Al-Abdali (Arabic:العبدلي) is the 9th district in the Amman Governorate out of the 27 districts, it is named relative to King Abdullah I who founded it during the 1940s. It covers an area of 15 square kilometres (6sqmi) in the heart of Amman, with an estimated population of 150,000. Large parts of the district are residential, but due its geographical location in the center of the city, it contains several important governmental buildings and businesses. The area is known for containing several bus stations serving routes to many cities in Jordan.
The district consists of 4 neighborhoods Jabal Al-Hussein, Jabal Al-Lweibdeh, Shmeisani, and Al-Madineh Al-Riyadiyah.
Jabal Al-Hussein and Jabal Al-Lweibdeh are among the oldest neighborhoods in the city, they have been marked by the Greater Amman Municipality as of great historical significance. They are preferred by several western expatriates who work or study in Amman, as their accommodate.
Lahej (Arabic:لحجLaḥij), the Sultanate of Lahej (Arabic:سلطنة لحجSalṭanat Laḥij), or, sometimes, the Abdali Sultanate (Arabic:سلطنة العبدليSalṭanat al-‘Abdalī), was a Sheikdom based in Lahej in Southern Yemen. The Sheikdom was officially abolished in 1967.
18th — 19th century
Lahej was sultanate of the 'Abdali dynasty . In 1740 the 'Abdali sultan became independent. The Sultanate of Lahej became an independent entity, from 1728 to 1839.
The Sultanate of Lahej lost its independence to the British, after the Royal NavyAden Expedition attack in 1839. The Sultan signed several treaties with the British. The 1863 opening of the Suez Canal caused the formation of the Aden Protectorate
The sultanate was one of the original "Nine Cantons" that signed individual British protectorate agreements with Great Britain, that in 1869 were joined together to become the Aden Protectorate. The Suez Canal also opened in 1869.
20th century
During World War I, the Ottoman Empire maintained control. In 1918 Lahej was liberated from Ottoman Empire suzerainty and made a British protectorate.
Lahej typically enjoyed good relations with the British, despite the accidental killing of Sultan Fadhl ibn Ali al Abdali by British troops in 1918 who mistook him for an enemy Ottoman Turk soldier. In 1948, the Subayhi tribal area was absorbed into their sultanate.
النشيد الوطني العبدلي - سلطنة لحج | The Abdali National Anthem - Sultanate of Lahij
النشيد الوطني العبدلي هو نشيد سلطنة العبدلية أو سلطنة لحج من تأليف الأمير الشاعر القمندان, كتبه بالعربية الفصيّحة تحت عنوان "نشيد محبّة الوطن" وقامت بغنائه الفرقة الموسيقية العسكرية العبدلية على ألحان قام هو بوضعها، في القصيدة التي تتألف من ثمانية أبيات يتحدث القمندان بصيغة الجمع عن مواطني السلطنة العبدلية ليعبّر عن حبّه للحج وواديها تبن ورغبته في التضحية بروحه في سبيل الوطن الذي لا يقدّر بثمن، ولا ينسى القمندان أخيه السلطان عبدالكريم الذي يحيّيه في آخر أبيات القصيدة.
The Abdali national anthem is the anthem of the Sultanate of Abdali or the Sultanate of Lahj composed by the Emir poet Al-Commandan. Citizens of the Abdali Sultanate to express his love for Lahij and its valley is straw, and his desire to sacrifice his soul for the sake of the country that is priceless. The Qimandan does no...
published: 14 Oct 2020
Flag of the Sultanate of Lahej
Lahej (Arabic: لحج Laḥij), the Sultanate of Lahej (Arabic: سلطنة لحج Salṭanat Laḥij), or, sometimes, the Abdali Sultanate (Arabic: سلطنة العبدلي Salṭanat al-'Abdalī), was a Sheikdom based in Lahij in Southern Arabia. The Sultanate became self-ruling in 1728 and gained independence in 1740. In 1839, the Sultanate became part of the Aden Protectorate of the British Empire, though nominally the 'Abdali Sultan retained his status. The Aden Protectorate was briefly ruled again by the Ottomans during World War I, but regained by the British and absorbed into Federation of South Arabia in 1963. The 'Abdali dynasty was officially abolished in 1967, with the proclamation of South Yemen.
