Bitcoin: Flash crash! Czy czeka nas ostateczny spadek? Rząd boi się Bitcoina - Joe Rogan
#Bitcoin #Ethereum #Fed
Zapraszam na Krypto-Newsy Live, czyli wydanie na żywo wiadomości ze świata Bitcoina, kryptowalut, DeFi, NFT, Metaverse i technologii blockchain. Najlepsza na polskim YouTube, codzienna dawka najświeższych wiadomości w lekkim wydaniu. Zapraszam na odcinek: Mike Satoshi.
[11:00-13:56]Newsy od crypto.com - https://crypto.com/product-news/crypto-com-visa-cards-update
[13:57-15:11]Bitcoin idzie w kierunku 40k - https://news.bitcoin.com/bitcoin-ethereum-technical-analysis-btc-heads-towards-40000-following-fomc/
[15:12-16:06]Karty Bankoff zablokowane - https://news.bitcoin.com/bankoff-crypto-cards-suspended-amid-high-volume-of-russian-transactions/
[16:07-18:01]Prawodawcy koncentrują się na krypto - https://news.bitcoin.com/lawma...
published: 05 May 2022
The Infamous Stock Market Flash Crash | CNBC
The Dow Jones Industrial Average slumped nearly 1,000 points in a matter of minutes in the flash crash of 2010, sending traders into a panic and inciting scrutiny of the U.S. equities markets.
» Subscribe to CNBC: http://cnb.cx/SubscribeCNBC
» More: http://cnb.cx/RoM16G
About: From 'Wall Street' to 'Main Street' to award winning original documentaries and Reality TV series, CNBC has you covered. Experience special sneak peeks of your favorite shows, exclusive video and more.
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The Infamous Stock Market F...
published: 06 May 2014
Flash Crash 2010 | VPRO documentary | 2011
Money & Speed: Inside the Black Box is a thriller based on actual events that takes you to the heart of our automated world. Based on interviews with those directly involved and data visualizations up to the millisecond, it reconstructs the flash crash of May 6th 2010: the fastest and deepest U.S. stock market plunge ever.
Money & Speed: Inside the Black Box is developed by filmmaker Marije Meerman in close collaboration with design studio Catalogtree. This explorative documentary is a marriage of strong storytelling and meticulous visual analysis. This film is also available in English as an iPad-app in the Apple app store as the world's first Touch Doc.
Originally broadcasted by VPRO in 201...
published: 13 Dec 2012
Supertulosviikko ja flash crash | Ajan tasalla 10
Pörssissä laskettelu jatkuu ja sijoittajien hermoja koetellaan. Supertulosviikko on takanapäin ja tuloksensa on raportoinut jenkkien teknojätit kuin myös mm. Qt ja Sampo. Useissa pörsseissä lisäjännitystä aiheutti flash crash.
00:00 Aloitus
00:15 Yhdysvaltain BKT laski yllättäen ja odotukset Fedin korkopäätöksestä
01:35 Inflaatio ja kuluttajahintojen muutokset
03:50 Sammon Q1-tulos ja pesäero Nordeasta
05:12 Pörssien Flash Crash
06:24 Marimekko x Mansur Gavriel
07:21 Jenkkiyhtiöiden tulokset (Meta, Apple, Amazon)
09:27 Helsingin pörssin yhtiöiden tuloksia
09:42 Rovion Q110:05 Fiskarsin Q1
10:37 Tokmannin Q1 ja tulosvaroitus
11:02 Vähittäiskaupan tulosvaroitukset11:48 Verkkokauppa.comin Q1 ja tulosvaroitus
12:21 Keskon Q1-tulos ja tulosvaroitus
14:04 Qt Groupin Q1
14:42 Nokia
published: 04 May 2022
Anatomy of a Flash Crash
On Monday, May 2nd, a computer-driven "Flash Crash" wiped out $315 billion from the Stockholm Stock Exchange in just 5 minutes. 12 years earlier in this same week, the first infamous Flash Crash struck the New York Stock Exchange and drove stocks down 1,000 points in just 10 minutes. But how do they work? With waterfall declines and split-second crashes becoming more and more common, Clint Lee's here to show you how to stay one step ahead of the machines ...
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About Me: My n...
published: 06 May 2022
The 2010 Flash Crash explained | FT Markets
► Subscribe to the Financial Times on YouTube: http://bit.ly/FTimeSubs
FT markets editor Michael Mackenzie explains latest developments on the 2010 ‘flash crash’ that saw the Dow Jones drop massively in a few minutes. He focuses on the arrest of a UK trader, the role of equity futures and flaws in regulation.
