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269 (West Riding) Battery Royal Artillery

269 (West Riding) Battery Royal Artillery is part of 101st (Northumbrian) Regiment Royal Artillery, an artillery regiment of the British Army.


The battery was formed as 269 (West Riding) Observation Post Battery Royal Artillery (Volunteers) in April 1975 at Leeds from a cadre of the West Riding Regiment RA (Territorials). Its role was to provide observation teams to support 1st Armoured Division and 2nd Armoured Division in Germany. In 1989 the battery re-roled to the 105 mm light gun and in 1993 it joined 19th Regiment Royal Artillery, a regular regiment in 24 Airmobile Brigade. In July 1999 it re-roled as an air defence battery equipped with the Rapier surface-to-air missile system within 106th (Yeomanry) Regiment Royal Artillery. In 2006 it transferred to 101st (Northumbrian) Regiment Royal Artillery where it was given a Surveillance and Target Acquisition role. Under Army 2020, it is re-rolling to the M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System.

Royal Artillery

The Royal Regiment of Artillery, commonly referred to as the Royal Artillery (RA), is the artillery arm of the British Army. Despite its name, it comprises a number of regiments.


The introduction of artillery into the English army came as early as the Battle of Crécy in 1346.Henry VIII made the army's artillery semi-permanent in the sixteenth century but the recognition of the need for a permanent body of artillery did not happen until 1716.


  • Bradford Army Reservist Digs Up Prestigious Honour

    An Army Reservist, Robert Friel from Bradford, has been awarded the Lord-Lieutenant's Certificate -- an achievement recognised as one of the highest honours in the forces, ranking just below the MBE. An archaeologist in his day-job, Major Robert Friel was presented the certificate by Dr Ingrid Roscoe, the Lord-Lieutenant of West Yorkshire, at a private ceremony held at the Yorkshire Officer Training Regiment in Carlton Barracks, Leeds, on 18th March, in recognition of his outstanding contribution and dedication to the Army Reserve. Joining what was until recently known as the Territorial Army in 1990, Robert has given over 24 years of service as a Gunner, rising steadily in rank to become the Battery Commander of 269 (West Riding) Battery Royal Artillery, based at Carlton Barracks in Lee...

    published: 10 Apr 2014
  • Saved Missing Kids From Van (Almost Got Kidnapped)

    I was riding my dirt bike when I found a strange van left on the road. I found missing people in the back of it and I had to save them by smashing the window. The guy left the keys on the road so I was able to load my motorcycle in the back and drive away with the van. Merch Store - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0vT2ZuZxpNSnJ5AO0FVqRw/store Click To Subscribe - https://www.youtube.com/philthethrill?sub_confirmation=1 Instagram - @philthethrill

    published: 15 Nov 2020
  • 49th (West Riding) Infantry Division

    49th (West Riding) Infantry Division The 49th Infantry Division was an infantry division of the British Army.The division was formed in the Territorial Force on 1 1908 as the West Riding. Derek Clayton examines the performance of the 49th Division on three specific days, detailing the attacks of 3 1916 at Thiepval, 9 1917 at Poelcapelle, and 1 1918.. Video of this roadside memorial in France. Its across the road from the Fontenay-le-Pesnil War Cemetery, of which I have posted a separate video. This is one of a number of D-Day war cemetery.

    published: 24 Feb 2018
  • Fastest Mini Powerfull Dirt Bike Unboxing & testing - Chatpat toy tv

    Fastest Mini Powerfull Dirt Bike Unboxing & testing - Chatpat toy tv Dosto aaj ki video mai maine unbox aur test kiya hai mini pocket dirt bike iske andar 50cc 2 stroke engine hai iski top speed 50kmph hai Buy Links : Mini Dirt Bike : https://amzn.to/3Wsw2X5 WLtoys 12427 : https://amzn.to/3NkSbSH RC Jimny : https://bit.ly/3U6Oqma My Gadgets Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/ChatpatGadgetsTv My Gaming Channelhttps://www.youtube.com/c/ChatpatGamingTV FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/chatpattoytv INSTAGRAM : @chatpattoytv https://www.instagram.com/chatpattoytv TWITTER : @chatpattoytv https://twitter.com/Chatpattoytv For Business/Sponsorship & Review Unit Contact : chatpattoytv@gmail.com #minidirtbikeunboxing #50ccpetroldirtbike #minidirtbike #rcbike #wltoys12427 #RCvsrc #rccom...