3D animated flag waving in the wind created based on user request - based on your source image.
The Flag footag...
published: 07 Jul 2022
Flag of the Sultanate of Lahej waving in the wind - Flag animation - Motion background - 4K UHD
3D animated flag waving in the wind: Motion background
The Flag footage YouTube channel is full of animated flags - flags waving in the wind (countries, logos, crypto, etc.) with a Greenscreen background or zoomed.
#flagfootage #wavingflag #flaganimation
published: 13 Apr 2022
سلطنة لحج .. Sultanate of Lahij
سلطنة لحج ..
... Sultanate of Lahij
published: 11 Mar 2022
เพลงชาติรัฐสุลต่านอับดาลี | Sultanate Anthem of Abdali(Lahej)
published: 17 Jan 2022
Flag of the Sultanate of Lahej with Money Heist Logo
Lahej (Arabic: لحج Laḥij), the Sultanate of Lahej (Arabic: سلطنة لحج Salṭanat Laḥij), or, sometimes, the Abdali Sultanate (Arabic: سلطنة العبدلي Salṭanat al-'Abdalī), was a Sheikdom based in Lahij in Southern Arabia. The Sultanate became self-ruling in 1728 and gained independence in 1740. In 1839, the Sultanate became part of the Aden Protectorate of the British Empire, though nominally the 'Abdali Sultan retained his status. The Aden Protectorate was briefly ruled again by the Ottomans during World War I, but regained by the British and absorbed into Federation of South Arabia in 1963. The 'Abdali dynasty was officially abolished in 1967, with the proclamation of South Yemen.
3D animated flag waving in the wind created based on user request - based on your source image.
The Flag footag...
published: 07 Jul 2022
سلطنة لحـج " العبدلي " ™ Sultanate of Lahj "Abdali"
النشيد الوطني العبدلي هو نشيد سلطنة العبدلية أو سلطنة لحج من تأليف الأمير الشاعر القمندان, كتبه بالعربية الفصيّحة تحت عنوان "نشيد محبّة الوطن" وقامت بغنائه الفر...
النشيد الوطني العبدلي هو نشيد سلطنة العبدلية أو سلطنة لحج من تأليف الأمير الشاعر القمندان, كتبه بالعربية الفصيّحة تحت عنوان "نشيد محبّة الوطن" وقامت بغنائه الفرقة الموسيقية العسكرية العبدلية على ألحان قام هو بوضعها، في القصيدة التي تتألف من ثمانية أبيات يتحدث القمندان بصيغة الجمع عن مواطني السلطنة العبدلية ليعبّر عن حبّه للحج وواديها تبن ورغبته في التضحية بروحه في سبيل الوطن الذي لا يقدّر بثمن، ولا ينسى القمندان أخيه السلطان عبدالكريم الذي يحيّيه في آخر أبيات القصيدة.
The Abdali national anthem is the anthem of the Sultanate of Abdali or the Sultanate of Lahj composed by the Emir poet Al-Commandan. Citizens of the Abdali Sultanate to express his love for Lahij and its valley is straw, and his desire to sacrifice his soul for the sake of the country that is priceless. The Qimandan does not forget his brother Sultan Abdul Karim, who salutes him in the last verses of the poem.
- كلمات ولحن: الأمير أحمد فضل العبدلي "القمندان"
Lyrics and melody: Ahmed Fadel Al Abdali, "Al Commandan"
- عزف وغناء: الفرقة الموسيقية العسكرية العبدلية.
Playing and Singing: The Abdali Military Orchestra.
كلمات القصيدة:
- بـــلادنــا.. نــحــبــهـا لــحــج وواديها تبن
- فيها الجناحان بيزج وفالج ربِّ اسقها حتى عدن
- لحج الهنا تبن الرخا لله درك من وطن
- بالروح نفديك وهل لك أيها الوادي ثمن
- إجري كما تهوى فإن الرعد فوق الحيد حن
- واسقِ العبادل يا تبن أما عسل والا لبن3
- يل لحج أنت غرة الدنيا ويعسوب اليمن
- فاحيا ويحيا ابنك لنا عبد الكريم المؤتمن
تدوين القصيدة: المصدر المفيد في غناء لحج الجديد.
