The show deals with four women living together at a beach house located at 2000 Malibu Road: Jade (Lisa Hartman), a former prostitute trying to get out of the profession; Perry (Jennifer Beals), a young lawyer also escaping from her past (i.e. a slain fiance police officer and a serious drinking problem); Lindsay (Drew Barrymore), a would-be actress trying to get the right break; and Joy (Tuesday Knight), Lindsay's overweight, overprotective, two-faced, manipulative sister, who also served as her agent. Jade owned the house. In order to leave her profession as a high priced prostitute, she took in roommates to help her pay for the house.
The series ended with several unresolved cliffhangers: Roger (Michael T. Weiss) was seen raping and beating Perry in a stairwell. Meanwhile, Porter's (Mitch Ryan) men shot Hal (Robert Foxworth) dead, and after arguing with Lindsay upon discovering she was sleeping with Eric (Brian Bloom), Joy was struck by lightning. Lisa Hartman provided a closing narration to serve as a (perfunctory) tie-up for the characters, though possibly only on overseas broadcasts.
Classic TV Theme: 2000 Malibu Road (Full Stereo) Upgraded!
Yet another Aaron Spelling primetime soap opera, '2000 Malibu Road' (1992) had four women living together in a beach house. In the first episode a dead body floats up and Lisa Hartman is under suspicion. Just one of several story threads that remained unresolved when the show ended after six episodes. The sultry theme is by James Newton Howard.
Upgraded: End credits added.
published: 06 Oct 2021
Jennifer Beals in 2000 Malibu Road (ep1&2)
Episodes 1 & 2 of 1992's tv series 2000 Malibu Road
Video provided by Morrisey Fan. Captions by ladywesty
published: 03 Feb 2013
2000 Malibu Road
Opening segment from the 1992 CBS series that starred Drew Barrymore,Lisa Hartman Black and Jennifer Beals
published: 04 Jan 2008
Jennifer Beals in 2000 Malibu Road (episode 3)
Episode 3 of the 1992 tv series 2000 Malibu Road
Video provided by Morrisey Fan - Captions by Ladywesty
published: 06 Feb 2013
Jennifer Beals in 2000 Malibu Road, episode 4
Episode 4 of the 1992 tv series 2000 Malibu Road
Video provided by Morrisey Fan - Captions by Ladywesty
published: 08 Feb 2013
Drew Barrymore "2000 Malibu Road" (1992)
Part 2. All Drew Barrymore Scenes
published: 13 Apr 2020
Drew Barrymore in 2000 Malibu Road (1992)
Joel Schumacher
published: 21 Dec 2011
2000 Malibu Road (1992) - Intro
New Home:
published: 29 Nov 2017
Jennifer Beals - 2000 Malibu Road Promo
Jennifer Beals appeared in the CBS prime time soap opera "2000 Malibu Road" in the summer of 1992, It lasted only six episodes and left several unresolved cliffhangers. Here is a rare promo of this short-lived series.
published: 22 Jan 2015
2000 Malibu Road Clip: Last Scene, Episode 6
This is the final scene from the last episode of 2000 Malibu Road where Roger (Michael T. Weiss) rapes Perry.
Yet another Aaron Spelling primetime soap opera, '2000 Malibu Road' (1992) had four women living together in a beach house. In the first episode a dead body flo...
Yet another Aaron Spelling primetime soap opera, '2000 Malibu Road' (1992) had four women living together in a beach house. In the first episode a dead body floats up and Lisa Hartman is under suspicion. Just one of several story threads that remained unresolved when the show ended after six episodes. The sultry theme is by James Newton Howard.
Upgraded: End credits added.
Yet another Aaron Spelling primetime soap opera, '2000 Malibu Road' (1992) had four women living together in a beach house. In the first episode a dead body floats up and Lisa Hartman is under suspicion. Just one of several story threads that remained unresolved when the show ended after six episodes. The sultry theme is by James Newton Howard.
Upgraded: End credits added.
Jennifer Beals appeared in the CBS prime time soap opera "2000 Malibu Road" in the summer of 1992, It lasted only six episodes and left several unresolved clif...
