkor. They played a significant role in shaping Arda through the music of Ilúvatar, often addressing each other as "brother" or "sister". Each Ainur contributed to the creation of the world through music, except for Melkor, who was considered the most powerful at the time. His disagreement with Eru's vision for Arda led to his expulsion and a rebellion that caused many of the world's problems.
After Arda's creation, the fourteen Valar initially resided on Almaren, a concealed island on the Great Lake. However, after its destruction and the reshaping of the earth, long before the Awakening of the Elves, they moved to Aman and established the realm of Valinor. They were later known as the 'Powers of the World', although they seldom directly intervened in the world's events. Eru granted them authority over Arda, and in Valinor, they built the golden city of Váli-màr, with their own residences scattered across the plain, and Máhanaxar, the "Ring of Doom", where they convened and held discussions.
- published: 10 Oct 2024
- views: 2125
Lords of the Valar | Tolkien Explained
The Valar of Middle-earth! The great powers of Arda! Today, we complete our two-part series by covering the Lords of Tolkien's Valar: Manwë Súlimo - King of th...
The Valar of Middle-earth! The great powers of Arda! Today, we complete our two-part series by covering the Lords of Tolkien's Valar: Manwë Súlimo - King of the Valar, Ulmo - King of the Sea, Aulë the Smith, Oromë the Huntsman, Mandos - Judge of the Dead, Lórien - Master of Dreams, Tulkas - Champion of Valinor
PART 1 - Queens of the Valar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sCpIbIXP6U
*Hit subscribe - and the bell - so you never miss a video from Nerd of the Rings!*
Nerd of the Rings on PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/NerdoftheRings
All content falls under fair use: any copying of copyrighted material done for a limited and “transformative” purpose, such as to comment upon, criticize, or parody a copyrighted work. Such uses can be done without permission from the copyright owner. If your artwork appears and you are not listed here, please let me know! I want to make sure all artists are credited for their amazing work.
To purchase artist work, I highly recommend checking out these amazing artists online!
Ted Nasmith - https://www.tednasmith.com/shop/
Jerry Vanderstelt - https://store.vandersteltstudio.com/main.sc
King of the Valar - Prophet Queen
Manwe Sulimo - Gustavo Malek
Manwe, King of the World and the Breath of Arda - Dymond Starr
Manwe - Kimberly80
Eru Iluvatar - Jerrel Salvatierra
The Music of the Gods - Kip Rasmussen
Manwe - Kseniya
Ulmo - Kseniya
Morgoth Defeated - Renato Domingos
The Door of Night - John Howe
The Fourth Coming - John Howe
Ulmo - Fran Fdez
Tuor Before Ulmo - Ted Nasmith
Ulmo - Alan Lee
Ring of Doom - Jacek Kopalski
Twin Trees of the Valar - Etherium
At Lake Cuivienen - Ted Nasmith
Haven of the Eldar - Frederic Bennett
Morgoth Chained - Tim Zabolotnov
The Captivity of Morgoth - Jacek Kopalski
Ulmo - Janka Lateckova
Beleriand Map - Lamaarcana
Aule - Janka Lateckova
Aule and the Seven Fathers - Ted Nasmith
Aule - Kamehame
Dwarf Smith - Denman Rooke
Yavanna - Gustavo Malek
Aule Crafting the Dwarves - Peter Xavier Price
Aule the Destroyer - Ted Nasmith
Eru Iluvatar - Janka Lateckova
Fathers of the Dwarves - Steamey
Aule forge - Melchor Flores
Melkor Chained - Roger Garland
Two Lamps - Iluin - Andrew Maximov
Orome - Steamey
Orome - Michelle Tolo
Orome Hunts the Creatures of Morgoth - Kip Rasmussen
Orome and Nahar - Kimberly80
Orome Discovers the Elves - Kip Rasmussen
The Horn of Boromir - Matt Stewart
Mandos - Granks
Gatekeeper - Ardenery
Mandos - Marcela Medeiros
Halls of Mandos - Pete Amachree
The Curse of Mandos - Lourdes Velez
Alqualonde - Ted Nasmith
The Oath of Feanor - Jenny Dolfen
Nienna, Namo, and Irmo - Phobs
Irmo - Aerankai
Irmo and Namo - Rami fon Verg
Irmo - Kimberly80
Este - Olga Kukhtenkova
Irmo, Lorien - Maureval
Tulkas - Steamey
Tulkas - Tolrone
Tulkas - Janka Lateckova
Tulkas - Antonio Vinci
Tulkas and Nessa - Ali P.