صفحتنا على التواصل الإجتماعي فيسبوك:
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النشيد الوطني العبدلي هو نشيد سلطنة العبدلية أو سلطنة لحج من تأليف الأمير الشاعر القمندان, كتبه بالعربية الفصيّحة تحت عنوان "نشيد محبّة الوطن" وقامت بغنائه الفرقة الموسيقية العسكرية العبدلية على ألحان قام هو بوضعها، في القصيدة التي تتألف من ثمانية أبيات يتحدث القمندان بصيغة الجمع عن مواطني السلطنة العبدلية ليعبّر عن حبّه للحج وواديها تبن ورغبته في التضحية بروحه في سبيل الوطن الذي لا يقدّر بثمن، ولا ينسى القمندان أخيه السلطان عبدالكريم الذي يحيّيه في آخر أبيات القصيدة.
The Abdali national anthem is the anthem of the Sultanate of Abdali or the Sultanate of Lahj composed by the Emir poet Al-Commandan. Citizens of the Abdali Sultanate to express his love for Lahij and its valley is straw, and his desire to sacrifice his soul for the sake of the country that is priceless. The Qimandan does not forget his brother Sultan Abdul Karim, who salutes him in the last verses of the poem.
- كلمات ولحن: الأمير أحمد فضل العبدلي "القمندان"
Lyrics and melody: Ahmed Fadel Al Abdali, "Al Commandan"
- عزف وغناء: الفرقة الموسيقية العسكرية العبدلية.
Playing and Singing: The Abdali Military Orchestra.
كلمات القصيدة:
- بـــلادنــا.. نــحــبــهـا لــحــج وواديها تبن
- فيها الجناحان بيزج وفالج ربِّ اسقها حتى عدن
- لحج الهنا تبن الرخا لله درك من وطن
- بالروح نفديك وهل لك أيها الوادي ثمن
- إجري كما تهوى فإن الرعد فوق الحيد حن
- واسقِ العبادل يا تبن أما عسل والا لبن3
- يل لحج أنت غرة الدنيا ويعسوب اليمن
- فاحيا ويحيا ابنك لنا عبد الكريم المؤتمن
تدوين القصيدة: المصدر المفيد في غناء لحج الجديد.
صفحتنا على التواصل الإجتماعي فيسبوك:
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Lahej (Arabic: لحج Laḥij), the Sultanate of Lahej (Arabic: سلطنة لحج Salṭanat Laḥij), or, sometimes, the Abdali Sultanate (Arabic: سلطنة العبدلي Salṭanat al-'Ab...
Lahej (Arabic: لحج Laḥij), the Sultanate of Lahej (Arabic: سلطنة لحج Salṭanat Laḥij), or, sometimes, the Abdali Sultanate (Arabic: سلطنة العبدلي Salṭanat al-'Abdalī), was a Sheikdom based in Lahij in Southern Arabia. The Sultanate became self-ruling in 1728 and gained independence in 1740. In 1839, the Sultanate became part of the Aden Protectorate of the British Empire, though nominally the 'Abdali Sultan retained his status. The Aden Protectorate was briefly ruled again by the Ottomans during World War I, but regained by the British and absorbed into Federation of South Arabia in 1963. The 'Abdali dynasty was officially abolished in 1967, with the proclamation of South Yemen.
3D animated flag waving in the wind created based on user request - based on your source image.
The Flag footage YouTube channel is full of animated flags - flags waving in the wind (countries, logos, crypto, etc.) with a Greenscreen background or zoomed.
#flagfootage #wavingflag #flaganimation
Lahej (Arabic: لحج Laḥij), the Sultanate of Lahej (Arabic: سلطنة لحج Salṭanat Laḥij), or, sometimes, the Abdali Sultanate (Arabic: سلطنة العبدلي Salṭanat al-'Abdalī), was a Sheikdom based in Lahij in Southern Arabia. The Sultanate became self-ruling in 1728 and gained independence in 1740. In 1839, the Sultanate became part of the Aden Protectorate of the British Empire, though nominally the 'Abdali Sultan retained his status. The Aden Protectorate was briefly ruled again by the Ottomans during World War I, but regained by the British and absorbed into Federation of South Arabia in 1963. The 'Abdali dynasty was officially abolished in 1967, with the proclamation of South Yemen.
3D animated flag waving in the wind created based on user request - based on your source image.