► FT Markets: http://bit.ly/1J5HNd3
► FT Global Economy: http://bit.ly/1J5mmqH
For more video content from the Financial Times, visit http://www.FT.com/video
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published: 22 Apr 2015
The Wild $50M Ride of the Flash Crash Trader
In May, 2010, from his bedroom in London, Navinder Sarao, helped cause panic in U.S. markets. Bloomberg’s Liam Vaughan tells the story of The Flash Crash Trader, also known as The Hound of Hounslow.
#BWStorylines #Businessweek #BloombergQuicktake
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QuickTake Originals is Bloomberg's official premium video channel. We bring you insights and analysis from business, science, and technology experts who are shaping our future. We’re home to Hello World, Giant Leap, Storylines, and the series powering CityLab, Bloombe...
published: 24 Nov 2020
Bitcoin: Flash crash! Czy czeka nas ostateczny spadek? Rząd boi się Bitcoina - Joe Rogan
#Bitcoin #Ethereum #Fed
Zapraszam na Krypto-Newsy Live, czyli wydanie na żywo wiadomości ze świata Bitcoina, kryptowalut, DeFi, NFT, Metaverse i tec...
#Bitcoin #Ethereum #Fed
Zapraszam na Krypto-Newsy Live, czyli wydanie na żywo wiadomości ze świata Bitcoina, kryptowalut, DeFi, NFT, Metaverse i technologii blockchain. Najlepsza na polskim YouTube, codzienna dawka najświeższych wiadomości w lekkim wydaniu. Zapraszam na odcinek: Mike Satoshi.
[11:00-13:56]Newsy od crypto.com - https://crypto.com/product-news/crypto-com-visa-cards-update
[13:57-15:11]Bitcoin idzie w kierunku 40k - https://news.bitcoin.com/bitcoin-ethereum-technical-analysis-btc-heads-towards-40000-following-fomc/
[15:12-16:06]Karty Bankoff zablokowane - https://news.bitcoin.com/bankoff-crypto-cards-suspended-amid-high-volume-of-russian-transactions/
[16:07-18:01]Prawodawcy koncentrują się na krypto - https://news.bitcoin.com/lawmakers-sec-commissioner-slam-chair-gensler-for-focusing-on-crypto-enforcement/
[18:02-18:46]Instytucje wychodzą z rynku - https://www.newsbtc.com/news/institutional-investors-exit-market-as-crypto-declines-new-report-reveals/
[18:47-19:42]Sklep NFT na Coinbase klapą - https://beincrypto.com/coinbases-nft-marketplace-trading-gets-off-to-a-slow-start/
[19:43-22:41]Kalifornii i ramy prawne krypto - https://beincrypto.com/california-governor-announces-legal-framework-for-crypto-adoption/
[22:42-22:32]Dołek będzie na 22k - https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-halving-analysis-hints-at-24k-bottom-before-the-end-of-2022
[22:33-25:17]Luna dokupuje BTC - https://cointelegraph.com/news/luna-foundation-guard-purchases-additional-37-863-btc-as-part-of-reserve-strategy
[25:18-26:48]Kopalnia Argo Blockchain - https://cointelegraph.com/news/argo-blockchain-facility-in-west-texas-expects-to-start-mining-bitcoin-in-may
[26:49-27:55]BTC spada do 38k - https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-falls-towards-38k-as-stocks-abandon-fed-reactionary-rally
[27:56-29:24]Binance wspiera Muska ws. Twittera - https://www.coindesk.com/business/2022/05/05/binance-commits-500m-for-elon-musks-takeover-of-twitter/