Tulkas - Menesu
Tulkas the Strong - Saphir93
Dagor Dagorath - Eonwe, Tulkas, Turin - Ivana Lekseich
Varda of the Stars - Kip Rasmussen
Vana the Ever-young - Steamey
#valar #tolkien #silmarillion
The Valar of Middle-earth! The great powers of Arda! Today, we complete our two-part series by covering the Lords of Tolkien's Valar: Manwë Súlimo - King of the Valar, Ulmo - King of the Sea, Aulë the Smith, Oromë the Huntsman, Mandos - Judge of the Dead, Lórien - Master of Dreams, Tulkas - Champion of Valinor
PART 1 - Queens of the Valar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sCpIbIXP6U
*Hit subscribe - and the bell - so you never miss a video from Nerd of the Rings!*
Nerd of the Rings on PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/NerdoftheRings
All content falls under fair use: any copying of copyrighted material done for a limited and “transformative” purpose, such as to comment upon, criticize, or parody a copyrighted work. Such uses can be done without permission from the copyright owner. If your artwork appears and you are not listed here, please let me know! I want to make sure all artists are credited for their amazing work.
To purchase artist work, I highly recommend checking out these amazing artists online!
Ted Nasmith - https://www.tednasmith.com/shop/
Jerry Vanderstelt - https://store.vandersteltstudio.com/main.sc
King of the Valar - Prophet Queen
Manwe Sulimo - Gustavo Malek
Manwe, King of the World and the Breath of Arda - Dymond Starr
Manwe - Kimberly80
Eru Iluvatar - Jerrel Salvatierra
The Music of the Gods - Kip Rasmussen
Manwe - Kseniya
Ulmo - Kseniya
Morgoth Defeated - Renato Domingos
The Door of Night - John Howe
The Fourth Coming - John Howe
Ulmo - Fran Fdez
Tuor Before Ulmo - Ted Nasmith
Ulmo - Alan Lee
Ring of Doom - Jacek Kopalski
Twin Trees of the Valar - Etherium
At Lake Cuivienen - Ted Nasmith
Haven of the Eldar - Frederic Bennett
Morgoth Chained - Tim Zabolotnov
The Captivity of Morgoth - Jacek Kopalski
Ulmo - Janka Lateckova
Beleriand Map - Lamaarcana
Aule - Janka Lateckova
Aule and the Seven Fathers - Ted Nasmith
Aule - Kamehame
Dwarf Smith - Denman Rooke
Yavanna - Gustavo Malek
Aule Crafting the Dwarves - Peter Xavier Price
Aule the Destroyer - Ted Nasmith
Eru Iluvatar - Janka Lateckova
Fathers of the Dwarves - Steamey
Aule forge - Melchor Flores
Melkor Chained - Roger Garland
Two Lamps - Iluin - Andrew Maximov
Orome - Steamey
Orome - Michelle Tolo
Orome Hunts the Creatures of Morgoth - Kip Rasmussen
Orome and Nahar - Kimberly80
Orome Discovers the Elves - Kip Rasmussen
The Horn of Boromir - Matt Stewart
Mandos - Granks
Gatekeeper - Ardenery
Mandos - Marcela Medeiros
Halls of Mandos - Pete Amachree
The Curse of Mandos - Lourdes Velez
Alqualonde - Ted Nasmith
The Oath of Feanor - Jenny Dolfen
Nienna, Namo, and Irmo - Phobs
Irmo - Aerankai
Irmo and Namo - Rami fon Verg
Irmo - Kimberly80
Este - Olga Kukhtenkova
Irmo, Lorien - Maureval
Tulkas - Steamey
Tulkas - Tolrone
Tulkas - Janka Lateckova
Tulkas - Antonio Vinci
Tulkas and Nessa - Ali P.
