"Super Best Friends" is the third episode of the fifth season of the American animated television series South Park, and the 68th episode of the series overall. It first aired on Comedy Central in the United States on July 4, 2001. In the episode, Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny discover the magician David Blaine performing in South Park and decide to join his cult, the Blaintologists. Stan quickly finds out that the Blaintologists are not as nice as everyone thinks and tries to convince the other boys they've been brainwashed, and have forsaken their friends and families. Teaming up with Jesus, Stan calls upon the Super Best Friends, a parody of the Super Friends, to destroy Blaine and thwart the mass suicide pact he has launched.
The episode was written by series co-creator Trey Parker and is rated TV-MA in the United States. It depicts several religious figures, including Muhammad, whose appearance at the time of the original airing caused little to no controversy. Following Islamists' death threats regarding Muhammad's portrayal in the 2010 episode titled "201", the South Park Studios website no longer streams "Super Best Friends", nor is it available for streaming or purchase from online stores. The episode has been replaced on the South Park Studios with a notice: "We apologize that South Park Studios cannot stream Super Best Friends." The episode was also featured in syndication, but was permanently removed after the threats. It is one of three episodes which are unavailable on Hulu, along with season 14's "200" and (the aforementioned) "201."
Main Street is a children's novel series by Ann M. Martin aiming at age group 8–12. The story revolves around two sisters, Ruby and Flora Northrop, who move to the small town Camden Falls to live with their grandmother after the sudden death of their parents. The books tell us about the girls' new journey and adaptation in a new town and new people with old memories, and some with rather dubious ones. There, they make new friends like Olivia and Nikki. Olivia's grandmother owns a store with Ruby's and Flora's grandmother.
After completing the Baby-Sitters Club series, Ann M. Martin began the Main Street series. She has stated in one of her interviews that she always liked writing about small towns and this made writing the Main Street series even more interesting. The books have at one point or another talked about almost everyone and all shops in the town. According to Martin, she had to create a whole new imaginary town which was very enjoyable. Each book has a detailed map of the town.
Dame Cleo Laine, Lady Dankworth, DBE (born 28 October 1927) is an English jazz and pop singer and an actress, noted for her scat singing and for her vocal range. Though her natural range is that of a contralto, she is able to produce a "G above high C", giving her an overall compass of well over three octaves.
Laine was born Clementine Dinah Bullock in Uxbridge, Middlesex, to unmarried parents Alexander Sylvan Campbell, a black Jamaican father who worked as a building labourer and regularly busked, and Minnie Bullock, a white English mother, a farmer's daughter from Swindon, Wiltshire. The family moved round constantly, but most of Laine's childhood was spent in Southall. She attended the Board School there on Featherstone Road (later known as Featherstone Primary School) and was sent by her mother for singing and dancing lessons at an early age. She went on to attend Mellow Lane Senior School in Hayes before going on to work as an apprentice hairdresser, a hat-trimmer, a librarian and in a pawnbroker's shop.
This is a list of episodes from the animated series The Looney Tunes Show, which premiered on May 3, 2011. The second season began October 2, 2012, and after a year long hiatus, the season ended August 31, 2014 on Cartoon Network.
Early in 1970 the author was commissioned by Think to write a story based on a quotation by writer and social commentator J. B. Priestley:
Asimov, assuming that Think wanted a story that illustrated Priestley's quotation, crafted 2430 A.D. He selected the date because he calculated that at the then-current rate of human population growth, doubling every thirty-five years, that would be the year when the world's animal biomass would consist entirely of human beings. Asimov wrote the story on April 26, 1970 but it was rejected as Think had actually wanted a story that refuted the quotation. ("Well, they never said so," Asimov remarked later.) After Asimov wrote a second story that did refute the quotation, Think took the first story after all and published it in their October 1970 issue. The second story was later published in Analog magazine as The Greatest Asset. Both stories inspired by the Priestley quote were included in the 1975 collection Buy Jupiter and Other Stories.
Historical, astronomical and ISO year numbering systems
The Anno Domini era was introduced in 525 by Scythian monk Dionysius Exiguus (c. 470–c. 544), who used it to identify the years on his Easter table. He introduced the new era to avoid using the Diocletian era, based on the accession of Roman EmperorDiocletian, as he did not wish to continue the memory of a persecutor of Christians. In the preface to his Easter table, Dionysius stated that the "present year" was "the consulship of Probus Junior [Flavius Anicius Probus Iunior]" which was also 525 years "since the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ". How he arrived at that number is unknown.
1988 was a crucial year in the early history of the Internet—it was the year of the first well-known computer virus, the 1988 Internet worm. The first permanent intercontinental Internet link was made between the United States (NSFNET) and Europe (Nordunet) as well as the first Internet-based chat protocol, Internet Relay Chat. The concept of the World Wide Web was first discussed at CERN in 1988.