[29:25-30:34]Elizabeth Warren i plan Fidelity - https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2022/05/05/elizabeth-warren-echoes-labor-department-concerns-about-fidelitys-plan-for-bitcoin-in-401k-retirement-plans/
[30:35-31:43]Były CEO Bitmexa nie chce iść do pierdla - https://coinfomania.com/former-bitmex-ceo-arthurhayes-asks-for-no-jail-time-after-pleading-guilty/
[31:44-32:44]Eth bardziej popularne niż BTC - https://coinfomania.com/the-flippening-ethereum-overtaken-bitcoin-in-26-of-countries-worldwide/
[32:45-33:32]Binance pozyskał francuską licencję - https://coinfomania.com/binance-acquires-license-in-french/
[33:33-35:07]Optymalizacja opłat na solanie - https://dailyhodl.com/2022/05/05/solana-sol-developers-to-introduce-new-fee-system-to-optimize-network/
[35:08-36:42]Ripple vs SEC - https://dailyhodl.com/2022/05/05/ripple-takes-off-gloves-in-xrp-lawsuit-goes-after-ridiculous-sec-litigation-tactics-crypto-legal-expert/
[36:43-37:18]50% spadek na altcoinach - https://dailyhodl.com/2022/05/05/crypto-trader-warns-50-percent-drop-will-slam-two-ethereum-rivals-predicts-massive-capitulation-incoming/
[37:19-38:09]Gucci akceptuje BTC - https://en.cryptonomist.ch/2022/05/05/gucci-accepts-bitcoin-crypto-us/
[38:11-38:40]Największa krypto-umowa do której nie doszło - https://decrypt.co/99450/galaxy-bitgo-deal-value
[38:41-39:14]Yuga Labs zwracają za opłaty - https://decrypt.co/99521/yuga-labs-refunds-gas-fees-for-failed-transactions-during-bored-ape-otherdeed-mint
[39:15-39:50]USA boi sie BTC - https://comparic.pl/rzad-usa-boi-sie-bitcoina-btc-twierdzi-joe-rogan/
[39:51-40:29]Aktualizacja cross-parachain na Polce - https://pl.beincrypto.com/polkadot-wprowadzila-komunikacje-cross-parachain/
[40:30-42:03]Przychody Microstrategy spadają - https://pl.beincrypto.com/przychody-microstrategy-gwaltownie-spadaja/
JEDYNE NFT KTÓREGO UŻYWAM: sorare.com/r/mike-satoshi
KuCoin: https://www.kucoin.com/r/rf/wtaucP
Kanga: https://trade.kanga.exchange/auth/register/?refToken=cbed1b94-ff62-4935-a955-5485ad270f93
Synapse Network: https://synapse.network/
Muzible: https://muzible.com/pl
Crypto.com (Apka): https://platinum.crypto.com/r/mikesatoshi (kod: mikesatoshi)
Crypto.com (Giełda): https://crypto.com/exch/mikesatoshi
Celsius - Bonus 30$ przy pierwszej wpłacie 200$ i trzymaniu przed 30 dni - https://celsiusnetwork.app.link/13207923e4
Bittrex: https://bittrex.com/Account/Register?referralCode=3NC-OMR-GCZ
Binance: https://www.binance.com/en/register?ref=BHWDCI4V
ByBit: https://partner.bybit.com/b/mike
OneMillion: https://register.onemillion.com/?om=MIKESATOSHI
Zonda: https://auth.zonda.exchange/ref/pbmike
WOO Network: https://x.woo.org/register?ref=THOFWCTN
Ledger: http://bit.ly/mike-ledger
Trezor: http://bit.ly/mike-trezor
[email protected]
#Bitcoin #Ethereum #Fed
Zapraszam na Krypto-Newsy Live, czyli wydanie na żywo wiadomości ze świata Bitcoina, kryptowalut, DeFi, NFT, Metaverse i technologii blockchain. Najlepsza na polskim YouTube, codzienna dawka najświeższych wiadomości w lekkim wydaniu. Zapraszam na odcinek: Mike Satoshi.