Tulkas - Menesu
Tulkas the Strong - Saphir93
Dagor Dagorath - Eonwe, Tulkas, Turin - Ivana Lekseich
Varda of the Stars - Kip Rasmussen
Vana the Ever-young - Steamey
#valar #tolkien #silmarillion
- published: 17 Apr 2021
- views: 722387
Difference Between Ainur, Valar And Maiar In LOTR .#ringsofpower#lordoftherings#jrrtolkien#shorts
Difference Between Ainur, Valar And Maiar In LOTR .
E to
Thanks To all the artists whose art has been ...
Difference Between Ainur, Valar And Maiar In LOTR .
E to
Thanks To all the artists whose art has been used to create this video.
Difference Between Ainur, Valar And Maiar In LOTR .
E to
Thanks To all the artists whose art has been used to create this video.
- published: 10 Sep 2024
- views: 1674
Ainulindalë - The Music of the Ainur | Silmarillion Documentary
Hello and welcome! In this first installment of my video remakes, I'm excited to introduce you to a new narration style and more complex video animations. In th...
Hello and welcome! In this first installment of my video remakes, I'm excited to introduce you to a new narration style and more complex video animations. In this video, we will delve into Ainulindalë, also known as the Music of the Ainur, which is a creation myth from J.R.R. Tolkien's Silmarillion.
The tale begins with Ilúvatar, the supreme being, creating spirits of power called the Ainur. He taught them music and they sang before him, with the most beautiful theme he had shown them. He asked them to sing together a Great Music, in which their thoughts would be made visible through the Flame Imperishable. And so, the Music of the Ainur began.
At first, Ilúvatar sat and listened, but Melkor, one of the greatest Ainur, filled with pride, broke the harmony with his discordant notes. Ilúvatar then rose and a new theme began, led by Manwë, Melkor's brother, as they tried to counter the disturbance. However, once again, Melkor's violent song shattered the harmony.
Undeterred, Ilúvatar started a third theme that the Ainur could not fully comprehend. He then ceased the music and showed to the Ainur the essence of what their song symbolized, revealing the history of a whole world. This moment is known as the "Vision of Ilúvatar". The Ainur were captivated by it, and they wished that Ilúvatar would bring it into being.
Some of the Ainur who possessed the greatest power entered into Eä, the physical world, and they became known as the Valar, the "Powers of the world". Their mission was to shape the world in preparation for the coming of the Children of Ilúvatar: Elves and Men. They created a region known as Arda, the Earth, but Melkor, consumed by his desire for power, attempted to claim it for himself, setting the stage for conflict and challenges to come.
In this video, we will explore the themes of Ainulindalë, including the concept of creation through music, the discord of Melkor, and the significance of the "Vision of Ilúvatar" in Tolkien's mythology. With a new narration style and more complex video animations, get ready for an immersive journey into the rich and captivating world of Tolkien.
Source: The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien
00:00 - Introduction
01:08 - Timeless Halls of Eru
02:20 - Music of the Ainur
02:56 - The Great Music
04:34 - Discord of Melkor
06:36 - Words of Eru Ilúvatar
07:41 - Vision of Ilúvatar
08:49 - Flame Imperishable
09:56 - Credits
John D. Boswel aka Melodysheep
Eru Iluvatar timeless palace by enanoakd
Original Arda by SolusCheese
ArdaLamps by SolusCheese
Oleg Gamulinskii
Rostislav Uzunov
Tomislav Jakupec
Mike Lacoste aka Mikkehouse
Adis Resic
Bandersn4tch - The Death Of A Supernova
Savanna Music - Dead Home
Cybercutie - Dark Secrets Of The Universe
Scott Buckley - The Summoning
Alex Chernykh - Landing on a Strange Planet
Astrofreq - Medieval Horror
Spell - Dark Magic Background Music by OB-Lix
Geibral - Suspenseful Moods
Samuel Francis Johnson - Crushed Dreams
All content falls under fair use: any copying of copyrighted material done for a limited and “transformative” purpose, such as to comment upon, criticize, or parody a copyrighted work. Such uses can be done without permission from the copyright owner. If your artwork appears and you are not listed below, please let me know and I'll add you! All artists should be credited.