    published: 30 Oct 2022
  • The Second Battle of Winchester

    The Second Battle of Winchester - speaker Scott Mingus Award winning author Scott Mingus spoke to the American Civil War Round Table (UK) in April 2021 and explained the significance of this largely forgotten battle of the Gettysburg campaign. In the summer of 1863, as Robert E Lee’s Confederate Army of Northern Virginia began pushing north toward Pennsylvania, only one significant force stood in the way - Union Major General Robert H Milroy’s division of the Eighth Army Corps. Milroy defied repeated instructions to withdraw to safety, believing the enemy action to be merely a cavalry raid or feint. His controversial decision put his outnumbered, largely inexperienced men on a path to disaster … Scott, a retired research scientist, has written 22 Civil War and Underground Railroad ...

    published: 17 Apr 2021
  • Part 1: IdleOn Speedrun W1-W4 F2P with Autoloot

    The Journey Starts My Dude! Code "Griffy" For 20% Rogue Energy Purchase! https://rogueenergy.com/?ref=w1phw3fs... 📺 Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/griffybit 🎉 Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/GriffyBit 👑 Discord: https://discord.gg/etHt2f5CeM 🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/BitGriffy #griffybit #idleon #legendsofidleon

    published: 31 Oct 2022
  • HMS Erin - Guide 268

    HMS Erin, a one-off battleship of the Ottoman and then Royal Navy, is today's subject. Read more about the ship here: www.amazon.co.uk/British-Battleships-World-War-One/dp/1848321473 www.amazon.co.uk/Grand-Fleet-Warship-Development-1906-1922/dp/186176099X www.amazon.co.uk/British-Battleship-Norman-Friedman/dp/1848322259 Naval photos and more - www.drachinifel.co.uk Model ships of many periods - http://store.warlordgames.com?aff=21 Want to support the channel? - https://www.patreon.com/Drachinifel Want a shirt/mug/hoodie - https://shop.spreadshirt.com/drachinifels-dockyard/ Want a poster? - https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/Drachinifel Want to talk about ships? https://discord.gg/TYu88mt Want to get some books? www.amazon.co.uk/shop/drachinifel

    published: 29 Jan 2022
  • West Riding of Yorkshire

    The West Riding of Yorkshire is one of the three historic subdivisions of Yorkshire, England. From 1889 to 1974 the administrative county, County of York, West Riding"), was based closely on the historic boundaries. The lieutenancy at that time included the City of York and as such was named West Riding of the County of York and the County of the City of York. Its boundaries roughly correspond to the present ceremonial counties of West Yorkshire, South Yorkshire and the Craven, Harrogate and Selby districts of North Yorkshire, along with smaller parts in Lancashire, Cumbria, Greater Manchester and, since 1996, the unitary East Riding of Yorkshire. This video is targeted to blind users. Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA Creative Commons image source in video

    published: 02 Dec 2015
  • Professor Dave Humiliates Flat Earther David Weiss (DITRH Debunked Live)

    For months now, hordes of idiots have been lurking in my comments sections, aggressively insisting that I need to debate David Weiss, because he's some kind of flat earth messiah who is undebunkable, and I should cower in the face of his might. Of course I ignored them because he is a two-bit charlatan and who cares what idiots say, but then a channel with almost 700k subscribers asked if I would debate Weiss on his channel, and I figured it might be a good way to pick up a few subscribers, and also humiliate a flat earth icon irreparably in the process. And folks, that's exactly what happened. From the moment he opened his mouth to the moment we left the stream, I took every single word he said and demonstrated in real time how David Weiss is a science illiterate moron that doesn't unders...