The Flag footage YouTube channel is full of animated flags - flags waving in the wind (countries, logos, crypto, etc.) with a Greenscreen background or zoomed.
#flagfootage #wavingflag #flaganimation
3D animated flag waving in the wind: Motion background
The Flag footage YouTube channel is full of animated flags - flags waving in the wind (countries, logos,...
3D animated flag waving in the wind: Motion background
The Flag footage YouTube channel is full of animated flags - flags waving in the wind (countries, logos, crypto, etc.) with a Greenscreen background or zoomed.
#flagfootage #wavingflag #flaganimation
3D animated flag waving in the wind: Motion background
The Flag footage YouTube channel is full of animated flags - flags waving in the wind (countries, logos, crypto, etc.) with a Greenscreen background or zoomed.
#flagfootage #wavingflag #flaganimation
Lahej (Arabic: لحج Laḥij), the Sultanate of Lahej (Arabic: سلطنة لحج Salṭanat Laḥij), or, sometimes, the Abdali Sultanate (Arabic: سلطنة العبدلي Salṭanat al-'Ab...
Lahej (Arabic: لحج Laḥij), the Sultanate of Lahej (Arabic: سلطنة لحج Salṭanat Laḥij), or, sometimes, the Abdali Sultanate (Arabic: سلطنة العبدلي Salṭanat al-'Abdalī), was a Sheikdom based in Lahij in Southern Arabia. The Sultanate became self-ruling in 1728 and gained independence in 1740. In 1839, the Sultanate became part of the Aden Protectorate of the British Empire, though nominally the 'Abdali Sultan retained his status. The Aden Protectorate was briefly ruled again by the Ottomans during World War I, but regained by the British and absorbed into Federation of South Arabia in 1963. The 'Abdali dynasty was officially abolished in 1967, with the proclamation of South Yemen.
3D animated flag waving in the wind created based on user request - based on your source image.
The Flag footage YouTube channel is full of animated flags - flags waving in the wind (countries, logos, crypto, etc.) with a Greenscreen background or zoomed.
#flagfootage #wavingflag #flaganimation
Lahej (Arabic: لحج Laḥij), the Sultanate of Lahej (Arabic: سلطنة لحج Salṭanat Laḥij), or, sometimes, the Abdali Sultanate (Arabic: سلطنة العبدلي Salṭanat al-'Abdalī), was a Sheikdom based in Lahij in Southern Arabia. The Sultanate became self-ruling in 1728 and gained independence in 1740. In 1839, the Sultanate became part of the Aden Protectorate of the British Empire, though nominally the 'Abdali Sultan retained his status. The Aden Protectorate was briefly ruled again by the Ottomans during World War I, but regained by the British and absorbed into Federation of South Arabia in 1963. The 'Abdali dynasty was officially abolished in 1967, with the proclamation of South Yemen.
3D animated flag waving in the wind created based on user request - based on your source image.
The Flag footage YouTube channel is full of animated flags - flags waving in the wind (countries, logos, crypto, etc.) with a Greenscreen background or zoomed.
#flagfootage #wavingflag #flaganimation
النشيد الوطني العبدلي هو نشيد سلطنة العبدلية أو سلطنة لحج من تأليف الأمير الشاعر القمندان, كتبه بالعربية الفصيّحة تحت عنوان "نشيد محبّة الوطن" وقامت بغنائه الفرقة الموسيقية العسكرية العبدلية على ألحان قام هو بوضعها، في القصيدة التي تتألف من ثمانية أبيات يتحدث القمندان بصيغة الجمع عن مواطني السلطنة العبدلية ليعبّر عن حبّه للحج وواديها تبن ورغبته في التضحية بروحه في سبيل الوطن الذي لا يقدّر بثمن، ولا ينسى القمندان أخيه السلطان عبدالكريم الذي يحيّيه في آخر أبيات القصيدة.
The Abdali national anthem is the anthem of the Sultanate of Abdali or the Sultanate of Lahj composed by the Emir poet Al-Commandan. Citizens of the Abdali Sultanate to express his love for Lahij and its valley is straw, and his desire to sacrifice his soul for the sake of the country that is priceless. The Qimandan does not forget his brother Sultan Abdul Karim, who salutes him in the last verses of the poem.