#jrrtolkien #silmarillion #lotr #lordoftherings #tolkien
Hello and welcome! In this first installment of my video remakes, I'm excited to introduce you to a new narration style and more complex video animations. In this video, we will delve into Ainulindalë, also known as the Music of the Ainur, which is a creation myth from J.R.R. Tolkien's Silmarillion.
The tale begins with Ilúvatar, the supreme being, creating spirits of power called the Ainur. He taught them music and they sang before him, with the most beautiful theme he had shown them. He asked them to sing together a Great Music, in which their thoughts would be made visible through the Flame Imperishable. And so, the Music of the Ainur began.
At first, Ilúvatar sat and listened, but Melkor, one of the greatest Ainur, filled with pride, broke the harmony with his discordant notes. Ilúvatar then rose and a new theme began, led by Manwë, Melkor's brother, as they tried to counter the disturbance. However, once again, Melkor's violent song shattered the harmony.
Undeterred, Ilúvatar started a third theme that the Ainur could not fully comprehend. He then ceased the music and showed to the Ainur the essence of what their song symbolized, revealing the history of a whole world. This moment is known as the "Vision of Ilúvatar". The Ainur were captivated by it, and they wished that Ilúvatar would bring it into being.
Some of the Ainur who possessed the greatest power entered into Eä, the physical world, and they became known as the Valar, the "Powers of the world". Their mission was to shape the world in preparation for the coming of the Children of Ilúvatar: Elves and Men. They created a region known as Arda, the Earth, but Melkor, consumed by his desire for power, attempted to claim it for himself, setting the stage for conflict and challenges to come.
In this video, we will explore the themes of Ainulindalë, including the concept of creation through music, the discord of Melkor, and the significance of the "Vision of Ilúvatar" in Tolkien's mythology. With a new narration style and more complex video animations, get ready for an immersive journey into the rich and captivating world of Tolkien.
Source: The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien
00:00 - Introduction
01:08 - Timeless Halls of Eru
02:20 - Music of the Ainur
02:56 - The Great Music
04:34 - Discord of Melkor
06:36 - Words of Eru Ilúvatar
07:41 - Vision of Ilúvatar
08:49 - Flame Imperishable
09:56 - Credits
John D. Boswel aka Melodysheep
Eru Iluvatar timeless palace by enanoakd
Original Arda by SolusCheese
ArdaLamps by SolusCheese
Oleg Gamulinskii
Rostislav Uzunov
Tomislav Jakupec
Mike Lacoste aka Mikkehouse
Adis Resic
Bandersn4tch - The Death Of A Supernova
Savanna Music - Dead Home
Cybercutie - Dark Secrets Of The Universe
Scott Buckley - The Summoning
Alex Chernykh - Landing on a Strange Planet
Astrofreq - Medieval Horror
Spell - Dark Magic Background Music by OB-Lix
Geibral - Suspenseful Moods
Samuel Francis Johnson - Crushed Dreams
All content falls under fair use: any copying of copyrighted material done for a limited and “transformative” purpose, such as to comment upon, criticize, or parody a copyrighted work. Such uses can be done without permission from the copyright owner. If your artwork appears and you are not listed below, please let me know and I'll add you! All artists should be credited.