[11:00-13:56]Newsy od crypto.com - https://crypto.com/product-news/crypto-com-visa-cards-update
[13:57-15:11]Bitcoin idzie w kierunku 40k - https://news.bitcoin.com/bitcoin-ethereum-technical-analysis-btc-heads-towards-40000-following-fomc/
[15:12-16:06]Karty Bankoff zablokowane - https://news.bitcoin.com/bankoff-crypto-cards-suspended-amid-high-volume-of-russian-transactions/
[16:07-18:01]Prawodawcy koncentrują się na krypto - https://news.bitcoin.com/lawmakers-sec-commissioner-slam-chair-gensler-for-focusing-on-crypto-enforcement/
[18:02-18:46]Instytucje wychodzą z rynku - https://www.newsbtc.com/news/institutional-investors-exit-market-as-crypto-declines-new-report-reveals/
[18:47-19:42]Sklep NFT na Coinbase klapą - https://beincrypto.com/coinbases-nft-marketplace-trading-gets-off-to-a-slow-start/
[19:43-22:41]Kalifornii i ramy prawne krypto - https://beincrypto.com/california-governor-announces-legal-framework-for-crypto-adoption/
[22:42-22:32]Dołek będzie na 22k - https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-halving-analysis-hints-at-24k-bottom-before-the-end-of-2022
[22:33-25:17]Luna dokupuje BTC - https://cointelegraph.com/news/luna-foundation-guard-purchases-additional-37-863-btc-as-part-of-reserve-strategy
[25:18-26:48]Kopalnia Argo Blockchain - https://cointelegraph.com/news/argo-blockchain-facility-in-west-texas-expects-to-start-mining-bitcoin-in-may
[26:49-27:55]BTC spada do 38k - https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-falls-towards-38k-as-stocks-abandon-fed-reactionary-rally
[27:56-29:24]Binance wspiera Muska ws. Twittera - https://www.coindesk.com/business/2022/05/05/binance-commits-500m-for-elon-musks-takeover-of-twitter/
[29:25-30:34]Elizabeth Warren i plan Fidelity - https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2022/05/05/elizabeth-warren-echoes-labor-department-concerns-about-fidelitys-plan-for-bitcoin-in-401k-retirement-plans/
[30:35-31:43]Były CEO Bitmexa nie chce iść do pierdla - https://coinfomania.com/former-bitmex-ceo-arthurhayes-asks-for-no-jail-time-after-pleading-guilty/
[31:44-32:44]Eth bardziej popularne niż BTC - https://coinfomania.com/the-flippening-ethereum-overtaken-bitcoin-in-26-of-countries-worldwide/
[32:45-33:32]Binance pozyskał francuską licencję - https://coinfomania.com/binance-acquires-license-in-french/
[33:33-35:07]Optymalizacja opłat na solanie - https://dailyhodl.com/2022/05/05/solana-sol-developers-to-introduce-new-fee-system-to-optimize-network/
[35:08-36:42]Ripple vs SEC - https://dailyhodl.com/2022/05/05/ripple-takes-off-gloves-in-xrp-lawsuit-goes-after-ridiculous-sec-litigation-tactics-crypto-legal-expert/
[36:43-37:18]50% spadek na altcoinach - https://dailyhodl.com/2022/05/05/crypto-trader-warns-50-percent-drop-will-slam-two-ethereum-rivals-predicts-massive-capitulation-incoming/
[37:19-38:09]Gucci akceptuje BTC - https://en.cryptonomist.ch/2022/05/05/gucci-accepts-bitcoin-crypto-us/
[38:11-38:40]Największa krypto-umowa do której nie doszło - https://decrypt.co/99450/galaxy-bitgo-deal-value
[38:41-39:14]Yuga Labs zwracają za opłaty - https://decrypt.co/99521/yuga-labs-refunds-gas-fees-for-failed-transactions-during-bored-ape-otherdeed-mint
[39:15-39:50]USA boi sie BTC - https://comparic.pl/rzad-usa-boi-sie-bitcoina-btc-twierdzi-joe-rogan/
[39:51-40:29]Aktualizacja cross-parachain na Polce - https://pl.beincrypto.com/polkadot-wprowadzila-komunikacje-cross-parachain/
[40:30-42:03]Przychody Microstrategy spadają - https://pl.beincrypto.com/przychody-microstrategy-gwaltownie-spadaja/
JEDYNE NFT KTÓREGO UŻYWAM: sorare.com/r/mike-satoshi
KuCoin: https://www.kucoin.com/r/rf/wtaucP
Kanga: https://trade.kanga.exchange/auth/register/?refToken=cbed1b94-ff62-4935-a955-5485ad270f93
Synapse Network: https://synapse.network/
Muzible: https://muzible.com/pl
Crypto.com (Apka): https://platinum.crypto.com/r/mikesatoshi (kod: mikesatoshi)
Crypto.com (Giełda): https://crypto.com/exch/mikesatoshi
Celsius - Bonus 30$ przy pierwszej wpłacie 200$ i trzymaniu przed 30 dni - https://celsiusnetwork.app.link/13207923e4
Bittrex: https://bittrex.com/Account/Register?referralCode=3NC-OMR-GCZ
Binance: https://www.binance.com/en/register?ref=BHWDCI4V
ByBit: https://partner.bybit.com/b/mike
OneMillion: https://register.onemillion.com/?om=MIKESATOSHI
Zonda: https://auth.zonda.exchange/ref/pbmike
WOO Network: https://x.woo.org/register?ref=THOFWCTN
Ledger: http://bit.ly/mike-ledger
Trezor: http://bit.ly/mike-trezor
[email protected]
- published: 05 May 2022
- views: 7174
The Infamous Stock Market Flash Crash | CNBC
The Dow Jones Industrial Average slumped nearly 1,000 points in a matter of minutes in the flash crash of 2010, sending traders into a panic and inciting scruti...