    published: 08 Apr 2022
  • British Police Roleplay | GTA V FiveM | United Gaming

    This is a Twitch VOD uploaded from the 15/04/23. The city is United Gaming Reborn and the game is GTA V Roleplay on FiveM (PC Only). Join my discord below for help setting up! Don't forget to click subscribe for more content! Join my Socials: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/deggyuk Discord: https://discord.gg/deggyuk Twitter: https://twitter.com/deggyuk Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@deggyuk Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@deggyuksports TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@deggyuk #fivem #british #uk #britishroleplay #britishpolice #streamhighlights #gta #gta5 #gtav #police #policeroleplay #twitch #streamer

    published: 09 May 2023
Bradford Army Reservist Digs Up Prestigious Honour

Bradford Army Reservist Digs Up Prestigious Honour

  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:02
  • Uploaded Date: 10 Apr 2014
  • views: 211
An Army Reservist, Robert Friel from Bradford, has been awarded the Lord-Lieutenant's Certificate -- an achievement recognised as one of the highest honours in the forces, ranking just below the MBE. An archaeologist in his day-job, Major Robert Friel was presented the certificate by Dr Ingrid Roscoe, the Lord-Lieutenant of West Yorkshire, at a private ceremony held at the Yorkshire Officer Training Regiment in Carlton Barracks, Leeds, on 18th March, in recognition of his outstanding contribution and dedication to the Army Reserve. Joining what was until recently known as the Territorial Army in 1990, Robert has given over 24 years of service as a Gunner, rising steadily in rank to become the Battery Commander of 269 (West Riding) Battery Royal Artillery, based at Carlton Barracks in Leeds. A dedicated and committed member of the Reserve Forces, Robert has worked tirelessly throughout his career to the benefit of 269 Battery including two operational tours in Bosnia and Iraq. He also leads on community initiatives in both Bradford and Leeds, including promoting the service to employers and the Jane Tomlinson charity events. Reflecting on the ceremony and his award, Robert, an honorary research fellow and archaeological consultant for the University of Bradford, commented: "I feel that serving in the Reserve Forces provides the individual with the opportunity to play a more active and meaningful role in today's society. To be recognised in this way is a great honour and privilege." Colonel Snagge, Chief Executive of the Reserve Forces' and Cadets' Association (RFCA) in Yorkshire and The Humber, which runs the Lord-Lieutenant's Certificates Awards, added: "Without the selfless commitment of many hundreds of volunteers across the region who give up their time outside of working hours, the reserve forces simply couldn't exist. I am delighted that Robert's service has been commemorated in this way and I have no doubt he will continue to make a great difference to the Army Reserve." Robert is one of only seven people in West Yorkshire to be awarded the Lord-Lieutenant's Certificate, which is presented as a mounted scroll. For more information about the role of Reservists or to find out about becoming an Adult Volunteer in the Cadets, please visit the Reserve Forces' and Cadets' Association website at: www.rfca-yorkshire.org.uk
Saved Missing Kids From Van (Almost Got Kidnapped)

Saved Missing Kids From Van (Almost Got Kidnapped)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:20
  • Uploaded Date: 15 Nov 2020
  • views: 15490918
I was riding my dirt bike when I found a strange van left on the road. I found missing people in the back of it and I had to save them by smashing the window. The guy left the keys on the road so I was able to load my motorcycle in the back and drive away with the van. Merch Store - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0vT2ZuZxpNSnJ5AO0FVqRw/store Click To Subscribe - https://www.youtube.com/philthethrill?sub_confirmation=1 Instagram - @philthethrill
49th (West Riding) Infantry Division

49th (West Riding) Infantry Division

  • Order:
  • Duration: 16:44
  • Uploaded Date: 24 Feb 2018
  • views: 109
49th (West Riding) Infantry Division The 49th Infantry Division was an infantry division of the British Army.The division was formed in the Territorial Force on 1 1908 as the West Riding. Derek Clayton examines the performance of the 49th Division on three specific days, detailing the attacks of 3 1916 at Thiepval, 9 1917 at Poelcapelle, and 1 1918.. Video of this roadside memorial in France. Its across the road from the Fontenay-le-Pesnil War Cemetery, of which I have posted a separate video. This is one of a number of D-Day war cemetery.
Fastest Mini Powerfull Dirt Bike Unboxing & testing - Chatpat toy tv