Cleo Laine & John Williams - He was Beautiful (Cavatina)
Here's a rare gem. A live performance from 1980 by John Williams and Cleo Laine of "He was beautiful" - "Cavatina". Composed by Stanely Myers, Cavatina was recorded by John Williams on the 1971 album "Changes" and was used in the film "The Deer Hunter". Cleo Laine subsequently wrote the lyrics and she recorded the song with John Williams and it was released on the 1976 album "Best Friends". This video clip is from the 1980 ATV show "Cleo" I'm just glad the old Betamax tape survived for over 32 years.
published: 11 Sep 2012
Cleo Laine sings "On A Clear Day You Can See Forever" (with a G above top C)
On Dame Cleo Laine's 85th birthday here is the great lady singing "On A Clear Day You Can See Forever" which shows off her phenomenal range, finishing the a G above top C!
It was recorded for TROS TV, part of the Netherlands Public Broadcasting, in the 1980s.
published: 28 Oct 2012
How, Where, When? (Canon in D Major, P. 37)
Provided to YouTube by RCA Victor
How, Where, When? (Canon in D Major, P. 37) · Cleo Laine · James Galway · Johann Pachelbel
Sometimes When We Touch
℗ 1979 BMG Music
Released on: 1988-10-24
Arranger, Unknown: John Dankworth
Producer: Ralph Mace
Auto-generated by YouTube.
published: 25 Jan 2017
Sondheim Medley - Cleo Laine
published: 01 Mar 2022
Feeling Good
BBC 1974
published: 29 Aug 2013
Cleo Laine - Fascinating Rythm
North Sea Jazz
published: 07 Jul 2011
Cleo Laine - killing me softly with his song -
Cleo Laine - killing me softly with his song -
published: 01 Jan 2017
Cleo Laine 1962
Dutch grammy award winner 1962 o lady be good
published: 22 Feb 2009
Cleo Laine Sings Come Rain or Come Shine . And Please Dont Talk
From 1968 Cleo Laine sings Come Rain or Come Shine and Please Dont Talk About me .
Here's a rare gem. A live performance from 1980 by John Williams and Cleo Laine of "He was beautiful" - "Cavatina". Composed by Stanely Myers, Cavatina was reco...
Here's a rare gem. A live performance from 1980 by John Williams and Cleo Laine of "He was beautiful" - "Cavatina". Composed by Stanely Myers, Cavatina was recorded by John Williams on the 1971 album "Changes" and was used in the film "The Deer Hunter". Cleo Laine subsequently wrote the lyrics and she recorded the song with John Williams and it was released on the 1976 album "Best Friends". This video clip is from the 1980 ATV show "Cleo" I'm just glad the old Betamax tape survived for over 32 years.
Here's a rare gem. A live performance from 1980 by John Williams and Cleo Laine of "He was beautiful" - "Cavatina". Composed by Stanely Myers, Cavatina was recorded by John Williams on the 1971 album "Changes" and was used in the film "The Deer Hunter". Cleo Laine subsequently wrote the lyrics and she recorded the song with John Williams and it was released on the 1976 album "Best Friends". This video clip is from the 1980 ATV show "Cleo" I'm just glad the old Betamax tape survived for over 32 years.
On Dame Cleo Laine's 85th birthday here is the great lady singing "On A Clear Day You Can See Forever" which shows off her phenomenal range, finishing the a G a...
On Dame Cleo Laine's 85th birthday here is the great lady singing "On A Clear Day You Can See Forever" which shows off her phenomenal range, finishing the a G above top C!
It was recorded for TROS TV, part of the Netherlands Public Broadcasting, in the 1980s.
On Dame Cleo Laine's 85th birthday here is the great lady singing "On A Clear Day You Can See Forever" which shows off her phenomenal range, finishing the a G above top C!
It was recorded for TROS TV, part of the Netherlands Public Broadcasting, in the 1980s.
Provided to YouTube by RCA Victor
How, Where, When? (Canon in D Major, P. 37) · Cleo Laine · James Galway · Johann Pachelbel
Sometimes When We Touch
℗ 1979 B...