The Dow Jones Industrial Average slumped nearly 1,000 points in a matter of minutes in the flash crash of 2010, sending traders into a panic and inciting scrutiny of the U.S. equities markets.
» Subscribe to CNBC: http://cnb.cx/SubscribeCNBC
» More: http://cnb.cx/RoM16G
About: From 'Wall Street' to 'Main Street' to award winning original documentaries and Reality TV series, CNBC has you covered. Experience special sneak peeks of your favorite shows, exclusive video and more.
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The Infamous Stock Market Flash Crash | CNBC
The Dow Jones Industrial Average slumped nearly 1,000 points in a matter of minutes in the flash crash of 2010, sending traders into a panic and inciting scrutiny of the U.S. equities markets.
» Subscribe to CNBC: http://cnb.cx/SubscribeCNBC
» More: http://cnb.cx/RoM16G
About: From 'Wall Street' to 'Main Street' to award winning original documentaries and Reality TV series, CNBC has you covered. Experience special sneak peeks of your favorite shows, exclusive video and more.
Connect with CNBC News Online!
Get the latest news: http://www.cnbc.com
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The Infamous Stock Market Flash Crash | CNBC
- published: 06 May 2014
- views: 512174
Flash Crash 2010 | VPRO documentary | 2011
Money & Speed: Inside the Black Box is a thriller based on actual events that takes you to the heart of our automated world. Based on interviews with those dire...
Money & Speed: Inside the Black Box is a thriller based on actual events that takes you to the heart of our automated world. Based on interviews with those directly involved and data visualizations up to the millisecond, it reconstructs the flash crash of May 6th 2010: the fastest and deepest U.S. stock market plunge ever.
Money & Speed: Inside the Black Box is developed by filmmaker Marije Meerman in close collaboration with design studio Catalogtree. This explorative documentary is a marriage of strong storytelling and meticulous visual analysis. This film is also available in English as an iPad-app in the Apple app store as the world's first Touch Doc.
Originally broadcasted by VPRO in 2011.
© VPRO Backlight January 2011
On VPRO broadcast you will find nonfiction videos with English subtitles, French subtitles and Spanish subtitles, such as documentaries, short interviews and documentary series.
VPRO Documentary publishes one new subtitled documentary about current affairs, finance, sustainability, climate change or politics every week. We research subjects like politics, world economy, society and science with experts and try to grasp the essence of prominent trends and developments.
Subscribe to our channel for great, subtitled, recent documentaries.
Visit additional youtube channels bij VPRO broadcast:
VPRO Broadcast, all international VPRO programs: https://www.youtube.com/VPRObroadcast
VPRO DOK, German only documentaries: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBi0VEPANmiT5zOoGvCi8Sg
VPRO Metropolis, remarkable stories from all over the world: https://www.youtube.com/user/VPROmetropolis
VPRO World Stories, the travel series of VPRO: https://www.youtube.com/VPROworldstories
VPRO Extra, additional footage and one off's: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTLrhK07g6LP-JtT0VVE56A
Director Marije Meerman
Design Visualisations: Catalogtree
Research: Gerko Wessel
Photography: Maarten Kramer
Sound: Eric Look
Editing: Rinze Schuurman
Music: Joris van Gunsven
Programmer: Systemantics, Noodlewerk
Financial Data: Share Company, Nanex, Tickdata
Re-recording mixer: Jaim Sahuleka
Color Grading: Jeff Grosveld
Producer: Mariska Schneider VPRO Backlight
Project Management: Gert Jan Kuiper, Gerard Meijer
Commissioning Editors: Henneke Hagen, Jos de Putter
English, French and Spanish subtitles: Ericsson.
French and Spanish subtitles are co-funded by European Union.
Money & Speed: Inside the Black Box is a thriller based on actual events that takes you to the heart of our automated world. Based on interviews with those directly involved and data visualizations up to the millisecond, it reconstructs the flash crash of May 6th 2010: the fastest and deepest U.S. stock market plunge ever.
Money & Speed: Inside the Black Box is developed by filmmaker Marije Meerman in close collaboration with design studio Catalogtree. This explorative documentary is a marriage of strong storytelling and meticulous visual analysis. This film is also available in English as an iPad-app in the Apple app store as the world's first Touch Doc.
Originally broadcasted by VPRO in 2011.