Fastest Mini Powerfull Dirt Bike Unboxing & testing - Chatpat toy tv

  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:03
  • Uploaded Date: 30 Oct 2022
  • views: 1764442
Fastest Mini Powerfull Dirt Bike Unboxing & testing - Chatpat toy tv Dosto aaj ki video mai maine unbox aur test kiya hai mini pocket dirt bike iske andar 50cc 2 stroke engine hai iski top speed 50kmph hai Buy Links : Mini Dirt Bike : https://amzn.to/3Wsw2X5 WLtoys 12427 : https://amzn.to/3NkSbSH RC Jimny : https://bit.ly/3U6Oqma My Gadgets Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/ChatpatGadgetsTv My Gaming Channelhttps://www.youtube.com/c/ChatpatGamingTV FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/chatpattoytv INSTAGRAM : @chatpattoytv https://www.instagram.com/chatpattoytv TWITTER : @chatpattoytv https://twitter.com/Chatpattoytv For Business/Sponsorship & Review Unit Contact : chatpattoytv@gmail.com #minidirtbikeunboxing #50ccpetroldirtbike #minidirtbike #rcbike #wltoys12427 #RCvsrc #rccomparision #rcfight #rcjimnycar #rcjimnycar #petrolminidirtbike #Chapattoytv
The Second Battle of Winchester

The Second Battle of Winchester

  • Order:
  • Duration: 50:18
  • Uploaded Date: 17 Apr 2021
  • views: 10566
The Second Battle of Winchester - speaker Scott Mingus Award winning author Scott Mingus spoke to the American Civil War Round Table (UK) in April 2021 and explained the significance of this largely forgotten battle of the Gettysburg campaign. In the summer of 1863, as Robert E Lee’s Confederate Army of Northern Virginia began pushing north toward Pennsylvania, only one significant force stood in the way - Union Major General Robert H Milroy’s division of the Eighth Army Corps. Milroy defied repeated instructions to withdraw to safety, believing the enemy action to be merely a cavalry raid or feint. His controversial decision put his outnumbered, largely inexperienced men on a path to disaster … Scott, a retired research scientist, has written 22 Civil War and Underground Railroad books. His biography of General William “Extra Billy” Smith won the Dr James I Robertson, Jr Literary Prize for Confederate History. He has also written several articles for Gettysburg Magazine, as well as for various historical journals. His great-great-grandfather was a 15-year-old drummer and rifleman in the 51st Ohio Infantry in the Western Theater, and other family members fought at Antietam and Gettysburg in the 7th West Virginia of the Army of the Potomac. https://www.acwrt.org.uk/
Part 1: IdleOn Speedrun W1-W4 F2P with Autoloot

Part 1: IdleOn Speedrun W1-W4 F2P with Autoloot

  • Order:
  • Duration: 23:03:21
  • Uploaded Date: 31 Oct 2022
  • views: 147786
The Journey Starts My Dude! Code "Griffy" For 20% Rogue Energy Purchase! https://rogueenergy.com/?ref=w1phw3fs... 📺 Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/griffybit 🎉 Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/GriffyBit 👑 Discord: https://discord.gg/etHt2f5CeM 🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/BitGriffy #griffybit #idleon #legendsofidleon
HMS Erin - Guide 268

HMS Erin - Guide 268

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:55
  • Uploaded Date: 29 Jan 2022
  • views: 90384
HMS Erin, a one-off battleship of the Ottoman and then Royal Navy, is today's subject. Read more about the ship here: www.amazon.co.uk/British-Battleships-World-War-One/dp/1848321473 www.amazon.co.uk/Grand-Fleet-Warship-Development-1906-1922/dp/186176099X www.amazon.co.uk/British-Battleship-Norman-Friedman/dp/1848322259 Naval photos and more - www.drachinifel.co.uk Model ships of many periods - http://store.warlordgames.com?aff=21 Want to support the channel? - https://www.patreon.com/Drachinifel Want a shirt/mug/hoodie - https://shop.spreadshirt.com/drachinifels-dockyard/ Want a poster? - https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/Drachinifel Want to talk about ships? https://discord.gg/TYu88mt Want to get some books? www.amazon.co.uk/shop/drachinifel
West Riding of Yorkshire