Provided to YouTube by RCA Victor
How, Where, When? (Canon in D Major, P. 37) · Cleo Laine · James Galway · Johann Pachelbel
Sometimes When We Touch
℗ 1979 BMG Music
Released on: 1988-10-24
Arranger, Unknown: John Dankworth
Producer: Ralph Mace
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Provided to YouTube by RCA Victor
How, Where, When? (Canon in D Major, P. 37) · Cleo Laine · James Galway · Johann Pachelbel
Sometimes When We Touch
℗ 1979 BMG Music
Released on: 1988-10-24
Arranger, Unknown: John Dankworth
Producer: Ralph Mace
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Here's a rare gem. A live performance from 1980 by John Williams and Cleo Laine of "He was beautiful" - "Cavatina". Composed by Stanely Myers, Cavatina was recorded by John Williams on the 1971 album "Changes" and was used in the film "The Deer Hunter". Cleo Laine subsequently wrote the lyrics and she recorded the song with John Williams and it was released on the 1976 album "Best Friends". This video clip is from the 1980 ATV show "Cleo" I'm just glad the old Betamax tape survived for over 32 years.
On Dame Cleo Laine's 85th birthday here is the great lady singing "On A Clear Day You Can See Forever" which shows off her phenomenal range, finishing the a G above top C!
It was recorded for TROS TV, part of the Netherlands Public Broadcasting, in the 1980s.
Provided to YouTube by RCA Victor
How, Where, When? (Canon in D Major, P. 37) · Cleo Laine · James Galway · Johann Pachelbel
Sometimes When We Touch
℗ 1979 BMG Music
Released on: 1988-10-24
Arranger, Unknown: John Dankworth
Producer: Ralph Mace
Auto-generated by YouTube.
"Super Best Friends" is the third episode of the fifth season of the American animated television series South Park, and the 68th episode of the series overall. It first aired on Comedy Central in the United States on July 4, 2001. In the episode, Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny discover the magician David Blaine performing in South Park and decide to join his cult, the Blaintologists. Stan quickly finds out that the Blaintologists are not as nice as everyone thinks and tries to convince the other boys they've been brainwashed, and have forsaken their friends and families. Teaming up with Jesus, Stan calls upon the Super Best Friends, a parody of the Super Friends, to destroy Blaine and thwart the mass suicide pact he has launched.
The episode was written by series co-creator Trey Parker and is rated TV-MA in the United States. It depicts several religious figures, including Muhammad, whose appearance at the time of the original airing caused little to no controversy. Following Islamists' death threats regarding Muhammad's portrayal in the 2010 episode titled "201", the South Park Studios website no longer streams "Super Best Friends", nor is it available for streaming or purchase from online stores. The episode has been replaced on the South Park Studios with a notice: "We apologize that South Park Studios cannot stream Super Best Friends." The episode was also featured in syndication, but was permanently removed after the threats. It is one of three episodes which are unavailable on Hulu, along with season 14's "200" and (the aforementioned) "201."
Your my lady Always been so true(always been so true) This is why.. I sang this song for you(I did it for you) And your my lady(yeah) Always in my life(you've been always in my life) And I wanna thank you for being down to ride Forever yours, Forever mine Our love will always shine No matter the situation you were always by my side Never the less you brought the best of me in the years that i lived Only love that I got My right hand, My bestfriend Who must'a sent such an Angel to this wroldthat is cold You belong inthe Heavens not this ignorent world Your my girl,Your my all Best thing a man could ever have I'm glad that your mine, and I'm proud to be your man Understand there is no other, yeah there is just a few stayin true like you, Never braking a rule , LORD forgive me for the things that I have done to you If you wern't up in my life I wouldn't know what to do Won't complain about no money Did things when I was broke,All we needed was each other, Love is strong to let go If I die tonight All I want to let you know, Is reminess on what we had ,Hold me tight and don't let go girl [Chorus:] Girl, your the one for me, never ever, ever let me down, you will always be around Girl, I have to thank you baby, Always standing by my side,So don't you ever leave my life) Even thru these hard times we continue to face It's like deep inside of me you can never be replaced Like when we struggle we get tested in Faith But you've been strong and stood by me every step of the way I thank the Lord for the day he brought you to my life, Changed my world, my destiny And gave me new life, So if you got somebody special that's alwaysbeen true Show love and take note in everything they do I can never take for granted what she's done for me Even when we disagree she still stands by me Latenight,Road Trips showing mad support The type of girl every homie should be keeping close Cause your that type of girl that nenve let me down Courage me to see the light when no one else came around Down when I had money and down when I was broke So if I die tonight hold me tightand don't let go [Chorus:] Girl, your the one for me, never ever, ever let me down, you will always be around Girl, I have to thank you baby, Always standing by my side,So don't you ever leave my life I guess that you can say I owe my life to you The only dream that really matters is to be with you Cuz even though we argue and we fight some times You'll always be my queen to the end of time I'm given love to the one that always stood by my side If you ever need me baby for you I'll give my life You've been so true that's why to these i won't hide My love goes out to you girl I'll never Leave your side(yeah) [Chorus:] Your my lady Always been so true(always been so true) This is why.. I sang this song for you(I did it for you) And your my lady(yeah) Always in my life(you've been always in my life)