#jrrtolkien #silmarillion #lotr #lordoftherings #tolkien
- published: 16 Apr 2023
- views: 36475
The Valar and Maiar imagined by AI
#valar #maiar #thesilmarillion
The video presents the valar and maiar illustrations from Tolkien's stories created with artificial intelligence and edited ...
#valar #maiar #thesilmarillion
The video presents the valar and maiar illustrations from Tolkien's stories created with artificial intelligence and edited by a digital artist.
Theme music: Ancient fathers by Kyle Preston
0:00 Intro
0:15 Eru (Ilúvatar)
0:30 Melkor (Morgoth)
0:45 Manwë
1:00 Varda
1:15 Ulmo
1:30 Aulë
1:40 Yavanna
2:00 Irmo
2:15 Mandos
2:30 Nienna
2:45 Vairë
3:00 Oromë
3:15 Vána
3:30 Estë
3:45 Tulkas
4:00 Nessa
4:15 Mairon (Sauron)
4:30 Gothmog
4:45 Curumo (Saruman)
5:00 Durin's Bane
5:15 Aiwendil (Radagast)
5:30 Olórin (Gandalf)
#valar #maiar #thesilmarillion
The video presents the valar and maiar illustrations from Tolkien's stories created with artificial intelligence and edited by a digital artist.
Theme music: Ancient fathers by Kyle Preston
0:00 Intro
0:15 Eru (Ilúvatar)
0:30 Melkor (Morgoth)
0:45 Manwë
1:00 Varda
1:15 Ulmo
1:30 Aulë
1:40 Yavanna
2:00 Irmo
2:15 Mandos
2:30 Nienna
2:45 Vairë
3:00 Oromë
3:15 Vána
3:30 Estë
3:45 Tulkas
4:00 Nessa
4:15 Mairon (Sauron)
4:30 Gothmog
4:45 Curumo (Saruman)
5:00 Durin's Bane
5:15 Aiwendil (Radagast)
5:30 Olórin (Gandalf)
- published: 29 Jan 2023
- views: 158469
Understanding the Ainur (Valar & Maiar) | Middle-Earth Facts
#middlearth #lordoftherings #short #ytshorts #ytshort #ytshortsvideo #ytshortsvideos #tolkien #thehobbit #lotr #lotrgames #fantasy #silmarillion
#ainur #valar ...
#middlearth #lordoftherings #short #ytshorts #ytshort #ytshortsvideo #ytshortsvideos #tolkien #thehobbit #lotr #lotrgames #fantasy #silmarillion
#ainur #valar #maiar
The Ainur, sometimes referred to as the Divine Beings, included both the Valar and the Maiar. They were the earliest and most powerful entities formed by Eru Ilúvatar well before the Arda's creation. Arda includes the continent of Middle-earth.
#middlearth #lordoftherings #short #ytshorts #ytshort #ytshortsvideo #ytshortsvideos #tolkien #thehobbit #lotr #lotrgames #fantasy #silmarillion
#ainur #valar #maiar
The Ainur, sometimes referred to as the Divine Beings, included both the Valar and the Maiar. They were the earliest and most powerful entities formed by Eru Ilúvatar well before the Arda's creation. Arda includes the continent of Middle-earth.
- published: 16 Sep 2023
- views: 2958
Ainur and Their Allure For Middle earth
There's an interesting dynamic that plays out with the spirits of Middleearth: on e the one hand, they segregate themselves from it and on the other many choose...
There's an interesting dynamic that plays out with the spirits of Middleearth: on e the one hand, they segregate themselves from it and on the other many choose to live in it. I am going to explore why some of the spirits from beyond chose to inhabit Middle earth proper when so many chose not to.
#tolkien #lord of the rings #silmarillion
There's an interesting dynamic that plays out with the spirits of Middleearth: on e the one hand, they segregate themselves from it and on the other many choose to live in it. I am going to explore why some of the spirits from beyond chose to inhabit Middle earth proper when so many chose not to.
#tolkien #lord of the rings #silmarillion
- published: 24 Sep 2023
- views: 687