West Riding of Yorkshire

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  • Duration: 7:16
  • Uploaded Date: 02 Dec 2015
  • views: 363
The West Riding of Yorkshire is one of the three historic subdivisions of Yorkshire, England. From 1889 to 1974 the administrative county, County of York, West Riding"), was based closely on the historic boundaries. The lieutenancy at that time included the City of York and as such was named West Riding of the County of York and the County of the City of York. Its boundaries roughly correspond to the present ceremonial counties of West Yorkshire, South Yorkshire and the Craven, Harrogate and Selby districts of North Yorkshire, along with smaller parts in Lancashire, Cumbria, Greater Manchester and, since 1996, the unitary East Riding of Yorkshire. This video is targeted to blind users. Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA Creative Commons image source in video
Professor Dave Humiliates Flat Earther David Weiss (DITRH Debunked Live)

Professor Dave Humiliates Flat Earther David Weiss (DITRH Debunked Live)

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  • Duration: 1:01:53
  • Uploaded Date: 08 Apr 2022
  • views: 5987190
For months now, hordes of idiots have been lurking in my comments sections, aggressively insisting that I need to debate David Weiss, because he's some kind of flat earth messiah who is undebunkable, and I should cower in the face of his might. Of course I ignored them because he is a two-bit charlatan and who cares what idiots say, but then a channel with almost 700k subscribers asked if I would debate Weiss on his channel, and I figured it might be a good way to pick up a few subscribers, and also humiliate a flat earth icon irreparably in the process. And folks, that's exactly what happened. From the moment he opened his mouth to the moment we left the stream, I took every single word he said and demonstrated in real time how David Weiss is a science illiterate moron that doesn't understand basic concepts learned in elementary school, just like every other pointless flat earth grifter. Anyone who watches this exchange and still refers to him as a credible source of information is in complete denial of reality and hopelessly unreachable. Of course that describes most flat earthers, so I'll see you dummies in the comments section complaining about what a meany mean-pants I am instead of admitting to yourself that you are completely unable to address a single thing I said in this absolutely airtight, relentless destruction of a toxic influence on society. Toodles! Originally streamed 4/6/22 on Shaun Attwood's channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIYr7Uak2rY Watch my other debunks/debates/discussions: http://bit.ly/ProfDaveDebunk EMAIL► ProfessorDaveExplains@gmail.com PATREON► http://patreon.com/ProfessorDaveExplains Check out "Is This Wi-Fi Organic?", my book on disarming pseudoscience! Amazon: https://amzn.to/2HtNpVH Bookshop: https://bit.ly/39cKADM Barnes and Noble: https://bit.ly/3pUjmrn Book Depository: http://bit.ly/3aOVDlT
British Police Roleplay | GTA V FiveM | United Gaming

British Police Roleplay | GTA V FiveM | United Gaming

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:01:40
  • Uploaded Date: 09 May 2023
  • views: 163
This is a Twitch VOD uploaded from the 15/04/23. The city is United Gaming Reborn and the game is GTA V Roleplay on FiveM (PC Only). Join my discord below for help setting up! Don't forget to click subscribe for more content! Join my Socials: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/deggyuk Discord: https://discord.gg/deggyuk Twitter: https://twitter.com/deggyuk Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@deggyuk Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@deggyuksports TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@deggyuk #fivem #british #uk #britishroleplay #britishpolice #streamhighlights #gta #gta5 #gtav #police #policeroleplay #twitch #streamer
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PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 27:55:32