Jennifer Beals appeared in the CBS prime time soap opera "2000 Malibu Road" in the summer of 1992, It lasted only six episodes and left several unresolved cliffhangers. Here is a rare promo of this short-lived series.
Jennifer Beals appeared in the CBS prime time soap opera "2000 Malibu Road" in the summer of 1992, It lasted only six episodes and left several unresolved cliffhangers. Here is a rare promo of this short-lived series.
Yet another Aaron Spelling primetime soap opera, '2000 Malibu Road' (1992) had four women living together in a beach house. In the first episode a dead body floats up and Lisa Hartman is under suspicion. Just one of several story threads that remained unresolved when the show ended after six episodes. The sultry theme is by James Newton Howard.
Upgraded: End credits added.
Jennifer Beals appeared in the CBS prime time soap opera "2000 Malibu Road" in the summer of 1992, It lasted only six episodes and left several unresolved cliffhangers. Here is a rare promo of this short-lived series.
The show deals with four women living together at a beach house located at 2000 Malibu Road: Jade (Lisa Hartman), a former prostitute trying to get out of the profession; Perry (Jennifer Beals), a young lawyer also escaping from her past (i.e. a slain fiance police officer and a serious drinking problem); Lindsay (Drew Barrymore), a would-be actress trying to get the right break; and Joy (Tuesday Knight), Lindsay's overweight, overprotective, two-faced, manipulative sister, who also served as her agent. Jade owned the house. In order to leave her profession as a high priced prostitute, she took in roommates to help her pay for the house.
The series ended with several unresolved cliffhangers: Roger (Michael T. Weiss) was seen raping and beating Perry in a stairwell. Meanwhile, Porter's (Mitch Ryan) men shot Hal (Robert Foxworth) dead, and after arguing with Lindsay upon discovering she was sleeping with Eric (Brian Bloom), Joy was struck by lightning. Lisa Hartman provided a closing narration to serve as a (perfunctory) tie-up for the characters, though possibly only on overseas broadcasts.
Chorus: I want to see the blessed face of Him who died for me Sacrificed his life for my liberty oh---oh---oh-oh-oh I want, I want to see the blessed face of Him who died for me Sacrificed his life for my liberty Verse 1 He saved my life (before I ever new it) He paid the price (He didn't have to do it) And I know (I never can repay him) But all my life (I will every praise His Name) I will praise His name oh---oh---oh-oh-oh Chorus Verse 2 Oh, He saved my life (before I ever new it) He paid the price (He didn't have to do it) And I know (I never can repay him) But all my life (I will every praise His Name) Don't you know He picked me up (and turned me all around) And in His love (I am ever found) Don't you know He gave me joy (and took away my sorrow) And He is my hope (for my tomorrow) Don't you know that he is (the joy of my salvation) And I have, I have, I have (a new determination) How could he love me so I think I'll never know why He (sacrificed His life) Hallelujah (sacrificed His life) Glory to ya (sacrificed His life) Lord I adore you (sacrificed His life) I'll put no one before you (sacrificed His life) Oh, yeah (for my liberty) oh-oh---oh-oh-oh Repeat verse 2 How could he love me so I think I'll never know why He (sacrificed His life) Hallelujah (sacrificed His life) Glory Glory Glory Glory to ya (sacrificed His life) Lord I adore you (sacrificed His life) I'll place no one before you (sacrificed His life) Lord you saved me (sacrificed His life) I got nothing to lose (sacrificed His life) yeah (for my liberty) oh-oh---oh-oh-oh He gave me He gave me He gave me my life (He didn't have to do it) And he paid he paid he paid the price (He didn't have do it) And now I know know know (I couldn't never repay Him) But all my life (I could never repay Him) How could He love me so I'm sure I will never know why He (sacrificed His life) Hallelujah (sacrificed His life) Glory to ya (sacrificed His life) Lord I do adore you (sacrificed His life) I'll place no one before you (sacrificed His life) Even though my friends may forsake me (sacrificed His life) Lord I know you're the one who set me free (sacrificed His life) Hallelujah (sacrificed His love) Lord I truly love you (sacrificed His life) Oh yea (for my liberty)