© VPRO Backlight January 2011
On VPRO broadcast you will find nonfiction videos with English subtitles, French subtitles and Spanish subtitles, such as documentaries, short interviews and documentary series.
VPRO Documentary publishes one new subtitled documentary about current affairs, finance, sustainability, climate change or politics every week. We research subjects like politics, world economy, society and science with experts and try to grasp the essence of prominent trends and developments.
Subscribe to our channel for great, subtitled, recent documentaries.
Visit additional youtube channels bij VPRO broadcast:
VPRO Broadcast, all international VPRO programs: https://www.youtube.com/VPRObroadcast
VPRO DOK, German only documentaries: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBi0VEPANmiT5zOoGvCi8Sg
VPRO Metropolis, remarkable stories from all over the world: https://www.youtube.com/user/VPROmetropolis
VPRO World Stories, the travel series of VPRO: https://www.youtube.com/VPROworldstories
VPRO Extra, additional footage and one off's: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTLrhK07g6LP-JtT0VVE56A
Director Marije Meerman
Design Visualisations: Catalogtree
Research: Gerko Wessel
Photography: Maarten Kramer
Sound: Eric Look
Editing: Rinze Schuurman
Music: Joris van Gunsven
Programmer: Systemantics, Noodlewerk
Financial Data: Share Company, Nanex, Tickdata
Re-recording mixer: Jaim Sahuleka
Color Grading: Jeff Grosveld
Producer: Mariska Schneider VPRO Backlight
Project Management: Gert Jan Kuiper, Gerard Meijer
Commissioning Editors: Henneke Hagen, Jos de Putter
English, French and Spanish subtitles: Ericsson.
French and Spanish subtitles are co-funded by European Union.
- published: 13 Dec 2012
- views: 939411
Supertulosviikko ja flash crash | Ajan tasalla 10
Pörssissä laskettelu jatkuu ja sijoittajien hermoja koetellaan. Supertulosviikko on takanapäin ja tuloksensa on raportoinut jenkkien teknojätit kuin myös mm. Qt...
Pörssissä laskettelu jatkuu ja sijoittajien hermoja koetellaan. Supertulosviikko on takanapäin ja tuloksensa on raportoinut jenkkien teknojätit kuin myös mm. Qt ja Sampo. Useissa pörsseissä lisäjännitystä aiheutti flash crash.
00:00 Aloitus
00:15 Yhdysvaltain BKT laski yllättäen ja odotukset Fedin korkopäätöksestä
01:35 Inflaatio ja kuluttajahintojen muutokset
03:50 Sammon Q1-tulos ja pesäero Nordeasta
05:12 Pörssien Flash Crash
06:24 Marimekko x Mansur Gavriel
07:21 Jenkkiyhtiöiden tulokset (Meta, Apple, Amazon)
09:27 Helsingin pörssin yhtiöiden tuloksia
09:42 Rovion Q110:05 Fiskarsin Q1
10:37 Tokmannin Q1 ja tulosvaroitus
11:02 Vähittäiskaupan tulosvaroitukset11:48 Verkkokauppa.comin Q1 ja tulosvaroitus
12:21 Keskon Q1-tulos ja tulosvaroitus
14:04 Qt Groupin Q1
14:42 Nokia
15:19 Capmanin ja eQ:n Q1
15:49 KONEen Q1
16:24 Nesteen Q1
Yhdysvaltain BKT laski yllättäen
Odotukset Fedin korkopäätöksestä
Inflaatio ja kuluttajahintojen muutokset
Sammon Q1-tulos ja hyvästit Nordealle
Pörssien Flash Crash
Marimekolta jälleen uusi yhteistyömallisto
Facebookin emoyhtiöltä Meta odotettua parempi tulos
Applen liikevaihto ylitti odotukset
Amazonin tulos rojahti alkuvuonna miljardeja tappiolle
Rovio Q1-tulos
Fiskars Q1-tulos
Tokmannilta negatiivinen tulosvaroitus ja Q1-tulos
Verkkokauppa Q1-tulos
Keskolta positiivinen tulosvaroitus ja Q1-tulos
Qt Q1-tulos
Nokia Q1-tulos
CapMan Q1-tulos
eQ Q1-tulos
KONE Q1-tulos
Neste Q1-tulos
Liity Inderesin yhteisöön osoitteessa https://www.inderes.fi/fi/inderes-tili ja pääset lukemaan analyysiä yli 100 pörssiyhtiöstä sekä suosittua aamukatsausta. Tunnuksen luominen on maksutonta.