Bradford Army Reservist Digs Up Prestigious Honour

An Army Reservist, Robert Friel from Bradford, has been awarded the Lord-Lieutenant's Certificate -- an achievement recognised as one of the highest honours in the forces, ranking just below the MBE. An archaeologist in his day-job, Major Robert Friel was presented the certificate by Dr Ingrid Roscoe, the Lord-Lieutenant of West Yorkshire, at a private ceremony held at the Yorkshire Officer Training Regiment in Carlton Barracks, Leeds, on 18th March, in recognition of his outstanding contribution and dedication to the Army Reserve. Joining what was until recently known as the Territorial Army in 1990, Robert has given over 24 years of service as a Gunner, rising steadily in rank to become the Battery Commander of 269 (West Riding) Battery Royal Artillery, based at Carlton Barracks in Leeds. A dedicated and committed member of the Reserve Forces, Robert has worked tirelessly throughout his career to the benefit of 269 Battery including two operational tours in Bosnia and Iraq. He also leads on community initiatives in both Bradford and Leeds, including promoting the service to employers and the Jane Tomlinson charity events. Reflecting on the ceremony and his award, Robert, an honorary research fellow and archaeological consultant for the University of Bradford, commented: "I feel that serving in the Reserve Forces provides the individual with the opportunity to play a more active and meaningful role in today's society. To be recognised in this way is a great honour and privilege." Colonel Snagge, Chief Executive of the Reserve Forces' and Cadets' Association (RFCA) in Yorkshire and The Humber, which runs the Lord-Lieutenant's Certificates Awards, added: "Without the selfless commitment of many hundreds of volunteers across the region who give up their time outside of working hours, the reserve forces simply couldn't exist. I am delighted that Robert's service has been commemorated in this way and I have no doubt he will continue to make a great difference to the Army Reserve." Robert is one of only seven people in West Yorkshire to be awarded the Lord-Lieutenant's Certificate, which is presented as a mounted scroll. For more information about the role of Reservists or to find out about becoming an Adult Volunteer in the Cadets, please visit the Reserve Forces' and Cadets' Association website at: www.rfca-yorkshire.org.uk
Bradford Army Reservist Digs Up Prestigious Honour
An Army Reservist, Robert Friel from Bradford, has been awarded the Lord-Lieutenant's Cert...
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Saved Missing Kids From Van (Almost Got Kidnapped)
I was riding my dirt bike when I found a strange van left on the road. I found missing peo...
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49th (West Riding) Infantry Division
49th (West Riding) Infantry Division The 49th Infantry Division was an infantry division o...
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Fastest Mini Powerfull Dirt Bike Unboxing & testing - Chatpat toy tv
Fastest Mini Powerfull Dirt Bike Unboxing & testing - Chatpat toy tv Dosto aaj ki video m...
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The Second Battle of Winchester
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HMS Erin, a one-off battleship of the Ottoman and then Royal Navy, is today's subject. Re...
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For months now, hordes of idiots have been lurking in my comments sections, aggressively i...
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This is a Twitch VOD uploaded from the 15/04/23. The city is United Gaming Reborn and the...
published: 09 May 2023
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269 (West Riding) Battery Royal Artillery

269 (West Riding) Battery Royal Artillery is part of 101st (Northumbrian) Regiment Royal Artillery, an artillery regiment of the British Army.


The battery was formed as 269 (West Riding) Observation Post Battery Royal Artillery (Volunteers) in April 1975 at Leeds from a cadre of the West Riding Regiment RA (Territorials). Its role was to provide observation teams to support 1st Armoured Division and 2nd Armoured Division in Germany. In 1989 the battery re-roled to the 105 mm light gun and in 1993 it joined 19th Regiment Royal Artillery, a regular regiment in 24 Airmobile Brigade. In July 1999 it re-roled as an air defence battery equipped with the Rapier surface-to-air missile system within 106th (Yeomanry) Regiment Royal Artillery. In 2006 it transferred to 101st (Northumbrian) Regiment Royal Artillery where it was given a Surveillance and Target Acquisition role. Under Army 2020, it is re-rolling to the M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System.

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