- كلمات ولحن: الأمير أحمد فضل العبدلي "القمندان"
Lyrics and melody: Ahmed Fadel Al Abdali, "Al Commandan"
- عزف وغناء: الفرقة الموسيقية العسكرية العبدلية.
Playing and Singing: The Abdali Military Orchestra.
كلمات القصيدة:
- بـــلادنــا.. نــحــبــهـا لــحــج وواديها تبن
- فيها الجناحان بيزج وفالج ربِّ اسقها حتى عدن
- لحج الهنا تبن الرخا لله درك من وطن
- بالروح نفديك وهل لك أيها الوادي ثمن
- إجري كما تهوى فإن الرعد فوق الحيد حن
- واسقِ العبادل يا تبن أما عسل والا لبن3
- يل لحج أنت غرة الدنيا ويعسوب اليمن
- فاحيا ويحيا ابنك لنا عبد الكريم المؤتمن
تدوين القصيدة: المصدر المفيد في غناء لحج الجديد.
صفحتنا على التواصل الإجتماعي فيسبوك:
Our page on Facebook:
Lahej (Arabic: لحج Laḥij), the Sultanate of Lahej (Arabic: سلطنة لحج Salṭanat Laḥij), or, sometimes, the Abdali Sultanate (Arabic: سلطنة العبدلي Salṭanat al-'Abdalī), was a Sheikdom based in Lahij in Southern Arabia. The Sultanate became self-ruling in 1728 and gained independence in 1740. In 1839, the Sultanate became part of the Aden Protectorate of the British Empire, though nominally the 'Abdali Sultan retained his status. The Aden Protectorate was briefly ruled again by the Ottomans during World War I, but regained by the British and absorbed into Federation of South Arabia in 1963. The 'Abdali dynasty was officially abolished in 1967, with the proclamation of South Yemen.
3D animated flag waving in the wind created based on user request - based on your source image.
The Flag footage YouTube channel is full of animated flags - flags waving in the wind (countries, logos, crypto, etc.) with a Greenscreen background or zoomed.
#flagfootage #wavingflag #flaganimation
3D animated flag waving in the wind: Motion background
The Flag footage YouTube channel is full of animated flags - flags waving in the wind (countries, logos, crypto, etc.) with a Greenscreen background or zoomed.
#flagfootage #wavingflag #flaganimation
Lahej (Arabic: لحج Laḥij), the Sultanate of Lahej (Arabic: سلطنة لحج Salṭanat Laḥij), or, sometimes, the Abdali Sultanate (Arabic: سلطنة العبدلي Salṭanat al-'Abdalī), was a Sheikdom based in Lahij in Southern Arabia. The Sultanate became self-ruling in 1728 and gained independence in 1740. In 1839, the Sultanate became part of the Aden Protectorate of the British Empire, though nominally the 'Abdali Sultan retained his status. The Aden Protectorate was briefly ruled again by the Ottomans during World War I, but regained by the British and absorbed into Federation of South Arabia in 1963. The 'Abdali dynasty was officially abolished in 1967, with the proclamation of South Yemen.
3D animated flag waving in the wind created based on user request - based on your source image.
The Flag footage YouTube channel is full of animated flags - flags waving in the wind (countries, logos, crypto, etc.) with a Greenscreen background or zoomed.
#flagfootage #wavingflag #flaganimation
Strange are the things we place our beliefs in My apprehensions tear down the walls of the temple The dollar signs that you crave Mark the extent of your faith Strange are the things we choose to believe in My apprehensions tear down the walls of the temple I'll never fit in, no faith to believe in My resignation tears down the walls of the temple Your cash betrays your true worth Obtain your garden on Earth Profane is the wealth that you believe in Since you can't be wrong, shield your eyes from the sun Its light will expose the poverty of your soul Your wealth cannot save This sacrament that will fade Your opulence has no worth You've sold your soul on this earth And I'll break from your hold My life cannot be bought and sold This truth you will never get And now you're so far in debt And I'll break from your hold My life cannot be bought and sold This truth you will never get
The twins are currently in intensive care and their condition steadily improving ... Dr Mohammed Jaafar al Sajwani ... Pediatric orthopedic surgeon Dr Masoud al Abdali was entrusted with forming the pediatric orthopedic surgical team.