Lataa Inderesin sovellus maksutta puhelimeesi:
App Store: https://apps.apple.com/fi/app/inderes/id1600021295
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fi.inderes
Seuraa meitä:
Inderes: https://www.inderes.fi/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/inderes/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Inderes
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/inderes.fi/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6A9Ckx3Mn521m1fAQXbYFD
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@inderes.fi
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/inderes
Linkedin: https://fi.linkedin.com/company/inderes-oy
Pörssissä laskettelu jatkuu ja sijoittajien hermoja koetellaan. Supertulosviikko on takanapäin ja tuloksensa on raportoinut jenkkien teknojätit kuin myös mm. Qt ja Sampo. Useissa pörsseissä lisäjännitystä aiheutti flash crash.
00:00 Aloitus
00:15 Yhdysvaltain BKT laski yllättäen ja odotukset Fedin korkopäätöksestä
01:35 Inflaatio ja kuluttajahintojen muutokset
03:50 Sammon Q1-tulos ja pesäero Nordeasta
05:12 Pörssien Flash Crash
06:24 Marimekko x Mansur Gavriel
07:21 Jenkkiyhtiöiden tulokset (Meta, Apple, Amazon)
09:27 Helsingin pörssin yhtiöiden tuloksia
09:42 Rovion Q110:05 Fiskarsin Q1
10:37 Tokmannin Q1 ja tulosvaroitus
11:02 Vähittäiskaupan tulosvaroitukset11:48 Verkkokauppa.comin Q1 ja tulosvaroitus
12:21 Keskon Q1-tulos ja tulosvaroitus
14:04 Qt Groupin Q1
14:42 Nokia
15:19 Capmanin ja eQ:n Q1
15:49 KONEen Q1
16:24 Nesteen Q1
Yhdysvaltain BKT laski yllättäen
Odotukset Fedin korkopäätöksestä
Inflaatio ja kuluttajahintojen muutokset
Sammon Q1-tulos ja hyvästit Nordealle
Pörssien Flash Crash
Marimekolta jälleen uusi yhteistyömallisto
Facebookin emoyhtiöltä Meta odotettua parempi tulos
Applen liikevaihto ylitti odotukset
Amazonin tulos rojahti alkuvuonna miljardeja tappiolle
Rovio Q1-tulos
Fiskars Q1-tulos
Tokmannilta negatiivinen tulosvaroitus ja Q1-tulos
Verkkokauppa Q1-tulos
Keskolta positiivinen tulosvaroitus ja Q1-tulos
Qt Q1-tulos
Nokia Q1-tulos
CapMan Q1-tulos
eQ Q1-tulos
KONE Q1-tulos
Neste Q1-tulos
Liity Inderesin yhteisöön osoitteessa https://www.inderes.fi/fi/inderes-tili ja pääset lukemaan analyysiä yli 100 pörssiyhtiöstä sekä suosittua aamukatsausta. Tunnuksen luominen on maksutonta.
Lataa Inderesin sovellus maksutta puhelimeesi:
App Store: https://apps.apple.com/fi/app/inderes/id1600021295
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fi.inderes
Seuraa meitä:
Inderes: https://www.inderes.fi/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/inderes/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Inderes
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/inderes.fi/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6A9Ckx3Mn521m1fAQXbYFD
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@inderes.fi
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/inderes
Linkedin: https://fi.linkedin.com/company/inderes-oy
- published: 04 May 2022
- views: 560
Anatomy of a Flash Crash
On Monday, May 2nd, a computer-driven "Flash Crash" wiped out $315 billion from the Stockholm Stock Exchange in just 5 minutes. 12 years earlier in this same we...
On Monday, May 2nd, a computer-driven "Flash Crash" wiped out $315 billion from the Stockholm Stock Exchange in just 5 minutes. 12 years earlier in this same week, the first infamous Flash Crash struck the New York Stock Exchange and drove stocks down 1,000 points in just 10 minutes. But how do they work? With waterfall declines and split-second crashes becoming more and more common, Clint Lee's here to show you how to stay one step ahead of the machines ...
Learn How YOU Can Buy the "Next Gen Coin" for $20: https://pro.banyanhill.com/m/2012866
Click here for your free subscription to Bauman Daily and gain powerful market insights from Ted and his team throughout the week: https://banyanhill.com/bauman-daily-newsletter/
About Me: My name is Ted Bauman. I’m a trained economist … I’ve traveled to more than 80 countries … and I’ve had a front-row seat in American politics. I am also editor of the investment research report The Bauman Letter and the trading service, Profit Switch. I’ve spent my life helping people – just like you – grow and protect their wealth, independence and freedom. And now, I’m at your disposal.
Follow Ted on Social Media!
Ted's Twitter: http://twitter.com/TedBauman/
Ted's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BigPictureBigProfits/
Follow Clint on Social Media!
Clint's Twitter: https://twitter.com/ClintLeeGuru
Clint's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ClintLeeGuru
#stockmarket #stocks #stockcrash
On Monday, May 2nd, a computer-driven "Flash Crash" wiped out $315 billion from the Stockholm Stock Exchange in just 5 minutes. 12 years earlier in this same week, the first infamous Flash Crash struck the New York Stock Exchange and drove stocks down 1,000 points in just 10 minutes. But how do they work? With waterfall declines and split-second crashes becoming more and more common, Clint Lee's here to show you how to stay one step ahead of the machines ...
Learn How YOU Can Buy the "Next Gen Coin" for $20: https://pro.banyanhill.com/m/2012866
Click here for your free subscription to Bauman Daily and gain powerful market insights from Ted and his team throughout the week: https://banyanhill.com/bauman-daily-newsletter/
About Me: My name is Ted Bauman. I’m a trained economist … I’ve traveled to more than 80 countries … and I’ve had a front-row seat in American politics. I am also editor of the investment research report The Bauman Letter and the trading service, Profit Switch. I’ve spent my life helping people – just like you – grow and protect their wealth, independence and freedom. And now, I’m at your disposal.
Follow Ted on Social Media!
Ted's Twitter: http://twitter.com/TedBauman/
Ted's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BigPictureBigProfits/
Follow Clint on Social Media!
Clint's Twitter: https://twitter.com/ClintLeeGuru
Clint's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ClintLeeGuru
#stockmarket #stocks #stockcrash
- published: 06 May 2022
- views: 664
The 2010 Flash Crash explained | FT Markets
► Subscribe to the Financial Times on YouTube: http://bit.ly/FTimeSubs
FT markets editor Michael Mackenzie explains latest developments on the 2010 ‘flash cras...
► Subscribe to the Financial Times on YouTube: http://bit.ly/FTimeSubs
FT markets editor Michael Mackenzie explains latest developments on the 2010 ‘flash crash’ that saw the Dow Jones drop massively in a few minutes. He focuses on the arrest of a UK trader, the role of equity futures and flaws in regulation.
► FT Markets: http://bit.ly/1J5HNd3
► FT Global Economy: http://bit.ly/1J5mmqH
For more video content from the Financial Times, visit http://www.FT.com/video
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► Subscribe to the Financial Times on YouTube: http://bit.ly/FTimeSubs
FT markets editor Michael Mackenzie explains latest developments on the 2010 ‘flash crash’ that saw the Dow Jones drop massively in a few minutes. He focuses on the arrest of a UK trader, the role of equity futures and flaws in regulation.
► FT Markets: http://bit.ly/1J5HNd3
► FT Global Economy: http://bit.ly/1J5mmqH
For more video content from the Financial Times, visit http://www.FT.com/video
Twitter https://twitter.com/ftvideo
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- published: 22 Apr 2015
- views: 36806
The Wild $50M Ride of the Flash Crash Trader
In May, 2010, from his bedroom in London, Navinder Sarao, helped cause panic in U.S. markets. Bloomberg’s Liam Vaughan tells the story of The Flash Crash Trader...
In May, 2010, from his bedroom in London, Navinder Sarao, helped cause panic in U.S. markets. Bloomberg’s Liam Vaughan tells the story of The Flash Crash Trader, also known as The Hound of Hounslow.
#BWStorylines #Businessweek #BloombergQuicktake
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In May, 2010, from his bedroom in London, Navinder Sarao, helped cause panic in U.S. markets. Bloomberg’s Liam Vaughan tells the story of The Flash Crash Trader, also known as The Hound of Hounslow.
#BWStorylines #Businessweek #BloombergQuicktake
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QuickTake Originals is Bloomberg's official premium video channel. We bring you insights and analysis from business, science, and technology experts who are shaping our future. We’re home to Hello World, Giant Leap, Storylines, and the series powering CityLab, Bloomberg Businessweek, Bloomberg Green, and much more.
Subscribe for business news, but not as you've known it: exclusive interviews, fascinating profiles, data-driven analysis, and the latest in tech innovation from around the world.
Visit our partner channel QuickTake News for breaking global news and insight in an instant.
- published: 24 Nov 2020
- views: 5032660